Periodic Inspection Notes

Post on 24-Feb-2018






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  • 7/25/2019 Periodic Inspection Notes


    Installation, Inspection and Testing

    A periodic Inspection is a test and inspection to ascertain the condition of an existing electrical installations, to

    identify (in order of priority) any deficiencies against BS7671:200 !hich is the British standards for electrical

    installations for"erly #no!n as the I$$%s &iring 'eglations, the "ost recent ersion of !hich ca"e into force on

    the 1st *ly 200 and !hich is the 17th $dition of this doc"ent+

    All nondo"estic electrical installations shold -e s-.ect to a reglar progra""e of testing and inspection to

    co"ply !ith crrent legislation+ /o "st ensre that all necessary precations are -eing ta#en to redce the ris#

    of in.ry or death throgh electrical failre+

    here are "any good reasons for adopting periodic testing+ /o "ay need to inspect and test to co"ply !ith the

    I$$ &iring 'eglations 17th $dition+ r if yo hae recently acired o!nership or tenancy of -siness 3 !or#place

    pre"ises yo "ay !ish to ensre the installation is safe+ If yo sspect there is a falt or ris# of failre, yo "st

    ta#e steps to inspect the affected circits rgently+

    The Inspection and Test Service

    4ollo!ing a isal appraisal and erification of the entire electrical installation, the follo!ing test procedres are

    applied !here appropriate, in order to ascertain the safety of electrical installation:

    5 ontinity to ascertain that the earthing is continos throghot the circit+

    5 Bonding ondctors ontinity to ensre -onding is in place and effectie+

    5 'ing ircit ontinity ascertains !hether or not the ring is co"plete+

    5 Inslation 'esistance to test !hether there has -een any -rea#do!n in inslation to the installation+

    5 olarity to chec# that the installation is correctly !ired+

    5 $arth 4alt 8oop I"pedance to ascertain the 9s of the installation+

    5 $arth $lectrode 'esistance applies to syste"s only, to test the earthing rods+

    5 ' testing to chec# that 'esidal rrent eice disconnects the spply in the eent of a falt+

    5 4nctional testing of isolators and -rea#ers to ensre that they disconnect the spply+

    ;pon co"pletion of the electrical testing, a detailed eriodic Inspection 'eport is spplied containing the follo!ing



  • 7/25/2019 Periodic Inspection Notes


    5 @otels and -lic @oses "ax > years

    5 Shops and ffices "ax > years

    5 o"estic "ax 10 years or at change of occpancy

    5 'esidential "ax > years or at change of occpancy

    5 8anderettes "ax 1 year

    5 o""nity enters3illage @alls "ax > years

    5 hrches "ax > years

    5 $dcational pre"ises "ax > years

    5 laces of p-lic entertain"ent and theatres "ax ? years

    5 8eisre co"plexes (exclding s!i""ing pools) "ax ? years

    5 S!i""ing ools "ax 1 year

    5 onstrction site3te"porary installations eery ? "onths

    8.2.1 - Notices and other identification

    he installation tester, as !ell as the ser, "st hae no difficlty in identifying circits, fses, circit -rea#ers, etc+'e "st "a#e sre that the installation is properly eipped !ith la-els and notices, !hich shold inclde:

    I. 8a-els for all fses and circit -rea#ers to indicate their ratings and the circits protected

    2. Indication of the prpose of "ain s!itches and isolators

    3. A diagra" or chart at the "ains position sho!ing the n"-er of points and the sie and typeof ca-les for each circit, the "ethod of proiding protection fro" direct contact and details ofany circit in !hich there is eip"ent sch as passie infrared detectors or electronic

    florescent starters lnera-le to the high oltage sed for inslation testing+

    4. &arning of the presence of oltages exceeding 2>0 on an eip"ent or enclosre !here sch a oltage!old not nor"ally -e expected+

    5. &arning that oltage exceeding 2>0 is present -et!een separate pieces of eip"ent !hich are !ithin ar"%sreach

