OUR LADY OF MERCY · 9/27/2020  · Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for Us THE CELEBRATION OF THE SACRAMENTS Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday: 3:15-4:15 PM in Lower Church Sacristy. Anytime

Post on 04-Oct-2020






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Saturday 8:00 AM & 4:30 PM

Sunday 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM,

12:00 NOON & 5:30 PM

Urdu Mass 4:00 PM, 2nd Sunday of Each Month

Family Mass 10:30 AM

Weekday Masses: Monday-Friday 7:00 & 9:00 AM / Rosary after 9:00 AM Mass

Holydays 5:00 PM the evening before /

(Except New Year’s Eve/Day) 7:00 & 9:00 AM, 12 NOON & 7:30 PM

First Friday Eucharistic Adoration 9:30 AM-12 PM & 8:00 PM-10:00 PM

Miraculous Medal Novena Mondays after the 9:00 AM Mass


Monday-Friday 9:00 AM—5:00 PM

Monday & Wednesday 7:00—9:00 PM

Tuesday, Thursday & Friday NO EVENING HOURS

Saturday 8:30 AM—3:00 PM / Sunday 9:30 AM—1:30 PM

Rectory Religious Education Parish Services EMERGENCY ONLY

931-4351 681-1228 931-1306 782-1557

Fax 433-8702 681-1527




Reverend John D. McCarthy

Associate Pastors

Reverend Joseph J. Nixon

Reverend Nasir Gulfam


Deacon Ralph Colon

Director of Liturgy & Music

Mr. Paul Eschenauer

Director of Religious Education

Sister Mary Jane Kelly, OP

Director of Youth Ministry

Mr. Philip Lauto

Director of Parish Services

Mrs. Genevieve Feliciano

Business Manager

Mr. Carmine Serravalli


Rectory Secretary Mrs. Andrea T. Attivissimo-Karassik

Religious Education Secretary

Mrs. Cathy Basso

September 27, 2020 Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Page 1 OLM Weekly September 27, 2020

We Come Together as a Community of Faith to Celebrate with Praise and Joy!

Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for Us


Sacrament of ReconciliationSaturday: 3:15-4:15 PM in Lower Church Sacristy.Anytime by appointment, please call the Rectory.

On Becoming a Catholic or Completing SacramentsR.C.I.A. is a dynamic process of formation for those interested in becoming Catholic, as well as those who never received the Sacraments of Communion and/or Confirmation. Please leave your name and number at the Rectory Office. 516-931-4351.

Parish MembershipAll new families and individuals are most welcome to ourparish. We request that you register in the Rectory Officewhen you move into our community so that we can be ofservice to you. Our parish family invites all of its membersto participate fully in our spiritual and social life. Thepriests and ministers are here to serve your needs, to shareyour joy, and to help lighten your burdens.

Sacrament of BaptismCelebration of Baptism is conducted communally on thesecond Sunday of each month at 1:30 PM. All arrangements for Baptism must be made at the Rectory Office.

Sacrament of MatrimonyThe Sacrament is celebrated on Fridays: Time to be arranged. Saturdays: l2:00 Noon and 2:00 PM. Sundays: to be arranged. Arrangements must be made by a personal appointment with one of the priests or deacon.Couples should make an appointment at least six monthsto a year in advance of the Wedding date. Nuptial Masses,as well as ceremonies, are available on Friday and Saturday. Ceremonies are encouraged on Sunday.

Marriage Preparation Program at OLMAll engaged couples who plan to get married in the Catholic Church are required to complete a Pre Cana Program. Our program is offered twice a year. The Fall program meets once a week for 4 weeks: and the Spring program runs for an entire weekend. FOCCUS, a Communication study, is administered twice a year and is required for all couples.

Pre Cana and FOCCUS Dates for 2020 Please see page 5 of the Bulletin for dates, places and times. For information please contact Belenna Lauto at belennaml@gmail.com

Sacrament of Anointing the SickThe Sacrament for people experiencing an illness as wellas the elderly can be arranged by contacting one of thepriests or at any time in an emergency. The Sacrament isalso celebrated communally during the year, and on the2nd Saturday each month after the 8:00 AM Mass.

Ministry to the Sick and HomeboundParish priests and Extraordinary Ministers of HolyCommunion (EMHC) regularly visit those who are ill orhomebound. Please call the Rectory Office toarrange for home visitation, 516-931-4351.

