
Letter from the President

Dear National Coordinator, Board, Patron, Partners,

Members, other campus chapters and Supporters of

Patriots Ghana Kwame Nkrumah University of Science

and Technology (KNUST) Chapter.

I would like to appreciate your support, contributions

and advice towards the various activities and events of

this Chapter in this academic year. Last semester was

the beginning of this chapter’s move to impact

communities and the people around us and this semester

saw great members. In this semester ,the chapter acame

into partnership agreement with The Ghana Education

Service (Sekyere Afram Plains district) , Ghana Youth

Authority, Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana,

Light for Children Ghana (

),Young sovereignties Africa, Social Support

Foundation ( , Socio-economic and

Entrepreneurial Development Consult Ltd, Young At

Heart Ghana, iSmile International, and Rotaract Club.

Also, membership increased considerably and the

chapter more passionate and skilled volunteers.

The chapter is implementing projects in reproductive

health, patriotism, ICT, and sanitation. Also, the

President of this chapter and that of the University of

Cape Coast will be volunteering on a project with

Beyond The Pivot, an NGO based in Hong Kong for the

GO2A project that would be involve public health

education, teaching, latrine construction etc.

It has been a great year and we pledge to continue to

make every effort to develop our nation with passion.

Thank you.

Emmanuel Yamoah.


c/o Eric Opoku Agyemang

Patriots Ghana

P.O. Box 344

Kasoa, Central Region, Ghana.


P: +233-247602583

M: +233-2462-07926



Patriots Ghana KNUST organized a quiz

and spelling bee competition at the MA


Amakom, Kumasi. The chapter prior to the

event visited the school to event received

authorization from the Head teacher, Mr.

C.A Boahen and interacted with the

teachers of the school. The fifteen

contestants, that is three from each of the

five teams were tested on grammar,

mathematics, science and spelling. The

competition was divided into three rounds

and points were awarded accordingly. At

the end of the competition, Patriots Ghana

KNUST awarded certificates of

participation and books to all the

contestants and also gave out KNUST

customized books, wrist bands, pens etc

dependent on their positions in the

competition. After, the president of the

chapter, Emmanuel Yamoah, used the

opportunity to have a short talk session

with the students. He talked to the students

about the importance of reading wide and

also entreated them to stay focused on their

education. After the students had told him

their career choices, he encouraged them to

believe in themselves and motivated them to

aspire to become whatever they want thus

also staying away from anything that would

prevent them achieving their desires such as

bad company, inappropriate use of the

internet, spending too much with the

television etc. The event coordinator, Prince

Adutwum afterwards congratulated the

participants, the students present and also

their teachers for the great performances,

and motivated them to stay focused because

they are the future of Ghana. He also stated

that they are among the best schools in

Kumasi .

After the event the Patriots, interacted with

the teachers and the children and thereafter

visited the office of the headmaster to thank

him for the support and also discussed

future collaborations for educative and

developmental projects and events.

Patriots Ghana KNUST as part of their vision to nurture the

next generation of Patriots and intellectuals in Ghana

visited the Ayeduase Cluster of Schools for a talk and

discussion session. The president, Emmanuel Yamoah

spoke to the children about patriotism and illustrated some

acts of patriotism using current and historical patriots. The

students were also enlightened on the difference between

Patriotism and Jingoism. Using the difference cultural

indicators, the students were encouraged to value

themselves, feel proud to be Ghanaian and continue to

cherish the dressing, food, literature, symbols, film, music

and dance, etc.

The Daniel Owusu a student volunteer and member also

made the students aware of the various resources of the

country such as cocoa, timber, petroleum and natural gases,

agricultural produce etc. Thereafter through a discussion

they were showed some of the reasons why despite these

resources, the country is not developing at its full capacity

such as lack of human resources, corruption, illiteracy,

poor sanitation etc. They then stressed on how the children

of Ghana are very important to the country and their role in

ensuring that Ghana develops. They were encouraged to

stay in school and study very hard, help their friends, keep

the environment clean, respect the laws and cherish their

rights, etc. Further, Selorm Deku spoke to them about

staying focused on their education and making every effort

to develop, learn and shunning any habit that would hinder

them from being what they desire to be. He illustrated how

laziness, irrelevant relationships, media, disobedience etc

could go a long way to destroy their future and affect the

development of Ghana. Afterwards, all present stood up

and recited the national pledge and then twenty students

that answered questions were given a free copy of the How

to Pass your Exams book by Jack Reagans. The questions

included the meaning of the colors of the national flag, the

meaning of the word Ghana (Warrior King). Thereafter,

Godwin Seworno made a presentation of the Ghanaian

National Flag to the school, followed by a group picture

with the flag and interaction with the students and teachers.

