Other Rance

Post on 06-Jul-2018






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  • 8/16/2019 Other Rance


    For frequently asked questions, see Sengoku Rance:FAQ

    Note that in terms of commanders, this article is designed to give you an idea of when you'll encounter the commander, a brief summary of what to expect from them and how to recruit them (if possible).

    For information on what stats and Skills the commander has when encountered or recruited, see Commanders.

    For how to clear the commander when recruited (if possible), see Character Clears.

    For tips on using the commander, see Commander Tips.

    Contents[show]General stuff EditGenerally speaking, the plot will advance when you conquer or vassal houses, sowhen in doubt, conquer more. Although it should be noted that as long as you pay attention to what the game tells you, it is very rare that you will have no idea what to do. In fact, if you go long enough without being at war, the game will trigger events that are clearly designed to make you think otherwise, althoughsome of these can be rewarding (for example, if you go long enough without everconquering a house from the very start of the game onward, you can be rewarded with the Popularity Staff).

    In most cases, losing anything that could be considered a boss fight will send you to the Alice Mansion, where you can either get a Game Over, or try again at the cost of 4 points of your score. Be warned that the final castle battle of anenemy house is not considered a boss fight.When in doubt, press F5 on the map, this will display a list of objectives and a list of houses who have gourds, with a picture to tell you if the gourd is broken or not. These gourds are vital to the plot and flow of the game:The first gourd will always be broken in turn 10, and then afterwards, if you do not conquer or vassal houses that have gourds (conquering or vassaling houses causes their gourds to be broken), more gourds will be broken due to reasons outof your control.Note that you do not necessarily have to be the one who conquers the house in order for the gourd to break. For example, if the Takeda House conquers the Houjou

     House, Houjou's gourd will be broken.The events where gourds are automatically broken happen at turn 30, 50, 70 and 90, and the order in which the gourds will be broke will be: Takeda's, Mouri's, Houjou's and Uesugi's. However, Takeda's gourd will only be broken at turn 30 ifthere is only 1 gourd broken by then, this rule applies for the other gourds aswell. For example, breaking Iga's gourd before turn 30 will prevent Takeda's gourd from being broken at turn 30 (this event is delayed to turn 50 instead). Thesame rule applies to other gourds (break 3 gourds before turn 50, 4 before 70, and 5 before 90). After breaking 5 gourds, you will be able to enter a route andin First Games, this will always be the True route (the conditions to enter other routes are elaborated at the bottom of this page).In Second Games, you can skip the waiting for gourds to break by selecting the 'Feed Toukichirou (Hasten events)' event. Then, a few turns after selecting that

    event, a gourd will break as if it was turn 30/50/70/90, hastening events.Note however, that there is a glitch that lets you break additional gourds before Kou goes missing, if you vassal any of the Uesugi, Akashi or Ashikaga houses,after the second gourd has broke but before the Tenshi Sect has declared war, the gourd of that house (or houses, there's no harm in vassaling all three) will break at the end of the turn in which you vassaled them, but the event where thegourd is given to Xavier will never happen, meaning that the events leading up to Kou's kidnapping will be delayed. For example, if you perform this glitch with the Akashi and Ashikaga houses, you will have to break 7 gourds before Kou is kidnapped, allowing you to enter the True or Isoroku routes and losing your chanc

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    e to enter the Ran route.For this glitch, emphasis should be put on the fact that the gourds have still been broke, so once 5 gourds are broken, even by this glitch, the events where the gourds are automatically broke will stop, allowing you to delay entry into a route for as long as you wish, without any restrictions on your gameplay other than the inability to go to war with the Shimazu House.Note also that to enter Kenshin's route, both the Uesugi and Ashikaga houses must be conquered, meaning that you can only vassal the Akashi House for the glitch.Unfortunately, despite it being possible to vassal the Iga House, it appears tobe impossible to use them for this glitch, because no way has been found to vassal them without having conquered at least one Tenshi Sect province (which wouldhave required them to have declared war on you, meaning that the glitch won't work).There also appears to be another glitch that has the same effect as the previous one, it appears to be the case that if you vassal multiple gourd holding houses in one turn, only one of their gourds will be delivered to Xavier, but all of them will be broken.You will often have the option to demand that a house surrenders, ending the war between the Oda house and the other house and they will become your vassal. Generally speaking, this has 3 benefits:The National Power of that house will be added to your total National Power.The house will occasionally send you reinforcements in battle. These reinforcements will always have 3 actions and 4 in every combat stat. The troops' size will