Parish Finance CommitteeJohn Beaudette (Chairperson)

Daniel Pisani (Trustee)Joseph Vacca (Trustee)

Carmine Serravalli (Business Manager)Lorraine & Fred Anderson

Timothy SneeSerena Perrotta

Maintenance Staff Kevin McAvoy

SacristanJen Chapman

Rectory CookMichelina Gambale

Convent CookSusan Bennett

The parish of Our Lady of Mercy welcomes you, family, friends and guests as we celebrate the Liturgy each week. Please invite a family member or friend to participate

with us next week in prayer.

E-mail submissions to aattivissimo@olmrcc.com 10 days prior to the bulletin date,

and it will be reviewed for inclusion as space allows. Please note the deadline is earlier for all holidays.

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Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for Us

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The Sanctuary Lamp is constantly burning in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament.

There is an opportunity to remember a loved one any week during the year in either the

Upper or Lower Church for $15.00.

Bread and Wine Offering is $50.00.

In Loving Memory: Rest In Peace - Barbara Meeker, Steven Ross, John M. Wasilewicz, Robert Cimino, Josephine A. Kosmy, John Charles Moehringer, Ronnie Hendrickson, Nicholas Accatino, Thomas Sullivan, Chris Henley, Richard Calgie, Mary Anderson, Donald Schampier, Neil Kilkenny, Loretta Brown, Andrew Dauscher, Alice Marie Sarrantonio, Ann Benedetto, John N. Lombardi, Josephine M. Holmes, Elaine Higgins, Silverio Perrotta, Louis Gallina, Melissa Munkert, Edith Vitale, Rosalie Branca, Elvira Beltrani, Vincent Hunt, Gail Lugo, Camille Neu, Helena Joyce, Loretta Romolo, James Withowski, Sr. Kathleen Hennesey, Barbara DiGregorio, John Geier, Rose McKenna, Terry Catalano, Roe Catalano, Bruce Garcia, Robert Cotromano, Anne Schiavone, Mary Rose Cardella, Nivio Francesco Mesa, Arlene Heller, Stanley Wagner, Vicki Cataldo, Lorraine Angre, the unborn, the victims of natural disasters and of the coronavirus throughout our country and the world.

Prayer Intentions: Transform the hearts in all God's children.

Short Term Illness: Emily D'Orio, John Azua, Mike Kenney, Nancy Russo, Joe DiGregorio, Infant Serafina Rose Maniscalco, Iris Spector, Jack Welsch, Bob Himmel, Michael Forman, Antonietta Gelsomino.

Long Term Illness: Please pray for our war veterans, all our sick, their caretakers, especially, Sr. Mary Jane Kelly, Sr. Mary Albert, Antonino Scaduto, Clara Nicoletti, Helene Chrobet, Michele Wesch, Ann Negrio, Kathleen Donato, Robert Eaton, Barbara Stalter, Bill Stalter, Laura Wood,Diane Lombardi, Richard Loscalzo, Christopher Andersen, Joe Vacca, Marie Neimer, Maria McCrann, Susan Bennett, Rosemary Quercia, Laura Leone, Rosemary Caccavale, Tom Ligori, Mary Calvanese, Brian Cross, Stephen Lawlor, Craig Szeliga, Joseph Cotter, Helen Zaleski, Susan Fleming, Paula Crovat, Frank White, Humberto R. Azua, Peter Bullock, Deanna Flanagan, Madelyn Anne Werneburg, Hiram Colon,Anneliese D. Brucato-Azua, Stephanie Zuckerman, Frances Mulholland, Jeanne Maier, William Fergusan, Bob Warrington, Catherine Sarlo, Joseph Lizardi, Robert Ehrlich,Kerry McCoy, Jared McNamee, and all homebound and in rehabilitation / nursing homes.

Names of the sick will remain on the Short Term Prayer List for 3 weeks. Kindly notify the Parish Office if prayers are still

requested after 3 weeks.

Sunday, September 27 Ez 18:25-28 / Phil 2:1-11 or 2:1-5 / Mt 21:28-32

7:30 AM t Thomas Dunleavy9:00 AM t Robert Kentner

10:30 AM t Ruth Marie Loesch12:00 PM t Jean Ann Dawson

5:30 PM t Chester E. Botenschatz

Monday, September 28Jb 1:6-22 / Lk 9:46-50

7:00 AM t Eileen Mullian Lawlor9:00 AM t Wenceslao Collazo

Tuesday, September 29Dn 7:9-10, 13-14 or Rv 12:7-12a Jn 1:47-51

7:00 AM t Dr. Remy Bernardo9:00 AM t Catherine Joanne Mock

Wednesday, September 30Jb 9:1-12, 14-16 / Lk 9:57-62

7:00 AM t Nicholas Accatino9:00 AM t Salvatore Sabatino

Thursday, October 1EJb 19:21-27 / Lk 10:1-12

7:00 AM t Lorraine H. Bruno9:00 AM t Pasquale DiScala

Friday, October 2Jb 38:1, 12-21, 40:3-5

7:00 AM t Michael Clark9:00 AM t Michael Faderl

Saturday, October 3Jb 42:1-3, 5-6,12-17 / Lk 10:17-24

8:00 AM t Ruth Loescht Steven Ross




MASSES FOR THE WEEKWelcome to all our parishioners and visitors as we

come together as a faith community to the Table of the Lord each week.

