

    (The Case of the Fourth Semester Students of Regular Education Class

    of English Department of UNNES in the Academic Year of 2006 / 2007)

    a final project

    submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements

    for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan in English


    Muhamad Yusuf






  • i


    First and foremost, I would like to express my greatest gratitude to Allah the

    Almighty for the blessing and inspiration leading to the completion of my study.

    In this opportunity, I would like to express my gratitude to the people who

    helped me in finishing my final project.

    Here my greatest gratitude goes to:

    1. Prof. Dr. H. Mursid Saleh, M.A., my first advisor, for his patience in

    providing continuous and careful guidance as well as encouragement,

    indispensable suggestion and advice.

    2. Novia Trisanti, S.Pd., M.Pd., my second advisor, for her patience in giving

    guidance and supports for the finalization of the study.

    3. H. Eko Yulianto, S.S., M.Hum., who has permitted the writer for

    conducting a try-out test in his class.

    4. Drs. Warsono, M.A., who has permitted the writer for conducting the

    research in his class.

    5. My beloved family and my best friends in campus who always give their

    love, pray, and support me to finish my final project.

    Finally, I realize that the study is still far from perfect. I have great

    expectation that this final project would be useful for further study.

    Semarang, August, 2007 The writer


    Dengan ini saya:

    Nama: Muhamad Yusuf

    Nim : 2201403672

    Prodi / Jurusan: Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris / Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris

    Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni, Univesitas Negeri Semarang

    menyatakan dengan sesungguhnya bahwa final project yang berjudul:


    (The Case of the Fourth Semester Students of Regular Education Class

    of English Department of UNNES in the Academic Year of 2006 / 2007)

    yang saya tulis dalam rangka memenuhi salah satu syarat memperoleh gelar sarjana

    ini benar benar merupakan karya saya sendiri yang saya hasilkan setelah melalui

    penelitian, pembimbingan, diskusi, dan pemaparan / ujian. Semua kutipan, baik

    secara langsung maupun tidak langsung telah disertai keterangan mengenai identitas

    sumbernya dengan cara sebagaimana yang lazim dalam penulisan karya ilmiah.

    Dengan demikian walaupun tim penguji dan pembimbing penulisan final project ini

    membubuhkan tanda tangan sebagaimana keabsahannya, seluruh karya ilmiah ini

    tetap menjadi tanggung jawab saya sendiri. Jika dikemudian hari ditemukan

    ketidakberesan, saya bersedia menerima akibatnya.

    Demikian, harap pernyataan ini dapat digunakan seperlunya.

    Semarang, Agustus 2007

    Yang membuat pernyataan

    Muhamad Yusuf

  • ii


    The title of this final project is A study of the students mastery of phrasal verbs: The case of the fourth semester students of regular education class of the English Department of UNNES in the academic year of 2006/2007.

    The research is carried out to measure to what extent the fourth semester students of regular education class in the academic year of 2006/2007 have mastered the English phrasal verbs and what problems encountered by the students. Although phrasal verbs are not taught in a vocabulary class in this department, but this research is carried out on consideration that vocabulary is not less important than the other language components.

    A test was employed in the form of multiple choice and completion type to collect the data. A try-out test was carried out before administering the test.

    It was proved that there were 4 out of 24 students who got B grade, 9 students got BC, 6 students got C, 2 students got CD, 2 students got D, and one student got E. Moreover, in statistical analysis, the mean was 64, 83. It means that the students mastery of phrasal verbs is average. In other words, I can conclude that the students mastery of phrasal verbs is good enough.

    To improve the quality of teaching learning process and to get satisfactory results in teaching phrasal verbs at the English department of UNNES, I suggest the English department lecturers intensify vocabulary, especially phrasal verbs taught in contextual meaning so that the students mastery of phrasal verbs can be improved.


    Experience is the best teacher.

    A friend in need is a friend indeed.

    Every cloud has a silver lining.

    To My beloved family.

    My best friends in campus.


    The final project was approved by the Board of Examiners of the English

    Department of the Faculty of Languages and Arts of Semarang State University on

    August 27, 2007.

    Board of Examiners:

    1. Chairperson,

    Prof. Dr. Rustono, M. Hum.

    NIP. 131281222 ____________________

    2. Secretary,

    Drs. Alim Sukrisno, M.A.

    NIP. 131095303 ____________________

    3. First Examiner,

    Drs. Januarius Mujiyanto, M. Hum.

    NIP. 131281221 ____________________

    4. First Advisor as Third Examiner,

    Prof. Dr. Mursid Saleh, M.A.

    NIP. 130354512 ____________________

    5. Second Advisor as Second Examiner,

    Novia Trisanti, S.Pd., M.Pd.

    NIP. 132308135 ____________________

    Approved by Dean Faculty of Languages and Arts

    Prof. Dr. Rustono, M. Hum NIP.131281222

  • iii


    ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..................................................................................... i

    ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................... ii

    TABLE OF CONTENTS..................................................................................... iii

    LIST OF APPENDICES ..................................................................................... iv

    LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................................v



    1.1 Background of the study ....................................................................................1

    1.2 Reason for choosing the topic ............................................................................4

    1.3 Statement of the problems..................................................................................5

    1.4 Objectives of the study.......................................................................................5

    1.5 Significance of the study....................................................................................5

    1.6 Limitation of the study .......................................................................................6

    1.7 Outline of the report ...........................................................................................6


    2.1 General concept of phrasal verbs .......................................................................8

    2.2 Characteristic of phrasal verbs .........................................................................11

    2.3 Types of phrasal verbs .....................................................................................12

    2.4 Word order of phrasal verbs.............................................................................13

    2.5 Differences between the phrasal verbs and prepositional verbs ......................14

    2.6 Multiple meaning of phrasal verbs...................................................................15

    2.7 General concept of vocabulary.........................................................................16

  • iv

    2.8 Teaching of vocabulary....................................................................................17


    3.1 Population ........................................................................................................22

    3.2 Sample..............................................................................................................23

    3.3 Instrument ........................................................................................................24

    3.4 Construction of the test instrument ..................................................................24

    3.5 Arrangement of the test instrument..................................................................25

    3.6 Administration of the test.................................................................................25

    3.6.1 Try out.....................................................................................................25

    3.6.2 Validity of the test...................................................................................27

    3.6.3 Reliability of the test ...............................................................................28

    3.6.4 Facility value of the test ..........................................................................30

    3.6.5 Discriminating power..............................................................................31

    3.7 Collecting the data............................................................................................33


    4.1 Statistical analysis ............................................................................................34

    4.1.1 Classification of the test items ................................................................34

    4.1.2 Scoring of the test ...................................................................................35

    4.1.3 Central tendency......................................................................................35 Mode ..........................................................................................35 Median .......................................................................................36 Mean...........................................................................................36 Standard deviation......................................................................37

