Peace Notes (May 2013)

Post on 20-Mar-2016






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Word of Peace Lutheran Church in Rogers,



MAY 2013MAY 2013MAY 2013MAY 2013



to the 2012-

2013 Kids of

Peace Preschool

Four and Five Year-Olds

Many of these students will graduate in May

and enter kindergarten next fall, while others

will con�nue on at Kids of Peace for another

great year. They have spent their �me making

friends, learning new things, growing in faith

and ge�ng ready for elementary school.

Thank you to all our wonderful Kids of Peace

teachers: Amanda Menden, Lori Reust, Laura

Dahlgren, Larissa Lambertz, and Zeanna

Amundson who have mentored and taught

them. We also wish to thank Julie Piccona*o

for her leadership and loving care of our pre-

school. Please pray for all of these li*le ones

as they con�nue on in the next step of their

learning journey.

Register Now for Kids of Peace Preschool There may s�ll be room for your child at Kids of Peace this fall! Several openings are

available for:

• 3’s & 4’s Beginning Preschool

• 4’s & 5’s Preschool

• Faithful 5’s Pre-Kindergarten

For an up-to-date list of class availability and more informa�on, contact Julie Piccona*o at 763-496-2419 or


4’s and 5’s aernoon class

4’s morning class

Sign Up Today!


Pastor Ron Prasek

Senior Pastor

21705 129th Ave. N.

P.O. Box 306

Rogers, MN 55374

Church Office

763-496-2400 (press 3 to leave an emergency

message for the pastor)

On the Web


Office Hours

Mon-Thurs 8am-4:30pm

Fri 8am-12:30pm

Our Vision Statement Our vision is to be a community where

everyone knows Christ’s Love and

shares Christ’s Love with all people.

Our Mission Statement Christ works through us as we:

• Welcome all people to grow in

faith, love and devo�on,

• Share Christ through word

and deed,

• Care for others and the world

God made, and

• Work for jus�ce and peace.

NEWSLETTER SUBMISSIONS Contact Jennie Priebe in the

church office at 496-2401 or

April newsle�er deadline:

May 10 at Noon

Dear Friends,

We con�nue in our sermon series this Spring en�tled, “The Home Run,

Strengthening Your Home” and we celebrate Mother’s Day on May 12th


It goes without saying that our moms are a precious part of our home.

As I was preparing for our series, I came across something that I appre-

ciated. It is from Allison Pearson in her book, “I Don’t Know How She

Does It.”

The list is long and always growing. At the top, in capital le�ers, are

two words: MUST REMEMBER.

“It’s a deluge of self-imposed demands: Write thank-you le�ers…Buy

new ballet leotard for daughter Emily (blue, not pink)…Return call to

sister…Ask cool friend what is gangsta rap. No cool friends. Make

cool friend…Babysi�er Saturday/Wednesday…Pay newspaper bill/

read back issues of newspaper…Call nanny temp agency…Trim son’s

nails…Den7st appointment…Return Snow White video to library…Be

nicer, more pa7ent person with daughter…”

Mothers can certainly relate to the endless lists and the shortage of

sleep as the lists are wri*en and carried out. The quota�on ends with:

“And on this Mother’s Day in par7cular, we can all be thankful for

the many ways that 7me-and sleep-starved mothers everywhere

keep numerous balls in the air while being pulled in a thousand

different direc7ons.”

This Mother’s Day will be par�cularly important for me because, as you

may know, my mom died on March 18th

. My challenge for you is that

you will take �me out of your and your mother’s (or wife’s) busy sched-

ule to do something that is posi�ve and joy-filled together. Our �me

here is very short even if it is 92 years (Mom’s age). We need to honor

and enjoy our moms who, as the quota�on says, “keep numerous balls

in the air…” and are so precious to us.

The Bible doesn’t say very much about homes, but it says a great deal

about the things that make them. It calls us to life, love, joy, peace and

rest. Perhaps this Mother’s Day we can pause to enjoy some of those

things with our wonderful moms.

By God’s Grace,



Summer Worship Begins May 26!


