P a g e | 1€¦ · the ancient one. the remembrance 12.19.11 Greetings Fellow Travelers. Today we speak of remembrance. This concept of remembrance is simply for your connection.

Post on 10-Sep-2020






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“Solene, The Ancient One”

by Cindy Carter

The following entries are Channeled Messages from a collective voice I called The Ancient One. It is the voice of my cumulative selves, my

spirit voice. My divine alignment was in this voice, so strong, with such love and guidance. It was in this guidance that I have become at peace.

Perhaps you will choose Peace also. Allow the divine expression of you to shine as you read the vibration and coded divine truths in these



Abrupt Awakening.

In 2007 I awoke on my birthday a totally new person. I had been instantly healed of my depression, my chronic pains, and all of life’s problems.

My perceptions of my current life changed that day. I felt total freedom in that one day, in my mind, in my body and in my soul. I was free.

I was a mom, a wife and a businesswoman, all that changed in one day. I was gifted that day with newfound abilities, new insights and new

understandings. It seemed that complex subjects, technologies, sacred information, geometry, cellular, genetic, quantum physics just plotted into

my mind in seconds. I somehow had a complete understanding of these complex subjects.

I was not a religious or philosophical person prior to this wake up. I was simply living the white picked fence program of li fe, the family, the dog,

the country club pool, all of it. Until April 1, 2007 that is.

That day of complete relief came, where all my blinders came off, to set me on a fantastic journey to learn about myself and allow the universe

to show me my newfound lease on life. Nothing looked bad to me, all things were purposeful from that day forward. New life was put in front

of me. I was at peace.

It seemed almost immediately that magical people and situations began occurring. Spiritual beings from all walks of life began finding me, I never

even saw these people in my old life, like they were invisible. A priest would find me, and offer me some snippet of insights. A Nun would make

contact and gift me a beautiful way of understanding of what I was seeing. Then a Shaman came to me, and I proceeded to spend the next

three years in the deep woods in the mountains of NC with her. I learned to see energy, to talk to the tree systems, to communicate with the

wildlife. My intuition, my telepathic abilities increased as I rose my vibration daily. This is just before I met the Ancient One.

Solene, The Ancient One is the name I was given while I was deep in the woods with this Shaman. After sitting on a mountain for several

hours, watching the dance of light and sound, I asked the Universe to introduce me to my highest self – Who am I as that? Immediately, in my

mind, in my ears, in my skin I heard and felt, “Solene.”

Solene represents me as the Central Sun. This is the voice of my cumulative self or my higher self, from my progenitor stream of life. My inner

wisdom comes from this voice. All my past lives, my current lives, all my future lives wrapped up in one voice that is crystal clear, so true, I

knew it as complete truth for myself. So I listened.

After an abrupt, extraordinary awakening and subsequent journey to self healing, I was introduced to The Ancient One. After this awakening I

had new abilities, like instant telepathy, heightened intuition, I had activated hands, like fire was coming out of them. I was receiving downloads

of genetic and cellular information. I had an understanding of quantum physics, and this from a mini van mom with no religion or philosophy in

her past. I didn’t even take science in high school or college.

One day, while at my desk, I heard a voice like no other. A deep resonating voice that plotted into my head, full of power, wisdom and

kindness. I began a journey that day of being shown life and spirit through the eyes of my higher self, Solene.

So from 2011 to 2017, I proceeded to bring messages from my highest aspect, Solene. The teachings began as the basics of creation and

merging with our higher self. Then they proceeded to get more intricate and more in depth about subjects of self mastery and how to be able

to hear your own voice, plot your own path, remove traumas and begin a new exciting life based in immortality.

When I looked at the information it was all related to Ascension. They were coded messages of how to ascend out of the matrix . I began

having dieties and saints come to me and give me insight. I knew nothing of these saints or dieties prior to their arrival so I always looked up

who they were afterward to see if I was right. The information these dieties and inter dimensional beings gave me was invaluable

understandings. The information also began coming as poetry, beautiful flowing passages of song in my head – still teaching me, but from a

dimension much higher, where I could “feel” the passage, the information, the codes within my cellular body at a higher vibration.

These channels or transmissions, when read from the beginning to the end are a complete knowing of Ascension. If you follow the wisdom and

actually activate it in your daily life, you can change your life tremendously. After reading a transmission, feel into the vibration, as your soul will

be singing with it.

My hope is that you will find peace and a new understanding of the immortal nature of yourself after you read through these transmissions.

Our lives were meant to be about freedom, peace, harmony, joy and complete love. I had lost my way on the earth and I was found, by my

higher self, Solene.

I am grateful that I can offer this E-Book as a gift to you, to uplift your vibration and your beautiful soul.


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the merge

Greetings, Fellow Travelers. We will explain our presence

here today. Fore we are the Ancient One.

The Ancient One is here to make you feel safe. The Ancient One is here only to help in the progression of

Self. There is a merging occurring. This merging must happen at

this time. There is not much time. The merging must happen now. There can be no resistance to the merging.

There must be a balance between the Current Self and the

Ancient Self. The Ancient Self full of Wisdom, the Current Self full of

Knowledge. The Ancient Self full of Courage. The Current Self full of


With the merging of these two selves will come the balance. You have lived this Ancient Self for many lifetimes

– this bigness - this grandness, this overwhelming feeling that you had much work to do here. You could not be

sparred, you could not spared. You were here to be revered and reveled - you were here on a pedestal - up

high for all those to see. Who of this land is loyal enough to be with you? This is such a stance. A stance, an ancient

gripping condition of hierarchy; an extremeness of contrast.

It does not have to be so. At this time, the contrast can lessen for you. This middle

of the road existence that must happen now is here just for you. You have seen both sides - you have been an

absolute student of both sides. This experience of both sides is only for your balance.

You are connected with this Ancient One. This Ancient One with you now has been your strength - has held you

up - and saved your life on many occasion. It is now time for your Current Self to rise – rise above. The Current

Self is an equal part of this Ancient One. The Ancient One does not own the Self . The Self is not a puppet on a string

of the Ancient One. Some of you wear this Ancient One like a cloak. It is no cloak.

This ancient one IS you. You have been embodied in this lifetime as the Ancient


I am humbled. I am honored. This one before you now is not here to revel in you - is

not here to revere you - is not here to worship you - is here to share with you.

This one knows. This one understands. This one can touch the places in you that no one else can touch. Many souls

are coming together at this time to allow facilitation of the

merging – the merging with self. Your Self has been calling out – I must merge with self

NOW – I decree.

It is here. You have asked. It is given.

This one before you now – she has become very open to the energies and the energies thank her. We will continue

many a conversation like this, As the Ancient One understands - they understand the merging. The Ancient

One understands the new energies that have occurred and the new position of our solar system, the new position of

our earth with our sun, our earth with our moons. All of earth’s creatures understand. They feel the merge, it is

your job to keep the gates to your heart open wide, for your soul cannot leave, cannot blossom, cannot share with

the one before you until this happens. There is going to be time for you to work this out – this time has been

specially designed for you - this time awaits – there will be magic there – this is where you will grow - you have done

the work. When you have done the work of stepping into yourself, and now as you do, the merging will have you

feeling in complete joy and complete bliss and your heart -will open wide. You will not find time in your day to

distract yourself from this love. Your creations will blossom, your love will blossom, allow it all to be. Do not

hold restriction within yourself. This restriction will only hurt and only become embodied in a physical

manifestation – this is not the way to do it. This is not about the physical manifestation of self – this is about the

etheric, energetic growth of the Current Self and the Ancient One and the merging of the two creating a third

energy that is the most beautiful, most enveloped place that can come to you now – the Current Self understands

the challenge and can rise to the occasion.

The Ancient One is pulling you up - supporting you - loving you - knowing you.

For you are - The Ancient One. Those souls of stubborn quality - you must be shown how

to love, how to open, how to clear, how to expand without restriction in complete vulnerability as you love, in beauty, in peace and reverence for all things.

For you ARE all things - if you allow them to be. You are a shining example of ancient wisdom come to this

land. Step up to the challenge and embody this ancient wisdom fully within the Current Self. Allow the Current

Self to feel fully in your power.

It will be the most empowered place you have ever stood. This embodied message is for your clarity this day

December sixteen, two thousand eleven.

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the ancient one. the remembrance 12.19.11

Greetings Fellow Travelers.

Today we speak of remembrance. This concept of remembrance is simply for your connection. The fact that this is a remembrance and not something new to

you. This is not a new teaching, not a new knowledge, not something that someone has all of a sudden come upon, its not a new awakening, it is not new information. This is an ancient wisdom embedded in each cell of your being. This remembrance

can come on in small ways, where you feel a quickening within yourself, an unknown area you have never touched that says – I know this – I have been here. I am here.

This quickening process within your cells is matched and absolutely related to earths movement in the solar system. You are

part of this solar system you and I. You have been cradled and loved through this quickening. These remembrances stay with you in this every moment, if you choose to see.

Fore this sight is with you now. It is yours to explore and create this remembrance as a well within your body. You can feel the remembrance within each cell –

each cell is not made of an individual component, an individual item, an individual way of seeing these cells. This remembrance is a communal, universal remembrance of unity. Your cells, within your beautiful being, all working in tandem to bring about an

experience of remembrance. The experience of your selves within this human existence is here for your making. For you are not a victim- you are a creator. This creator aspect well within your cells is there as your remembrance, and when you choose

to access your remembrance, the ancient wisdoms, the ancient knowledge that comes through the earth as lightwaves of information coming through the earths elements, the rocks, the trees, the wind, the flowers, all of nature. This remembrance

comes through you as an openness to all. When the remembrance is accessed in your cells, and you allow it to come through, it will be the most beautiful love that you have ever felt. A cradled existence in the arms of the universe. A love so grand, a

unity so grand you have never felt a part of this kind of love. When the remembrance comes, please accept this remembrance as a knowing - fore you do know.

Please do not claim to know nothing. As you know so much. As your cells are actually knowings. These knowings are you. These knowings are bringing a part of all of you to your central

place. Your future self, your past self, your many realms of self that are scattered among so many places in this universe in so many different dimensions. It is for you to harness these remembrances for your now. Your now can benefit in so many ways

from the remembrances of your ancient past and your future.

Your galactic alignment is crucial. Your earth bound alignment is crucial.

This place you find yourself when allowing this crucial alignment is very very warming to your soul. It is very very valued for you stand in complete knowing of who you have been, who you will be and who your are. Accept this as your knowing. For you

are not one or the other. You are all. Accept the fact that you are all.

This may become a difficult place for some of you to stand in the current environments you have created for yourselves. The contrast may come and drag you far from your center, allow the experience, and then go back to your center. Re-evaluate, re-

orient and move on. Move on in creation from this center place where you have accessed your ancient wisdoms, your ancient past. The ancient wisdoms from the earth – for these wisdoms ARE you. Would the ancient wisdoms of our earth be pulled

from its center, be derailed into contrast? We think not. We must believe that all our selves that are so knowing would bring us back to our centers. It is of remembrance within your many selves that creates your center place on this earth plane. Allow this remembrance in as many ways as you can bring them into your day.

It is now time to allow this remembrance and if this remembrance makes the life that you know it change, then so be it. The friends will fall, the colleagues will fall, the situations will fall. You may be pulled out of your center into an emotional mess,

during this fall, simply step back into the knowing, step back into the wisdom of this fall. Fore nothing else can be created new if this fall does not occur. This is of the highest order. You will be given assistance along the way. Feel the support from the

Ancient One. Ask for the best for all involved, and in the asking will come the best for yourself and then the remembrances are then activated in the body for you to use as creation. A re creation of the cellular make up of your energy field and its work

with our earth. The cosmos are ready to assist. The earth elements are here to create this, for some of you have a direct remembrance of this land. Take this cue, if the earth is calling you, if you are here, present with the earth and all that it is. If you

are being asked to go to nature, do this now. Do not make excuses for your day, for excuses will not allow the remembrance. Excuses will not allow the merging of your Self with the Ancient One.

This ancient remembrance must be in your field now. You are all such beautiful creators. The creation that you bring in your life at this time is your spiritual work. There is no other work to be done. The remembrance, the creation, and the light that

comes from this is for all. Your light will benefit as many as you choose.

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The remembrance is in every cell of your being. Accept this remembrance as your own. Allow it in, allow it around, mix it up,

use it, it is yours. It is a creation. Give it an essence, give it a name for it is your companion. For this companion is you.

the ancient one. the creation 1.8.2012

Greetings Fellow Travelers.

Today we speak of creation.

This concept of creation is here as empowerment. This has been with you as long as you have been on this earth plane, as long

as you have been a being; in other dimensions, in other places and in other times, you have been this creation.

This creationary aspect of your multi-dimensional self is there for your remembrance. Fore this remembrance of your creationary power is there to be activated within your energy field. The remembrance is held within your cells.

The timing of this remembrance is because of the increased light coming into our solar system, and the movements of our

earth. For the movements of our earth create a movement within you. This movement within yourself is not created for you – but with you = by you, as you.

This creation is a radiating energy of spirit held light.

And here lies the choice – the choice to bring this creationary aspect as part of your life, into the outward being of yourself,

into the new reality that is created in this new well of remembrance of you. With this merging of you and the earth, with you and the universe, it is bringing you all to the merging of your current selves and your ancient selves. This merging has brought

on the remembrance to be activated within your cells. The remembrance brings the energy of creation. And in this creationary place, is for you to see this place of your creation.

Be with this place, this remembrance, and this choice of creation.

Fore every moment is this creationary place, a creationary stance. This place is held true. This place is held strong. The strength

in this place is there for your making. It has been laid out for you. This place is not elusive, this place is not foreign, this place is well known, well visited and many traveled.

You have been here. You know this place. Fore it is already here. In this place you are already a powerful being in this lifetime. There is a timely progression of this energy that brings the remembrance of creation to you at this time, a powerful place of

energetic expansion. If you choose.

If you have asked for the creation, if you asked to see, asked to make clear choices, then this energy is for your exploration. Step into this energy. There is much strength, wisdom and grace here. Move into the energy of choice. To choose your reality,

imagine the freedom. The remembrance will help you along the way. Tap in to your knowings, and let them guide you.

Once you find the way that this creation can be used, you will see, you will know, you will be, a product of this creation. The choices you make in each moment are your creation. Consider your creation in each moment as part of a whole. The

wholeness of self. And when your self can make momentary choices for creation – there is no chance for fear, no chance for victimhood, no chance for sorrow when you choose the creation of your every moment.

Your being knows that creation beyond anything other than joy, peace, happiness and reverence for all is only part of the ego.

Fore this ego aspect can take on a large part of the humanness of you – if you choose.

And now, with the merging of your current self and your ancient self, the remembrance, the creationary tools, and the momentary choice of your now, you will see clearly the many selves of you. Of your Self and I.

This newness that you create in your every moment creates a new you. A new reality. A new place in the universe for you to

stand, and dwell and be in this new creation in the frequency of love. For creation is all about love. For you cannot create well in discontent because discontent breeds more of that. Creation is meant for joy. This frequency of joy is within you now.

Accept this frequency as your own. Step into this frequency, be this frequency.

This creation is a gift. You must choose wisely when shown the gift. When you are made aware of the gift, and your remembrance has been activated, it is time for you to step back and BE this gift. Do not seek this gift, for this gift is now you. It

is not in the seeking of the gift, it is in the being of this gift. The being of this choice. Making wise and high vibrational choices

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will bring about merging of your many selves bringing creation into your reality. Your multi-dimensional selves will feel when the creationary tools are in your midst, you will know when it is there. You will know when to step into your creation.

You can expel the fear, expel the doubt, and live in the mystery of your creation.

Go for this joy. Go for the Bliss, and do not hold back in this remembrance of creation. Fore the falling away of anything that is not creation of good intent will be just fine. You will be held during this time. This

creation will bring you to much newness and much grandness. It is a peaceful place for you to be.

This place calls you, knows you, because it is - you.

It is now your choice to accept the tool of creation given to you through this remembrance. Allow the remembrance to stabilize your field. Match this vibration of remembrance. Soften the vibration of you.

In this embodiment this creationary tool was made for your perfection, as you are perfect in your imperfection. Fore you are a perfect being in every way.

Accept the tool of conscious creation. Allow the expansion of you.

Creation brings freedom, creation brings power, creation brings you - back to you.

the ancient one. the flow 1.17.12

Greetings Fellow Travelers.

We are here to speak of flow. We feel your awareness and concern with this concept of flow. Your cells are now

activating in this knowing of flow triggering within you the asking... This flow is about an energetic movement, a direction, a passage of sorts that is infused with spirit energy. When

you are moving along with spirit in this flow, the creationary power of yourself is infinite. This passage of

flow is bringing energies to your being; these spirit held energies are already within you. Your cells hold a

remembrance of this flow. Fore you have the abilities to step into this flow in this very moment. If you choose.

