Paranormal activity film poster analysis 2

Post on 12-Feb-2017






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Image – A backshot of the character enables the identity of the character to be hidden. The photography is keeping within the theme of the film series as they are usually set at home. In addition, the fact that there is only one character in this picture facing a hole in the wall, may suggest that she is the main character or the character who becomes possessed.

Tagline – This tagline informs the audience that the activity will not be hidden from them, which may make the audience feel more involved within the film. This is highlighted through the use of the word “You” The image also reinforces this as we view the hole in the wall from behind the character, not the reaction the character has by seeing the hole suggesting that we, the audience, and the character saw the hole at the same time.

Full credits – The credits are placed at the bottom of the poster. This conforms to many film posters.

Film Title – This conforms to film posters as the title contains bold and bright lettering making it stand out from everything else in the poster. In addition, the red text may be seen as a trademark as every Paranormal Activity poster has the name in this colour. This therefore, enables the audience to know what film is being advertised without paying too much detail to the poster.

Editing – The hole in the wall is edited maybe to give the impression that there is another world beyond what she see’s in what looks like her room. In addition, this is not natural lighting which gives the supernatural effect of the genre.

Release info – This is very important as it informs the audience when the movie will be available for viewing. Also, the film is being released in October – the month of Halloween. This may maximize sells as many may want to watch the film on Halloween to gain a thrill.

Actors names –The actors names are not included in this poster, however, the credits are placed at the bottom.

Image – This poster only includes a highlighted number five which stands out from the black background as the number is white highlighted with blue. This is different in contrast to the first poster which included a character standing on the bed. Therefore, this poster may be classified as a teaser to inform the audience that there is another Paranormal Activity due to be released soon.

Editing – There is limited imagery on this poster causing a lack of editing to be done apart from on the number 5 which has lines going through it. The lines going through the 5 may be done to highlight the static interference within the film as a whole suggesting there are signs of interference before even viewing the film causing the audience to question the interference.

Full credits – This poster does not include full credits, only the website being which may be because this poster is a teaser, as said before.

Release info – There is limited information on the release date apart from where the film can be viewed. This is placed at the bottom of the poster.

Tagline – The tagline is different from the previous posters tagline. This tagline reads ”It runs in the family” which could be metaphorically, literally or both. Metaphorically can suggest that whatever “it” is may be caused due to genetics. However, literally can imply that “it” runs through everyone within the family which may cause disruption.

Film Title – The title, which is usually red, is not included on this poster. Instead, the tagline is this colour. However, many may know what film this poster belongs to due to the films consistent colour scheme of blues, whites, reds and blacks.

Actors names – No names of actors are included on this poster, similarly to the first poster analysed.

Image – The image includes 3 doors, with one which is slightly open. It looks like the picture was taken in a corridor. In addition, the picture does not look like it is from a normal camera, instead, it looks like an image from a CCTV which is usually what the victims in Paranormal Activity tend to use in order to find what is haunting them. This therefore sets some of the film as the audience are familiar with what may happen due to the previous productions.

Editing – The dark blue lighting gives the impression that this picture was taken during the night which then makes the audience question why there is a white light shining behind the door in front. Also, there is a slight shadow on the right door, however, there seems to be nobody standing in front of it. These edits intrigue the audience to not only watch the film but want to know why we see a shadow/ what the shadow may be.

Full credit - This poster does not include full credits, only the website being which may be because this poster is a teaser, as said before.

Release info – There is limited information on the release date apart from where the film can be viewed. This is placed at the bottom of the poster.

Tagline – This tagline could be interpreted to fit the audience but also the characters within the film. For example, although the audience are made to feel involved within the film, the tagline makes them remember it is a film thus cannot do anything to help the characters apart from watch. In terms of characters, usually when one is being possessed, the other characters do not see the process happening unless they watch the camera footage which may explain the all you can do is watch phrase. Both the characters and audience are therefore powerless.

Film Title - This conforms to film posters as the title contains bold and bright lettering making it stand out from everything else in the poster. In addition, the red text may be seen as a trademark as every Paranormal Activity poster has the name in this colour. This therefore, enables the audience to know what film is being advertised without paying too much detail to the poster.

Actors names – No names of actors are included on this poster, similarly to the first poster analysed.

In conclusion, all three of these posters are very different from each other. Some contain more editing and text than others for example. This will help the group and myself when making our own film posters as we will be able to take into consideration that not every poster needs to lookalike, however, should be similar enough for others to know that they all belong to the same movie. In addition, analyzing these posters has enabled me to understand that sometimes less is more as the limited information may be what attracts the audience in wanting to watch the film.

The colour scheme should also be consistent between the group with the title being the same colour on every poster. When producing my poster, I will make sure the tagline is very catchy and relatable but also open to different interpretations. This will then make the audience feel apart of the film as it is up to them to interpret the tagline into what they believe. Finally, I will conform to the film poster conventions such as having the release information and film credits at the bottom of the poster. On the other hand, I may subvert from including the actors names on the poster.

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