Part 2, The Calling Forth of the Damned

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  • 8/2/2019 Part 2, The Calling Forth of the Damned




    The Zombie Resurrection and THE DAY OF THE LORDPart Two

    Graphic courtesy of Andrea Sparacio/Hugo Perez

    NOTE: Because the subject of zombie-ism is typically met with lighthearted skepticism, it is

    comparatively difficult to corroborate authentic scientific research through multiple and/or

    independent sources. Extensive (though not necessarily exhaustive) documentation is thus

    presented and not intended as overkill.
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    In Oct. 29 2007, authors TE Sloth and David Wong published5 Scientific Reasons a Zombie

    Apocalypse Could Actually Happen. With over 11 million views, the article lists five possible

    catalysts, their proximity to established conditions and the probability of each.

    #5 Brain Parasites

    #4 Neurotoxins#3 The Real Rage Virus#2 Neurogenesis

    #1 Nanobots

    Preparedness 101, Zombie Apocalypse

    Never Fear CDC is Ready That warm and fuzzy feeling.

    If zombies did start roaming the streets, CDC would conduct an investigation much like any

    other disease outbreak. CDC would provide technical assistance to cities, states, or

    international partners dealing with a zombie infestation. This assistance might include

    consultation, lab testing and analysis, patient management and care, tracking of contacts,and infection control (including insolation and quarantine).

    Its likely that an investigation of this scenario would seek to accomplish several goals:

    determine the cause of the illness, the source of the infection/virus/toxin, learn how it is

    transmitted and how readily it is spread, how to break the cycle of transmission and thus

    prevent further cases, and how patients can best be treated.

    Not only would scientists be working to identify the cause and cure of the zombie outbreak,

    but CDC and other federal agencies would send medical teams and first responders to help

    those in affected areas (I will be volunteering the young nameless disease detectives for the

    field work).


    So, what could actually be the cause, and is there even hope for a cure?

    Weeks before the May, 2011 CDCs publication ofPreparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse,

    CNNs Elizabeth Landau explored the reality of a zombie-type event with Steven Scholzman,

    MD, a child psychiatrist with positions atHarvard Medical School and the Massachusetts

    General Hospital/McLean Program in Child Psychiatry.

    Published in early 2011, Dr. Scholzmans novel,The Zombie Autopsiesdiscusses theapocalyptic physical and social effects of global pandemic associated with ataxic

    neurodegenerative satiety deficiency syndrome (ANSD) though the recognition

    the effects of multiple pathogens on specific regions of the brain which result in behavioraltraits commonly associated with zombie-ism.

    The title of Ms. Landaus article, Inside zombie brains: Sci-fi teaches science, may well be
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    more truth than the science of fiction. Dr. Scholzmans novel begins with the scenario recentlypopularized by the movie,Contagion: an airborne virus causing a global pandemic claimingtwo-thirds of the population of the planet.

    The virus has several brain-destroying components, one of which is a "prion," meaning

    a protein like the one that causes mad cow disease.In real life, prions twist when theyare in an acidic environment and become dangerous, Schlozman said. How our ownenvironment has changed to make prions infectious -- getting from the soil to the cows

    in mad cow disease, for instance -- is still a mystery.

    Like mad cow disease, the zombie disease Schlozman describes also progresses in

    acidic environments. In the book, a major corporation doles out implantable metersthat infuse the body with chemicals to artificially lower acidity when it gets too high.

    But, sadly, when acidity is too low, that also induces symptoms that mimic the zombie

    virus, so it's not a longterm solution. Everyone who gets exposed eventually succumbs,

    Schlozman said.

    The zombies in this book are stumbling, shambling, hungry as hell," Schlozman said.

    "Basically they're like drunk crocodiles; they're not smart, they don't know who you are

    or what you are."

    How we'd fight back: And how do you kill a zombie?

