
Sarus Exchange ProgramBuilding Bridge Between Cambodia and Vietnam

Trip to Pursat province, Cambodia In May 2011

Expose to a Life on Water (on Floating Village)!And a Culture Schock

Orientation and Training:

Trip organizer started an introduction about the floating village. How interesting it is! And how challenging it is!

So nice on the boat! Enjoy sightseeing! Trip organizers, before the trip started, went to the village to arrange trip activities, accommodation and food!

We were heading to village 5, Kampong Loungcommune, which is populated by Vietnamese people.

Four Gentlemen in Sarus!!! ^^

It amazed us! The way people live here! It looked like a city! Electricity, phone shop, haircut service, marriage event arrangement service, and so on are there!

It’s windy, while we were on boat! Everyone was so excited!

We played with children! It’s hard for Cambodian participants to talk with them, since they can’t speak Khmer! Luckily, we had some people speaking Vietnamese! We had fun!

The classroom where children were taught! Teacher volunteer to teach without receiving any money!

Visiting a Vietnamese Buddhist monastery!

Discussion with local authorities to learn more about village!

Group exploration to collect information in writing their paper!

Thearith’s group visited place where ice bars were made!

Floating village at night time!

After visiting exploring floating village, we visited waterfall!

The boys were not allowed to touch the girls!!! (Just joking)

Wonderful Trip!

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