    6. A notice sitated at the "ain inta#e position to dra! attention to the need for periodic testing (see Ca-le+12D)

    . A !arning of the danger of disconnecting earth !ires at the point of connection of:

    a!. the earthing condctor to the earth electrode

    "!. the "ain earth ter"inal, !here separate fro" "ain s!itchgear

    c!. -onding condctors to extraneos condctie parts the notice shold read

    Safet# electrical connection - do not re$ove

    8. A notice to indicate the need for periodic testing of an ' as indicated in C>+E+2D

    %. A notice for caraans so as to dra! attention to the connection and disconnection procedre as indicatedin Ca-le 7+>D
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    1&. &arning of the need for operation of t!o isolation deices to "a#e a piece of eip"entsafe to !or# on !here this applies

    11. A schedle at each distri-tion -oard listing the ite"s to -e disconnected (sch as se"icondctors) sothat they !ill not -e da"aged -y testing+

    12. A dra!ing !hich sho!s clearly the exact position of all rns of -ried ca-les+

    8.2.3 - 'eriodic inspection

    =o electrical installation, no "atter ho! careflly designed and erected, can -e expected to last foreer+eterioration !ill ta#e place de to age as !ell as de to nor"al !ear and tear+ &ith this in "ind, the 'eglationsreire reglar inspection and testing to ta#e place so that the installation can -e "aintained in a good and a safecondition+ It is no! a reire"ent of the 'eglations that the installation ser shold -e infor"ed of the need forperiodic testing, and the date on !hich the next test is de+ A notice, fixed at or near the origin of the installation,"st state the reired interals -et!een periodic inspections and tests+F

    Accessories, s!itchgear etc shold -e careflly exa"ined for signs of oerheating+ Strctral changes "ay haei"paired the safety of an installation, as "ay hae changes in the se of space+ he se of extension leads "st-e discoraged, if only -ecase of the relatiely high loop i"pedance they introdce+

    It is i"portant to appreciate that the reglar inspection and testing of all electrical installations is a reire"ent ofthe $lectricity at &or# 'eglations+ he ti"e interal concerned !ill, of corse, depend on the type of installationand on the !ay in !hich it is sed+ Ca-le +GD sho!s the sggested interals -et!een periodic tests andinspections+

    Ta"le 8.4 - S(ggested intervals "et)een------------- periodic tests and inspections

    Type of installationMaximum period betweeninspections

    o"estic pre"ises 10 years

    o""ercial pre"ises > years

    $dcational esta-lish"ents > years@ospitals > years

    Indstrial pre"ises ? years

    ine"as 1 yearH

    hrches > years

    8eisre co"plexes 1 year

    laces of p-lic entertain"ent 1 year

    heatres, etc+ 1 yearH

    Agricltral and horticltral ? years

    araans ? years

    araan sites 1 yearH

    $"ergency lighting ? years

    4ire alar" syste"s 1 year

    8anderettes 1 yearH

    etrol filling stations 1 yearH

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    -lic @oses > years

    arinas 1 /ear

    @igh!ay po!er spplies 6 years

    e"porary installation ? "onths

    *here $a+i$($ periods are $ared there is a legal re(ire$ent for retests at these intervals

    8.3.1 - *h# is correct se(ence i$portant/

    esting can -e haardos, -oth to the tester and to others !ho are !ithin the area of the installation dring thetest+ he danger is co"ponded if tests are not carried ot in the correct seence+

    4or exa"ple, it is of great i"portance that the continity, and hence the effectieness, of protectie condctors isconfir"ed -efore the inslation resistance test is carried ot+ he high oltage sed for inslation testing cold

    appear on all extraneos "etal!or# associated !ith the installation in the eent of an opencircit protectiecondctor if inslation resistance is ery lo!+

    Again, an earthfalt loop i"pedance test cannot -e condcted -efore an installation is connected to the spply,and the danger associated !ith sch a connection -efore erifying polarity, protectie syste" effectieness and

    inslation resistance !ill -e o-ios+

    Any test !hich fails to prodce an accepta-le reslt "st -e repeated after re"edial action has -een ta#en+ Anyother tests, !hose reslts "ay hae -een inflenced -y the falt concerned "st also -e repeated+

    8.3.2 - 0orrect testing se(ence

    So"e tests !ill -e carried ot -efore the spply is connected, !hilst others cannot -e perfor"ed ntil theinstallation is energised+ Ca-le +>D sho!s the correct seence of testing to redce the possi-ility of accidents tothe "ini""+

