Pierre Lecocq - NGYX

Post on 08-Feb-2022






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Objectives /Motivation.

10 rue des Hausseurs,B4550 NANDRIN BELGIUMTel. 32 4 3715983Mob. 32 498 532496Email: Piecoq23@NGYX.BE

Pierre LecocqC.V. (Ergsh version)

Being involved for about 35 years in académie or prîvate Molecular Biology R&D as researcher(scientist to principal scientist) and Project Leader for numerous/various proj'ects, I recentlyterminated my activities as Principal Scientist at Janssen Diagnostics leading BiolT activitiesiinked to V7/foa/PHENOTYPE™ (engine of Virco®TYPE; HIV-I drug résistance prédictionsoftware package) and HIV-I 454 Sequencing Technology. (I was also involved in otherinfectious diseases i.e. FLU, HCV related projects). My carreer plan is to take over with newchallenges. Also being a young's football traîner for years I am now also thinking about being ateacher in e.g. sciences.

Previous WorkingExpérience.

2009 - 2013. Similar position for Virco bvba at Beerse BE site (Janssen Diagnostics; JnJGroup). Involved in FDA submission of HIV Drug résistance software package (Virco®TYPE).

2004 - 2009. Princial Scientist head BiolT dep. for Virco bvba. Mechelen BE (JnJ group),Project Leader for VV/tua/PHENOTYPE™ - Virco®TYPE (HIV-I drug résistance prédictionsoftware package) and HIV-I 454 Sequencing Technology. Member of several teams (otherinfectious diseases) / HCV-HIV Fuil Length Geno Analyser. Numerous présentations / posters invarious meetings / Conférences.

2002-2003. Mrfaa/PHENOTYPE™ Project Leader / Product Manager (Senior Scientist, Tibotec-Virco bvba Mechelen, BE; Johnson & Johnson Group). Project Leader / product manager ofy/rfua/PHENOTYPE™ (HIV-I drug résistance prédiction from génotype). Database management(world largest HIV-I génotype / phenotype relational database), software development (linearmodeling, neural network...), product development (Web interface, real time access...), external& internai (JNJ) collaborations. Member of Virco Management board, Virtual Virus Team,Envelope Team, Clinical Database Team. Several posters / oral présentations (Glasgow UK2002, CROl Boston US 2003, Luxembourg Lux 2003, Paris FR 2003, Mexico Mex 2003).

1999-2002. Project Leader / Senior Researcher at MONSANTO / PHARMACIA UJ (Cambridge,UK).

a. Biotech Target Identification for Fusarium résistance in Wheat. Resp. for sequencing datamanagement and analysis (>100K wheat ESTs, > 2,000 K piant ESTs & about 50 génomes;development of Perl/Unix Bioscripts for clustering / Blasting). In charge of Robotics lab (Beckman /Genetix / MJ. Research / ABI) and TxP (transcription profiling) experiments (ongoing patentsubmission for array printing technology).

b. Promoter Discovery for Expression in spécifie wheat organs/tissues (several flower / antherpromoters / introns identified and patented).

c. Vector development for use in Agrobacterium tumefasciens mediated plant transformation anddirect cell injection (plasmid/Binary with GFP-GUS reporter gène; Nptll / CP4 sélection cassettes forrésistance to kanamycin or glyphosate; Cre-Lox removal and gateway cloning technologies).

d. Bioinformatics support in Wheat molecuiar marker discovery (Biotech assisted breeding for QTLstransfer; bio script for putative marker identification).

e. Site Super User for Bioinformatics tools. Diploma: "Microsoft Package" (Windows, Word, Excel,PowerPoint, Access, Outlook, project,...), "Data Mining for Leads Discovery" (GCG Wisconsinpackage, Blast2,...) and "Péri Bioscripting".

f. Site safety resp. for mol. Biol. Labs., Safety Induction trainer, Spillage and Pire Resp.


a. Molecular Biology Assessment Resp. at MONSANTO LLN (Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium).In charge of pré-transformation & post-transformation (wheat & potato Agrobacteriumtumefasciens mediated transformation) molecular bioiogy assessment. Development ofmultiplex PCR (ABI 377 / 96 capillaries supports).

b. Involved in Biotech Target discovery for potato résistance to Phytophthora infestans (Mildew);In charge of sequencing AFLP PCR products, managing and analyzing séquences.


Tentative Spin-Off création (today as NeoGenYX Ltd). Design and development of tools formolecular bioiogy laboratories (mainly DNA, RNA and protein ladders; Création of théSmartLadder commercialized Worldwide since 1997 by Eurogentec, Origene,...). But also PCRControl Kits, New vectors (T/A Cloning ; Reporter / Expression vector) and design of thétechnology used in 2000 for array printing (Monsanto).