     be based off your average troops' numbers (excluding foot soldiers) and the type of unit that you are sent is dependant on the house you have vassalled.You are allowed to pass through that house's borders, but other houses are not,meaning that if you plan your vassals well, you can attack without fear of yourprovinces being attacked.Unfortunately, vassaling is generally advised against as it tends to deny you gold, SAT, commanders and events. These disadvantages sum up to be so damaging that 'vassal only' is considered to be a challenge run (particularly notable is that the reinforcements units have very poor stats - you'd be disappointed to finda commander in your prison with less than 4 in all of their relevant combat stats).Provided that the Uesugi House has not been at war with the Oda house and that they are still standing, when you are attacking or being attacked, Uesugi Kenshin

     may appear to help the defending side. Be warned that she has a passive skill that causes all of her enemies to have one less action available (min. 1) and that she commands an extremely powerful warrior unit.Expect several events before and after sending Rance to battle. In fact, some houses even require its ruler to meet Rance on the battlefield before they can beconquered, so if you're stuck, try that. The same advice also applies to character clears.Ogawa Kentarou will temporarily join one of the houses you are at war with on turn 20. He cannot be captured or killed. Once you've defeated the house he joined, or one of the Xavier fights has happened, or turn 70 has come, he won't fightagainst you any more. On the True and Isoroku routes, he will join you a few turns after the incident at the Honnou Temple (if you don't have room for him, thefirst non-important commander in your roster will die to make room for him). At

    some point after recruiting him, you will see purple options for Kentarou to goon adventures in Yamato (where Iga originally owns), Cairo, Shikoku and Mazo. Each adventure bumps Kentarou up by 5 levels and is very helpful in the final boss fight. Note that you must have conquered or vassaled the province where the adventure is to gain access to the adventure.Differences between various playthroughs EditAny game you started before having a cleared-game save file is called a "First Game". After having cleared the game at least once (game over doesn't count), it's called a "Second Game".When starting a Second Game you get to spend points on various bonuses. The amou

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    nt of points you get to spend is the highest score from your previous cleared-games, plus 5 points per route you have cleared.For Second Games, you also get to pick the game difficulty. "Normal" difficultystarts your game with 60 points (same difficulty as First Game), and increasingdifficulty starts you off with more points. Note these are the points you startwith at the beginning of this new game, not the points you get to spend on the bonuses before starting this new game.IF routes are only available in Second Game. In the First Game, only the True route is available, and for this reason all of the information about the events and houses that are available in all routes appear in the 'True Route' section.ADVERTISEMENT

     True Route EditSince all games start on the 'True' route, this route is discussed before any of the houses of Japan. Despite what your save tells you, you have not entered the True route until you have done the 'Search full force for missing Kou' event which becomes available once 5 gourds are broken (so scroll down if you want helpbeating a certain house).

    Note that if it is your first game, the majority of events that would cause youto leave the True route will either cause a Game Over or will be inaccessible.

    After 5 gourds are broken, there will be an event where Kouhime goes missing and

     until you have found her by doing the 'Search full force for missing Kou' event (requires 15 search), you will not be allowed to attack any house (although you can defend, and troops with Battle Permits may still attack at will). It should also be noted that you only have 5 turns to find her or else you get a Game Over. If you get this Game Over, you can just reload your autosave and make sure to find Kou before you end the turn.