8:30am Tradi�onal Worship

10:00am Blended Worship


Beginning June 3 (No worship on Memorial Day, May 27)

6:30pm Contemporary Worship

Peace Market Snowstorm

Despite the 8+ inches of snow that fell on the

first day of the sale, we had a fairly steady

stream of traffic during Peace Market. Several

area families were able to meet basic needs be-

cause of your generosity. I really appreciate eve-

ryone who came to volunteer and to shop, de-

spite the crummy weather!

Proceeds from Peace Market will go to Our Lady

of Peace Hospice, par7cipa7ng ministry teams,

and the general fund. Thank you for being good

and faithful stewards with the blessings that God

has given you. This congrega7on is a joy to work


— Karen Running

Adopt-A-Highway—Word of Peace has adopted

a sec�on of Highway 101 between Rogers and

Otsego. Adults and Youth ages 12 and older can

sign up in the Gathering Area to help with the

first clean-up of the year on Saturday May 4,

from 9am-Noon. We’re mee�ng in the South

Gathering Area. This is the perfect opportunity

to volunteer as a family!

Global Missions Survey

Word of Peace has formed a new Global Mis-

sions Team and they want to hear from you!

They want to know which areas of global mis-

sions you want them to focus on, as far as travel

and support for churches and other causes

around the world. Please follow the link to our

online survey or pick up a copy at the Infor-

ma�on Desk in the coming weeks. Thank you for

your feedback!

To take the survey online, scan the QR code be-

low with your smart phone or go to

New Sunday Church School Hour Added

and New Fall Worship Times

Begin September 2013

We are excited to announce that due to our growth, we are adding an

addi�onal church school hour on Sunday mornings beginning the fall

of 2013. This growth is a reflec�on of the wonderful ministry done by

hundreds of volunteers, ministry teams, leadership teams and staff.

This past educa�on year we completely filled both the 9:20 and

10:50am church school hours. This is wonderful! Thank you God! How-

ever, that meant that we had to turn away new and visi�ng families

from Sunday church school hours because the classrooms were filled

to capacity. We want all new, visi�ng, and returning families coming to

Word of Peace to feel welcome and have their faith forma�on needs

accommodated. Therefore, we are commi*ed to adding another

church school hour.

In order to add an addi�onal church school hour, we need to adjust

our worship �mes Many people have expressed a desire for an

8:30am worship service and it is our hope that moving the worship

hour to 8:30am will allow more people to take advantage of this �me,

thus easing conges�on at later worship and more fully mee�ng the

needs of our congrega�on and community. The Sunday 11am and

6:30 Monday worship �mes will remain the same.

What Does This Mean For Our Congregaon?

We are pleased to announce the following worship service and church

school hour changes for the fall of 2013:

*NEW* Sunday Worship Times

Sundays at 8:30am—Tradi�onal

9:45am—Blended (Elements of Tradi�onal and Contemporary)


*NEW* Sunday Church School Hours

8:30-9:30am; 9:45-10:45; and 11:00-12:00pm

Monday Worship Times

6:30 pm—Evening Contemporary

Monday Night Church School Hours

5:00-6:00pm and 6:15-7:15pm

We are thankful for our growth, the people who serve our congrega-

�on, and the opportunity to con�nue to minister to our congrega�on

and community.

We will need many volunteers to teach and lead at all five of our

church school hours to welcome all God’s people who come through

our doors. We are called to be a witness for Christ and serve God’s


If you have ques�ons or would like addi�onal informa�on, please con-

tact Pastor Rick Skare at (763)496-2400 or Kris�n Skare, Educa�on

Director, at (763)496-2404.


We’re con�nuing our “Home Run” sermon series through May 19/20. The baseball season provides

an opportunity to reflect on the game of life we play every day, especially with those closest to us.

Whether your “home” is made up of one person or a family of ten, this sermon series addresses is-

sues we all encounter in our homes and daily rela�onships.


May 5 & 6

Pastor Rick Skare, “Playing the Game: Learning to be Content”

The desire to acquire is a part of life and it has some devasta�ng effects on us. But the Bible has

much to teach us about how to be content in life.

Scripture Readings: Luke 12:15-21; Philippians 4:4-13; Ecclesiastes 5:10-20; Psalm 1

May 12 & 13

Pastor Ron Prasek, “Teamwork: Rela*onships with our Neighbors”

Our neighbor is someone we do not choose, we are not related to and who is always next to us. The

challenge Jesus has for us is to figure out how to love that neighbor no ma*er what. Today we learn

lessons from our Grace Choir in their spring musical, “The Rock Slinger and His Greatest Hit.”