  • v

    4.2 Non Statistical Analysis ................................................................................39


    5.1 Conclusion .......................................................................................................44

    5.2 Suggestion........................................................................................................45

    BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................................47

    APPENDICES ......................................................................................................49

  • v



    1. Students achievement based on the grading criteria of UNNES ........................... 39

    2. Classification of the problems encountered by the students

    based on the percentage of wrong answer.............................................................. 41

  • vi



    1. The instrument of Try-out test ................................................................................ 49

    2. The answer key of Try-out test ............................................................................... 57

    3. The item analysis of Try-out test ............................................................................ 58

    4. The computation of item validity of the test ........................................................... 62

    5. The computation of item reliability of the test........................................................ 63

    6. The computation of difficulty index of the test....................................................... 64

    7. The computation of the discriminating power ........................................................ 65

    8. The computation of ( )2 xx ............................................................................... 66 9. The instrument of the test........................................................................................ 67

    10. The answer key of the test instrument .................................................................. 73

    11. The item analysis of students mastery of phrasal verbs

    (mean, median, mode, and standard deviation) .................................................... 74

  • 1



    1.1 General Background of the Study

    Language cannot be separated from humans life. It is one of the universal

    systems in a culture that functions as a means of communication. It enables people

    to interact, communicate, and make sense of the world so that it is dynamic, and it

    develops and changes over time as a result of many different influences. In

    addition, it is used by human beings in communicating with each other, both in

    oral and in written discourse. English is one of languages, which are used by

    people all around the world to communicate with each other.

    In Indonesia, a lot of people are interested in learning English as a foreign

    language, because they know that English is the international language used in

    many countries all over the world. Besides, English is considered to be the first

    foreign language there, because it has an important role in international

    communication. Consequently, now English is taught in schools, from playgroups

    until university level.

    For Indonesian learners, the ability to speak in English is a kind of dream

    which comes true, because there are few Indonesian learners who can speak

    English. Learning English as a foreign language is quite difficult because there are

    so many differences between English and Indonesian culture, it has different

    system of language; it has different grammatical structures, differences in

    meaning of words, and different sound system.

  • 2

    In addition, in order to master English, Indonesian learners have to master

    the four basic skills, namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing. English has

    its phonological, vocabulary, and grammatical system and so does Indonesian.

    However, Indonesian learners face many difficulties in acquiring those English

    systems. One of them is difficulty in pronouncing speech sounds in English. That

    is because of English is considered to be the foreign language.

    Besides the problem of speech sounds, another problem in learning

    English as a foreign language for Indonesian learners is the fact that they have

    their own mother tongue, and they are getting used to their own language since

    they were children. Since childhood a foreign learner has been speaking his

    mother tongue, which is deeply implanted in him as part of his/her

    habits.(Ramelan, 1984: 6)

    For Indonesian learners, another difficulty in learning English is learning

    English phrasal verbs. It is necessary to master phrasal verbs because they are

    frequently used in both oral and written material. Since English is a foreign

    language, it is understandable why most students face difficulties in understanding

    words meaning, especially dealing with phrasal verbs.

    For learners of all ages, the comprehension of idiomatic expressions is

    facilitated by contextual support. (Cacciari and Levorato, 1989; Nippold and

    Martin, 1989). One important to be put in mind is that idiomatic expression such

    as phrasal verbs depend on their context. It helps to grasp their meaning.

    Therefore, the context in which a phrasal verb is used will determine the intended

    meaning of that phrasal verb.

  • 3

    Phrasal verbs are admitted to be very important as a part of daily

    conversation. Phrasal verbs make conversation sounds interesting and convenient

    to use. Without good achievement of phrasal verb, one will find difficulties in

    speaking English smoothly and fluently. In learning English, the Indonesian

    learners have difficulties during their learning process since each element of

    English skills and components has a certain area of difficulties for the learners.

    Lado (in Littlewood, 1989: 17-18) sums up the learners problem in a well-known

    formulation: those elements that are different will be difficult. Although it may

    be different for each of the learners, generally the area and the degree of

    difficulties they encounter are almost similar.

    Like other English material, phrasal verbs also have certain area of

    difficulties. Phrasal verbs are part of English materials, which learners of English

    should master. The mastery of phrasal verb is very important because they are

    frequently used in daily communication. Besides, there are many written materials

    such as text books, novels, news papers, magazines, etc using phrasal verbs. Good

    mastery of phrasal verbs is very helpful for us to get the message the material

    conveys. On the contrary, poor mastery on them can cause a hindrance for us to

    get the message of the given material.

    It is the fact that English students still find difficulties in understanding

    and using phrasal verbs. They sometimes do not know their meaning or synonym.

    The two following sentences, for example, have the same meaning, but the one

    uses phrasal verb while the other one does not.

    (1) Mother asked me to put out the fire.

  • 4

    (2) Mother asked me to extinguish the fire.

    From the two sentences, learners are usually more familiar with the second

    sentence than the first one because the first contains a phrasal verb, which is

    considered to be difficult for them.

    Besides, learners also find difficulties in doing exercises dealing with

    structure of phrasal verb in sentences. For example, we often hear learners say

    The radio is a bit loud. Can you turn down it? Instead of saying The radio is a

    bit loud. Can you turn it down?

    Considering that students mastery of phrasal verbs is very important and

    its mastery of the students is still unsatisfactory, therefore the writer is interested

    in conducting a research in order to overcome or at least to minimize the problem

    of phrasal verbs faced by the students.

    1.2 Reason for Choosing the Topic

    The reasons for choosing the topic can be stated as follows:

    First, it is very important for advanced students to master phrasal verbs to

    develop their skills of speaking, listening, and writing. Moreover, it is very useful

    for them; especially it can be used in daily conversation in communication.

    Second, the mastery of phrasal verbs is very useful for students to bridge

    them to understand scientific books written in English to get important

    information and knowledge.

    Third, students who have scanty vocabulary especially dealing with

    phrasal verbs, they may face difficulties in learning English. Therefore,

  • 5

    vocabulary is very important for them in learning any foreign language, without

    knowing or learning vocabulary, they cannot use the language they learn.

    1.3 Statement of the Problems

    The problems whether the students can comprehend phrasal verbs by using their

    mastery of vocabulary can be stated as follows:

    (1) To what extent do the fourth semester students of regular education class

    of English department of UNNES master the phrasal verbs?

    (2) What problems do the students encounter in mastering phrasal verbs?

    1.4 Purposes of the Study

    The purposes of the study can be stated as follows:

    (1) To measure how far the students mastery of phrasal verbs.

    (2) To find out the problems encountered by the students.

