
National Service Scheme…….

• NSS is an educational programme

• It is a student oriented programme

• It is a process oriented scheme

• It inculcates the spirit of volunteerism among the students through community interaction

“By Education I mean bringing out the best in man and child- body, mind and spirit.”

“ Education without Character, Wealth without Work,Worship without Sacrifice, Commerce without Morality,Politics without Principles, Consumption without ConscienceScience without Humanity are useless and dangerous”

Virtues of Strong Character

• Courage of conviction

• Commitment to truth

• Perseverance in adversity

• Honesty of purpose

• Compassion towards living beings (Mahatma Gandhi)

“Education to be complete, must be humane; it must include not only the training of the intellect but also the refinement of the heart and the discipline of the spirit.”

“Education is the manifestation of perfection already in man.”

Education is not the amount of information that is put in to your brain and undigested all your life. We must have man making, Character making, life building assimilation of ideas. If you have assimilated five ideas and made them your life and character, you have more education than any person who has got by heart a whole library.

A Volunteer

Enters into social service on his/her own freewill

Feels concern towards community and its problems

Expects no monetary or other benefits


The overall objective of the National Service Scheme is educational, service to the community is the activity through which this objective is sought to be attained.

“Personality development through

social service”

Specific Objectives

• To understand the community in which NSS volunteers work

• To understand themselves in relation to their community

• To identify the needs and problems of the community and involve them in problem solving process

• To develop among themselves a sense of social and civic responsibility

• To utilize their knowledge in finding practical solution to individual and community problems

• To develop competence required for group living and sharing of responsibilities

• To gain skills in mobilizing community participation

• To acquire leadership qualities and democratic attitude

• To develop capacity to meet emergencies and natural disasters

• To practice national integration and social harmony

Chronology of NSS Origin

• Radhakrishnan Commission on Higher Education 1948

• Central Advisory Board of Education 1950

• The draft First Five Year Plan 1952

• The University Grants Commission headed by Dr.Radhakrishnan 1956

• Education Ministers’ conference 1959• Dr. C. D. Deshmuk commission 1959• Prof. K. G. Saiyidian commission 1960

(National Service for the Youth)• The Education Commission headed by

Dr. D. S. Kothari 1964-66

• State Education Ministers’ Conference in April 1967

• The Vice Chancellors’ conference 1967

• Meeting of Student representatives 1969 May

• Dr. V. K. R. V. Rao launched the NSS Programme on September 24, 1969

• Regional Seminars;• 16-19th Jan 1970 (Delhi School of Social Work)• 15-17th Feb 1970 (Tata Institute of Social

Sciences)• 06-08th March 1970(IIT Kharagpur)


1.1. Regular Activities

• Orientation to NSS volunteers• Campus work• Activities in the Rural/Urban

Community• Institutional work in collaboration

with voluntary organizations• Intervention during natural

calamities and national emergencies

• Observance of important days

2. Special Camping Programme• 7 days Special camp in adopted

villages or urban slums based on specific themes.

• Creation of Social Assets(Road, house, play ground, library etc.)

• Community surveys/Minor studies.• House visits.• Cultural exchange.• Awareness programmes.• Special Projects


Education / Education / CampaignCampaign




Recreation /Recreation / cultureculture


CampusCampus beautificationbeautification

Functional Functional GroupsGroups


• Based on RATH wheel of Konark Sun Temple of Orissa.

• Portrays the cycle of creation, preservation, and release signifying movement of life across time and space.

• It signifies the progressive cycle of life.• Stands for continuity as well as change.

• The wheel has eight bars which represent 8 Pahars i.e, 24 hours a day.

• Red colour indicates NSS volunteers are active, energetic and full of spirit.

• Blue colour indicates the cosmos of which NSS is a tiny part, ready to contribute its share for the welfare of mankind.


• Consideration for fellow human beings.

• Reflects the essence of democratic living.

• Upholds the need for self-less service and appreciation of other people’s point of view.

• Underlines that the welfare of an individual ultimately depends on the welfare of the society.


Ministry of youth Affairs & Sports (Govt. of India)Joint Secretary

Programme Adviser’s Cell (PA Cell)(Headed by Programme Adviser)

ETI for NSS(Training Wing headed

by Co-ordinator)

NSS Regional Centre(Field office headed

by APA/YO)

State Government(Department of Education)

Principal Secretary

NSS State Liaison CellHeaded by State Liaison Officer

(Liaison between State Govt., Central Govt.,University etc.)

University Programme Co-ordinators

Affiliated Colleges/Institutions(Principals)

Programme Officers

100 Volunteers

NSS Advisory Committee

Principal - Chairperson

2 Staff members having - MembersSocial Work Background

One Representative of the – MemberDevelopment Department

One Representative from the – MemberAdopted village

2 NSS Student leaders - Members

NSS Programme Officer - Member Secretary

Personality Traits & Skills

• Self- Confidence• Initiative• Assertiveness• Perseverance• Tolerance• Social Commitment• Leadership Skills• Communication Skills• Planning Skills• Organizing Skills

“I shall pass through this world but once. Any good thing therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any human being, let me do it now. Let me not defer it or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.”

-Etienne de Grellet

“This life is short, the vanities of the world are transient, but they alone live, who live for others, the rest are more dead than alive.”

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