Pcb Annual Report 2009 Eng-cz Web

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  • 8/3/2019 Pcb Annual Report 2009 Eng-cz Web


    2009Annual Report

  • 8/3/2019 Pcb Annual Report 2009 Eng-cz Web


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    A Message rom the Director

    Board o Directors / PCB Sta

    Prague Meeting Planners Guide & New Web Pages

    Business Development Department / Bidding or Prague, Bidding to Win!

    Site Inspections / Statistical Summary

    Tradeshows & FAM /PRESS Trips


    Promotional Materials / Special Events

    SWOT Analysis PCB 2009

    2009 Budget Summary

    asov osa

    Slovo editelky

    Pedstavenstvo a tm PCB

    Prague Meeting Planners Guide & Nov webov strnky

    Obchodn oddlen / Nabdka Prahy - Nabdka spchu!

    Prohldky prostor / Statistick souhrn

    Veletrhy & FAM/PRESS Tripy

    Reklama & Inzerce

    Reklamn materily / Speciln udlosti

    SWOT analza PCB 2009

    2009 Vsledkovka

    2009 Annual Report - 3

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    January 8th - 9th

    January 21st

    January 22nd

    January 23th - 24th

    January 27th - 28th

    January 27th

    January 27th

    January 27th

    January 29th

    January 29th

    January 30th

    February 4th - 5th

    February 18th

    February 19th

    February 24th - 26th

    February 25th

    February 28th

    March 1st

    March 15th

    March 15th

    March 25th

    March 26th

    March 30th - April 3th

    GO and Region Tour Brno

    Board o Directors Meeting, Vinohradsk 46, Praha 2

    Paris Workshop - 107 French MICE Attendees

    Sales trip France

    PCB Educational Seminar - Hosted by Henrik Von Arnold Master Class in Bidding

    New Years Eve Party - Location: ZOOM, Congress Centre Prague

    PCB Members receive Member Certicates

    New Promo Materials - Member CDs, olders, pens

    Director o PCB, Jade Sebek nominated into steering committeeor Global ACTE Conerence in Prague - 25 - 27. 10. 2009

    Marketing Committee Meeting, Vinohradsk 46, Praha 2

    New Project City o Pragues Incentive Program in support o Conerence and Incentive Tourism in PragueParis, Tradeshow - Bedouk

    Board o Directors Meeting, Vinohradsk 46, Praha 2

    Marketing Committee Meeting KEY SELLING POINTS PRAGUE

    London, Tradeshow CONFEX - WON an award or BEST SHELL STAND

    London MICE Workshop

    PCB allocates nancial support rom CzechTourism to assistin the development o Czech Convention Bureau.

    Advertorial about Prague as a MICE destination debuts in Czech Travelogue - a International Travel Magazine

    Editorial on Prague and PCB advertisement in Luxury Travel Magazine

    Launch o NEW Prague Convention Bureau WEBSITE

    Board o Directors Meeting, Vinohradsk 46, Praha 2

    Marketing Committee Meeting, Vinohradsk 46, Praha 2Paris, Tradeshow - MEEDEX

    January 30TH

    New Project City o Pragues Incentive Program

    in support o Conerence and Incentive Tourismin PragueIn 2009 PCB and its members took it upon them-selves to introduce and Conerence Incentive Pro-gram to the City o Prague, this is still being nal-ized, more details to come in 2010.

    February 19TH

    Marketing Committee MeetingKEY SELLING POINTS PRAGUE PCB Marketingcommittee generated through a very productivebrainstorming session the main Key selling pointsor Prague, which will be used or print advertising

    o PCB, online advertising, sales and sales presen-tations, marketing materials and our website.

    March 15TH

    Launch o NEW Prague Convention Bureau

    WEBSITE - basic versionPCB has launched the PCB website several weeksago. Ocial Tender Winner became the companyNausus, s.r.o.

    March 30TH - April 3RD

    Paris, Tradeshow - MEEDEX

    The only rendez-vous driven event in France dedi-cated exclusively to French buyers booking meet-

    ings, conerences, events and incentive travelsinternationally. MEEDEX is preparing the launcho the essential tool or all actors o the MICE sec-tor: The MEEDEX PRO - the ocial business tour-ism, convention and event directory.

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    April 1st

    April 1st

    April 4th - 5th

    April 8th

    April 19th

    April 22nd

    April 22nd

    April 29th

    April 30th

    April 30th

    May 13th - 16th

    May 19th

    May 20th

    May 21st

    May 26th - 28th

    June 1st - 3rd

    June 11th - 13th

    June 11th - 12th

    June 15th - 17th

    June 16th

    June 17th - 20 th

    June 18th - 20 th

    June 22nd

    June 23rd

    June 25th

    June 25th

    June 30th - July 6th

    Corporate Sponsor: PILSNER URQUELL

    Meeting Planners Guide - Tender winner o this project became COT Business, s.r.o.

    Prague - PCB hosts ACTE Site Inspection

    Board o Directors Meeting, Vinohradsk 46, Praha 2

    PCB presents Prague and the PCB members in the Meetings and Congressi Magazine on the Italian Market

    Marketing Committee Meeting, Vinohradsk 46, Praha 2

    Board o Directors Meeting, Vinohradsk 46, Praha 2

    General Meeting in Zon Garden

    Business Destinations Magazine

    Globe and Mail - European Travel Commission - Specil Travel Edition - Canada/USA

    Prague hosts the Meetings and Incentive Forum

    Voyages and Strategies

    Board o Directors Meeting, Vinohradsk 46, Praha 2

    Marketing Committee Meeting, Vinohradsk 46, Praha 2

    Frankurt, Tradeshow - IMEX

    Prague - UK FAM Trip

    French PRESS Trip

    Milano, Italy - Milano Workshop

    Prague, PCB host ACTE Site Inspection

    Board o Directors Meeting, Vinohradsk 46, Praha 2

    Spain, ICCA Educational Conerence

    FAM Trip, France

    Brussels, Brussels MICE Workshop

    PCB President presents CEBRE

    ICCA European Chapter Meeting 2010 coming to Prague!Board and Marketing Committee meet in Hard Rock Cae

    PCB hosts ICSC Site Inspection

    April 1st

    Corporate Sponsor: PILSNER URQUELL

    PCB is happy to announce that Pilsner Urquell hasbecame a new corporate sponsor rom April 2009.Financial investment amounts 1 400 000 CZK.

    April 29th

    General Meeting in Zofn GardenPCB hosted its General Meeting or membersand potential members a like. With a record turnouto over 50 guests PCB presented its accomplish-ments, nances and uture plans.

    May 13th - 16th

    Prague hosts the Meetings and Incentive ForumPCB is presenting Prague and its members thisweek at the Meetings and Incentive Forum organ-ized by the Great Hotels Organization. PCB is proud

    to be one o the sponsors! The Meeting & IncentiveForums are designed to give high quality meetingand incentive hotels our intensive days o ace-to-ace meetings with MICE buyers rom Germany, UK,France, Switzerland, Benelux and Scandinavia.

    May 19th

    Voyages and StrategiesPrague Convention Bureau promotes Prague and itsPartners through a detailed case study.

    May 26th - 28th

    Frankurt, Tradeshow - IMEXPCB hosted the IMEX buyers on the CzechTourismstand, presented PCB and its members in each othe three IMEX Daily Magazines. The PCB sta con-

    ducted 45 prescheduled meetings and they are ol-lowing up with clients as we speak!

    June 1st - 3rd

    Prague UK FAM TripPCB welcomed meeting planners rom the UK.We had a rigorous program prepared - the group vis-ited 10 hotels, 4 venues, attended a DMC workshopand enjoyed a tour o Prague. Thank you to all whohelped out in making this FAM a success!

    June 11th - 13th

    French PRESS TripPrague, Five prestigious travel writers rom FrenchMICE magazines. Press Conerence in coop-eration with PCB, CzechTourism and CSA on Fri-day, 12th o June, 2009.

    June 11th - 12th

    Milano, Italy - Milano WorkshopPCB is presenting Prague and its members thisweek at a PCB/CzechTourism organized workshopin Milan. CzechTourism and PCB in cooperationwith the Meetings and Congressi Magazine is proudto present Prague and the Czech Republic in Italy.

    June 22nd

    Brussels, Brussels MICE WorkshopPCB presented Prague and its members by host-

    ing a workshop in Brussels in light o wrapping upthe ocial term o the Czech Republic as the head othe EU. The event took place in the Prague House, lo-cated in the heart o the EU commission district. PCBpresented Prague as the ideal meetings destinationto meeting planners and associations alike.

    June 23rd

    PCB President presents CEBREPCB and the City o Prague were presentedas a meetings destination or association meetings,incentives and corporate events. The presenta-tion was held directly in the European Commissionin ront o 200 commission members.