    Ta"le 8.5 - 0orrect se(ence for safe testing

    0NN0TIN T S7''9

    1 ontinity of protectie condctors

    2 ain and spple"entary -onding continity

    3 ontinity of ring final circit condctors

    4 Inslation resistance

    5 Site applied inslation

    6 rotection -y separation

    rotection -y -arriers and enclosres

    8 Inslation of noncondcting floors and !alls

    % olarity

    1& $arth electrode resistance if an earth electrode resistance tester is sed

    *IT T S7''9 0NN0T:

    11$arth electrode resistance if an earthfalt loop tester or the a""eter andolt"eter "ethod are sed

    12 onfir" correct polarity

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    13 $arthfalt loop i"pedance

    14 orrect operation of residal crrent deices

    15 orrect operation of s!itches and isolators

    8..1 - asic re(ire$ents

    G> for electrical instr"ents)+ estleads, inclding prods and clips, "st -e in good order and hae no crac#ed or -ro#en inslation+ 4sed test leadsare reco""ended to redce the ris# of arcing nder falt conditions+

    he -asic accracy of J>K oted -elo! is for digital instr"ents+ Analoge instr"ents shold hae an accracyof J2K at fll scale deflection, !hich !ill gie the reired accracy of J>K oer the sefl part of their scales+

    o) resistance oh$$eterInstr"ents to BS $= 61>>7G !ill co"ply+

    Basic instr"ent accracy reired is J3 >Kest oltage ac or dc, -et!een G and 2G est crrent not less than 200 "AA-le to "easre to !ithin 0+01 h"s (resoltion of 0+01)ay -e the continity range of an inslation resistance tester+

    Ins(lation resistance testerirect test oltage depends on the circit nder test, -t !ill -e:2>0 for extralo! oltage circits>00 for other circits spplied at p to >00 1000 for circits rated -et!een >00 and 1000 +st -e capa-le of deliering a crrent of 1 "A at the "ini"" allo!a-le resistance leel, !hich is:

    2>0 #h"s for the 2>0 tester>00 #h"s for the >00 tester1 h"s for the 1,000 testerBasic instr"ent accracy reired is J3>Kst hae a facility to discharge capacitance p to > "icro4 !hich has -eco"e charged dring the testay -e co"-ined !ith the lo! resistance oh""eter

    arth-fa(lt loop i$pedance testerInstr"ents to BS $= 61>>72 !ill co"plyst proide 20 to 2> A for p to t!o cycles or for halfcyclesBasic instr"ent accracy reired is J3>K

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    A-le to "easre to !ithin 0+01 h"s (resoltion of 0+01)Instr"ents to BS $= 61>>7? !ill co"ply

    esid(al c(rrent device ;0:! testerst perfor" the reired range of tests(see (+6+?))Sita-le for standard ' ratings of 6+10, ?0, 100, ?00 and >00 "Ast = apply fll rated test crrent for "ore than 2 s

    rrents applied "st -e accrate to !ithin J310KA-le to "easre ti"e to !ithin 1 "s (resoltion of 1)

    st "easre opening ti"e !ith an accracy of J3>K

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    =ote that the instr"ent reading ta#en in this case is the ale of the resistance '1 J '2 calclated fro" Ca-le>+>D (see C+G+GD)+his "ethod is only alid if -oth condctors hae the sa"e length and -oth are copperM in"ost cases !here steel condit or trn#ing is not sed as the protectie condctor, the test !ill gie correctreslts+

    ig 8.2 - 'rotective cond(ctor contin(it# test (sing the

    ne(tral cond(ctor as the ret(rn lead

    2. - 7sing a long ret(rn lead

    his ti"e a long lead is sed !hich !ill stretch fro" the "ain earthing ter"inal to eery point of the installation+

    4irst, connect the t!o ends of this lead to the instr"ent to "easre its resistance+ a#e a note of the ale, andthen connect one end of the lead to the "ain earthing ter"inal and the other end to one of the "eter ter"inals+

