Pearl heroes(WebGame)

Post on 05-Jul-2015






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Introduction(Browser-Based MMORPG Game) Producted By Pearlinpalm, Upload By Charles Song(Overseas Business Director)


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About PearlinPalm Founded in 2003

Offices in Beijing China, with sales

offices in Shenzhen and soon in USA

Rapid growth, from 146 employees to

nearly 300 at year end.

Leader in Chinese game space, with

multiple game franchises in both mobile

and web-based platforms

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Game Overview

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Browser-based MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role-playing game)

Revenue model based on purchase of game items

Most successful Browser-Based MMORPG game in China with over 8 million accounts.

Official Site: http://sg.5ding.comEnglish Version:

Based on historical Three Kingdoms period of Ancient China

Pearl Heroes

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The Plot

The Three Kingdoms period of China (~ 200 A.D.) is one of the most celebrated throughout China and Asia. The split of the country into three factions was characterized by strife, war, intrigue, and a large cast of monumental figures.

Taking cues from this era, Pearl Heroes weaves a visually enchanting world with responsive gameplay and thoughtful strategy. Players choose their kingdom, and then develop their characters through scenarios that borrow from the legendary history.

With many famous battles and scenery spanning desert to sea, a rich world is drawn to provide an engaging and endlessly engrossing experience for all gamers.

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Four character classes available: Warrior, Assassin, Wizard, Priest

Primary quests, with side quests for interest, cycle quests for bounty, and instances for battle challenges

Multiple levels of equipment with player modifications available

Action ranges from simple PvC combat to team instances and large-scale faction battles

An extensive mount system to provide a reliable companion and aide in questing

An engaging set of social cues, including guilds, teams, marriages, chat channels and mail postings to foster a strong community.

Systems Introduction



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The StageThe world is split into the Three Kingdoms (Wei, Shu, and Wu), and the neutral zone that divides them. The richness of the worldscape provides a framework for highly varied play and experience.

Players develop through quests that allow them to explore their own territory. Scenes range from light-hearted cities to danger-infested environs.

A natural theatre is set for staging instances (heroic battle scenes), team battles (small groups of players), and legendary wars between factions.

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Major cities

A welcome respite from the scars of warfare, the cityscapes provide a lush and welcoming area in which many housekeeping functions can be performed. Equipment purchase and repair, medical care, storage, and chat are but just a few of the features of the city. As well, major figures are in the city to provide direction, assign quests, and to retrieve and display game information.

Raid areas

Akin to dungeons, these are the areas reserved for the fiercest of fighting. Players looking for the rewards of intense battle play, heroic conquests, and non-stop challenges may enter these instances to see if they can rank amongst the greatest of fighters.

Neutral zones:

Neutral zones provide an arena in which all things can happen. You may be assigned quests, or challenge players from opposing factions, or form groups to battle. This division allows players to choose the type of play of their liking, without having to fend off all challengers if they are not looking for battle.

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The Cast – Males




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The Cast – Females




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Skills System

WizardPriest AssassinWarrior

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The Armory

An important part of all battle games is the enjoyment of outfitting one’s character, and Pearl Heroes does not disappoint!

With a wide range of carefully crafted weapons and armors, each class of character has a panoply of items to choose from.

Players may also craft their own equipment, learning to forge specially constructed instruments to enhance their own abilities.

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The QuestsThe Quest is one of the primary story drivers in an RPG. By providing a broad range of quests, the player is guided to explore a vast world while gaining the skills and experience to survive and thrive in later levels.

** Change out this screenshot for English one**

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MarriageMarriage is available in the game, which provides social interaction and a partner to progress through the game with. A chapel replete with attendants and pageantry, along with fireworks and wedding gifts make these events as captivating and important as real life!

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The Battles

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InstanceInstance quests are much harder than the normal quests. It’s a dungeon where players can take the quests and do them by themselves; the only players in this instance will be yourself and members of your party. The monsters in instance zones are typically more powerful, so groups of players will have to work together to defeat them, but with greater dangers come greater rewards!

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The Mounts

Pearl Heroes provides a sophisticated mount system to aid players in the journeys. The mounts have their own set of equipment and skills, which enhance both their abilities and the player skills.

Further, the system adds further visual appeal to the game, with colorful and fanciful renderings.

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Pearl Heroes provides a system for players to craft their own equipment. Equipment can be further enhanced through star and quality identification, and by encrusting gems.

The Foundry

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Luminance System

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The Bounty-Gathering System

Players often are rewarded in the game with items placed within the game.

This bounty fosters a sense of achievement and helps a player continue advancing.

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The Honor Roll

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Revenue Model

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The Demographics

67.6% Male32.4% Female

Broad range of players

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What makes our players play?

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Growth Process

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Inner Mongolia























Players Distribution(China)

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Game Scene

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Demo Video





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Charles Song(宋成坤 )




Address: Bldg 3 ZhengTong Office Park,No.18 Xibahe Xili,ChaoYang District,Beijing,PR.China,100028

Tel: +86-10-59787800*8051

Cell: +86-13651177582

Fax: +86-10-59787865Thanks


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