Ozark Christian Schools of Neosho PO Box 398, Neosho, MO ... › standard › 2020 › Mar › StdMarApr2020.pdfa pattern to follow in your thought life, you will see specific things

Post on 04-Jul-2020






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“A place where God can help Himself to young lives.” Founder D. C. BranhamVolume 51, No. 2“Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord” (Hebrews 12:14)

Mar./Apr. 2020

Ozark Christian Schools of NeoshoPO Box 398, Neosho, MO 64850-0398(417) 451-2057 -- www.obicollege.com

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OBI Decision Days '20 March 19-22

WILL YOU GO?"...The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few" (Matthew 9:37).

We would like to invite you to attend Decision Days 2020. God is still looking for young people in whom He can show Himself strong. Come and enjoy Ozark Bible Institute and College classes as well as some powerful services where God can help Himself to your sur-rendered life. You really can be the one for whom He is looking. -Academic Dean Mike Shelton


Juniors, Seniors & qualifying graduates are free; all others $35.00. Sponsors staying on campusmust pre-register; forms are available at obicollege.com/resources media/decision days.

Call 417-451-2057 to pre register.

Main SpeakerRev. JeronPresley

Saturday AM Speaker

Rev. Jamin Martin

The President Writes 2

(Cont. on pg. 3)


It was merciful of God to give us the ability to remember and forget. Paul said it well when he told the folks in Philippi, “Forgetting those things which are behind I press toward.....”. Forget the painful things of the past and remember the important things. That is not an easy task. The world, flesh, and the devil are constantly reminding us of bad things. The Bible says, “whatsoever things are lovely,.... think on these things” ( Philippians 4:8). So it is important that a Christian bring “their thoughts into captivity to Christ” (II Corinthians 10:5). I learned a long time ago that if a Christian doesn’t take a sanctified approach to their thoughts, the devil will deceive them, distract them, and ultimately destroy them. If you take Philippians 4:8 and look at it as a pattern to follow in your thought life, you will see specific things you can work on. Focus on thinking about things that will make you more Christ like/a better Christian. Things like knowing the truth about life, what is the noble thing to do in life situations, what is morally right and fair, and react to every decision you face by doing what is uncontaminated by selfishness. Do kind considerate things that are beautiful examples of a Christ-like spirit. Do things that will be referred to in a positive way and not criticized. Don’t be a critic or complainer. If there is any thing around you that is like God’s word says, it should be (virtue) if God has

helped you or put blessings in your life you should praise God for it. Be publicly and privately thankful. The Apostle Peter is a good example of the potential of our memory. The remembrance of his betrayal of Christ made him weep bitterly. When Peter was in the high priest’s courtyard he heard the rooster crow twice. During that brief span of time between when the rooster first crowed, and the second time, Peter denied knowing Jesus three times. When Peter heard the rooster crow he remembered that Jesus warned him that he would be a coward and deny knowing him. Remembering that Jesus told him it would happen, and remembering how adamantly he insisted that even if everybody else denied Jesus, he wouldn’t. Then the rooster crowed for the second time immediately after the third denial. “Busted” - and all Peter could do was weep. And the Bible specifically says, “And Peter went out and wept bitterly” (Luke 22:62). I doubt if Peter enjoyed the memory of that night he betrayed Jesus. I doubt if he liked to hear a rooster crow. Who would want to wake up each morning to the reminder of their worst failure? So, what can you do if you have had bad experiences in your past that keep coming back to your remembrance and tormenting your mind? You have to focus on remembering good things- things that give you hope. Isn’t that the main purpose of communion, to remind us that we have eternal hope? “For I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you, That the Lord Jesus, the same night in which he was betrayed, took bread: And when he had given tanks, he brake it and said, Take, eat; this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me” (I Corinthians 11:23,24). Someone that is reading this now