    Second, ta#e the "eter !ith its long lead still connected to the point fro" !hich continity "easre"ent isreired, and connect the second "eter ter"inal to the protectie condctor at that point+

    he reading then ta#en !ill -e the co"-ined resistance of the long lead and the protectie condctor, so the

    protectie condctor ale can -e fond -y s-tracting the lead resistance fro" the reading+

    p = -


    p is the resistance of the protectie condctor

    is the resistance reading ta#en

    is the resistance of the long lead

    So"e "ode" electronic resistance "eters hae a facility for storing the lead resistance at the toch of a -tton,and for s-tracting it at a frther toch+

    3. *here ferro(s $aterial for$s all or part of the protective cond(ctorhere are so"e cases !here the protectie condctor is "ade p !holly or in part -y condit, trn#ing, steel !irear"or, and the li#e+ he resistance of sch "aterials !ill al!ays -e li#ely to rise !ith age de to loose .oints andthe effects of corrosion+ hree tests "ay -e carried ot, those listed -eing of increasing seerity as far as the

    crrentcarrying capacity of the protectie condctor is concerned+ hey are:

    1 A standard oh""eter test as indicated in 1 or 2 a-oe+ his is a lo! crrent test !hich "ay not sho! p poorcontact effects in the condctor+ 4ollo!ing this test, the condctor shold -e inspected along its length to note ifthere are any o-ios points !here pro-le"s cold occr+

    2 If it is felt -y the inspector that there "ay -e reasons to estion the sondness of the protectie condctor, aphaseearth loop i"pedance test shold -e carried ot !ith the condctor in estion for"ing part of the loop+ histype of test is explained "ore flly in C+G+GD

    3 If it is still felt that the protectie condctor resistance is sspect, the high crrent test sing 1+> ti"es thecircit design crrent (!ith a "axi"" of 2> A) "ay -e sed (see C4ig +?D+ he protectie circit resistancetogether !ith that of the !ander lead can -e calclated fro":
  • 7/25/2019 Periodic Inspection Notes


    olt"eter reading ()

    a""eter reading (A)

    ig 8.3 - igh-0(rrent ac test of a protective cond(ctor

    S-tracting !ander lead resistance fro" the calclated ale !ill gie the resistance of the protectie syste"+

    he resistance -et!een any extraneos condctie part and the "ain earthing ter"inal shold he 0+0> h"s orlessM all spple"entary -onds are also reired to hae the sa"e resistance+

    8.4.2 - ing final circ(it contin(it#

    he ring final circit, feeding 1? A soc#ets, is extre"ely !idely sed, -oth in do"estic and in co""ercialor indstrial sitations+ It is ery i"portant that each of the three rings associated !ith each circit(phase, netral and protectie condctors) shold -e continos and not -ro#en+ If this happens, crrent!ill not -e properly shared -y the circit condctors+ C4ig +GD sho!s ho! this !ill happen+ C4ig +G(a)Dsho!s a ring circit feeding ten soc#et otlets, each of !hich is ass"ed to spply a load ta#ing a crrentof ? A+ In si"ple ter"s, crrent is then shared -et!een the condctors, so that each cold hae a"ini"" crrent carrying capacity of 1> A+ C4ig +G(-)D sho!s the sa"e ring circit !ith the sa"eloads, -t -ro#en -et!een the ninth and tenth soc#ets+ It can -e seen that no! one ca-le !ill carry only? A !hilst the other (perhaps !ith a crrent rating of 20 A) !ill carry 27 A+ he effect !ill occr in any

    -ro#en ring, !hether si"ply one lie condctor or -oth are -ro#en+

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    ig 8.4 - ill(strating the danger of a "rea in a ring final circ(ita) n-ro#en ring !ith correct crrent sharing-) -ro#en ring !ith incorrect crrent sharing

    It is si"ilarly i"portant that there shold -e no %-ridge% connection across the circit+ his !old happenif, for exa"ple, t!o sprs fro" different points of the ring !ere connected together as sho!n in C4ig+>D, and again cold reslt in incorrect load sharing -et!een the ring condctors+

    he tests of the ring final circit !ill esta-lish that neither a -ro#en nor a -ridged ring has occrred+ hefollo!ing sggested test is -ased on the

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    ig 8.5 - < >"ridged> ring final circ(it