    Much of zombie fiction knocks out zombies through shots to the head. That, Schlozman

    said, is becausethe brain stem governs the most basic functioning: breathing and


    A zombie-apocalypse disease like the one he describes probably wouldn't evolve on its

    own in the real world, he said. But, as we've seen, individual symptoms of zombies do

    correspond to real ailments. And if they all came together, the disease would be

    creepily efficient at claiming bodies, Schlozman said.

    The article continues with mathematical projections for pandemic status and mortality:

    A mathematician at the University of Ottawa named Robert Smith? (who uses the

    question mark to distinguish himself from other Robert Smiths, of course), has

    calculated thatif one zombie were introduced to a city of 500,000 people, after about

    seven days, every human would either be dead or a zombie.

    The article concludes by addressing the reason for the current popularity of zombie genre

    material and reveals a perhaps even more immediate concern:

    And as to why people like reading about zombies and watching zombies so much,

    Schlozman points to the impersonal nature of things in our society, from waiting in line

    in the DMV to being placed on hold on a call with a health insurance company.

    Think about all the situations in daily life where you sense a general lack of respect forhumanity, and zombies make a little more sense.
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    "The zombies themselves represent a kind of commentary on modernity," Schlozman

    says. "We're increasingly disconnected. That might be the current appeal."

    The 2008 movie,28 Days Later(2003) (and subsequent28 Weeks Later, 2007) provides a full

    course for zombie enthusiasts with an appetite for a realistic presentation of a Rage Viruswhilst enjoying the safety and coziness of science fiction. A longer term 28 Months Laterisscheduled for released in 2013.

    Tom FlanagansSolanum Outbreak Contingency Planprovides a brief overview of the

    solanum virus. While solanum does not reanimate the already dead, it kills living andreanimates. The effects of the are similar to previously discussed neurodegenerative diseases.

    Solanum is fast and efficient: first creating a zombie by eating away the frontal lobe of thebrain for replication, thus destroying it. The virus then mutates the brain and allows the brain to

    remain alive but dormant and without the need for oxygen. Once the mutation is complete

    (approx 23 hrs from initial infection) search for living human flesh, infection spreads.

    As of mid-September, 2011, the global population estimates are approaching 7 billion. Two-

    thirds would put the count at 466,666,666 billion, leaving 233,333,333 billion [gotta love thesenumbers] to deal with what could only be considered as hell on Earth under the bestcircumstances. This brings to mind theWorld Health Organization's Pandemic Guidelines for

    humanitarian agenciesfrom April, 2006: Instruction Point number 6.6.6:Management of

    dead bodies.

    In mainstream media, CNN seems to be taking the lead in zombie education, including the

    possible outcome of the spiritual aspects: John Blakes December, 2010 article, The 'zombie

    theology' behind the walking deadcorrectly asserts that the current interest in zombie-ism is

    spiritually based. Blake questions David Murphy, author ofZombies for Zombies: Advice and

    Etiquette for the Living Dead.:

    Some people find faith in churches. David Murphy finds it in zombiesOur zombie

    fascination has a religious root.Zombies are humans who have lost track of their

    souls,Murphy says.

    Our higher spirit prevents us from doing stupid and violent things like, say, eating a

    neighbor, Murphy says. When we are devoid of such spiritual guidance, we

    become little more than walking bags of flesh, acting out like soccer moms on a


    David Murphys response reflects the fatal naivety that has dominated the spiritual climate of

    Western civilization for the past 50 years. Guidance carries the implication of ethereal

    authority, but all authorities are not equal, and the research of Harvard ethnobotanistWadeDavispresents the darker side.
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    The etymology forZOMBIEtraces to ZUMBI, the name of the African Kikongo snake god.