needs to do some reflecting. You are facing adversity, trials, tribulation, but no matter what you call it, it’s painful and hard to endure. After over forty five years of walking with Jesus, I have learned that there are certain things I have to remember. First, I have to remember Who is with me and who is depending on me. “And I looked, and rose up, and said unto the nobles, and to the rulers, and to the rest of the people, Be not afraid of them: remember the Lord, which is great and terrible, and fight for your brethren, your sons, and your daughters, your wives, and your houses” (Nehemiah 4:14). Nehemiah told the people in leadership and everyone else that they need to remember how the Lord has helped them before and that He will help them this time. Confidence in the Lord is precious. Like the poet said, “How sweet the name of Jesus is to the believer’s ears, calms his sorrows, heals his wounds, and drives away his fears.” Second, I have to remember that when trouble comes, I need to pray! “When my soul fainted within me I remembered the LORD: and my prayer came in unto thee, into thine holy temple” (Jonah 2:7). Jonah was in the belly of a great fish when he prayed the words of this verse. But he believed that his prayer rose up out of the whale’s belly, came to the surface of the sea, climbed beyond the sky and entered the throne room and touched the heart of God. If you can make yourself remember that prayer is actually getting to talk to the Almighty God. You need to also remember that because of what Jesus did at Calvary for us, we can come boldly to the throne of grace and expect to find all the grace we need! Third, the Bible says that we need to remember to get to know the Lord while we are young. “Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say,

President and Sister Daniel E. Taylor


The President Writes (Continued From Page 2) 3

A Voice From The Past

(Cont. on pg. 6)

I have no pleasure in them:” (Ecclesiastes 12:1). This verse is emphatic, Remember now, means “this is urgent!” The Holy Ghost is saying to young people, “Don’t put off developing a prayer life, don’t procrastinate on your Bible reading, don’t think that you can live for yourself now and then get serious about serving the Lord at a later date. The Bible says, “Today if you hear His voice harden not your heart.” Why? Because the longer you put off making an effort to know more about Jesus, the less you will want to know about Him. There will be people who will read this article and say to themselves, “I didn’t

do what the Lord told me to do. I heard His voice, but instead of reminding myself to do what He was calling me to do, I did what I wanted to do, and now I am old and the things I chose to do instead of the will of God are making me miserable.” The Bible says, “The way of the transgressor is hard” and those that have chosen that way will admit it if they are honest. Fourth, the most important thing to remember is that the Lord loves you and wants to help you! “This I recall to my mind, therefore have I hope. It is of the LORD’S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They

are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness” (Lamentations 3:21-23). Jeremiah states in these verses that he constantly reminded himself of certain things about God that gave him hope, even though things all around him looked hopeless. Jeremiah reminded himself that the Lord is merciful! He reminds himself that if the Lord wasn’t merciful, he and the Jews would have already been wiped out. Then he reminds himself that the Lord never runs out of compassion, and that the only thing that has kept them going this long is God’s mercy, and that he can expect the Lord to continue to help him and the rest of God’s people because God’s faithfulness is truly great. Maybe it is time that you remembered that. God’s faithfulness is great!

“Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father,There is no shadow of turning with Thee,

Thou changest not, thy compassions, they fail not,As thou has been, Thou forever wilt be.”

This is a reprint from the March 1985 issue of the Standard Bearer There are two sides to redemption. God’s side is the glorious side while Satan’s is the tragic side. When we rejoice in a resurrected Lord, we are rejoicing over the fact that God triumphed over all the schemes

and plans of man. The tomb reveals the power of sin. Humanity sided in with the powers of darkness in trying to rid this world of everything that would rebuke sin. The utmost satisfaction of the nature of sin comes when it thinks that it has driven divine life out of existence. Even after Jesus had

