Persona - The Salvation Army...PERSONA GUIDELINES | 4. FAITH SEEKER (NON-CHRISTIAN) 7 Keywords relevant to Frederick’s persona. Religion christianity church in [suburb] faith Salvation

Post on 02-Jun-2020






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Persona Guidelines

Prepared by DO Consulting

Introduction - Document purpose and instructions .....................2

Glossary .............................................................................................3

1. Clients (social programs) ................................................................. 4

2. Standard donors ...............................................................................5

3. Volunteers ........................................................................................ 6

4. Faith Seeker (non-Christian) ............................................................7

5. Salvationist/Corps Leader ............................................................... 8

6. Corporate Partners .......................................................................... 9

7. Corps Officer .................................................................................. 10

8. Christian ..........................................................................................11



Introduction - Document purpose and instructions

This guide provides a few examples of the different types of visitors (personas) that will visit different parts of the website. The and websites have a broad and varied audience. Writing information that suits these groups is important to ensure relevant content is delivered.

The personas created for each of these audience segments are to be used as inspiration or as an example. These personas have been developed with a particular audience in mind to give the author a person to imagine when writing for such a reader. There are multiple personas relevant to each area. This guide provides just a few specific profiles that are examples of the types of visitor to the site.


Providing information that suits particular audiences is essential in delivering

relevant content.



Persona - A description of a webpage’s most likely visitor; their demographics (age, income, geographic location, education, gender, social factors etc.) and psychographics (activities, interests, opinions, beliefs, motivations etc.).

Call to action - A direction or command that will instruct a response for the reader to take . A call to action usually uses terms like: “call now”, “click here”, “fill out the form”, “find out more” or “visit a store today”.

Demographic - Measurable characteristics for the population. For example - age, income, location, education, gender, social factors.

Psychographic - The profile of characteristics such as personality, values, opinions, attitudes, interests, motivations and lifestyles.

Keywords/keyphrases - Words, or a collection of words, that describe the content on your web page. Keywords are what a person types into a search engine in order to find websites about a particular topic. For example, ‘homeless’, ‘homeless in melbourne’, ‘i’m homeless and need help’ are all keywords/phrases that someone may type into a search engine in relation to homelessness. Keywords are the most important part of SEO. Using appropriate and relevant keywords in your content consistently is what helps people find your website. Search engines match keywords to a user’s search and, as a result, direct them to your website for answers.


1. Clients (social programs)

Name: Donna SmithAge: 37Overview: Donna recently left her partner, who has been abusive to both her and her three children. She has nowhere to live, three young children to feed and the sole assets she owns are her car and clothes. She also faces the ongoing threat of violence from her ex-partner. She has a part-time retail job and her children attend school, but she has no savings for a bond and month’s advance rent.

What is Donna looking to do today on the website? Donna’s immediate requirement is finding a support service. She may also be looking for resources relating to family support and domestic violence.

What is the call to action Donna should see to help solve what she is looking for? Donna should be directed to the search list for support services located closest to her location. She should be immediately presented with information about the location of the service, including contact details. She should also be presented with a link to the service’s webpage where she can view further information about what the program provides.

What are Donna’s motivating factors? Donna’s primary focus is finding emergency accommodation immediately. She is in a state of stress and crisis so she’s feeling scared, alone and isolated. She wants to know the location and contact details of the nearest crisis accommodation centre so she can contact them immediately for assistance.

Furthermore, she wants to be made to feel welcome and supported. This does not necessarily have to be physical or verbal contact, but if she visits the site she wants to feel that she has the information needed to provide a solution to her immediate and urgent requirements.

How will Donna behave to undertake what she is trying to achieve? Quickly and urgently. She has a fear for her children and their physical safety. She needs a result quickly.


Keywords relevant to Donna’s persona.

Domestic violence support

crisis accommodation

family support

refuge centres

women’s refuge centres

2. Standard donor

Name: Phil LettoAge: 54Overview: Phil has good friends who recently lost their home in coastal bushfires in Victoria. Luckily they had insurance so financially their future is somewhat assured, but they have several neighbours who do not have insurance and who have lost everything. Phil is keen to make a donation and is looking for a reputable charity that directly helps the victims of such disasters.

What is Phil looking to do today on the website? Learn how The Salvation Army is contributing to emergency relief in the bushfire area and find out how he can donate online.

