Pispas episodes

Post on 21-Jul-2016






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Pispas, the most entertaining preschool television series for playing and dancing Pispas is the funniest, nicest and most ingenious wagon in television. Pure entertainment for the smaller ones! Pispas and her group of friends discover in each episode a new magic and fascinating world, where they will find cheerful characters that will join them in their next adventures. 26 episodes in which children will discover new games and very entertaining stories with Pispas and her friends, with original stories that will make their imagination fly through unseen worlds. The series has a spectacular sound track of 26 original musical themes and songs of the most diverse musical genres: Pop, Rock, Funk, Salsa, Folk, Classical, Blues, Afro… that make us jump, dance and sing with Pispas at the end of each of her adventures. ¡Jump in Pispas and Discover her!


Synopsis of the series and episodes


Pispas is a television series for preschool children, wonderful and funny and with real everyday characters. Three boys and three girls lead us through a world full of situations to learn and discover together with their friend, the van Pispas, a magical toy in which they will travel to imaginary and creative worlds.

The series has a spectacular sound track of 26 ORIGINAL MUSICAL THEMES AND SONGS of the most diverse musical genres: Pop, Rock, Funk, Salsa, Classical, Blues, Afro...

Following this approach, the series Pispas offers also a guideline for parents and teachers to develop the personality of the child by learning to use their imagination, through games and music.


• TV musical series for preschoolers.•Produced with 3D animation system. •26 episodes of 10 minutes duration each.

EpisodE 1

Dreaming of Pispas

Pispas’s friends are playing in the park and telling each other what their favourite games are. The night comes and all of them go to sleep waiting for Pispas to come from the stars to keep playing in their dreams. Pispas arrives sliding on a rainbow with her friends the stars. They all get in Pispas and fly through all the game worlds of her friend, Pispas, while singing a funny song. The whole group of friends show us all the things their magic friend can do, biking, playing the trumpet and even transforming into a spaceship. The night comes and the Sun and the Moon say hello and goodbye to each other, coming up the time to sleep with a beautiful lullaby, Pispas takes her friends to bed, they say goodbye to the day and looking forward to live new adventures again with their best friend.

EpisodE 2

What's this Pispas?

The gang play to distract Pispas from hiding and leave her some things like a crazy scooter, a trumpet that makes strange colour bubbles, and even a mad radio that dances and sings with rare rhythms, which Pispas will try to copy. The whole group is hidden looking at her how she does her best to play with all the things they left in every corner of the park. An enjoyable episode which will make babies laugh.

Episode 3

Pispas and Chiuu, a strange visitor

Pispas and her friends are playing I spy when suddenly a strange colourful whirlwind flutters through the park. The whole group and Pispas follow the strange whirlwind very curiously. The mysterious whirlwind plays with them and hides. All of them want to know the rare and colourful whirlwind. Eventually it stops, discovering Chiuú, a little dragon and friend of Pispas. Everybody wants to get to know him and play with him, but Chiuú suggests to them a game to be their friend. They will have to discover though a funny game, what Chiuú likes and dislikes. The group of friends will get to know Chiuú and he will be a very special friend to have new adventures with.

EpisodE 4

Pispas and the Dreamhunters

A new adventure is waiting for Pispas who will get to know three new friends. She will have to travel to the hidden side of the Moon and find the Dreamhunters to help her to get back to her friends’s dreams. Pispas is very worried because her friends don’t dream anymore. Tote, a big cardboard dinosaur, Pinta, a likeable paper peacock, Cocolilo, a grumpy crocodile made of carton and plastic, called the Dreamhunters, will help Pispas to get back to her friends’s dreams. With this new adventure Pispas will count on these funny characters to go through new adventures and games, together with the whole gang.

Episode 5

Pispas, Toctoc and Boomboom

Pap’s juicer doesn’t work, Nora’s toaster the same, Lyo’s hairdryer is broken, Chuan’s fork bend while he was eating spaghettis, Lupe’s spoon the same, Lea’s ball deflated and Pispas favourite armchair broke while she was watching television. All, very worried, gather with their broken possessions. Pispas decided to bring her armchair and the rest of her friends broken possessions to a very peculiar repair shop. All of Pispas’s friends very happy, get in Pispas with their broken possessions and head to the repair shop. At arrival, a giant magnet catches every single object which is out of order creating odd characters. All of them, very surprised, see how their things bring to life a new characters and they will have to discover who they are and name them. “Toctoc” and “Boomboom” are two new friends of the gang and Pispas. They will be alive, showing the group of friends how they jump and play.

