Pam mae technoleg iaith Cymraeg yn bwysig? Why Welsh language technology matters.

Post on 22-Jan-2018






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Corporate slide masterWith guidelines for corporate presentationsWelsh PPT template

The title slide of your Welsh language PowerPoint presentation should contain the Welsh Government logo and Welsh URL address as positioned here on the red template areas.

Do not alter the size or position of these areas.

You are NOT REQUIRED to put th branding on subsequent slides in your presentation

Welsh Government

Pam mae technoleg

iaith Cymraeg yn


Why Welsh language

tech matters Gareth Morlais

ym Mhrifysgol De

Cymru / at South

Wales University

28/04/2016 G Rehm, H UszkoreitMedi 2012

Georg Rehm META-NET

Categoriau eraill: Machine TranslationSpeech ProcessingText Analysis

Ieithoedd y Byd / World languages

• Hyd at 7,000 iaith yn y byd / Almost 7k langs

• 90% ohonyn nhw gyda llai na 100,000 siaradwr(aig) / 90% with fewer than 100k speakers

• 832 iaith yn Papua New Guinea

• 260 iaith yn Ewrop / 260 European langs.

• 46 iaith gyda dim ond un siaradwr / 46 with just 1 speaker

(UNESCO, Infolang, BBC Languages)

Safle? Position?

• Wrth resti’r holl ieithoedd yn nhrefn nifersiaradwyr, ble mae’r Gymraeg?

• Listing languages in order of number of speakers, where’s Welsh?

7,000th- CY=??? – 2nd EN>700m - 1st Mandarin 960m

Safle? Position?

• Wrth resti’r holl ieithoedd yn nhrefn nifersiaradwyr, ble mae’r Gymraeg?

• Listing languages in order of number of speakers, where’s Welsh?

7,000th- CY= – 2nd EN>700m - 1st Mandarin 960m







iaith chwilio

Googlesearch langs

iaith chwilio

Googlesearch langs


Apple Sirilanguages

Apple Sirilanguages20

Niferoedd siaradwyr / No. of speakers

• Catalaneg 87fed (87th most spoken in the World)

• Galician 122

• Basgeg 159

• Llydaweg 193

• Cymraeg 166

• Gwyddeleg Iwerddon 172

• Gaeleg yr Alban 208


Nifer erthyglau Wikipedia / # of articles

• Catalaneg 477k (17)(17th higest number of Wiki articles)

• Galician 125k (45)

• Basgeg 210k (35)

• Llydaweg 55k (72)

• Cymraeg 68k (64)

• Gwyddeleg Iwerddon 36k (85)

• Gaeleg yr Alban 13k (120)

( 09/15)

Cynllun Gweithredu Technoleg a Chyfryngau Digidol Cymraeg

Welsh-language Technology and Digital Media Action Plan

Marchnata a chodiymwybyddiaeth

Marketing and awareness raising

Ysgogi’r prif gwmnïau technoleg Motivating the main technology companies

Ysgogi datblygiad o becynnaumeddalwedd a gwasanaethaudigidol Cymraeg newydd

Encouraging the development of new Welsh-language software applications and digital services

Ysgogi creu, rhannu a defnyddiocynnwys digidol Cymraeg

Stimulating the creation, sharing and consumption of Welsh-language digital content

Cefnogi arfer da yn y sector cyhoeddus, y sector preifat a’rtrydydd sector

Supporting good practice in the public, private and third sectors

Corporate slide masterWith guidelines for corporate presentationsWelsh PPT template

The title slide of your Welsh language PowerPoint presentation should contain the Welsh Government logo and Welsh URL address as positioned here on the red template areas.

Do not alter the size or position of these areas.

You are NOT REQUIRED to put th branding on subsequent slides in your presentation

Welsh Government

Diolch | Thanks

Gareth Morlais

Ebrill-April 2016

Gareth Morlais Ebrill-April 2016

Cydnabyddiaeth:Jeremy Evas (Prifysgol Caerdydd); Georg Rehm (Meta-Net); Delyth Prys a Dewi Bryn (Prifysgol Bangor)Iwan Evans, Heledd Daniel a Gareth Cardew-Richardson, Llywodraeth Cymru


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