PHOTOGRAPHY - cmp alex gilbey · tilt-shift lenses / lenses with a rising front. •Julius Shulman in a famous architectural photographer and is known for capturing the beauty behind

Post on 26-Jun-2020






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ADVERTISING• Photography advertising is using a picture to successfully sell a

product. For example this Kinder chocolate advert. This is made for kids as you can see the slogan is “invented for kids approved by mums”.

• Why does it work? It works as an advert because it appeals to children, by having cartoons on the advert it relates to the things children like. If an advert appeals to the target audience it therefore becomes more likely to sell the product.

• In advertising it is important to sell the image in the best way possible making it the consumers ‘want’. For example this innocent smoothie. Photographers try to make the product look their best. In this image you can see the bottle is the centre of attention, the lighting accents the bottle making it aesthetically pleasing, this makes us more inclined to buy it as we enjoy the look of the product.

• In both of these examples the quality of the image is very high. A high quality image makes the product look high quality. Again a technique used to make us buy it.


• Promotional photography is slightly similar to advertising, it is

still a form of advertising but advertising the brand rather

than the product. For example if you look at celebrities when

they post pictures on social network sites. They are promoting

themselves as a brand and not their music/talent. Miley

Cyrus is a good example. In this picture she has uploaded to

Instagram, she is promoting herself as a brand instead of her

talent for singing. This makes us remember her if we see a lot

of pictures of her.

• From her pictures she is branded as crazy and different to

everyone else.


• Fashion photography is used in order to sell magazines, clothing and accessories. Also to reinforce brands. You will usually see fashion photography in magazines, on billboards and online.

• Fashion photography usually has quite a high production value in order for the image to look creative and to stand out. For example: this picture of Kate Moss. The picture is very eye catching and looks professional with a high production value. This sort of image would be placed in a fashion magazine.

• The lighting in this image adds to its high quality and high value. This is key in fashion photography as it sells the model as well as the clothing. The use of a famous model means we can all slightly relate to the advert as we ‘know’ her. The simple background makes the clothing pop out more as it is patterned. If there was a patterned background we would be distracted therefore not making the clothes the focal point.


• This is using photography as a form of journalism. So the pictures will be placed in newspapers/magazines. Being a photojournalist means you have to work in difficult situations sometimes taking pictures of people who don’t particularly want their photo taken.

• For example Don Mccullin took this image during the war. This was used as a piece of journalism and worked as it captured the feelings of the individuals going through the war.

• Photojournalism can tell a different type of story than the words put with it. By being able to see the victims this close up we get a feel into their emotions at the time, making us feel empathetic towards them. This therefore gives us a personal connection to the people included in the photo. In other examples we get to see the surroundings rather than just being told, this paints a picture in our mind capturing us to the story. We are likely to be more interested if we can picture it as well. Not only this but the use of an image to tell the story is also proof of the event. Media is constantly being criticised for not portraying an accurate representation of the story therefore being able to see what happened makes it ‘real’.


• This is all about taking pictures of people. This is often done to tell a story about someone or reveal something of theirs. They are usually taken in a studio in order to get the best looking photo. Portraits are usually a close up of the subjects face in order to show emotion and give us an insight into what the subject is feeling. For example this image of Albert Einstein was taken by Yousef Karsh. This image shows us Einstein is fun and likes to laugh. This image gives us an insight into the Albert we don’t know. The Albert away from being a ‘genius’.

• The fact his eyes are closed indicates the extent he is laughing

• By having him central in the frame he is the main focal point, the backdrop is blurred again making him the focus.

• The light is relatively bright / high-key. This highlights the mood.

• A different example would be this image of Einstein: the lighting in this is different to the picture above. We can see the emotion in this image to be more serious, this is heightened by the darker lighting. There is light on the right side of his face to accentuate him however it still decreases the mood. His facial expression is slightly expressionless, he doesn’t look directly at the camera again making the shot slightly more serious.


• Similarly to photojournalism documentary

photography is a form of journalism and is used to

tell a story and captures things happening all the

time and how people live their lives. However,

documentary photography is taken over a long

period of time whereas photojournalism

documents a one-off event which is news.

• These two images were taken by documentary

photographer Henry Cartier-Bresson who captured

France in 1932, he took 50 images in order to

portray the Marseille. It shows this time to be very

bleak. As well as the fact there are two types of

people during this time.


• High street photography tends to be photography for families and individuals i.e. portraits & weddings etc. On the occasion high street photographers work for small businesses but never anything big like fashion photography.

• For example Mark Lord is a family portrait photographer. He works as a free-lance photographer. High street photographers are useful as it is more affordable.

• High street photography is somewhat similar to studio photography however with a lower production value and for a more personal audience.

• People would use a photographer rather than do it themselves because a photographer has the skills and equipment to produce a high-quality image. They will have lighting to make the picture look good as well as have a creative mind to find the best backdrop for whatever you are looking to achieve in the photo.

• High street photographers will often have small studios to work in, again this is an advantage over doing it yourself at home as the image will be of better quality.


• This sort of photography is done in a studio where lighting and background can be easily controlled. This is an advantage in comparison to something like photojournalism as with studio photography you get the results you wanted and you know what to expect. The fact that everything can be controlled it means the images are high-quality. Props can be used to set the scene.

• Annie Leibovitz is a famous studio photographer. In this example you can see the lighting has been altered in order to get the best looking image.

