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Irma U. Aditirto

Jakarta, 28 Maret 2011

RDA:Resource Description and AccessRDA: Resource Description and Access is the new, unified cataloging standard, designed for the digital world and an expanding universe of metadata users

Purpose and Scope

“RDA provides a set of guidelines and instructions on formulating data to support resource discovery”

“RDA provides a comprehensive set of guidelines and instructions covering all types of content and media”



Latar belakang RDA

International Conference on the Principles and Future development of AACR (Toronto, 1997) Analisis struktur AACR2 Masalah:

Intellectual content vs. Physical format

Struktur tidak logis, kurang konsisten

Kesimpulan: AACR2 kurang fleksibel, tidak dapat mengakomodasi sumber

baru, tidak cocok untuk dunia digital


Part I1. General Rules for


2. Books, Pamphlets, and Printed Sheets

3. Cartographic Materials

4. Manuscripts

5. Music

6. Sound Recordings

7. Motion Pictures and Videorecordings

8. Graphic Materials

9. Electronic Resources

10. Three-Dimensional Artefacts and Realia

11. Microforms

12. Continuing Resources

13. Analysis


Latar belakang RDAAACR3?


Usul untuk menyusun AACR3:

Revisi menyeluruh Part I dari AACR2

Penyesuaian dengan FRBR *

Penambahan bagian ke-3 untuk authority control

Struktur AACR merupakan kendala besar

*Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records


Latar Belakang RDA2005 – diputuskan untuk menyusun standar baru

Resource Description and Access

Landasan standar baru ini masih AACR2(‘built on the strengths of AACR and the cataloguing traditions on which it was based’)tetapi:

Struktur dan penekanan baru Didesain untuk dunia digital Fleksibel dan mampu beradaptasi di masa depan


RDAHasil kerjasama internasional:

Joint Steering Committee for Development of RDA

The American Library Association

The Australian Committee on Cataloguing

The British Library

The Canadian Committee on Cataloguing

CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals

The Library of Congress

+ Masukan dari organisasi & badan internasional, perpustakaan nasional dari negeri pengguna AACR maupun non-pengguna


RDA Standar baru untuk resource description and access:

dirancang untuk dunia digital, tapi dapat digunakan untuk deskripsi semua jenis sumber (resources), digital maupun tradisional (= non-digital)

dikembangkan atas landasan AACR

berkerangka teoretis: model konseptual FRBR* dan FRAD**

fokus pada pengguna (user tasks): Find, Identify, Select, Obtain

*Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Reords**Functional Requirements for Authority Data


RDA content standard dengan fokus pada isi deskripsi

“What” to record, not “how” (Petunjuk untuk data apa yang harus dicatat ada di bab 1-37, dan petunjuk untuk

menyajikan data di Appendix D dan E)

didesain untuk konteks internasional meninggalkan perspektif Anglo-American dari AACR

petunjuk dapat diterapkan oleh komunitas yang berbeda bahasa, aksara, sistem penomoran, satuan ukuran, sistem penanggalan



dapat digunakan dengan berbagai encoding schema, misalnya :

MODS (Metadata Object Description Standard)


Dublin Core

memerhatikan perkembangan standar-standar untuk lembaga non-perpustakaan (arsip, museum, penerbit, dlsb) sehingga ada keterpaduan

dirancang untuk memanfaatkan efisiensi dan fleksibilitas teknologi baru untuk data capture, storage, retrieval, and display, tapi kompatibel dengan teknologi lama dari sarana temu kembali lama


RDA Terbit Juni 2010 sebagai komponen dari RDA Toolkit

RDA = Online tool

Penerbit: The American Library Association

The Canadian Library Association

CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals



RDA Print:

RDA: Resource Description and Access (1096 p.)

RDA: Element Set View

Part 1 Attributes (1288 p.)

Part 2 Relationships (384 p.)




Apa yang harus dilakukan sebagai persiapan?

RDA builds on the strengths of AACR2

RDA is compatible with internationally established principles, models, and standards

Simak lagi! AACR2

Prinsip, model, standar, yang sudah diterima secara internasional





International Cataloguing Principles

Metadata standards

Konteks internasional



Paris Principles 1961

•Sarana untuk standardisasi internasional

•Landasan bagi mayoritas standar pengatalogan


• Hanya mencakup karya tekstual (cetak)

• Fokus pada pilihan dan bentuk entri katalog (kartu)