Laboratory of Molecular Biotogy and Genetic Engineering of Prof. J. A. Martial University ofLiège Belgium. Setup and management of a DNA Sequencing Unit (automated). Partnershipwith Eurogentec for a custom sequencing service. Also resp. for laboratory network andcomputer managements (web, email, Ftp servers and application server),.


Laboratory of Molecuiar Biology and Genetic Engineering of Prof. J. A. Martial University ofLiège Belgium. Doctoral degree in Biochemistry. Discovery of thé "KRAB" domain usingcomputer tools (GCG Wisconsin software Package). Collaboration with thé Lawrence LivermoreNational Laboratory (Human Génome Sequencing Project; Chromosome XIX managementcenter). Evidence of thé biggest cluster of homologous human gènes (+/- 6 Mg Bases for about80 closely related KRAB-C2H2 gènes). Doctoral degree stopped when switching for DNAsequencing unit.

Related Publications (académies only).- Since I joined Monsanto then Virco (2002) numerous posters and publications. Too many to belisted hère. So hère below only thé ones when I was still "académie".- « The evolutionarily conserved Kruppel-associated box domain defines a subfamily ofeukaryotic multifingered proteins ».

Beltefroid EJ; Poncelet DA; Lecocq PJ; Révélant O; Martial JAProc Natl Acad Sci U S A 88: 3608-12 (1991)

- «Clustered organization of homologous KRAB zinc-finger gènes with enhanced expression inhuman T lymphoid cells ».

Bellefroid EJ; Marine JC; Ried T; Lecocq PJ; Rivière M; Amemiya C; Poncelet DA; CouliePG; de Jong P; Szpirer C; et alEMBOJ12: 1363-74(1993)

- « Assignment of thé human ZNF83 (HPF1 ) zinc finger gène to chromosome 19q13.3-q13.4. »Marine JC, Bellefroid EJ, Bourguignon C, Rivière M, Lecocq PJ, Poncelet DA, Szpirer J,Martial JA, Szpirer C.Genomics 1994 May 1;21(1):285-286.

1986-1987. (Others)

- "Ministère Belge de l'Emploi et du Travail". (Ministry of Work and Employment).Accoutant for thé "Office National de l'Emploi et du Travail".

- Worker in various Building Companies (i.e. Reforme & Nizet).


Biotech Skilis

1983-1985 /1988-1989.

University of Liège, Belgium, Sciences Faculty & Laboratory of Molecular Biology and GeneticEngineering, Prof. J, A. Martial. "Licence" (= master 4 Years + 1 Year fully devoted to a studywork) in Biochemistry (industriel orientation) / Molecular Biology. Study Work: "Contribution àl'étude des gènes humains codant pour des protéines à doigt à zinc de type C2H2 Krûppel".(Human zinc finger proteins and gènes).

Related Publications.- « The Human Génome contains hundreds of gènes coding for finger proteins of thé Krûppeltype ».

Bellefroid EJ; Lecocq PJ; Benhida A; Poncelet DA; Belayew A; Martial JADNA 8: 377-87 (1989)

Biolnformatics: Séquence Analysis and Database Searching using existing software (GCGWisc. Pack., Blastall,,SQLs, Spotfire,...) or self-made perl/unix Bioscripts. Oracle/SQLs, Matlab,R, SAS, etc...Mol. Biol. Technologies: PCR, Sequencing,...Robotics: Beckmann, Typhoon (Pharmacia), Q-Pix (Genetix; macro/micro arrays)...

Centers of interest



) Références.

[Personal data

llnventory activities (not only in Biotech field: also Games, Software,...), Sports: Soccer (seeibelow for more détails) Swimming, Tennis, Ski,..., New technologies in particular Computers,digital équipaient,...AND Family!Football : WWW.RESTN.BE (club website création and maintenance).Functions : Coach UEFA-B, Talent Détection UEFA, /Club Label Contrôler URBSFA.RTFJ U6-U11 & T2 Seniors RES Templiers Nandrin (URBSFA 392)

French +++++ / English ++++ / German +/ Dutch+.Available for travels or short term missions.

I am available directly.

1 Theresa Pattery MO PhD•̂ Director Scientific Affairs

Janssen Diagnostics BVBATumhoutseweg 30 - 2340 Beerse BELGIUMTel.+32473317284Email: tpattery@its.ini.com

Werner VerbiestCEO Janssen DiagnosticsJanssen Diagnostics BVBATumhoutseweg 30 - 2340 Beerse BELGIUMTel.+32 (0)14 64 17 85Email: wverbies@its.inj.com

Firstname: Pierre J.C. Family name: LECOCQBom: 23th of July 1959, Liège, Belgium.

Married (1988) with PhD. Catherine BOVIE

2 Children: Marie (1990) and François (1993).

Address:10 rue des Hausseurs, Nandrin B-4550, Belgium.phone : int+ 32 4 3715983Mobile : int + 32 498 532496email address : Catherine.Bovie@Gmail.com

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