Outreach Ministry For Jesus Christ

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Volume Three ~ June Issue 2014 LaShunda Nickles, Youth Pastor/Founder


Outreach Ministry For Jesus Christ LaShunda Nickles, Youth Pastor/Founder


In Your LifeToday!

Love OthersAs I LoveMyself?

Count Your Blessings!www.outreachministryforchrist.org


I dedicate this entire magazine to Jesus Christ.

I owe my entire life to Jesus. Without Him I wouldnot be here today.

Without God, I would not know what real Love is.

God has given me His Spirit, His peace, His joy,His blessings, and so much more!

I love Jesus Christ with my whole heart. He ismy everything and I will forever give Him

all the Glory for my life!

I am forever grateful to God~

A SPECIAL LOVEWritten By: LaShunda Nickles











Love Others As I Love Myself?

Jesus said for us to love one another as we love ourselves.

My question is, would you talk about yourself behind your back?

Would you stab yourself in the back? Would you cheat on yourself?

Would you be disrespectful to yourself? Would you abuse yourself?

I don't believe we would do any of these things to ourselves, so why do them to other people?

When we truly love someone, we love them as much as we love ourselves.

Starting today, show others true love, by loving them as much as you love yourself.

Be Blessed!

Are You Up For This Challenge?

I'm wondering who is willing to take this challenge for an entire week.

Challenge~ For an entire week you are not allowed to think any negative thoughts.

You must smile at least twice a day.

You are not allowed to complain at all.

You must list everything you're thankful for and focus on those things.

You must encourage at least one person per day.

You must do something to help someone each day.

Give God at least 5 minutes of your time each day.

You must also enjoy your life each day by focusing on the positive things in your life and letting go of the negative things.

Finally, practice forgiving others each day.

A Special Prayer For Missing Children And Teens

There have been reports of many children/teens missing and I just wanted to share a prayer for them all.

Dear Lord,

We ask that you keep all children/teens safe and sound.

We pray that no harm come to them before they are found.

They are lost from their families but we know that You Lord can bring them back together.

We pray that you keep each family member in the comfort of your arms.

I pray your protection for each and everyone of them.

Keep them all in your presence Lord.

Place your loving arms around them and guide them safely back home.

In Jesus name, we pray. Amen~

Humble Is The Way <3

A Parable Jesus Used: Luke 18:9-14 - There were some people who thought they were very good and looked down on everyone else. Jesus used this story to teach them: “One time there was a Pharisee and a tax collector. One day they both went to the Temple to pray. The Pharisee stood alone, away from the

tax collector. When the Pharisee prayed, he said, ‘O God, I thank you that I am not as bad as other people. I am not like men who steal, cheat, or commit adultery. I thank you that I am better than this tax collector. I fast twice a week, and I give a tenth of everything I get!’ “The tax collector stood alone too. But when he prayed, he would not even look up to heaven. He felt very humble before God. He

said, ‘O God, have mercy on me. I am a sinner!’ I tell you, when this man finished his prayer and went home, he was right with God. But the Pharisee, who felt that he was better than others, was not right

with God. People who make themselves important will be made humble. But those who make themselves humble will be made important.”

Jesus came to save a hurting world.

Our place is to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ and pray for healing.

It takes God to change our hearts and do the actual healing.

If we get in a place believing that we are better than others because


we are not in the right standing with GOD.


We all have sinned and there is no measuring stick for each sin.

Sin is sin! Wrong is wrong!

So if God was patient with us, why can't we be patient with each others

and allow God to work in each person's life in HIS timing.

We must stay HUMBLE.

Always pray the WILL OF GOD in someone's life, rather than

what we think should happen.

Walk in LOVE and not in judgment~


When I got up this morning and went to my closet to figure out what I was going to wear today, I stopped for a moment and realize how blessed I am.

Some people do not have the option to choose clothing or even have a roof over their heads.

So why should I go through life complaining and having an ungrateful attitude?

Why walk around with a face expression looking like I've been sucking on lemons all day.?

I choose to accept the gifts of Joy and Peace from God.

I began to think about the question someone

asked me yesterday, “why do I smile so much?”.

My answer, “I smile simply because I have God in my life and He is always with me.”

Remember that someone is going through something worst than you.

Appreciate and be grateful to God for what you have.

Count your blessings

Have A Blessed Day!

God Changed My Life!!!My Testimony (The Change Jesus Has Done For Me)

By: LaShunda Nickles

I began to kneel down on my knees and pray to Jesus. I asked God to help me and to Fill me with his Holy Spirit. I began to confess my sins to God and I cried out to him. I asked God to forgive

me for all my sins. After I finished praying, I laid down to sleep.

While I was sleeping, I felt something all on the inside of my body. It felt like I was shouting in my sleep. The feeling was such a good feeling,

I can't really explain it. I woke up out of my sleep and walked to the bathroom and began to cry out God. I only wanted Jesus and I

cried out to him. I later went back to bed and slept.