What is the call to action Phil should see to help solve what he is looking for? Phil should immediately see imagery showcasing The Salvation Army’s involvement in the relief effort. Prominent buttons and links to donate will be easy for him to find, allowing him to donate immediately.

What are Phil’s motivating factors? Phil has a wife and children and he feels for families affected by bushfires. Phil wants to help people in need and has the financial ability to donate. He wants to learn how The Salvation Army is helping and be assured his donation will directly benefit the people affected. He wants to feel satisfied he has ‘done his part’ to help those in need and wants to know that the organisation is grateful for his donation.

How will Phil behave to undertake what he is trying to achieve? He will look for info on how The Salvation Army is involved on the ground. He wants to see imagery that demonstrates how the organisation is providing practical assistance, to determine if the organisation is being effective. Then he will be able to click directly to the area of the website where he can donate online.


Keywords relevant to Phil’s persona.

Disaster relief

coastal bushfires

Victorian bushfires

donate to bushfire victims

3. Volunteers

Name: Kate McCarthyAge: 45Overview: Kate is a married mum with two teenagers at home. She works part-time and now that her children are relatively self-sufficient, she is looking to volunteer for a charity on a regular basis. Kate feels very fortunate in her life and wants to give back to people who are struggling.

What is Kate looking to do today on the website? Find out about the types of volunteering in her local area and how she can register to get involved.

What is the call to action Kate should see to help solve what she is looking for? Kate should be be able to easily locate the volunteer info page. This should outline the varying ways and areas of The Salvation Army she can become involved in and have a clear registration button.

What are Kate’s motivating factors? Kate wants to make a real difference in people’s lives. She feels that she is fortunate to be in a position where she and her family can enjoy their lives without having to struggle. She also wants to set a good example for her children and believes that actions speak louder than words. Kate wants to volunteer at a local charity several days a week on a regular basis and doesn’t mind what tasks she needs to undertake.

How will Kate behave to undertake what she is trying to achieve? Initially Kate will look for volunteering information. Before committing she will want to understand where and what is involved, as well as how her time will make a difference for someone. Once satisfied she will then want to take action via registration, email or phone contact.


Keywords relevant to Kate’s persona.



volunteer at [geographic region]

volunteer requirements

4. Faith Seeker (non-Christian)

Name: Frederick Omarjie Age: 26Overview: Frederick is from a non Christian background and has very little understanding of Christian terminology, or faith for that matter. Frederick has been homeless in the past but thanks to The Salvation Army he was able to turn his life around. He has recently experienced a life changing event that has caused him to explore his spirituality.

What is Frederick looking to do today on the website? Frederick is looking to find a church close to where he lives. He is also considering making contact with The Salvation Army as he would like to be a part of this community.

What is the call to action Frederick should see to help solve what he is looking for? Frederick should be directed to the ‘Find a church near you’ section of the website under ‘Our faith’. This should outline to Frederick the ways in which TSA can connect him with a church community to explore faith.

What are Frederick’s motivating factors? Frederick is someone searching for a place to belong and wants to explore questions he has around faith. He wants to try and make sense of his life and see where he fits. Frederick is inspired by The Salvation Army’s good work as he has been a recipient of it in the past.

How will Frederick behave to undertake what he is trying to achieve? Frederick will want to find out more information about The Salvation Army as a church and then be able to easily search for his nearest Church on the Salvo’s ‘Find Us’ page.


Keywords relevant to Frederick’s persona.

Religion christianity

church in [suburb]


Salvation Army churches

Pentecostal church [city]

worship Jesus

exploring faith

find a church

5. Salvationist/Corps Leader - a person who has committed to The Salvation Army way of living

Name: Sally JeffersonAge: 39Overview: Sally is a long time member of a Salvation Army Corps and a Christian who reads the Bible regularly. Sally, her husband and their three primary school aged children all attend the Corps each Sunday. Sally runs the children’s program “Kidzone” on Sunday mornings. She is keen to use her skills and experience within the church community.

What is Sally looking to do today on the website? Sally is looking for the most up to date children’s curriculum for her Sunday Kidzone program.

What is the call to action Sally should see to help solve what she is looking for? Sally should see a link to download this week’s Kidzone curriculum.

What are Sally’s motivating factors? Sally is interested in the salvation and spiritual growth of her children and the other children in the Corps. She has teaching skills, loves to help children and is able to motivate them with fun activities. She needs to review the material prior to the Sunday lesson and set up any requirements beforehand.