    June 25th

    ICCA European Chapter Meeting 2010 comingto Prague!In cooperation with Agentura Karolina Prague wasannounced as the next host destination in 2010at the Geneva 2009 conerence. 50 - 100 partici-pants representing Destination Marketing, MeetingsManagement, Venues, Meetings support and Trans-port companies are expected in Prague in June2010.

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    July 1st

    July 1st

    July 5th - 6th

    July 13th

    July 15th

    July 31st

    August 5th

    August 9th

    August 16th

    August 25 th - 26 th

    August 27 th

    September 1st

    September 3rd

    September 6th - 12th

    September 7th - 8th

    September 7th - 9th

    September 15th

    September 18th

    September 24th

    Launch o the NEW Business Development Department

    PCB wins two bids or Prague!

    PCB hosts the Saralee Site Inspection

    PCB presents itsel at the IEEE

    London Oysters Networking Workshop

    PCO a DMC Meeting - Babylon, Liberec

    Board o Directors Meeting, Rytsk 26, Praha 1

    PCB and CzechTourism collaborate or a Meetings and Incentive MAP!

    PCB hosts a French PCO Site Inspection - Agency Partners France

    Toronto, Tradeshow Incentive Works

    Toronto, Toronto Workshop

    New York, New York Workshop

    Board o Directors Meeting, Rytsk 26, Praha 1

    PCB in Cooperation with CzechTourism host USA and Canada FAM trip

    PCB hosts World Cae Site Inspection

    PCB Hosts French FAM trip

    Pragues FIRST Meeting Planner Guide Available

    PCB launches sophisticated online RFP Program

    General Meeting PCB, Plzesky Prazdroj, Plzen

    July 1st

    Launch o the NEW Business DevelopmentDepartmentNew Sta, New concept, Sales Manuals, acelitPCB oce

    July 1st

    PCB Wins two bids or Prague!This year has been quite a turning point orthe Prague Convention and its members. Expan-sion in both team members and nances and nowresults are starting to come emerge. We are proudto announce two conerences which have beenconrmed rom Prague in 2010 through the hardwork o the PCB sta.

    July 13th

    PCB presents itsel at the IEEEPCB took part in the IEEE - PANEL OF CONFER-ENCE ORGANIZERS, held in Prague in July. PCBwelcomed the delegates and sponsored a coeebreak or the 120 IEEE delegates to enjoy.

    July 15th

    London Oysters Networking WorkshopPCB also took part in the OYSTERS SUMMERPARTY - ON TOP OF THE WORLD, organizedby CAT Publications, CONFEX Group and OYSTERS(A group o tourist boards and CVBs in the UK.The networking event was meant to bring together

    21 key detonations and over 300 potential buyersin the London area.

    August 27th

    Toronto, Toronto WorkshopPrague Convention Bureau presented itsel beore60+ meeting planners rom the Greater Toronto Area in the exquisite location the Sunnybrook Es-tates.

    September 1st

    New York, New York WorkshopFor the rst time PCB and CzechTourism hosteda evening workshop event in New York, meetingwith over 50 buyers in the Czech House locatedin Uptown New York.

    September 15thPragues FIRST Meeting Planner Guide AvailablePrague Convention Bureau issued this monththe rst comprehensive overview o convention andincentive possibilities in Prague - Prague MeetingPlanners Guide. This publication presents servicesand activities o the Prague Convention Bureaumembers; in the orm o summary the other sub- jects who are active in conerence and incentivebusiness, incentives and social programs in Pragueand surrounding areas and the basic inormationnecessary or meeting planners.

    (Download on www.pragueconvention.cz)

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    More promotional materials - new pans, note pads and paper PCB git bags

    A Message rom the Director

    Sales Trip ParisSano Aventis Site Inspection

    MAP PRO Tradeshow in France + Sales Trip

    Host o GAL A Site Inspection


    PCB hosts FAM Trip UK

    Board o Directors Meeting, Vinohradsk 26, Praha 2

    Florence Itlie, akce ICCA Conerence

    UK, Trade show WTM/Sales Trip

    Prague hosts Brussels FAM Trip

    Marketing Committee Meeting, Vinohradsk 46, Praha 2

    PCB Advertisement in AHR Forum and Be The Best Magazine

    New Power Point Presentation Available

    Barcelona, Tradeshow EIBTM, Advertising - EIBTM Daily

    USA - Chicago, New York, Toronto Sales Trip

    Board o Directors Meeting, Bellevue, Smetanovo nb. 18, Praha 1

    Workshop Paris

    PCB Advertisement in Top Travel Business

    October 2nd

    October 5th

    October 7th

    - 9th

    October 9th - 12th

    October 10th - 14th

    October 15th - 18th

    October 25th - 27th

    November 2nd - 4th

    November 5th

    November 7th - 11th

    November 8th - 13th

    November 22nd - 24th

    November 26th


    December 1st

    December 1st - 3rd

    December 7st - 15th

    December 10th

    December 15th


    October 25th - 27th

    ACTE GLOBAL CONFERENCE IN PRAGUEWe are very happy to announce that PCB in coop-eration with CzechTourism is supporting the ACTE2009 conerence in Prague, Czech Republic. PCBorganized and lead the site inspection which washeld rom the 15th - 18 th o June 2009. The ACTEGlobal Educational Conerence will be held romthe 25th - 27th o October in the Hilton Hotel Prague;we are expecting approx. 400 - 500 participantstraveling rom all over the world.

    December 15th

    Workshop ParisPCB attended the second MICE workshop in Parispresenting to over 100 buyers in a traditionallyCzech holiday themed event.

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    A Message from the Director

    At its core, the mission o the Prague Convention bureau is to strengthen the positive awareness o the city o Prague as a convention and visitordestination to increase revenue and stimulate economic growth or the community. In 2009 the bureau sta and volunteer board o directors tookthat message to heart and pursued a number o successul marketing ventures.

    For the rst time in history Prague published an ocial Meeting Planners Guide which we created in conjunction with COT media and withoutany direct eect on our year end budget. This visually stunning promotional tool has over 140 pages with an individualized presentationo each o our members. A 1 000 copies were printed in 2009 and we will be expanding this venture in the uture.

    New was also the completion o an interactive CD-ROM presentation highlighting the cities must see attractions and activities, memberpresentations and many other key selling points toward Prague.

    At the beginning o April, we unveiled a completely re-designed web site eaturing new bells and whistles to ensure a user riendlyexperience. New photography and additional links were made more accessible on the home page. In August o 2009, PCB launched a newsophisticated online request or proposal system, which surpasses most other online RFP systems promoted by our competitors.

    In April 2009, PCB welcomed its rst ocial corporate sponsor Pilsner Urquell with signicant nancial commitment which will continue into

    the beginning o 2010. We also were able to allocate unds or our budget rom our strategically partner CzechTourism, which was providedto us on the basis o assisting in the development o Czech Convention Bureau. At the end o the year, PCB also received a partnershipinvestment directly rom the City o Prague in a record high o 2.5mil CZK.

    All this was accomplished while still introducing new projects, achieving our goals and coming over 1mil CZK under budget.

    Looking back on 2009, a number o actors aected tourism - rom unpredictable consumer behavior, to the general economic climate. However,a recent study released through ICCA (International Conerence and Convention Association) indicated that in 2010 and 2011 tourism will againbecome a growth industry especially in the associations meeting sector.The PCB sta, board o directors and bureau partners have all done an outstanding job in servicing all meeting proessionals and elevatingthe awareness o the City o Prague. As we look orward in 2010, the bureau will pursue new marketing opportunities and will continue to striveto exceed the expectations o clients who would like to Compose their event in Prague!

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    PCB Sta

    Jade SebekDirector

    Andrea LibovMarketing

    Ken DietrichBusiness Development Dept.

    Brett IraBusiness Development Dept.

    Martina BouovTeam Coordinator

    Jana JzovP/T Business Development Dept.

    Helena Hradilov

    P/T Business Development Dept.Julius FabulaP/T Business Development Dept.

    Board o Directors

    Jan AdmekPresident o the Board

    Petr MarhoulVice president o the Board

    Michal ChourVice president o the Board

    Lenka lebkovMember o the Board

    Sanjiv SuriMember o the Board

    Katarina DvokovMember o the Board

    Karel Knetl

    Member o the BoardJarmila korkovTreasurer

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    and CD-ROM PRODUCEDThe Prague Convention Bureau introduced a new key marketing tool or the promotion omeeting and incentive tourism to Prague. For the rst time, the PCB is able to oer a com-plex meeting planners guide, the publication presents services provided by the PragueConvention Bureau and its members; members being listed with detailed inormation andnon members being list with a visuals and basic contact inormation.