    1.5 Significance of the Study

    The result of the study is expected to give some benefits. The benefits of the study

    can be stated as follows:

    (1) For the lecturers of English Department.

    The lecturers can find out the level of the students mastery of phrasal

    verbs, so they can prepare the proper teaching material. Besides, they can

    find out the specific difficulties faced by students in mastering phrasal

    verbs and anticipate the way of overcoming them.

    (2) For students of English Department.

    The result of this study can be used as an additional knowledge to improve

    the students mastery of vocabulary of phrasal verbs.

  • 6

    With the mastery of the phrasal verbs, students can implement them in

    daily conversation.

    They can also develop their mastery of phrasal verbs in speaking,

    listening, reading and writing.

    By using more than one expression, they can say one idea in various ways.

    (3) The result of the study can be used as stimulant information to conduct

    further research on phrasal verbs since this research discusses phrasal

    verbs only.

    1.6 Limitation of the Study

    The limitations given in this study are:

    (1) The forms of phrasal verbs discussed in this study are separable and

    inseparable phrasal verbs.

    (2) Phrasal verbs, which are discussed in this study, are mostly two-word

    verbs and three -word verbs.

    1.7 Outline of the Report

    The first chapter, the introduction, introduces the study by giving a description of

    the background of the study, reason for choosing the topic, statement of the

    problems, the purposes of the study, the significance of the study, limitation of the

    study, and the outline of the study.

    In the second chapter, the theory underlying the writing of the final project

    is discussed.

    The third chapter contains the description of the methods and the

    procedures of investigation.

  • 7

    The fourth chapter deals with the analysis of the data collected and the

    discussion of the result. It consists of both statistical and non-statistical analysis.

    The last chapter, that is chapter five, contains the conclusion and


  • 8



    2.1 General Concept of Phrasal Verbs

    One of the characteristics of most English verbs is that they can be combined with

    a preposition or an adverbial particle to generate a new meaning. The common

    name for such combinations is phrasal verbs, although we often find that among

    English grammarians, they give different names and definitions of such


    Frank (1972: 1730) says that: A preposition may combine with a verb to

    form a new vocabulary item. This preposition may combine with a verb to form

    a new vocabulary item. This verb-preposition combination goes by several names

    two part verbs, composite verbs, and phrasal verbs. The prepositional form used with the verb may be referred to as an adverb, a prepositional adverb (or

    prepositional adverb) or by the more general term particle.

    The verbs in such situations are mostly one syllable words; over the most

    common preposition are those denoting places in, of, out, off, over, up, down, away, through, etc.

    Listed bellow are some of the most common verb-preposition combination

    taken from Frank(1972:173-176):

    For example:


    Bring about cause

    I wonder what brought about his strange behavior.

  • 9

    Bring on - result in

    His long exposure in the rain brought on a bad cold.

    Bring up raise a subject

    He brings up that subject at every opportunity.

    Bring up rear

    They brought up their children to behave well.


    Do over redo, redecorate

    We plan to do over our entire apartment.

    Do without (non separable) sacrifice, no need

    No one can do without sleep.

    In addition, Crowell (1964: 401) states that a two-word verb is a

    combination of a verb and a particle, which together have a meaning different

    from the customary meanings of the two words. For example, in the sentence

    The man will call up the stairs the verb call has its customary meaning of

    speak loudly, up has its customary meaning of from below to a higher

    meaning. However, in the sentence The man will call up his friends the words

    call and up have the meaning of the verb telephone. Therefore, in the second

    sentence the combination of call and up is classified as two-word verb, but in the

    first sentence is not.

    In line with the statement above, Redman (1997: 36) states that a phrasal

    verb is a verb combined with an adverb or preposition, and occasionally with an

    adverb and preposition. The followings are some of the definition of phrasal verb:

  • 10

    (1) A phrasal verb is a combination of a verb and a preposition to form a new

    vocabulary item (Frank, 1972:173).

    (2) The term phrasal verb refers to a verb and preposition, which together have a

    special meaning (Azar, 1989: A 26).

    (3) Phrasal verbs are basic verbs, which can combine with different preposition

    (or articles) to make verbs with completely new and often un-guessable

    meaning (McCarthy and ODell, 1996:170).

    (4) Phrasal verb is (abbreviated as phrase verb) a simple verb combined with an

    adverb or a preposition or sometimes both, to make a new verb with a

    meaning that is different from that of simple verbs e.g. go in for, win over,

    blow up (Hornby, 1995: 869).

    Here are some examples:

    - The price of petrol may go up (= increase) again next week.

    - He fell over (= fell to the ground) when he was jumping the fence.

    - She tries to find out (= learn/discover) the name of that new company.

    Speakers of English tend to use phrasal verbs and idioms (especially in

    informal English conversations) instead of one word since sometimes there is no

    other precise word to say it. For instance, it sounds funny to say enter to

    substitute come in in response to the door knocked. It is more precise to say

    the tank blew up instead of saying the tank exploded.

    The combination of verb + particle has syntactic features. Before the

    writer discusses further such combinations, it is better for us to know the

    definition of verb and particle.

  • 11

    Verb is a word or phrase indicating what somebody or something does,

    what state of somebody or something is in, what is becoming of something or

    somebody (Hornby, 1974: 953).

    Particle is minor part of speech e.g. an article (a, an, the), a preposition, or

    adverb (up, in, out), a conjunction (or) an affix (un-, in-, -ness, -ly) (Hornby,

    1974: 612).

    In other words, we can conclude that phrasal verbs are combinations,

    which consist of a verb and followed by an adverb particle. Many words belong to

    particle but those that combine with verb to phrasal verbs are only some

    prepositions and adverbs.

    2.2 Characteristic of Phrasal Verbs

    Alwasilah (1993: 200) gives restrictions of phrasal verbs as follows:

    (1) The combination is limited to certain particle such as down, on, off, in, out, up.

    Although there is no restriction on the verbs, however, the most common

    verbs are those simple and short ones such as put, take, get, and make.

    (2) The combination is not freely formed. It is a collocation restriction. The

    restriction is clearly seen when we substitute the particle with its antonym. We

    can say put up with it, but we cannot say put down with it. The words

    give out and carry off are not the antonym of give in and carry on.

    (3) Combination usually can be substituted with one-word verb. However, their

    meaning is not exactly the same, carry on means continue, put up with means

    tolerate, put off means postpone, etc.

    2.3 Types of Phrasal Verbs

  • 12

    Gethin (1989:170) classifies phrasal verbs into two types, namely adverbial

    phrasal verbs and prepositional phrasal verbs.

    (1) Adverbial phrasal verbs

    An adverbial phrasal verb is a verb, which combines with an adverbial

    particle to form a new vocabulary item. Followings are the rules of adverbial

    phrasal verbs:

    1. The particle may come either before or after a noun object, although it precedes

    a noun object when it has a long modification such as a phrasal or a clause.