Scripture Reading: Romans 13 8:10

May 19 & 20

Pastor Krista Strum, “Coaching Ma-ers: Honoring our Parents”

Honor your father and your mother. As we grow in years, the defini�on of our parents evolves.

But as Chris�ans we are called to honor our parents for our en�re lives.

Scripture Readings: John 19:16b-30; Exodus 20:12; Ephesians 6:1-4

Memorial Day Weekend Worship: May 26 (No Worship on Memorial Day, May 27)

Pastor Ron Prasek, BuDon BuDon, Who’s Got the BuDon?

Every piece of equipment we use has bu*ons, and every piece of equipment uses different combina-

�ons of bu*ons to make things happen. We are in the age of confusion because of bu*on overload. It’s

not that way with Jesus. He comes to us through the Spirit and is available simply through faith.

Scripture Readings: John 16:12-15; Proverbs 8:1-4,22-31; Psalm 8; Romans 5:1-5


Music & Worship

Sign up today at the Informaon Desk

Or online at

GRACE CHOIR’s Spring Musical,

The Rock Slinger and His

Greatest Hit will be presented

during worship on May 12 and


This great story from the book of

1 Samuel tells the story of David

and Goliath. David, God’s chosen

one, prevailed over the Philis�ne

army by defea�ng Goliath, their

greatest (and biggest) champion,

using only a rock and his sling,

proving that with God’s help, all

things are possible.

Grace Choir is made up of 3rd


grade kids who love to sing and

act. The choir meets on Thurs-

days during the school year from

6-7pm. If you’re in this age group

and you like to sing and perform,

plan on being in Grace next

year! It’s a very good way to use

your talent to glorify God.

For more informa�on, contact

Michael Sahlen at 763-496-2412


Rogers High School

Baccalaureate Ceremony Wednesday, June 5th, 7:00pm

at Mary Queen of Peace

The Baccalaureate Ceremony is a Chris�an, interdenomina�onal ceremony

for the Rogers High School gradua�ng class. The ceremony will include mu-

sic, readings, prayers and guest speakers.

Rogers High School Graduates, please join your fellow students in this oppor-

tunity to celebrate your gradua�on and our Awesome God! All seniors, along

with their family members and friends, are welcome and encouraged to

a*end. Graduates should wear their caps and gowns and arrive at the church

by 6:45 pm. Please RSVP by May 15th

to Krisne Niznik at 763.428.1836 or s

Rogers Review:

A Showcase of Local Talent Friday, May 3 at 7:00pm at Word of Peace

Cost: Adults $10.00

Children ages 6-12 $6.00

Children under age 6 FREE

This fundraising event is sponsored by the

Rogers-Hassan Seniors, Inc.


MS: MS: MS: MS: MSM.AM (Youth group) meets two Sundays a month in

the Youth Room for food, devo�ons, games and conversa�on.

Join us on May 5 and 19!

MSMSMSMS----HS: HS: HS: HS: Plant Sale Pick-Up and Delivery is May 10 from 4-


MSMSMSMS----HS: HS: HS: HS: Service and Fun all in One—Sign up for Summer

Stretch! 6-12 graders, pick up a registra�on packet from the

Youth Board. Cost is $100 for middle schoolers and $60 for

high school leaders. Deadline is May 15. Contact Marcus Eads

at 763-496-2410 or

MSMSMSMS----HS: HS: HS: HS: There’s sll me to sign up for camp! Informa�on

and registra�on forms are available outside the youth office.

All Wapo Camp registra�on is done online at

MSMSMSMS----HS:HS:HS:HS: Stop by the youth office and pick up a Summer pro-

Learning Ministry

gram guide.

HS: HS: HS: HS: Learn about TEC (Teens Encounter Christ) from some of

our youth who experienced the recent weekend retreat at Word

of Peace. Wednesday, May 1 and 8 from 7:30-9:00pm.

HS: HS: HS: HS: 912_Smallgroups will meet through May 8.

