
By: Sanny Santos

New York City: Five Borough Tour: Subliminal meanings within our views

• I designed this book with the intention to provide further meaning to images that to me express more than the obvious. Often times we look at images and see them merely for what they are. Therefore, when we look at images we fail to look past what may be found within. Within photographs emotions and thoughts can be expressed. It is not necessary to include an image of a person when expressing an emotion. For example, Advertising and marketing agencies use photographs to influence and persuade their target markets. Within these photographs are subliminal messages. These messages are hidden within the eye of the consumer. However, through these advertisements a viewpoint is expressed which triggers a thought, or an emotion. Therefore, I decided to use a narrative form to express emotions within my images. I hope you enjoy my simple and personal short narrative.

CUNY LAGCC Photography Student: Sanny SantosAll photographs copyrighted ©2009 Sanny Santos

Photographic Book Project as final Presentation for Beginning Photography Course: CUNY Professor Jaimie Lyle Gordon

With FAITH came HOPE

I awaited SUCCESS

As a child I found myself seeking COMPANIONSHIP

I followed a clear path with interesting views

Views that seemed to offer different perspectives'

And then my vision became OBSCURE

As I dazed into my present ,I wondered whether my solitude would allow me to reach new heights

I remained SILENT

I observed others as they succeeded within society. Society was transforming. It seemed everyone was headed in a direction that was unknown…

I tried to capture all I could

And encountered obstacles

Within the COMPLEXITIES of life I still found HOPE

My life was previously so clear, I thought ,and suddenly became gray…

Time was passing by , yet I did not want to see myself fall. I want to rise

I decided to RE-SEARCH away from the distraction of my despair

Suddenly I found myself on a spotlight

It was like a new pathway

My loneliness no longer saddened me, it was rather a breath of fresh air

I saw the world in a new light


I had finally found what I was looking for…


• "When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, "I used everything you gave me."-Erma Louise Bombeck

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