    Once you have done the 'Search full force for missing Kou' event, you will loseany remaining Action Fans you had for that turn and you will once again not be allowed to attack any house, until you have either done the 'Visit Honnouji (Nobunaga)' event or selected "Attack" when asked the question "Attack Honnouji?" atthe start of your turn. Fortunately, however, you now have effectively unlimited time to prepare for this event and you are free to choose when to attack Honnou


    When you eventually do the event, you will be given three choices. The first one will make you face a Game Over, while the second choice will continue with theassault (see below for details), and the third one returns you to the map (Warning: You lose 1 Action Fan in the process).

    The attack consists of 4 fights in a row, where you can select the commanders you want to use. Note that losing at any point here will send you to the Alice Mansion, where you can repick what units you want to use for that fight, and all of your units will be healed and have their actions restored. Note also that every time you visit Alice's Mansion during the assault, Xavier's level will be decreased by 10, until it hits 20, even if you lost in a fight that didn't include hi


    First is an army battle vs the Apostle Shikibu (a very powerful warrior unit) and humans (always two foot soldiers in the front and two archers with one miko in the back). Neither side starts out with an advantage and this battle must be won.Next is a timed commander battle against Apostle Rengoku (level 50, 1050HP and only has one standard attack) in human form with two level 30 foot soldiers. Sadly, absolutely nothing in this battle counts except for the units you choose to begin with, and how much health and actions you lose, so it's probably best to ma

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    ke a team out of as many fast units as you can (ninjas) and then just keep switching out units until the time runs out. To reiterate attacking anyone is pointless in this battle.One tactic is to have Suzume switch out Sill until the battle ends.Next is a commander battle against a transformed Apostle Rengoku, the differences from the previous fight are:This battle is untimed.This battle in winnable (your damage matters now).Rengoku's standard attack takes an action from the target.He has a delayed magical attack that hits everyone for high damage and requires3 shurikens to cancel.Finally the fourth fight is a commander battle against Xavier. All your commanders will be revived and recover their actions for this battle (but will not healtheir HP, revived commanders will have 1HP). Take note that you can only harm Xavier (Demon Nobunaga) if Rance is taking part in the battle. Otherwise, any attacks without him being present will be rendered ineffective (so keep Rance aliveby all means necessary, Diviners and Mikos are recommended). Xavier has two attacks: one is a standard attack and the other is a magical hit-all attack that requires no preparation. Xavier's health depends on his level. By default, he is level 55 with 1150 health.After the assault, you will have no remaining Action Fans for that turn, so plan ahead. Starting the next turn, you can resume attacking other houses again fora few turns (the amount seems to vary, reports range from 5-10) before the Demon Army appears. More information can found in the 'The Demon Army / Shimazu House

    ' section.

    Houses of JAPAN EditCentral JAPAN EditSengoku Rance - Oda bannerOda House EditProvinces?? (Owari)BasicsVisit the prison to unlock the chance of capturing enemy commanders, although it should be noted that the prison is automatically unlocked if you automaticallycapture a unit (for example, capturing Hara Shouji when you conquer the Hara House).

    After the first H-scene with Sill, a colorless event at the bottom of the list will be unlocked that gives +1 satisfaction. How a girl is chosen is not known, but it appears to have a random element as some girls seem far more common than others. You must H the girl at least once before they can appear in the harem.A battle with boars is unlocked every few turns. It gives 500 + 50 gold for every additional fight and is required to unlock one of the Six Great Treasures (see Objectives for information on the treasure and Game mechanics for more information on the event)On turn 63, and every 4 turns following, the purple event 'Traveling carnival is here' will show up In Owari. You can chose go with 3G, Suzume, Sill (if she isavailable), Baba, and the heroine for that route (Kouhime for the True history route). It gives a +3 to the final score with every visit.Be warned, if Owari is conquered, you get a Game Over.