Patriots Ghana believes that as a country if we make a

conscious effort to nurture and invest in the children of

Ghana, and also by developing their minds to think

positively and love their country, Ghana will be able to

develop to her full capacity.



To celebrate World Health Day, Patriots

Ghana KNUST had a reproductive health talk

and discussion at the Unisco Model Complex,

followed by a research on adolescent

reproductive health. The talk was organized

for all the Junior High School students in the

school. The team of volunteers talked to the

students on the different behavioral changes

that occur at that stage, how to have control

over the edge to indulge in sexual relationships,

and abstinence from sex. The students were

also enlightened on how pornographic

materials and the mass media can give them

false knowledge and contribute to them having

a desire to have to sex. They were encouraged

to always have the confidence to approach

their parents, teachers, religious leaders or the

Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana to

discuss their weaknesses, problems, etc with

relation to sex.

The students were also educated on teenage

pregnancy, its effects, the causes, and how to

effectively prevent being a victim. They were

also made aware of how to treat such victims

properly and to learn from their mistakes.

Finally, they were advised to take their

education very seriously as they are the future

of the country and to stay focused on achieving

greater heights. The students prompted on the

various obstacles to becoming great people in

future such as teenage pregnancy, laziness, bad

peer influence etc. After the session, a research

questionnaire was distributed to the students to

fill out anonymously. The research is help PGK

identify the knowledge base of teens, their

problems, a source for future reference etc.

Thereafter, Patriots interacted with the

students and gave out copies of Jack Reagans

book to students that answered some questions

and made contributions.


Patriots Ghana KNUST in collaboration with the

Student Parliament KNUST organized a cleanup

exercise at the University Hospital, KNUST and its

surroundings. The Hospital serves as the health facility

for the university students and also residents of

Ayigya, Ayeduase, Bomso and many other

surrounding communities. The event was one of the

various events for the month of March as it’s the

month of Ghana’s independence. The volunteers

distilled the gutters, picked around, swept etc. The

volunteers were offered gloves, boots and nose mask

for protection and also brooms, rakes, shovels, wheel

barrows, cutlasses etc. to ensure that the exercise was

done effectively without any health problems. UTV

Ghana, a local television station was present to take

coverage of the exercise and also interview the

Speaker of Parliament, the president of Patriots Ghana

KNUST, (Emmanuel Yamoah) also the health

personnel at the hospital.

After, the exercise the volunteers had a breakfast and

socialization session to get to know about each other’s

volunteering experiences and about the two groups.

Patriots Ghana KNUST would like to say thank you to

the University Hospital, Zoomlion Ghana LTD, and

UTV Ghana.


Patriots Ghana KNUST being touched by the plight of a

family in Kumawu Bodomase decided to visit them during

their Easter break. The family of eight has five of the

children blind and the parents currently jobless. The

students solicited for funds from their fellow students,

friends and family and members of the group. Members of

the chapter accompanied by a media group on campus

called watuptek embarked on this outreach. On reaching

their destination, they were welcomed by the family and

both parties introduced themselves. The president (

Emmanuel Ato Yamoah)of the group prayed and told

them the reason for the visit. He then asked them about

their wellbeing in all aspects and also about their situation.

The mother told them that they weren't born blind but

they lost their sight as they grew up and have been told by

the doctors that there is no cure. The children of Madame

Abena Kokowa (who does not know her age) are Kojo

(42),Kwaku Solomon (36), Abena Mary (34) Comfort (32)

and Dorcas (22). The youngest ( dorcas) who attends

Senior High School told the group about the challenges

she has been going through and how she manages to

study. According to her there is not sufficient learning

material for her and also most of the text books and

manuscripts she needs are not in the braille form. After

inquiry, the family told them about how they currently do

not receive any support from the society, NGO or the

government, not even with regards to Dorcas and

Comforts schooling. They all expressed how they wish

they could have sight so they could support the family and

relieve their mother of the burden since she is old now and

they are also very capable of working. The president then

asked them what is the one thing they would like the

group to do for them and they responded that they would

like to receive a training and financial support in vocation

and also financial support for those in school.