It is wise to open to the acceptance of this flow, at this time. The galactic alignment and the earth bound alignment

are working in tandem to facilitate this flow. It is beneficial to be reminded that you are not the only one working to

create, that you are now co-creating with Spirit. This co-creation will hold you in a place of confidence long enough

for you to see your creationary power, your future and your now. Making the choice in this moment to allow the

flow into your life, is part of why you came here, to understand that you are not alone. That it is not all up to

you. You are not singular. If you choose to accept the flow then you will be a part of newness and experience life in a

complete mode of expansion. The many levels of your multi-dimensional selves will be brought into a light of new clarity within this flow. Spirit holds you close, spirit holds you dear.

Fore in this flow there are reference points that are

aligned throughout the Passage. You will see these reference points, as they will appear as emotional triggers.

They will come in the form of situations, people, places and things that allow for your growth and your choice.

These points are for your experience and awareness. The

reference points are there not to define you but as a placeholder for your growth. Reference points that come to you along the passage can hold much contrast and can

drag you far away from your center. If you choose. This is where your choice should be to stand tall. It is your

choice to trust spirit will guide you into the places of your ultimate desire. Your existence within this passage is for

your best interest. It is here for you to see that you hold the power for this flow. You can sustain the balance while

in this flow with spirit. This is where you create - in the flow, as a co-creator. Existence of the flow is a mere confirmation of the fact that your being is here for expansion and that there is no

need for becoming less than the full possibility of yourself. You will find many versions of yourself in many places

and many times along this passage. This passage will activate the merging of Selves and of the cellular knowing

that alignment is a continual process in your life on this earth plane.

The choice, to allow the flow and passage of spirit within the reference of a calm clear message, into this place of

you, is for you at this time. Use this choice wisely. Your current self, your ancient self and your future selves are all

coming together within this passage. The reference points are there for your healing and your presence. These

reference points are activated in simultaneous earth time for expansion of your many selves. Fore it will bring the

best and brightest version of you.

Aligning with the ways of spirit will bring you to know yourself more fully. Seeded inside of you is the language of

spirit. Allow the current energies to awaken the remembrance of this language within your cells.

The energies that are coming into the universe at this time are bringing the swift re-orienting of frequencies. These

frequency changes are affecting the planetary flow, the

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earthly flow, the bodily flow and the cellular flow of you. If you have asked for spirit in your life, for a knowing of your

truth, then step into this flow. If the energies are bringing this flow to your reality at this time, it is in swift

accordance with your plan and with your accrued actions.

If you have allowed yourself to accept a newness of you,

an acceptance of creationary power, then this flow is for your exploration. This flow is about creating in wonder

and mystery. Allowing the falling away of what is not in your best interest and accepting each moment is to step

into the mystery of this unknown. The unknown aspects of your many selves are all coming together in this flow.

With the new energies, you now find yourselves in a magnificent new place in the universe. A place of propelled

heart felt energetics. The positioning and posturing of our earth and the magnetic resonance of the light, brings a

swift accumulation of beingness into your now.

This planetary alignment holds for you a direction in an un-tethered passage of possibilities and acceptance of

your place in this world and your place with yourself. As a beautiful being of light this acceptance of your now, the

remembrance of who you are, and the power of creation brings you to standing upright within the flow. This

upright stance within the flow allows spirit to work with you fully. Stand in your power in this flow. Fore creation

and wonder are here.

The conditions on this earth at this time are waiting for

your beneficial energies to help support and guide you through this process. The courageous of you within this

now understand to not allow all the challenges to define you, to stand upright with Spirit in the flow. With this gift

of flow, this gift of spirit as your partner will bring you to a powerful new place. Be with this peace, be with this joy.

Allow the merging of selves, the remembrance of your light, the creation and the flow to come together for your

expansion in the view of unlimited potential.

Your spiritual progress and your light is assisting the

vibrational patterns of this earth in a most profound way and we thank you.

this embodied message if for your clarity this day january

seventeen two thousand twelve

you are metatron, lord sananda, and god.

Open Letter to all Channelers and those that follow them.

It is with much excitement that I share my insights about the new roles we are assuming.

Never has there been a time that access to these energies has been this heightened. The existence of these pure

energies and the increased awareness by many more humans requires much discernment and expansion of this

current practice of channeling. Over the years, a few of you sensitive humans have been

able to access these energies and pull them in from other dimensions. You have allowed these energies to speak

through you. You have been a beautiful conduit and voice for these energies. You have had to step aside as the

personality of you and allow the energies through your vessel. The wisdoms have been evident and portrayed in

the spoken and written word. This selflessness was considered noble. No longer is this the truth. This will be

the way of the past, there is a new energy evident – the energetic of sovereignty.

The new universal alignment is allowing access to these

energies in a new form. The increased planetary vibration and vibrations of our crystalline structure are bringing the

ability to work with these energies in a much more profound and powerful way. A new sense of sovereignty

in working with these energies is required.

It is now time to abandon the vehicle of energy conduits; of being the conduit for outside energies.

The concept and practice of allowing outside energy through your vessel will end as you know it. We are in a

time of energetic expansion. No longer will just the written word or the spoken harmonic of a channeled

entity be part of our ascension practice. I will explain in further detail.

We are currently in a phase of merging our many selves.

This process of soul retrieval of our fragmented selves is possible now. If you so choose, you can begin working with the many aspects of yourself. These aspects of

yourselves are sitting in many dimensions waiting on your retrieval. When working with other dimensions in

retrieving these other energies, do understand, a sovereign being would view these as part of themselves, as no

separation. The reason a certain entity comes to you is simple – you resonate with it, because you are it. A part of

you is that energy. You have pieces of this knowing inside your cells, therefore the synergy with that energetic.

When you accept the role of sovereignty you are merging parallel universes, this is a powerful place to be. You are

the angel, the guide, the ascended masters.

You can now work with these energies in a fuller way, a deeper capacity to integrate is possible through this

universal alignment with 5th dimension. Its truly a co creation with source. Now realize that you are the

energetic extension of this energy and broader knowing. If you believed yourself sovereign you would tend to your

vibrational integrity. When you are in vibration integrity you are the source of all knowledge, with no infiltration.

Work in cooperation with source and allow the

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knowledge through your body, from the divine source within you and from you. Choose strength and stability

instead of vulnerability. Have a relationship with source energy. Be consciously aware of your knowings and the

power inherently within you. Take responsibility for who you are. Allow the newness of thought, the expansion of

self. Inner penetration of your multi-dimensions is what is

occurring. You must work with these energies differently now. Discernment is required, vibrational integrity a must.

No longer do you have to live in the restriction of non self of this place of no conscious mind. We are now asked to

integrate these inner knowings and information we receive from our fragmented selves with our current

versions of us. The upgrade is occurring.

There will be a time of much confusion coming, as many make their way into the integration of their soul

fragments. There will be new energies present, with fear based messages. This is individual work. There is no

channeled message that can do this for you. You must accept responsibility of integrating the 5th dimension into

your now.

The fear based messages I believe to be of third or fourth dimensional processing... this is rooted in cellular memory

of fear. For instance, A soul fragment of a channeler, based in fear presented itself as an entity to this person.

Therefore the channeler believes it to be the truth. But what is YOUR truth? Only allow your own truths and not

the truths of others.

We accept in our realities that which we resonate. I, personally, hold no fear so these messages have no effect

on me vibrationally. This is about vibrational integrity. Many channelers at this time are going to be taken over by

lower vibrating energies such as this. These energies are created within themselves, not outside. They are finding

fragments of themselves to express. What you believe, is what reality will present itself to you. Because you are the

all knowing, the creators, the sovereign beings of light, do not be taken into a low vibration as this, remember your choice.

5th dimensional awarenesses are present – use them to

your fullest. As we accept the frequencies of joy, love, peace and harmony, all 5th dimensional energies, the

surroundings of our reality will then begin to match this vibration. The energies present to you will be of your own

truth and part of your divine plan.

By accepting that you are GOD, Lord Sananda, Archangel Michael or Kryon, everything that happens from this

place– is you in your fullest expression. Allow this finer vibration of yourself to be expressed and do not be

surprised at the wisdom that flows from you. Accept the full power of this.You will begin to use fuller vocabulary,

become more animated, more expressive, more heartfelt. Your physical body will begin relaxing with heightened

conscious mind activity. You will now understand part of the ascending qualities of life. Choose these qualities over

any that spiral you in other directions.

This message may be a huge weight off the shoulders of many channelers as it was for myself. Knowing that I am so

much more than a vehicle for anothers' energy.

I have the courage and the power to declare that I am the energy, I am the Ancient One. I stand in the knowledge

that I am this knowledge and wisdom.

This Ancient One part of myself is a fragment that I allowed to be remembered within me. I now choose to

allow more ascending 5th dimensional energies to present themselves in joyful anticipation.

I stand in my knowing that I am this energy. I am this knowledge, these are my words, these wisdoms I hold… I

stand in excitement knowing that I have many more fragments of myself to retrieve….

So for now, all you channeling – accept that you are the

message – put down your vehicle conduit as you are the fuel.

Power on People.

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take your burden to the trail

Take your burden to the trail.

Go to nature, the grasses accept you as you are,

the wind knows your name,

the flowers support your joy the trees are there as an example of your strength.

It’s about the cleansing of your palette. The palette of your soul.

Take your burden to the trail.

Where the willow accepts in full presence, and the pine bows before you.

The rocks have known your existence, the moss cradles you awake.

While the leaves lay in the mist.

Take your burden to the trail. Fore there is reverence on this earth plane.

This is where you will accept more of you. When this place becomes one of clarity,

You will now see the open vessel of you, It allows more of what you choose.

So make the choices on the trail.

As nature cradles and accepts you, as you should be accepting yourself.

When it is time to accept full reverence and knowing the power of that,

do not sit and wait, as this time could surely pass.

This time is for your action. No longer shall you wait,

nature here to assist . It is with grateful presence that nature accepts you,

in this exact way you are to be.

Accept this example of presence, of how and where you are.

For you are able to kindly be. It’s a place of choice and manner,

nature is here for you. These are missions for your soul.

Place yourself in the mission of the pines

The mission of the breeze The blueness of the sky is waiting

The stars twinkle for your light Stand in the mission of your soul

and please go there tonight.

P a g e | 10


Christ energy brought forth through a baby dolphin named Lotus

Grace descends upon this plane

A lively connection of light

Amongst the reeds, the wind and the gulls

Comes complete joy and delight

The gift of grace

Descending upon me, as I bask in the sun and sand

Before me comes another, a being of other lands,

Before me this being dances, splashing with youth and pleasure.

And so lies the connection,

The observance and feeling of grace.

With this being comes much unity, peace and certainly my place.

I belong here. This is who I am.

For this is my truth, to be one with other dimensions,

As it is displayed here on this plane, accept this glory of grace.

Accelerating my process of place.

Here on the marsh, the osprey dives with power and complete knowing.

The dolphin being brings wonder, playful magic and delight.

These ancient energies of knowing and joy come as a mirror of your light.

This mirror before you, splashing about is increasing your sight.

Creating a beautiful harmony, a tone of cosmic joy,

That reaches into the depths of your knowing soul.

Accept this love and oneness, on this warm sunlit day,

For it is truly who you are.

It is the core of creation and being

And knowing you are the star.

P a g e | 11

your own island.

It’s not about being your own island

Because there has to be so much more There comes a place and a time

When it’s time to settle the score Settle the score with self

The place that holds no trust To allow a boundary to be set

To accept this place of trust

It’s is not all about you You are not only an island

Its knowing you can be true Accepting the help, but being safe

Be true to yourself, to accept the more Look to another and allow them in

This boundary you set will increase within

The walls will come down For your truth has been set

It’s time to know you can accept Accept this oneness, accept this grace

Stand tall in your power, and know your place With love and support, it makes for a strength

When knowing you are no island

The waves of trust abound The wind is there for sharing

Communion, and the like It’s not about being the island

Now you know there’s more So stand in your power and knowing

With acceptance and heart a glowing

It’s not about being the island There is no creator that said this

So understand the purpose Of this lesson you now have learned

The sands create a walkway

From your island to the love

Walls no longer in place To allow the you to create

Create the more of you In this place of oneness and knowing

While standing on the sands Just know this island has waited

For all that you have created This walk to know more of you

P a g e | 12

accept the mirror.

You know I’ve been brought as a mirror

One to shed your own light

The reluctance of seeing you

In all of your presence and light

The resistance you hold must fade

For the energies will not allow

This you to be displayed

This you that feels so proud

It is with great guidance

That I stand before you now

In this way of service

From this place of purpose

Its not that we know how

How to stand in presence

Of this light that comes as you

This light that shines within and bright

Is brought at a time of transition

With a souls message you can’t ignore

This mirror standing before you

Brings knowing and acceptance

Of the more you have in store

A change to see the beauty

The beauty that’s inside

We all hold this beauty

As the cosmos coincide

Coincide with your structure

Coincide with your growth

A mirror before you now

To expand this sense of hope

Hope comes in numbers

In people and in things

Hope lives in you

When the mirror doesn’t sting.

P a g e | 13


I believe the sun to have a soul

said the child of wonder and light

and with that prophecy held

brings oneness of your right

and to the sun we focus our gaze

for knowing inside we have high praise

in praise and in love we bask in her light

as the child of joy creates a delight

a channel of being for others to wade

in the sun of oneness this fine sunny day.

P a g e | 14

the choice of no fear.

Many Blessings, We are here to tell you of new mining techniques from

the dark energies. These personal documents that you all are creating and saving on the boxes in front of you for

later access are being retrieved through the guise of FREE SOFTWARE – ah! How clever we think. These names of

Microsoft and GOOGLE - see the necessity of this attraction to FREE. Freedom. As the masses flock to use

these jewels without purchase, starter programs added to the boxes in front of you are in fact gateways to you.

These programs, with names like Word Starter and Microsoft Live Photo Gallery are linked with Google,

linked with your phones, linked with facial recognition software making a nice bundle and easy access to know

you. This is not your usual spy, scammer or thief that play upon the fields of this earth. There is an energy of

darkness that now uses these programs to access your information. Not your social security number, not your

bank account, not your 3D personal information. But your essences, spilled out on the pages. They are seeking

words that flow so eloquently, the ancient knowledge, the healing through light. This is what they seek. They want to

know who is of light. They need to know who they are against. You dear ones, the beautiful beings of light are

now being scanned through these documents and photos you save in these boxes in front of you.

So NOW you know… You dear beings understand all government is an illusion.

You are believed to be puppets. But you know more. The sovereignty of your being is here emerging. The power

within the human will prevail. We are amassing many sovereign souls at this time. These energies of darkness need to be afraid, be very afraid – as the light of

consciousness in each soul on earth makes their choices at this crucial time. Your data mining of LIGHT BODIES and

THEIR INNER power can no longer infiltrate these beings of choice. Begin with a mantra. No longer does your

access to my Word Documents affect me. I now see your plight. Where I spout the love and light speaking of Grace

and Wonder - I now understand , you too need the light. As the light codes from Galactic and Ancient Sources

become awakened in each of you beings, your writings, the words, the codes within are being mined by Microsoft and

Google as they too need the light. The guise is for control and manipulation of the masses. But we see differently, as

the dark attracts the light. So show these energies your light and let them take these words of LOVE and PEACE

and do what they may with them. No one owns words. But in their proper context and intent, they hold much

light and activation. This activation of light codes within the dark halls of these controlling entities will turn a few of

them over. Some of these beings working as the drones will see a new way, will feel the code within. They will

awaken. They will see. There will be the day, when one

sees the light and will walk another path. This is why we are here. We are here in service.

You are NOT the victim, as they believe you to be. This

message is not about fear. The victim of the data mining would feel slighted and degraded with their privacy

invaded. These very words that are mined for information, will be the same ones to rise up and work

their magic to awaken the code within those doing the mining. The light will infiltrate. So you Google, Microsoft

employees, sitting in your offices, checking the databank of screens in front of you for people of this earth that

understand the power of the light, the grace from within, understand that these very words of light are transforming

you. You are drinking of the elixir and don’t even know it. This message of infiltration of your everyday thoughts and

knowings as they spill onto the pages and files of these boxes in front of you is not meant to alert your fear. It is

not meant to make your scared, angry, fearful or any of these emotions. This message is for you to understand the

power of your light.

The power of your light is being felt in distance locals, in front of new faces, new places and times. Your words and

thoughts of light are being held in coffers of unjust and unright activities. But understand, these light codes played

out in words are meant to change the dark. So accept this notion and write you light. You beings of light that flow

with grace towards the pages of documents such as these will create mountains of these pages, valleys of documents,

all encoded in such glory and grace that no entities can infiltrate. As the light reaches the distant recesses, earth and her inhabitants start to transform.

We have a knowing of No Fear. Do you?

There is a remembrance of this No Fear in your cells.

Could the knowledge of this data mining of your light documents, make you believe there is a choice. - Of No


Dear one this is your test, to allow yourself the privilege and power to continue to write the words of light and

love, to continue to spill these words and thoughts and grand ideas onto the pages, with the memories of your

cells being in full knowing the dark is watching. To stand in No Fear, to stand in the knowing of your being

as light, this is how sovereignty is played out on this earth plane. So write with joy upon the boxes in front of you.