• Studio photography works well as you are able to get the best out of the lighting etc. as you are able to change it accordingly.

• In a studio the background can be altered to how you wanted. Green screens can be used as well as equipment to make the backdrop look as good as possible.

ARCHITECTURAL• This is photography based on building and their structures. These will

usually be published in magazines/newspapers etc. and will be used by architects.

• Special lenses will be used in order to get the right results. For example tilt-shift lenses / lenses with a rising front.

• Julius Shulman in a famous architectural photographer and is known for capturing the beauty behind the building.

• Architectural photography captures the buildings and makes them appear dramatic and striking. Julius Shulman has added a black and white effect to these images making them more dramatic. As well as to make the buildings pop out. For example in this second example, the entire background follows a black/grey colour scheme with the buildings themselves being white. This makes them stand out making them the main focus. Not only this but in this example a low angle shot has been used to accentuate the size of the buikding. The first example uses a slightly lighter tone to give a feeling of relaxation as they are the connotations with a pool with this view.


• This is very important in order to help diagnose conditions as well as show the work of doctors. A ring flash is used in order to reduce shadows. This makes the picture more clear. The colour also needs to be controlled just as much as the lighting in order for the image to be as accurate as possible.

• For example this image of a fingernail. As you can see it is a very precise image showing all aspects of detail. The shadows aren’t blocking the subject and the light is controlled and bright. Making it easier to identify.

• Medical photographs can also be used in an educational way. For example incorporating the images into text books. This means the images must be clear and accurate in order for the students to learn it.


• This photography is used in books etc. as

well as in instruction manuals. For example

this first aid guide shows illustrations of how

to be safe in the workplace.

• Illustrations are used predominantly due to

the expense. It is free to use illustrations like

these whereas if ‘real’ people were used it

would cost the company uneccesarily.


• Similarly to high street photography, fine art photography is individual photographers selling their work to galleries etc.

• All fine-art is concerned with self-expression.

• Sam Taylor Wood took this fine art image, all fine-art images are interpreted in different ways depending on how you want to see it. To me this image shows being free from everything. The fact she is kicking the chair in order to flip herself shows to me she is throwing away objects, ‘materialistic’ objects. Even though a chair isn’t necessarily materialistic I feel it represents that. She is kicking it away from her suggesting she wants to be free. This is heightened by the fact she is in limited clothing.



• They usually work on a large deadline.

• Magazines are produced once a month / weekly

giving the photographers time to gather images.

• High-end magazines include: VOGUE & BAZAAR.

• These magazines require incredibly high-quality

images whereas magazines such as ANGLING

TIMES, which offers a slightly different style &



• Unlike magazines photographers for newspapers have to work under strict deadlines. As newspapers are released on a more frequent basis.

• In terms of the quality of these images high-quality images are used in order to portray the story but for example in CCTV based stories low-quality images are used.

• A lot of the story is told through the photographs therefore photographers must portray this in their photos.

• This is also done through portrait pictures. A lot of newspapers, when discussing the person involved, will include a mid shot image of them facing the camera, in order to give us a good insight into the individual.

• For example in the Sunday Times, the image of a footballer is of high quality in order to make it more aesthetically pleasing therefore more appealing in general.


• This entails photographs of the author, as well as any

images needed in the book.

• For example in the book ‘Notorious’ it shows images of

the Kray twins. Books include images in order to tell the

story in more depth. As well as to give us an insight into

the daily lives of these twins as we get to see what they

do daily. For example this image of them drinking tea

and smoking a cigarette.

• Images in books need to be thought about and

chosen very carefully. They need to relate to the words

being said and need to be able to tell the story in a

different way.


• These are more commonly known as billboards

• The images printed on these need to be enlarged quite

a bit in order to see the advert

• Due to it being viewable to everyone the images need

to fit a range of categories and appeal to a lot of

different people as there is no specific demographic as

to where it is advertised

• This requires high skill levels

• An example: this hoarding is especially eye catching

through photography and design. The image can

appeal to a range of people as it is simple yet fun

WEB PAGES• A gallery of images us normally used in web pages. There will be single images dotted around the web page but also there will be a gallery to showcase the


• Restaurants tend to use this technique in order to showcase the food they have to offer

• For example the restaurant Gilbey’s has this on their webpage.

• Websites use images to promote there business in a certain manner. We are very visual people therefore images will make us imagine the product/business. Not only this but images help us understand the business and what they are all about. For example in this example we can see and understand that the restaurant is of high-quality and has a certain aura / atmosphere.

Companies also get involved in photography in social media, for example Instagram. Most

companies now have Instagram. For example: Pizza Express


• Similarly to web pages the images on a CD Rom can be

resized to match the resolution of the computers. Similarly

to web pages these images get resized to 72 or 96 dots per

inch. These are an obsolescent storage medium, being

taken over largely by the internet. These CD’s could hold

many images.

• The issues with CD rom’s are that images once there on

there, are on there. Editing cannot be done from a CD rom

that is predominantly why the internet has taken over.


• These are people who need a photography service for something. The reasoning

depends solely on the client and all reasons will vary. High street photographers tend to

get these clients as the clients tend to be families wanting portraits or businesses

wanting images to promote.


• Art galleries are a way of showcasing art.

Mainly fine art or abstract art.

• These galleries give art enthusiasts a

chance to look at some of the art and

walk around having their own

interpretations on each piece.

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