Please extend to others this invitation neXt week!

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Dear Parishioners, Next weekend we celebrate Respect Life Sunday and we are reminded that assaults on human dignity come from many sources and in many forms. This month our Diocesan Respect Life Office asks us to re-commit ourselves to the vital work of building up respect and reverence for each and every human person…from conception to natural death. October is the month of the Rosary. All parishioners are invited to pray the Rosary often…and perhaps to offer an “extra one” for the intention of respecting life in all its stages. Don’t forget that Oct 7th is the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. On the weekend of October 18th, we mark Mission Sunday. As one who is baptized, we all are responsible for spreading the Word and goodness of God…to our family, neighbors and around the world. Whether we stay at home, or are called to go to foreign countries, all who are disciples of Jesus are commissioned to “go out and teach and live” the Good News of God’s Kingdom. One “easy” thing to do: invite someone to come back to Mass this weekend.

October Saints: Oct 1 St Therese (Little Flower), Oct 2 Holy Guardian Angles, Oct 4 St. Francis of Assisi, Oct 7 Our Lady of the Rosary, Oct 15 St. Teresa of Jesus (of Avila), Oct 17 St. Ignatius of Antioch, Oct 18 St. Luke, Oct 19 North American Martyrs, Oct 22 St. John Paul II, Oct 28 SS Simon and Jude. All Souls Day (November 2nd) is quickly approaching. Extra envelopes are found in the Church. To remember you family members and friends simply fill in their names and return the envelope in the collection basket or to the Rectory. All names written will be remembered in our Novena of Masses (Nov 2-10). Fr. Joe


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Every dollar received goes toward help for those in need, there are no administrative expenses, all members of the

conference are volunteers. Currently, poor box contributions are used to support our efforts. Please

consider a gift to our conference so that we may continue to provide support to those in need.

Make checks payable to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul and mail them to the Rectory or deposit them in separate envelopes in the

collection baskets at Mass.

If you, or someone you know, needs assistanceplease contact us at

(516) 931-4351, X 326.All contact with St. Vincent de Paul is held in

strict confidence. Thank you.

Our Lady of Mercy Conference of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul’s

sole purpose is to help the poor of our community.

St. Vincent de Paul Clothing Bins are open and ready to accept your

clothing. Thank you

Parish Outreach Service • Serving with Mercy

PARISH SERVICES 931-1306 Genny Feliciano- outreach@olmrcc.com

Office Hours: Monday-Thursday By Appointment Pantry Hours:

Tues. & Thur. 1:30-3:30 PM • Wed. & Fri. 9:30-11:30 AM Last Sat. of Month 9:30-11:30 AM - Call to Confirm Date

September 27—Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time: The Gospel today is a great example of saying, “actions speak louder than words.”

As you put your gift in the Society of St. Vincent de Paul’s poor box, know that you are putting your faith into action.

PANTRY NEEDS: Cereal, Macaroni & Cheese, Jelly, String Beans, Shampoo/conditioner, Toothpaste & Soap. Thank you!

"Whatever you do to the least of my brothers or sisters you do to me". Matthew 25:40

Help for those in need from our food pantry and outreach office is available free of charge to people of all faiths living within the

geographic boundaries of our parish and to registered parishioners living within and outside our boundaries. All services are confidential.

Our services are funded by donations made to Parish Services.

We are so grateful to our parishioners and volunteers who have helped us through these difficult times.

Thank you for your generous donations of School Supplies and gift cards.

Because of you, forty school children and their parents were grateful to receive supplies and

Target gift cards.

There’s still time to be counted! We know that especially now, we can’t afford to lose out on a single dollar of federal funding or our region, and we can’t

afford to have our political voices diminished.

Go to my2020census.gov to complete the census on line or call

844-330-2020 to complete it by phone!

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May God bless ALL married couples to live their lives in unconditional love

for one another with COMPASSION, TENDERNESS



By Baptism we become members of the Church,

the Body of Christ.