    Test 1his test confir"s that co"plete rings exist and that there are no -rea#s+ o co"plete the test, the t!oends of the ring ca-le are disconnected at the distri-tion -oard+ he phase condctor of one side of thering and the netral fro" the other (1 and =2* are connected together, and a lo! resistance oh""eter

    sed to "easre the resistance -et!een the re"aining phase and the netral (2 and =i)+ C4igre +6Dsho!s that this confir"s the continity of the lie condctors+ o chec# the continity of the circitprotectie condctor, connect the phase and of different sides together (1 and $2) and "easre theresistance -et!een phase and of the other side (2 and $l)+ he reslt of this test !ill -e a"easre"ent of the resistance of lie and protectie condctors rond the ring, and if diided -y forgies ('i J '2) !hich !ill confor" !ith the ales calclated fro"Ca-le >+>D+
  • 7/25/2019 Periodic Inspection Notes


    ig 8.6 - Test to confir$ the contin(it# of a ring final circ(it

    Test 2his test !ill confir" the a-sence of -ridges in the ring circit, see C4ig +7D+ 4irst, the phase condctorof one side of the ring is connected to the netral of the other (1 and =2) and the re"aining phase andnetral are also connected together (2 and =i)+ he resistance is then "easred -et!een phase andnetral contacts of each soc#et on the ring+ If the reslts of these "easre"ents are all s-stantially thesa"e (!ithin 0+0> h"s), the a-sence of a -ridge is confir"ed+ If the readings are different, this !illindicate the presence of a -ridge or "ay -e de to incorrect connection of the ends of the ring+ If they

    are connected 1 to =I and 2 to =2 then readings !ill increase or redce as sccessie "easre"entsrond the ring are ta#en, as is the case !here a -ridge exists+ &hilst this "isconnection is easily aoided!hen sing sheathed ca-les, a "ista#e can -e "ade ery easily if the syste" consists of singlecore

    ca-les in condit+ It "ay -e of interest to note that the resistance reading -et!een phase and netralotlets at each soc#et shold -e one arter of the phase3netral reading of est 1+

    easre"ents are also ta#en at each soc#et on the ring -et!een the phase and the protectie condctor!ith the te"porary connection "ade at the origin of the ring -et!een 1 to $2 and -et!een 2 to $l+S-stantially si"ilar reslts !ill indicate the a-sence of -ridges+

  • 7/25/2019 Periodic Inspection Notes


    ig 8. - Test to confir$ the a"sence of "ridges in a ring final circ(it

    8.4.3 - 0orrect polarit#

    If a singlepole s!itch or fse is connected in the netral of the syste" rather than in the phase, a ery dangerossitation "ay reslt as illstrated in C4ig +D+

    ig 8.8 - The danger of "reaing the ne(tral of a circ(it

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    ig 8.% - 'olarit# test of an installation

    It is ths of the greatest i"portance that singlepole s!itches, fses and circit -rea#ers are connected in thephase (nonearthed) condctor, and erification of this connection is the prpose of the polarity test+ Also ofi"portance is to test that the oter (scre!) connection of $ S la"p holders is connected to the earthed (netral)

    condctor, as !ell as the oter contact of single contact -ayonet cap (B) la"p holders+ he test "ay -e carriedot !ith a long !ander lead connected to the phase condctors at the distri-tion hoard and to one ter"inal of anoh""eter or a continity tester on its lo! resistance scale+ he other connection of the deice is eipped !ith ashorter lead !hich is connected in trn to s!itches, centre la"p holder contacts, phase soc#ets of soc#et otletsand so on+ A ery lo! resistance reading indicates correct polarity (see C4ig +ED)+

    o aoid the se of a long test lead, a te"porary connection of phase to protectie syste"s "ay -e "ade at the"ains position+ A si"ple resistance test -et!een phase and protectie connections at each otlet !ill then erifypolarity+ In the nli#ely eent of the phase and protectie condctor connections haing -een transposed at the

    otlet, correct polarity !ill still -e sho!n -y this "ethodM this error "st he oerco"e -y isal erification

    :on>t forget to re$ove the te$porar# connection after)ards?