    In the book,The Serpent and the Rainbow(1985), Harvard ethnobotanist and researcher Wade

    Davis. He documents the relationshipHaitian Vodounculture and the process of zombificationvia ritual, plant and animal toxins and spiritism. Bokor voodoo sorcerers use powder derivedfrom fish toxins (fugu, puffer fish; Japanese Blowfish) or extract from the burundanga plant,


    By examining historical evidence, disease patterns and similar neuro-toxins, scientists arefinding strong links to toxins, virus and specifically scopolamine, an active agent of the

    burundanga plant. Scopolamine has been used for centuries for ritual magic as well as criminal

    activity in the Western Hemisphere. (National Institutes for Health, 1985).

    Angels TrumpetPhoto Lisa Hallett Taylor

    Brugmansia is a genus of flowering plants native to the southern hemisphere. They are known

    as ANGEL'S TRUMPETS. The association with the Trumpet Judgments of Revelation isobvious.

    ABC Science describes the processes of zombification:

    [Within Haitian culture,] zombies are a person who has been almost-killed, and thenlater raised from the almost-dead by a voodoo priest, to be used as slave labour for the

    rest of their miserable life. Zombies can move, eat, hear and speak, but they have no

    memory and no insight into their condition. There have been legends about zombies for

    centuries, but it was only in 1980 that a real-life case was documented.

    Under Haiti's Penal Code, article 249: "Turning people into zombies constitutes pre-meditated

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    A SINGLE GENE: Comparing Locusts and Zombies

    Zombie Caterpillars Rain Death From Trees,Sept. 8, 2011

    Note the small egg shaped things within the liquid.

    A single gene in a caterpillar virus sends its victims running for the treetops, wherethey die and their bodies liquefy, sending an ooze of virus particles on their brothers

    and sisters below.

    In September, 2011,Entomologist Kelli Hoover theorizedthat the caterpillars' behavior might

    have had a genetic connection:

    The gene egt codes for an enzyme, EGT, that inactivates the hormone in thesecaterpillars that triggers molting. Because caterpillars usually descend from the

    treetops to molt on the ground, the researchers reasoned that the bugs were staying

    high in the trees to die because EGT was blocking the molting hormone.

    An evaluation of Hoovers work was published byGabriele Sorci, a member of the Faculty of1000:

    This is a fascinating article which identifies a viral gene as the determinant of a

    caterpillar behavior that enhances the transmission of the virus to other hosts.

    The locust swarm transformation involves a four-staged progression process:

    color, physiology, metabolism and behavior

    The American Association for the Advancement of Science, AAAS, identifies elevated

    seratonin levels asthe triggers in the swarming behavior of locusts:
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    Researchers have linked the radical transformation of desert locustsfrom harmless,solitary creatures to gregarious, swarm-forming insectsto the common brain chemical


    InHow A Brain Chemical Changes Locusts From Harmless Grasshoppers To Swarming Pests,

    Dr. Michael Anstey, of the University of Oxford, discusses the Jekyll Hyde styletransformation of locusts:

    Locusts belong to the grasshopper family but unlike their harmless relatives they have

    the unusual ability to live in either a solitary or a gregarious state, with the genetic

    instructions for bothpackaged within a single genome.

    The question of how locusts transform their behaviour in this way has puzzled scientists

    for almost 90 years, now we finally have the evidence to provide an answer.

    On the Zombie Within, an article published in the June 2001 issue ofNature,Francis Crick,

    Nobel Prize winner andfather of modern genetics. 1953), proposes a nearly identicalsingle-gene premise:

    Could mutation of a single gene turn a conscious animal into a zombie? If so, whattest would show that they are unconscious? Tracking down the neuronal correlates of

    consciousness in humans, monkeys and mice should illuminate the central mystery of

    how neural activity in specific feedback circuits gives rise to subjective states.

    21st Century science has arrogantly crossed the line in the sand that was drawn by the very

    finger of God. Leviticus 19:19:

    Ye shall keep my statutes. Thou shalt not let thy cattle gender with a diverse kind: thou

    shalt not sow thy field with mingled seed: neither shall a garment mingled of linen and

    woollen come upon thee.