    We worked with C.O.T. media and our partners to create a proessionally producedmarketing piece that beautiully displays the cities nest oerings by way o activities,sites, ood, shopping and o course accommodations and conerence organizers. PCBDirector Jade Sebek said This very visual production will continue to serve as and e-ective outreach tool in the months and years ahead

    This project was completely sel-unded. The helpul coordination o C.O.T. media al-lowed the PCB to contact members and non-members to advertize in this publication

    in a very non-oensive way. The overall look o the publication can be downloadedat www.pragueconvention.cz.


    The bureau unveiled a resh new design o its website in April 2009 at www.PragueCon-vention.cz. The new site developed by Nausus s.r.o., was created to be more user riendlyand easier to navigate or meeting planners, members and the media.

    To achieve this, key items such as the request or proposal orm and the members direc-tory were made to be complex but easy to use both or the member and the end client.The Request or Proposal orm is an application which directly connects the membersand the potential clients. Potential clients input all detailed inormation into a detailedthree page orm, which automatically gets distributed to the members through and online

    lter system at this point the client and the members communicate directly.

    Members were also provided with log in inormation, which allows each member to up-date their member prole, pictures and other inormation directly on the site. The PragueConvention Bureau plans urther enhancements to its website in 2010.

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    DEPARTMENTIn 2009 the Prague Convention Bureau introduced a new initiative to increasethe amount o events in Prague. The Business Development department o-cially opened its doors in July, 2009 with a team o two ull time sta and twopart time sta. The BDDs goals were to concentrate on developing a data-base o qualied clients, contacting them directly to introduce the serviceso the PCB and its members, ocus on active bidding and creating an Ambas-sadors Program.


    ICSC - International Council o Shopping Centres 2010 1000 WON! PragueIFLA - International Federation o Library Associations 2012 3500 Decision Barcelona

    ESMRMB - European Society or Magnetic Resonance in Medic ine and Bio logy 2013 1300 TBD

    IPA - International Psychoanalytical Society 2013 2500 TBD

    CMEC - Ceramics and Materials Engineering Conerence 2014 1500 TBD

    EACPT - European Association or Clinica l Pharmacology and Therapeut ics 2015 1000 Decision Madrid

    ERS - European Respiratory Society 2015 1000 TBD

    EAIE - European Association or International Education 2013/14 3700 TBD

    WLA - World Lottery Association 2014 1200 TBD

    ISP - International Society o Photosynthesis 2013 1500 TBD

    (>1000pax)CHEMCON - European Conerence 2010 350 WON! Prague

    IFLA - International Federation o Library Associations 2011 750 Decision Barcelona

    E SMRMB - Eu ropean Soci et y or Magn et ic Resonance i n Medi ci ne an d B io logy 20 13 50 0 T BD

    IPA - International Psychoanalytical Society 2014 600 TBD

    CMEC - Ceramics and Materials Engineering Conerence 2013/14 750 TBD

    EAC PT - European As sociat ion or Clinical Pharmac olog y and Thera peutics 600 Decision Madrid

    ERS - European Respiratory Society 2010 600 TBD


    In 2009, PCB directed its eorts to actively begin bidding on larger associa-tion conerences. This meant working with Pragues proessional conerenceorganizers, the Prague Congress Centre and in some instances the local as-sociation representative. The PCB has been very successul with winning threemajor bids directly due to our eorts.

    In 2010, the PCB will continue its eorts in bidding or major conerences andwill enhance this project by introducing activities such as the AmbassadorsProgram which will directly infuence local area association contact to actas lobbyist in their own International associations.

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    Month Date PAX Other Details

    April 4th - 5th 1 USA, conerence or 3000pax, site or congress centre - AES

    May 26th - 28th 1 Switzerland - gala dinner 300 - WIN

    June 15th - 17th 2 USA, conerence or 300pax - ACTE

    June/July 30th - 2nd 1 USA, conerence or 1000pax - ICSC

    August 5th - 6th 2 Netherlands, meeting or 70pax - Saralee

    August 16th - 20th 1 French Core PCO - Agency Partners France

    September 7th - 8th 2 USA, World Ca Association, 150pax

    October 5th - 7th 1 USA, GALA, 5 00p ax

    November 18th - 20th 1 UK, Exhibition or 800 -1000pax - iGaming

    December 16th - 17th 2 UK, Conerence 600 - 800pax - ISDA


    Tota l Number o c lients contacted personal ly through BDD: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2804

    To ta l nu mb er o up da ted contac ts i n BD D da tabase : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 65 2

    Tota l numbers o Inqu ires achieved di rect ly through BDD: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86

    To ta l n umber o I nq ui res Won by P CB Members : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3

    Total Number o Bids: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 8

    Total Number o Bids Won: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

    Tot al number o Bids still in TBD: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

    Total number o room nights secured or Prague:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 0 1(Through 2009 efforts)

    Tot al number o Site Inspec tions: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

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    The Prague Convention Bureau attended nine tradeshows, seven workshops and hosted 6 FAM/Presstrips rom our top destinations. PCB also assisted in preparing the Meeting and Incentive Forum Great

    Hotels o the World and the ACTE Global Conerence both in Prague and throughout 2009 conducted6 sales trips, either individually or along with another event to save on cost.

    Month Date Event Type Place

    January 8th - 9th Go and Region Tour Brno

    January 22nd Paris Workshop Paris

    February 4th - 5th BEDOUK Paris

    February 24th - 25th CONFEX + Sales Trip London

    February 25th London Workshop London

    March/April 30th - 3rd MEEDEX Paris

    April 12th - 17th Mee ti ng s an d In cent ive Fo ru m P ragu e

    May 26th - 28th IMEX Frankurt

    June 1st - 3rd UK FAM/Press Trip Prague

    June 11th - 12th Milano Workshop Milano

    June 18th - 20th French FAM Trip Prague

    June 17th - 20th ICCA Educ ation Conerence Malaga

    June 22nd

    Brussels Workshop BrusselsJune 23rd - 25th Brussels Sales Trip Brussels

    July 15th Networking Workshop London

    August 25th - 26th In cent ive Works + Sa les Tr ip To ronto

    August 27th Toronto Workshop Toronto

    September 1st New York Workshop New York

    September 6th - 12th USA/Canada FAM Trip Prague

    September 7th - 9th FAM/Press Trip France Prague

    October 10th - 14th Map Pro, France and Sales tr ip Par is

    October 25th - 27th ACTE Global Conerence Prague

    November 2nd - 4th FAM/Press Trip UK Prague

    November 7th - 11th ICCA Conerence Florence ItalyNovember 8th - 13th WTM/ Sales Trip UK

    November 21st - 24th Brussels FAM/Press Trip Prague

    December 1st - 3rd EIBTM Barcelona

    December 7th - 15th Sales Trip - Chicago, New York, Toronto USA

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    www. p r agueconv e

    nti o n . cz







    YouCanExperience theInspirationinPrague

    VisitthePrague Convention BureauatEIBTMto EAT, DRINKandWINPCB is located attheCzech RepublicStand# K650On TuesdayDecember 1, 2009 andWednesdayDecember 2, 2009 at3PMPCB will be holding PrizeDraws with

    over20 chances to WIN! Door Prizes consist of overnight stays in Prague, dinners, tours and much more provided by

    the PCB members! Talk to a Prague Convention Bureau representative to find out details ofhowto win the GRANDPRIZE

    a 5 NightVacation in Prague(including airfare,a ccommodationand tours).Traditional CzechBeerandWinealsoavailable foryouto enjoy See youatthe Show!

    PragueistheprettiestgeminthestonecrownoftheworldJ.W.Goethe, (17491832)



    2009 Main ocus on media - domestic and abroad:

    Domestic: Establish our expertise among our peers, the press, and our potential clients

    Build goodwill among our clients and suppliers Create and reinorce our brand and proessional corporate image

    Inorm and create good perceptions regarding our company and services

    Abroad:Assist in introducing a new service or product Generate trac to our on-line request orm

    Mitigate o negative publicity and corporate crisis

    List of Advertising in 2009:

    AHR Forum BEDOUK Catalogue

    Be The Best COT

    Business Destinations Magazine Convention and Incentive Catalogue (CzechTourism)

    Czech Travelogue Czech Republic Sales Guide (North America)

    EIBTM Daily IMEX Daily

    Incentive Travel Magazine Luxury Meetings

    Meeting a Congressi Prague Meeting Planners Guide

    The Globe and Mail TOP Travel Business




    MICE partnei





    www. prag ue co n ve n ti o n . cz

    Ryts k 2 6 , Praha 1te l . : 2 2 4 2 3 5 1 5 9i n fo@ prag ue conve nti on. cz

    C_in rc_A _ r .in 1

    1 .1 . 1 : : 5








    Fastandeasyto us


    On-line c




    quality services






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    PCB New Year Eve Party

    General Meeting Spring 2009

    Meeting and Incentive Forum

    General Meeting Fall 2009

    ACTE Global C onerence

    The Czech Tourist Autority, a non pro t organization under theMinistry Of Regional Development was founded in 1993 forthe purpose of promoting the Czech Republic as an attractivetouristdestinationabroadandin theyear2003alsopromotingwithin the domestic market.

