
Presentation – Pitching My Idea By: Thopon


Chris Brown Ft. Nicki Minaj – Love More• This song is an American hip hop song

• The reason I chose this song is because it can be portrayed in many different ways.• compared to the actual music video, there are many paths that you can take when recreating a music video for this song.• For example: at the start Chris Brown talks about how his relationship may not be what he wants it to be because as hard as he tries its never enough.

• In my video we can have a boy and a girl arguing and breaking up and as the song builds the boy leaves and goes out and has a party or hangs out with friends which include a numerous amount of other girls.

• I considered locations that provided similar iconographyto the hip hop videos that I have watched. The chosen locations include places that will connote street life and party and places where friends may just hang out to connote friendship and happiness.

The aim of my video will be to show life is less about love and more about living it to the fullest.

• In my video we can have a boy and a girl arguing and break up

• As the song builds the boy leaves and goes out and has a party or hangs out with friends which include a numerous amount of other girls.

• I considered locations that provided similar iconography to the hip hop videos that I have watched.

Aim Of My Video

•The chosen locations include places that will connote street life and party and places where friends may just hang out to connote friendship and happiness.

• The aim of my video will be to show life is less about love and more about living it to the fullest.

Locations Part of the song will be shot in a house

o Reasons: First for the break up

oThen people rush in and it’s a house party – This will imply that life is about living and all the character wants to do is live life rather than be in a relationship.

oAlso this is part of narrative, where girlfriend watches boyfriend partying and having fun

The singer will be singing or miming in front of a dark wall.

oThis is purely for performance reasons.

oSinger will also have people dancing behind him while he mimes the lyrics

oMostly use this location in the chorus

This location is on top of a hill where there is a city view in the background.

o This is for performance purposes

o The main character will be dancing with other friends while pointing to the city

oThis will denote that there is a whole world out there to live for.This location is in a ghetto area in front of a wall in the night

oThis location denotes street life and hood which the characters will be based around

oThis location will mostly be used for when the rapper comes in.

Stars• One male singer to do the singing in the music video.

• One male actor to be in the narrative of the music video

•One female actor to perform the acting for the girlfriend that breaks up with the boyfriend.

• A team of actors/dancers to be in the background at the house or in the city view on the hill dancing behind performers

•Performer to rap, a person who can mime the rap in the music video.

Costumes•The costumes will be casual

•Street clothing

•Something clean, not scruffy and tidy

•Maybe chain necklace to connote street and symbolize gangster.

•This can help establish the genre of music.

Shot Types• Close Up: This will be used during the break up, to show the characters emotion.

• This will also be used throughout the music video to show the girlfriends reaction to what's going on and the house party the boyfriends having

•Gradually throughout the music video we will see the girl enjoying herself.

• Mid-Shot: The mid-shot will be used during the rap

•When the rapper comes in there will be mid-shots of him/her rapping and we will be able to see her body language throughout the rap.

• Long-Shot: This will be used in the hill

•This will help establish all the actors that are dancing

•And your will be able to see the view of the city which gives the main impression of the music video which is that there is an open world to live for.

Editing• In the music video, we will do quick camera changes.

•These changes will be from each location

•Some of the camera changes will be looking at different aspects of the performance in the same location.

•Example: We will be looking at it from the boyfriends point of view were he is dancing and having fun, and then switch to what the girlfriend is doing.

• There may be pans across the faces of some actors to establish who they are in the video.

Matching Video To LyricsThis is one of the main tasks in the music video:

The way I will do this is:•At the start it will have a narrative of couple breaking up, as the song quotes

“When I die its never enough, I messed up. Maybe this thing ain't meant for us. baby you let go ill just pull you back, I let go you ain't having that.”

•Then after that the song will go onto partying and the boyfriend showing his girlfriend how to live.

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