Planets, planet earth and landscapes

Post on 16-Jan-2015






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Presentation on the planets, the Sun, the Moon and landscapes on Earth for Primary Education.




Origin of our solar system

Our solar systemwas a mass of stelar dust that started to turn around, and

when it concentrates, it turns into a very hot ball

that is the sun, a star. The

matter that is outside forms

small balls that are our planets.

In our solar system, nine planets circle around our Sun. The Sun is in the middle while the planets travel in

circular paths (called orbits) around it

Inner Planets: Closest to the Sun and made of rock. The are: Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars.

Mercury is the smallest and nearest planet to the Sun, so it´s very hot.Venus is almost the same size as the Earth. It is the hottest planet.Earth is our planet and is the largest of all the four inner planets.Mars. Scientists believe Mars had rivers and oceans million of years ago.

Outer Planets.They are the farthest away from the Sun planets, made up of gases.They are very

large. Jupiter is the largest planet.

Uranus is surrounded by a small ring.NeptuneThe farthest away and the coldest. planet

Saturn is surrounded by a ring made up of rock and dust.

If we compare the size of the Sun with the sizes of the Planets, we can see that the Sun is much


Asteroids are pieces of rock in the space.They have no ice and the Comets do

have ice.

Comets are celestial bodies made of rock and ice that move around the space and the tail means

that the ice is melting while they travel.

Galaxy and Milky Way. A galaxy is made up of million of stars. One of them is the Sun and many

others have their own system.

The Earth is the planet where we live. Most of The surface is covered by water this is why is called: “

the Blue Planet”The land is made up with continents and islands.

The water can be found in the seas, Oceans, rivers, lakes, ponds…

The Earth is surrounded by a layer of air called the Atmosphere.This is where the clouds are found.

THE MOONThe Moon is a satellite of the

Earth. The Moon is much smaller than the Earth.There are many

holes on its surface called craters. It does

not give off light. It looks bright

because it reflets light from the Sun.


The Earth rotation causes the changes from day to night. The sun does not move. The Earth moves around the Sun and on its axis. This is called rotation and it takes 24 hours, one day.

The Earth Rotation. The Earth orbits the Sun.

To see the Earth rotation:

One complete

orbit takes 365 days.

This is called an Earth

revolution or a year. Earth

revolution causes the

four seasons.

The Sun is a star. Stars are like giant balls of fire. Life on Earth is possible thanks to the light

and heat from the Sun

The Moon orbits the Earth. It takes 28 days. This is called “lunar


New Moon

Full Moon Crescent

Moon Last quarter

First quarter


New Moon


Inland landscapes: mountains and lakes

Inland landscape: a valley. It´s a plain land between mountains

Island: piece of land surrounded by water

Inland landscape: a desert

MADE BY MªAngeles Cola

•English teacher in a bilingual school

•Presentation for Primary Education.

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