
  • The Poland PlantersApplied Academics Garden Initiative

    Teacher: Caroline Peinado

  • Just a ThoughtOnce upon a time, in a small high school in Poland, Maine, a colleague mused to Mrs. Peinado, Hey, maybe your class should make a garden. Its just a thought. When Mrs. P. first brought the idea to her students in April, 2008, they became really excited. Within weeks, they identified a planting site, got donations from local businesses, and started their great adventure. The support from community businesses, including Rte. 26 Excavation, Jolly Gardener, Blackies, and Odds n Herbs was very encouraging. This Fall, the Poland Planters successfully harvested their first crops, including tomatoes, herbs, zucchini, root vegetables, squash, and pumpkins. They canned five batches of salsa to sell along with their produce. They are, literally, a growing business!

  • Letter to town planning board - this is really going to happen!We are getting interview skills, life skills in general, and knowledge about what the real world will be like. It is preparing us for the future. - JoshI have learned how to make money and make a profit off from growing stuff. It gives you a chance to learn how it is in the real world. It is not just fun and games; it is actually hard work to take care of the garden. - DavidIt is hard work, and we are making money. I like growing vegetables. I have learned about keeping checking accounts; this will help me when I have a job. The salsa is pretty good. - Rita

  • Student-Created Mission Statement

  • Groundbreaking Day Toast

  • Planting Time!It is not easy, but it is fun. I have learned how to get along easier with others because you have to communicate with them. Planting was my favorite part. - Donna

    I have learned how to pitch in and do all the dirty work, like weeding. My favorite part was watching Mrs. Simmons use her rototiller. - Rusty

  • Harvest TimeGrowing your own vegetables is a good way to save money. I like to be outside and work with dirt. - Pat

  • SALSA!!!I have learned how to make salsa and how to cook. I had never cooked before; I only knew how to use a microwave to make oatmeal. The garden is awesome! - LucianMy favorite part was making salsa because it was fun to work with my hands and talk with others while I did it. - Dillon

  • Poland Community DayIt was a good experience because we got to work with food and sell it, and make money for if we want to go on a trip. My favorite part was selling what we made because we got involved in the community and I like working with the community. - Marissa

  • What are the Poland Planters Learning?Horticulture, scientific method, food preservation History of agriculture in the U.S. and worldResearch skillsBusiness skills, such as sales and marketing, supply and demand, quality controlHow to maintain and balance a checking accountLeadership skills and communicationWorkplace efficiencyAppropriate, effective workplace behaviorGoal setting, planning, and evaluating success/failureMoney management

  • Whats next for Poland Planters?Our own greenhouse!!!I have learned how to keep animals out of garden. I learned that it takes patience to wait for stuff to grow, and you need to be good with words to sell stuff. I learn best by doing things. You need patience lots of patience. I learned about working with other people; you cant get angry; you have to keep trying. - Peter I liked how everyone worked as a team and how we all took turns doing different things so we could learn different things. I like how much support we got; it helped us prepare to put more money into it this year. I love how it is hands-on and we get to work outside. - NateThis makes me feel like I have achieved something. My favorite part has been all of us being ourselves and working together. It is a good way for me to learn. - Cassie

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