    How then, might zombies present themselves? One can only imagine, but the possibilities arevirtually endless.

    Stem-cell and other neurogenesis re-animation research programs have been successful in theregeneration of dead cells.The revival of brain cellshas lead to optimism in patients incryostasis, and enthusiasts of immortality. Military science, private and governmental

    programs for NBC experimentation and warfare, electromagnetic devices as well as transgenic

    and cloning research. More exotic methods might include off-planet cosmic involvementincluding the potent Zero-G pathogens (artificial or natural).


    DISASTER! Extraneous catalysts
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    In Exodus to Arthur: Catastrophic Encounters with Comets(1999),Mike Baillepresentsextraordinary evidence of the interconnecting cosmic influences as related to terrestrial events,

    including geologic, environmental and organic:

    Droughts, floods, earthquakes, locusts, subterranean thunder, unheard oftempests,

    lightning,sheets offire, hail stones of marvelous size,fire from heaven, stinkingsmoke,corrupted atmosphere, a vastrain of fire,masses of smoke.

    This alarmingly specific roster of events sounds very much like the prophesied judgments oftheDay of the Lordas referenced in both the Old and New Testaments. Prof. BaillesNew

    Light on the Black Death: The Cosmic Connection, similarly describes massive cosmic

    upheaval prior to the onset of the Black Plague in 1348:

    heavy mists and clouds, falling stars, blasts of hot wind, a column of fire, a ball of

    fire, a violent earth tremor, in Italy a crescendo of calamity involving earthquakes,

    following which, the plague arrived.

    In an eerie juxtaposition, anM6-Class Flashwas recorded on August 3, 2011 at 13:48 UT.,+subterranean+thunder&dq=Ziegler+locusts,+subterranean+thunder&hl=en&ei=yg18ToufBpLq0QHak8jlDw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CC0Q6AEwAA,+subterranean+thunder&dq=Ziegler+locusts,+subterranean+thunder&hl=en&ei=yg18ToufBpLq0QHak8jlDw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CC0Q6AEwAA,+subterranean+thunder&dq=Ziegler+locusts,+subterranean+thunder&hl=en&ei=yg18ToufBpLq0QHak8jlDw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CC0Q6AEwAA
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    Image courtesy Museo del Prado, Madrid

    The Triumph of Death, Pieter Bruegel

    In a Book Review,Laura Knight-Jadczyk examines a plausible scenario:

    It is entirely reasonable to state that such an impact, taking place anywhere on the

    planet, would collapse our current civilization and return the survivors, metaphorically

    speaking, to the Dark Ages (it is believed that in such an event globalised institutions,

    such as the financial and insurance markets would collapse, bringing down the entire

    interconnected monetary, trade and transport systems).

    In a 1999 article,Comets may have caused Earth's great empires to fall, Robert S. Boydpresents evidence of a comet in Gaul in 540-541 AD so vast that the whole sky seemed on fire,

    and that according to legend, King Arthur died around this time Celtic myths associated

    with Arthur hinted at bright sky Gods and bolts of fire.

    According to Robert A. Freitas,Sunspots and Disease(1984), six of the major influenza

    epidemics going back at least to 1917 were synchronized with the sunspot cycle (or solar cycle).In most cases, the flu virus was able to develop a new coat of protein in an antigenic shift

    making it resistant to the immunities that the population had built up. This coat may havedeveloped due to penetrating radiation which was enhanced during periods of high solar

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    Solar Cycle 24 and The California/Nevada Winter Storms? Jan. 2008 A July - Aug. 1984

    article,Sunspots and diseasepublished byScience-Frontiersnotes that six of the major

    influenza epidemics, at least as far back as 1917, were synchronized with the sunspot cycle.

    InClimactic and Demographic Consequences of the Massive Volcanic Eruption of 1258,Richard B Strothers of theInstitute for Space Studies, Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA,

    discusses volcanism as associated with major events other than geologic. (Climate Change,

    Vol. 45, Number 2, May, 2000.)

