Pinterest presentation

Post on 12-Jan-2015






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Pinterest Presentation, from the Cambridge Social Media Club.



What is PinterestPinterest is basically like your kitchen board. A place for finding inspiration, find things you like and helps you keep up with the latest trends.

It was originally created to help housewives swap recipes but has developed into one of the fastest growing networks.

In essence its a very cool bookmarking tool.

Why Use Pinterest

Somewhere to inspire yourself

A place to keep up with the latest trends

To connect with like minded individuals

Pinterest Language




Rich Pins

What You can Pin!


Pinterest Facts

70% of Pinterest users have bought something they have seen on Pinterest.

Its the third most popular network in the US behind Facebook and Twitter

It refers more traffic than any other network

3x more engagement than Facebook or Twitter

Botica has seen that Pinterest users spend twice the amount of Facebook users

Most Popular

Food and DrinkDIY and CraftFashionHome Decor

Popular PinsInfographics ( (camtasia)Teaser texts (

Copyright rulesIf you are uploading, the content has to be your own or royalty free.However you are able to repin pins from other boards which are not your own and change the description on them as well a source. But why not add to the description.

PinsYou should look to pin 20-25 pins a day as your maximum with a minimum of 5-10 pins. You can automate these pins with Ezeesocial or similar software.

The best times to pin are saturday mornings and evenings as well.

Using keywords in description is very important. You can find keywords specific to you by finding the most popular pins in your category and using them.

Rich pins allow you to add additional info to a pin


Create boards to do with your business as well as fun boards.

Make sure you use keywords for your boards as well

Create boards for others to contribute to

When invited contribute to other boards

Ideas for Pinterest

Follow people with similar interests to yourself

Follow everyone back

Create Pinterest contests

Remember Keywords are just as important as the time you posted.

Put your source on all your Pins

Local business remember to add your location to your boards so people know where you are

Websites and software

Ezeesocial to automate your pins for infographic design and Pinstamatic to create your pins

Pinpuff to use for alternative analytics


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