MSMSMSMS----HS: HS: HS: HS: Adopt-A-Highway—Saturday, May 4, 9am-noon. Bring

your parents, friends and neighbors! Details on pg. 3

HSHSHSHS: Graduaon Recognion—Seniors, we want to honor you

for all of your achievements! Come join the celebra�on on Sun-

day May 19 at the 9:30 and 11am worship services.

HS: HS: HS: HS: Summer Bonfires begin May 29, 7:30-9pm—We’ll roast

hot dogs, make s’mores and play fun games! Join us!

For informa7on about youth ministries, go to or

Confirmaon Ministry

May 5th confirma�on registra�on for 2013-2014 opens.

May 8th


grade Exam night—6-7pm in the Brekke Room


grade Open House night—parents of 5th graders and

5th grade students, please a*end at either the 5:30 or

6:30pm large group �me. We will answer your ques�ons

aUer each large group �me.

May 15th Confirma�on Picnic/Party from 6-8 pm. Come

join us for a grill-out, then head over to the park for

some outdoor games and fellowship. The event will be

rain or shine; we will stay indoors if it rains. 8th


exams will be handed back to students at 8:00pm in the


Sunday May 19th—Parents of CURRENT 8th graders:

Please come either Sunday, May 19 at 12:15pm in the

Brekke Room or Wednesday, May 22 at 6:00pm in the

sanctuary for a VERY important PARENT ONLY mee�ng

(please do not bring your student). Please a*end ONE of

these mee�ngs to get ALL OF THE INFORMATION THAT

YOU WILL NEED for their upcoming confirma�on in Janu-

ary of 2014.

Church School, Confirmaon and 9th Grade

Registraon Begins Sunday, May 5

We are excited to begin registra�on for all families who plan

on registering for the fall 2013/2014 educa�on year.

Church School Sessions:


8:30-9:30am 5:00-6:00pm

9:45-10:45am 6:00-6:15pm


Confirmaon Sessions:

5:30-7:00 pm (First Session)

6:30-8:00 pm (Second Session)

Ninth Grade:

See Registra�on Form for details

Join us for a week of adventure,

faith, and fun where we all learn

to stand strong for God!

June 24-28, 9am - Noon

For 4 yr .olds as of 6/24 through stu-

dents who have completed 5th grade.

Registra�on forms found at the educa�on office or



outh, Grades 6-8 HS: HS: HS: HS: High School Yout

h, Grades 9-12

New Session,

New Times!


Seniors Please contact Judy Hanson at 763-428-7657 for resource,

community or general informa�on for seniors.

To subscribe to the Senior Newsle*er, call 763-241-3520. Or, you

can read the newsle*er online at

• Thursday Senior Shop Rogers

Bus—Thursdays at 10am, $1.00

per rider. Contact Judy at 763-


• Jammers Potluck & Music—

Sunday, May 5 from 1-5pm (eat

at 4pm) at the Rogers Communi-

ty Room. Contact Dave at 763-


• Rogers Senior Dining—Tuesday

through Thursday every week at

12:00 noon at the Rogers Com-

munity Room. Call at least two

days in advance by 2pm for res-

erva�ons, 763-428-0976. Cost:

55+ $4.00. Under 55 $7.00.

• Cards & Games are played Tues-

days through Thursdays aUer

Senior Dining at the Rogers

Community Room. Call Marga-

ret, 763-428-8650.

• Fit & Fun Exercises (for ages

50+) Mondays from 10:30-

11:15am at the Rogers Commu-

nity Room. Call Margaret, 763-


• The Word of Peace Kids-Care

Bus takes seniors shopping at

Ridgedale every other month.

The next trip will be June 11th.

Cost is $1.00 for the round trip.

The bus will pick us up at Word

of Peace at 9:30am and return

us by 1:30pm. Call Judy to sign

up at 763-428-7657.

• Heritage Place Garage Sale

Thursday, Friday & Saturday,

May 16-18, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.

Come to the Community Room

at Heritage Place and go home

with something “new”!

• The Rogers Revue will be held

again this year at Word of Peace

Church. Friday, May 3rd at 7pm.

Come for a wonderful night of

your fellow ci�zens of Rogers

sharing their talents. You will be

amazed! For a ride call Les Smith

763-428-1815 or Elroy Mueller

763-428-2446 .