    Special care in chec#ing polarity is necessary !ith periodic tests of installations already connected to the spply,!hich "st -e s!itched off -efore polarity testing+ It is also necessary to confir" correct connection of spplyphase and netral+ Shold they -e transposed, all correctlyconnected singlepole deices !ill -e in the netral,and not in three phase condctor+

    ne practical "ethod of chec#ing polarity and continity of ring or radial circits for soc#et otlets is toconnect t!o lo! po!er la"ps to a 1? A plg+ ne is connected -et!een phase and netral, and the other -et!eenphase and earth+ lgging in at each soc#et tests correct polarity and the continity of lie and protectiecondctors !hen -oth indicators light+ It is i"portant !here ' protection is e"ployed to se ery lo! po!er

    indicator la"ps sch as neon or 8$ deices (!ith sita-le crrent li"iting resistors !here necessary)+ hes"allest fila"ent la"p !ill ta#e sfficient crrent fro" phase to earth to trip "ost 's+

    8.4.4 - @eas(re$ent of 1 A 2

    InC>+?+6D and in Ca-le >+>D!e considered the ale of the resistance of the phase condctor pls that of theprotectie condctor, collectiely #no!n as ('1 J '2)+ his can -e "easred !ith a lo! resistance readingoh""eter as descri-ed in ite" 1 ofC+G+1D (strictly the phase, rather than the netral resistance is -eing"easred here, -t there shold -e no difference) and !ill -e necessarily at the a"-ient te"peratre !hichapplies at the ti"e+ ltiplication -y the correction factor gien in Ca-le +6D !ill the "easred resistance

    to its ale at 20N+
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    Ta"le 8.6 - 0orrection factors for a$"ient te$perat(re

    Test ambient temperature C Correction factor

    > 1+06

    10 1+0G

    1> 1+02

    20 1+00

    2> 0+E

    hese !ill -e the resistance ales at 20N and "st -e ad.sted to ta#e accont of the increase in resistance of

    the condctor "aterial de to the increased te"peratre nder nor"al operating conditions+ his second correctionfactor depends on the a-ility of the inslation to allo! the trans"ission of heat, and ales !ill -e fond in Ca-le+7D for three of the "ore co""on types of inslating "aterial+

    An alternatie "ethod for "easring ('1 J '2) is to carry ot a loop i"pedance test at the extre"ity of the finalcircit and to dedct the external loop i"pedance for the installation (9e)+ Strictly it is not correct to add ands-tract i"pedance and resistance ales, -t any error shold -e "ini"al+

    Ta"le 8. - Te$perat(re correction factors for ins(lation

    Inslation type orrection factor

    Bnched or as a ca-le

    core=ot -nched orsheathed ca-le

    p++c+ 1+20 1+0G

    >N r--er 1+26 1+0G

    E0N ther"osetting 1+2 1+0G

    he installer shold also co"pile an operational "anal for the installation, !hich !ill inclde all the releant data,inclding:

    1. a fll set of circit and sche"atic dra!ings,

    2. all design calclations for ca-le sies, ca-le olt drop, earthloop i"pedance, etc+

    3. leaflets or "anfactrers% details for all the eip"ent installed,

    4. %as fitted% dra!ings of the co"pleted !or# !here applica-le,

    5. a fll specification,

    6. copies of the electrical installation certificate, together !ith any other co""issioningrecords,

    . a schedle of dates for periodic inspection and testing,

    8. the na"es, addresses and telephone n"-ers of the designer, the installer, and the inspector3tester+

    his reire"ent !ill -e ne! to "any electrical installation installers+ Its rationale is to ensre that ftre o!nersor sers of the installation, as !ell as those !ho "aintain it or !ho "ay "odify it, hae fll infor"ation+ If difficlty

    is experienced in preparing the operational "anal, reference to BS GG and to BS GEG0, "ay -e helpfl+ 'ecords

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    of the reslts of all tests (in the for" of $lectrical Installation and eriodic est and Inspection ertificates) shold-e #ept, ideally !ith the perational anal, for the life of the installation+