PRE CANAFall 2020 Pre Cana Program starts with the

FOCCUS questionnaire on October 4th.

There will be 3 additional Friday evening sessions in the Lower Church and a celebratory

Sunday Mass as the final session. Please review the dates below.

Fall 2020 5-Week session: (Includes FOCCUS on October 4th)

Foccus: Sunday October 4 at 6:30 p.m. Friday Sessions:, take place on October 9, 16, 23 from 7-9:30 p.m. and final Mass

on October 25, (Noon Mass).(The Mass is tentative due to Covid 19 issues.)

These sessions will also take place in the Lower Church, so as to be able to be socially distant, due to

Covid19 precautions.

Material fee/donation: $75Contact via e-mail to: belennaml@gmail.com

First Holy Communion 2020

Please keep our children and their families in your prayers as they receive Jesus for the first time.

September 20, 2020 Christian Joseph Milcetic,

Child of Mr. & Mrs. R. Milcetic

Kaitlyn AielloVictoria AlvarezAlexander BravoGianna BravoJayden Bravo Alexa BrigandiChristian BrombergEmma CalderonEmma CaliseEmma CazzolaBrayden ChiarellaCharlotte CiccottoSylvia Colon

Scarlett KotapkaAngelina Kucica Noah LozanoRyan LunaElla LynnHunter LyonsLandon McKeonJuliana MilicJacob MooreMatthew OstrowskiMadeline PasculloMcKenzie RaabNathan Rodriguez

Sebastian DeLucaMichael DiMarcoCarlos DuranSarah FableNoah FinkleOlivia FlorczykGianluca ForninoPresley FoucheEvelyn GreinerAnnika GutierrezJamie HigginsSydney HsuLiam Johnson

Caiden Rugen-MarturanoOlivia SalamoneValentina SanchezSophia SawickiSylvanna ScavettaNolan SmallOlivia TangAnthony TestaverdeMichael TrimarcoKelsey VargasOlivia VegaJack VollmerHailey Wright

September 26, 2020

September 27, 2020

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CATHOLIC HS OPEN HOUSEThe Diocese of Rockville Centre is blessed and privileged to be able to care for its senior priests, men who have dedicated their lives to serving God and Community. Often devoting more than 60 years to ensuring that Christ could be present daily in all of our lives, our priests have witnessed and celebrated with us life's great joys and its inevitable sorrows. They have been Christ's presence during our weddings, and our children's Baptisms and Confirmations. They have held our hands and prayed with us during our greatest challenges. They have helped us to see God in these moments and have always shared His love with us. ST. PIUS X ENRICHED L

ST. PIUS X ENRICHED LIVING A very special message to all of our families who have

students in grades 7 or 8: This is the time of year when your eyes should begin to look ahead and consider the choice of which High School your son or daughter will at-tend. This is a most important decision for every family. We would urge every family to consider a Catholic High School among your choices. Within the Diocese we have some very fine Catholic High Schools that are academically sound and provide a safe, value filled environment in which students can learn and grow as they prepare for college and life after high school. The best way to discover the school that is right for your student is to go to an OPEN HOUSE. Over the next few weeks, each of the high schools will host one. I would encourage all families with 7th & 8th grade students to go and visit. Ask questions and begin to determine the best educational environment for your student. Ask about extra-curricular opportunities like sports, theatre and clubs. Ask about class sizes, levels of learning and safety. (It would also be great to bring the same questions to your local public high school.)

Entrance into our Catholic High Schools is through an exam given in late October. For further information, please speak,

either to our OLM School, our Religious Education office, or to our Rectory.

CHSEE (Catholic High School Entrance Exam)this year is NOVEMBER 7, 2020

The response to last week's Second Collection for our retired priests at St. Pius X Enriched Living Facility was outstanding. Thank you to all who have been supportive of this endeavor. If you have not yet considered a gift to this effort, please consider making a donation today! Brochures describing this appeal are on hand and your gift may be mailed by by using one of the postage-paid envelopes also available in our church today. Through your generosity, we can care for our elderly priests in the manner best suited to their needs. On behalf of all priests serving our Diocese, along with all current and future residents of St. Pius X in Amityville, I thank you for your concern and generosity.

Fr. John D. McCarthy

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The Jesus PrayerLord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner.

Breathe in with the first half and breathe out with the second part; it will help center yourself.

Then open the Bible and read...


As we live daily enjoying the freedom of thiscountry, many loved ones are giving themselveswith unselfish love in places of perilous action.Lord, hold in your loving hands our troops andall those who try to respond to the needs of theless fortunate throughout the world. Bless them

and their families for the unselfish acts they perform as they attempt to alleviate many globalconcerns. We ask this in the name of Jesus, our

Lord and Savior. AMEN.

