
MACHINESPaula and María

A pulley uses a wheel and a rope to lift or lower objects.

A screw hold things together or lift objects.

A wedge.We use it to cut objects.

An inclined plane move objects up or down.

A lever is a riguid bar with a suport called a fulcrum.We use it to lift or move objects.

A wheel turns around and axle.We use it to lift or move objects.

Complex machines are made up of a number of simple machines working together.Complex machines need energy to work. This energy can come from people ,electricity or fuel. We use complex machines every day and they are every where.




SOME EXAPLES:Washing machinesCookersCalculator etc.

SOME EXAPLES:CarsBusesLorriesBikes etc.

What do they do for us?They do jobs that are dangerous & they mass-produced products.

Which energy do they use?They use electrical energy.Some of them use the energy from batteries and some use the light from the Sun.

Which energy do they use?They use fuel like petrol or diesel or energy of people.Some are using electrical energy.

What are the advantages?That robots can be quicker,more efficent and safer to us.

Handlebars. They are levers that help us change directions.

Pedals. They are levers that make the wheel turn around when we push them with our feet.

Gears. They are pulleys that help us when we have to up or donwn a hill.Gears control. They

are levers in the handlebars that are connected trought gears trought cables.

Brakes. They are lever that help us stop or slow the bike .They are in they are in the wheel.

Brakes levers.They are in the handlebars and are conected to the brakes throw cables.


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