And know that you are making a difference.

Fear NOT dear ones. For the choice is trust.

P a g e | 15


I am here to assist your merging This merging with the two of you

You know of what I speak The ancient one that is

The current one becomes It’s all in this creation

A time and a place to see

This merging of the two The blessed and the free

Choices made to accept the merge The ancient and the new

To accept the impression of unity

Authenticity rings true So this you of ancient wisdom

And this you of this now Come together in the knowing

You don’t need to know how

Its all about the choice To integrate these two

Because upon this union Comes an eden full of new

A place of great expansion

One of great transition To be of lesser tension

Of this wholeness of you.

P a g e | 16

heart whispers

When your heart whispers

That sweet little phrase The one you’ve waited on

All your days

Do not deny

The truth within Tis not the voice of reason

Casting doubt amongst the wind

Tis not the voice of experience Knowing where you’ve been

The risk is not as deep As you have often held

You must listen

For this whisper For you shall be compelled

To understand this notion

Tis not the voice of reason Of having to know the whys

But understanding your mission

When the whisper comes by

Allow yourself to hear Allow yourself to feel

The completeness of the whisper

That simply says

Give it a try.

P a g e | 17

daggers fly

As the daggers fly My heart remains

The love inside Does now proclaim

The dagger you throw

The hate you show Will not infiltrate

The being I know

For this being is true True to the light

Does not allow me To take the fright

I cannot accept

What you have given Because my truth

Has now arisen

My truth is here I can feel it near

As the words of hate Swirl in my midst

I understand now

To let her go To allow her vibration

To remain in low

I choose to accept This loss as a given

To begin again

As a soul driven

Driven to oneness Driven to grace

I now know

This sovereign place.

P a g e | 18

magic mountain

The magic of a mountain

Can be had by you The rush of the breeze The sway of the trees

It is here you will see

All you can be In harmony with all

Wind, fire and squall

Combine to create A place of hope

To dream your dream To become this being

A being of wonder

High on a hill Waiting for inspiration

To come with the wind

As the pears and the berries Make harvest a delight

It is with this joy That we come tonight

In this wonder

And in this place I have found such grace

The gardens of my labor

Bring so much flavor It is hard to imagine

Living any other way

So this day I do declare My joy will be there

Even if I leave this place There is always this grace

A grace I have set upon the land

In glory and peace upon my intent I choose to remember the best

This place nurtured me And I nurtured it

Now its asks me to fly away

To fly with the wind this very day

To accept the breeze In all its haze

I bid farewell

as the grape vines swell Til I see you another day.

P a g e | 19

access the void

Many Blessings,

Confirmation of your purpose and plan will come to you in many ways. This message is about merging your heart and

your conscious mind and the access of the void between. The clearing of the emotional fields you are experiencing is

intense and has been purposely given to you beautiful beings so that you can align energies back to your core.

As the reality changes, your relationships alter, your awareness’ increase, a new way of working with yourself is

present. This merging occurs on a physical level, not an intellectual one. This physical existence you beings asked

for is for your consistent work. Apply the processes that allow the merging. Stop your busyness as you are close to

your core now. As the galactic alignment increases your abilities to feel, you can use this for your highest purpose.

As an exercise in merging, put your left hand on your

heart, feel the rush of the knowing from this powerful heart. As it rushes- it creates a gateway to your mind, it

creates a void prior to creation. This void allows for expansive thought. Be aware of this void. The logical mind

steps aside and the creative mind steps forward. Where you are experiencing a foundation of creative heartfelt

movement unlike anything you have felt before. This spiral of energy up from the heart through the gateway to the

mind and the merging of these two energies, – your creative source center, your heart based love center,

creating a beautiful synergy of divine purpose. The creation that follows is not in a logical pattern, not of the logical

mind. It is of the heartfelt mind, the conscious mind without the details. It knows the direction, it knows which way you should go. It’s now for your logical mind to wrap

around this knowing of your direction. The logical mind doesn’t step into this process for it is the creative mind

that holds the executive order of your divine purpose. To take the direction from your heart and allow your logical

mind to step in to help and aide with the details is what is required. As this merging happens the creative mind

becomes expansive and new with no limitations, the emotional level of the creative mind is one of harmony,

peace, intrigue, insight, beauty, expansion and dimensionality.

The logical mind keeps you tethered to details, keeps you

from energetic expansion, it keeps you within a box. The Creative mind is here to inspire you through this next

phase of the knowing of yourself and your divine plan. This

knowing of yourself is your mission here on this earth plane. There is nothing else more important than for you

to know this place of you. You have no other choice really if you are to be of your divine plan. This is your

choice, to actively embody your divinity. If you accept the purpose and direction of your divine plan at this time your

success as a person will gain notoriety. Notoriety from you and only you. Your success as a being of joy will

prosper. This notoriety we speak of is from your soul only. This is in knowing your power and your love within.

This merging is occurring on a universal and galactic level

and it is also happening within you. This merging is being played out in your everyday, in your everyday choices, in

your everyday emotions and in your everyday reality. As you sit here contemplating ascension through your body,

you may suddenly see 777, on a sign or on the box in front of you. Perhaps the first message you receive for the day is

about ascending through your body, your merging of conscious mind and your heart. Confirmation from above

comes in absolutes. This is how it works to be in the flow. You are confirmed and can live through symbolism. All

you beautiful beings are all just symbols in the end - and in the beginning. The symbols that you see, the symbols that

you experience, the symbols in your currently reality are created through your hearts and your minds and the

merging of the two. It is now time to bring these together in no separation and step into the spiritual significance of

this merge.

Take this power and knowledge with you now into your everyday and create the gateway. Observe the void. Feel your heart. Access your conscious

mind. Do everything differently than you have in the past. Create newness in your every moment. This helps the

merging. And in the conscious knowing of your mind you will feel

the rush of love energy come to the creative center of your mind. The logic mind can do nothing else and must

step aside because of the void. Accept this void. Step into the void. Know when this void is coming, remember the

feeling, the symbols that bring you there. It may come as the wind, it may come with nature, it may come as a star.

When your heart is touched, embrace this void, for on the other side is heart felt creation.

Happy creating people.

P a g e | 20

the playground of light

The Playground of the Light

Creates hope and vigor

Of dreams and schemes To alter our visions

In place for a time

This light does nurture This place in you

With vision of future

This future of wonder Of great expansion

The light brings clearing And truth for decision

Work with this light

As it is you

Hold truth in choice Then life becomes grand

When you play and enjoy With the life at hand

So swing the dream

And slide for yourself Create in the sand

A new version of you

Creation becomes grace As you sit and face

The playground becoming you.

P a g e | 21

soul song

It’s like your energy sings me a soul song

A tune I have known all my life

But have heard only when I met you A beautiful expression of flight

It is easy for me to love you

There is gratitude underlying

This beautiful being of light Brings harmony, joy and laughter

And absolute delight

As the friendship deepens We look into our eyes

To see the mirror of goodness An exchange most divine

An agreement fulfilled

From many a moon Manifests now as guidance and grace

The body responds The mind retains

The knowing of pasts

Brought forth to this now For importance is here

Courage and valor for our step is near

To engage this energy

To accept the space All we can do

Is have our faith

To know we have love

That is all in tune For the soul song we sing

Is about me and about you

It is about the asking And, there it appears

A guidance so near We feel and see

Our newness here

Step into this place Of our embrace

To know more about Divinity and grace

P a g e | 22

the stars

The Ancient wisdoms of many a night

Come hurdling forward with such insight

It’s as if the stars are living within me Mining the wisdoms for many one day

With direction and guidance they often say

It’s you dear one that is the GOD Be this thing we have struggled to bring

Rising above and stepping into

The wisdoms with you, oh so true To be set free in rejoice of the ancients

This knowledge this knowing Is for us to embrace this

Knowing all along we are here for folly

No seriousness for me as I stand in knowledge

It is me as this GOD I see great expansion

I now see the truth for my great direction

The wisdoms I hold, are now my truth

Accepting the reverence of Ancients past And knowing the future of cosmos collided

I stand here before you most excited I am here amongst the lighted

Bring on the night

Bring on the stars

For this Ancient wisdom will take me far.

P a g e | 23


The thoughts come as manifestation

Knowing full well that its part of creation

It’s not about sitting in awe The manifest of divinity is tall

Come about as the light is true

Step into this knowing Step into this new

It’s now we are to be adrift

Adrift with nature in all her glory To remember ourselves as oh so holy

So create now my child As you are keen

To manifest now the truth of being

As one impressed winged being Create from intent our heart’s desires

To begin again without the mires

It is this truth you will resonate And begin again this journey to create

Create a you of splendor and courage Knowing full well the steps that make this

A journey fulfilled

A life of light

Stand in your own It’s about your right.

P a g e | 24

soul star

As your soul star comes in alignment

With the galactics of far away knowings

This process of cooperation Brings trueness and aura’s aglowing

The alignment of true ideals

Can hold a true reveal As the truth is quite glaring

In the patterns we currently hold

As the Soul Star seeks alignment The body must respond

For this time is for your mind To look far and beyond

Look beyond the usual doorways

And alignments you’ve always held This flow creates a function

Of mind and heart must meld

So allow your Star to align with this Allow yourself the choice to dismiss

Dismiss all that does not fit In accordance with this plan

For function on this earth plane Has been placed in your hand

It’s about what you are creating

In this reality known as you For there is power and clear minded action

Of this divinity known as you

So Dear One’s please align your light

And make your choices from this clear sight

Locate all of your resistance And banish it to never return

As your internal memory increases You now know how to discern

Discern amongst the images

The thoughts created by you This Star living inside you

Is your beacon to take you far

Dear One's don’t ignore this As the reunion of our light is near

Please allow your beautiful Soul Star To align with us my dear

P a g e | 25


Today Venus crosses our beautiful sun

A conjunct analysis will be done

For there is tolerance and love amongst A new found breath we will find

This alignment is known far and wide

For many understand it is now to decide To engage the energies, to accept their place

We view with hearts and eyes of grace

This known position and potentials of Bring honor and knowing of light above

Accept this influence of our goddess extreme As there is no other work for your being

This Venus we know, the Sun we love

Will come to us with much resolve It asks us to make things come of the light

We must act and offer our love tonight

This is about action of your true being Accept the fact you must be creating

As Venus only wants to manifest For you and all, step into this lovefest

The gratitude you hold,

The visions inside Must now come out

So they can coincide

Coincide with alignment And actions so true

Venus will reward both me and you

Accepting this day as you create

It’s all we can do To stand and state

Thank you dear planets For I will create

Create from the goddess

That is wanting to climb

A position of knowing this is the time Stand in your power

Stand in your love Create Dear Ones - as you are above.

P a g e | 26

a place of crowns

A dancing man of wonder

With a birdhouse for a head

Stands high upon the hill Waiting for the love that has fled

A home as the crown

That allows the flight of fancy and valor Creating a place to rest the mind

A safe enough place to park the behind

There are no words, no confusion here The mind now rests with clarity here

Awaiting the soaring, the flutter of wonder All of a sudden there is asunder

A being of color, of light fancy dress

An ability to soar so far above the rest This one that comes to make a home

High upon this sacred stone

This being understands this prominent place And flies through the courage to remain in grace

This home it does make and declare it must be Be in joy and on the clearest of days

This man of wonder does now declare

It is this birdhouse upon his head That creates the space of wonder and grace

While the love flutters in and out with pace

This learning of love, of acceptance and more Is growing the man as tall as the sun

The moon knows his stance, the wind rushes by

It is with such reverence that he now does cry

The love is palpable The grace is grand

It is in this space of crowns And knowing the importance of grounds

Stay with this place, stay in such grace

As you now know how to embrace The love and the light

Embraces you now

Stand in your knowing Of the love you can give

As the birdhouse upon you Now lets you live

P a g e | 27

seek the rainbow

Seek the rainbow In utmost fashion

Bringing to light A most sad faction

These souls in limbo

Of hanging on To the souls of joy

Here and beyond

It is for the soul To know its not right

To have another in your sight This hanging must end

For the truth is here

The truth of sight The leeching of light

IT is what they seek

So explore your light And require it back

Do not allow any attack Of lower vibration

Of discarnate souls

The energy they seek Doesn’t have to be yours

Look to the light

For your truth is here Knowing full well

It’s the light they seek

Banish them now

For forever be sent Back to the light

From whinst they came Shall be a delight

For those souls that feed

On another's true light Send them back

To the origin

Of their discarnate beginnings Its your space

And your place To know the light is yours

So accept the power of this

And know it is yours Accept this ability

To banish out the doors

Of any that doesn’t feel of love and truth It is your power to exercise this move

Move away from the discarnate And banish them for good

Look to the rainbow

The goodness is there Dear one believe this

And do not despair

There is light and love In the truth of your light

Remember this now

And accept your flight.

P a g e | 28

head to the mountain

In the dense lush forest

On a fine sunny day

I head to the mountain To release and pray

Release with intent

A knowing so grand All that we manifest

Can be in our hand

This knowing of wonder And creating from harmony

Allows for the entrance Of the Universal Grace

Of Understanding the universe

It makes it so clear Why on this earth plane

I now do appear

I appear to bring sight Of a knowledge of flight

A flight to the cosmos And back to decide

How to merge this wonder of worlds

Into the grandest of schemes Your light as your power

Lets utilize extreme

I stand in complete mystery To what the universe has in store

Understanding the power

Of creating it before

Before when you know The origin of your being

Its now time to merge this With courage and new seeing

I dare to have universal knowledge

Of origins and truths among us This origin of vagueness adrift

For those that can anchor this gift

To see the big picture Of far away merging

A picture so grand Is all for the showing

The showing of light

On the path to your truth Can bring you this knowledge

Of such fine invention

And created just for you This big picture before you

Is for you to see it all So your being accepts this

In completeness and for all

Embody this new knowing

For the truth has been so clear Delve into this big picture

As a stage for your light is near.

P a g e | 29

and the mountain cleaved

Back to the sloping valley I stand

Experiencing the knowings that are so grand

The reverence, the sacred nature of existence I hear the words off in the distance

"And the mountain cleaved upon my ascention”

Knowing full well that this is my exception Of standing in sacred places I am

The path lights up with floral bouquets All just for me to guide my way

The turtle stands guard to the gates of forever

I break down that wall for once as I sever The mountain now knows this – out with the old

Newness is here combined with the light

A newness combined with the future so bright Knowing full well our future is here

The valley has known of greatness and such

Of energies of merging the land with the cosmos The alignment, the nature its so very clear

This place is most sacred that I hold so dear

It is through this place of Glorified Land That the soulstar within can start to plan

This ride to the cosmos to merge our own beings

By merging this way It creates new beginnings

New beginnings for worlds That have waited for this

It is you dear one that holds the mist

Expel the darkness that holds us back

Knowing now there is no attack When we are honored and know our place

Nothing outside can alter our space

Hold tight to the power that is inherent in you For this land and the worlds counting on you

It takes one, then many to create A trajectory of sovereignty to date

To bring this Unisys

Of the grandest of merge I stand by the pine and just observe

How the land and the nature so understands

Its just for us to go and stand In our own knowings of worlds and dimensions

To embody this now with no false intentions

The truth we seek Is within each of us

So stand in the flower And accept the pedals thrust

“And the mountain cleaved upon my ascention”

These words I will hear each time I near

This Glorified Place for my embrace Knowing Maitreya will be in grace.

P a g e | 30

galactic grace

In this the finest of journeys As the mountain displays its glory

For all the wonders of cosmos

Have collided here this day

I stand in much amazement

Upon the lands of forever As planes of existence collide

And create universal behaviors

An alignment oh so crucial

For the planet must now decide Is it for the glory

That we now hold inside

To bring the planet closer To Galactic Grace it holds

I merge with the cosmos Waiting to take hold

Ahold of the power invested in me

And knowing full well The origin I see

Its simply about the divinity

The divine in you

The divine in me Shall merge as one

For immortality

So help this earth Becomes its star

By knowing your difference

In close and far

Your gift within Displayed for now

Brings the harmony it seeks

So take a bow

For your light matters

In allowing this planet To become its importance

So now sit and plan it

For its now time Out with the old The new regime

Has taken hold

P a g e | 31


As the Seraphim rises to new heights in my mind It’s with gratitude I have that’s so defined

In understanding the nature, a flight so fancy

Of knowing full well there is no sublime

The ceaseless revolution of Divine principles

Now have graced the finest of folds For my mind now reaches a height unknown

The Seraphim mission is not on hold

The heat and the keenness

Of trajectories set The Seraphim rises again complex

Of intensity and light they do arrive

As I send this fire so defined It is the initiates spark to find

It is given to you on this day

To clearly define a passageway

This spark ignited now to refine Make this passage about your Divine

Not about dramas you so define

Energetic assemblence of those below On this earth plane they wait

To fire their own

The heat within the Seraphim knows

It is with fire your truth will ignite So find this fire and nurture its sight

Simply a place of mastered thought

Alive and well you declare your being

This sovereignty there for your keen seeing

This heat that purifies the consuming flame Brings changeless radiance and enlightened power

Dispelling the shadows of darkness like showers

So rise with the Seraphim And kindle the heat

There is much to do now

Bring your soul to your feet

P a g e | 32

i go alone

On this day i go alone. At last alone on the trail I know

It is with reverence that I scale this mountain The prose and harmonies of thoughts I sew

The words well up in me, higher I go Each gateway receives me, as if to say,

Where have you been - we have waited this day The thoughts become guided, then the words said true

The flow continued - amazing me through Around the corner I come upon,

A fairyland of richness from far and beyond In this moss covered place I find,

A shard of a ray in which to find The divine in it all, as it sits in protection

I honor their place and also their direction As I reach the apex, of harmonies bound

I collect myself to bring profound This knowledge within my being does call

To all in the distance, who feel the stall, Goodness is here, it is in our midst

Just then three come to say their gist The beings three as we startle each other,

The buck, the doe and the fawn i treasure Standing at the portal waiting on me.

