Pink Dolphins What a paradise Such a nice way to live but...

Post on 18-Dec-2015






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Pink Dolphins

What a paradise Such a nice way to live but...

The Truth we must face..

The terrible cause

The pink dolphins are a unique species part of the dolphin family. They are mostly located in Hong Kong and the Amazon

Pink Dolphin Attraction

Pink dolphins can be seen during tours that can be arranged with Hong Kong Tours group.

Another spectacular place to find Pink Dolphins is in Ocean Park located in the south side of Hong Kong island. This park is educational as well as fun.

Environmental Perspective

Some of the environmental issues are people hunting for fish but with their nets they catch up the dolphins as well. They face other problems such as under-treated sewage, ferry traffic and over-fishing.

However we can solve these problems by eating organic foods as pesticides enter the ocean often. Eat less seafood therefore discouraging others to buy less seafood.


The Pink Dolphins are usually located in the southeastern part of Lantau island as seen in the diagram below.

The future of the pink dolphins is in our hands do we want a future for these mammals or do we want to disregard them. These decisions will be made everyone including you. Will Lantau island slowly fade to Hong Kong’s economy or will it stand with this attraction?


The parts of the Dolphin


To conclude we have to ask ourselves our we doing enough to protect the marine environment. Is the government doing enough. The government is selling and trading wild pink dolphins to buyers and sellers worldwide. It is a good thing we have groups like WDCS ( whale and dolphin conservation society) and WWF (world wildlife federation) Thanks to these groups we have a little bit assurance that it is not the end for those mammals yet.

By Bhavik Mulchandani

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