Papierloses Büro 2.0 | BITKOM Arbeitskreis Markt & Strategie |ECM Solutions Park DMS Expo 2012

Post on 29-Nov-2014






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Vortrag des BITKOM ARbeitskreis Markt&Strategie auf dem BITKOM ECM Solutions Park zur DMS Expo 2012. Referent: Bernhard Zöller, Geschäftsführer, Zöller & Partner GmbH


Kleopatras Unterschrift auf Papyrus

WORM-Archivsystem 1984

Papierarchiv 2012

Kleopatras Unterschrift auf Papyrus

WORM-Archivsystem 1984

Papierarchiv 2012

„Bei der Eroberung des Weltraums sind zwei Probleme zu lösen: die Schwerkraft

und die Papierkriege.

Mit der Schwerkraft wären wir fertig


Wernher von Braun

Prototyp des papierlosen Büros,

Washington, Frühjahr 1979

Quelle: Washington Post

World Without Paper By: Tom Zito, Washington Post, May 3, 1979

Here in the land of 10,000 federal forms and Bic ballpoints marked PROPERTY US GOVERNMENT, an office

opened yesterday that offers a Tom Swift solution to the problem of Paper Blight. To wit: The Paperless Office,

which is exactly that. Forget about pencils and scratch pads, and get that cursor moving across your video display

terminal (VDT.) Those three two-inch-thick loose-leafs contain the Yellow Pages for the entire U.S. on

Microfiche. Stick that incoming correspondence into the scanner. And start keyboarding the verbal reports that

were tape-recorded last night.

‘You’re ripping us off!’ Jobs shouted at Gates. ‘I trusted you, and now you’re stealing from us!’ ” Gates looked back at Jobs calmly. Everyone knew where the windows and the icons

came from.

“Well, Steve,” Gates responded. “I think there’s more than one way of looking at it. I think it’s more like we both had this rich neighbor named Xerox and I broke into his house to steal

the TV set and found out that you had already stolen it.”

Bill Gates zum Vorwurf des Kopierens von „Windows“

Problemursache: Zu einfach, zu wenig


Problemursache: Zu kompliziert, zu viele


Vielen Dank für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit !

Bernhard Zöller Zöller & Partner GmbH

Weitere Informationen: Hier auf dem BITKOM ECM-Stand

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