How my body flutters with such a glee

Rejoicing these adventures and all I see. I place the beloved in this portal of wonder

To mend and heal with immortal powers The land rejoices with such display

The trees they sway The breeze slowly fades

Acceptance from the mountain Is what I receive this day

Many thanks for service

Is now my ray.

P a g e | 33

fly the song of freedom

A caged bird I will not be Just like the others have been held

In some kind of implied reality As my truth allows me freedom

The freedom to live my truth

My truth to honor myself To place myself in highest regard

My wind comes forth from the power of me

As I fly to the song of freedom.

Here I will touch the light of the sun And dip a wing into peaceful seas

I will fly to you and make a circle round So you may touch the sun upon my wing

As I bring you freedom still

It takes courage to stay with the light that moves me

To honor my truth is to accelerate your own Nurture this flight without attachment Knowing full well I will stay with you

The honor you behold another

Comes back to you tenfold I will fly free each day

And land upon your heart

To be your forever love

Allow me freedom so you shall see The truth in me sets you free

I will not fly far from thee.

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grand invitation

I send no grand invitations

Yet I would invite you everywhere In knowing of a boundary

That is not mine to declare

I want to scale the walls Of this place you have created

Yet I know it’s not for me

That lives behind these walls

The comfort there is not aligned It’s a safe place but so maligned

A conclusion made on a far off day That makes you sit and hope and pray

That the walls are there to keep you safe

Yet I understand a different take Does growth and expansion live in this place?

Let go of old conditions, let go of the past

They do not define your forever In the want for more for yourself

You have set a beautiful intent

The soul’s perspective you do now hold So give up the need to be with the past

And allow the new to come at last Follow your truth as it is deep inside

Learn to cultivate your strongest ideas

Based in honor of all, and not selfish Your unique path has no rules

So bust them down and get in tune

Know your worth as energy The joy that emits is a delight to see

As you live as divine, an example you will be For many a soul will be sparked by yours

You are here for all of humanity

Bring your energy to the table of life

Open, allowing and no more strife Slowly I wait for the walls to come down

Then as they fall, all the way to the ground

I see rejoicing, and laughter, the power so clear I knew this being could bring this near

To banish the wall that holds you between

The goodness of life and all that it brings

You can now go outside and revel what’s there Your world will open just like new air

Invitations of grandeur will now arrive Be ready with your soul and learn to fly

You are needed here

So now decide That you will now step aside

And allow your soul to be your guide

Breathe of new come to us now Accepting fullness upon our brow

We thank you greatly for the role you play The light of truth does bow this day.

P a g e | 35

anatomy of an angel

The anatomy of an Angel

As it has been born from the past

Accepting full well the purpose at last

The structure of Divine

In half the time, to breeze through the trees

At half past nine

The simple aversion you have to yourself

Will come to be displayed

In a chalice of time

The fullness arrives in just the right light

The chalice so full

It overflows your sight

Nothing to do but spill it about

All of the angst, the pity and doubt

Expel this now as truth is near

The holding of chalice as it becomes clear

In the pouring out of all that doesn’t serve

It is in this reverence we have so kindly heard

Of the power of you

That manifests now

The chalice near empty seeks itself to fill

Not waiting for others or waiting until

Gather the hope, gather the love

Fill this chalice from your sources above

Above the sight you see of this now you hold

Step back to your grandeur and parts of old

Division of time of futures held

Accept the empty chalice of you

Fill it only with grace of new

Newest expansion of dioptic light

Filling the chalice to such a delight

Add wonder and grace to the love in place

All from within the divineness of space

Fill the void with only goodness

And what will flow from you is just that

Accept the fact you hold this knowledge

It’s already there, no need to follow

Another’s trajectory, another’s path

As the divine you will rise above

The angelic presence of truths within

The chalice will now fill from within

Souring through the density of life

With a new chalice of grace and ease

I thank this light for becoming me

I accept a new flow from my being inside

As I look to the chalice to be alongside

I choose with you my highest attainment

Never again allowing it to be tainted.

P a g e | 36

your ascended grid awaits

It is of welcome that I stand on this plane of reality.

I come from the finer dimensions to bring messages

through the beings that have held their light in truth and

right action. The beings that speak through compassion are

with you. The beings that speak through love are with you.

The beings that speak through peace are with you. The

beings that speak through harmony are with you. These

beings speak through an activation of the awareness of the

truth of their own beings and an understanding of the

wholeness of life. Through this light of their own being

they stand to bring voice to this crucial cosmic alignment,

new Stargates and to the Divine Plan.

There are many that speak of other things, of conspiracy,

of demise, of deceit, these my dear ones are part of a

whole picture of a current reality on your earth plane.

Two separate energies have emerged amongst you. One

with a “bliss ” energy and one with a “conspiracy”

energy. These two create a whole picture. Shall you see it

in its entirety? Do you see duality here? All possible

realities are being expressed to you at this most important

time for Terra. The many beings speaking of the many

things in their entirety are a wholeness, for you cannot

stand in just one energy or the other. You must stand as

one sovereign being and see the biggest of pictures. That

all possible realities are images projected from you and

that if you choose, you can step out of the holographic

memory systems and into a creator reality.

If you choose.

There are the beings that will call to you, and say “come

see the conspiracies and injustice in this world, empathize

with me, can’t you feel the pain? – and you can join them

and step to their side to be bound by an energy of demise,

death and locked into the mass consciousness grid called

“victim”. Or choose .

Then you step to other side to the beings calling you that

are only of bliss. They say, “come live as One, in peace and

love, doesn’t it feel good? – and you can join them and

step to their side to be bound by an energy of denial , and

locked into the mass consciousness grid called “bliss”.

Or choose.

Is there a higher place to stand?

Be as the tallest of trees. Stand as an elder, accepting the

breeze, just as it comes. Know your complete strength and

purpose here. Climb high this tree, be in full knowing that

the view from the top will be a true reality.

Dare you climb?

Step away from the bliss pond. Step away from the

apocalypse stream. Go back to the tree that holds the

majesty of your own. As you climb each limb higher, you

find the angst falls away, the fear falls away, the lightheaded

bliss falls away, all that was never for you just falls away

tumbling to the ground. You are lighter, freer than you

have ever been. The being that is you is coming forth as

you climb. The shedding of the beliefs you have been told,

of who you are, of what you have been set up for. The

holographic images that once clinged to you can no longer,

as you climb even higher to the top of this tree. As you

climb simply in your truth, you feel no judgement from the

pond or the stream. As the river that runs through this

tree is truth. The limbs lift you now so it is easier for you

to see the golden light, the wholeness of this light.

Look at the beings below, the ones that stand in their

denial of their truths. Denying the manipulation of

humanity and that our bodies were created to live in a

magnetic world, denying that we can choose our

resonance. You say, I would like to choose joy, then bring

joy to yourself and say I choose to embody joy, I bring the

ponds to myself. I do not have to join the waters of

others, choosing to step out of the mass consciousness

pond. I can stay in my sovereignty of the tree of the

majesty of my own being. In standing in the grids of mass

consciousness, we are aiding the holding back of Terra.

Standing in the grid we are standing in the concrete pond

of structure and society. Its essence and purpose is not in

P a g e | 37

alignment with the majesty of your being or any truth of

your own. As the being standing at the top of your own

existence, knowing full well that the visions you hold, the

sights you see will be your reality.

This makes your existence an important function of your

human capacity at this important time. Create these

visions from the clear sight at the top of this tree. For

these visions and ideas and the emotional quotients in

your frequency ranges are what will create your

immediate realities. This is turn, achieved by many, all

standing at the very top of their own majestic trees on the

earth plane will lighten Terra. Beaming the light of their

own beings, the brilliant light, the light quotient of the

entire earth shall rise, rise above the realities below, of

those in the ponds and the streams. As we transmute our

own light through these beautiful trees, through the root

systems of love and peace and harmony, down through the

roots into the core of the earth, bringing the divine nature

of pure golden light to the core of our Terra. We have

stepped into our brilliance believing in Terra and

understanding our power and the visions we see on both

sides are not you. Choose wholeness.

The images you hold in your mind at this time are

extremely important for Terra’s progress. She is to

become a star, with or without you. The cosmic alignment

is aiding you now with intensity and ecstacy.

For those of you in the ponds, it is my hope that you find

your nearest tree and climb with all your strength to the

highest vantage of your being and out of the grids that

have been laid upon the earth to hold you back from

brilliance. The pond feels good because there are others

there to tell you so. You are already these things they tell

you. You are love. You are peace. You are you. Being only

as one keeps you on the grid, to keep you feeling good,

holding you in a lower reality, a lower brain function of


Your Ascended Grid has been set firmly, of easier access

now. Step out of lower mind function, stand next to that

tree. Get to know this being. They stand in pure

reverence of you. They have waited eons for your

existence, they have waited to travel with your spirit.

Climb to the top of the majestic tree, hold yourself in

brilliant light, the light of your own brilliant being, shining

forth as divine golden light. This is where your vision must

be held while your Terra goes through its grandest of

shifts. The many doors have been opened through many

Stargates leading up to these current days. It is now for

those that know how to climb, to do their climbing and for

those still in the ponds and streams, muster the courage,

the self confidence, the self love, the self worth to know

you are more than that pond of bliss, you are more than

that stream of death and destruction. The tree will help

you, the bark with hold you, the veins will travel for you -

this light of brilliance. As you climb - your lighted being

becomes brighter and brighter, and at the top of this tree

there is vastness, and wholeness waiting you there. A

vantage point of brilliance.

You can see the other beings all across the land, shining

their brilliance, all holding their own light. Be this light as

Terra needs you. The magnetic resonance must be

removed and how this is to be is through your own

brilliant light, not through a mass consciousness grid of

duality. Step out of the bliss and out of the deceit, and

come through to pure light, pure love and pure peace.

The sovereignty of your own being awaits you. Create the

reality that Terra so wants you to create. Do it for

yourself and you do it for many.

Thank you for your service.

Many blessings.

The Ancient One

P a g e | 38

divine voice.

Are you listening to the divine voice?

Are you observing now your divine choice?

A presence so near, embedded within

Oh, how the choices well within

Stand on the precipice of truth in action

Which voice now deserves your right motion?

As the voices clear their tone and resonance

You now hear with an acute precision

The choices embedded with word suggested

How can you listen to the voice that discredits?

How can you listen to the doubt and ridicule?

When all along there has been a cry

A cry from within to step aside

From this voice of doubt

Towards a voice of reverence

This choice is before you

In a complete presence

Do you dare to make the choice

Which voice will you hear?

Which voice will you embody?

How about the one that honors thee

The one that loves and cherishes thee

The one that inspires and motivates thee

This voice is there, however faint

The time has come without restraint

Before you, the voices they hover about

Waiting for you to cast no doubt

Upon the choice to live as sovereign

The light of your being depends on your now

There is a humanity waiting to bow

For your choice is so clear

At never a time as the galactics align

Making the choice to live as divine

There are no degrees of difficulty

When you see the pureness of your divinity

Choose now the voice that speaks to thee

Choose now the voice that hears by thee

Choose now to engage the light of thee

As beings close and on distant vistas

Rejoice your choice and divine orchestration

As you become your choice

The divine voice strengthens

The other voice will fade to the distance

So take this gift of choice and right action

And cast your ears to the voice of upliftment

The being of you is a gift to the planet

Hold your being in utmost courage

As choice is before you and has waited this day

For clarity seen is clarity made.

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goddess of light

As the eyes cast upon thy sleeping

The full words upon thy brow

Fore you are not alone just now

Hold on tight as mirth is flight

Upon the sight of vistas near

The climb to self oh so clear

Upon thy flower ship I steer

Up to the heavens I hold so dear

This flight of fancy

Of Divine Grid upon us

This flight unearthed

I cast upon us

From a well inside waiting to birth

A dimensional form of expanded light

Riding to heaven

Beyond our sight

To know you are love and hold yourself dear

for cosmos and galaxies await its clear

Awaiting the one to take her flight

To ride the flower ship out of sight

And hence she rides

Through the rays of the sun

All in deep reverence

my work here is done.

P a g e | 40

golden ray of brilliance

A sudden stroke of brilliance

Arrives with the light of the Sun

Manifesting now upon us

The Golden Ray showering its sum

The Brilliant mind adrift at night

To explore about and gain insight

Upon the most marveled of adventures it rides

Integrated experiences now coincide

The beings that choose the light of the Sun

To ride with mind in a quantitative sum

The choice to embody the divine one here

The promise of truth resides right here

Receptive by cellular calmness you ride

The flow of divine now comes from inside

The Golden Rays of the Sun you are

The At One Atom proliferates by far

Make the choices from the brilliant mind

The Golden Rays determine the kind

The creations and growth of your divine being

The consciousness cells gather new intentions

The intent to live and never die

To not accept death as a cry

The brilliance of mind and clarity sought

Brings the beings to our immortal thought

Rise each day with that Immortal Sun

For there you will find your quantitative sum

So ride the Golden Rays of abundant divine

And know dear one, it is now your time.

P a g e | 41

choose not the False Savior

Many blessings friends,

It is in illumined presence that I bring to you a message

of clear compassion. The lighted workers of this earth

have been given a false program that cries for illumination.

As you become more fully in your awareness of the divine

nature of your being, it is now time to assimilate a new

understanding of the Savior energetic. A being came to a

land with an energy known as salvation, a being whom

saves another, rescuing, redeeming and saving another

beings’ soul. How can this be, in the state of sovereignty,

where a spirit and a soul vehicle are their own Savior?

Those lighted workers who carry the ancient swords, the

warriors and the noble right amongst you, have carried an

energy no longer needed on this earth my dear ones. You

have carried a burden and wielded it on occasion as

warranted. In the eyes of whom does this warrant? You

have been carrying a manipulated program I will call the

False Savior Aspect. You, the lighted worker, the being

that chooses to aid humanity and all its creatures have

been given this false program. No longer must you raise

your sword to another to eradicate their fear through

being their Savior. No longer, dear one, will you step into

the resting place of fear with another. No longer will you

choose to resonate with the slighted. No longer will you

be the Savior.

In the resting place of fear and lack they stand, waiting on

the energies to fill their light bodies and sweep them to

salvation. Perhaps those in the resting place of fear are

holding tight to their needs for a Savior, as a

disempowered being may feel. This disempowered being

is an illusion, then creating a void in their energy field to be

filled by the Savior. For instance, a being may feel the need

for validation and self-worth outside of themselves, then

through lack and need they create energies that repeat this

cycle, lifetime after lifetime. This hole in the energy field

was brought through new lifetimes to be filled, not by a

Savior but by Self, through the power of Self will the spirit

ascend. Not through the redeemer.

The False Savior Aspect has created many lighted

workers that step into the role through historical

resonance, of days past when you used this energy to

become the Savior of others. No longer do you need to

work with these energies. We see a holographic presence

of magnetic programming pumping the lighted worker full

of this “sword” of Empathy. Empathy as a structure aids

the Savior programming.

As the lighted workers adjust to their divine purpose and

they begin to feel how they are to aid humanity and all of

creation, empathy as an energetic will need to be lesser

used. For an empathic being will resonate fully with the

plight, the empathic being not only sees the void in the

other, but also has a matching void. As the lighted worker

begins to accept another beings’ energy as their own,

through empathy and the sharing of this empathy energy,

then the hole is illumined by the False Savior Aspect.

There the lighted worker enters the void of another,

through empathy and what is felt as caring, to become the

Savior of the helpless one. To be the Savior of the one in

need is no longer an acceptable practice. The beacon of

the beings needing saving is a bright vacuum void of

opposition energies.

When empathy and the Savior program are experienced,

this perpetuates the cycle. It keeps humanity ripe for

duality, to keep the beings in magnetic resonance to the

known cycle called Eternity. The beings in the resting place

of Fear are at pivot points in their life cycles, they have

made it through many lives with this hole to fill. Filling

these holes falsely will create the repetitive cycles that

keep you bound to eternal ups and downs, life and death.