    For example:

    Please turn on the lights OR Please turn the lights on.

    She called up the nurse who takes care of her sister NOT she called the nurse who

    takes care of her sister up.

    2. The particles always come after the object when it is a personal pronoun such

    as me, it, them or indefinite pronoun one, standing for a noun used with a/an.

    For example:

    Please throw it away NOT Please throw away it.

    There was 10,000 rupiahs lying on the pavement, so I pick it up.

    I subscribe a magazine. Every Monday the magazine boy brings one round for


    3. Although it precedes nouns, all directly follows personal pronouns and so must

    also precede an adverbial particle.

    For example:

    The government has started bringing in in a new regulation.

  • 13

    I am glad it is not bringing them all in at once.

    Unlike all of which can follow it; I am glad it is not bringing in all of them at


    (2) Prepositional phrasal verbs

    A prepositional phrasal verb is a verb with a preposition, or with an adverb

    and a preposition to form a phrase, which like man adverbial phrasal verbs, has a

    meaning of its own, distinct from that of the separate words (Gethin, 1989: 170).

    In prepositional verb, the preposition always comes before the object, whether or

    not this is a pronoun and whether or not is combined with an adverbial particle in

    three-word phrasal verb. For example:

    My friend got over his cold.

    He caught up with the others.

    2.4 Word Order of Phrasal Verbs

    Related to the example presented above, Azar (1989: 26A ) classifies phrasal verbs

    as follows:

    (1) Separable phrasal verbs

    With a separable phrasal verb, a noun may come either between the verb

    and the preposition or after the preposition. For example:

    I handed my paper in yesterday.

    I handed in my paper yesterday.

    A pronoun comes between the verb and the preposition if the phrasal verb

    is separable. For example:

  • 14

    I handed it in yesterday.

    (2) Non - Separable phrasal verbs

    With a non - separable phrasal verb, a noun or pronouns must follow the

    preposition. For example:

    I ran into an old friend yesterday.

    I ran into her yesterday.

    2.5 Differences between the Phrasal Verbs and Prepositional Verbs

    There are some combinations of verb such as combinations of verbs and

    preposition or verb and adverb. However, we cannot name all phrasal verbs since

    there are verb-preposition combinations that look like phrasal verbs, but in fact

    they are not. We call such situations as prepositional verbs.

    Leech (1990: 357-59) distinguishes phrasal verbs from prepositional

    verbs as follows:

    (1) Prepositional verb

    Verb + preposition + noun phrase

    e.g. Listen to radio

    The purpose of preposition is to link the noun phrase to the verb.

    (2) Phrasal verb

    Verb + adverb

    e.g. Carry on

    The purpose of the adverb is to change the meaning of the verb.

  • 15

    Moreover, phrasal verb often looks like prepositional verb that is verb +

    preposition. But we can see they are different when we use a pronoun as an object.

    For example:

    Phrasal verb: I look up the word OR I look the word up OR I look it up.

    Prepositional verb: I looked at the painting OR I looked at it NOT I looked it at.

    2.6 Multiple Meaning

    Redman (1997:36) states that many phrasal verbs have more than one meaning. In

    the examples marked italic, the phrasal verb is much more natural than the

    explanation in brackets.

    It was so hot so I decided to take off (= remove) my jacket.

    Im always nervous when the plane takes off (leaves the ground).

    I think she will get through the exam (= pass).

    My alarm clock didnt go off (= ring) this morning.

    Besides, Praninskas (1980: 216) says that many two-word verbs express

    different meanings in different contexts, and thus the grammatical patterns they

    follow is also different. One example is the unit of take off; which is listed below

    as either transitive or intransitive but not as both. In the context of clothes, take off

    means to remove and as intransitive; in the context of travel, it means to leave and

    it is intransitive.

    2.7. General Concept of Vocabulary

    Learning language cannot be separated from learning vocabulary. Vocabulary

    supports the speaker to express their opinions, ideas, and feelings in


  • 16

    To know what vocabulary is, the following are definitions about

    vocabulary according to the linguists:

    Hornby (1974:959) defines vocabulary as the range of words known to, or

    used by, a person in a trade, profession, etc.

    Preece (1986:1852) says vocabulary means a list of words with their

    meaning, glossary of words used in a language or a particular books or branch of


    According to The New International Websters Comprehensive Dictionary

    of The English Language (Webster, 2003: 1407) vocabulary is a sum or aggregate

    of the words used or understood by a particular person, class, etc., or employed in

    some specialized field of knowledge.

    According to Merriam - Websters Collegiate Dictionary (Webster,

    2004:1400) vocabulary is a sum or stock of words employed by a language, group

    or individual or work or in a field of language.

    Finocchiaro (1974:73) explains that the students vocabulary can be

    divided into two kinds, active vocabulary and passive vocabulary. Active /

    productive vocabulary is the vocabulary which he knows and uses actively to

    express his ideas, opinions, and feelings in communication. Whereas passive /

    receptive vocabulary is the vocabulary which one knows its meaning and usage in

    a certain context.

    From those definitions above, the writer comes to the conclusion that

    vocabulary is a list of words with their meanings, which is employed in a

    language, by group or individual.

  • 17

    2.8 Teaching of Vocabulary

    Vocabulary teaching also invites notable reaction. Some people believe that the

    teaching of vocabulary is a waste of time since it is of an unlimited number. They

    think that grammar and pronunciation are the right things to be taught in teaching

    a foreign language and vocabulary can be gained in communication.

    Specialists in methodology fear that students will make a lot of mistakes in

    sentence construction if too many words are learned before the basic grammar had

    been mastered. Consequently, teachers are led to believe it is best not to teach

    vocabulary much. Besides, they think that words meaning can be learned through

    experience, without attending vocabulary classes the students will master a

    number of words when they become familiar with the situation where the words

    frequently occur. In addition to that several specialists in methodology at that time

    seemed to believe that the meanings of words couldnt be adequately taught so

    that it was better not to teach them (Allen, 1983:12).

    The opinion of neglecting vocabulary teaching is right only if the students

    really have spent enough time for vocabulary. However, in fact, the result is still

    unsatisfactory. This will be much worse for classes in which vocabulary is put

    aside as most of the time is spent on the teaching of grammar for examination. It

    is especially right in countries where English is not the main language for


    The mastery of vocabulary, including how to pronounce and how to spell

    it, then it will be very much help the students learn the other components of the

    language such as structure, fluency, and vocabulary itself.

