Pets Carlota

Post on 06-Mar-2016






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Pets Carlota





Cats & Dogs        


Carlota Sofía Sangüesa Trujillo    






1. Cats……………………….……………………………………..2

a. Puss in boots…………………………………………..2

b. Figaro……………………………………………………..2

c. Tom………………………………………………………..3

2. Dogs……………………………………………………………..4

a. Idefix………………………………………………………4

b. Milú…………………………………………………………4

c. Courage…………………………………………………..5



Cats Puss in boots:

"Master Cat; or, The Booted Cat" (early French: Le Maître Chat, ou Le Chat Botté), commonly known as "Puss in Boots", is a French literary fairy tale about a cat who uses trickery and deceit to gain power, wealth, and the hand of a princess in marriage for his penniless and low-born master. The tale was written at the close of the seventeenth century by Charles Perrault (1628–1703), a retired civil servant and member of the Académie française. The tale appeared in a handwritten and illustrated manuscript two years before its 1697 publication by Barbin in a collection of eight fairy tales by Perrault called Histoires ou contes du temps passé. The book was an instant success and remains popular.



Figaro is a fictional character who first appeared in Disney's Pinocchio. Figaro is probably best known as the pet cat of Mister Geppetto and Pinocchio. He has also starred independently in a number of Disney shorts, as the pet of Minnie Mouse, which was a common theme for Disney characters to be juxtaposed from movies to cartoon shorts. Three of the cartoons he appeared in were his own cartoons; "Figaro and Cleo" (1943), "Bath Day" (1946) and "Figaro and Frankie" (1947). Similar to Pluto, Figaro


is one of the few Disney characters who is not anthropomorphized, but just a normal cat. In 1970s Disney mini comics Figaro not only "guest-starred" with other Disney characters/comics but had his own column on various Felines as "Figaro's Feline Friends".



Thomas "Tom" Cat is a fictional character and the main protagonist in Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's series of Tom and Jerry theatrical cartoon short films. Created by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera, Tom is a Blue/grey anthropomorphic cat who first appeared in the 1940 animated short Puss Gets the Boot. Tom was originally known as "Jasper" during his debut in that short, however, beginning from his next appearance in The Midnight Snack and onwards, he is known as "Tom" or "Thomas".




Dogs Idefix:

Dogmatix is a fictional character, a tiny white dog who belongs to Obelix in the Asterix comics. Dogmatix is a pun on the words dog and dogmatic. In the original French his name is Idéfix, itself a pun on the French expression idée fixe (fixed idea) meaning an obsession. This pun is unusual for a translation in that it is remarkably close to the original meaning and adds to it (by inclusion of the dog- syllable). Dogmatix is the only main character in the series that is an animal. His role is minor in most of the stories, significant mainly as a 'bone' of contention between Asterix and Obelix as to whether he should be allowed to accompany them on their adventures. However, he is often doing something interesting in the background and occasionally fulfils an important part of the plot.



Snowy (Milou in Hergé's original version), a fox terrier dog, is Tintin's loyal, four-legged companion. The bond between Snowy and Tintin is very deep as they have saved each other from perilous situations many times. Snowy frequently "speaks" to the reader through his thoughts (often displaying a dry sense of humour), which are apparently not heard by the human characters in the story. Snowy has nearly let Tintin down on occasion, particularly when distracted by a bone. Like Captain Haddock, he is fond of Loch


Lomond brand Scotch whisky, and his occasional bouts of drinking tend to get him into trouble. When not distracted, Snowy is generally fearless, his only fear being arachnophobia.



Courage is the protagonist of the show, and an overly frightened pink dog who lives in Nowhere, Kansas. He was abandoned as a puppy after his parents were sent into outer space, but was adopted by Muriel Bagge. Her husband, Eustace, regularly mistreats him. Ironically, given his name, Courage is a genuine coward, but still goes to great lengths to protect his owners; to the end, he often gets injured, sometimes quite brutally, or almost killed and only surviving through his determination and/or pure luck. Aiding him at saving the day is a self-aware, sarcastic and seemingly omniscient Computer that he keeps in the attic with which he could consult for information in how to remedy any predicament he faces (though it never fails to badmouth him in one way or another). He got his name when Muriel found him as a puppy alone in an alley and remarked that he must be quite brave to be there by himself.




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