(Follow with Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be)





"And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him”

Hebrews 11:6

“For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also” (James 2:26).

Stand Up For Life: On Respect Life Sunday, October 4, 2020

Have you ever thought about going to the March for Life in Washington DC in January?

Did you know about the largest Pro-Life event right here on Long Island for the past 22 years ?Join in, attend this rally. In only an hour of

your time you can help save a Life, the greatest gift.

Stand Up For Life - on Sunday, October 4, 2020 - 2:00 to 3:30 PM (rain or shine).

Please join us in Huntington at Routes 110 & 25 ( near the Whitman Mall ) or in Manorville LIE

exit 70S on County Road 111.

This rally is part of a nationwide family friendly event, held at more than 1,550 cities across the USA & Canada.

-We Stand about 10 feet apart - Using Only Approved Signs - On the public sidewalk.

These allowable signs are available at the site, you don't have to bring anything.

Come as you are, bring a friend or the whole family.You can come for part of the time or the full

90 minutes. Know by your presence that you help save a life.

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Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for Us

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2020 CATHOLIC MINISTRIES APPEAL GOAL AMOUNT........$107,500.00PLEDGES......................$51,308.00PAYMENTS...................$47,326.00 DONORS..................................299

We are 54.61% away from our goal!When we reach our goal Our Lady of Mercy

will receive $22K!

Evangelization is our mission in the Church. It is the mission Jesus gave us when He said, “Go and make disciples of every nation…” (Matt. 28:19).

If we have been baptized into the Body of Christ, and given the Holy Spirit to share in Christ’s mission, we must do what He did: seek out the lost, gather people together, and share the good news of salvation. At the end of Mass, we are sent forth like the Apostles: “Go, and proclaim the Gospel with your life.”

The spiritual and corporal works of mercy also embody this call. The Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA) is an opportunity to support the ministries that help us as we build up the Body of Christ.

Online offerings are easy as a click of the mouse. Online offerings save you time and the parish money on envelopes and postage. You control the amout you want to give, when and how often. Even if you go on vacation you will not have to worry about stopping envelopes or forgetting you offer-ings. Please consider online offerings and skip the check and arrange for autopay at OurLadyofMercy.WeShareOnline.org

Did you know...


Holy Name Society

Knights of Columbus


Running until mid October.The Angels of Mercy are collecting

Baby Diapers and Wipes. Large size diapers are especially needed. Monetary donations are glady accepted.

Boxes are located at all doors of the Church.We thank you for your generousity!

God bless.


FIRST HOLY COMMUNIONSeptember 27, 2020 at 2:00 PM

CONFIRMATION October 10, 2020 at 11:00 AM and 1:30 PM

PRE CANA MASS October 25, 2020 at 12 Noon

God Bless All!

Religious Education Classes Begin October 3 & 7.

We are seeking 3 volunteers who have medical experience as a nurse/nurse aide, EMT or anyone with

basic first aide experience to take teacher temperatures as they enter the building each

Saturday and Wednesday during the school year.

Times are Saturdays 9-9:30 & 10:30-11:00 AM. Wednesdays 6:30-7:00 PM.

If you can offer your services please contact Cathy or Sr. Mary Jane at the Religious Ed. Office at 681-1228.

We would be very grateful.

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Televised Mass Information The Catholic Faith Network (CFN) will provide televised and online daily Masses, including Holy

Week and Easter Liturgies, as well as other devotional and spiritual programs. (Optimum

channel 29/137, Verizon FiOS TV channel 296, and Spectrum channel 162/471.) CFN is also available

on selected cable and satellite systems and through 24/7 live stream at CFNtv.org. You can also

watch CFN on Roku, Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV, Android, or by downloading the CFN iOS mobile app at the app store by searching “Catholic Faith

Network” or “CFN”.


An Act of Spiritual Communion

My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.

I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul.

Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally,

come at least spiritually into my heart.I embrace You as if You were already there and unite

myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You.








Weekend of September 20, 2020Our Collection was allocated to the following:

Regular Offertory: $11,744.00Mercy’s Future: $220.00

Catholic University: $66.00Retired Priest: $2,131.00

Online: $1,983.00Doors of the Church: $5,706.00

Mail: $4,624.00

Total Collection: 14,161.00

Thank you all for your continued support!



the Gospel of


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Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for Us

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FORMED GIVES YOU:• An unprecedented partnership of over 15 apostolates, including the Augustine Institute and Ignatius Press• An immense selection of captivating movies for the whole family• A vast library of hundreds of eBooks and Lighthouse Talks to enliven your faith• Dozens of video-based study programs for small groups

An Online Digital Platform With Over 5000 Pieces Of Amazing Catholic Content

Including Movies, Videos, E-Books, & More For Both Adults, Teens, & Children!