    CzechTourism supports the incoming and domestic tourist industry and further focuseson promoting the particular branches of the travel industry, such as spas, conference andincentive as well as golf tourism.

    Moreinformations:info@CzechTourism.cz www.CzechTourism.com


    CzechTourism www.czechtourism.comVinohradsk46,Praha2ragueInformation Service www.prague-info.cz

    Information Centres:TheOldTownHall(Starom stskradnice),Staromstsknms t 1Theconcourseof theMainRailroadStation

    InformationCentreRytsk ul. 31TheLesserTownBridgeTower(Malostranskmosteck v)(fromApril toOctober)

    PublicTransportSystem www.dpp.czCzech Airlines www.czech-airlines.com

    The Prague Convention Bureau is a non-pro t organizationofferingyouaone-stop-shopservicefororganizinga conference,meet ing ,seminar,exhib itionorincent iveevent.Adviceandassistance are provided completely free of charge.Interestedin organizingan eventin Prague?

    ThePragueConvention Bureaucanassist youin:Planningyour event,Organizingyour siteinspection,Drawing upa social program,Helpingyourbudgetgoals

    Moreinformations:TeamPCB@pragueconvention.cz www.pragueconvention.cz


    2009 Annual Report - 15

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    EntrepreneurialRelationships with membersInnovativeHard workingFun / upbeatBoard loyalty & involvementLeadershipCan-Do attitudeStrong MembershipChallenges dealing with adversityGrowth in Marketing and Business Development ActivitiesVery sophisticated RPF systemEngaged & established boardVision / seeing opportunity

    WEAKNESSESUndervalued work-orceCommunication o Activities and Accomplishmentsto members and the communityContinuity / stabilityWebsiteCultural HospitalityNetworkingService groups vs. generating leadsReliable unding (city, state) - membership dependentQuantity value o membership to all members - prove o ROILimited resourcesCommunity (selling ROI)Quantity advertising ROINot politically active - local, regional


    Unique local favourDrivable destination

    Heart o EuropeGlobal destinationCapital City within Czech RepublicProximity to tourist attractions in Prague and throughout CZClean environmentMany 4* and 5* propertiesUnique culinary favourRich in historySae environmentPartnershipsEasily accessibleCreative economy


    Lack o public undingLack o incentive program rom side o HLMPIdentityLocal awarenessLocal media presenceLack o Exhibition SpaceFull-fedged inormation centerLocal municipal supportEconomyTerritorialism

    OPPORTUNITIESExchange ratePartnerships: Regional and International

    Collective VisionLarge group events - Ambassador ProgramCommission structureCollaborating with neighbouring regionsRevive meeting connections with other CVBsStaycations / Meet locallyTechnology: eciency through technologyGrowing / emerging cityGreen marketingReduce duplication with other organization (re-evaluation)Streamline / back to basicsTo become more politically activeDene geographic region - enlargeHost events

    THREATSIll-inormed legislatureMajor acilities built/renovated in other regionsOverall economyEnergyTechnology - how people get inoLack o member vs. executive team cohesivenessFinancial back-up - questionable not stableChanging demographics: Age, ethnic, languageAre we positioned or change?Competing markets


    2009 Annual Report - 16

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    PCB THE YEAR AHEAD:Ater looking into all aspects o our business we dened the main goals or PCB in 2010:

    MARKETINGFocus on PR - locally and in eeder marketsWeb page upgrade > photo gallery, emailing system, etc.Social media promotion - Twitter, Facebook, Linked-in, etc.Marketing campaign at EIBTM and IMEXGoogle

    BUSINESS DEVELOPMENTgoal 36 conrmed bids/bookings resulting in 15.000 room nightsSta allocation -> Congresses 50% and 50% corporate meetingAmbassador Program in place and ully unctioningSeries o Trade airs, sales trips and FAM trips

    STRUCTURAL GOVERNMENTAL SUPPORTIncentive program or large convention > development & implementation; nanced through municipalityEvents tracking statics (online)

    2009 Annual Report - 17

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    Revenue 2008 (CZK) 2009 (CZK)

    Membership Fees General 2 281 750 2 705 524

    CzechTourism + Sponsorship 0 2 300 000

    City o Prague 0 2 500 000

    Workshops 46 000 124 488

    Other Income 2 116 407

    Total 2 329 866 7 630 419

    Expenses 2008 (CZK) 2009 (CZK)

    Wages and Salaries 523 823 2 509 676

    Administration 200 237 1 043 190

    Advertising and Marketing 1 124 890 1 235 017

    Business Development * 688 667

    Workshops and Tradeshows 348 041 336 346

    Miscellaneous Expenses ** 18 100 264 090

    Total 2 215 091 6 076 986


    2009 was a pivotal year or the Prague Convention Bureau. With a visibleincrease o members, activities, sta, but most importantly REVENUE. PCBincreased its membership base to over 80 members 46% being Platinummembers, 35% Gold members and 19% Silver members. PCB was able to an-chor in many o the key players within the Pragues meetings market. PCBwas able to acquire a 2 million CZK partnership contract with CzechTourismto help kick start the Czech Convention Bureau, which had been success-ully launched on 1.1.2010. In addition to this, PCB was able to convince oneo Czech Republics most recognized brand, Pilsner Urquell to invest and spon-sor the eorts o the PCB. And towards the end o 2009, Prague ConventionBureau was patiently waiting on a decision rom the City o Prague, whetheror not we were to receive a partnership contract to support PCB activities.Ater a lot o hard work on behal o the PCB team and its Board o Directors,PCB received a substantial contribution o 2.5 million CZK bringing our annualbudget to a new high. We would like to sincerely thank you all or your on go-ing support and are looking orward to urther growth in the uture years to


    * Hardware, Sotware, Renovation oce in Rytsk, Database** Legal and tax consultation, Vehicle expense, General and other Members meeting support

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    2009Vron zprva

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    8.- 9. ledna

    21. ledna

    22. ledna

    23. - 24. ledna

    27. - 28. ledna

    27. ledna

    27. ledna

    27. ledna

    29. ledna

    29. ledna

    30. ledna

    4 - 5. nora

    18. nora

    19. nora

    24. - 26. nora

    25. nora

    28. nora

    1. bezna

    15. bezna

    15. bezna

    25. bezna

    26. bezna

    30. bezna - 3. dubna

    GO a Region Tour Brno

    Zasedn pedstavenstva, Vinohradsk 46, Praha 2

    Workshop v Pai: 107 astnk rancouzskho MICE

    Obchodn cesta do Francie

    PCB vzdlvac semin - podan Henrikem Von Arnoldem (jednika v oblasti tvorby nabdek)

    Novoron party, msto konn: ZO2OM, Congress Centre Prague

    lenov PCB obdreli lensk certikty

    Nov propagan materily - lensk CD, desky, tuky

    editelka PCB, Jade Sebek, nominovna do dcho vboruGlobal ACTE Conerence v Praze 25. - 27. 10. 2009

    Setkn marketingov komise, Vinohradsk 46, Praha 2

    Nov projekt Prask incentivn program k podpoe konerenn a incentivn turistiky v PrazePa, veletrh Bedouk

    Zasedn pedstavenstva, Vinohradsk 46, Praha 2

    Zasedn marketingov komise - KEY SELLING POINTS PR AGUE

    Londn, Veletrh - CONFEX - Udlena cena za nejlep stnek

    Londn - MICE Workshop

    PCB zskv fnann podporu od CzechTourism k rozvoji Czech Convention Bureau

    Uvedena reklama o Praze jako MICE destinaci v Czech Travelogue - mezinrodn cestovatelsk magazn

    Editorial o Praze a inzerce PCB v Luxory Travel Magazine

    Uveden NOVCH webovch strnek PCB - zkladn verze

    Zasedn pedstavenstva, Vinohradsk 46, Praha 2

    Zasedn marketingov komise, Vinohradsk 46, Praha 2

    Pa, veletrh - MEEDEX

    30. lednaNov projekt Prask incentivn program

    k podpoe konerenn a incentivn turistikyv Praze V roce 2009 si PCB a jeho lensk zkladna vzaliza sv pedstavit konerenn a incentivn programHlavnmu mstu Praze. Na projektu se stle pracu-je, vice inormac v roce 2010.

    19. nora

    Zasedn marketingov komiseKEY SELLING POINTS PRAGUE Velmi produktivnbrainstorming marketingov komise PCB pineslvynikajc vsledky v podob sestaven klovchprodejnch bod (tzv. Key Selling Points) pro Pra-hu. Ty budou pouit na titnch inzercch PCB,on-line reklamch, pi prodeji a prodejnch prezen-tacch, marketingovch materilech a na naichwebovch strnkch.