been crucified, men were intent upon making doubly sure that HE would remain in the tomb. The cross is the greatest commentary there is on the sin nature of man. The open tomb reveals the fact that God can turn seeming defeat into glorious victory. Who can fathom the feelings of frustration, disappointment and despair which were felt by the disciples. All that they had depended upon and hoped for had failed. They were not quite ready to abandon all the past, yet neither had the future anything to offer to them. But their condition was entirely of their own making. Their expectation was too limited; their hope was too shallow. Had they only known it, the Lord’s crucifixion and Resurrection would be His greatest victory. When God frustrates our ways, He does so in order to show us a better way. The open tomb proclaims a redemption from sin. Jesus’ Resurrection was not merely a physical resurrection, for HE had vanquished sin and completed the plan of redemption. Death had been disarmed of its sting. Great as the powers of darkness were, they were not strong enough to hinder the cause and purpose of God. He came to die, and since He gave His life, we can have everything put to death within us that is not like Him. The open tomb proclaims the supremacy of life over death. Death could

By D. C. Branham

From The Academic Dean

By Academic Dean Mike




"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for

instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works" (2 Timothy 3:16,17). The Word begins life, the Word sustains life, and the Word will last forever. says, "For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost" (2 Peter 1:21). It is the God-breathed Word. His Word is inspired by the Holy Ghost. The Word of God is the main source of divine guidance. It is God’s method of revealing Himself to man. God reveals Himself through nature, creation, through His Spirit, but all methods of revelation are tried by the infallible Word of God. The Word of God is the touchstone of all truth. The Word of God is the sieve through which all spiritual truth must pass. If God has revealed himself to man through His Word, then that Word is the final authority upon which the child of God bases his life and decisions. It is not what my opinion is or what I feel is right, or what I think God showed me. It is the authors intended meaning that It is the rule and guide for life. The main danger in trusting our opinions, feelings, or what we think God showed us, is; that allows us to make the Scripture say what we want it to say. Then the basic authority is no longer the Word of God, but it is what we think. This would leave us without any means to test what we believe, feel, or what we thought God revealed to us. Truth is fact. Truth is not dependent upon the changing opinions of man. Truth is truth whether I accept it or not. You may not believe in the law of gravity, but you will as soon as you hit the

ground. The Bible was not primarily written for us to examine it, interpret it, and talk about it in Sunday school, but the primary reason the Bible was written was for us to obey it. "But be ye doers of the Word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves" (James 1:22). The Word of God sustains spiritual life. Every living thing which God created requires food. When a person is born again and new life begins, that life which has begun by the Word of God is also sustained by the Word of God. "But he answered and said, it is written, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God" (Matthew 4:4). A person who is truly born again desires the sincere milk of the Word of God. The common mark of all the true children of God is that they delight in the law of the Lord. Show me a person who is not diligent about Bible reading and does not like Bible preaching and I will show you a person who is not born again. Loving the Word of God is synonymous with loving the Author. "If ye love me, keep my commandments" (John 14:15). "Jesus answered and said unto him, if a man love me, he will keep my Words: and my father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings: and the Word which ye hear is not mine, but the father's which sent me" (John 14:23-24). When we love God more than we do ourselves, then we will obey the Word of God. When we love God more than we do our own personal pleasure and comfort, then we will obey the Word of God. When we love God more than we do our own success, then we will obey the Word of God. When we love God more than we do what other people think about us, then we will obey the Word of God. The Word of God is food for our faith‒"So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God" (Romans 10:17). I am glad when faith comes. It was faith in the