  • 18

    Vocabulary selection must be adjusted to the goal of teaching or learning a

    foreign language. For example, the function words necessary for the structural

    patterns should be selected in relation to the teaching of those patterns. On other

    occasion, when the student wants to lean communication in English, the teacher

    can use the textbook with a communicative approach in teaching his student to

    practice guided conversation. The words are selected for dialogues and other

    communicative purposes. Therefore, teachers who teach vocabulary must be able

    to make their teaching successful.

    Wallace (1982:27-30) explains the following principles in teaching


    (1) Aims

    In teaching learning process the teacher has to be clear about his aims. He

    also has to decide the words that should be mastered by his students.

    (2) Quantity

    The teacher has to decide on the quantity of vocabulary to be learned. The

    decision of the number of new words in a lesson is very important. The

    actual number of factors still depends on varying from class to class and

    learner. If there are too many new words, the learners may become

    confused, discouraged, and frustrated.

    (3) Need

    In teaching vocabulary, the teacher has to choose the words really needed

    by his students in communication. The students should be put in situation

    where they have to communicate and get the words they need.

  • 19

    (4) Frequent exposure and repetition

    It means that the teacher should give so much practice and repetition so

    that the students master the target words well. He also should give

    opportunity to the students to use the words in writing or in speaking.

    (5) Meaningful presentation

    In teaching vocabulary, the teacher should present the target words in such

    a way that their meanings are perfectly clear and unambiguous. Therefore,

    the new words should be presented in contexts not in isolation.

    (6) Situation for presentation

    The teacher should tell the students that they have to use the words

    appropriately. The use of words depends on the situation in which they are

    speaking and depends on the person to whom they are speaking.

    Those principles of teaching vocabulary are to reach the target language.

    However, the teacher should consider vocabulary selection when they

    teach vocabulary.

    According to Haycraft (1983:18) vocabulary selection should be based on

    the following considerations:

    (1) Commonest word

    They are the words, which are commonly used, or words that the students

    need. It means that the vocabulary choice is according to its frequency.

    Therefore, in teaching vocabulary, a teacher should choose vocabulary that

    has high frequency in use, either in the written or in spoken form. The

  • 20

    students should master the vocabulary of high frequency first, before

    mastering the vocabulary of low frequency.

    (2) Students need

    The words that are needed by the student are usually worth to be taught to

    the students. It means that an English teacher should give more emphasis

    on vocabulary that is very useful for the students both in writing and

    speaking. In other words, they have to master vocabulary that I really need

    in communication.

    In addition to that, Finnochiaro (1974: 73-74) adds some comments related

    to the teaching of vocabulary as follows: (1) Vocabulary should be taught in

    normal speech utterances. (2) New vocabulary items should be introduced in

    known structures. (3) If possible, the vocabulary items should be centered about

    one topic. (4) If a familiar word is met in a new context, it should be taught again

    and practiced. A review or mention of the known meaning of the word should be

    made so that the students will understand the contrast whenever possible, only one

    context should be made so that the students will understand the contrast whenever

    possible, only one context should be taught at one time. (5) Vocabulary items

    should be taught in the same way that the teacher teaches every thing else. She/he

    gives the students an understanding of the meaning in many ways. She /he

    dramatizes, illustrates using her/him and the students show pictures, and uses any

    appropriate media and methods.

    Finally, the writer comes to the conclusion that the teachers can apply the

    guidelines of teaching vocabulary to teach vocabulary well so that the students

  • 21

    will receive what they really need in learning vocabulary. In addition, teachers

    should make an interesting situation in teaching vocabulary so that the learners do

    not feel bored and they will be interested and have a motivation in learning


  • 22



    In doing his final project, the writer collected the required data and information

    from the two main sources: library research and field research. Library research

    refers to the activity of gathering data from library facilities such as references of

    fundamental theories, which support the writers effort in doing the research. Field

    research refers to the research conducted at English Department of UNNES. I

    chose the fourth semester students of English department as the subject of the

    research because in the writers opinion, they had known enough vocabularies on

    lexical studies I and II.

    This chapter deals with the population, sample, and the instruments used

    in this research as well as the scoring technique. The administration of the test and

    the method of analyzing the data will also be presented in this chapter.

    3.1 Population

    Population is the most significant factor in conducting a research. Gay (1987: 02)

    says that the population is the group of the interest to the researcher, the group to

    which he or she would like the result of the study to be generalized. The

    population that the writer used in this study was the fourth semester students of

    regular education classes of the English department of UNNES in the academic

    year of 2006/2007.

  • 23

    The total population of this study is 82 students. They were grouped into

    class IV A to IV C. The following table describes the classes of the students.

    Class Number of students

    IV A 27

    IV B 28

    IV C 27

    Total 82

    3.2 Sample

    As stated by Gay (1987:101) that sampling is a process of selecting a number of

    individuals represent the larger group from which they were selected.

    Consequently, the degree to which the selected samples represent the population

    is the degree to which the results are generalized.

    Related to this case, the writer conducted a population research (a one

    hundred percent sample of the population) because the number of population

    was less than 100 (Arikunto, 1996:120).

    On the average, each class had almost the same number of students, that

    was 27 students. All of the classes were given the same English materials and

    treatment from the lecturers. Thus, those classes were considered parallels and had

    the same opportunity to be used as sample. It also meant that each of the student

    as the member of the population had equal chance of being included in the


  • 24

    To get one class as the sample, each of the class was written in a piece of

    paper. Then, the papers were dropped out of the slot until it reached one paper of

    class name. This technique of sampling was considered easy to carry out and

    didnt need to follow difficult procedures. One of the third classes that had been

    chosen randomly to conduct the research was class IV B. So, there were 27

    students all together as the sample.

    3.3 Instrument

    Test was used as the instrument to collect the data in this research. According to

    Harris (1969:71) there are principally two kinds of test instruments, namely

    objective and essay tests. The writer decided to take to use two objective type

    tests. They are multiple choice and completion, considering that it is adaptable to

    the measurement, at most important educational outcomes of knowledge,

    understanding and ability. In addition, the writer can get directly as many of the

    specific skills and learning which he wants to measure. Besides, it will be easily

    administered. In this case, the multiple-choice test was used for vocabulary test.

    3.4 Construction of the Test Instrument

    The test materials were taken from the teaching material specifically taught at the

    second and at the third semester of English department, emphasizing on the

    vocabulary and understanding idiomatic expression. The vocabulary test given to

    the students consisted of 60 numbers with a choice of distracters: A, B, C, and D.

    Each item provides an appropriate context for the lexical problem in the lead.

    Lado (1961:189) states that present day understanding of the nature of vocabulary

  • 25

    and of vocabulary problems do not sanction the use of words out of context in test

    of vocabulary.

    3.5 Arrangement of the Test Items

    After classifying the test items, I then arranged the test items into the following


    (1) Multiple choice type tests:

    Substituting single word with phrasal verb which has similar meaning,

    number: 1, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25.