    15. bezna

    Uveden NOVCH webovch strnek PCB

    zkladn verzePCB uvedla sv nov webov strnky ped nkolikatdny. Ocilnm vhercem tendru se stala spole-nost NAUSUS, s.r.o.

    30. bezna - 3. dubnaPa, veletrh - MEEDEX

    Jedin udlost zamen na pm jednn ve Fran-cii. Je vnovan pouze rancouzskm nkupm,kte objednvaj mtinky, konerence, udlosti a in-centivn cestovn na mezinrodn rovni. MEEDEXpipravuje sputn zkladnho nstroje pro vech-ny zastnn z MICE odvtv - MEEDEX PROse stane ocilnm adresem incentivn turistiky.

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    1. dubna

    1. dubna

    4. - 5. dubna

    8. dubna

    19. dubna

    22. dubna

    22. dubna

    29. dubna

    30. dubna

    30. dubna

    13. - 16. kvtna

    19. kvtna

    20. kvtna

    21. kvtna

    26. - 28. kvtna

    1. - 3. ervna

    11. - 13. ervna

    11. - 12. ervna

    15. - 17. ervna

    16. ervna

    17. - 20. ervna

    18. - 20. ervna

    22. ervna

    23. ervna

    25. ervna

    25. ervna

    30. ervna - 6. ervence

    Sponzorstv PILSNER URQUELL

    Meeting Planners Guide - vhercem vbrovho zen na tento projekt se stal COT Business, s.r.o.

    Praha - PCB hostuje ACTE Site Inspection

    Zasedn pedstavenstva, Vinohradsk 46, Praha 2

    PCB pedstavuje Prahu a svou lenskou zkladnu v asopise Meetings and Congressi na italskm trhu

    Zasedn marketingov komise, Vinohradsk 46, Praha 2

    Zasedn pedstavenstva, Vinohradsk 46, Praha 2

    Setkn v restauraci on Garden

    Business Destinations Magazine - esk republika zvolena nejlep business destinac ve stedn Evrop

    Globe and Mail - European Travel Commission - Speciln cestovatelsk vydn - Kanada/USA

    Praha pod Meetings and Incentive Forum

    Cesty a strategie

    Zasedn pedstavenstva, Vinohradsk 46, Praha 2

    Zasedn marketingov komise, Vinohradsk 46, Praha 2

    Frankurt, veletrh - IMEX

    Praha - UK FAM Trip

    Francouzsk PRESS Trip

    Milano, Itlie - Milano Workshop

    Praha, PCB pod ACTE Site Inspection

    Zasedn pedstavenstva, Vinohradsk 46, Praha 2

    panlsko, ICCA Educational Conerence

    FAM Trip, Francie

    Brusel, Brussels MICE Workshop

    Pedseda PCB prezentuje CEBRE

    ICCA European Chapter Meeting 2010 se uskuten v Praze!

    Zasedn pedstavenstva a marketingov komise v Hard Rock Cae

    PCB pod ICSC Site Inspection

    1. dubnaSponzorstv PILSNER URQUELLPCB s radost oznamuje, e Pilser Urquell se od dub-na 2009 stal nam novm sponzorem. Finannpodpora dosahuje ve vi 1 400 000 K. Pt letn

    setkn se uskuten v Plzeskm pivovae.29. dubnaSetkn v restauraci on GardenDne 29.4. 2009 PCB uspodalo setkn pro svoulenskou zkladnu a potenciln leny. Pi rekordnnvtvnosti 50 host PCB presentovalo svoje sp-chy, nann a budouc plny.

    13. - 16. kvtnaPraha pod Meetings and Incentive ForumV tomto tdnu PCB prezentovala Prahu a svoji len-skou zkladnu na Meetings and Incentive Forumpodanm the Great Hotels Organization. PCB jehrd na to, e je jednm ze sponzor, kte pomohlipi konn tohoto setkn v Praze! Meeting & Incen-

    tive Forum je navren tak, aby poskytlo pikovmhotelm v incentivn turistice tyi intenzivn dny jed-nn tv v tv s MIC E nkupmi z Nmecka, Brit-nie, Francie, vcarska, Beneluxu a Skandinvie.

    19. kvtnaCesty a strategiePCB pedstavuje Prahu a sv partnery v podrobnppadov studii.

    26. - 28. kvtnaFrankurt, veletrh IMEXOd 26. do 28. kvtna se PCB prezentovalo na veletr-hu IMEX ve Frankurtu. PCB vtala zjemce na stn-ku CzechTourism, kde prezentovalo PCB a jeholenskou zkladnu v kadm ze t IMEX denka podala koktejlovou party pro zjemce s vybra-

    nmi eskmi specialitami a eskou olklorn muzi-kou. Zamstnanci PCB realizovali pes 45 schzeka na n navazuj prv te, kdy tete tyto dky.

    1. - 3. ervnaPrague UK FAM TripPCB pivtala organiztory mtink z Velk Britnie.Mli jsme pipraven nron program skupina na-vtvila 10 hotel, 4 djit konerenc, zastnila seDMC workshopu a uila si prohldku Prahy. Dkuje-

    me vem, kte nm pomohli k spchu tohoto FAMtripu! Do budoucna plnujeme dlat vice takovchtoFAM trip a pokud se na Vs nedostalo nyn, nezou-ejte, pt se to jist povede!

    11. - 13. ervnaFrancouzsk PRESS TripPraha pt prestinch reportr o turistice z ran-couzskch MICE asopis zavtalo do Prahy pod vlaj-kou PCB. 12. 6. tiskov konerence ve spoluprciPCB, CzechTourism a SA.

    11 - 12. ervnaMilano, Itlie Milano WorkshopPCB prezentovalo Prahu a svou lenskou zkladnuna workshopu organizovanm PCB a CzechTourismemv Miln. CzechToursim a PCB ve spoluprci s Mee-ting and Congressi Magazine jsou hrdi na to, e mohliprezentovat Prahu a eskou republiku v Itlii.

    22. ervnaBrusel, Brussels MICE WorkshopDne 22.6. PCB prezentovalo Prahu a svou lenskouzkladnu pi podn workshopu v Bruselu kona-nho pi pleitosti pedsednictv esk republikyEvropsk unii. Udlost se konala v ndhernm Pra-skm dom, kter se nachz v samm stedu tvrti,kde sdl Evropsk komise. PCB prezentovalo Prahuorganiztorm mtink jako ideln msto pro jejichsetkn nebo konerenci. Po veern akci a worksho -pu nsledoval raut, esk pivo a vno.

    23. ervnaPedseda PCB prezentuje CEBREPCB a Hlavn msto Praha byly prezentovny jakokongresov destinace vhodn pro sdruen, incentiv-n a remn eventy. Prezentace probhla 23. 6. 2009pmo v Evropsk komisi ped 200 komisai.

    25. ervnaICCA European Chapter Meeting 2010se uskuten v Praze!Ve spoluprci s agenturou Karolina jsme na kone-renci eneva 2009 vyhlsili Prahu jako pt ms-to, kde se bude ICCA setkn odehrvat. Tm stoastnk z ad Destination marketingu, manage-mentu mtink, mst konerenc, mtinkov podporya pepravnch spolenost pijedou do Prahy v erv-nu 2010.

    2009 Vron zprva - 21

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    1. ervence

    1. ervence

    5. - 6. ervence

    13. ervence

    15. ervence

    31. ervence

    5. srpna

    9. srpna

    16. srpna

    25. - 26. srpna

    27. srpna

    1. z3. z

    6. - 12. z

    7. - 8. z

    7. - 9. z

    15. z

    18. z

    24. z

    Zahjen innosti novho obchodnho oddlen

    PCB vyhrv pro Prahu dv vbrov zen

    PCB pod Saralee Site Inspection

    PCB se prezentuje na IEEE

    London Oysters Networking Workshop

    PCO a DMC setkn Babylon, Liberec

    Zasedn pedstavenstva, Rytsk 26, Praha 1

    PCB a CzechTourism spolupracuj na Meetings and Incentive MAP!

    PCB pod rancouzskou PCO Site Inspection - Agency Partners France

    Toronto, vstava Incentive Works

    Toronto, Toronto Workshop

    New York, New York WorkshopZasedn pedstavenstva, Rytsk 26, Praha 1

    PCB ve spoluprci s CzechTourism podaj USA and Canada FAM trip

    PCB hostuje World Cae Site Inspection

    PCB pod French FAM trip

    PRVN Meeting Planner Guide dostupn pro veejnost

    PCB spout s ostikovan online poptvkov systm

    Setkn PCB, Plzesky Prazdroj, Plze

    1. ervenceZahjen innosti novho obchodnho oddlenNov zamstnanci, nov koncept, prodejn manulya vylepen kancelskch prostor PCB

    1. ervencePCB vyhrv pro Prahu dv vbrov zenRok 2009 byl pro PCB a jeho leny zlomov. Ex-panze ze stran jak lensk zkladny, tak i nanczpsobila, e jsou vidt vsledky. Jsme hrdi na to,e meme ohlsit, e se Praha stane dky na tvr-d prci hostitelem tchto dvou konerenc:ICSC - International Council o Shopping Centers- 700 - 800 osob, CHEMCON - 300 - 350 osob.