Words of Jesus that opened the blinded eyes, cleansed the lepers, and raised the dead. "He sent his Word and healed them" (Psalms 107:20). It was faith in His Word that caused Peter to step out on the rugged sea and walk on the water. He said "Lord, if it is really you can I walk on the water too." The Word of Christ came to him‒come on! It was faith in the Words of Jesus that caused Paul to obey the heavenly vision that he received on the Damascus Road. It will be your faith in the Word of God that saves you and keeps you saved until you reach that glorious city that has been prepared for them that love Him. "Forever, O Lord, thy Word is settled in heaven" (Psalms 119:89). "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my Words shall not pass away" Matthew 24:35. The Word of God is indestructible. Voltaire, a noted atheist philosopher, said, “another century and there will not be a Bible on the earth.” After he died, his old printing press was used, and the very house where he lived was purchased by the Geneva Bible Society and made a printing house for Bibles. Joseph Stalin who was called the bloody butcher of Russia instituted a ban on the Bible. He attempted to wipe the Word of God out of Russia. Did he succeed? A recent poll in Russia shows that more people read and believe the Bible than at any time in history. Look at America in its present state. The political system is in disarray because they have thrown out the foundation of prayer and Bible reading. The schools are war zones and are failing young people because the truths of the Word of God are neglected or non-existent. All of America’s troubles could be solved by a return to prayer, Bible reading, and obedience to God. The Word begins spiritual life, the Word sustains spiritual life, the Word will last forever, and without it we will drift away from God, deny the faith, and plunge ourselves into a Christ-less eternity without any hope of redemption. Read the Word of God, obey the Word of God, and preach the Word of God. The Bible is just as relevant today as it was when it was written, and it will remain so throughout eternity.



Brother and Sister Mike PenningtonOBI GuatemalaField Director

OBI Guatemala Update

Women students singing at a central park evangelistic service in San Miguel Petapa

Man reading a salvation message tract 10 minutes after receiving it

Street evangelistic service

Radio $300each month

General operations $5500 each month

OBI Guatemala Donation CouponYes, I would like to Contribute to OBI Guatemala’s mission work.

General Operation $______ Radio $______ Monthly Gift One Time GiftReplace roof on mission house $________

Make all checks out to OBI Guatemala with fund designated, noted in the memo.Please send all correspondence to PO Box 398, Neosho, MO 64850

Greetings friends and supporters! Spring semester 2020 is under way in Guatemala at the Bible School. We have students from Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua enrolled

and our national staff and faculty are in full swing training mode as they lead them in devotions, teaching, evangelism, and all the other facets of preparation for ministry. Sister Pennington is teaching English class this Spring and back on the job as resident alteration specialist. The students like to learn

and practice their English on us. We have replaced the roof on the garage/storage and staff laundry area in January. There were a lot of rats living in the walls that we exterminated with machetes and broom handles after pouring over two gallons of bleach down the holes on top of the walls when we removed the roof. We then filled the holes with concrete before installing the new roof so they will not have a convenient place to congregate again. Our thanks to all who gave to this much needed project. It will be nice when the rainy season comes from May-October to not have to contend with a leaky roof.

Brother Pennington, Brother Juan Carlos, and Brother Daniel are planning an itinerary to the northern cost of Honduras the first two weeks of February to visit alumni who are pastoring, promote the school for prospective students and evangelize. We are scheduled for 13+ services, and are trusting God for His anointing and traveling protection and mercies. The radio fund could use a boost in the arm at this time. It costs $300 per month for weekday broadcasts on the sixth most listened to Christian radio station (out of 37) in Guatemala. May God richly bless each of you in your walk with Him as you follow His will.

For souls, The Penningtons

Current students on personal evangelism February 2020


A Voice From The Past

A Voice From The Past



By W. T. Weaver ‒SelectedA reprint from the April 1981 issue of the Standard Bearer. “And he saith unto them, Be not affrighted: Ye seek Jesus of Nazareth, which was crucified: he is risen; he is not here: behold the place where they laid him” (Mark 16:6). As these women approached the sepulcher that early morning hour, a different scene greeted them than what they had expected to find or made provision for. With heavy hearts they slowly made their way to anoint the body of Jesus with the embalm-ing spices, but they cherished not the slightest ray of hope that they would find alive the One they loved so dear-ly. While it was their intention and purpose to anoint the dead, they-were refreshed with the most welcome tid-ings that ever fell on mortal ear. “Ye seek Jesus of Nazareth, which was crucified.” It is significant that these words which were used among men to express contempt and which were also the last words of degradation His enemies flung at Him on earth were the first words under which He was proclaimed by the angel that first Eas-