How will Sally behave to undertake what she is trying to achieve? Sally will want to search for Kidzone curriculum or browse to the SArmy children’s ministry section to find the latest resources quickly and easily.


Keywords relevant to Sally’s persona.

Kidzone curriculum

Salvo children’s ministry

children’s resources for Sunday school

children’s ministry programs

activities for children

children’s Bible studies

Bible lessons for kids

children’s Christian Bible activities

6. Corporate Partners

Name: Miriam SinghAge: 37Overview: Miriam is the Marketing Manager of a clothing company. She is looking for a charity partner to donate their out-of-season clothing to. She is keen for the charity to have a national presence as the company she works for has stores in every state. She also wants to work with an organisation large enough to make the most of their donations.

What is Miriam looking to do today on the website? Miriam is looking for a large charity partner with whom she can develop a nationwide relationship. She wants her company to be able to give support, and to be recognised among their staff and clients as being socially responsible.

What is the call to action Miriam should see to help solve what she is looking for? Miriam needs to be directed to the ‘corporate support’ section. Here she will find information on how organisations can get involved with The Salvation Army as well as what the benefits of corporate support are. She may want to see a list of current corporate sponsors and be provided with relevant contact details for the Corporate Partnerships Representative.

What are Miriam’s motivating factors? Miriam wants to donate her company’s excess clothing and know that they will go to good use. She wants to be able to demonstrate

to staff, clients and suppliers that the company is charitable and supports a community organisation. She may also be personally driven by a desire to show within her organisation that she is a community-minded person.

How will Miriam behave to undertake what she is trying to achieve? Miriam will get in contact either by phone or email with the relevant people as outlined on the website’s ‘Corporate Support’ page.


Keywords relevant to Miriam’s persona.

Donate clothing


Corporate partner

7. Corps Officer - an ordained minister within The Salvation Army

Name: Major Bradley GibbonsAge: 51Overview: Major Gibbons has been a Salvationist for the past 28 years. This weekend his sermon is going to focus on hope, faith, and living anew in Jesus. He sources additional resources via SArmy to help him in his Corps service and Bible preparation.

What is Major Gibbons looking to do today on the website? Major Gibbons is looking for useful resources at on justice, mission, Bible sermons and resources, artwork, media clips and any other relevant resources that will help him communicate and reach his audience.

What is the call to action Major Gibbons should see to help solve what he is looking for? Major Gibbons will browse the latest resources added to SArmy or use the search function. Here he will find a variety of sermons, PowerPoints, articles, and information that he can use.

What are Major Gibbons’s motivating factors? Major Gibbons needs to deliver a compelling and compassionate sermon, and equip his Corps with tools and insights so they can take the next step in their faith journey and put their faith into action in practical and meaningful ways.

How will Major Gibbons behave to undertake what he is trying to achieve? Major Gibbons will research and read sermons relating to hope and faith and obtain relevant Bible resources to use in his address.


Keywords relevant to Major Gibbons’s persona.

Salvation Army resources

Sermon resources

sermon on justice

Salvo PowerPoint backgrounds

articles on hope

8. Christian - a person who believes in Jesus Christ and may or may not attend a Salvation Army church

Name: Rachel PetersAge: 36Overview: Rachel was born into a Christian family and has continued to have faith in Jesus as an adult. She currently goes to a church twice a week.

What is Rachel looking to do today on the website? Rachel is interested in social justice and is looking to read some of The Salvation Army articles relating to homelessness.

What is the call to action Rachel should see to help solve what she is looking for? Rachel should be able to easily locate information on the issue of homelessness. The most appropriate calls to action for Rachel will be ‘find out more’, ‘read more’, etc.

What are Rachel’s motivating factors? Rachel is motivated by a deep compassion for people. She has recently noticed a few homeless people around the city and wonders what is being done to help and how she can contribute. She is particularly interested in finding out what Christian organisations are doing to address the issue of homelessness.

How will Rachel behave to undertake what she is trying to achieve? Rachel will research information and resources across both and She will find a number of articles and reports across the two websites. Rachel will open a number of pages in the search results on the subject of good news for the homeless, and homelessness support.


Keywords relevant to Rachel’s persona.


homeless support services

homeless statistics

homeless shelters homeless youth

homeless stories homeless facts

definition of homeless

top related