Eternal structure is a holding mechanism, a cage of sorts

with necrosis as its main supporting system.

P a g e | 42

When a lighted worker becomes empathetic with

another being, that being is bound to the eternal structure

of their initial lack (hole). They have been saved from

seeing this hole themselves, by the Savior. The Savior is

fulfilled in being the role player of the rescuer, saving those

from danger. What you keep others from is healing by the

power of Self. The power to fill the hole of oneself with

the right energies to support oneself on one’s own is what

is required now.

The beings with the gift of opportunity known as the hole

will soon feel the false light of the Savior energy. As past

and new lifetimes are available for your awareness, you

will then see that saving another is drowning them and you

in the death cycle. It is time for sovereignty in healing

work, all healing work as upliftment to others. Your want

to aid humanity, to assist the beings through Ascension can

now be done in a more equanimous energetic. The energy

of sovereignty will allow you to aid another through pure


It is now time to work with Compassion versus empathy.

Compassion allows you - the lighted worker to hold no

responsibility to another’s choices while aiding them in the

highest and best for their being. The individual has choices

that can be made through the energy field of Compassion,

if the hole in them is aided by Compassion as an energetic,

the lighted worker and the being receiving are held as

equals, with no attachment energies. No downward spiral.

Upliftment as a choice.

As a sovereign being aiding our earth, our Terra and all

its creations; we hold you on high as you wield the new

presence of Compassion. Detach from the outcomes of

others, detach from the need to dive into each hole in the

name of caring for another. Compassion held and

compassion activated within, will alter the surrounding

energies – based on choice of the participant. Detach from

this choice if it is not yours to make. Stand in the pink light

of pure Compassion as an energetic. Know that this is

essential to the sovereign being and their Ascension.

May the forerunners of this Compassionate care be

exalted in the excitement of ever new and ever divine

growth. Upliftment through observance and solution

beyond empathy as the spirit begs to make a sovereign

choice. The Savior is no longer needed to attach to this

false grid.

All choices become sovereign in the energy of


Put down your duality marker and pick up the free

flowing brush of self empowerment and upliftment. You

are a lighted worker – you are here to uplift others– to

spark their divine presence, not to save them, not to heal


No one can truly do that for another.

Be the empowerment of Self. Be the empowerment of

giving and receiving Compassion freely. Be as Sovereign.

Be as grand as the cumulative spark that you are.

The world needs no Savior – it needs you.

Many blessings and the pink light thanks you.

The Ancient One through Solene


P a g e | 43

immortal tree

Apricot tree how did you know me?

When I have not been near How did you know the truth within me

When I haven’t seen that clear?

You stand in great reverence Recording the energy of days

All within and through and beyond The rings they like to say…

Above and beyond the truth of you

Lies an essence that is divine How do you deny the truth within

When standing before you is proof in the wind

No longer does proof need be given As internal peace becomes outside you

You then believe the Apricot tree Oh how its majesty validates me,

The past, the future and all of me

Encircled within the energy tree Stands the strength of truth

That bends in wind

Stand tall dear ones as of a tree The beauty of you and how it flows

Allow the truth of your divine rings To alter and shape the way of things

Then stand in the truth of the newness this day

Stand with one hand on the heart of the tree Then one on your own you will then now see

The activated truth you will now be

Accepting now that you are the master Of rings of futures not cowering after

Oh divine truth present in my now I accept the mission and take a bow

For it is time to take hold Of the life and limbs of young and old

I accept this practice of daily worship As this immortal tree becomes me

I hold the earth and all upon it

In reverence and light As I record the energy of each day

Along my rings I hold a way To grace and ease I now know how

So find this tree for you to be

As reverence is standing in the truth of thee.

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sing a song of brilliance

I sing a song of brilliance

As far away as the sun

Complete and thorough knowing

Accumulated as a sum

The rise of light upon the earth

Brings new found days and ways to see

A seeing of new and brighter ways

Upon the wind I ride with thee

To the heights of much majesty

As the crystalline light shines upon me

I ride to the ascended part of me

A place of kindness and grace ascends

To cellular places that have waited til then

I stand upon my opulent disk

To ride the structure of no remiss

To rise above all is trajectory set

As the light now cradles this kind reset

Accepting grace and ease as mantra

Holding sovereign my known tasks

A mission so grand how dare you ask

Yes this universe is mine to play

To hold in reverence and kindness say

I will remain with you and all

The rising truth of this decree

Stands tall amongst those that kindly see

Accept your own as now your gospel

Put down your need to live through another

Your brilliance is here, its been all along

Accept yourself as the sum of brilliance

For now you shine upon crystalline earth

The light it bows upon the sight of you

Stand with knowing you are the truth

As the wind cradles the light around you

Take off and fly through natures’ dimension

The trees they know the truth upon you

All they do is wait for thee

For you to finally be

For you to finally see

It is you alone that ascension waits

The you they have known in many a place

Collect the sum of yourself and wander

To the heights of life and all you ponder

You my dear are a wonder of life

Accept this now and know no strife

The power of self can now catapult

The wonders and light upon your flight

See the sun to integrate this space

And forever more you live in full grace

Many blessings of truth upon you descend

Remember dear one there is no end.

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moon codes

It is the grace of a glorious moon That brings perspective back in bloom

Whilst eyes they tend to wander

Outside the current room

Bring forth new sights upon this night

Forever shall she bathe The wandering eyes of those awake

All in praise upon their gaze

The moon she spreads her stable presence

Upon all that need the calming Fore structures of light receive this night

The codes of stability divine

Whilst your moon flows its gift Allow it all to begin a drift

The matrix of life descends upon us

As divinity begins its reign

This glorious moon Now sings your tune

Of divine presence near

Be bathed in light upon this night

As silver codes become us

As this grace called Moon becomes our tune

of new perspectives here.

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liquid light of the cosmos

As the liquid light of truth arrives you are bound to act with some surprise

as luminous light comes there before you

luminous light of most divine

it accepts your presence, as awareness unfolds the light it shines as truth is told

regret, despair can be there before you

as a grand being of lumen arrives

you now have choice

a ladder of sorts to a cosmic presence divine

to accept its gift

a chance to change what does not fit

a chance to embrace instead of sit

allow the light to do its magic it flows through cellular matter

a divine light of pastel frills

comes upon and exposes no will

dive right in to the cosmic presence

it is there for your beautiful essence the thoughts they then begin to rise

rise above the strife and lies

to a bonded place of nature and grace

all the while setting in place the strength and power

of ascended beings

not before, but within you go

the fact of god as cellular structure

the cosmos of grand now resides within

climb this ladder of truth within

so climb this right

as the cosmos arrive its been here before

as the cosmos adore

the presence the delight

of claiming your light

the cosmos bow to you now

P a g e | 47

through dandelion eyes

I see now through Dandelion Eyes

Sudden, quick and with much surprise The yellow cast bathes the darkness

As I only see beauty and light

Underground there lurks a beautiful scheme of many things

To bring to the surface

so many may see

A dandelions rise Through the greenest of lands

Popping up now to dot the sands Bringing the brightness of a million suns

Fully round and truthful its done this now arriving collective sum

These dots of light

amongst the periphery

A set of eyes that see the pure The benefit deep but often unsure

The dandelion weeps for you to know

its not for few to truly sew

This geometric assemblage

that brings forth the light

Through the eyes of spring

Does beauty bring

Not a weed, but a king indeed To see through stately eyes

The choice to see beauty

of a million suns

Brought to bathe The many rays

that emit from the eyes of few

Allow the breeze to take these dreams and spread them far and wide

For cosmos and universes

have schemed along

To bring the suns of change So make this wish that universes hold

and blow the petals for young and old

Benefits great but often missed

Now they see through the finest of mist

through the rays of a million suns they see the grandness

that they have become

all through a walk in the fields.

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cosmic code of vibrancy

How dare one stand

as an irreverent dope in defiance the sword it hangs

at the ready for a fit

a sword known as truth does wane

for shallow eyes don't see

They see the wars of lifetimes ago

believing the voices that tell them so with truth as armor they would see

the cosmic code of vibrancy

Truth does not exist in dark

however scared and loud you bark the sword no longer brings any honor

as cosmic truths don't lie

Ancient warriors of lives ago heed the waves of cosmic rays

as compassion fills your days

No longer do warriors need a sword fore truth is wielded in trusty blows

with cosmic waves of stellar presence

the truth belongs to those that see

Do not dishonor the code of vibrancy by wielding a sword of hate

it brings about a chasm

that you shall surely place

if you place this sword in high honor

the cloud of darkness remains the hate will grow as you wield each blow

for you become what it is you disdain

Wielding a beacon of light as your truth honors the cosmic code

for light brings honored beings around

awareness then becomes you

The calmness now, the peace befits how can you claim a sword with this

Wield the light as your new truth

the one that honors all

Now the life begins to grow

now the love begins to show now the beings of light surround

all because you chose to put down

The oldest of swords now packed away

your heart now shines

as the cosmos say

peace be still and ever more

we thank you now as vitality pours.

P a g e | 49

awareness as a stream

The stream it rises

on the accumulation of dew the stream it rises

as consciousness brews

the stream it flows

when awareness is set I come back here because I have met

myself on that timeline

forever I did wain this ancestral life

is no longer my game

I stand in the knowing of no disdain

I stand in the streams of purities place fore clarity resides here

the sun it does bask here

with the many flowers that flow

the damn has been built

and now it must burst just take one stone and move it first

as the stone moves, the water it pours

to cleanse the beings attached before

A rise to meet itself upon light this light it rises to meet your sight

a sight aware of all that dare

to take the timeline back with care

the timeline loops I stood in forever

as I stand now in streams of pleasure

I hold only compassion as light

as the waters they cleanse my new sight

clean away the timeloop clean away the past

awareness as water as it bathes at last

awareness to manipulation and control as plight

before me now stands vistas in sight

standing in the crystalline waters accepting purity as presence to my being

to wash away and gain new seeing

step into the timelines that bring such greed

stepping in to make a universal decree that universes wide now will proceed

to wash this timeline back to seed

with only love we hold this seed

to wash in waters that move our life the decree made to karmic past

sets in place a new seed at last

your being has waited to rectify realms

to harmonize all that do dispel all the negative and all the past

is washed away just like that

cosmos wide the law is set no longer this being as part of your plan

of karmic loops and deserted strands

back to the cleansing of long lives ago

stand in the waters of loving you so to take back a timeline so all must obey

a universal decree has now been made

I ask for the blessings of cosmic realms to bring in such beauty

to replace all this day

I stand in these waters and now I pray.

P a g e | 50

awaken to truth as mission

It can happen one day, as you awake from slumber wake up to the day of knowing your truth

wake up to the knowing of truth as mission

no others sight, just your own as fruition

Take back the truth once meant for all

this truth inside however small

take this place of truth to be

A new song for you to sing the tones of change, of upward motion

sets in place as a grander notion

They have waited for you to see the wants of a universe and its majesty

the light here knows that you will awaken

To truths so great, never be mistaken

for this alignment of souls, of past generation

now come together in new found ways

The future so bright there is no sway

the work , the joy of alignments set

brings the being the truths now set

You wake to the knowing, the truth inside

know everything must coincide

coincide with the stance of truth as right

Right enough for upward sight stand within your truth, as now you see

the grandest being of all is thee

Knowing now the ability to alter and change

the trajectory of life

Could it be as simple

as choosing life? Choosing truth with all you see

brings the universe inside full of glee.

The light emits

through the beings choice

however kind and of grace filled source

Dearest being of light this day choose the truth as you wake and pray

no longer shall strife be a way

when vistas majesty hold this truth

It's been inside

this universal truth

inside the being known as you

Accept this light of truth as cosmos have before you

accept the majesty, of floating upward

all with the choice of the day

Thank you for choosing to awaken now

the beings around you surround you now accept the honor to be your truth

for universes wide relish this day

when you awake to your truth and pray.

P a g e | 51

embrace the wall

How to profess your love for a man

who doesn't guite understand

The depth of connection while cosmos' near

bringing together

a mission so clear

So clear to me and not to you however faint you choose to see

however masked your sight may be

When love has a purpose for more than a wall

bring down a fortress

through adoration for all

I come to you with purpose driven patience, hope and much forgiven

clinging to faith that universes know

when two have made an agreement before

The balance of great becoming them now

As signs and love and ghost deer appear

the energies alive and hold them near

to give me strength when his wind wains

As the man behind the wall does proclaim

this wall I erect to protect all like me how can I wrestle a need to be free

a love that is sweet and soft like air

Air never shall bring despair if the man shall choose to love without script

letting it happen without a need to encypt

Standing in the shadow of walls my pen it does wash the wall in love

as the words come from a place above

the story there showing passionate embrace

Its there upon the wall for all to see|

yet the one inside is last indeed

to see the heartfelt loving hand

The one outstretched across the land accept the embrace of loving grace

hold it there no agenda in place

Let it flow through the walls

the many years you have built them all as golden light now surrounds you

accepting the message of truth within you

The story of love upon this wall hoping one day he shall see

devotion, peace and adoring thee

Escape the walls of fear in place as cosmos now hold your embrace

for a man that needs love

And so it shall be

As soon as he gathers the strength to see

behind the walls built just for safety

so climb to the joy

Don't look back it's not a play

the writing on the wall

shall surely say

A love is waiting for you this day.

P a g e | 52

scan the horizon for visions of you

Scan the horizons for visions of you scan the horizons however new

when living one reality and knowing there's more

There is the choice to find the door the door to newness and a door to life

how dare you not want more than strife

On the horizon lives layers of you

a multiverse alive and full of traces of you

traces of lives led by many

All so that you know there are avenues

and doorways await

gather them now to seal your fate

However bright the doorway lined take the pathway

to your divine

Alternate realities show themselves now forever brightness, forever days

not to be lived in just ancient ways

Take your wisdom's as you have gathered take all the lives you have lived

for every single one now does matter

And now you stand in the doorway of life

of many lives lived and many lives missed

accumulated lifetimes no longer remiss

Gather the strength

to gather in clean measure

multiple lives led by you

Gather only those held true forget the rest to not repeat

any that held strife and deceit

Bring those of peace and those of love,

harmony and truth from high above

Greatness becomes you as newness falls

the multiverse has risen as horizons fall

Gather your best

and say hello to this day forever more - is forever made.

P a g e | 53

unique view - unique you

Can she stand, stand on air standing there with no despair

knowing full well the time has come

as answers plain, they now have won

To stand this day

when nothing is known to know the way words have shown

a likeness not withstanding come

Spinning of words to make truths untrue

of allowing the words to recite a new when facts are not really all that

unique view a unique you

The only facts upon this day are my perceptions, no sights astray

as a fact can be only mine

To walk the walk

and not spout whats not is all I claim to know this day

My truth is mine, no matter your sight

I come in allowance of all you see even if it doesn't resonate with me

allowing the same for me shall be

all in a days majesty

To allow another their unique view

without critique and judgements que

To shatter a being and attack with might

might just be part of the fright the fright of seeing the fear inside

where decisions are made or laid aside

When love is presented and standing in front with all of your might

please stay with the plan

that spirit has created for your grand stand

Love is here, she has made her choice hopefully you see the universe rejoice

the choice is before you, in time with no haste

So honor this day for awareness is keen

the angels beside

before and between

Allow the one before you to share when giving doesn't come with despair

approach the light, don't turn back

happiness awaits and is as plentiful as air.

P a g e | 54

abundant grace

Acorns prolific on a fine fall day

as a walk then becomes

a sight of life astray

The acorns aplenty come as divine message

that abundance is here

Gifts from above bring magical blessings

Through a look to the future is cast

a most uncertain path emerges

of unknown challenges not withheld

But somewhere in the universal plan

the Great Creator does understand

that abundance can be built upon

To plan a future to live upon

the basic of need is given to you

of life and love and sustenance too

Accept the gift that seasons bring one of being able to change wrong things

for abundance is plentiful

yet hidden from sight

Its kept there for your right time

Abundance comes in waves of grace standing now in winds embrace

allow the plentiful fullness of life

Don't hold back a hearts true message

as abundance of all

stands in true measure

Access the love you hold within

be thankful its shown this day to begin

As the acorn falls at the feet of pleasure

Allow the pleasing of hearts divine allows the universe to bring its signs

believe that you, are allowed

To have abundance as your shroud to stand in forests of majesty's presence

bring hearts a humble, sensible proud

Unknown future before you stand Now seeing your abundance grand

the universe loves you and provides as always

Trust in abundance with all your heart

Believe this now so life may proceed you are given, just what you need

the love, the life,

and so it shall be.

P a g e | 55

energy juggler

It's the fool that juggles many balls knowing in fact they eventually fall

It's too much energy to expend

Who does it really hurt in the end?

the talented juggler who keeps them all going

now sees fault since darkness is showing

Energy juggler shall you see

the energy depleted coming from thee

while in the fantasy of jugglers heaven

Each ball a whole in itself never retrieving its fullest blessing

as splintered access bringing anxieties cresting

The lightest of touch upon each is given allowing them all to remain in thin air

but what would happen if you held to one?