ter morning. Jesus had now fulfilled the pur-pose for which He was born. He had made provision to “save his people from their sins.” He had completed Redemption for fallen man. Here we have the first gospel message preached after Redemption had been finished on the cross and sealed by the fact of the Resurrection. Hence-forth this Name shall be above every name. Glorious tidings! Every sin-bound soul of Adam’s race can expe-rience spiritually what the lame man at the gate of the temple experienced physically as Peter took him by the hand and said, “In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.”Jesus! the name that charms our fears,

That bids our sorrows cease;‘Tis music in the sinner’s ears,‘Tis life, and health, and peace.

The benefits which we receive from the Blood individually depend wholly on our trust in Him and not in our ability to explain what His death and resurrection have done. “Be not affrighted.” Their fears must be quieted before they would be able to comprehend the reality of all that had transpired. Those must have been anxious moments as they stood bewildered and perplexed before the celestial being. They wanted infor-mation as to the disappearance of the

Lord’s body, and this was quickly giv-en. “He is risen; he is not here: behold the place where they laid him.” See for yourselves. He lies here no longer. Look into the Saviour’s empty, angel-inhabited tomb. He hath burst the bonds of the pris-on house; He hath shattered the iron bars and brazen gates; He hath rifled the house of the spoiler, and torn away the serpent’s sting, “He is risen; he is not here.” The tomb of Jesus speaks of faith. It has been said that “faith in the resurrec-tion is the very keystone of the arch of Christian faith, and when that is removed all must crumble into ruins.” The Res-urrection is the Christian’s hope, yes, a life-giving hope. We are not left to dim intimations of it or vague hopes of it in exalted moments. We have a sure and certain hope. We can sense the vibrancy and vitality of that life surging through our being and, with divine assurance, ex-claim with the Apostle Paul, “O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?” Jesus Christ is the Resurrection─its Author and Finisher. When He emerged from the tomb, He brought life and im-mortality with Him. Just as the sorrowful women left the empty tomb and carried the message to the disciples, so it is our glorious privilege to have the personal revelation made as clear to us, until we can bear witness in an “untoward genera-tion” to resurrection life abiding within.

not keep its prey because life was more powerful than death. When the power of divine life is allowed, permitted, to rule in the heart, it will over power the strength of sin and death. We minimize the mighty power of resurrection life when we feel that it is unable to combat the work of carnality in the heart. We are kept alive to God as we keep our choices on the life side of every issue. That life in the heart will demand the complete destruction of that element within which carries the sentence of

death upon it. The power of sin and death is broken when divine orders are fully responded to. The Lord’s Resurrection also meant a resurrection for the disciples. They received a resurrection of hope‒a lively hope that was based on something substantial. Also with hope came a resurrection of courage. What a transformation took place in their lives after Jesus’ Resurrection. Resurrection life enabled them to get to the upper room. If they were

to keep up with the demands of life, their failing nature had to be crucified with Him. There would never have been a Resurrection had there not first been a crucifixion. The Lord is the first fruits of the Resurrection. He made a way through for every heart who wants to make it. By partaking of life, we become heirs to something over which death has no power. Death cannot keep life from getting to God; for Jesus said, “Because I live, ye shall live also.”



Randy Snow, Presidentpastorsnow@ftdenton.com

Mark Hutson, Vice-Presidentlisahutson61@gmail.com

Sheila Shelton, Secretaryshelton_0204@yahoo.com

Alumni In Action


•Matthew & Alisha (Sherer) Castleberry have a new baby boy, Cooper Dale, born De-cember 22, 2019.

•Samuel & Missy (Roney) Singleton have a new baby boy, Solomon Joel, born January 11, 2020.

