Physical Science Chapter 7 (New Book)

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  • 7/29/2019 Physical Science Chapter 7 (New Book)


    Physical ScienceCh. 7: Electricity
  • 7/29/2019 Physical Science Chapter 7 (New Book)


    Yes, we all know what electricity is, but

    exactly what is it?

    -where does it come from

    -can you see it

    -how is it created

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    Electricity is a force created by a difference incharges (+ & -) due to gained or lostelectrons. (an electron is a negatively

    charged particle.)

    When electricity is flowing between twopoints, this is actually electrons moving frompoint A to point B. This is called an electricalcurrent.
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    In order for these electrons to flow,

    however, there must be a difference in

    charges (# of electrons built up) betweenthe 2 points. Just like heat flow needs a

    difference in temperatures.

    Electricity always flows from a locationwith a negative charge to a location with a

    positive charge. (like charges repel, opposites attract)

    - +
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    Think of a battery, the

    top has a + charge andthe bottom has a

    negative charge. So

    when they areconnected, electrons

    flow from the bottom to

    the top.

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    Static Electricity

    You may have noticed that if youwalk across the carpet in socks,and then touch your cats nose, it

    will shock him/her (it). This is because, you picked up

    some free electrons walking over

    the carpet (kind of like dust), andtherefore gained a negativecharge.

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    Touching kittys nose allows you to dissipate that

    charge (send the extra electrons to an area with

    fewer electrons, negative to positive) The shock will continue until both surfaces are at

    the same charge (neutralized)

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    Static electricity is a temporary 1 time

    charge produced by an excess of


    Electrons in the air will attach to moisture

    in the air. Thats why very dry air (like in

    the winter, or in the dryer) may hold alarge number of free electrons, because

    theres not much moisture for them to

    attach to.

    i.e. Theres more static in the air in the winter

    because there are more free electrons just

    floating around

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    Van der Graff generators basically induce a strong

    electrical field (can be either positive or negative depending on

    the setup) into a hollow metal sphere. This field can

    the release electrons into the surrounding air when

    the voltage becomes great enough.

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    The difference in charges between 2points is called the voltage.

    2 points can both have a tremendouscharge, but if the charge is the same then

    there will be no flow of electrons between


    - - - - - -

    - - - - - -

    - - - - - -
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    The number of electrons actually flowing

    through a conductor is called the current,

    and is measured in amperes (amps).

    1 amp = 6.25 x 1018 electrons per sec.


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    So lets say that using a

    voltmeter you determinethat there are no electrons

    flowing from point A to point

    B through an extensioncord connecting the two.

    Does that mean it is safe

    for you to touch either ofthe 2 points? Hmmm

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    No! There may be no electrons flowing

    because the charges are the same.

    However, your charge may be much

    different, which would allow the electricity

    to flow into you.

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    Conductors and Insulators

    Although an electric current can

    occasionally jump from 1 point to another,

    it normally travels through a conductor. A

    conductor is any material which allowselectrons (electricity) to flow easily through


    Metals in general are good conductors of


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    Insulators are materials which prevent the flow of

    electrons (electricity).

    Some good insulators include rubber, glass,

    wood, and plastic.

    Any type of electric cord usually consists of ametal conducting wire surrounded by a layer of

    rubber or plastic insulation.

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    Materials called resistors can slow the flow ofelectricity, without stopping it all together.

    Almost all materials, even good conductors,provide at least a small amount of resistance toan electric current.

    Resistance is measured in ohms.


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    Direct Current (DC)

    In most electricalcircuits, the current will

    flow in only 1 direction.

    This is called directcurrent or DC.

    Examples of direct

    current includebatteries, lightning, and

    static electricity.
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    Lightning is a form of direct current (DC)

    produced by static electricity in clouds.

    The static is formed when air molecules

    move past each other (just like clothes in a


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    The negative charges group at thebottom of the cloud and transfer

    electrons to the ground, which has takenon a positive charge.

    Why do you think the ground has taken on apositive charge?

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    Does lightning always travel from cloud to

    ground? Hmmm

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    Alternating Current (AC)

    An alternating current will send a

    flow of electrons in 1 direction

    through a circuit, and then it will

    reverse the flow in the otherdirection.

    Household outlets are an example

    of AC current. They reverse thedirection of the current about 120

    times per second.

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    What would

    happen if you stuck

    one finger in oneside of an outlet?

    One finger in eachside?

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    The AC which comes from your household

    outlets usually has a voltage of about 120V.

    The voltage of the power lines outside,

    however, is much higher. Before entering

    your house, the electricity from the power

    lines must pass through a transformer. This

    is a device which can increase or decreasethe voltage which exists between 2 points.

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    Transformers outside your house make the voltage

    in your outlets safe for household appliances.

    Occasionally a lightning strike make take out atransformer, and send a power surge into your

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    Step-up & step-down transformers

    Transformers can also increase the

    voltage between 2 points.

    An amplifier and a stun gun are examples

    of step-up transformers.
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    Electric Generators

    The electricity supplied toyour home is produced by

    an electric generator. This

    is a device which changesmechanical (kinetic) energy

    into electricity.

    Most electric power which isgenerated in Missouri is

    either from hydroelectric or

    fossil fuel power plants.
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    Electric Motors

    Electric motors are devices which convertelectricity to mechanical energy.

    Most household appliance are examples of

    electric motors.Ex.: washing machine, fan, refrigerator,

    VCR, dishwasher, hair dryer, etc.

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    Electric cars have engines which run on

    electrical energy rather than chemical potential

    energy (gasoline). These cars are more efficient, cleaner to

    operate, and decrease our dependency on fossil

    fuels. However, the engines are not as powerful

    and the cars have a limited range.