Getting to know its make and sum

If each ball were a world in itself

would you choose to explore it yourself

diving in fully to explore all it has

Not just touching it , then leaving it as

true exploration requires your dive

forget the light touch you have surmised

All for protection of masked eyes

The superficial, fleeting of moments it splinters and scatters

and compartmentalizes life

Sustained energy in high vibration

bringing together a beautiful contemplation

that a soul is meant to be nurtured

Remember the light you brought from above

Go ahead and explore that one held ball you may be surprised for once in this life

that comfort and love can be had without strife

To bring hope and life as companions held

satisfaction can be had this day

It's as easy as not being afraid letting the others, fall away

"please show your strength" your spirit would say

As a jugglers life is quite astray

energy depleting

with downward sprall

Choose upliftment over all

As brightness becomes you

as you choose one ball.

P a g e | 56

spirit's voice

A Spirit's choice is often too loud for the subconscious mind to accept

the Spirit Voice is within to say

how powerful a being you are this day.

When asking for guidance, accepting what comes,

all in a day when the angels have spun

a likeness of truth you feel it within

the choices with ease

and the power begins

The powerful conscious can begin a new if listening to Spirit's choices for you

the Spirit within understands this passage

You signed up before and received your message

to allow life to progress throughout

all incarnations tethered about

To never allow one life span

to get your down or alter your plan bigger pictures abound

when listening to this sweet sound

When faced with decision

that means alignment to truth

hold fast to agreements

This Spirit's Voice has precision

a melodies choice of uplifting tenor

to rise the lowest of thoughts and mentions

The sing song of Spirit brings about the calm rise with this voice

and gather yourself

This life is meant for just that. A Life, not a loss of....

which is contrary to that.

Live the life of Spirit's Voice ride the octaves of Spirit's choice

as you overcome the blocks

placed before you this day

All with gratitude we now do say thank you dear voice, I shall remember

all for progression and us to render

We clasp our hands together this way

to pray we always hear the voice this day

however faint and no matter the choice

Open the ears to Spirit's Voice

open the mind to a present choice

to hear the words and render a voice

A voice of your own based in Spirit's choice

decisions now you can condone

As you step upon the mightiest throne of the brilliance and grandeur

that Spirit sees

A Spirit's Voice is all you need.

P a g e | 57

she becomes the sun

When the sun awakes

So does she

Rising with pure majesty

Upon the waking of a world

She rises to meet heights unfurled

She knows inside

The Sun does shine

For all the children of the Sun

A mission granted

And now sustained

Bringing new worlds now as one

Rise with light

Exploring new planes

She now becomes the Sun

The power of light The knowledge of life

Now become her thoughts

A thousand paths Now become one

As she becomes the Sun.

P a g e | 58

etheric meadow

The Sun always shines

in the etheric meadow infinite expressions

just like a creedo

The rarest of light meets earthly presence

all in welcomed

and honored sequence

The gentle sway of grasses here accept the life that is so near

billowy softness is the cry

of trees and flowers and now the sky

As rays of opulence scatter about

the Sun sends packets of info - it shouts Peace is our mantra

please stay with the plan

As honored beings are honored lands stay with the meadow

that brings all it can

Lay in this meadow of etheric bounty

it brings all you need

when you choose

Peace as your creed.

P a g e | 59

angel vine

An angels message is clear and concise bringing about uplifting advice

for all that dare to wander here

This place, the reverence of life so dear an uplifting vine to show you thyne

it leads to a perch to witness time

The climb comes as choice is made

as hand to hand each moment fades

continue the climb and don't let go

As the vine leads to something known

your spirit accepts this upward motion

no stalling, no falling, no downward notion

A spirit's sight can be most vast as souls eyes do finally see

the vine hanging in front of thee

A spirit's choice is to make it last no fleeting, no stalling, no backward blast

could your spirit have created the vine?

An angel calls for souls anew to allow a spirit to progress to truth

to unearthly measures now to express

Many lifetimes choice

are on this climb

feeling now the universe align

With time and space upon this climb

accept this space

given to you as gifts aligned

With steady hand and steady mind your being has strength now to climb

to the highest of vistas of your mind

Ride with wings of angels choice to uplift your beings consistent voice

the prayers are heard on vistas near

Climb this vine as the voice becomes clear accept the choice the angels present

to allow your being to be heaven sent

While on this earth, become the angel

uplift the life you came to play with

A choice to climb this very vine shall certainly bring

mysteries divine.

P a g e | 60

Cosmic Apology

When cosmic apologies come raining down

it is with humilities quiet sound

Give it up to the universe dear is exactly what quiets this nagging fear

to accept the truth as it is given

To know a life has a created mission

if alignments fade and misalignments made

there you stand in all its fray

To only hold forgiveness as mantra

brings forth the positive of all upliftments

as forgiveness is met in etheric fields

to dance and sing and cajole a fling however bright, or that of plight

brings authentic restitution to a souls flight

Commit to change for your souls passage

brings galaxies rejoicing with universal message

Continue to give your Divine Power

And place it only in fields of mercy

where the lives of many may be touched

from forgiveness' hands this holds so much

To the power granted of this being of you

holding so dear to humilities flower

allow the essence to take hold

The fragrant message now so bold

Take the flower of forgiveness forgive the flower of all its power

and place it so lightly there

In the fields of Grace feathers falling now in place

bring cosmic apologies raining down

However humble

however it came

begin this glorious ride

Of a delicate feather floating down

as it drifts to the hands of life

the power in that can rectify lands.

P a g e | 61

deception, omission, precision denied

deception perception

decision, omission

as it now declares its doubtful mission



precision denied

deviation distraction

mystification applied

truths half-truths

distraction implied

turning aside from truths inside

while conjuring up

the noble lies

acts of distorting truths set forth

a display of defiance

a deception of sorts

all to mask the pain of the being

to allow another a life of full honor

without the mystical precision of deception

without charisma's sweetest lies without the hollowest of goodbyes

stands a spirit unmasked

sans deceptive eyes honor the others

with no omission

so betrayal is not the ultimate prize

watch for signs

that a being still stands

amidst the deception and slight of hand

this being sees beyond your actions

to truths that proceed these finest of lands

left with just your truth in hand

what shall St. Patrick say this day

as deception is no way to play

this life was given as a gift this day

so give the gift of an honest stay

on a planet that accepts your free will choice

to become a spiritual being foremost.

~part of the compassionate code of conduct for humanity

P a g e | 62

coronation of compassion

Glory be to the highest attainment. It is from our highest spirit we speak with you this day. Humanity is preparing

for a grand Coronation. Universes have been waiting for it so. Divine knowledge, divine compassion, divine and

cosmic awareness is now available to all. No longer is it for a only a few. No longer shall the many wait, to be

recognized, to be extolled, to be given the truest of honor to be gifted the Coronation of Compassion. It is here

now for you all.

You ARE the incarnated message of Divine Knowledge

and your spirit's choice is above all else the only choice an incarnation can make. You were designed and gifted with

the brilliance of life prior to this incarnation. This brilliance is your luminosity. Luminous being of light, how dare you

dim your lights in our presence. Shall you not exhaust all efforts to serve the well being of the spirit incarnate? To

serve the well being of your own brilliance? You have been given this life, at this exact time, to BE the fields of

compassion where all your incarnations may gather. A field where no judgement is gained, no worthiness to attain, no

crime to pay for, no shame to overcome, no hurt to heal, no hard work left to do. This is a field of your own

making. Gather the beings of light that you have been before, gather the many lives you have lead, the noble, the

right, the honorable. Gather the truest of form to be set upon the fields. Gather the past of your dark and light,

gather it all in this field of compassion's embrace.

Resurrection is what a spirit wants, for only peace to

become the story, not the conditions of life to be the story. Your spirit has no use for your past stories or your

current plights. Your spirit wants to resurrect your incarnation to one of divinity and all encompassing peace.

Do not stand in the way of progress dear one. Therefore you must gather them all, even the ugliest you have been,

to resurrect through fields of compassion your luminous

life, your luminous peace.

Noble One you have arrived. We see you as you are - in

your wholeness - in all your honor and all your failure - you are the glory - you are the gift. Worlds do not a

universe make for it not for your divine presence. Stand noble this day in the fields of compassion. For the breeze

that blows here holds only peace. Fore peace cannot be attained anywhere there is no compassion, for the beings

you have been before, are currently being, or may be -


Peace becomes you.

You are the sum of your Noble past! You are worthy of

the highest honor - you are worthy of the grace of peace.

You are the gift. Becoming this gift, this grace, is not your

work - it is your RIGHT.

Gather in the field and circle round with your highest attainment. Do you dare to make the choice to believe? A

spirit would always believe! Do you dare to believe you are worthy of the Coronation of Compassion? Noble ones

surround, gather your minds, gather your collective hearts in this field of compassion and prepare for your universal

ceremony of light.

Accept the beings before you, and see the fields are crowded with the many versions of you. There is peace in this field. You must look into the eyes of each and every

one of the incarnate souls you have been, they are here with you in the field, waiting for your forgiveness. The

luminous light of divinity shines from within you - through your eyes, into the incarnate expression of each your

versions. Kneel to accept the above light of peace. As God's hands delicately hold the flower crown above your

head, the many versions of you bow in reverence to the grandness of this final action. The action of all the

incarnations will finally witness this Coronation of Compassion. Self Love, Self Worth displayed in all its


The Noble One that lives inside you has waited this day. The nobility that is your Spirit, is honoring your choice to

love thyself.

The Coronation of Compassion as it proceeds from

luminous being to luminous being, from field to field, connecting all across the earth plane bringing peace to the

minds, to the hearts and to the lives of this earth's


By you kneeling, to accept the Crown of Compassion -

you dear one are the catalyst for all the lands peace. Be well in your field, be joyful in your presence, be loyal to

your spirit's choice.

In loving service we thank you.

The Ancient One

P a g e | 63

the gifting of zoroaster

A portal of grace emerges within me, a being has come

for compassion. It is of this day, that we would like to say,

dear Zoroaster you come in praise. To the praise that you

have been these many days, we ask for the goodness to

surround us this day. We clasp our hands together in


It is this day that compassion has made. In far off days I

have lived with due diligence, of not trusting fully the part

that I feel. I saw in your eyes upon yesterdays gaze, the

truth of your being and your want for these days. Of

kindness to be a mantra of ways for peace to be known

throughout all lands.

I understand now why you come to me. Fore my

forgiveness has brought me to my highest attainment; of all

the lives I have lead. So here I stand before you this day,

having walked this earth with many a life, but only until this

day have I seen the sum of my equation. I have seen the

mightiest of swords, the ones I have wielded, the ones I've

put down, all gather round before me now.

I gift these to you Zoroaster, for all the beings I have

been. Fore the evil that has been in all, in any lifetime, shall

now be gifted to you. Not in a malevolence, not in an

ignorance, not in a denial, not in a place of disregard. Not

to leave off to another entity, not to leave to another

energy to clean up for you. Zoroaster, my dear - good

deeds, good hearts, good minds, good trust it all cometh

from you. Dear one, you are even all that I gift you.

You must accept the beings that I gift you. These beings

have all come in compassion and have laid down their

swords to you, for your praise, for your forgiveness of the

evil that you have seen. It is your good deed, to gift

forgiveness to humanity, to gift humility in your kindness.

Just as you have taught men.

You are the prophet of the only god. The only power of

light, this power is within all of us, even the duality that

you taught the others about - you saw this. Grand Master.

The Mithra, the others, all that came from behind you - all

mistook what you said. They no longer saw the one

master, they could not get duality out of their heads. They

could not see the whole picture of the lives they had lead.

And, dear one if I may say so, you retracted your energy

then. Fore you were misunderstood on this earth, and all

the universes you made. You retracted your energy and

set forth the calendar where it will be returned to hand.

Three thousand years, three thousand years, three

thousand years it comes. Nine thousand and ninety nine

years at present you stand upon the vista of wholeness and

oneness of one god, you stand with the finger upright , the

hand uplifted to god - it is fore set upon all universes

made, that decrees shall now be heard, by the prophet

Zoroaster and no longer shall it be maligned.

The information is purest, cleanest and most truthful from

the one god. Zoroaster, the duality you sought, you found,

you enlightened is now being gifted back to you. You have

come to me for compassion, an angelic presence that

holds deep forgiveness. Compassion is also my dear, for

the malevolent. This is the compassion that will be

returned to you. A space of wholeness, where no beings

shall separate - no beings shall shepherd. We can no

longer do duality. We sought, we found, we enlightened

and now we must embrace.

I gift you dear one, from the vistas high! - I see now that

you knew, you knew we would be here during this cycle of

time. Had the human mind and the human heart never

been separated from all, we would never have expanded

our beings, into gods and goddess'. Fore we are only one

god. I ask Zoroaster for you to allow me to show you.

Creator gods among us, listen round, the truths of your

P a g e | 64

beings are, that your individuality, your sovereignty, as an

energy - is only an individuality that comes strictly from

the life affirming qualities of wholeness. You dear one, are

of a greater god. Believe that you are not the only being

that directs your soul. There is another director. The one

god, the one light.

The prophet Zoroaster has brought this again to the

earth, so others may see, the 9000 years have come

round. The individual that you are, shall now be rewarded

with compassion, no matter who you have been. If you

choose not this compassion, you shall then be gifted with

your own demise. Fore without the one god, the one light,

to animate your cellular structure - there is no life, you

can create gods and create gods and create gods and live

through their energy fields but it will never be part of the

one god. Until you chose to animate your soul through the

one god, the one spirit, the one atom in every cell, the one

that proliferates and vibrates a new life into each and

every inch of the energy known as you, in this lifetime,

other lifetimes, this dimension, others dimensions, this

body, other bodies that you are simultaneously awakening

right now.

I ask you malevolent one, to accept that Zoroaster is

here for pure compassion. He began the work, and the

earth beings who created their gods, altered the truth of

his pureness. The only pureness is that of wholeness, the

goodness of the god, the one god, the noble one. The

noble one inside you is this.

Zoroaster, I hope that you see that by me speaking to

the malevolent one in front of me that this being struggles

to make the right decision. This is the decision to animate

the body through spirit. I will gift them with compassion,

fore in doing so, I will uplift their being. Not to be

desecrated, washed up, picked over by a vulture so you

don't have to deal with it in your bliss. No dear one,

enliven the life through the spark of you! Zoroaster, you

hold the closest thing there is to the one spirit, the one

god. The flames that come through the one hand of you

dear one, can spark the malevolent being to make a

grander choice. Think of the upliftment that can occur

from this - for all of life.

This is pure compassion.

I only learned of this through being this. In other lives I

have been this. Every being has been an alter of

themselves at some time, in some lifetime, in some

dimension. That is how duality strung this out . I am

gathering them all! All my beings, all the versions of me -

the grandest of gods, the poorest of benevolent beings, the

most righteous, and the dirtiest, as they are all gifted with

all my heart connected to the one god as a flame through

the truth and light of my being- no longer meant for only

those of bliss and peace. Compassion for all. This is true

of a humanity, of an earth, of a planet, of a galaxy and of a

universe. Dear one, Zoroaster, you created this universe

in your body with the flames of god's light. The light

through the finger of Zoroaster - is igniting the truth of

one god's light - as goodness is gifted to all of humanity.

This is complete and pure compassion for all of life - that

all life on this earth may be resurrected into truth.

Thank you Zoroaster for the opportunity to gift


P a g e | 65

hafiz, how did you know?

Dearest Hafiz

how did you know? of my life and love

however slow

How did you know

that I rise like a diamond

then sometimes I fumble so

Just when I need a nice reset

you come to bless this awesome mess

the words from you like divine guidance

Brought forth through gifts of words this day as my eyes become soft as you so lovingly say

something's missing in your heart I pray

As words become windows to new found doors

chanting and singing and guiding for,

A life as The Gift is all I seek aligning with cosmos' treasured deed

I become that which I seek, I plead

To an earth, a galaxy, a universe I see

Hafiz, the cosmic messenger of truth

bringing the words for me to be

The mountain tired of sitting, I see

my soul giving me the grandest ideas

how perfect and knowing and now I see

The snoring crowds, the rising of suns, the moon observes all

in cumulative sums

I rise to meet Hafiz this day as his love is grand and connections made

with a cosmic race of love and joy

Fore this is all I have to employ on this earth, on this day

Forever Hafiz

I sing thy praise.

P a g e | 66

the enlivening of st. francis

As deer arrive on a moonlit night, another portal has

been created in the skies. As compassionate tones fill the

air, I feel a presence begin to near. Could another be

coming for their deserved compassion?

Alas the carpet rolls out and the divine one steps

through. The auric tones are enlightened while many

beings surround. Animal beings of every kind gather here,

the many have come to witness the being that has helped

them so. The one that has held them in support and

kindness has now come for his own.