    Noteworthy commandersShibata Katsuie - An above average foot soldier commander. The real advantage is getting him for free.Ranmaru - An average Warrior commander.Tamagushi Fuuka - A miko commander who's required to unlock the Orochi dungeon (see Sengoku Rance:Objectives).Gracia - Replaced Akechi Mitsuhide after using a Satisfaction Bonus on him twice. Their names (before and after upgrade) are on the game progress report.Maeda Keiji - Replaced Maeda Toshiie after using a Satisfaction Bonus on him twice. Their names (before and after upgrade) are on the game progress report.

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    Niwa Nagahide - A relatively poor archer commander you get for free. However, he starts with Defeated Warrior Hunt and large troop size. His name is on the game progress report.Suzume - A ninja who nominally begins with Iga, but make her first real appearance in Oda. In a first game, she appears on turn 8 (if you haven't started any wars yet) or turn 7 (if you have).Sill - Not technically a commander as she doesn't appear on the list. She does however become available in dungeons as a mage when you switch out a back row character (note that it's impossible to switch her out unless her HP is reduced to0). She also appears together with Rance in many boss battles. Her level is always just 3 behind Rance's, potentially making her one of the strongest dungeon commanders in the game. In addition to her fire blast, she also has a unique healability that restores one of Rance's action points (it only heals when used on other commanders), making her incredibly versatile. She is also responsible for the "Auto Heal" skill Rance has during troop battles, healing 30 troop per action at the start. The ability can be enhanced in several events. After Sill is missing, the "Auto Heal" skill slot becomes available, allowing Rance to take "End Game Point" skill for himself!

    Sengoku Rance - Hara bannerHara House EditProvinces?? (Ise)

    BasicsYou can declare war on the Hara House as early as turn 2 (taking 10 Neg). If you don't declare war on them, they will declare war on you anyway some time afteryou go to war with the Ashikaga House.Be warned that Hara remnants may appear and automatically take Ise at a late point in the game and under unknown conditions.They often appear around the 95/96th turns of the Isoroku route.They've been reported to sometimes appear in Ran's route.You can demand their surrender for 18 Neg after taking two of their territoriesin Ise. After doing this, they will occasionally send you Archer unit as reinforcements.Noteworthy commanders:Hara Shouji - will be automatically captured when you completely conquer the Har

    a House. He commands an Archer unit with a hit-all Volley attack.Akihime - she can only be recruited in a Second Game after completely taking over the Hara House. The top choice will have her join you while the bottom choicewon't let her join - but triggers the same event as the first playthrough (H-ing her for 5 SAT). If you don't have enough national power to recruit her, then she'll be put into the harem automatically and you won't be able to recruit her afterwards (usually happens if you started with bonuses of other houses).Gekkou - he is only available in version 1.04 after selecting the bonus character option at the beginning of a Second Game. He can be recruited by selecting a colorless event in Ise ('Lightning during the day') after the beginning-of-turn cherry blossom viewing event. This event will disappear after Nobunaga breaks the first gourd, so he should be recruited as soon as possible. Gekkou's passive skill gives him a 100% chance to assassinate any non-commander unit that lost all

    its action points during a battle.Saijou Mochikiyo - Hara's chief vassal. Dies by seppuku in the second Hara event a few turns after declaring war. However he can be captured in battle before this event, or after he gets recruited by another country. His level cap is random.Settoku Houshi - Can be recruited in Ise with 6 Negotiation points. He has 8 Negotiation points, which make him quite useful when recruiting prisoners. His name is on the game progress report.

