OxfOrd PreservatiOn trust awards 2018 · Owner: PHBS UK n igHt Of Heritage l iii – radCliffe CaMera Owner: University of Oxford Contractors: dpa lighting consultants, ... conservation

Post on 24-Mar-2019






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OxfOrd PreservatiOn trust awards 2018


Oxford Preservation trust 2018The Oxford Preservation Trust Awards continue to go from strength to strength, celebrating good design and conservation, keeping the best of the old and encouraging the best of the new.

In this 41st year of the OPT Awards, we were thrilled to have attracted the highest number of entries to date, 44 in total, all of which were of exceptional standard and quality and made their own contribution to Oxford. After lively debate, the Panel decided to award 11 plaques and 11 certificates across the categories of Large Building Conservation, Small Building Conservation, New Buildings, Small Projects and Landscape and Public Realm (inc. Nature Conservation).

I thank our sponsors St John’s College, Carter Jonas, Critchleys and Freeths for their continued support.

rev Prof william whyteChairman of awards Panel


Oxford Preservation trust invites you to become a Corporate Member and enjoy networking opportunities at our exclusive events, bringing together leading organisations and people across business, town and universities.

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For further information, contact Stephen dawson or ros connell on 01865 242918 or email info@oxfordpreservation.org.uk

corporate memberS

Establishedin1927,wehavelinksacross all walks of the City’s life; from town to gown, working to make a positive difference to our buildings and streets, and caring for open spaces which contribute to Oxford’s green setting. Through widening public access

and participation, we add something extra to the lives of the people who work, live and visit.


dining Hall aCOustiC iMPrOveMent and internal refurBisHMent Owner: Worcester CollegePrincipal Contractor: Benfield&Loxley(Builders)Ltdspecialist decorating Contractor: Campbell Smith &CoLtd

new galleries and stairCaseOwner:StEbbe’sChurcharchitect: Quinlan Terry Architects LLPMain Contractor: Benfield &Loxley(Builders)Ltdstructural engineer: The Morton Partnership Ltd

LarGe buILdInG conServatIon

garden Quad auditOriuM refurBisHMentOwner: St John’s Collegearchitect: BGS Architects and Studio Bermanstructural engineers: Price&Myersacoustic Consultant: Sound Space Visionengineers: Maleon

CleriCi and sinClair Building refurBisHMentOwner: Oxford Brookes University architect: BGS Architectsengineers: ARUPContractors: McLaughlin&HarveyLtd(Clerici)andEGCarter&CoLtd(Sinclair)Project Manager: Turner&Townsendlandscape architect: Barry Chinn Associates Ltd (Clerici)

greenland liBraryOwner: Brasenose College

architects: Lee Fitzgerald Architectsstructural engineer:Price&Myers

M & e engineers: Hoare Lea


Magdalen COllege HallOwner: Magdalen College Contractor: Magdalen College Principal Contractor: Richard Ward Oxford Ltdlighting design: dpa lighting consultants






40 Park tOwnOwner: Mr James Brownarchitect: Anderson Orr ArchitectsBuilder: W G Carter Ltdstructural engineers: OMK Design ConsultancyHeritage Consultant: Asset Heritage Consulting LtdPlanning Consultant: JPPC


SmaLL buILdInG conServatIon

Cleaning, deCOratiOn and rePairs tO Queen elizaBetH HOuseOwner: Oxford Department of International Development Principal Contractor: BeardBuilding surveyor: Oxford UniversityEstatesServices

MaltHOuse kitCHenOwner: Hook Norton BreweryPrincipal Contractor: Midland Building Services Ltdelectrical Contractor: BuzzElectricalLtdaudio visual: Blinkhorns Audio Visual Ltd

6-8 Park tOwnOwner: Private Residencearchitect: Oxford Architects LLPMain Contractor:GDighton&Sons * Builderrailings Contractor: Oxford Railings

BOundary wall and railings, 1-3 rawlinsOn rOadOwner: Rawlinson Road Management LtdBuilders:Hawkins&Riverios Ltdrailings Contractor: Oxford Railings



40 Park Town - After





neW buILdInGS

tHe Big data instituteOwner: University of Oxfordarchitect: Make Architectsstructural engineers: Peter Brett Associates LLPenvironmental/M & e engineers: Long and PartnersProject Management: CPC Project Services LLP

4-5 Queen street (& 114-119 st aldates)Owner: Reef Group and British Airways Pension Funddeveloper: ReefEstatesarchitect: Wright&WrightArchitects

tHe Queen’s COllege - new liBraryOwner: The Queen’s Collegearchitect: MICA Architects and Rick Mather ArchitectsM & e Consultant: Atelier Tenstructural engineer: EckersleyO’Callaghan

sixtH fOrM CentreOwner: d’Overbroeck’s

M & e engineers: QODA Consulting Ltdstructural and Civil engineers: Price&Myers

landscape architects: Adams Habermehl

tHe Hands Building and BOnaverO institute Of HuMan rigHts

Owner: Mansfield Collegearchitect: MICA Architects

structural engineer:EckersleyO’CallaghanProject Manager: Bidwells

BeCkley village HallOwner: Beckley and

Stowood Parish Councilarchitect: Aldington Craig

&CollingeLLPQuantity surveyor:

Baqus Group LtdPrincipal Contractor: Kingerlee Ltd




PerrOdO PrOjeCt Owner: St Peter’s College

architect: DesignEngineArchitectsstructural engineers:EckersleyO’Callaghan

services engineer: Hoare Lealandscape architect:

Bradley-Hole Shoenaich ArchitectsQuantity surveyor:Ridge&PartnersLLP

Project Manager: Waterman Project ManagementPrincipal Contractor: EdgarTaylor

(Buckingham) Ltdlandscape Contractor:





opt aWardS 2019Have you been involved in or know of a project that has been completed in the last 3 years, is located within Oxford or its green setting and is visible from the public realm? Why not enter the OPTAwards2019andcelebrategooddesignandconservationinOxford.