    8.8.4 - 'eriodic inspection and testing

    he i"portance of reglar inspection and testing of electrical installations cannot -e oerstated, -t nfortnately itis an aspect of electrical safety !hich is ery often oerloo#ed+ It is no! a reire"ent of the 'eglations that the

    installer of an installation "st tell the ser of the need for periodic test and inspection and the date on !hich schattention is reired+ ro-a-ly the good contractor !ill institte a syste" so that a re"inder is sent to thecsto"er at the right ti"e+ Sggested interals -et!een inspections and tests are sho!n in Ca-le +GD+ hereslts of sa"ple tests shold -e co"pared !ith those ta#en !hen the installation !as last tested and anydifferences noted+ ;nless the reasons for sch differences can -e clearly identified as relating only to the sa"ple

    concerned, "ore tests "st -e carried ot+ If these, too, fail to co"ply !ith the reired ales, the co"pleteinstallation "st -e retested and the necessary correcting action ta#en+

    he inspection and testing "st -e carried ot !ith the sa"e degree of care as is reired for a ne! installation+ Infact, "ore care is often needed -ecase dangers can occr to the testers and to others in the sitation in the eentof failre of parts of an installation sch as the protectie syste"+ he tester "st loo# ot for additions to theinstallation, or for changes in the se of the area it seres, either of !hich "ay gie rise to fire ris#s+ Inclded "ayhe the addition of ther"al inslation, the installation of additional ca-les in condit or trn#ing, dst or dirt !hichrestricts entilation openings or for"s an explosie "ixtre !ith air, changing la"ps for others of higher rating,

    "issing coers on .oint -oxes and other enclosres so that er"in "ay attac# ca-les, and so on+

    he seence of periodic tests differs slightly fro" that for initial tests C+?+2D-ecase in this case the spply !illal!ays -e connected -efore testing starts+ he tests reired and the seence in !hich they "st -e perfor"edare sho!n in Ca-le +1?D+ here !ill -e cases !here necessary infor"ation in the for" of charts, diagra"s,ta-les, etc+, is not aaila-le+ he tester !ill then need to inestigate the installation "ore thoroghly to "a#e srethat he is flly conersant !ith it -efore he can carry ot his !or#+

    It "st -e clearly nderstood that a retest of a !or#ing installation "ay not -e as fall as that carried ot -eforethe installation !as pt into serice+ 4or exa"ple, it "ay -e i"possi-le to s!itch off certain syste"s sch as

    co"pters, and if fll testing is not possi-le, this shold -e "ade clear on the certificate+ In sch cases, theinstallation shold -e careflly inspected to ensre that possi-le dangers -eco"e apparent+ In so"e cases it "ay-e necessary to carry ot "easre"ents, sch as the ale of the earth lea#age crrent, !hich !ill indicate thehealth of the syste" !ithot the need to disconnect it+

    A sa"ple of 10K of s!itching deices "st -e thoroghly internally inspected and tested+ If reslts are poor, theprocedre "st -e extended to inclde all s!itches+ he condition of condctor inslation and other protectionagainst direct contact "st also -e inspected at all distri-tion -oards and at sa"ples of s!itchgear, l"inaries,soc#et otlets, etc+ here shold -e no signs of da"age, oerloading or oerheating+

    rotectie and eipotential -onding condctors "st not -e disconnected fro" the "ain earthing ter"inal nlessit is possi-le first to isolate the spply+ he tester "st ensre that a dra-le notice to the !ording gien in Ca-le

    +12D is fixed at the "ains position+

    n co"pletion a fll electrical installation certificate "st -e s-"itted+ Additional "atters to report are:

    1. fll test reslts to ena-le co"parison !ith earlier tests, fro" !hich the rate of deterioration of the installation(if any) can -e assessed+

    2. the fll extent of the parts of the syste" tested notes of o"issions "ay -e ery i"portant

    3. any restrictions !hich "ay hae -een i"posed on the tester and !hich "ay hae li"ited his a-ility to reportflly

    4. any dangeros conditions fond dring testing and inspection, nonco"pliance !ith the 'eglations, or anyariations !hich are li#ely to arise in the ftre+
  • 7/25/2019 Periodic Inspection Notes


    &here an installation !as constrcted to co"ply !ith a earlier $dition of the 'eglations, tests shold -e "ade asreired -y the 16th $dition as far as it is applica-le and the position flly explained, !ith sggestions of necessaryaction, in the $lectrical Installation report+

    Ta"le 8.12 - Notice - periodic inspection and testing


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