My sleep was so peaceful and sweet. When I woke up the next morning, I was energized, happy and content. My life was completely changed. I stopped eating meat, I eat plenty of vegetables, I drink plenty of water, I read my bible daily,

I pray daily, I am always smiling,

I feel energized and contented, I am at peace with myself and with the world, I exercise five days a week, I have a heart to help others and

most important, I am getting closer and closer to Jesus each and everyday.

God has changed my life completely around and I Thank God for doing it. I call this change God performed in my life a Miracle. God has healed my body, soul, mind and heart. God blesses me each and everyday. He leads and guide my every move. God already had this Miracle for me, he was just waiting for me to reach and grab it. I Truly Thank God For His Mercy and Grace. I vow to forever

praise God, to continue to put my trust in God, to live according to God's Word, to repent daily, to be humble and have the Love of God in me always.

Never SayWritten By: LaShunda Nickles

Never Say I'm No Good

Never Say I Can't Do.

Your Words Mean Nothing

I Will Make A Liar Out Of You.

Never Say I'm Not Good Enough

Never Say I'm A Waste Of Time.

The Love In My Heart Is A Fighter

I Will Continue To Further Climb.

Never Say Harsh Words To Me

Never Say I Won't Amount To Anything.

For I Am A Treasure Of Life

My Hopes And Dreams Will Ring.

They Will Ring With Victory

They Will Ring With Love.

Never Say You Don't Love Me

For There's A Greater Love Above.

THINK ABOUT IT~You say you feel I am hiding behind a mask.

What you don't realized is that for years I've been hiding.

Hiding who I'm really am just to fit in with this world.

Hiding behind my anger and emotions.

Hiding behind that brick wall I built in my heart to stop people from getting in.

Hiding from who God made me just to make people happy and to have their approval, because for some reason they feel they know what's best for my life.

Hiding to become something I'm not just so people can shut up with their opinions and attitudes.

You see all my life I've been hiding but now that God has come into my life.

I can finally come from behind the masks, the emotions, the walls, etc and be the person God made me to be.

So what you need to understand is, I don't care what you think, what you say or how you feel I should "act".

I mean I still love you whether you love me back or not.

Nothing will change that.

I am finally being ME and there is a whole lot more of the True ME to come.

Make A Change In Your Life

If you do not like how your personal life has turned out,

do something to change it. Instead of becoming envious

of someone's life, make plans to change your own life for

the better. It is never to late to make positive changes

in your life. The best way to have a peaceful life is to

be happy for other people and stop holding

grudges and jealousy towards others.

Make the decision to live a

prosperous life today!

Where are all the Soldiers and Warriors For Christ?!!!

God has given us His Power and His Strength!

We can do all things through Christ who strengthen us!

All things are possible with God!!! God has not given us the spirit of fear!

We already have the Victory!

So I ask again, where are all the Soldiers and Warriors for Christ?

Know who you are in God and walk into your Destiny!

Be Blessed!!! ~LaShunda N.

1 Corinthians 13:1-8

1 If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.

2 If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains,

but do not have love, I am nothing.

3 If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have

love, I gain nothing.

4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.

5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps

no record of wrongs.

6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.

7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

8 Love never fails

Free School SuppliesGiveaway

Outreach Ministry For Jesus Christ

Will Be Giving Away Free School Supplies

In The Month Of July 2014.

For More Information,

Email Us AtLaShunda@outreachministryforchrist.org

Outreach Ministry For Jesus Christ


This Outreach Ministry is Non-Denominational and we are focused on reaching out and helping others, encouraging and motivating others to reach their full potential for God by walking into their

Divine destiny, and teaching and ministering the Word of God.

We are focusing on building up communities by bringing hope and a positive outlook to life through the Word of God.

We are classified as a non-profit organization through the office of the Secretary State Of Texas. We have obtained an EIN number through IRS and we are tax exempt through the State of Texas.

We supply free school supplies every year for children. We provide non-perish foods and clothing to women, men and children who are in need. We provide fundamental activities to keep our youth off

the street.

We also minister the Word of God to those who will hear. We are dedicated to cleaning up communities to reach it's full potential in life.

We have several events and outreach programs throughout the year.

Stay updated by checking out our online calendar at


Our Mission

We are focused on helping those who are in need.

We live in a world where poverty, hunger, abuse, emotional needs and the lack of spirituality exist.

We are here with the grace of God to send healing to those who will receive it.

We are determined to teach our children, teens and young adults on how to recognize their God-given gifts and to encourage them to use their gifts for God.

We also teach the importance of developing a personal relationship with God and to trust Him completely in our daily lives.

We believe in Jesus Christ. We believe that there is only one God.

We believe that God called us to help others who are in need.

LaShunda Nickles, Founder & Youth Pastor

All materials written in this magazine is rightfully owned bySelf-publisher, LaShunda Nickles unless otherwise noted.

Email: LaShunda@outreachministryforchrist.org

Copyright © 2014 by LaShunda NicklesAll rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without


Volume Three: [June[2014]Printed in the United States of America


www.outreachministryforchrist.org www.lashundanickles.org






Outreach Ministry For Jesus ChristLaShunda Nickles, Youth Pastor/FounderP.O. BOX 111265, Houston TX 77293


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