Pair Programming :: Blip 2014

Post on 08-May-2015






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  • 1.Pair Programming

2. Who am I? @_pedro_torres | Pedro Gustavo Torres 3. Or even this? 4. A little bit of background 5. What is Pair Programming? code is produced by two people programming: on one task on one workstation Two keyboards (optional) Two mice (optional) Two monitors mirroring (ideally) 6. Driver 7. navigator 8. Change roles multiple times a day 9. Change roles multiple times a day 10. Change roles multiple times a day 11. Quiz time! In which scenarios are the developers properly pairing? A B C D 12. Setup #1 13. Setup #2 14. Setup #3 15. Setup #4 16. All the times in front of 17. except in 18. and in! 19. Task BTask B Task ATask A Rotation between pairs Monday Wednesday 20. Pair rotation lader Rachel Davies, Agile Coaching 21. Collective code ownership 22. bus factor 23. beginners mind 24. Engagement / Commitment 25. valuable stand-ups 26. better integration of new team members 27. limit WIP 28. to skip code reviews? 29. Less bugs 30. more fun 31. less distractions 32. less interruptions 33. less slacking 34. and comfort zone wise 35. bigger comfort zone! 36. Two heads think better than one 37. Common habits 38. no music / social stuff 39. So is Pair Programming for everyone? 40. It should not be imposed 41. Remotely works? 42. Are estimations affected? 43. What about size or length of tasks? 44. Is it xpn$ive? 45. Is it only for mature teams? 46. Does it scale? 47. Companies that use it? 48. Scholars and hands-on fans? 49. Maybe slow 50. or all in! 51. Thank you Next time Ill pair present!

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