International Cataloguing Principles


• Semua jenis bahan

• Semua aspek data bibliografi dan authority data

• Konsep-konsep dari model FRBR*

*Functional Requirements for Bibliographic data

International Cataloguing Principles

International Cataloguing Principles 2009


International Cataloguing Principles 2009


• Kemudahan bagi pengguna• Bahasa dan istilah yang lazim dipakai• Data “apa adanya”• Data akurat• Data cukup dan perlu • Data bermakna bagi pengguna

International Cataloguing Principles


Prinsip-prinsip (lanjutan):

• Ekonomis (proses pengatalogan)

• Taat azas dan standar (agar mudah tukar-menukar data)

• Terpadu (peraturan yang sama untuk semua jenis sumber)

International Cataloguing Principles

International Cataloguing Principles 2009


International Standard Bibliographic Description (1971)

•Tujuan• Mencapai deskripsi bibliografi seragam• Memudahkan shared cataloguing

•Menetapkan•Unsur data wajib•Urutan unsur•Pungtuasi wajib

•Banyak ISBD (format specific)



International Standard Bibliographic Description (2007)

•Satu ISBD untuk semua format:

•ISBD – preliminary consolidated edition

•Menyatukan teks 7 ISBD khusus

•Disesuaikan dengan unsur –unsur FRBR



ONIXStandar yang dikembangkan oleh industri penerbitan

Metadata standards


Masih tetap standar encoding yang paling banyak dipakai di lingkungan perpustakaanLebih berkembang daripada AACR2: ada ruas/tengara yang tidak mengacu ke peraturan AACR2Untuk menjaga kontinuitas, RDA harus kompatibel dengan MARC


Apa yang harus dilakukan sebagai persiapan?

RDA didasarkan atas kerangka teoretis yang menentukan bentuk, struktur, dan isi RDA

RDA menggunakan konsep dan terminologi FRBR dan FRAD

Kunci untuk memahami RDA = memahami FRBR* dan FRAD**

* Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Data**Functional Requirements for Authority Data


RDAProyek renovasi

Dekonstruksi >>>>>>>>Rekonstruksi

Dekonstruksi bangunan lama (AACR2)

Rekonstruksi menjadi bangunan baru (RDA)

Kerangka bangunan baru:


Komponen bangunan lama yang masih bagus menjadi batu bata (building blocks)bangunan baru


The “FRBR family”

Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records

Functional Requirements for Authority Data

Functional Requirements for Subject Authority Data



Model konseptual untuk menjelaskan tujuan cantuman bibliografi dan cantuman pengendali (authority records) dan hubungan cantuman tersebut dengan kebutuhan penguna

Model yang menyatukan pandangan dan pemahaman para pengatalog. Model ini menciptakan kosa kata baru yang memperlancar komunikasi internasional antara pengatalog. Diskusi tentang konsep-konsep pengatalogan terbebas dari pengaruh peraturan atau sistem pengatalogan spesifik.


“FRBR family” history

Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records 1992 – working group formed

1997 – FRBR conceptual model published

Functional Requirements for Authority Data 1999- working group formed

2009- FRAD conceptual model published

Functional Requirements for Subject Authority Data 2005- working group formed

2010- FRSAD conceptual model published


FRBRLatar belakang: Kegiatan pengatalogan yang semakin kompleks dan

berbiaya tinggi mendorong banyak perpustakaan melakukan penyederhanaan pengatalogan (minimal level cataloging), kadang-kadang dengan mengorban-kan kualitas katalog.

Kode pengatalogan yang ada kurang bisa mengakomodasi sumber-sumber elektronik dan sumber internet


FRBR Stockholm Seminar on Bibliographic Records (1990) Disponsori oleh IFLA Salah satu resolusi:

perlu dilakukan studi untuk menetapkan fungsi-fungsi yang harus dipenuhi suatu cantuman bibliografi

Tujuan studi:“The study has two primary objectives. The first is to provide

a clearly defined structured framework for relating the data that are recorded in bibliographic records to the needs of the users of those records. The second objective is to recommend a basic level of functionality for records created by national bibliographic agencies.” (FRBR, p7)


FRBR Studi dilaksanakan oleh IFLA Study Group on the

Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records 1992 - 1997

Final report dari studi ini diterbitkan September 1997 dengan judul:

Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records


FRBR = model konseptual Hasil dari analisis mendetail data bibliografi dan

authority data

Data bibliografi dipandang dari perspektif pengguna

Fokus adalah pada apa yang penting bagi pengguna: setiap entitas, atribut dan hubungan yang dicatat dalam cantuman bibliografi atau cantuman pengendali harus relevan dan penting bagi pengguna.


FRBR Apa yang diharapkan pengguna ketika ia

menggunakan katalog?