The team led by the president donated items such as; rice,

oil, soaps, washing powder, blankets, bed sheets and many

others to them and wished them a happy holiday. After

they helped them with some of their chores, interacted

with them, prayed and later asked for permission to leave.

We hope our visit impacted their lives and gave them

another reason to be happy in this festive season. Patriots

Ghana KNUST intends to provide a more sustainable

support for this family and others and requests for support

from any individual or group that would like to make a


Patriots Ghana KNUST supported iSmile International to

organize and hold the BEYOUTIFUL SEMINAR for teens

in the metropolis at the GNAT Hall, Amakom, Kumasi.

iSmile International is an NGO that embarks on various

outreaches to various villages and rural areas to support the

schools and the less privileged especially in the schools.

The organization is made up of passionate people from all

walks of life that want to contribute towards the

development of society. The Director of the organization,

Miss Priscilla Yirenkyi and the President of Patriots Ghana

KNUST, Emmanuel Yamoah both Sociology and Social

Work students of KNUST brought together 30 student

volunteers from both organizations for the event. The

major speaker for the event was Dr Frances Azumah, a

lecturer at KNUST and other speakers were from Komfo

Anokye Teaching Hospital (KATH) and Pastor.The

participating schools were Elite College, Ideal College, and

also teens from King Jesus Charity Home, SOS children’s

village and other teenagers resident in Amakom.

The teens were talked to on various topics related to

personal hygiene, reproductive health, personal

development, etc. The volunteers also interacted with the

teens on various social issues and encouraged them to stay

focused on their education to become great men and

women in the future. Afterwards, there was a question and

answer session where the teens received various prizes.

On the 17TH

May Patriots Ghana KNUST (PGK) partnered the Young At Heart (YAH) Ghana organization for an ICT

outreach to Antwiagyeikrom in the Ashanti Region. This was to mark the final ICT outreach of YAH’s Discover ICT

project that seeks to educate school children on Information Communication and Technology (ICT). The organization

has been to various rural communities such as Bredi, Abuabogya, Okyerekrom etc. This outreach brought together 47

volunteers from PGK and YAH together with volunteer optometrists for free eye screening and AIESEC volunteers

and interns in Ghana. The team was introduced and received by the Headmaster Rev. Prince Charles and afterwards

the volunteers dispersed to various classes from Class 1 to Junior High School 3. The students were enlightened on the

communication, parts of the computer, types of computers, various basic operations and maintenance of the computer.

The children were also taught an ICT song composed by YAH to help them remember what they had learned. The

optometrists also screened the various children for possible eye defects and problems and advised the good practices to

help them have good eye sight. During break and after the lessons the volunteers used the opportunity to advise the

students on various social issues and also holding onto what they learnt.


The various campus chapters seek to

embark on an outreach to provide Yamoah

Nkwanta, a village in the Central Region

with various social amenities. The

community lacks a health center, a toilet

facility, a school and a source of safe

drinking water. Most importantly, we seek

to finish a borehole project started by the

government but halted in 2008 due to lack

of financing. Patriots Ghana has consulted

the District Chief Executive, Chief,

community leaders of the village and other

stakeholders and have their backing. The

executives of the various chapters would be

fundraising during their vacation for this


A Special Thanks... Patriots Ghana KNUST would like to send a special thanks and our appreciation to Mr. Eric Opoku Agyemang, the National Coordinator of Patriots Ghana, Dr. George Mainoo, the Patron of this Chapter for their support and Awake Africa Magazine for publishing all our events. Also, special thank you to the District Chief Executive of Awutu Senya District, Lieutenant Daniel Osardu (Retired) for his approval and the support of his high office for our upcoming outreach

How You Can Help Intern or Volunteer: Apply to be an intern/volunteer on our website. You will gain unmatched experience in the field of your choice while contributing to the well-being of others. Donations: We welcome all contributions to our projects especially our ongoing projects. Word of Mouth: Tell a friend, organization or university about Patriots Ghana and feel free to share this newsletter. Join us on Facebook! Follow us on Twitter! Youtube:


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