Pengelolaan Konferensi Internasional Terindeks Scopus/ISI · Lembaga di Indonesia terindeks Scopus No Nama

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Pengelolaan Konferensi

Internasional Terindeks

Scopus/ISI Thomson Reuters



Pusat Pengembangan Jurnal dan Publikasi Ilmiah

Universitas Airlangga

Isi Presentasi

Lembaga di Indonesia terindeks Scopus.

Keuntungan prosiding konferensi terindeks Scopus/ISI Thomson Reuters.

Daftar penerbit (publisher) terindeks Scopus/ISI Thomson Reuters.

Penyiapan konferensi.

Conference Series dari publisher terindeks Scopus/ISI Thomson Reuters.

Hal-hal lain.


Lembaga di Indonesia terindeks Scopus

No Nama lembaga Kota Jumlah dokumen

1 Institut Teknologi Bandung Bandung 6960

2 Universitas Indonesia Depok 5836

3 Gadjah Mada University Yogyakarta 4289

4 Institut Pertanian Bogor Bogor 2746

5 Institut Teknologi Sepuluh


Surabaya 2074

6 Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan


Jakarta 2031

7 Brawijaya University Malang 1468

8 Universitas Diponegoro Semarang 1378

9 Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung 1288

10 Center for International Forestry

Research, West Java

Bogor 1141

11 Hasanuddin University Makassar 1121

12 Universitas Airlangga Surabaya 1043


No Nama lembaga Kota Jumlah dokumen

13 Universitas Andalas Padang 1013

14 Bina Nusantara University Jakarta 903

15 Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta 830

16 University of Indonesia - Dr.

Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital

Jakarta 806

17 Universitas Syiah Kuala Banda Aceh 770

18 Universitas Udayana Bali 733

19 Telkom University Bandung 585

20 U.S. Naval Medical Research

Unit No. 2, Jakarta (NAMRU)

Jakarta 508

21 Universitas Sriwijaya Indralaya 470

22 Universitas Sumatera Utara Medan 453

Sumber: (31 Januari 2017)



Keuntungan publikasi pada publisher terindeks

Meningkatkan reputasi peneliti dan lembaga.

Cara jitu untuk meningkatkan produktivitas publikasi peneliti Indonesia di Scopus/ ISI


Panitia konferensi tidak perlu mengurus ISBN, membuat layout prosiding, dan

menangani pencetakan prosiding.

Prosiding dapat terdiseminasi secara luas (global).

Proses review dapat dilakukan reviewer lokal yang bereputasi internasional.

Panitia konferensi dapat membuat kebijakan untuk tidak me-reject artikel dari kolega

internal, tetapi lebih memberikan coaching clinic sampai manuskrip tersebut layak


Biaya publikasi relatif terjangkau (Kisaran biaya fixed cost US $ 2500 dan kisaran US $ 25 -

US $ 50/artikel).


Daftar penerbit (publisher) terindeks Scopus/ISI

Thomson Reuters

AIP (American Institute of Physics)

CRC Press (Grup Taylor and



IOP Conference Series

Atlantis Press

Trans Tech Publication


Penyiapan konferensi

Hal penting yang perlu diperhatikan:

Panitia konferensi perlu memilih publisher bereputasi.

Panitia konferensi mengisi dan mengirimkan form proposal via

email kepada publisher.

Publisher menilai konten isi proposal dan website panitia



9Jika konferensi bukan event pertama kali,

website penyelenggaraan konferensi dan link

prosiding konferensi sebelumnya harus tetap

ada (dapat diakses).

Memilih Scientific Committee yang memiliki

reputasi internasional (mempunyai rekam

jejak publikasi pada jurnal ilmiah

internasional bereputasi).

Pengisian borang proposal

Template borang proposal disediakan oleh publisher.

Pastikan Scientific Committee bereputasi internasional.

Gunakan sistem informasi manajemen conference berbasis web

(misalkan Open Conference System, EasyChair).

Deskripsikan proses review.