Cantuman bibliografi suatu katalog harus membantu pengguna menemukan, mengidentifikasi, memilih, dan mendapatkan produk-produk hasil upaya intelektual atau artistik

User tasks:

find, identify, select and obtain the products of intellectual or artistic endeavour


User tasksFind

Menggunakan data untuk menemukan bahan yang sesuai dengan kriteria penelusuran pengguna Misalnya: semua dokumen tentang subyek tertentu, atau rekaman

dengan judul tertentu atau oleh pengarang tertentu


Menggunakan data yang telah ditemukan untuk mengidentifikasi suatu entitas Misalnya memastikan bahwa dokumen yang dideskripsikan dalam

suatu cantuman sama dengan dokumen yang dicari olehnya, atau membedakan antara dua teks atau rekaman dengan judul yang sama


User tasksSelect

Menggunakan data untuk memilih suatu entitas yang cocok dengan kebutuhan pengguna Misalnya untuk memilih teks dalam bahasa yang dimengerti, buku

yang berilustrasi, peta dengan skala tertentu, dsb.


Menggunakan data untuk memperoleh atau mengakses entitas yang dideskripsikan Misalnya memesan suatu publikasi, mengisi formulir peminjaman

di perpustakaan, atau mengakses sumber elektronik lewat internet


FRBR dan FRAD Model E-R (Entity – Relationship)

Mendefinisikan entitas

Mendaftarkan atribut (ciri) entitas

Mengidentifikasi hubungan (relationship) antar entitas

Memetakan dengan user tasks


FRBR entitiesGroup 1 entities Group 2 entities Group 3 entities

Work Person Concept

Expression Corporate Body Object

Manifestation Event

Item Place


FRBR Group 1 entities

Work A distinct intellectual or artistic creation

Expression The intelectual or artistic realization of a work in the form of alpha-numeric, musical, or choreographic notation, sound, image, object, movement, etc, or any combination of such forms

Manifestation The physical embodiment of an expression of a work

Item A single exemplar of a manifestation



Entitas konkrit

Buku Jane Austen berjudul Pride and Prejudice, yang diterbitkan tahun 1981 oleh Random House Publishing, milik perpustakaan FIB-UI


Manifestation Semua obyek fisik atau virtual yang mempunyai

karakteristik yang sama dalam hal isi intelektual dan bentuk

Semua terbitan Random House Publishing berisi karya Jane Austen berjudul Pride and Prejudice, berbahasa Inggris, yang diterbitkan tahun 1981


Expression Bentuk intelektual atau artistik, seperti bahasa,

lambang alfa-numerik, musik, koreografi, bunyi, citra, obyek, gerakan, dsb. atau kombinasinya

Teks alfa-numerik dalam bahasa Inggris dari Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen


Work Ciptaan intelektual atau artistik sebagai suatu entitas


Karakter dan alur Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen







Intellectual or artistic activity and content

Physical characteristics


FRBR Primary relationships: w – e – m - i

Memungkinkan pengelompokan atau clustering

Sarana realisasi fungsi kolokasi (collocation) katalog perpustakaan

Rules for a dictionary catalog (Cutter, 1904)

Paris Principles (1961)

Statement of International Cataloging Principles (2009)

… to find sets of resources representing

all resources belonging to the same work

all resources embodying the same expression

all resources exemplifying the same manifestation



FRBR Attributes

Setiap entitas memiliki sekelompok ciri atau atribut

Pengguna menggunakan atribut entitas untuk mencari & menemukan, mengidentifikasi, memilih, dan memperoleh entitas

Misalnya: mencari buku lewat atribut judul, pengarang, tahun terbit, ISBN, atau atribut lain


FRBRAttributes of a Work

• Title• Date• Form (e.g. poem, map, painting)• Intended termination• Intended audience• Context• Coordinates and Equinox (Cartographic works)• Medium of performance, Numeric designation and Key

(Musical works)• Any other characteristic that serves to differentiate a work

from another of the same title


FRBRAttributes of an Expression

• Form (e.g. alpha-numeric notation, spoken word, mime)• Date• Language/s• Extensibility (e.g. future volumes in a multi-vol.)• Revisability (e.g. draft or integrating resource)• Extent (e.g. number of words, duration of performance)• Summarization (e.g. abstract, table of contents)• Context• Critical response• Use restrictions• Any other characteristic that serves to differentiate

an expression from another expression of the same work



FRBRAttributes of a Manifestation

• Title

• Statement of responsibility

• Edition/Issue designation

• Imprint (place, date, publisher, manufacturer)

• Series statement

• Identifier (e.g. ISBN)

• Physical description (form, extent, composition, dimensions)