Our dearest St. Francis we welcome you here. In

following the enlivening of your spirit, we ask that you

receive in good grace all put before you, just as you have

given to others. Dear one, we ask the spirit being known

as St. Francis, to realize the life and struggle that you led in

your younger years; the abuse, the gluttony, the lust, the

manipulation and control of the riches, this all led you to

where you stand this day. Self reflection dear one has

brought you here. You chose through divine will to change

your being, from one of malevolence to one of

benevolence. You became a shining example for all across

the lands, you gave up the riches, you gave up the gluttony

the abuse and lust.

You ended all the taking, and you became God's

humility. For this you then vowed poverty. You actually

vowed a sense of lack in your righteous stance to change

thy clay. To know a better truth you seek. Could shame

have been gifted to you through the paradigm? This truth

does not come in the presence of lustful action. Abuse of

abundance has been a prescriptive progression here on

earth, just as it has in your own life my dear. But realize

true abundance is here for all beings. Through the giving

up of the former self St. Francis, you clothed yourself in

new found robes of a humble embrace. A robe of not

wanting, of peaceful action, a robe of not taking, the robe

that does not lust. This feels righteous you think.

Dear one, this is no end result. You are only on the path

of one's destiny. You are free to change your being along

the path and along your spirit's journey of simultaneous

lifetimes. This dimension of lack that you are now cloaked,

has brought you now to the center of the truth of you. As

you stand on the meadow of clarity, you can no longer

have lustful eyes, there are no eyes for riches here.

Without eyes of abuse you know see a central truth. It is

now time for you to cast the eyes inward to the complete

being known as St. Francis. The complete one. The

makeup of the one. The god like presence known as you.

How could you not be everything else but lack? How

could you not be the fullest smile of the grandest god?

How could you not be the most gorgeous tear produced

by the moon in the sky? How could you not be the widest

birth of any sun's ray?

The masked eyes of poverty my dear, will never show

you the wholeness of you, it is only part of the journey of

you. Dear one, take reign of thine eyes, and inward they

seek, to the one that saved sight for all. Cast the new

eyes inward to the complete beauty, the brilliance and the

graciousness of you. Let it be known that the

consciousness known as lack, all that came before you, all

that come after you, shall see that living in this space is

limiting. I beg of you dear one, enliven the clay, enliven the

matter - back to life. You not only see this for the others,

you see this for yourself amongst the others. You dear

one, now hold humility as a balance while being the

orchestrator of your new reality in fields of never ending

abundance. A never ending energy supply of beauty, of

grace, of peace, of love. Shall it be yours? Shall you dare to

see the abundant beauty inside you?

St. Francis please step out of the paradigm that led you

here. This paradigm led you through a sea of knowledge, a

sea of destruction and embedded shame in your being. No

being shall be held in poverty and lack any longer. A truth

you have held while in your humility and kindness is to give

to all, while holding your own lack. This no longer is

acceptable in the energy stream of oneness. Boosting and

honoring the brilliance, the abundance, the graciousness,

the peacefulness, honoring the being of you, through the

eyes of the others - shall bring you to see the thriving of

the energy field known as St. Francis. This new energy shall

uplift so many more. No longer will lack and humility be

given to others through your energy field.

When you enliven your own being, you enliven a

population. A whole existence cannot rise unless the

lowest quotient of humility also rises. You hold the ability

to rise the consciousness in your own energy field, and as

such, you are gifting to all of humanity this uprising. You St.

Francis hold this power. Your paradigm took your power

away, and it is being returned to you and in turn, to all of


Your being is a part of the consciousness of many.

Enliven your being and you enliven all, you are this

powerful. When you embody the consciousness of your

P a g e | 67

true self, minus the paradigm, taking away the cloak of this,

stripping away the ruby colored masked eyes and come

back to the clarity of one God's light.

A golden truth within you, that if you so enliven, through

the clay of your being on earth, you enliven the

consciousness of you, the past versions of you as well as

enlivens the future state of you. This is the complete

journey of you, not a hijacked version. Even in your lustful

taking, you saw a vision of abundance, but you saw it

through eyes of lust. Now through the integration of

complete being, the enlivened quality now reaches every

cell of the body, the truth of the one God that you have

always held.

You dear, are a beautiful example of peace on earth for

all life forms as they surround you in your compassionate

aura. They no longer have need to fight or be fearful in

your presence. Imagine the enlivening of this, to touch all

lives through your abundant soul. Give this abundance to

the clay while on the earth, while stripping away the robes

of poverty. Please walk the lands with no robe, no cloak to

the light of your being. A new door has been opened to

you, back to the truth of your being.

Freedom is now here for your consciousness. No

conscious life form can remain free in robes of poverty

and lack with known restrictions of a paradigms path. No

longer shall you doubt, no longer shall you restrict. You

have a new respect, a new tipping point for your sight. No

longer shall you be lustful or greedy as the golden light

gently holds you. You will never abuse again. Do not allow

a paradigm to shame you into submission, as resurrection

is your right.

Now touch the others through your brilliance, through

your love, through your honor of enlivening your own

being foremost. How beautiful the rainbow of life then

becomes. It becomes a full expression of you. The rainbow

inside you once overflowed, the floodgates open, so now

you restrict all that flow, only allowing the small threads of

color to fly freely from your being, because you feared the

explosion from within you. True life in balance requires no

restriction. How wide open were you until humilities

reign, until shame became the mantra? Peace then became

you - only justified in certain times, and an unobtainable

truth at other times.

The humans, you see, they struggle with this. We cannot

be a polar opposite of the whole. You are the whole. The

whole rainbow of color is yours. You must shine all the

colors like never before knowing that the funneling of

truth is here. The golden light of truth is so honorable, so

trusting, that you can no longer doubt. This golden light

surrounds your being to funnel your beautiful abundant

rainbow, flowing all the colors funneling from the one

God's truth. A confirmation that every light within you is

willing to shine, not in an overpouring or excess, but in a

flowing bountiful harmonic stream of pure abundance.

How could you not be this truth? How could you not be

this existence? We can no longer live with poverty as a consciousness, it may be part of the journey of you - but it

is not the final sum of you. You are greater and grander than this. I am so sorry that the paradigm sent you to

wearing the robes, you are a free spirit, you are the dearest of dear. Surround your light in golden truth so

that it uplifts you to your known abundance with no limitation set by no other human, energy or paradigm.

Only true light can uplift the rainbow self. The many colors you hold in your hand St. Francis, and all that you have

gifted to others, these colors now come back to you, for your own upliftment. This light now shines back on you,

you are the light of all the others, standing before me this


All the beings you have helped, loved and assisted are

now within you for you to shine forth with no limitations and no doubtful action. Go forth with the light of your

true self minus the paradigm and we shall see the rising of a humanity based on one's beings ability to accept humility

as a righteous action for all.

Thank you dear St. Francis for all you have given, as we

now gift back to you this day and all days forward the gift

of abundant right to life.

P a g e | 68

no shallows

Playing in the shallow end what a waste of time

we have so little to spend

embrace the fullness the deep end brings

A Spirit did not choose to play

in the shallow end of life today it is you that gives this intent

no Spirit wants a shallow gift

Let's not play in the shallow end

when life is meant for so much more without limitation and fears galore

that's exactly what shallow brings my dear

Would your Spirit want to touch the waters of infinite expression and constant flow

where fullness of bounties

are allowed to go

Where a heart paddles mightily to go with the flow

of a Creators wish

upon your heart

To be life's embrace and wanderlust

how did you get here to a place of limits, of convenient judgements

of continued demise

accepting choices much less than yourself

The deep end swells

are miraculous and wise live up to your Spirit's vision

bring courage and faith to this decision

You are no victim in Spirit's light you hold no judgement as all is right

right for a path emerging

for this important merging

A merge of the heart and mind accept the choice to dive right in

to the deepest part of life herein

no more lives of playing it small

You have heard your ancient call

to become what spirit allows for you and not tell a continuing story

of shallow choices and shallow voices

Make strong offers upon the land

make strong offers upon your plan

P a g e | 69

where life is fullest

and a heart becomes grand

You are worth a dip in the deep end of life

and now a Spirit rejoices a choice to fulfill a journey

upon choices waters

Your fears now gone all washed away,

all those lives wasted you say,

now you know the deep end of life

So dive now together for fullest passage

you and your Spirit

together to ascend

the choices become new

when you dive right in.

sing to the doe

As I sing to the doe

and offer the gift

an honor is shown

To assist all grids

in accepting this sweetness

she honors us all

Life linked now

to a cosmic call

Hesitate not

to sing to the doe

Universe's wide

want you to know

In honoring her

You honor us all

a connection made

For our futures played life and love

through dimensions all.

P a g e | 70

grand call to the uplifters of humanity

Greetings fellow travelers,

We have come with a call to all those that are known

across the land as the "healers", the practitioners of

wholeness, the beings that give of themselves in service to

others to assist the minds and bodies and emotions of

humanity. We shall refer to you all as the Uplifters. We do

so to be inclusive of all beings no matter the modality of

upliftment to your self or to others.

It is time for this ground crew of beings, all those Uplifters

that have anchored goodness and light here on earth, all

those helping create a new world must now hold a new

found respect.

This respect is simply held for themselves.

It is time for you all to realize your worth. To stand in the

humble embrace of your grandness and importance here.

Doing this will allow the most grace filled gift you could

ever receive that could benefit yourself and so many on

this planet.

You have chosen to be of universal service. You have

chosen to assist humanity in its upliftment. We are

honored you are here. This gathering of souls to uplift

humanity is a beautiful sight for our witness. Please accept

our guidance as your potentials are infinite. It is time to

have awareness of a key foundational piece that many of

you are missing. This piece has been masked or hidden

from some of you for many lifetimes. The key to

upliftment of others is upliftment to self first! No more

martyr. No more savior, no more waiting on others to gift

back to you for your service, no more depletion of the

conduit of cosmic consciousness. Many of you continually

deplete your energy fields through martyrdom and choices

you believe are guided by humbleness. Dear ones, your

grace is filled with humbleness, when powerful acts of

compassion for yourself are intended. To know your

worth. To understand energy to the point you see the

progenitor streams of your creation. This is the power to

heal from, to uplift others from. You must make a choice

to uplift yourself first.

Taking responsibility for your complete whole life, your

whole emotions, your whole lifestyle choices, your means

of income, all of it must be addressed as a whole picture.

Vibrational integrity is a must at this time. Why would you

believe that living with less than brings better service to a

humanity? Who or what organization gifted you this idea?

Who imposed the limit and restriction to you for your

service? Gifting through depletion is depletion. Gifting

through lack is lack. Gifting from a tainted source is gifting

tainted gifts.

Put the oxygen mask on yourself first please. Can you

assist humans as they go through the turbulence of

archonic streams? Can you imagine assisting from a place

of foundational strength without blinding emotional

triggers or constant protection? Can you assist while in a

healthy body, a healthy mind, a healthy environment, even

a healthy financial life? And who's responsibility is that

anyway? Why would wholeness be excluded from you?

Why would you, the giver of upliftment come from a place

of less than, doing without, or a lack of abundance - all in

the name of the great work, because you were gifted

abilities by God? Does this exclude you from the great

work for yourself? This devalueing of the self so that you

may assist others must stop. Putting expectations on the

limits of your own cellular healing will stop your progress

with others also. Your work will only go so far from a

depleted source!

We need you now. Ascension happens IN THE BODY in

these new energies.

Waiting on the universe to provide for you without

matching its energy, or waiting for a community to fund

you, or waiting for the kindness of those you help to

sustain you, this belief system must end. No longer shall

you lack the strength to UPLIFT the life of the soul vehicle

you were provided. This is the life you signed up for. This

earthly vehicle, the one that is here to enjoy the beauty

and love and bounty of life and to uplift humanity. This

does not match the vehicle some of you are creating.

Creating your vehicle from the universal fields of harmony

is necessary at this time, not only through community

ritual, religious beliefs or ancestral access. These practices

P a g e | 71

might assist you at times in your life cycle, to give you

awareness or validation of your connection to the creator.

Unnecessary energy depletion is foremost a concern in the

new placement of the earth in the universe. Intentions held

within the cellular body are key. Honor your traditional

wisdoms, but lessen the practices away as your only

source to connection to the Creator.

You must now BE the intention of the wisdom. Be the

intention of the Elders. By becoming the walking display of

the wisdom, you are attaining in this lifetime and the

Ascension you seek. Stop the process of seeking please.

Step into the knowing of your being. Step into your

ancient wisdoms. You will be matched by the universe.

You must now be your own Star Elder and connect to the

other Star Elders in honor and reverence. This is the

merging humanity has sought. You are here. You are life's

gift. You are a necessary component to the upliftment to a

humanity. But you cannot do this in a depleted cellular

state or a depleted emotional state.

If this means for you, the Uplifter, to be the one to self

care, to self nurture, then so be it. To detox the body and

the mind and emotions of all things of this lifetime and

former lifetimes of lower vibration is what is required.

There you have a clear vessel to work as the conduit for

God's hands. Then collect the sum of all your lifetimes that

were the most benevolent and become THAT. Become

the wisdom of your ancient mind, of your ancient heart,

become the greatest kindness you can muster. This is a

cellular process that must occur to activate the DNA for

ascension in the body.

Remove the genetic markers of trauma, beliefs and ideas

that do not serve you and become the grand merging. The

merging of new cosmic awareness, and our ancient earthly

wisdoms are upon us. Your bodies abilities now to hold

more light is expansive. Your DNA's abilities to interact

with the multi dimensional fields is infinite. Be the

responsible steward of this process in your own body

vehicle please. Your participation is crucial for upliftment

of humanity and it must begin with yourself, by yourself.

Start by asking for assistance in your own progress and

upliftment, the universe will provide matching energy for

your progress. Do the work, put in the earth time to alter

your being to clarity. Holding intention of your own

continued upliftment as a constant harmonic is necessary.

The building of the cellular foundation of strength is

important work and the greatest reward a spirit can attain

while in a body. We bless you for your dedication, we

bless you for your energetic support, and your countless

earthtime to uplift humanity. It it now time in your life

cycle to put yourself first for upliftment above all others.

This is the divine strength. This is true compassion.

Lacking compassion for yourself will not build a strong

foundation in these new energies. New ideas, new ways,

new thoughts and sovereign love of self must occur now.

This is how a humanity, a planet and a universe are

uplifted. One "healer" at a time.

Be the example of Upliftment.Walk as honor on the land.

Be the conduit of divine health and strength.

We are here supporting you, assisting you in your

upliftment of humanity and yourself. Continue where you

started, be responsible for your own life, make conscious

choices for your own upliftment before the upliftment of

others. Then gift from that place. Gift yourself as the

conduit of light and love. The light body will thank you.

Your spirit will thank you. Our humanity will thank you.

The universe will thank you.

Many blessings for your continued service.

The Ancient One

P a g e | 72

kind eye

Turning aside the demise beside

How can you turn a blind eye When wrong and negative is displayed

When injustice and disrespect are laid

Turning a blind eye you say? White hot rage now displayed

How can malevolence and damage be right

When blind eyes attach To nothing but fright

The only one standing may be you

A blind eye is certainly not your truth

A clear sight of what is occuring

Means doing something to make it right If you are the one - then let it be

It is OK to stop blind eyes

When a being is hurting Himself or another

Step in now not with eyes so blind

You now have truth Wielding in Kind Eyes.

The kindness of eyes can be seen for miles

The energy precedes in dioptic infusion Allow the kindness of

Eyes of grace

Allow the truth to be displayed

And walk with a humble mounting grace

Now a place you see from A kindness displayed for all

Let kindness flow through streams of light

Step in when the time is right be the one to step in now

do not accept a blind eye's glance

Beam the stream of truthful presence

from the Kindest of Eyes

Then watch the worlds' rise.

P a g e | 73

collapse the dimensions

A multi-dimensional bringer

Of a multi-dimensional sight Bringing new found awareness

In this old struggle and fight

For newness is upon you

So gather here this day Awareness is the grandest of gift

For you and yours to make a fit For rightness of the spirit

To know its own path

To not be persuaded to live another's wrath To be new each day

With eyes that wander far

To bring the future placement To collapse the fields for par

Bringing dimensions together forever

Makes newness grow this day For sameness will only bring that

Held within is dismay

Fore grandness is held in dimensions Your being has experienced these

So sit with dimensions close

As the friends upon your knee Gather them round

Professing your crown

To be the placement of these The lives you have lead upon those layers

Have collapsed here upon your knee

Make the most of what you are given As spirit drives you

From every layer and dimension

P a g e | 74

dismantle this playground

This place you created So proudly in your mind

This place you thought Would be so sublime

Yet the playground you built

Is full of known hazards As you rightfully stand

As the Ringmaster

With Denial as your playmate

The hazards become the norm To stand in the fire

And forget to mourn

The life and lives And loves you have lived

While standing with your buddy On top of the hill

A false playground

Built by you To make you the Ringmaster

Of all you do

Your fun became dangerous Affecting large sums

Taking them down One by one

All of your worst choices

Now on display As a village remorses

Observing this play

The truth of this service To serve only you

Without serving many Is now your coup

A playground of deceit

Where no one will meet The being of benevolence

You could have been

As Ringmaster of a playgound Of greed lust and take overs

Vigilante moves In a big black hat

The chainlink fence Gets higher and higher

With each choice made Away from your truth

Stand their Ringmaster with

Your fears masked in charm As the fence is now barbed

Because you lost it all

Through the eyes of darkness, Addiction and greed These shall bring you

Choices many foresee

Heed the warnings The angels bring you

When your skills become Control of others' wings

Better choices abound

When you kick out denial And play with the truth

and serve more than you

Be the Ringmaster of a Villages' truth Serving more than self

Is what a cosmos Wish for you.