C.R.O.S.S. Corner

Thank you for your con�nuing

support! C.R.O.S.S. serves an

average of 525 families each

month and has 1,000 registered

families. Let’s con�nue to stock

those shelves!

May Food Shelf Needs: Snack-

size individual packaged crack-

ers, fruit cups, soups, cereal

bars and juice boxes.

Warmer weather is around the

corner and �me for spring

cleaning! Consider dona�ng

gently used summer clothing to

C.R.O.S.S. Items may be

dropped off at C.R.O.S.S.: 12915

Weinand Circle, Rogers, MN





The Minneapolis Area Synod Assembly

convenes this year on May 31st and June

1st at Shepherd of the Lake Lutheran

Church in Prior Lake. Each year Word of

Peace sends seven vo�ng members and

our pastors to the assembly to gather as a synod for worship, busi-

ness, keynote speeches and reports from the na�onal church. The

theme for this year’s Assembly is “Always being made New.”

The Minneapolis Area Synod consists of 155 missions, ministries and

congrega�ons of the ELCA. The synod (a word which means

“mee�ng together”) includes urban, suburban and rural communi-

�es in the greater metropolitan Minneapolis area. The Minneapolis

Area Synod is the largest of the ELCA’s synods and home to some of

the largest Lutheran congrega�ons in the world.

The ten vo�ng members from Word of Peace a*ending this year’s

assembly are: Lincoln Boe, Pa*y Chase, Melanie Hansen, Dennis Nel-

son, Glenn Nemec, Caren Nemec, and Lori Schmidt, along with Pas-

tors Ron, Rick and Krista.

NonNonNonNon----Profit Org.Profit Org.Profit Org.Profit Org. US PostageUS PostageUS PostageUS Postage


C h a n g e S e r v i c e R e q u e s t e d

SundaysSundaysSundaysSundays 8:00 a.m. Traditional8:00 a.m. Traditional8:00 a.m. Traditional8:00 a.m. Traditional 9:30 a.m. Blended9:30 a.m. Blended9:30 a.m. Blended9:30 a.m. Blended

11:00 a.m. Contemporary11:00 a.m. Contemporary11:00 a.m. Contemporary11:00 a.m. Contemporary

MondaysMondaysMondaysMondays 6:30 p.m. Contemporary6:30 p.m. Contemporary6:30 p.m. Contemporary6:30 p.m. Contemporary

Summer WorshipSummer WorshipSummer WorshipSummer WorshipSummer WorshipSummer WorshipSummer WorshipSummer WorshipSummer WorshipSummer WorshipSummer WorshipSummer Worship Begins May 26thBegins May 26thBegins May 26thBegins May 26thBegins May 26thBegins May 26thBegins May 26thBegins May 26thBegins May 26thBegins May 26thBegins May 26thBegins May 26th

Mondays at 6:30 p.m.Mondays at 6:30 p.m.Mondays at 6:30 p.m.Mondays at 6:30 p.m.Mondays at 6:30 p.m.Mondays at 6:30 p.m.Mondays at 6:30 p.m.Mondays at 6:30 p.m.Mondays at 6:30 p.m.Mondays at 6:30 p.m.Mondays at 6:30 p.m.Mondays at 6:30 p.m. Sundays at 8:30 & 10 a.m.Sundays at 8:30 & 10 a.m.Sundays at 8:30 & 10 a.m.Sundays at 8:30 & 10 a.m.Sundays at 8:30 & 10 a.m.Sundays at 8:30 & 10 a.m.Sundays at 8:30 & 10 a.m.Sundays at 8:30 & 10 a.m.Sundays at 8:30 & 10 a.m.Sundays at 8:30 & 10 a.m.Sundays at 8:30 & 10 a.m.Sundays at 8:30 & 10 a.m.

***No Worship on Memorial Day, May 27No Worship on Memorial Day, May 27No Worship on Memorial Day, May 27No Worship on Memorial Day, May 27No Worship on Memorial Day, May 27No Worship on Memorial Day, May 27No Worship on Memorial Day, May 27No Worship on Memorial Day, May 27No Worship on Memorial Day, May 27No Worship on Memorial Day, May 27No Worship on Memorial Day, May 27No Worship on Memorial Day, May 27

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