
Pit bulls

Expensive insurance in many of the cities were BSL as been accepted.

Sometimes it can be as high as $200,000 per dog. Hundreds of

cities, towns, and states are implementing BSL.

Personality:Pit bulls tend to be very

dependent on their humans and crave love

and attention.

Typical Health Problems:

Generally healthy, may be subject to Parvo, hip

dysplasia, hereditary cataracts and allergies.

Average Life Span:12-14 years

What are these dogs surrendered for typically?Owner turn-ins of pit bulls

are usually due to dog aggression (which is often

mistaken for human aggression by

inexperienced owners).

Other reasons include: Destructive chewing, which is usually out of frustration and lack of exercise Too much energy/lack of time for dog

and breed specific legislation against pit bulls in the area/moving to an area with

breed specific legislation. Pit bulls also often are brought in as strays or confiscated from abusive owners, dog fighters, or criminals.

Is this breed good with children in general?

This breed tends to love all people, especially children. The only caution I would add is that, because they are very exuberant and energetic dogs,

they can sometimes overwhelm very young children and accidentally bump them or knock them over, particularly when they are pups

(under 2 years old).

How easy is housetraining with this breed?

There is much variation to the time housetraining will take, depending on the method used. Pit bulls, as a group,

are intelligent dogs, soft to their owners and relatively easy to train as they are eager to please their owners. With all

phases of training, praise is a key element when it comes to the pit bull. Positive methods will work best for

training this breed.

"Pit Bulls have locking jaws." The jaws of the Pit Bull are

functionally the same as the jaws of any other breed, and this has been proven

via expert examination.

“Pit Bulls don’t feel pain.”Pit Bulls have the same nervous system of any other breed, and they can and do feel pain. Historically, those dogs that would

tolerate or ignore discomfort and pain and finish the task they were required to perform were the dogs that were bred and the sort of dogs breeders strove to produce. This is the

trait of “gameness” that so many breed fanciers speak of, which may be defined as,

“The desire to continue on and/or complete a task despite pain and discomfort.”

“Pit Bulls have more bite pressure per square inch

(PSI) than any other breed.”

This is absolutely false.

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