P a g e | 75

avatar's dream

Has A God abandoned you?

Has an Avatar been given as a woeful gift

a constant reminder that greatness may drift

Has a Saint been given

to drive your days and suddenly you find

he has abandoned thee?

This Deity was a creator made by you

to precede a life as a master shall do

The Master Presence

the savior of life the God he came

with a moment of strife

To uplift you in so many ways

when a Deity leaves you

it is in high honor

Fore you have transcended or not

the high gift that he brought you

You either decided

that your truth hasnt ended or decided life

has taught all it could

To finally after so many lives stand on your own

with a Deity beside to summon a greatness of eons past

Held in bright futures

when a Deity has passed through your life of lessons

and remembering these

The Deities, Avatars and Saints have seen the cumulative sum

of your many lives the Saints they now have fuller eyes

To see a future written by thee

and have left you to continue writing that story

Life, Upward, a flowing ascent

is written in choice

and strong intent

to be a sovereign upon the earth

The Saints they dream of new life for you

they believe and support and hold love for you

the many lives that make up ALL of you

To accept the visit of an Avatar's dream

as the likeness of you in a mirror is seen

P a g e | 76

harmonic peace

Peace is different for every being yet it's the same on every plane

a divine presence for you to stand among the harmony of the land

In seeking of peace

you are seeking the void where nothing is projected

and nothing is forced

Harmony requires peace as peace requires harmony

In a most pleasant dance

with that ancient one inside that so wants to glance

at its many lives beside

All with peace to cultivate on many a land and place

to bring peace to the past of all your dimensions presence

Is to honor the Spirit

in all your brilliance and essence

To stand along with a diety guide

at times when peace has fallen aside allow your being to remember

this peace

Bring this peace to a proper presence

allow the alchemy of natures essence back to the spirit that drives this motion

Upon an earth

that asks for notions, ideas and energy to

uplift it quotient

To a sum of equations please bring your lives near

allow it all to merge in this place right here

Forgive the past

in peace of mind accelerates a future

on a disc of divine

Peace is the ticket to ride my dear.

Next time when asking for peace be clear

to forgive the many versions of you ask for a diety beside you

In grace they come on oppulent disc

Just in time to glide away

to harmonic peace that has waited this day.

P a g e | 77

the rainbow times

Greetings to all the Uplifters,

What a grand wave we find ourselves in these present earth days, in this new energy field, and this new playground of light

where access to your highest possibility is now presented. The many rays of all consciousness now collides here on this

beautiful earth. The cosmos and the earth plane are merging. This is the grand merge we have waited on and heard about

for eons- heaven is now earth. You feel it, you are seeing it,

you are navigating perfectly.

We are in the Rainbow Times. A Rainbow time period of contemplation about unison, activated truth and self

realization all diffused into one harmonic expression. A trajectory of the earth with cosmic information colliding into

earthly wisdom. The merge is upon us.

Walking as the divine and becoming the truth of your being, may just require you to walk as the rainbow. When

accelerating your truth and collapsing the multi dimensional aspects of all your beings, you are in essence becoming the

rainbow. As you embody your multi dimensional beings, all your avatars of the past, present and future, your many rays of

color brought, as divine strength, love and compassion. The finest aspect of each ray of light from source, the highest

attainment in light form and structure that can express itself it

here on earth is now a possible reality.

A possible reality for you dear one.

Walking as your most divine truth, becoming the beings of benevolence you have been before - but bringing them all

together here in a grand crescendo of light! Bless this aspect of your walk, do not be alarmed at this new sight of your self,

the aspects of yourself you feared to allow, those most great benevolent ones --- now displayed as a lighted walk for your


Becoming the rainbow is high honor for your walk, it shall be

a diverse place while in a human body at this fantastic time on this earth plane. Housing this much consciousness in one being

can be a challenge at times, so I am choosing the best and brightest of my lights to be displayed. Many rays then become

one, a rainbow of opulent ancient wisdom.

This is our ascension - to become this rainbow while we walk

an earth.

The disconnect is required, while remaining in the connection

of our earth.

It is helpful at this time to understand the value of disconnect.

Boundaries are a paramount understanding in

energy attainment. Disconnecting from that maligned grid is

so important to your spirit right now. The 3d grid that holds all the ugly beliefs, disharmonic thoughts, manipulated

outcomes, controlled minds and imposed realities based in malevolence is dismantling, you must walk away..... What this

means is to start to watch the "show" around you in a way that you see beyond it - beyond the manipulation to a bigger

picture and a grand play you are witnessing. No longer triggered by the show. This wider view does assist you in

distancing your emotional body from the view of this show.

No need for roller coaster rides on this walk.

Distancing the emotional body creates a boundary for your


Remember it is just a show and with you - having choices as the witness. To distance yourself from further exposure to

the show may be warranted. To allow the show to continue without you is another option. Walk towards compassion. To

distance yourself to the point of pure compassion, for the spirit that chooses upliftment instead of malevolent

associations with a matrix that no longer works for a planet is a sovereign spirit. I step away into a witness of the show - and

now empower myself to see beyond it... To the heavens within our own realities we go.... to the earthly essence,

connecting our heavens within - it's the choice a spirit would


Our rainbow self is a powerful walk, let us be the ones to rise our frequency beyond the 3d matrix - as we walk together in

sovereignty as our energy gathers steam - the others shall be pulled with us...We can walk for many. Pull up an earth. Pull

up a humanity.

Continue to shine your many avatars on this earth. This earth that asked for your assistance- the many of you dear ones that

came here to uplift a humanity. You are needed now and we

thank you for your great work.

Shine on people.

P a g e | 78

rainbow wings

Please stay in tune to the world around you. Please don't allow distractions to swallow you.

Be in the reverence of earthly presence,

this is the grounding that is needed now.

To ground with the life of all earthly beings,

allows you to fly like the bird that seeks freedom.

The harmonic tones of an earth's love, stands by patiently waiting.

Ground this day to the earth you love,

then allow that love to be unearthed within you.

Then you may fly with those bountiful wings,

the wings of all colors, that are dappled in all flavors.

Fly as the rainbow that envelopes your crown.

The wind will assist this majestic flight,

the elemental's will squeal with pure delight

as they see you gather your muster to fly.

As the launch is so profound and with many eyes...

upon you, they see the flight of love that has waited to be.

To stay with an earth as you fly your dimensions

is the truth an earth seeks in all places and mentions.

happy flights upon you.

P a g e | 79

the gathering of you

In a gathering of light

from our Rainbow Flight we stand at the majesty of thee

Before you stands a majestic right

to be your highest possibility

Bring the universe through the gathering of you

to bring alignment its all in cue

Calling them in

for input and wisdom You are calling your dimensions

The beings of truth

of lives you have lived gather them here

As the Universe mentions

your greatest attainment of many past lives

They are gathering here

to step beside the universal wish

That you finally decide

to ask the Universe to work through you

To be these beings

through and through

To honor a wish of your future self

First steps and last steps

collide right here

The words of truth become so clear

Allow the gathering of the light so near

then ask, just ask

The universe dear.

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signature self

To walk as the Signature of a prescribed spirit

to know inside it is truthful and pure

A presence of power

that excites your life to assist a moral code

from dark to light

This High Road as a Signature walks

through many lives lived some buried, some lost

Yet here you are

living a gallant plan to become the joy

the Signature plans

While all around you making choices of plight

where woe is the word from beings in fright

There you stand as a Signature Being

allowing your power to settle conditions

The darker the agenda

the more powerful we see that moral code demand

a new sight from thee

Ask yourself to view from high you see

the conditions you stand in that are not part of thee

New sight for a Signature Walk

to continue a plan but not accepting the fault

of another's choice that is not your own

A condition demands you see it clear

you are not the condition that mires you here

A grander solution to a Signature's Walk

is to view the condition as a minor affliction that is not yours to own

of make a decision

Just know there is joy and powerful codes

the Signature pure

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just let it flow

Flow away from conditions not of you

to accept universal truth as your new view

The Signature Being

of Ancient Wisdoms is a powerful part

of this grand ascension

Many thanks for accepting

the Signatures Choice of Grace, Love and much rejoice.

enter the apex of grace

As Grace filled union arrives on horizons

silver emanations fill the air

As our rainbow presence

stands ever present knowing full well

a Grand Apex swells

Enter the Triad of Grace

That spirit driven choice made by your sole voice

to be all you came to be hear in the distance a sweet sound

Sound of arriving grace you see,

oh how our bodies want to cheer the grandest arrival

and trajectories near

Silver dioptic presence as it stands

as the most upright of all the lands is to know the most humble choice

To allow your being of many lives

standing by with rainbow eyes to now step into

the silver plan

The intensity here is a prescribed plan laid down in times

of clarity and service

Allowing now the spirit to service a self as choice

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and humanities waiting for truth of your being to align

Align for the best outcome

of many lives lead to begin a choice

of a Grace filled walk

Grace as a way Grace in play

for a self and all this very day

Give honor to the rainbow

as you all gather here to collect the lives

of benevolence here

The Pyramid of Power awaits your flower

to extend your hand to thee

In this place

you will find all life's grace then extend that hand

across all dimensions

To assist your beings wherever they live

to assist an earths residence of the many angels gathered

Step into this,

Divine Grace that matters

Each thought each walk

each day each hand

Be this Grace upon

many a land

as beloved ears now do hear as Immortality is clearly near.

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universal sanctification

Greetings Fellow Travelers,

It is now a most potent time in our humanities existence. Are you ready to step up? It is time for all beings to make their

declarations. Potency of the light is in play here.

Bring your declarations of light to the universal fields, please.

This is what has been missing through many lives lived by the embodied light beings of earth. When we make our declarations that we are light, we are holy beings, we are the divine incarnate, we need to remember that the universal fields have been

waiting on our voices. Waiting on the embodiment and knowing of our light. This brings together all the souls we are gathered

into one resonance.

No longer shall we make our declarations just in our small existence, no longer just announcing a faint voice to the immediate

energy fields around us. We are accessing cosmic fields, high wisdom, divine light, we must meet these fields where they are.

We must rise up to our own honor, and define for ourselves what is our declaration to the world. Sanctification of your own

being is high honor, when the self recognizes the being that you are as divine, as holy, this is the personal presence of


Allow this ripple of declared voice to travel beyond your present dimensional existence, to all the bodies where ever they may

live. The cosmic universal fields of light will receive this declaration in pure reverence. This is the creation of the fields of light around you - back to the fields of light, of purity as you are divine. You may be amazed at what flows to and from you after this

Universal Sanctification.











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hold no idols

Greetings Fellow Adventurers,

In our intense earthly energetics of assimilation on this vibrating plane, we stand ready to change. We are here to change the being we know as ourselves. Change as a remembrance of our Divinity. Many of you are standing ready to walk through the

gates of change. We now have access to the finer abilities of our cosmic awareness through the activation and higher vibration of our DNA codes. This high vibration allows yourself to explore the higher capacities of your soul. Your soul seeks harmony,

your earth also seeks harmony. Shall we dance?

In the allowance and understanding that harmonic expression of our being is our natural state and our natural choice it is for us

to exert the energy of this as our sovereignty. Choice to be the Divine within. Choice to be Love. Choice to be Harmony.

Choice to be Peace.

In the merging with our Higher Self, our Highest Aspect, our God Source we stand in the grand ability of transcendence. Our

highest capacity for compassionate awareness can now be housed within a life form known as your body. Merging with your

Higher Self requires you to be equal to it. Allow the higher self to reach all corners of your being.

Hold No Idols.

Human Angelic be you, no idol means no deities, no characters, no "notable" humans, no religious idols, no celebrity, no gurus, no saviors. There is only now, equanimous relationship with our multi dimensional presence. We now share, we now

integrate, we now become that which we are. We are the Kryst Consciousness, we are the Cosmic Awareness, We are the Angelic Presence, We are the Galactic Brother, We are the Ascended Master. The finer vibrations of the inner cellular

structure of Divine Innate Intuitive Compassion is now your Rainbow Self.

Rainbow Voice be you. Integrate this voice within you as your guide, your innate sense of alignment. Vibrate as this and watch your thoughts, your surroundings, your life change to a richer, more full, more meaningful existence. Watch life ripple with the

essence of divine principals of love, respect, honor, sharing, giving, receiving, all in a motion and understanding of high harmony.

Hold this voice of you as the accumulation of sums that you are. A grand chorus of intention sent to the earthly, galactic and

cosmic realms to bring harmony to all dimensional presences of your aspect. Thus affecting those around you, thus changing a


Humans were never meant to hold idols, because you are the master ray of the sun.

Accept the support, love, respect and freedom that your higher self brings. Merge with this understanding and you will be

merging with the divine.

We can no longer be in idolization or awe of our higher self. It is not some far away unknown source of info that guides you, it

is your innate intuitive guidance system known as God Source.

Allow yourself to move out of awe and fascination which keeps you at a distance from the integration of frequencies. Allow

your higher self to merge with your being.

Allow the stream of God Source displayed as the many rays of the sun through you, to appear as your own essence. You are

the frequency of wholeness. Accept this information into your crystalline core as it ripples into the core of Gaia.

Actively engage with Source and reclaim the human position of Power and Creativity.

Become an active, independent partner in Divine Will.

Many thanks for your participation,

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spiritual birthright

No matter how you have come to an earth, why you decided, why you chose to come here, what your mission may be, there is

an underlying right that is yours as human sentient beings.

Your Spiritual Birthright is the ability to choose to ascend and not reincarnate. To see your divinity before your ego. Yes, this is

your right as humans. Birthright means no attainment, no prerequisites, no hierarchy of demands. Simply ((aware)) of self and of


This right is yours no matter what you have done in prior incarnations. This right is yours no matter your current mind set, your current vibration or your known or unknown intentions. You can operate many lifetimes of demise and one day make it

into the fuller awareness of a higher choice.

Here is the kicker, when you become ((aware)) of yourself in relation to your aligned self or become ((aware)) of your unaligned self with your truth, it is now your responsibility to remain in pure, unconditional awareness and choose further

alignment. Self awareness is the key to activation of your ascension, as they are one in the same.

Ascension= Awareness

Being aware of the things that you are and that you are not is important. Egoic displays are only detrimental when there is

unawareness. Become aware and you transmute all things and actions.

You can have blinders on and not see the true consequences of your actions, yet when you do finally see, finally become ((aware)) and accept this awareness, this is where your birth right is activated, in the sub conscious mind into the conscious

mind. This merge and alignment with complete agreement of a souls trajectory is where your birthright is activated. Choice.

The choice to remain ((aware)) of yourself, your alignment and misalignments, knowing there is a birthright protecting you. The

ability to choose at the very last second of a breath of life in a body, to choose ascension, a higher version of themselves allowed to enter the body and integrate the new energy of life force brought in with the choice to live new life in an ((aware))

state, not recycled life of unawareness.

This is the spiritual birthright, to be the one in charge, the one responsible, the one to plan your future, how you will proceed in life is all your choice, not recycled unless you choose that. . Yet you must be ((aware)) of your many selves and the merging

of your highest aspects, so that your choices are the highest and most loving for all your lives to come. This is awareness of

your truth, not imposed truths of others.

To become happy with yourself, all your thoughts, no matter what they may be, happy with your choices of the past and your now, depends on your understanding of your birthright. To be happy, understanding, gracious, loving and joyful to ourselves no

matter what displays from us. Your ego is not an evil force. It is part of the unawareness matrix, the soup of taking a body.

Shaming this ego for not being in alignment is shaming your beautiful self for unawareness.

Unconditionally accepting of what you see in yourself, the willingness to alter your actions, beliefs, ideas to more ((aware))

thoughts and movements on the earth is your process of awareness, your process of ascension.

Let us not beat ourselves up anymore for unawareness. Compassion with yourself and others during times like our current volatile but necessary earth situation is needed. Many will become aware of amazing mind blowing things, beliefs or ideas that

have been false and these things may bring your blinders off fast. Be kind to yourself and others during this blast of awareness.

Remember your birthright.

*((Aware)) = hugging yourself through each open eyed occurrence of the truth displayed

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Many blessings

Contact Cindy


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Spiritual Consulting


Sacred Technologies

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The Template of Grace Series

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11 daily meditations that create an activation of Grace into your life


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