•Kendrick & Emily Henegar have a new baby girl, Nora Jane, born January 23, 2020.

•Darren & Mary Anna (Singleton) Moore have a new baby boy, Kegan Wayne, born February 5, 2020.

Rev. Dathan Tucker Family OBI Instructor / Bus Driver

OBI Graduate 2010

“When The Facts Meet Faith” Mark 5:21-43

We’ve all heard the phrase—“Things are not always as they seem.” Sometimes, what we think we know, is not always what we really know. Sometimes the facts paint a particular picture. Most of us like to deal in facts, or reality. A fact is something “that is known or proven to be true.” At times, facts tell a bleak story and grieve our heart, because we recognize the finality, of what they are telling us. Such is the case here in Mark 5. As Jesus returns from delivering the demoniac in Gadera, here comes Jairus, a ruler of the synagogue. Now, we know that Jairus was here because he was desperate, for the Bible says that he came and fell at Jesus’ feet, “and besought Him greatly, saying, ‘My little daughter lieth at the point of death:’......” You can almost hear the anguish in this father’s voice. But Jesus agrees to go with

him, and so, they begin the trek to Jairus’ house, where his daughter lay dying. But as they journey, they are interrupted by a little woman with an issue of blood, who touches the bottom of Jesus’ robe. Jesus pauses and deals with this woman, probably for just a few minutes, but they were precious minutes to Jairus. They could mean the difference in life or death for his little girl. But during this interruption, Jairus experiences every parent’s worst nightmare, for the Bible tells us that there came those from Jairus’ house that said, “Thy daughter is dead: why troublest thou the Master any further?” What bitter news for this desperate father! His daughter was dead. His one hope—of getting Jesus to his daughter’s bedside in time—had been dashed into a million pieces. Now, his precious child was dead. The facts said that it was over. Some of you reading this article know that feeling all too well. Your hope has been lost. The facts say that God failed this time. But the Word of God tells us in vs. 36, that “as soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken, he saith unto [Jairus], ‘Be not afraid, only believe.’” “Lord, I brought you here to lay your hand

on her and heal her, but that didn’t happen and now she’s gone.” The facts are the facts! But what Jesus wanted Jairus to realize is that facts can be altered by faith! See, things can be done by faith, that cannot be done otherwise. Somewhere between that spot on the road and his little girl’s bedside, Jairus had embraced the possibilities of faith. Now, Jesus was here. The Bible says that after He had put the doubters out, He took the father and the mother and went in to the child’s bedside. Then the miracle took place. The Master “...took her by the hand, and said unto her, Talitha cumi; which is, being interpreted, Damsel, I say unto thee arise.” And with those words, her pale, cold cheeks blushed red with new life! Her eyelids fluttered. She opened her eyes. She was the picture of health and strength! Why? Because the facts had come in contact with faith! Friend, whatever situation you may find yourself in, or whatever you may find yourself praying and asking God for, don’t allow the facts to paralyze you! Rather, let faith rise in your heart and see what God will do!

MARRIAGE•Charolette Knox 2013 OBI Graduate and

Robert Leavelle were united in marriage on August 31, 2019.

DEATHS •Rev. James R. Link 1985 OBI graduate of

Ozark Bible Institute and College, was pro-moted to his eternal reward on January 18, 2020. He served the kingdom of God well and in many different facets of ministry. Our sympathy and condolences to Sister Link and the children and extended family.



April 24, 2020

Bible Holiness A/G

614 N. High St.

Neosho, MO

6:00 PM

IN MEMORY OFREV. JAMES R. LINKJuly 13, 1961 – January 18, 2020

The following article was written by Brother Link. It was first published in the March/April 2009 issue of the Standard Bearer. It is a good example of his Christian character and desire to win souls.

