Planning fonts for my cover line of the artists name

Post on 27-Jun-2015






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Planning fonts for my cover line of the artists name

On my front cover I am going to have the artist name to try pull the audience in. I had this idea when I was researching into different magazines and while I was looking into Q music magazine I found out that on nearly all of their covers they have the artist name presented at the bottom and most of the time it is in their hand writing. I really like this idea as it makes it more personal for the audience. To do this I thought of two ways of making this possible, I thought of getting the model to sign their name on paper and then I would scan it into Photoshop and edit it. Or I would go onto , the website I got my masthead from and find a font that looks like handwriting. I chose to do the website idea as then I have more control on the type of writing I want as my models writing may have factors I don’t like for example the size, whether it’s readable and many more.

Possible fonts

I like this font as it bold and it stands out, and this would be eye grabbing on the

cover. I also didn’t want the font to be too girly as my model is a boy it need to fit the

gender and age and I feel this does. However the font may not fit in with my masthead as its very bold and I don’t want it to over shadow it.

With this one I have typed in the artist name and I like how the C’s are much bigger than any other letter and the font

I like this font as it very interesting I like how the

letters are all coloured in it makes it look more like handwriting however I am worried it’s not going to be bold enough.

I think out of all of them this font looks most like handwriting and I

feel it fits the gender and age of the artist however I’m not sure I like

the style of the L’s

I like this one as I feel like it bold to be able to read it however it’s not too over powering of the masthead. The typography also looks like hand writing and I feel it

fits with the gender and age of the artist however I do feel that the letters are a little to close together however that can be fixed on indesign.

Overall I am going to go for the last font as I feel it is most fitting to my magazine and has the most positives over negatives.

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