Pecha Kucha Nishinomiya #7

Post on 12-May-2015






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I did a Pecha Kucha in Second Life and then did a Pecha Kucha about doing a Pecha Kucha in Second Life in real life. That's a lot of Pecha Kuchas. My approach was to describe a class project. Students are told they are world reporters and have to go somewhere in the world. When they return they will give us a presentation on w...hat they saw. In this particular assignment they need to tell us in 10 slides, each timed for 20 seconds, what they were thinking when they took the shot. The next part of the presentation was showing how this could be done in a virtual world where students could share with other people from around the world. I described Cypris Chat and Cypris Society as well. It turned out to be quite entertaining I think.


What were you thinking?“What was going through your mind when you took that shot?”

A Pecha Kucha in Second LifeMike McKay

World Reporter10 Photos

20 Seconds each

Phrase: I was thinking…

That was tough…breath.

How do I join Second Life?

1. Go to http://secondlife.com2. Click “Join Now” (FREE)3. Create your avatar4. Register username and password5. Download/install software6. Start software7. Login with username and password8. Search map for Cypris Village

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Thank youMike McKay

h tt p : / / c y p r i s c h a t . o r g

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