To Register: • Go To FORMED.org

• Click "Register" • Enter Your Name, Email, & Desired Password

You're All Set! Need Help Registering? Or Finding Content?

Contact: Peggy Clores 516-317-1740 / imcon630@aol.com or

Andrea Attivissimo-Karassik 516-708-3429 / aattivissimo@olmrcc.com


"I highly recommend watching The Search. It is inspirational. It is for everyone who has a heartbeat. We all need a little self introspection." -Andrea A.





HAS BEEN CANCELLED. Fr. John has re-assessed the present situation and is opting to

proceed with more caution. We will keep you posted on possible start up in the New Year or when it is deemed safe.


* Adult Education Info-Email notifications to assist in growing in your Faith.

*Independent sessions for those considering becoming Catholic as well as for those Catholics who have never received the Sacraments of Holy Eucharist and/or Confirmation.

*FORMED-the online digital platform with over 5,000 amazing resources. Though parish subscription has not been renewed, you are still able to log in with a personal subscription. Peggy Clores imcon630@aol.com 516-317-1740 Chuck Ruppert 864-680-5597 crupp0007@gmail.com

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Regis High School, an all-scholarship Jesuit secondary for Catholic boys, announces its

Virtual Open House for students and their parents, to occur

Monday, October 12, from 1:00-2:30PM

To register, simply click on this link:https://www.regis.org/section/?id=21

For more information, contact Eric DiMichele, Director of Admissions

Regis H.S., 55 East 84Th St., New York, NY 10028212-288-1100, Ext 2057; edimichele@regis.org




LI Virtual Admission Information NightTuesday, September 22, 2020

7-8PMFor more information, contact Eric DiMichele,

Director of Admissions212-288-1100, Ext 2057; edimichele@regis.org

Attention anyone who needs to take a CPR course or needs a renewal, the American Red Cross is offering on-line courses. Below is an example of what most individuals need to take.

If you have any questions please contact Andrea Attivissimo-Karassik at 931-4351

GO TOhttps://www.redcross.org

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You can make a difference in the lives of those around us by making a gift to this year’s Catholic Ministries Appeal

Every Gift Counts! A gift of $25 may help pay the gas for a Meals-On-Wheels van to deliver food for a day. A gift of $50 from an emergency fund may help pay the electric bill in a cold winter month for a family in need. A gift of $100 may help care for a newborn infant in Catholic Charities Regina Residence. A gift of $250 may help subsidize a home for an adult who is developmentally disabled.

A gift of $1,000 may help support a Seminarian’s education. Because of you, every year we serve more than 600,000 people in our Long Island Community. This support enables our children to continue to receive the gift of spiritual formation, sacramental preparation, and quality education. It allows seminarians and lay leaders to fulfill their calling to serve the community. With your support, Catholic Charities can maintain its services for the poor and disadvantaged, and we can continue to reach out to our young people and others to find the best ways to guide and pass on our faith from generation to generation. For more information about the Catholic Ministries Appeal, please visit https://www.drvc.org/donate/cma/or call 516-678-5800 ext. 296.

Make checks payable to: Catholic Ministries Appeal Parish __________________________________ Pledge: $_______ Name ___________________________________ Down payment: $_______ Address__________________________________ City, State, Zip: _________________________________________________________ Phone: ________________________ Signature: ____________________________Date:________

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What are the Catholic Principles of Social Justice?

Principles of Catholic Social Teaching

• Dignity of the Human Person• Community and the Common Good

• Rights and Responsibilities• Option for the Poor

• Dignity of Work• Solidarity

• Care for All God's Creation


Catholic social teaching is the Catholic doctrines on matters of human dignity and common good in society. The ideas address oppression, the role of the state, subsidiarity, social organization, concern for social justice, and issues of wealth distribution. Its foundations are widely considered to have been laid by Pope Leo XIII's 1891 encyclical letter Rerum novarum, which advocated economic distributism. Its roots can be traced to the writings of Catholic thinkers such as Thomas Aquinas and Augustine of Hippo, and is also derived from concepts present in the Bible and the cultures of the ancient Near East.

PRAYER FOR FAITHFUL CITIZENSHIPGracious and loving God, let your Spirit be with

us (me) today

Hear our (my) prayers, and increase in us (me) the will to follow your Son Jesus.