    13. ervencePCB se prezentuje na IEEEPCB se zastnilo IEEE - PANEL OF CONFERENCEORGANIZERS, kter se konal v Praze v ervenci.Uvtali jsme delgty a sponzorovali coee breakpro 120 delgt IEEE.

    15. ervenceh

    London Oysters Networking WorkshopPCB se tak zastnilo OYSTERS SUMMER PARTY- ON TOP OF THE WORLD podan CAT Publica-tions CONFEX Group and OYSTERS (skupina adcestovnho ruchu a CVBs v Britnii). Networkingovudlost mla za cl pivst dohromady pes 300 po-tencilnch klient z oblasti Londna.

    27. srpnaToronto, Toronto WorkshopPrague Convention Bureau se prezentovalo pedvce jako edesti organiztory mtink z iroblasti Toronta v exkluzivnm mst SunnybrookEstates.

    1. zNew York, New York WorkshopPCB a CzechTourism podalo podveern udlostv New Yorku. Setkn v newyorskm eskm Domv New York Uptown zahrnulo pes 50 nakupch.

    15. z

    PRVN Meeting Planner Guidedostupn pro veejnostV zi vydalo Prague Convention Bureau prvn cel-kov pehled incentivnch a sjezdovch monostv Praze - Prague Meeting Planners Guide. Publika-ce prezentuje sluby, innosti a nabdku len PCB;ve orm celkovho peheldu subjekt, kter jsouaktivn v oblasti konerenn a incentivn turistiky,incentivnch a spoleenskch programech v Prazea pilehlm okol. Publikace je urena organizto-rm mtink, konerenc a event a je dostupn na:www.pragueconvention.cz

    2009 Vron zprva - 22

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    Dal propagan materily nov propisky, bloky a paprov drkov PCB taky

    Zasedn marketingov komise, Vinohradsk 46, Praha 2

    Obchodn cesta do Pae

    Sano Aventis Site Inspection

    MAP PRO veletrh ve Francii + obchodn cesta

    Podn GALA Site Inspection


    PCB pod FAM Trip UK

    Zasedn pedstavenstva, Vinohradsk 26, Praha 2

    Florencie Itlie, akce ICCA Conerence

    UK, prodejn vstava WTM/Sales Trip

    Praha pod Brussels FAM Trip

    Zasedn marketingov komise, Vinohradsk 46, Praha 2

    PCB inzeruje v AHR oru a Be The Best asopise

    New Power Point Presentation Available

    Barcelona, veletrh EIBTM, inzerce - EIBTM Daily

    USA - Chicago, New York, Toronto obchodn cesta

    asedn pedstavenstva, Bellevue, Smetanovo nb. 18, Praha 1

    Workshop v Pai

    PCB inzeruje v Top Travel Business

    2. jna

    5. jna

    7. - 9. jna

    9. - 12. jna

    10. - 14. jna

    15. - 18. jna

    25. - 27. jna

    2. - 4. listopadu

    5. listopadu

    7. - 11. listopadu

    8. - 13. listopadu

    22. - 24. listopadu

    26. listopadu


    1. prosince

    1. - 3. prosince

    7. - 15. prosince

    10. prosince

    15. prosince


    25. - 27. zACTE GLOBAL CONFERENCE v PrazeJsme velmi astni, e meme ohlsit, e PCBve spoluprci s CzechTourismem podporuje ACTE2009 konerenci v Praze. PCB organizovalo a ved-lo site inspection, kter se konala mezi patnctma osmnctm ervnem 2009. ACTE Global Educa-tional Conerence se odehrla od 25. do 27. jnav hotelu Hilton Praha a zastnilo se j k pti stmastnk z celho svta.

    15. prosinceWorkshop v Pai

    PCB se zastnilo druhho workshopu v Pai,aby mohlo prezentovat 100 astnkm tma tra-din esk dovolen.

    2009 Vron zprva - 23

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    Slovo editelky

    Podstatou posln Prague Convention bureau (PCB) je poslit pozitivn povdom o Praze jako mst konerenc a destinaci pitaliv pro adu n-vtvnk, a tm zvit pjmy a stimulovat rst odvtv cestovnho ruchu. V roce 2009 se zamstnanci a manaei naden zapojili do naplovntohoto posln. Dky jejich zpalu, entusiasmu a aktivit se podailo splnit celou adu obchodnch vzev.

    Poprv v historii vydala Praha ociln Meeting Planners Guide vytvoen spolen s COT media, ani by to mlo dopad na celkov ronrozpoet. Tento propagan nstroj, jeho skvl graka na prvn pohled upout, m pes 140 stran, na nich najdete prezentace vech naichlen. Bylo vytitno tisc kus. Tato aktivita bude dle rozvjena.

    Nov byla tak dokonena interaktivn CD-ROM prezentace, kter upozoruje na nejzajmavj msta, kter je mon v Praze navtvit,a na aktivity, kter je zde mon podnikat. Spolu s tm tato prezentace obsahuje i pedstaven len PCB.

    Na zatku dubna jsme zprovoznili zcela pebudovan internetov strnky. Byla pidna ada atraktivnch unkc, dky emu je rozhranuivatelsky pjemnj a poskytuje nvtvnkm daleko vy komort. Na domovsk strnce nyn najdete vce otogra, odkaz a dalchuitench inormac, ani by tm utrpla pehlednost. V srpnu byl uveden do provozu nov poptvkov systm, kter pevyuje naprostouvtinu konkurennch systm pro zadvn poptvek.

    V dubnu PCB mezi svmi partnery pivtalo prvnho ocilnho korportnho sponzora. Je jm Plzesk Prazdroj, kter vznamnou mroupispl k nancovn a rozhodl se v tomto pokraovat i v roce 2010. Podailo se nm tak zskat zdroje od naeho strategickho partnera,agentury CzechTourism, co nm pomohlo udrovat rychl tempo rozvoje. Ped koncem roku obdrelo PCB partnersk pspvek pmood hlavnho msta Prahy v rekordn vi 2,5 mil K.

    Dky tomu, e se to vechno podailo doshnout, jsme mohli realizovat nov projekty. Nklady zstaly o jeden milion korun ni, ne byl pedpoklad.

    Pi ohlednut zpt na rok 2009 je nutn konstatovat celou adu akt, kter ovlivnily turistick ruch od nepedvdatelnho chovn spotebitelpo obecn ekonomick klima, kter cestovn nepeje. Pesto jedna z poslednch studi publikovan ICCA (International Conerence and Conventi-on Association) poukzala, e v letech 2010 a 2011 se turismus znovu stane rostoucm odvtvm zejmna v oblasti konerenc a mtink.Zamstnanci, pedstavenstvo a partnei PCB odvedli vynikajc prci pi poskytovn proesionlnch slueb a zvyovn povdom o Praze. Naenaden neopad ani v roce 2010, kdy PCB bude pokraovat ve vyhledvn novch marketingovch pleitost a kdy udlme vechno pro to,abychom pekonali oekvn klient, kte by rdi uspodali svou udlost v Praze!

    2009 Vron zprva - 24

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    PCB tm

    Jade Sebekeditelka

    Andrea LibovMarketing

    Ken Dietrichobchodn oddlen

    Brett Iraobchodn oddlen

    Martina BouovKoordintor tmu

    Jana Jzovobchodn oddlen (sten pracovn vazek)

    Helena Hradilovobchodn oddlen (sten pracovn vazek)

    Julius Fabulaobchodn oddlen (sten pracovn vazek)


    Jan AdmekPedseda pedstavenstva

    Petr MarhoulMstopedseda pedstavenstva

    Michal ChourMstopedseda pedstavenstva

    Lenka lebkovlen pedstavenstv

    Sanjiv Surilen pedstavenstv

    Katarina Dvokovlen pedstavenstv

    Karel Knetllen pedstavenstv

    Jarmila korkovFinance

    2009 Vron zprva - 25

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    PBC vytvoilo nov eektivn nstroj pro propagaci konerenn a incentivn turistiky. Po-prv me nabdnout rozshlho prvodce a zdroj inormac pro plnovn kongres.Publikace shrnuje veker sluby poskytovan PCB a jejmi leny. Kad len m svoudetailn prezentaci. Ostatn maj monost umstit krtkou inormaci a vizuln prezentacise zkladnmi kontaktnmi daji.

    zce jsme spolupracovali s C.O.T. media a vemi naimi partnery, abychom vytvoiliproesionln publikaci, kter by dokzala pedvst vechny krsy Prahy a to nejlepz nabdky volnoasovch aktivit, restaurac, nkup a samozejm ubytovn a organiz-tor konerenc. k Jade Sebek a dodv, e tato vynikajc pruka bude v nsleduj-cch mscch a letech cennm pomocnkem jak pro PCB, tak pro vechny zainteresovanstrany.