EpisodE 6

Pispas and Colorin

“Colorin” is a likeable and grumpy chameleon that eats colours. He arrives to the park finding colours to eat. Pispas, who is going for a walk, meets him and is fascinated, because that little character is constantly changing his colour, follows him very inquisitively, but “Colorin” doesn’t like to get observed, so he starts to camouflage himself and copying the colours of everything he finds to mislead her. “Colorin” arrives to the park and meet Pispas friends. They see that Pipas is very nervously looking for something. Lyo, Nora, Pap, Chuan, Lupe and Lea want to know what she is looking for and they will find out more about this colourful character learning the colours with him through a very fun game.

Episode 7

Traveling the senses with Pispas

It’s Nora’s birthday and Pispas and the rest of the guys make a very tasty cake that will awake all her senses. Pispas gives Nora a gift: a fascinating trip around the world of senses where an amusing good friend of Pispas, the Clown of the Senses, is waiting for them. Along with him they will experience every one of the five senses. For that, the Clown prepares some games that they will have to pass to discern what sense is it. A journey that will no doubt awake senses and Pispas friends will never forget.

Episode 8

Classify and recycle with Pispas

Pispas has awoken very sick and the group of friends are very worried, they have to find out what’s going on, Pispas is as colourless as the park. What a surprise when the gang discover the park is dirty and messy. Bottles, plastic, boxes and food waste are lying around. Lea decides to clean the park. As soon as they start to clean they realise all the colours are coming back, very happy seeing what is happening, they wonder what to do with all the collected rubbish. Pispas, still sick, shows them four containers she had in her trunk for recycling. They astonished at discovering Pispas’s containers, every one painted in a different colour to distinguish rubbish of different materials. Blue for cardboard and paper, green for glass, yellow for plastic and metal and grey for food waste. Everyone is putting rubbish in the respective containers, until Pispas completely gets her colour and energy back, because her friends have cleaned, separated and recycled all the rubbish, taking care of Pispas and the environment.

Episode 9

Day and night with Pispas

Pispas friends play and jump, Pispas is inspired and she will love to jump as well; jumps and jumps non-stop day and night. The Moon sets but she keeps going. The Sun brings the day and Pispas keeps going. As the crew watches the Moon and the Sun pass around Pispas. They wonder where the Sun goes when it is dark at night and where the Moon goes during the daytime. Pispas stops jumping and take her friends on a special race to find out. A race for all their friends, The Clown, the little dragon Chiuú, Tote, Pinta and Cocolilo. An endless race that will let them to discover what night and day are. They will observe how the Moon and the Earth move around the Sun.

Episode 10

Big and small with Pispas

Pispas takes the crew and the Dreamhunters to get to know the ‘big-things’ world, where everything is enormous and where it is possible to fly over giant butterflies and ride a big snail and even plow through the seas with big colourful fish. In the world, where everything is big, the group of friends will feel very small and tiny jumping from flower to flower and sliding on big and long leaves. Pispas will take them to the tiny city as well, where objects and streets are very small, they will have to take care not to step on the tiny objects and break them. To finish the new adventure, The Clown will take them to his house of games where toys are disorganized and he suggests a game, they will have to sort out objects from big to small and vice versa to get their real size of his friends back, Dreamhunters and Pispas are now very small. Will they get back to their real size?

Episode 11

Pispas and the Storyteller Tree

All the friends are playing and paging through a lot of tales. Pispas tries to read one to them and they have to pay attention to find out what tale it is. Pipas is very enthusiastic and makes gestures. She gives them some clues to let them discern it, but the kids don’t manage to get it. A last attempt, Pispas makes the tales fly and take them flying each child of the gang to the big Storyteller Tree. There they will find out how tales are born and Pispas will read to them the marvellous tale of the frozen castle. They will travel over there where they will play and eat delicious ice cream, but the castle has ready a puzzle they will have to solve. Their friends, the Dreamhunters, will help them to solve it.

