Photography: 3 - Shutter Speeds

Post on 05-Sep-2014






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CONTAINS EMBEDDED ANIMATIONS - DOWNLOAD FOR FULL EXPERIENCE! A quick recap on lenses - then some fun with shutter speeds!


Lenses are come in different sizes:

<30mm = wide angle50mm = what the human eye sees>70mm = TelephotoZoom = Combines all three into one

24mm 50mm 70mm

DOF refers to how much of a photo is in focus:

The smaller the f-number,the smaller the DOF:

In your camera – between the lens and the film/CCD - is the shutter

Video on next slide…

Think of it as a door that opens for a split second to allow the image of your subject to burn onto the film/CCD…

As the photographer you have control over how long this ‘door’ is open

Typically this will range from 1/1000th of a second (very, very fast) to 1 or 2 seconds (very slow)

The longer the shutter is open, the more chance there is that something in your subject will move, for instance…

…the train appears still

But at a slower shutter speed the train has travelled an inch or so while the shutter was open…

…so the train blurs

And at a very slow speed the train moves so much that it barely registers on the photo…

…and becomes ghost-like

Notice the blurred horses’ legs

Faked with Motion Camera – Android phone app

Not true motion blurLo Res images (480x320)

Notice the sharpness of the legs

If you use a shutter speed slower than 1/60th of a second your photos will suffer from camera shake (your hands can’t hold a camera that still for that long!):



…or in old money…

For slow speedsyou’ll need a tripod:

…or wedge your camera against something solid:

Fast Shutter Speed

Slow Shutter Speed


Set your camera to Shutter Priority mode and take a series of photos of the same moving subject at different shutter speeds

Or, if your camera does not have Shutter Priority, go to and experiment with the shutter speed slider

A Quick Overview

Opening the shutter exposes the film/CCD to light

Too little light causes under-exposure, too much causes over-exposure:

You’ll remember that Aperture gives us Depth of Field by changing the size of an iris in the lens:

Think of the iris as a curtain that you can open or close

By opening or closing the iris you control the amount of light getting through it – just like closing a curtain to block out the sun on a bright day

This can be used to compensate for under or over exposure, so the iris can be opened (perhaps to f2.8) to let in more light when using a fast shutter speed, or the iris can be closed (f16) to let in less light with a slow shutter speed…

Fast Shutter / Wide Aperture (f2.8) Slow Shutter / Narrow Aperture (f16)

This is the tricky part of photography to get your head around

We’ll keep coming back to it over the next few weeks


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