Pall E-PET System

Post on 24-Oct-2014






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^PALL) Life Sciences

Animal Health

Equine Platelet Enhancement Therapy - E-PET

E-PET makes platelet therapy simplePlatelet therapy can promote healing in tendon or ligament injuries and joint diseases,such as osteoarthritis. Pali's E-PET system makes platelet therapy simple. The secretis E-PET's unique filter-based approach to concentrating platelets and their associatedgrowth factors. Preparation and treatment is easy.

No centrifuge, power supply, or outside lab processing required

* As easy to use in the field as it is in the clinicSingle-use, disposable system is cost-effective and efficiëntGravity filtration is gentle on platelets, creating a high quality platelet therapy richin growth factors

6 ml_ sample volume provides the recommended dose for most treatment regimens

Filtration. Separation.

ProcedureE-PET makes platelet therapy simple. Blood is drawnand loaded into a bag above the E-PET filter. Blood flowsthrough the filter under gravity. As platelets reach the filter,they are selectively retained. When the filtration is complete,a harvest solution is backflushed through the filter to recoverthe platelets. This harvested product is the platelet therapy,and is ready to use. It's that simple.

Recover thecell therapy O Deliver the

cell therapy

Since the horse is the donor and recipiënt,there are no immune reactions to theplatelet concentrate.

(PALL) Life Sciences^^ -^


Pall Corporation25 Harbor Park DrivePort Washington, NY 110501.516 801 9738 customer e-mail

Filtration. Separation. Solution.

Filtration and RecoveryAs blood flows through the E-PET system, platelets areselectively captured on the surface of the filter through acomplex interaction of size exclusion and adsorption, whilethe majority of red cells pass through.


The platelet concentrate is then recovered by back-flushingthe filter with a harvest solution.

TPerformanceE-PET is a system that provides a 7x concentration ofplatelets (PLT) and their associated growth factors (GF)from a small volume of your horse's own blood.


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Blood E-PET Blood E-PET

*Growth factor release after activation with Platelet ActivatingFactor (PAF).

International OfficesPall Corporation has offices and plants throughout the world in tocations such as: Argentina, Australia,Austria. Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Itaiy, Japan, Korea,Malaysia, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Puerto Rico, Russia, Singapore, SouthAfrica, Spain, Sweden, Switzeriand, Taiwan, Thailand, the United Kingdom. the United States and Venezuela.Distributors in alt major industrial areas of the world.

The information provided in thïs literature was reviewed for accuracy at the time of pubtication. Product datamay be subject to change without notice. For current information consult your local Pall distributor or contactPali directly.

© 2011. Pall Corporation. Pall, and (PALL), are trademarks of Pall Corporation. ® indicates a trademarkregistered in the USA and TM indicates a common law trademark. Fiftration.Separation.Solution. is a servicemark of Pall Corporation.

5/11, 1K GN11.6772

Life Sciences

Instructions for Use Reorder code: E-PET

Equine Platelet Enhancement Therapy (E-PET)This product is used to create a platelet therapy fromautologous equine blood.

E-PET application is as easy as 1, 2, 3

1. Préparé 2. Filter 3. Recover

Filter the blood at stall-side through the E-PET system. Recover the plateletsand deliver the therapy to the site of injury or disease within 60 minutes.

E-PET - Instructions for UseEquipment ProvidedE-PET System comprising:1 - E-PET set1 - Anticoagulant Solution (ACD-A)1 - Capture Solution

(sterile water for injection) Pt

1 - Harvest Solution3 -10 m L Luer lock syringes1 - 60 m L Luer lock syringe1 - Clean drape

Equipment Required1 - Needie for aspiration of blood3 - Needies for aspiration of anticoagulant,

capture, and harvest solutionsEquipment for clipping and surgical preparation of aspiration site.Equipment for implantation/application

How to Recover Concentrated PlateletsPreparation1. Place clean drape on a flat surface.2. Remove E-PET set from box and lay it on the drape. (If Harvest

Solution is very co/d put bottle into pocket before use.)3. NOTE: Push the top and bottom clamps into the closed position.4. Preload the 60 ml_ syringe with 5 ml_ anticoagulant solution.5. Withdraw 9 ml_ of capture solution into one of the 10 ml_

syringes and then transfer the capture solution into the topbag via Port A.

6. Remove the syringe and replace the cap on Port A.7. Hang the E-PET set so that the bag containing the capture

solution is above the filter, the arrows on the filter pointdownward, and the bags hang freely. Check that bothtop and bottom clamps are closed.

Blood Collection1. Collect 55 ml_ whole venous blood into the preloaded 60 ml_

syringe, giving a total volume of 60 ml_.2. Attach the syringe to Port A and transfer the anticoagulated

whole blood to the top bag while gently mixing it with thecapture solution by rocking the bag.

3. Remove the syringe and replace the cap on Port A.4. Continue mixing the blood and capture solution by removing the

E-PET set from its hanging position and inverting the bag set atleast 10 times.

5. Good results require that the sample and capture solution arewel l mixed.

Filtration1. Once the blood sample and Capture Solution are mixed well,

re-hang the E-PET Set in a vertical position with the top bagabove the filter.the arrows on the filter pointing downward, andthe bag hanging freely.

2. Open the bottom clamp and then the top clamp to allow thewhole blood to flow through the filter into the lower bag. Filtrationshould take between 5 and 14 minutes. (Co/c/ environmentaltemperatures may cause slower flow rates.)

3. Once the filtration is complete (when the unprinted side of thefilter is free of fluid and flow has stopped) push the bottom andtop clamps into the closed position.

Recovery of Platelets1. Withdraw 8 ml_ Harvest Solution into one of the 10 ml_ syringes.2. Attach this syringe to Port C. The platelets concentrate wiil be

collected in the remaining empty 10 ml_ syringe. This syringeshould be handled in a sterile fashion if full sterility is requiredfor the application/implantation procedure.

3. Remove any residual air from the remaining empty 10 ml_ syringeby depressing the plunger.

4. Attach this empty syringe to Port B.5. Holding the filter with one hand, rapidly inject the Harvest

Solution through the filter with constant pressure. This willtake approximately 2-4 seconds.

6. If the plunger does not depress easily, remove syringe(s) andthen reattach.

7. The platelets will be back-flushed into the empty 10 mL syringeattached to Port B.

8. Remove the syringe containing the platelet concentrate fromPort B.

9. The platelet therapy is now ready for use and should beapplied/implanted within 60 minutes of recovery.

Additional training and consultation available at Pall by calling,516-801 -9727 or emailing

PALL) Life SciencesManufactured for:Pall Corporation25 Harbor Park DrivePort Washington, NY 11050www.pall .com/animalhealthFor customer service oall: 1.516.801.9738

by:Medsep CorporationA subsidiary of Pall CorporationCovina, CA 91722

Visit us on the Web at OfficesPall Corporation has offices and plants throughout the wcrld ih locations such as: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium,Brazrt, Canada, China. Frarice, Germany, Indra, Indonesia. Iretand, Italy, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, the Netherlands,New Zeaiand, Norway, Poland, Puerto Rico, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Svveden, Switzenand. Tawan,Thailand, the United Kingdom, the United States and Venezuela. Distributors in all maior industrial areas of the worid.

The information provided in this literature was reviewed lor accuracy at the time of pubiication. Product data may besubject to change without notice. For current information consult your focal Pall distributor or contact Pal: directly.

© 2011, Pall Corporatkxi. Pall, and (P*!$> are trademarks of Pall Corporation. ® indicates a trademark registered inthe USA. is a service mark of Pall Corporation.

4/11, PDF, GN09.3298 PN147EPETO

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