Episode 12

Pispas and the nature

A butterfly, a snail, a ladybug and a little family of worms show up in the park. They all want to know where they are going. The tiny animals will take Pispas and her friends to a pond with fish that jump and play, but they will realise that neither flowers nor trees or plants live around the pond. Pispas has a brilliant idea, seeding and planting. Different plants and flowers will give shape to a beautiful garden where tiny and strange animals will live in. Pispas and the crew will have to find out how to take care of the garden and its habitants. Eventually, the garden will give them a beautiful and magical gift.

Episode 13

Pispas wants to sing

Pispas wants to sing and the good director, Cocolilo, will help her to tune her first musical notes with Tote and Pinta’s helping as well. But Pispas will need musicians to go with her song. Her friends, Lea, Lyo, Chuan, Lupe, Nora and Pap will be part of her band. Under Cocolilo’s direction, they will get to play and sing a song with lots of rhythm and it will make everybody dance. A special crowd will be on Pispas’s debut as a singer at a big festival where Pispas will make them laugh and bring joy to many kids.

Episode 14

Pispas in the city

Pispas friends have filled all the air room plenty of funny scrawls which they play with. Pispas draws strange sketches which will become the shape of a big city. A city with plenty of signals which they will have to get to know to move through the streets. A very funny little cars get Pispas stuck in a big traffic jam towing her through the streets of the city. Pispas doesn’t know how to get out of there. The group of friends will have to help her following the traffic signals. A fun adventure in the city will have all Pispas’s friends learn how to cross the streets, following the signs and lookt left and right, learning the traffic lights. Toctoc and Boomboom will help them to find Pispas and to intercept the traffic with a big stop.

Episode 15

Pispas and the snowman

Winter has come and it’s snowing at Pispas’s park. The group of friends is throwing snow balls. Boomboom invites them to the forest where Toctoc has a gift ready for them with a fun game. They will have to build a very special snowman. They will agree about how it has to be and Pispas will make it alive. All of them will want to play with it and will enjoy a lot its changing expressions. This character will be a good friend to laugh with during the winter.

Episode 16

Such a good luck Pispas!

The little gang doesn’t find Pispas to play with. The Dreamhunters will help them to find her by playing a curious game, they will have to take a risk to follow clues and lucky objects. They will visit The Forest of Cloves to get a four leaf clover, they will walk through a path full of tracks where they will stumble upon a lucky horseshoe, they will play with the Moon to catch a shooting star, they will go deep into a pond and will discover a magic turtle and together with Colorin the chameleon they will build a little piece of the rainbow. They will have to convince little dragon Chiuú as well to give his magic lamp to them. With all the lucky items they will complete the game and find Pispas.

Episode 17

Pispas and the magic

Toctoc, Boomboom, The Clown and Pispas get ready in the theatre for a fascinating and marvellous magic show. The kids encourage them to start the show. When the curtain goes up, The Clown welcomes us and invites us to play with magic, together with Pispas. For each one of the numbers they will need some volunteers from the crowd. All the kids will take part in the show, there are mirrors changing size and shape, doors multiplying, magic boxes where anything is possible. The group of friends will enjoy the whole incredible magic show.

Episode 18

Pispas and the magic modelling clay

The gang are bored and don’t know what to do or what to play. Pipas will try to take them away from boredom by suggesting to them different games, but the kids don’t react and they get bored and bored. Pispas, disconcerted and woried, thinks of a nice idea which is to give them a magic modelling clay to play with that will make funny figures that will change shape. It’s very playful clay that change in to the most crazy and original figures. Together they will create a game to frighten boredom. Pispas will be very surprised when she finds the great structure they have made to jump, climb, go down and slide through.

Episode 19

Through the space with Pispas

Pispas goes in search of her friends but she can’t find them. The wind brings a paper with cut out letters spelling her name, she looks at it carefully and it awakes a lot of curiosity, seeing the gap made by the letters on it. Then she decides to go to the park to see if her friends are there to show them what she’s just found. Once there, she finds all the kids decorating it with cut-out toys in the shape of stars and planets drawn by them. Pispas, very happy, shows them the piece of paper with her name cut out. All the gang give to her one of the cut out letters forming her name. As it by magic, they begin to fly around Pispas riding on their drawn planets. Pispas transforms herself into a starship, to visit flying each one of her friends’s planets where there are different fun games, like how to build a rainbow, racing to a star, making giant soap-bubbles or clouds with different little animal shapes, hiding in smooth sandy dunes or even fill up the space with tiny and big planets. You will discover a whole Universe you will discover in that episode.