    Substituting two or more words with phrasal verbs which have similar

    meaning number: 2, 5,6,7, 13, 14, 23.

    Placing a suitable phrasal verb in context; number: 26 35.

    (2) The completion type test

    Substituting phrasal verb with single word which has similar meaning number:

    36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49,50.

    Substituting phrasal verb with two or more words that have similar meaning

    number: 41, 42.

    Filling a suitable particle(s) for phrasal verbs in context number: 51-60.

    3.6 Administration of the Test

    3.6.1 Try Out

    To collect the data, I used a written test. The total students of class IV C was 27

    students. Because two students were absent, so there were only 25 students all

    together. The test was given to 25 students. The try-out was conducted at the

    English Department of UNNES, on Monday, 5th of March 2007 in the academic

  • 26

    year of 2006 / 2007. I tried it out to the students of class IV C because more or

    less the level of the students mastery was regarded homogenous.

    To try out, I made 35 items of multiple choice with four options and 25

    items of completion. The try - out test was carried out in 55 minutes. Five minutes

    were used to distribute the test paper.

    The goal of conducting the try out test is to measure the validity and

    reliability of the test. The score of the try out test can be seen in appendix 3.

    (1) Preparation of the Test

    The writer prepared the test by designing the instrument and consulting it

    to his advisor. After it was approved, he conducted the try-out.

    (2) Try Out

    The try-out was conducted on March 5th, 2007. The writer took one class

    that was assumed as a representative one, to get the reliability of the test.

    (3) Scoring the Test

    The scoring of the result was done by the writer. It began from March 6th

    up to March 7th, 2007.

    Harris (1964: 114) states that the reliability and the validity of the test are

    highly depend on the manner in which the instrument is employed. So, before the

    test was used to collect the data, it was tried out to measure the validity, the

    reliability, and the practicality of the test.

    Arikunto (1992: 135) states that a try out can be carried out in either a

    small scale or a large one.

  • 27

    The try out was carried out on March 5th 2007. Twenty five students took

    the try out. They had to finish those two kinds of tests in 90 minutes.

    3.6.2 Validity of the Test

    The significant variables in judging the adequacy in measuring the instrument are

    validity and reliability. It is quite crucial to determine that the test is appropriate to

    measure or not. Harris (1969: 19 21) states that validity is usually distinguished

    into three kinds: content validity, empirical validity, and face validity.

    I used content validity since the test covered representative materials. To

    find out whether the test had content validity, I arranged the test items dealing

    with phrasal verbs.

    To make sure that the phrasal verbs test in which I used in this study had

    good face validity of a test, I had asked my advisor to check them up. A test is

    said to have empirical validity if it can show the evidence that the test scores have

    a high correlation to some criterion such as the mark the students got.

    To measure the validity of each test item, I used Pearson Product Moment

    formula. The formula is like this:

    XYR( )( )

    ( ){ } ( ){ }


    2222 YYNXXN


    The detail computation of validity of test item can be seen in Appendix 4.

    3.6.3 Reliability of the Test

    Reliability of the test shows the stability of the scores when the test is used. In

    other words, the test measures an examinees ability consistently. Harris (1994:

    14) says that to have confidence in measuring instruments, the researcher needs to

  • 28

    make sure that approximately the same result will be obtained if the test is given

    at different time.

    Based on the point of views, I carried out a try-out to 25 students of the

    fourth semester students of the English Department of UNNES in the academic

    year of 2006/2007 to get the reliability of the test items. I did six steps to measure

    the reliability of the test by the following Pearson Product Moment (Lado, 1975:


    First, I administered the test and marked each students test paper. The

    score of the try-out test can be seen in appendix 3.

    Then, I divided the test results into halves and recorded the scores made by

    each student on each half. In this case, I divided the first thirty items as one half

    and the second thirty items as the other half. In other words, I used the beginning

    and end split system. Then, I listed the pairs of the scores into two columns:

    labeling the column to the left, x, and to the right, y. Each score under x has a

    corresponding score under y for the same student.

    The third step was to calculate the following statistics:

    (1) =X The sum of the X scores (odd items) (2) =Y The sum of the Y scores (even items) (3) =2X The sum of the square of the X scores (4) = 2Y The sum of the square of the Y scores; and (5) =XY The sum of the product of each X scores with its

    corresponding Y scores for the same students.

  • 29

    These data were needed to compute the correlation between two sets of

    half scores by means of the Pearson Product Moment formula. After that, I

    applied the Pearson Product Moment formula as follows:

    XYR( )( )

    ( ){ } ( ){ }


    2222 YYNXXN


    Where: XYR = the correlation of the scores on the halves of the test.

    N = the number of the students.

    The result of the computation for each set of scores for two groups of

    answers is presented in appendix 5.

    In the following step, I computed Pearson correlation of odd and even

    value ( 2/21/1r ) by applying the Product Moment formula. By applying this

    formula we get the computation below.

    [ ] [ ][ ][ ] [ ]{ } [ ] [ ]{ }222/21/1 390731024375683324 390375695924 =r

    = 0,889

    The result of Pearson correlation of odd and even value ( 2/21/1r ) shows the

    reliability of half of the test. In the last step, I used the Spearman Brown

    Formula to estimate the reliability of the entire test. The formula goes like this:


    2/21/111 1


    xrr +=


    =11r Reliability index (the obtained reliability coefficient of the entire data)

  • 30

    =2/21/1r Pearson correlation of odd and even value (the obtained reliability

    of half of the test)


    11 =+=xr

    Since the result of the reliability index is 0,941 and categorized very high,

    (where 0,941 > 0,404) and I used critical value 0, 404, it means that this

    instrument test is very reliable.

    3.6.4 Facility Value of the Test

    The facility value of an item shows how easy or difficult the item test is. To

    determine whether the test was easy or difficult, I collected all 25 test papers, and

    then I arranged them from the highest score to the lowest score. Then, I counted

    the facility value of the test items by using the formula like this:

    JsBP =

    Where: P = the facility value (index of difficulty)

    B = the number of students who answered the items correctly and

    Js = the total number of the students

    By applying this formula, the computation of facility value goes like this:

    71,02417 ==P

    The followings are the criteria of P:

    P 0, 3 is considered difficult

    0, 3 < P 0, 7 is considered medium

    P > 0, 7 is considered easy

  • 31

    An item is said to have good level of difficulty if it is not too difficult or

    too easy and its level of difficulty value falls between 0, 3 and 0, 9. The level of

    difficulty values of 60 items of the phrasal verb test I used in this study fell

    between this criterion (0, 9). It means that the items can be accepted. The list of

    the level of facility value of each item of the phrasal verb tests can be seen in

    appendix 3.