Informasi estimasi jumlah paper yang diterima (biasanya


Estimasi peserta dari luar negeri (kadang-kadang diperlukan)


Kepanitiaan, waktu dan tempat konferensi

Organizing Committee ramping (maksimal 5 orang).

Pilih tempat konferensi yang menarik.

Pilih waktu konferensi pada masa liburan akademik.

Waktu konferensi diupayakan tidak melebihi tiga hari

(termasuk pembukaan).


Website Konferensi About the conference (Introduction)

Conference Scope

Venues (sudah harus tetap, jangan berpindah-pindah)

Call for Papers: jumlah halaman, article template

Important Dates:

Invited Speakers

Scientific Committee (International Scientific Committee)

Conference Fee (Publication fee tidak termasuk Conference fee)

Methods of Payment

Organizing Committee (maks 5 orang)



Accomodation (hanya rekomendasi link hotel terdekat)


About Surabaya


Promosi kegiatan konferensi

E-mail kolega

Mailing List

Media social (Facebook, Twitter)

Conference Alert

WikiCFP (A Wiki for Call for Paper)

Global Event List - Elsevier


Conference Series dari publisher terindeks

Scopus/ISI Thomson Reuters.

AIP Conference Proceedings (



Atlantis Press Conference Series (


Conference Series: Atlantis Press

Atlantis Press publishes proceedings in the following series:

1. "Advances in Intelligent Systems Research": proceedings series primarily

covering intelligent system conferences;

2. "Advances in Computer Science Research": proceedings series covering

conference proceedings in the field of computer sciences;

3. "Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research":

proceedings series including conferences in social sciences and humanities.

4. "Advances in Engineering Research": proceedings series covering

conferences in the engineering field.

5. "Advances in Physics Research": proceedings series covering conferences in

the physics field.

6. "Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research": proceedings

series covering conferences in economics, business and management


7. "Advances in Biological Sciences Research": proceedings series covering

conferences in biomedical sciences, genetics, genomics, biophysics,

biochemisty, molecular biology and bioinformatics.

8. "Advances in Health Sciences Research": proceedings series covering

research in the fields medicine, epidemiology, pharmacy and dentistry.


CRC Balkema Press (

Toolkit tentang petunjuk publikasi prosiding konferensi pada CRC Balkema Press dapat

diunduh dari laman

Contoh MOU dengan Publisher

IOP PublishingIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering


The 1st Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference (AASEC 2016) in conjunction

with International Conference on Sport Science. Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2016)"

10 October 2016, Bandung. Indonesia

MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT made this 8 June 2016, between IOP Publishing Ltd. of

Temple Circus. Temple Way. Bristol BS1 6HG. UK (hereinafter called ‘the Publisher’) and Dr Assoc.

Prof. Ade Gafar Abdullah. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia ( (hereinafter called

‘the Organiser’).

Whereby it is agreed between the parties and their assignees or successors as follows:

The Publisher shall publish refereed and accepted papers (hereinafter called ‘the Work’) presented at

The 1st Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference (AASEC 2016) in conjunction with

International Conference on Sport Science. Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2016)"

10 October 2016. Bandung. Indonesia (‘the Conference') as an open access volume of IOP

Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (hereinafter called ‘the Journal’) within a

reasonable time of their delivery, hi this clause and hereafter ‘publish’ means electr onic publication of

the issue on the Publisher’s Web server, with HTML headers and linkable references and full-text

PDF files of articles. The Publisher w ill provide access to the Work free of charge via the Publisher’s

wreb server.

Hal-hal lain

Gunakan email dengan afiliasi Universitas Airlangga sebagai email resmi panitia

konferensi resmi (email

Hindari penggunaan email umum (gmail, yahoo, dll).

Ada satu person-in-charge yang memeriksa email panitia konferensi.

Pastikan proses review artikel berjalan dengan maksimal. (Ada kemungkinan

publisher meminta file dokumen review artikel secara acak).

Disiplin terkait jadwal penyiapan prosiding konferensi (proses review artikel,

layout/setting artikel, submit camera ready proceeding) ke publisher.

Pisahkan “biaya ke publisher” dari Rencana Anggaran Belanja panitia konferensi.


Terima kasih

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