FRIDAYS PAIN SUNDAYS GAIN During the Passion week it seemed that Christ would be anything but a conqueror. When He came from His place of prayer in Gethsemane’s Garden, rude men rushed to arrest Him, and took Him to be tried before evil men. They cursed, beat and spat upon Him; pressed a crown of thorns down upon His brow, and mocked Him. The following day, they led Him to Golgotha’s hill outside the city wall where the streets were lined with people, who jeered at Him. They called Him by many evil names and threw rocks at Him. After a short time, they nailed Him to a Roman cross. He hung there that day bleeding His life away. As a bloody, lonely, desolate figure, He didn’t look at all like a conqueror. He looked like that Friday’s misfortune. After Christ died, some of His friends came and removed Him from the cross. They buried Him in a borrowed grave. Finally, after such a toilsome death, He lay at rest. But, the grave could not hold Him. On Sunday morning, while all the bells in heaven were ringing and while all the angels were looking down upon Him, He burst forth victorious over death, hell and the grave! The day would soon come that all of the world would proclaim that He is the Lord of Lords and King of Kings. Every knee will bow before Him and every tongue will confess that He is Lord to the Glory of God the Father. Now, He is no longer Friday’s pain, but Sunday’s gain to the entire world and the richest treasure that the Church will ever know. I would like for you to think for a few moments with me about the three individuals who died on Mt. Calvary that day before Christ’s resurrection. First, on that Good Friday ONE MAN DIED IN HIS SIN while looking at the Savior (Luke 23:39). This criminal hurled insults at Christ: Aren’t you the Christ? Save yourself and us! This man only understood Christ’s triumph in a worldly way. He did not understand Christ’s mission or purpose. This type of triumph could be compared to the soldier who goes to battle then returns

proclaiming victory for his nation; the athlete who plays his game and wins the contest; the politician who runs a long, expensive campaign and wins the election. These victories are nothing compared to the victory of the Lord Jesus Christ. The dying criminal only understood this as Friday’s misfortune. Secondly, the other thief was A MAN WHO DIED NOT IN HIS SIN, BUT TO HIS SIN. This thief stated, “We are being punished justly for we are getting what our deeds deserve, but this man has done nothing wrong.” Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come intoyour kingdom.” The only way a person can get right with God is to become completely honest with God about the sin in his life. Weekly, I work with inmates in the county jail; often their problems come from drugs, alcohol, lying, stealing, and such. Until they are sick and tired of these problems and willing to lay them down, they usually don’t find the help that they need. When they become willing to lay down their sin and turn to Jesus for help and salvation, they find the treasure and fortune of a changed life in Christ. John 12:24 states, “Verily, I say unto you, except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.” The third death was Christ. Christ’s death differs from the first two. HE DIDN’T DIE IN SIN NOR TO SIN, BUT FOR SIN. The Scriptures proclaim that Christ has “become the first-fruits of them that slept” (1 Corinthians 15:20). The Scripture removes all of the mysteries of death when it tells us that “to die is gain” (Philippians 1:21). A farmer knows the tiny seed he plants into the ground will die and lose its covering but it will free it from the limitations of its shell and grow into a tall stalk to be laden down with grain. When the Rapture takes place, the seed that was sown in weakness will be raised in power. Jesus is a living Savior. When Confucius, Buddha and Mohammed all died, they were buried and stayed in the grave. But when we go to the grave of Jesus, we hear again the angel’s voice, “He is not here, he is risen.” Please allow me to challenge you this Easter season to be anxious to tell the lost about Christ. Think of two or three people you know who need Christ, and try to win them to the Lord this Easter season. Don’t just talk with them about the weather, or just invite them to the Church, but really try to win them to the Lord. Share the purpose and power of the Resurrection. Let Good Friday’s Pain be turned into Sunday’s Gain of glorious salvation for a friend or neighbor you care about. God, grant unto your servants the anointing and Holy Ghost power to win souls this Easter season.

Honor To Whom Honor Is Due 8

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