    3.6.5 Discriminating Power

    It is also important to measure the discriminating power of an item test due to the

    fact that it can discriminate the more from the less able students. Heaton states

    that the discrimination index of an item indicates the extent to which the item

    discriminates between the testers, separating the more from the less able


    To measure it, I counted the number of the students in the upper and lower

    groups who answered the item correctly. Then I subtracted the number of correct

    answers in the upper group. The calculation of the discriminating power can be

    formulated as follows:







    D =


    =D The discrimination index of an item =AB The number of the students in the upper group who answered the item


  • 32

    =BB The number of the students in the lower group who answered the item correctly

    =AJ The number of all students in the upper group, and

    =BJ The number of all students in the lower group By applying this formula, the computation of discrimination index of an

    item goes like this:







    D =


    1211 =D

    42,0=D The followings are the criteria of D:

    D are considered poor;

    0, 2 < D 0, 4 are considered fair;

    0, 4 < D 0, 7 are considered good; and

    0, 7 < D are considered very good.

    Based on the computation by using the above criteria, 6 of multiple choice

    items are considered poor, 16 items are fair and 13 items are good. And 13

    completion items are fair and 12 items are good. The result can be seen in

    appendix 3.

    3.7 Collecting the Data

    The procedures of collecting the data of this study involve several steps. First was

    designing the phrasal verb tests. Second was trying-out the phrasal verb test to

  • 33

    examine whether or not they needed improvement. It was conducted on 5th of

    March, 2007. Third was analyzing the phrasal verbs test for its validity and

    reliability (both on discriminating power and facility value). Fourth was

    distributing the phrasal verb test to the sample and then collecting them. It was

    conducted on 18th of June, 2007. In the next chapter, I will analyze the data using

    statistical and non-statistical analysis.

  • 34



    After finishing the computation of the students achievement of phrasal verb, I

    need to put the result in a form that is readily interpretable. Those data are useful

    to describe the students level of vocabulary mastery of phrasal verbs.

    4.1 Statistical Analysis

    Statistical is concerned with the organization, analysis, and interpretation of the

    test scores and other numerical data collected through measurement. The

    function of statistical method is to enable us to make precise statement about

    average, variability, and relationship(Tinambunan, 1988:100). In this study, I

    dealt with entirely descriptive analysis in which I calculated through central

    tendency and standard deviation.

    4.1.1 Classification of the Test Items

    After collecting the data, I then administered, analyzed, and interpreted them.

    Statistical analysis is concerned with the organization and interpretation of the test

    scores and on the numerical data collected through measurement.

    Before I calculated the scores of the test, I started to make the

    classification of the test items in terms of phrasal verbs:

    a) Synonym of phrasal verb.

    - Multiple choice numbers: 1 to 24.

    - Completion numbers: 32 to 40.

    b) Placing a suitable phrasal verb in context.

  • 35

    - Multiple choice numbers: 25 to 31

    c) Filling a suitable particle (s) for phrasal verb in context.

    - Completion numbers: 41 to 50.

    The total number of the test items was 50.

    This arrangement of the test items is based on the result of the try out


    4.1.2 Scoring of the Test

    I made 31 items of multiple choice type and 19 items of completion. A student

    would get 50 scores if all the answers were correct (I score for one correct

    answer). The score can be seen in appendix 11.

    4.1.3 Central Tendency

    Dealing with the statistical analysis, I measured the central tendency. According

    to Heaton(1975: 168-169), there are three kinds of measurement that should be

    considered when talking about the central tendency: they are mean, median, and

    mode. Mode

    The mode is the score that occurs most frequently in a distribution. Heaton (1975:

    168) says that the mode refers to the score, which most candidates obtained. The

    mode is determined by tallying up the scores occurring in a distribution and

    selecting the score that occurs frequently. In appendix 8, the mode is 68 since the

    largest numbers of the students scores are 80. Median

  • 36

    The median is a score that splits a distribution in a half: 50 percent of the scores

    lie above the median and 50 percent lie below the median. Thus, the median is

    also known as the fiftieth percentile. Heaton (1975: 168) says that the median

    refers to the score gained by the middle candidate in order of merit. There can

    obviously be no middle person thus the score halfway between the lowest score,

    in the top half and the highest score in the bottom half is taken as the median.

    Since the data is even, the middle score 66 is as the median. Mean

    Heaton (1975: 169) states that the mean score of any test is the arithmetical

    average that is the sum of the separate scores divided by the total number of the

    testers. It is the most efficient measurement of central tendency, but it is not

    always appropriate.

    Thus, the mean is the average of the group scores. It is represented by X .

    The computation is by adding a series of scores and then dividing this sum by the

    number of the scores.

    The formula used for computing the mean is as follows:


    X = Where:

    =x the mean = X the sum of the test scores, and

    =N the number of scores in the distribution

  • 37

    By applying this formula, the computation of the average of the scores

    goes like this:


    X =


    83,64=X Since the average score of the students is 64, 83, it means that the

    students mastery of phrasal verbs is average. Standard Deviation

    The most useful of measure of variability of scores is the standard deviation. The

    standard deviation is an average of the degree to which a set of scores is

    measurement of variability of scores in the distribution.

    Heaton (1975:170) says: The standard deviation or Sd is another way of showing the spread of scores. It measures the degree to which the group of the scores deviates from the mean. It shows how all the scores are spread out and thus gives a fuller description of the test scores than the range which simply describes the gap between the highest and the lowest marks and ignores the information provided by all the remaining scores.

    One simple method of calculating Sd is shown below:

    ( )N

    XXSd =



    =Sd standard deviation of each score from the mean. N = number of scores within each distribution.

  • 38

    By applying this formula, the computation of the standard deviation goes

    like this:

    Sd = 24


    13733.59=Sd Sd = 7.91

    The larger the standard deviation, the greater the range of the scores.

    As indicated in figure1, 70,8% of the scores fall between the mean -1 SD

    and + 1 SD, 16,7% of the scores fall between + 1 SD and + 2 SD, and 8,3% of the

    scores fall between -1 SD and -2 SD and 4,2% of the scores fall between -2 SD

    and -3 SD.

    Figure 1


    Mean +1 +2 +3 -1 -2 -3 64, 83 73 41 49 57 73 81 89

    0% 16,7%

    70,8% 8,3% 4,2%

  • 39

    Based on the computation and explanation above, the fourth semester

    students of regular education class of the English Departments scores of phrasal

    verbs can be seen clearly. Their mode, median, and means as well as standard

    deviation are useful to describe the students competence in phrasal verbs.

    4.2 Non Statistical Analysis

    After doing statistical analysis dealing with the students score, the next step is to

    deal with a non statistical analysis. This non statistical analysis deals with

    expressing various levels of achievement by the use of eight letters: A, AB, B,

    BC, C, CD, D, and E.

