Pathways for Student Access and Success: Coordinating Retreat Kellogg West Conference Center November 6 and 7, 2010.

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Pathways for Student Access and Success: Coordinating

RetreatKellogg West Conference Center

November 6 and 7, 2010

Retreat Outcomes

By the end of the retreat, participants will

Understand the “SASI” mission

Accept the role of “SASI ambassador”

Identify an active role for themselves in the implementation process

1. Be on time.

2. Please keep cell phones off and do not use them during sessions.

3. Listen and participate actively.

Retreat Rules

PCC’s Student Access and Success Initiative website:

8:00-9:00am Continental Breakfast

9:00-9:30 Welcome, Intros, Outcomes, etc

9:30-11:15 Starting Our Students Right

11:15-11:30 Break

11:30-Noon Looking at Data through an Equity Lens

Noon– 12:30pm One Initiative, One Mission -- Project 90, SASI, Title V, BSI

12:30-1:30 Lunch with President Rocha

1:30-4:00 Laura Hope: “Institutional Transformation and the Role of Leadership”

4:00-6:30 Check–in, Free Time

6:30-7:30 Dinner

7:45-9:00 Fun

Agenda: Saturday

“A Vision of Students Today” 2007

One Initiative, One Mission:

Title V SASI

Other College Resources


Project 90

EMP Tier 1

• Skills, CTE, Transfer

• Professional Development

• Technology

• K-12 and 4 - year Connections

• Tutors and Counselors

EMP Task


• Student Success

• Teaching and Learning Effectiveness

• Resources and Technology

• Access and Partnerships

• Organizational Effectiveness

Flex Day

• Student Access and Success

• Professional Development

• Technology

• Pathways

• Student Services

Educational Master PlanCommon Themes and Priorities


Transfer, AA/AS, AA/AS STEM, CTE Certificates, Basic Skills Sequence


Student Access and Success

Initiative•Pathways (Dev Ed, Transfer, CTE)•Student Information System• Online Education•Ed Tech•Course & Program Assessment

Title V•First-Year Student Portal•Modularized Learning• Case Management• Supplemental Instruction

BSI• Pathways to Transfer• Policy Review•Supplemental Instruction

“How to Start a Movement” Sivers, 2010

Day One Email Reflection

1.What role do you see yourself playing in PCC’s process of transformation?

2.What concerns (if any) do you have about playing an ambassador/leader role?

8:00-8:45am Breakfast and Check-out

8:45-9:45 Pathways for Student Access and Success: A Proposal for Winter and Spring

9:45-Noon Small Group Work: Pathways, PD, Tech, and Assessment

Noon-12:30pm Next Steps: Inquiry and Dissemination

12:30-1:30 Lunch, Departure

Agenda: Sunday




Professional Learning Opportunities

1. First-Year Pathways Development2. Transfer Pathways Development3. CTE Pathways Review and Curriculum

Development 4. Educational Technology5. Online Education6. Program and Course Assessment

First-year road map

Transfer paths

CTE pathway review and curriculum revision

Student Information System

Online education

Faculty learning studios

Professional development: (online education & certificate training, assessment, and leadership)

SASI Deliverables by June 2011

Our Learning Process

Small Group Activity 1:

1.Define different kinds of pathways.

2.Explain the different purposes for each of the pathways you identify.

3.Why have pathways? Who do they serve? How might they improve student access? How might they improve student success?

Small Group Activity 2:

1.How can/should technology support pathways?

2.What kind of professional learning is needed? In which areas (theory, methodology, tech use, assessment, etc.)?

3.How would you know that a pathway is effective? What would you assess? When and how often?

Small Group Activity 3:

1.What is the role of leadership in the construction and maintenance of pathways?

2.How do we get the campus community to embrace this pathway initiative?

3.How do we ensure an ongoing campus-wide dialogue?

Day Two Email Reflection

Would you like to continue to during the winter and spring ?

In which area(s) would you like to participate?

What observations, concerns, or suggestions do you have as we move forward?

“Changing Education Paradigms”

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