Help us (me) to draw on the resources of our (my) faith as we (I) use the opportunities of our democracy to

shape a society more respectful of the life, dignity, and rights of the human person, especially the

poor and vulnerable.

We (I) ask this through Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one

God forever and ever. Amen.

September 27th marks the World Day for Migrants and Refugees


"Displaced people offer us this opportunity to meet the Lord, “even though our eyes find it hard to recognize him: his clothing in tatters, his feet dirty, his face disfigured, his body wounded, his tongue unable to speak our language” (Homily, 15 February 2019). We are called to respond to this pastoral challenge with the four verbs I indicated in my Message for this Day in 2018: welcome, protect, promote and integrate. To these words, I would now like to add another six pairs of verbs that deal with very practical actions and are linked together in a relationship of cause and effect.

You have to know in order to understand. Knowledge is a necessary step towards understanding others. Jesus himself tells us this in the account of the disciples on the road to Emmaus: “While they were talking and discussing together, Jesus himself drew near and went with them, but their eyes were kept from recognizing him” (Lk 24:15-16). When we talk about migrants and displaced persons, all too often we stop at statistics. But it is not about statistics, it is about real people! If we encounter them, we will get to know more about them. And knowing their stories, we will be able to under-stand them. We will be able to understand, for example, that the precariousness that we have come to experience as a result of this pandemic is a constant in the lives of displaced people."

Read in its entirety visit the link to: http://www.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/messages/migration/documents/


OLM Weekly September 27, 2020

Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for Us

Page 14

Did You Know Some COVID-19 Vaccine Research is Being Done Using Aborted Fetal Cells? For detailed information that is updated regularly listing research using morally produced cells versus research done with abort-ed fetal cells: Go to The Children of God website:www.cogforlife.org, click on Vaccines in the Menu bar, then click on Covid-19 Vaccines.

Life News - 4 - September 2020 • www.ProLifeLI.org


Choose Life Half Plate A Choose Life license plate is available in more than 30 states (www.chooselife.org). The Children First Foundation spearheaded the drive to bring the

Choose Life plate to various states, raising hundreds of thousands of dollars that are distributed to support crisis pregnancy centers, maternity homes, and safe havens. Despite years of hard work and court cases, New York state does not have a Choose Life license plate. However, there is a Choose Life ‘half plate’ that can be attached below a regular state license plate. The Choose Life half plate is available for purchase through The Children First Foundation - information at: 1-877-386-3236. or www.thechildrenfirst.org, info@thechildrenfirst.org,

Day of Prayer and Healing for Women Sat. Nov. 7 Project Rachel

Hope after Abortion To begin healing after abortion loss, call

the Respect Life Office’s confidential phone 888-456-HOPE

(se habla español) 516-766-2538; email projectrachel@drvc.org,

En Español: esperanzaposaborto.org

Project Rachel retreats offer the opportunity to experience the loving

mercy of God in a safe and sacred space. The retreats are directed by specially trained compassionate caregivers, including counselors and

clergy, who have a sensitivity and a heart for those who suffer.

Day of Prayer and Healing for Women Saturday, March 7, 2020

Please register by Monday, March 2nd.

For more information and to register please visit www.respectlife.drvc.org

or contact Project Rachel at 1(888) 456-HOPE (4673), 1(516) 766-2538 or projectrachel@drvc.org. All information will remain confidential.

Diocese of Rockville Centre Healing after Abortion

March For Life New York invites you to

SAVE NEW YORK Oct 10 at 11 AM at the New York State Capital (east side) This is a

Pro-Life Rally. Many Pro-Life speakers from the great state of NY will address us, including pro-life

politicians and NYS police. For more info: 631-681-7275;

email march4lifeny@gmail.com


ELECTION DAY IS TUE., NOV. 3, 2020 If you have moved or need an absentee ballot, see the Board of Election website. There are also early

voting dates and locations. Nassau County: 516-571-8683


Suffolk County: 631-852-4500 https:// www.suffolkcountyny.gov/


Please Pray for All Life

Choose Life!

Sunday, October 4 is Respect Life Sunday.

As we celebrate Respect Life Sunday, we are reminded that the assaults on human dignity come in many forms. The Office of Human Life, Family and Bioethics is charged with deepen-ing our already strong commitment to pro-life activities and

parish education. Please support this vital work through participation in the special Respect Life envelope collection.

Your prayers and assistance are greatly appreciated.

Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for Us

OLM Weekly September 27, 2020Page 17

MUSIC MINISTRIESOLM Adult Chamber Choir: Meets Tuesday afternoons from 5:00 to 6:30 PM in the Upper Church.OLM Children’s Choir: Meets Wednesday afternoons from 2:45 to 3:30 PM in the School Music Room.OLM Folk Group: Meets Sunday mornings after the 9:00 AM Mass in the Lower Church.OLM Rock Group: Meets Monday evenings from 8:00 to l0:00 PM in the Upper Church.

PARISH ORGANIZATIONSAngels of Mercy: Meets every third Thursday of the month at 7:00 PM in Our Lady’s Chapel with refreshments served. Corporate Mass on the 3rd Sunday of each month at 9:00 AM. For more information please e-mail Eileen Millis, President, at eileenangelsofmercy@gmail.com

OLM Ministry of Consolation: Men and women who offer sup-port for funeral Masses. We are looking for individuals to help us. For more information please call the Rectory.

Hicksville/OLM Senior Club: Meets on Mondays from11:00 AM-3:00 PM at the Bethpage Senior Center.For more information contact Joan at 516-938-4261.

Holy Name Society: Corporate Mass and Communion on the 2nd Sunday of each month at 9:00 AM Mass. Membership meetings on the following Monday at 7:30 PM in the Lower Church Meeting Room. For more information call Michael Trimarco, President, at 516-757-1655.

Knights of Columbus: Our Lady of MercyJoseph F. Lamb Council # 5723, meets on the 1st and 3rd Thursday at 7:30 PM in the School Cafeteria.For more information contact Jim Raber, Grand Knight, at 516-695-1022.

Legion of Mary: Meets on Tuesday morning at 10:00 AM in the Lower Church. First Saturday Fatima Devotions: 7:40 AM.

Nocturnal Adoration: First Friday of the Month:8:00 to 9:00 PM (Exposition & Group Prayer and /or9:00 PM to 10 PM (Silent Prayer and Benediction) inOur Lady’s Chapel, in the Lower Church.

OLM Ushers: If interested in becoming an Usher, please contact Jim Decker at 516-933-8143, or email at jimdecker@verizon.net.

St. Monica Prayer Group: Meets 2nd and 4th Friday of the month in Lower Church from 7:15-8:30PM. Contact Helen Secreti at hsecretima@gmail.com.

OLM Prayer Group: Meets every Tuesday night at 7:30 PM in Lower Church. Contact Maureen Decker at 516-933-8143. Eucharistic Adoration is conducted the first Tuesday of each month at 7:30 PM.

CYO Youth Council for Parish Sports: Contact Chris Fox at cfox411@icloud.com.

St. Vincent de Paul Society: Contact the Rectory for more information 516-931-4351 X 326. See Page 4 of this bulletin.

The Men of St. Joseph: Meets every Wednesday at 7:00 PM in Lower Church Meeting Room.

Adult Education Classes: Classes held Sundays from 10:00-11:45 AM in the Convent Basement 10/6 thru 6/7/20.Contact Peggy Clores at imcon630@aol.com.

We Go 2-Gether: Adult/Child Playgroups. 15-week program during the Fall and again in the Spring and 5 classes in theSummer. Children spend quality time with their parents or guardians in a structured learning and fun-filled environment. Contact Ms. Bridget at 516-993-8442/gidget413.bw@gmail.com

SUPPORT GROUPSAlcoholics Anonymous GroupsFamilies Anonymous: Hope for troubled families. FA is a self-help support group for families and friends of people with a current, suspected, or former drug problem. Guided by the principles of the FA program, family members learn how to find relief from their seemingly insurmountable burdens. They become able to enjoy some peace of mind and a degree of serenity, despite unresolved problems. They discover, too, that as they themselves change, so do the dynamics of their family. Meets every Wednesday: 7:30-8:30 PM in Convent Basement.First Things First: Tom Liguori 516-770-7562. Open Meeting every Friday: 8:00-9:00 PM in the Convent Basement. Closed Meeting every Sunday: 7:00-8:00 PM in the Convent Basement.

Our Own Group: Tom Liguori 516-770-7562. Closed Meeting every Monday: 4:30 to 5:30 PM in the Convent Basement.

Step Meeting every Thursday: 4:30 to 5:30 PM in the Convent Basement. Contact: Tom Tucker at 516-851-2884.

Al-Anon: Adult Children meet on Friday evenings: 7:30 to 9:00 PM in the School Cafeteria.

National Alliance on Mental Illness: NAMI Support Group for Families who have loved ones suffering from Mental Health Issues. Meets 2nd Monday of the month in the Convent Basement: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM. Contact: Carol Ann Viccora at 516-221-6168.


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