    Since the research was conducted at UNNES, I described the students

    achievement in the mastery of phrasal verbs based on the grading criteria of

    UNNES. It can be seen on the table 1.

    Table 1

    Interval Criteria / Grade

    Level of achievement



    < 50 E failed 1 4.251-55 D Insufficient 2 8.356-60 CD Below average 2 8.361-65 C Average 6 25.066-70 BC Above average 9 37.571-80 B Good 4 16.781-85 AB Very good 0 0.086-100 A Excellent 0 0.0Total 24 100

    (UNNES, 2004:72)

    From the table 1 above, it shows clearly that 20, 8% of the students got

    CD, D, and E score. It means that the students mastery of phrasal verbs of the

  • 40

    fourth semester students of regular education class is below average. To see the

    extent of the students mastery of phrasal verbs, it can be shown by the diagram


    The Students' Mastery of Phrasal Verbs







    From the diagram above, it can be seen clearly that most of the students

    got BC (37, 5%). It means that based on the UNNES grading criteria, the

    students mastery of phrasal verb is above average. As the result, the average

    score 64, 83 has shown the ability of the students mastery of phrasal verbs.

    The table 2 below shows the classification of the problems encountered by

    the students based on the percentage of wrong answers:

  • 41

    Table 2 False True Test item number

    Answer Percentage (%) Answer Percentage (%) 1 5 21 19 79 2 10 42 14 58 3 12 50 12 50 4 4 17 20 83 5 14 58 10 42 6 10 42 14 58 7 5 21 19 79 8 2 8 22 92 9 6 25 18 75

    10 5 21 19 79 11 8 33 16 67 12 8 33 16 67 13 8 33 16 67 14 10 42 14 58 15 6 25 18 75 16 7 24 17 71 17 12 50 12 50 18 10 42 14 58 19 2 8 22 92 20 3 12 21 88 21 5 21 19 79 22 11 46 13 54 23 10 42 14 58 24 14 58 10 42 25 11 46 13 54 26 10 42 14 58 27 11 46 13 54 28 11 46 13 54 29 5 21 19 79 30 11 46 13 54 31 12 50 12 50 32 10 42 14 58 33 7 29 17 71 34 13 54 11 46 35 8 33 16 67 36 5 21 19 79 37 9 37 15 63 38 4 17 20 83 39 6 25 18 75 40 9 37 15 63 41 9 37 15 63 42 14 58 10 42 43 4 17 20 83 44 8 33 16 67 45 16 67 8 33 46 10 42 14 58 47 10 42 14 58 48 3 12 21 88 49 9 37 15 63 50 10 42 14 58

  • 42

    It can be seen clearly that only 22 students or 92 % of them can answer

    test items number 8 and 19 correctly and only 21 students or 88 % of them can

    answer test items number 20 and 48 correctly. Meanwhile, above 46 % or more of

    the students answered the test item numbers 3,5,17,22,24,25,27,28,30,31,34,42,

    and 45 incorrectly. So, the test items should be taught more. Based on the table 2

    above, it can be seen that some of the test items are difficult to be answered

    correctly by the students.

    For example, item number 5, 24, 34 and 45

    5. Fire brigade was unable to extinguish the fire due to the difficult


    24. The soldiers ___________ the water supply of the enemy.

    34. Some people are poor. They really look to reach people for help.

    45. Now days we must try to do _________ with such foolish customs.

    In item number 5, most of the students chose the wrong synonym, put off

    than put out, the correct answer. Also, in item number 24, most of the students

    chose the wrong phrasal verbs to complete the sentence. They tended to choose

    cut down, the wrong answer than cut off, the correct answer. In addition to that, in

    item number 34, most of the students replaced the phrasal verb with the wrong of

    similar meaning, seek than rely on, the correct answer. And in item number 45

    most of the students filled the blank with the wrong particle, out than away, the

    correct answer.

  • 43

    From those test items analysis above, the writer has opinion that the

    students have difficulty in particles. Mostly, the students choose the wrong answer

    because of they are lack of vocabulary.

    From the statistic and non statistic analysis above, I will come to a

    conclusion that will be presented in the following chapter.

  • 44



    5.1 Conclusion

    Based on the data result, 5 students got the scores below the average. The data

    showed that only16, 7% of the students got good grade. Other result indicated that

    4 students got B, 9 students got BC, 6 students got C, 2 students got CD, 2

    students got D, and 1 student got E. In other words, I could say that:

    (1) Some of the students got low scores in phrasal verbs.

    (2) Some of the students had difficulties in finding the meaning or synonym of

    certain phrasal verbs.

    (3) Some of the students had problems in particles after verb e.g. do away, make

    out, look to, cut off, put out, etc.

    (4) Students tended to master inseparable phrasal verbs than separable phrasal


    From the findings above, I come to the conclusion that the fourth semester

    students of regular education class of the English Department of UNNES in the

    academic year of 2006/2007 have enough capability and knowledge in using the

    phrasal verbs.

  • 45

    5.2 Suggestion

    Since vocabulary is not taught discretely in the English Department of UNNES, I

    would like to offer some teaching suggestions to be considered to improve the

    students mastery of the phrasal verbs especially, and the vocabulary in general.

    (1) In order to teach phrasal verbs more effectively, the lecturers need to know

    which ones occur most frequently and in what contexts.

    (2) The lecturers had better use dialog drills or short narratives centered on a

    common theme.

    For example clothes (put on, take off, wear out, try on, pick out)

    or telephone (call up someone, pick up the receiver, hang up the receiver):

    (3) In paragraphs or passages unified by a theme have students substitute phrasal

    verbs for more lexically complex vocabulary items, for example:

    When you finish a picnic, there are several things you should remember to do.

    Be sure to (1) )( rearangeneatly

    the picnic area you have been using, to (2)

    John: This shirt is all worn out. What can I wear?

    Jeny: Try this shirt on. Its new.

    John: O.K. Ill put it on, but if it doesnt match my jacket, Ill have to take it

    off and pick out something else.

    I decided to call up Ann. I picked up the receiver, dialed her number, and

    waited. No one answered, so I hung up.

  • 46

    )(extinguishthe fire before you (3)

    )( vehicleinarrangeandgatherall your

    belongings and (4))( vehicleindepart


    [ Possible answers: (1) clean up, straighten up, or tidy up; (2) put out; (3) pack up; (4) drive off ]

    (4) By teaching vocabulary as a subject matter, hopefully it will enlarge the

    students stocks of vocabulary in order to facilitate them to get the meaning of

    new words found in any written materials or conversation.

    (5) In my opinion, vocabulary is not less important than other English

    components so that it is necessary to teach vocabulary as a subject matter in

    the English Department since other English components such as structure and

    phonology are taught as subject matters in this department.

  • 47


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