    Projekt byl pokryt z rozpotu PCB. Podpora C.O.T. media umonila PCB kontaktovat leny

    i neleny s nabdkou zaazen do publikace zpsobem, kter byl ptelsk a neobtoval.Publikace je mimo jin dostupn internetovch strnkch www.pragueconvention.cz.

    NOV WEBOV STRNKYa online VZVA K PODN POPTVKY(Request for proposal form, RFP)

    V dubnu 2009 PCB zcela inovovalo graku svch internetovch strnek na adresewww.PragueConvention.cz. Styl novch strnek, kter vyvinula rma Nausus s.r.o., jepteltj, pohodln a jednodu pro prochzen - a u plnujete mtink, jste namlenem nebo se o nae aktivity zajmte jako novin.

    Abychom toho doshli, bylo nutn vyeit klov vlastnosti poptvkovho ormule tak,aby byl dostaten podrobn a zrove jednoduch - pro leny PCB i pro koncov z-kaznky. Vznikla tak aplikace, kter pmo spojuje leny a potenciln zkaznky. Zkaz-

    nci vypln do detailnho tstrnkovho ormule daje o sv poptvce. Poptvky jsoutdny v on-line ltrovacm systmu a automaticky pedny tm lenm, pro kter jsourelevantn. Od tto chvle komunikuj lenov a zkaznci pmo.

    lenov obdreli pihlaovac daje, kter jim umouj aktualizovat svj lensk prol,obrzky a ostatn inormace na webovch strnkch.

    Dal rozen webu a jeho unkc plnuje PCB v roce 2010.

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    V roce 2009 pedstavilo Prague Convention Bureau dal aktivitu pro zve-n potu konerenc v Praze. V ervenci zahjilo innost obchodn oddlen,v nm pracuj dva zamstnanci na pln vazek a dva na sten vazek.Jejich kolem je pedevm rozvoj databze kvalikovanch zkaznk a pmstyk s nimi. Krom jinho se obchodn oddlen zamuje na prezentaci sluebPCB a jeho lensk zkladny, aktivn tvorbu nabdek a vytvoen Ambassadorprogramu.

    (>1000 astnk)

    ICSC - International Council o Shopping Centres 2010 1000 Vyhrno Praha

    IFLA - International Federation o Library Associations 2012 3500 Rozhodnut BarcelonaESMRMB - European Society or Magnetic Resonance in Medic ine and Bio logy 2013 1300 TBD

    IPA - International Psychoanalytical Society 2013 2500 TBD

    CMEC - Ceramics and Materials Engineering Conerence 2014 1500 TBD

    EACPT - European Association or Clinica l Pharmacology and Therapeut ics 2015 1000 Rozhodnut Madrid

    ERS - European Respiratory Society 2015 1000 TBD

    EAIE - European Association or International Education 2013/14 3700 TBD

    WLA - World Lottery Association 2014 1200 TBD

    ISP - International Society o Photosynthesis 2013 1500 TBD

    (>1000 astnk)CHEMCON - European Conerence 2010 350 Vyhrno Praha

    ICOGRADA - International Council o Graphic Design Associations 2011 750 TBD

    IATDMCT - International Association o Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Clinical Toxicology 2013 500 Rozhodnut Salt Lake City

    ICUD - International Council on Urban Drainage 2014 600 TBD

    ESPU - European Society or Pediatric Urology 2013/14 750 TBD

    IFEAT - International Federation o Essential Oils and Aroma Trades 600 TBD

    EBWA - European Bottled Water Association 2010 600 Vyhrno Praha


    V roce 2009 zamilo PCB sv sil na aktivity vedouc k tomu, aby se me-zinrodn konerence vznamnch spolenost konaly v Praze. To zahrnovalomimo jin spoluprci s praskmi organiztory kongres pod vlajkou Prask-ho kongresovho centra, a v nkterch ppadech tak se zstupci mstnchorganizac. PCB doshlo vznamnho spchu. Zskalo pro Prahu t vznamnkonerence!

    V roce 2010 se PCB i nadle zam na podvn nabdek na konn vznam-nch konerenc. Tuto innost podpo aktivitami, jako je napklad program Ambassador, kter pmo ovlivn mstn poboky mezinrodnch organizac.Ty pak budou psobit ve vlastnch organizacch jako lobby prosazujc Prahujako msto mezinrodnch setkn.

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    Msc Datum astnk Detaily

    Duben 4. - 5. 1 USA, konerence pro 3000 osob - AES

    Kvten 26. - 28. 1 Switzerland - gala veee 300 osob - WIN

    erven 15. - 17. 2 USA, konerence pro 300 osob - ACTE

    ervenec 30. 6. - 2. 7. 1 USA, konerence pro 1000 osob - ICSC

    Srpen 5. - 6. 2 Netherlands, setkn pro 70 osob - Saralee

    Srpen 16. - 20. 1 French Core PCO - Agency Partners France

    Z 7. - 8. 2 USA, World Ca Association, 150 osob

    jen 5. - 7. 1 USA, GALA, 500 osob

    Listopad 18. - 20. 1 UK, vstava pro 800 -1000 osob - iGaming

    Prosinec 16. - 17. 2 UK, konerence pro 600 -800 osob - ISDA


    Celkov poet kl ient kontaktovanch osobn obchodnm oddlenm: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2804

    Celkov poet aktualizovanch kontakt v databzi obchodnho oddlen: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7652

    Celkov poet poptvek zskanch prostednictvm obchodnho oddlen:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 6

    C elko v p o et p op tve k vy hra nc h le ny P CB : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3

    Celkov poet nabdek: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

    Celkov poet vyhranch nabdek: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

    Cel kov poe t z at m ne rozh od nu tch nabd ek (T BD ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

    Celkov poet hotelovch noc zabezpeench pro Prahu (za rok 2009) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4601Poet inspekc provedench v konerenn ch prostorch: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

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    Prague Convention Bureau se zastnilo devti veletrh, sedmi workshop a hostovalo 6 FAM/Press tri-

    p z naich top destinac. PCB tak asistovalo v pprav Meeting and Incentive orum - Great Hotelso the World and the ACTE Global Conerence v Praze a bhem roku zadila est obchodnch cest jakindividuln, tak pro sporu nklad paraleln s dalmi eventy.

    Msc Datum Nzev akce Msto

    Leden 8. - 9. Go a Region Tour Brno

    Leden 22. Paris Workshop Pa

    nor 4. - 5. BEDOUK Pa

    nor 24. - 25. CONFEX + Sales Trip Londn

    nor 25. London Workshop Londn

    Bezen/Duben 30. - 3. MEEDEX Pa

    Duben 12. - 17. Meetings and Incentive Forum Praha

    Kvten 26. - 28. IMEX Frankurt

    erven 1. - 3. UK FAM/Press Trip Praha

    erven 11. - 12. Milano Workshop Milano

    erven 18. - 20. French FAM Trip Praha

    erven 17. - 20. ICCA Education Conerence Malaga

    erven 22. Brussels Workshop Brusel

    erven 23. - 25. Brussels Sales Trip Brusel

    ervenec 15. Networking Workshop Londn

    Srpen 25. - 26. Incentive Works + Sales Trip Toronto

    Srpen 27. Toronto Workshop Toronto

    Z 1. New York Workshop New York

    Z 6. - 12. USA/Canada FAM Trip Praha

    Z 7. - 9. FAM/Press Trip France Praha

    jen 10. - 14. Map Pro, France and Sales trip Pa

    jen 25. - 27. ACTE Global Conerence Praha

    Listopad 2. - 4. FAM/Press Trip UK Praha

    Listopad 7. - 11. ICCA Conerence Florencie ItlieListopad 8. - 13. WTM/ Sales Trip UK

    Listopad 21. - 24. Brussels FAM/Press Trip Praha

    Prosinec 1. - 3. EIBTM Barcelona

    Prosinec 7. - 15. Sales Trip - Chicago, New York, Toronto USA

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    2009 - Hlavn zamen na domc a zahranin mdia:

    Domc: Pedstavit nai odbornost naim partnerm, tisku a potencilnm klientm

    Budovat dobrou povst mezi klienty a dodavateliVytvoit a poslit znaku PCB a jej proesionln korportn image Inormovat a vytvet dobr dojem o na spolenosti a slubch

    Zahranin:Asistence v pedstaven novch slueb a produkt

    Vybudovat nvtvnost a traic naemu on-line poptvkovmu RFP ormuli Zmrnit negativn publicitu a korportn krizi

    Seznam inzerc v roce 2009:

    AHR Forum BEDOUK Catalogue

    Be The Best COT

    Business Destinations Magazine Convention and Incentive Catalogue (CzechTourism)

    Czech Travelogue Czech Republic Sales Guide (North America)

    EIBTM Daily IMEX Daily

    Incentive Travel Magazine Luxury Meetings

    Meeting a Congressi Prague Meeting Planners Guide

    The Globe and Mail TOP Travel Business




    www. p r agueconv e

    nti o n . cz






    BUSINESSMICE partnei

    YouCanExperience theInspirationinPrague

    VisitthePrague Convention BureauatEIBTMto EAT, DRINKandWINPCB is located attheCzech RepublicStand# K650On TuesdayDecember 1, 2009 andWednesdayDecember 2, 2009 at3PMPCB will be holding PrizeDraws with

    over20 chances to WIN! Door Prizes consist of overnight stays in Prague, dinners, tours and much more provided by

    the PCB members! Talk to a Prague Convention Bureau representative to find out details ofhowto win the GRANDPRIZE

    a 5 NightVacation in Prague(including airfare,a ccommodationand tours).Traditional CzechBeerandWinealsoavailable foryouto enjoy See youatthe Show!