    Writing inThe Holocene,a peer reviewed research journal, Amdt Schimmelmann of theDepartment of Geological Sciences at Indiana University examines the correlation of climactic

    and other apparent extraneous events:Palaeoclimatic and archaeological evidence for a 200-yr

    recurrence of floods and droughts linking California, Mesoamerica and South America over

    the past 2000 years.

    In 1998, Mitch Batros ofEarth Changes Media published an equation which follows the long

    term effects of solar activity:

    Sunspots => Solar Flares (charged particles) => Magnetic Field Shift => Shifting

    Ocean and Jet Stream Currents => Extreme Weather and Human Disruption

    Numerous experiments performed by NASA in space confirm the increase in strength, size and

    vigor of organic and inorganic material grown in a low gravity environment.

    Bacteria in Zero-Gproduce antibiotics make up to three times more of it in space than they do

    on Earth.

    Writing inExtraordinary Biology, physicist Lt. Col. Tom Bearden specifically addresses life

    on primal Earth in the distant past, when volcanism, massive solar eruptions, frienzied oceansand and enormous atmospheric continuous storms, commonplace and nearly continuous. The

    continuous communication between Beardens virtual state organisms (vacuum) critters,

    and mass (observable):

    Under those conditions, many types of "critters" were highly active. Most of thecritters, for example, lived in and worked on the atomic nuclei of matter An atomicnucleus is like an island in the "virtual state ocean", and the flux interchange is like

    waves breaking onto the island and then washing back to sea.

    In those primal days, many of the present great mineral deposits of the earth were

    created due to the transmutation activities of the critters. One kind, for example, lived

    in copper. In an "energetics" sense, this critter "ate" copper and "excreted" gold,

    so-to-speak. Much of the gold that occurs in great copper deposits today was formed

    this way in the old days under primal conditions.
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    When conditions on earth changed, these little "copper critters" ceased their

    incessant activity and became dormant, just as viruses can do. But the critters are

    still there in the copper ore, waiting to be activated

    And activate them you can!

    When these virtual state organisms are subjected to similar primal conditons, volcanism,

    extreme lightning, and intense intense solar activity, Beardens critters are revived:

    place these special crystals on some copper (and add another thing or two), and

    restore them to a similar primal environment as of old. That is, heat them in anelectric furnace. Blast them with terrible electrical bolts. Bathe them in intense

    ultraviolet light. That's just a nice, refreshing spring day for the critters!

    That stimulates them and revives them.

    They wake up after a long sleep - and they're immediately "hungry ." So they goright to work on the copper. Boom!....

    I don't know whether or not biological systems, in their Kervran-transmutations at

    weak energy,deliberately manipulate similar "critters." I suspect, however, that they

    do, at least to some extent.

    In the DVD presentation,Tom Talks Tesla,Col. Bearden also describes the profound

    significance of electromagnetism and scalar implications when used in the disease process:

    Looking at it along the lines of scalar interferometry, and dealing with something [that]can [have] some rather astounding weapons effects, we can see...

    ...Those radiators [scalar] could conceivablycreate within a mass population, the

    instantaneous spread of mass diseases of all kinds. They would be anomalous, youcould be dying, for example, of bubonic plague and you wouldn't have the


    But if that part is true, it represents a biological weapon of incredible implications forpopulation warfare....Now, what does thatimply?...

    I hope to God I'm wrong. . . but I don't think I am."

    ANOMALOUS EVENTS: The resurgence of aberrant diseases.

    Shortly after the May 22, 2011 Joplin, MO tornado the CDC issued a public health statement toaddress an unusual germ that was infecting residents of Joplin. Tornado Survivors Battle

    Deadly Fungus in Joplin, Missouri.
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    By August, 2011, 3 people had died from the rare, brain-eating parasite, identified by theCDC

    as Naegleria Fowleri. Interestingly, the ameoba has as strong linguistic association with the

    snare of the fowler spoken of by Psalm 91.