Episode 20

Pispas and the figure's factory

Pispas and Chiuú the little dragon are building figures using wooden pieces together with Lea, Iyo and Pap. They can’t get any of them to stand up because they fall over repeatedly. Chiuú invites them to go with him to a strange factory of funny figures. Pispas and friends will visit that incredible place, playing and slipping through its belts, going all over an assembly line where tons of geometric figures will form funny shapes which they will have to identify using their imagination. Most of them will come alive in a game which will awaken their ability to observe and create.

Episode 21

Performing in a theatre with Pispas

The group of friends are preparing a very fun play with marionettes. They are very happy making the sets and the puppets they will introduce to us one by one, using a beautiful tale, the story of Patin Patan, a tin-child who doesn’t know how to laugh, Lola, a potato dancer, Mrs Silba Silba, a coquettish lizard and Mr Sabe Sabe, the shoe. All of them are the marionettes who will bring to life a play in the theatre, which will tell the story of how to be happy playing our favourite games. Pispas has a fun surprise for us, which you will have watch to find out. Raise the curtain!

Episode 22

The world with Pispas

Pispas is very nervous, jumping and trembling non-stop, going back and forth, we don’t know what’s going on with her, until finally she sneezes hard and she finds her friend Lyo with a bunch of colour pencils. Pispas is realising that all her friends are drawing something together. She wants to know what it is and she will be able to find one by one every drawing from the great composition of a mural they are drawing on the floor. The kids explain to her what they are drawing until she is surrounded by a very particular world. Pispas will bring it to life and will take her friends across it. They will stroll in it with a fun song.

Episode 23

To the rhythm of Pispas

The gang wants to play music and are looking for objects to make music with. A pan, a bucket, a lamp, a box, some lids and a few cans are some of the stuff they have found to make rhythm but everybody beats their objects with no melody rhythm between them. Pispas is stunned because she wants the noise to stop. The kids will have to find out how to create a harmonious rhythm between them, so they will have to listen to every sound made by each object. One by one they are making their instrument sound showing its sound. Little by little, a harmonious melody starts to emerge which will take them to play between staves and notes.

Episode 24

Pispas and the numbers

Pispas, Lea, Chuan and Lupe are playing golf. They will have to put the balls into the holes numbered 1 to 10. Pispas is getting in trouble to sneak the little balls into the holes. Lea, Chuan and Lupe cheer her on to aim with her golf stick to any ball. Eventually she gets beat, send it to the sky and hits a cloud, which hides very strange coloured balls that fall steamed up to the golf park. Pispas and her friends want to play with them, but every time they hit them they turn to numbers. Everyone’s fascinated, they play with them learning the numbers with a Cuban rhythm.

Episode 25

A toy with Pispas

While playing in the park, Pispas and her friends listen to a mysterious and strong noise. They are very stunned and nervous and want to know where it comes from. Everyone climbs into Pispas and goes to investigate. Surprisingly they find out a strange gate opening and closing, while leaving used and broken toys. Pispas and the kids are very surprised seeing all those toys which, apparently, don’t work anymore. They stare at them and bring them to life again. A sail-truck, a tub-car, a dolls-rescuer crane and even a train-scooter, are some of the crew’s inventions. They will prepare a crazy and insane parade to show us their new inventions.

Episode 26

Pispas's Carnival

Pispas’s park is decorated like a big Carnival party. All the kids, together with Tote, Pinta and Cocodilo help, decorate the park. Pispas, Toctoc and Boomboom prepare their disguises. Each one has made a mask. There are flags and colourful bows everywhere. Everybody looks in high spirits and happy. The Clown suggests a mad and fun piñata game before the carnival parade starts. They will have to divide themselves into teams to hit the magic piñata which is impossible to break because with every shot it transforms into a different shapes. Eventually the little dragon Chiuú comes out from it, ready to participate in the parade.


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