    PragueistheprettiestgeminthestonecrownoftheworldJ.W.Goethe, (17491832)





    MICE partnei





    www. prag ue co n ve n ti o n . cz

    Ryts k 2 6 , Praha 1te l . : 2 2 4 2 3 5 1 5 9i n fo@ prag ue conve nti on . cz

    C_in rc_A _ r .in 1

    1 .1 . 1 : : 5








    Fastandeasyto us


    On-line c




    quality services






    2009 Vron zprva - 30

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    The Czech Tourist Autority, a non pro t organization under theMinistry Of Regional Development was founded in 1993 forthe purpose of promoting the Czech Republic as an attractivetouristdestinationabroadandin theyear2003alsopromotingwithin the domestic market.

    CzechTourism supports the incoming and domestic tourist industry and further focuseson promoting the particular branches of the travel industry, such as spas, conference andincentive as well as golf tourism.

    Moreinformations:info@CzechTourism.cz www.CzechTourism.com


    CzechTourism www.czechtourism.comVinohradsk46,Praha2ragueInformation Service www.prague-info.cz

    Information Centres:TheOldTownHall(Starom stskradnice),Staromstsknms t 1Theconcourseof theMainRailroadStation

    InformationCentreRytsk ul. 31TheLesserTownBridgeTower(Malostranskmosteck v)(fromApril toOctober)

    PublicTransportSystem www.dpp.czCzech Airlines www.czech-airlines.com

    The Prague Convention Bureau is a non-pro t organizationofferingyouaone-stop-shopservicefororganizinga conference,meet ing ,seminar,exhib itionorincent iveevent.Adviceandassistance are provided completely free of charge.Interestedin organizingan eventin Prague?

    ThePragueConvention Bureaucanassist youin:Planningyour event,Organizingyour siteinspection,Drawing upa social program,Helpingyourbudgetgoals

    Moreinformations:TeamPCB@pragueconvention.cz www.pragueconvention.cz



    PCB novoron party

    General Meeting Jaro 2009

    Meeting and Incentive Forum

    General Meeting Podzim 2009

    ACTE Global C onerence

    2009 Vron zprva - 31

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    odpovdnost, odhodlnloajalitapodnikatelsk

    vazby se lenyinovativntvrd pracujcvesel/pozitivnloajalita pedstavenstva a jeho zapojenvedennlada zvldneme tosiln lenstvvzvy a vypodn se se zmnamirst marketingovch a obchodnch aktivitvysoce sostikovan RFP systminteresovan, zaplen a stabilizovan pedstavenstvovize, vidn pleitosti

    SLAB STRNKYpodhodnocen pracovn slakomunikace aktivit a spch smrem ke lensk zkladnkontinuita a stabilitawebov strnkykulturn pohostinnostnetworkingskupiny slueb vs. tvorba pleitostspolehlivost ond (msto, stt) a zvislost na lenstvkvantitativn hodnota lenstv pro leny(prokazatelnost nvratnosti investice)limitovan zdrojekomunita (prodej ROI)kvantitativn reklama ROIpoliticky neaktivn /mstn, regionln


    uniktn mstn duchdostupn destinacesrdce Evropy

    celosvtov destinacehlavn msto esk republikyturistick cle lehce dostupn jak v Praze, tak cel Rist ivotn prostedmnoho 4* a 5* hoteljedinen kulinsk umnbohat na historiibezpen prostedpartnerstvsnadno dostupnkreativn ekonomika

    SLAB STRNKYnedostatek veejnho kapitlu

    nedostatek incentivnch program ze strany HLMPidentitamstn povdom, nrodn uvdomnptomnost v mstnch mdichnedostatek vstavnch prostorpln kvalikovan inorman centrapodpora mstaekonomikateritoriln protekcionismus

    PLEITOSTIkurzovn rozdlyregionln a mezinrodn partnerstvkolektivn vizeambasadorsk program pro rozshl skupinov eventykomisn strukturaspoluprce s pilehlmi regionyobnovit propojen s ostatnmi CVBsStaycations mstn setkntechnologie: eektivita skrz technologiirostouc a rozvjejc se mstozelen marketingsnit duplicity s ostatnmi organizacemiusmrnn/zpt k zkladmstt se politicky vce aktivnmdenovat a rozit geograck regionhostovat eventy

    OHROENpatn postaven legislativav jinch regionech budou postaveny/renovovny velka vznamn zazencelkov ekonomieenergietechnologie - jak se lid dostanou k inormacmnzk vazba mezi leny a vkonnm tmemnann zajitn - diskutabiln, nestabilnmnc se demograe, strnut, etnika, jazykjsme v pozici pipraven na zmnu?konkurenn trhy


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    PCB V DALM ROCE:Po zven vech aspekt naeho byznysu jsme denovali hlavn cle PCB v roce 2010:

    MARKETINGZaosteno na PR - mstn na hlavnch trzchUpgrade webovch strnek > otogalerie, emailov systmPropagace v socilnch stch - Twitter, Facebook, Linked-in, etc.Marketingov kampa na EIBTM a IMEXGoogle

    ROZVOJ OBCHODUClem je 36 potvrzench nabdek/rezervac s vsledkem 15 000 hotelovch nocZamen zamstnanc -> Kongresy 50% a 50% remn mtinkyAmbassador Program hotov a pln unknada veletrh, obchodnch cesta a FAM trip

    STRUKTURLN PODPORA VLDYIncentivn program pro rozshl akce > rozvoj a implementace nancovan ze zdroj samosprvyMapovn event a statistika (online)

    2009 Vron zprva - 33

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    2009 VSLEDOVKA

    Pjmy 2008 (K) 2009 (K)

    lensk pspvky 2 281 750 2 705 524

    CzechTourism sponzorsk dary 0 2 300 000

    Msto Praha 0 2 500 000

    Workshopy 46 000 124 488

    Ostatn pjmy 2 116 407

    Celkem 2 329 866 7 630 419

    Vdaje 2008 (K) 2009 (K)

    Mzdov vdaje 523 823 2 509 676

    Administrativn nklady 200 237 1 043 190

    Inzerce a marketing 1 124 890 1 235 017

    Obchodn oddlen * 688 667

    Workshop a veletrhy 348 041 336 346

    Drobn vdaje** 18 100 264 090

    Celkem 2 215 091 6 076 986


    Rok 2009 byl pro Prague Convention Bureau klov a pinesl vrazn nrst

    potu len, aktivit, zamstnanc a pedevm: VNOS. PCB zv ilo svoulenskou zkladnu na vce ne 80 len, z eho 46% bylo Platinovch, 35%Zlatch a 19% Stbrnch. PCB zakotvilo v podvdom mnohch klovch hr- na praskm kongresovm trhu. Zskalo vce ne dvoumilionov partnerskkontrakt s agenturou CzechTourism, kter pomohl nastartovat Czech Conven-tion Bureau (CCB zaalo sv aktivity 1. 1. 2010). Navc se podailo pesvditjednu z nejvtch a nejznmjch eskch znaek Pilsner Urquell, aby inves-tovala a sponzorovala aktivity PCB. Koncem roku 2009 jsme trpliv ekali narozhodnut Hlavnho msta Prahy o poskytnut dotace. Po mnoha dnech tvrdprce odveden tmem PCB a jeho pedstavenstva jsme skuten obdrelivelmi vznamn pspvek o celkovm objemu 2,5 mil K. To radikln roz-ilo monosti naeho rozpotu.

    Tmto bychom rdi podkovali vem naim lenm, poskytovatelm dotac apznivcm za trvalou podporu. Tme se na rst v dalch letech!

    * Hardware, Sotware, Rekonstrukce kancel v Rytsk ul., databze** prvn a daov poradenstv, nklady na dopravu, podpora lenskch setkn

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