    These recent cases represent the tip of a medical and environmental iceberg: the apparentlysmall and infrequent orphan diseases are very much on the rise.

    THE INCARNATION OF HUNGER: this is that which was spoken of by the prophetJoel,Acts 2:17-21

    The First Six Trumpet JudgmentsPat Marvenko Smith, 1992.


    The second chapter of Joel contains one of the most enigmatic events recorded in Scripture.

    Joels earlier description of a devastating locust plague moves to the future, and to terrifyingand unprecedented judgments associated with Day of the Lord. The plague described by Joel
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    is unquestionably the 5th

    Trumpet Judgment ofRev. 9: the opening of the abyssos, theBottomless Pit.

    Locusts have been described as the Incarnation of Hunger, consuming and making all in theirpath exhaustively desolate. Although witnessed earlier as instruments of Divine judgment, the

    locusts that comprise the armies of Joel and Revelation are quickly reckoned as supernaturallyand execrably abhorrent.

    The destruction which follows the opening of abysso and the release of the invading hoard is

    without parallel in history and never to be repeated. The army of Joel 2 is unique in appearance,

    structure, movement and apparent invulnerability. Efforts to assign a physical identity to thisarmy often result in depictions of the most current military body armor. A careful reading of

    Joels narrative could easily suggest that this nation is a nation of supernaturally charged,

    demonically energized and primal, driven zombie-like beings.

    Consider the unusual single gene swarm mutation of locusts and identified specifically with

    zombie-like states (as established by Francis Crick,father of modern genetics).

    2A day of darkness and of gloominess, a day of clouds and of thick darkness, as the

    morning spread upon the mountains: a great people and a strong; there hath not been

    ever the like, neither shall be any more after it, even to the years of many generations.

    3A fire devoureth before them; and behind them a flame burneth: the land is as thegarden of Eden before them,and behind them a desolate wilderness; yea, and nothing

    shall escape them.

    4 The appearance of them is AS the appearance of horses; and AS horsemen, so

    shall they run.

    5 Like the noise of chariots on the tops of mountains shall they leap, like the noise of

    a flame of fire that devoureth the stubble, as a strong people set in battle array.

    6Before their face the people shall be much pained: all faces shall gather blackness.

    7 They shall run like mighty men; they shall climb the wall like men of war; and they

    shall march every one on his ways, and they shall not break their ranks:

    8 Neither shall one thrust another; they shall walk every one in his path: and when

    they fall upon the sword, they shall not be wounded.

    9 They shall run to and fro in the city; they shall run upon the wall, they shall climb

    up upon the houses; they shall enter in at the windows like a thief.

    10 The earth shall quake before them; the heavens shall tremble: the sun and the

    moon shall be dark, and the stars shall withdraw their shining.

    Within this context, consider history and the forewarnings urged by the prophets:
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    Isa 26:20

    Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide

    thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be over past.

    Isaiah 28: 18-19

    Your covenant with death will be annulled; your agreement with the grave will not

    stand. When the overwhelming scourge sweeps by, you will be beaten down by it. As

    often as it comes, it will carry you away;morning after morning, by day and by night,it will sweep through.

    Isaiah 14:9

    Hell from beneath is moved for thee to meet thee at thy coming: it stirreth up the dead

    for thee, even all the chief ones of the earth; it hath raised up from their thrones all thekings of the nations.

    Zec 11:9

    Then said I, I will not feed you: that that dieth, let it die; and that that is to be cut off, let

    it be cut off;and let the rest eat every one the flesh of another.

    Deu 32:24

    They shall be BURNT with hunger and devoured withburning heat and with

    bitter destruction: I will also send theteeth of beasts upon them with

    the poison [burning rage] of serpents of the dust.