• Capture mode

• Source of acquisition

• Terms of availability

• Access restrictions



FRBRAttributes of an Item

• Identifier (e.g. accession number, call number, barcode)

• Provenance• Marks and inscriptions• Torn or missing pages• Exhibition history• Treatment history• Access restrictions


FRBR menentukan struktur RDA Part 1

Section 1: Recording attributes of manifestation and item All physical formats, not one per chapter

Describing carriers

Section 2: Recording attributes of work and expression Describing content

Section 3: Recording attributes of person, family, corporate body

Section 4: Recording attributes of concept, object, event, place (Concept, Object, Event still at placeholder stage)


RDA dan FRBR relationships Kerangka konseptual RDA = FRBR

FRBR = Entity – Relationship model

RDA Section 5 - 10 : Recording relationships

RDA Appendices I – L : Relationship designators

Memungkinkan “clustering”

Sangat mendukung fungsi kolokatif katalog


FRBR relationships (contoh)

Group 1 entity Relationship Group 2 entity

work created by person

expression translated by person

manifestation published by corporate body

Item owned by family



RDARDA structure Part 2

Section 5: Recording primary relationships Work-expression-manifestation-item relationships

Section 6: Recording relationships to persons, families, and corporate bodies associated with a resource

Section 7: Recording subject relationships (placeholder)

Section 8: Recording relationships between works, expressions, manifestations , and items

Section 9: Recording relationships between persons, families, and corporate bodies

Section 10: Recording relationships between concepts, objects, events, and places (placeholder)


FRAD (Functional Requirements for Authority Data)

User Tasks

Find person/s, family/families, corporate body/bodies, works, etc

based on known information

Identify Confirm person or family or corporate body or work, etc is the

one sought

Contextualize clarify the relationship between entities, such as earlier and

later names of a corporate body

Justify the controlled access point

FRADAttributes of a Person




Place of birth

Place of death

Country with which the person is identified

Place of residence




Field of activity

Profession or occupation

Biography or history

Any other information by which a person is known or identified

FRAD Attributes of a Family

Type of family

Clan, dynasty, family unit

Dates associated with family

Field of activity

History of family

FRADAttributes of a Corporate Body

Place associated with corporate body

Dates associated with corporate body



Field of activity


Any other information that differentiates one corporate body from another

Apa yang beda?

Cetak vs. Online interactive tool (juga ada versi cetak)

Format based vs Format neutral

Struktur dan terminologi beda

Levels of description vs. Core elements

GMD vs. Content, Carrier and Media type

Main entry vs. authorised access points

Perbedaan transkripsi dan perekaman data



–ISBD elements–classes of material–mode of issuance–type of description

•Access–choice of access points–form of headings–References


–attributes of FRBR entities–types of content and carrier–mode of issuance–type of description

•Access–FRBR relationships–attributes of FRAD entities–FRAD relationships–subject relationships*






AACR2 - levels of description

Eg First level title proper

first statement of responsibility

edition statement

material specific details

first publisher, etc.

date of publication, etc.

extent of item


standard number

RDA - core elements title proper

first statement of responsibility

designation of edition

designation of a named revision of an edition

numbering of serials

scale of cartographic content

first place of publication

first publisher’s name

date of publication

title proper of series/subseries

numbering within series/subseries

identifier for the manifestation

carrier type


Levels of description

General Material Designation

electronic resource


sound recording



motion picture



cartographic material



Media Typeaudio




Carrier typefilm reel


overhead transparency


Content Typecartographic ...

notated music


...and more!

Source: Adapted from AACR2 vs. RDA by Tom Delsey given at From rules to entities: cataloguing with RDA (Preconference of the Canadian Library Association Conference, May 29, 2009)

GMD diganti dengan 3 kategori

Source: RDA: Resource description and access (©2010– American Library Association, Canadian Library Association, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals)

Ruas baru untuk kategori pengganti GMD

Source: Changes from AACR2 to RDA: A comparison of examples / Adam L. Schiff

Ruas baru untuk 3 kategori baru

Main entry and authorised access points

Main entry (Card catalogue)

Primary access point (Online catalogue)

Authorised access point for the WORK

(RDA and FRBR)

Representation (International Cataloguing Principles)

Deskripsi dan bentuk nama “apa adanya”

“take what you see”