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    Batteries Electric motors are usually specified to run on

    either alternating current or direct current

    (produced by batteries).

    A battery is a device which produces a

    continual direct current, through a chemicalreaction.

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    Batteries can be composed of a liquid electrolyte

    (a liquid which will conduct an electric current)

    (wet cell) or a paste electrolyte (dry cell).Whether liquid or paste, the electrolytes are

    usually acidic.

    Car and boat batteries are examples of wet cells,

    flashlight batteries are examples of dry cells.
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    A chemical reaction insidethe battery pulls electronsaway from 1 of the

    terminals and gives themto the other. This causes1 terminal to be negative(-) and the other to be

    positive (+).

    When these terminals areconnected through a device,

    they produce a flow ofelectrons from negative topositive, which power thedevice.

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  • 7/29/2019 Physical Science Chapter 7 (New Book)


  • 7/29/2019 Physical Science Chapter 7 (New Book)


    Electric Circuits

    A circuit is a pathway along which anelectric current can travel, en route to a


    Locating a device along that pathway willallow it to be powered by the electric


    There are 2 different types of circuits:series and parallel.

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    Series Circuit

    A series circuit is onewhich has only 1 pathway

    for electricity to flow. All

    devices are located along

    this single pathway, andany break in the circuit will

    stop the flow of electricity.

    Ex.: old type Christmas

    tree lights

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    Parallel Circuits

    A parallel circuit has

    multiple paths which theelectricity can travel down,

    with different devices

    along the different paths. If one pathway is open or

    broken, the others can still

    carry electricity.

    Ex.: newer Christmas tree

    lights, household circuits

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    Schematic Diagrams

    A schematic diagram

    uses symbols to

    show electrical

    circuits and wiring.

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  • 7/29/2019 Physical Science Chapter 7 (New Book)


    A short circuitoccurs when the

    current stops short

    of the intended

    device, usually

    because of the

    circuit being

    completed prior toreaching the device.

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  • 7/29/2019 Physical Science Chapter 7 (New Book)


    A circuit breaker is a device which prevents toomuch electricity from flowing through a circuit.

    Breakers can be reset usually with the flip of aswitch.

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    Fuses do the same thing as a breaker, but they

    use a small wire connector which will burn out if

    the flow of electricity is too high. Fuses usuallyhave to be replaced after they burn out. Fuses

    are often found in electric appliances also.

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    An electromagnet is a temporarymagnet made by passing an

    electric current through a wire

    coiled around a metal core.

    Electromagnets have 2 advantages

    over normal magnets:

    1. They can be turned on

    and off.2. Their strength can vary

    based on the amount of

    current flowing.

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    Examples of electromagnets include

    cranes in scrap yards, telegraphs, and

    certain types of doorbells.

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    History of Electricity

    600 B.C.-Thales discoveredstatic electricity.

    1600 - William Gilbert names

    the force electricity Mid 1700's - Ben Franklin shows

    that lightning is made of

    electricity, and does numerousexperiments

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    1800 - Volta makesfirst battery

    1878 - T. Edison createselectric light bulb

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    1943 - First computer

    (ENIAC) created

    1942 - Fermi produces thefirst fission reaction

    Th V D G ff t i l d d

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    The Van De Graff generator in class produced

    around 15,000 v of electricity, while a typical

    household outlet produces only 120 v.Therefore, youre safer sticking your finger in

    an outlet.

    Right????? Explain.

    An automated external defibrillator (AED),

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    An automated external defibrillator (AED),

    which is similar to the manual defibrillator

    often seen used by EMTs, is a portable

    device used to diagnose and treat victims ofcardiac arrest.

    How do you think this device works?

    L i i G l i

  • 7/29/2019 Physical Science Chapter 7 (New Book)


    Luigi Galvani was

    cooking frog legs in

    an iron skillet. Henoticed that when he

    picked one up with

    copper tongs to flip it

    over, sometimes itwould kick as if it

    were still alive. Why

    do you think thisoccurred?

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    Draw a schematic diagram of a circuit witha power source, 1 switch, 2 individual

    devices along a series circuit, and 3

    devices on separate branches of a parallel


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    The step-down transformer shown below has 8

    coils of wire on the primary side and 4 coils

    going out on the secondary side. If thistransformer is hooked up to a typical household

    outlet, how many volts will be produced?

    Wh d thi k

  • 7/29/2019 Physical Science Chapter 7 (New Book)


    Why do you think

    most gas pump

    handles arecoated in either

    rubber or plastic?

    What purpose do you think the yellow connectors

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    What purpose do you think the yellow connectors

    on the electric fence shown below serve?

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    The device shown below is an electronic

    body fat tester. The subject holds the tester

    by the handles, and a weak electric current ispassed through their body. How do you think

    this is able to determine their percentage of

    body fat?

    Although both

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    dangerous, a lightning

    strike near the beach in

    Miami may be morepotentially hazardous

    than the same strike at

    Truman Lake. Why do

    you think this is so?

    A car battery (wet cell) works similar to the

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    A car battery (wet cell) works similar to the

    voltaic piles which we built in class.

    Do you think it would be possible to build avoltaic pile out of our

    lab materials big

    enough to havethe same power

    as a car battery?

    Why or why not.

    What is the object shown and how do

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    What is the object shown, and how do

    you think it works?

    Sh b l i d f lt i it i t t

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    Shown below is a ground fault circuit interrupter

    (GFCI) outlet. Whats special about it, how

    does it work, and where might one be found?

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    I th i t b l h t i th h f

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    In the picture below, what is the charge of

    the ground? How do you know?

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    Is the man in the car safe or in danger? Explain.

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  • 7/29/2019 Physical Science Chapter 7 (New Book)


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