    Zechariah 14:12, 13

    And this shall be the plague wherewith the LORD will smite all the people that have

    fought against Jerusalem; Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their

    feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongue shall

    consume away in their mouth. [note: the details of this consumption strongly

    resembles the effects of an enhanced radiation weapon or neutron bomb.]

    And it shall come to pass in that day,that a great tumult from the LORD shall be

    among them; andthey shall lay hold every one on the hand of his neighbour, and his

    hand shall rise up against the hand of his neighbour.

    Lamentations 4:10

    With their own hands, compassionate women have cooked their own children, who

    became their foodwhen my people were destroyed.

    Ezekiel 5:10

    Thereforethe fathers shall eat the sons in the midst of thee, and the sons shall eat their
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    fathers; and I will execute judgments in thee,and the whole remnant of thee will I scatter into

    all the winds.

    Ezekiel 36: 13, 14

    Thus saith the Lord GOD; Because they say unto you, Thou land devourest up men,and hast bereaved thy nations: Therefore thou shalt devour men no more, neither

    bereave thy nations any more, saith the Lord GOD.

    2 Kings 6:26-29

    She answered, "This woman said to me, 'Give up your son so we may eat him today,and tomorrow we'll eat my son.' So we cooked my son and ate him. The next day I saidto her, 'Give up your son so we may eat him,' but she had hidden him."

    Psalm 91: 5-8

    Thou shalt not be afraid for theterror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day;

    Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at

    noonday.A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it

    shall not come nigh thee.

    Lev 26:32

    And I will bring the land into desolation: and your enemies which dwell therin shall be

    astonished at it.
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    I believe that the trigger for theBlack Awakeningis primarily the collective planetary

    release of extremely powerful demons who will, with great dark power and energy, fall

    upon those 'predisposed' and enraged them.

    These energies are literally the fuel which is both in them and upon them. That dark

    power will be unprecedented, unequaled and will seem to hang in the air like at a directblood ritual site.

    These powers summoned, assigned and released will be like the type with the Moabite

    King who did blood sacrifice so powers would come down on his soldiers....the powers

    fell on them and the were 'enraged' energized and victorious against Israel at that time.

    'thus the weaponization of direct satanic powers.

    Russ Dizdar,Shatter the Darkness

    If we cannot understand, what kind of stewards are we?

    [unless otherwise stated, all emphases, smb]

    Sue Bradley, September, 2011 Inklings of Other Worlds;

    2011Sue Bradley, Steve Quayle

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, copied or cited wihout direct link to originating source.

    Very special thanks to Kim Poulos andSabine Vlaming.

    PART THREE:The First Woe, Final Fulfillment: a counterfeit pentecost and The Blessed Assurance:

    Dwelling in the Secret Place of the Most High.

    For further study:

    A Harvard Psychiatrist Explains Zombie NeurobiologyColombian Devil's Breath - Zombie Drug - Scopolamine

    Use of scopolamine,Wall Street Journal Article, July 3, 1995

    Wade Davis:

    Passage of Darkness: The Ethnobiology of the Haitian Zombie

    The Serpent and the Rainbow

    ZOMBIES IN CULTURE (selected)


    The Shape of Things to Come, H.G. Wells, 1933


    Night of the Living Dead 1968)
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    The Omega Man (1971)The Serpent and the Rainbow (1988)

    28 Days Later (2002)

    28 Weeks Later (2007)28 Months Later (2013)

    I Am Legend (2007)

    Flash Mobs in Google News

    Thriller Flashmob, Liverpool, UK

    Flash Mobs, NYC environsFlash Mob, Roanoke, VA 8.6.11

    Curfew enforced on Philadelphia flash-mob teens

    Flash-mob violence raises weighty questions August 14, 2011 This is the summer "flash mob"

    turned into "flash rob."Panic Amid US Flash Mob Attacks

    Mitch Albom: Flash mobs: Quick start, hard to stop

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