Penggunaan singkatan

Penghilangan informasi yang relevan

Penambahan informasi

Pengubahan informasi

Recording/Transcribing data

Source: Changes from AACR2 to RDA: A comparison of examples / Adam L. Schiff

Source: Changes from AACR2 to RDA: A comparison of examples / Adam L. Schiff

Source: Changes from AACR2 to RDA: A comparison of examples / Adam L. Schiff

Source: Changes from AACR2 to RDA: A comparison of examples / Adam L. Schiff

Source: Changes from AACR2 to RDA: A comparison of examples / Adam L. Schiff

Source: Changes from AACR2 to RDA: A comparison of examples / Adam L. Schiff

Source: Changes from AACR2 to RDA: A comparison of examples / Adam L. Schiff

Source: Changes from AACR2 to RDA: A comparison of examples / Adam L. Schiff

Example records (AACR)

Example records (RDA)

020 $a 8190366157040 ## $a NRC $c NRC $e rda245 10 $a Food security in India : $b challenges of 21th century / $c Dr.Anshu.246 3# $i Title on cover: $a Food security in India : challenges of 21stcentury250 ## $a First edition.260 ## $a [Place of publication not identified] : $b [publisher notidentified], $c 2009 $e (Patna, Bihar : $f Kalakriti Offset)300 ## $a vi, 246 pages : $b illustrations, map ; $c 23 cm336 ## $a text $2 rdacontent336 ## $a cartographic image $2 rdacontent337 ## $a unmediated $2 rdamedia338 ## $a volume $2 rdacarrier504 ## $a Includes bibliographical references.700 0# $a Anshu $c (Professor), $e editor of compilation.


Example records (RDA)

022 ## $a 0317-6878041 0# $a eng $a fre210 0# $a CA mag. $b (Tor.)222 #0 $a CA magazine $b (Toronto)245 00 $a CA magazine.260 ## $a Toronto, Ontario ; $a Montreal, Quebec : $b Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants, $c 1974-300 ## $a volumes : $b illustrations (chiefly colour), portraits ; $c 29 cm.310 ## $a 10 times a year (with combined issues in January/February and June/July), $b 1990s?-321 ## $a Monthly, $b January 1974-1990s?336 ## $a text $2 rdacontent337 ## $a unmediated $2 rdamedia338 ## $a volume $a rdacarrier362 0# $a Volume 104, no. 1 (January 1974)-530 ## $a Also available in microfilm and microfiche format.546 ## $a In English; includes some text in French.

Example records

(Authority record)

100 1_ |a Sesser, Janet R. 370 __ |c U.S. |f Phoenix, Ariz. 371 __ |m 373 __ |a High-Tech Inst. 373 __ |a TCI Education, Inc. 374 __ |a corporate director 374 __ |a corporate dean 374 __ |a vice-president 375 __ |a female 377 __ |a eng 670 __ |a Houser, Helen J. LWW’s medical assisting exam review for CMA amd RMA certification, c2005: |b CIP t.p. (Janet R. Sesser, BS, RMA, CMA; corp. dir. of Education, Allied Health, High-Tech Inst., Phoenix, Ariz.) (

Example records

(Authority record)

110 1_ |a Wisconsin. |b Dept. of Transportation 410 1_ |a Wisconsin. |b Transportation, Dept. of 410 2_ |a WisDOT 670 __ |a Implementing transportation research, 2002: |b cover (Wisconsin Dept. of Transportation; WisDOT) 710 14 |a Wisconsin. |b Department of Transportation 952 __ |a RETRO 953 __ |a xx00 |b ga37

RDA Timeline (US Libraries) June 22, 2010: Public release of RDA Toolkit.

July 1-September 30, 2010: Test partners use this three-month period to become familiar with the content of RDA and with navigating the RDA Toolkit.

October 1-December 31, 2010: Test partners produce records in the test and share them with the US RDA Test Coordinating Committee.

January 1-March 31, 2011: The US RDA Test Coordinating Committee analyzes the results of the test and prepares its report to the

management of the three national libraries. April-June 2011: RDA Test report is evaluated by LC, NLM, NAL

July–September 2011: LC releases the RDA Test Report and announces their decision on implementation of RDA. Other JSC national libraries (NLA, LAC, British Library) consider their responses to the RDA Test Report.

Timeframe for implementation – to be confirmed


Sumber: Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records: Final Report

RDA Toolkit

Statement of International Cataloging Principles

Argus, Catherine. The “FRBR family” : the Relationship to RDA.

Schiff, Adam. Changes from AACR2 to RDA: a Comparison of Examples.

Stephens, Jenny. From AACR2 to RDA (and a few things in between): the History and Context of RDA Development ofRDA.ppt>

Stephens, Jenny. From AACR2 to RDA: the Purpose and Structure of RDA.>

Maxwell, Robert. FRBR: a Guide for the Perplexed. Chicago: ALA, 2008

Oliver, Chris. Introducing RDA: a Guide to the Basics. Chicago, ALA, 2010


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