EntriesopenFebruary2019andkeepaneyeonourwebsiteforupdates: www.oxfordpreservation.org.uk or email Helen on h.wilkinson@oxfordpreservation.org.uk for more information.

SmaLL proJectS LandScape & pubLIc reaLm

eQual aCCess liftOwner: Keble Collegearchitect: Original Field of Architecturejoinery: Broadleaf Joinery (Oxford) Ltdlift Consultant: Vertica Consulting Ltdstructural engineers: Price&Myers


MattHews Building rOOf rePlaCeMent

Owner: St Peter’s Collegearchitect: Gray Baynes + Shew LLPPrincipal Contractor: EdgarTaylor

(Buckingham) Ltdzinc roofing sub Contractor:


sOutH OxfOrd COMMunity Centre

Owner: South Oxford Community Association

Principal Contractor: Fergal Contracting Co Ltd

BrOad street/ Parks rOad/

HOlywell street/Catte

street junCtiOn iMPrOveMent

Owner:Oxfordshire County Council

designer:Oxfordshire County Council/

University of Oxford/ Oxford City Council

Contractor:Oxford Direct Services


(inc. nature Conservation)

sMall Building COnservatiOn 28 nOrHaM rOadOwner: Mr and Mrs Koria architect Riach Architects LtdContractors: RMD Builders Ltd, O G Stonemasonary Contractors Ltd

tHe Castle Owner: Hook Norton Brewery Contractor: Concord Design

fOlly Bridge restOratiOn Owner: Oxfordshire County CouncilContractors: Greenford Ltd, Oxfordshire County Council, Oxford City Council, Skanska

Bridge end COttageOwner: Mr Christopher Gibbsarchitect: Johnston Cave AssociatesContractors: PJD Construction (Oxford) Ltd, Lloyd Woodworking Ltd

tHe rOyal BlenHeiMOwner: Titanic Brewery Co Ltdarchitect: JDA Ltd

new Building st MiCHael’s tHresHOldOwner: St Michael and All Angels Churcharchitect: Adrian James ArchitectsContractors: EdgarTaylor(Buckingham)Ltd

alfred street COMPaCt aPartMent and rOOftOP extensiOnOwner: Lincoln Collegearchitect: ADPContractors: Feltham Construction Ltd, Bidwells

riCHard reCOrd sixtH fOrM CentreOwner: Magdalen College Schoolarchitect: Tim Ronalds ArchitectsContractors: Feltham Construction Ltd

landsCaPe and PuBliC realM (inc. nature Conservation)addisOn’s walkOwner: Magdalen CollegePrincipal Contractor: Amenity Water Management LtdContractors: Riparian Revetments, Magdalen College

tHe gardener’s faCilities Owner: St John’s Collegearchitect:Jessop&CookArchitectsContractors: Richard Ward Oxford Ltd

wild OxfOrd at raleigH ParkOwner: Oxford City CouncilContractors: Friends of Raleigh Park, BBOWT

tHe relOCatiOn Of tHe gingkO gates in Parks rOadOwner: University of OxfordContractors: Beard, Oxford Archaeology, OxfordUniversityEstateServices

tHruPP lake BiOdiversity PrOjeCtOwner:RWEGenerationLtdContractors: EarthTrust

lye valley fen restOratiOnOwner: Oxfordshire County CouncilContractors: Friends of Lye Valley

Peking university HsBC uk CaMPus fOxCOMBe Hall walk PatHOwner: PHBS UK

nigHt Of Heritage ligHt iii – radCliffe CaMeraOwner: University of OxfordContractors: dpa lighting consultants, UniversityofOxfordEstateServices,MonardElectrical


LetterS oF commendatIon

aWardS paneL 2018AhugethankyoutotheexpertOPTAwardsPanel2018,whoenjoyedvisiting every project submitted and engaged an interesting and lively debate at the annual OPT Awards Panel meeting over the summer.

Rev Prof William Whyte, (Chairman) Vice President of St John’s College, Architectural Historian and OPT Trustee

Dr Geoffrey Tyack, Architectural Historian and OPT Trustee

Mrs Liz Woolley, Local Historian and Author

Dr Tim Brindley, Architect and Modern Architecture Author

Mr John Stevenson, Architect and Oxford Brookes University Lecturer

Mrs Carole Souter, Master of St Cross College and OPT Trustee

Miss Alice Purkiss, TORCH, Knowledge Transfer Associate

Mrs Debbie Dance, Director of OPT

Visit www.oxfordpreservation.org.uk for more information.

Thank you to all the OPT members, individuals and corporates, who support our work to preserve and enhance Oxford and its surroundings. We are especially

grateful to all our volunteers who give their time in so many ways.

OPT encourages corporate social responsibility through work parties on our land, engagement through Oxford Open Doors and through a shared interest in green issues.

OPT thanks Oxford University and those Colleges who support our heritage and conservation work, pre-planning advice and Oxford Open Doors.


CARTER JONAS ARE PROUD SPONSORS OF THE OXFORD PRESERVATION TRUST AWARDSThe foundations of Carter Jonas are built around positive and long lasting relationships. Our experts have been local to the area for many years with exceptional market knowledge.

We are delighted to be supporting the Oxford Preservation Trust Awards 2018.


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