    Sengoku Rance - Ashikaga banner

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    Ashikaga House EditProvinces? (Kyo), ????? (Mamushi Oil Field/Mamushi Yuden)BasicsYou can declare war on the Ashikaga House on Turn 3 or later for 8 Neg. If you do not, then in a series of random turns, the Ashikaga House will start to demand money from you (the amount being the highest of 15 times the turn number or your total amount of gold). If you refuse any time you were asked (bottom choice),they will declare war on you.Ashikaga will automatically declare war are if you are at war with the Tenshi Sect (this appears to occur just before Turn 35 if you haven't declared war on anyone up to this point).Once you have conquered either Kyo or the Mamushi Oil Field, you can demand their surrender for 18 Neg, afterwards they will occasionally send you Miko units as reinforcements, these units will always know Miko Dance.Noteworthy commandersYamamoto Isoroku - She will be told to go to war for Ashikaga during the progress of the war against them, after this, the next time Rance participates in a battle against the Ashikaga House, the battle will be an automatic loss. After youhave won a battle that she participated in, she will be scolded by Ashikaga Choushin, enabling you to capture her in future encounters. She will also be automatically captured after you conquer the Ashikaga House. Note that If you pay Ashikaga to avoid the war (and delay Yamanaka Kojika's event?), you will have a 2 turn window after war is declared to use Rance without Isoroku giving him an automa

    tic defeat; this may be useful if you want an easier conquest (with Rance and without Isoroku) and/or want to add extra numbers to Rance's ero diary H count (when he's in the conquering party).Yamaguchi Tamon and Inoue Shigemi/Shigeyoshi - Once Ashikaga House is defeated,these two subordinates of Isoroku will join you after Isoroku's second ??? purple event is seen (must have at least 7 spare National Power and 6 empty slots inthe roster beforehand). Their names are on the game progress report.Ikkyuu - Can be captured in battle but won't be automatically captured when youconquer the Ashikaga House. His special skill, Witty Comeback can be used to reverse the battle rating and make any losing battle a win. However, this skill can only be used thrice during the game, so it should be saved for extremely difficult battles.Ashikaga Choushin - Automatically captured after completely taking over the Ashi

    kaga House. Only worth recruiting for the Emperor's Ring and Akihime's character clear (and his own character clear for completion's sake). He has extremely low stats so he should be fired after these two are done.Ashikaga Yoshiteru - A generic-faced commander who is level 45. Can be capturedin battle. His name is on the game progress report.Kuge Kyouko - After Kyo is conquered, she can be recruited with 15 Negotiation.She starts with Light Attack, a very useful skill for capturing other commanders. Her name is on the game progress report.Kuge Kiyoko - After Kyo is conquered, she can be recruited with 15 Negotiation.She starts with Asset Tech, which can generate up to 2000 G income per turn when you have 50000 G. Her name is on the game progress report.The "Mino Three" - Ganko Ittetsu (Tactician), Andou Kyuuri (Diviner/Yin Yang) and Takuwan-sama (Warrior) -. If Mamushi Oil Field is conquered, they can be recru

    ited with 3 Negotiation each.Aburako Dousan - A monk that you can obtain after recruiting all her three subordinates (the Mino Three in Mamushi Oil Field) using Rance's satisfaction point.She has Convert Action 1 and four action points, and therefore she makes a great combo with any unit that loses all its action points in a single special attack (e.g. Ninja units). She also comes with quite a big troop size. Her name is onthe game progress report. In total, she cost 5 fans to hire.

    Sengoku Rance - Iga bannerIga House Edit

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    Provinces?? (Yamato)BasicsYou can declare war on them (for 15 Neg) anytime after Inukai has been told about Suzume's defection.Iga will not declare war unless you are not at war with anyone and the Tenshi Sect monks have been massacred (this is the same event in which the Tenshi Sect declares war, effectively meaning that they must be conquered or vassaled before Iga can declare war). Once these conditions are satisfied, Iga will usually declare war very quickly, possibly at the end of the turn in which the last war you were in ended.A few turns after war has begun, there will be a command in Yamato to ask Suzume about info on Iga ('Get information on Iga from Suzume'). Afterwards, a purpleevent will be available which gives you 2000 gold and also apparently makes theIga army weaker ('Dirty plan (What's Inukai's is mine)' [sic]).If have not yet entered a route and you conquer Iga by conquering their last territory with a group that does not include Suzume, around 11-13 turns after you have conquered Iga, Inukai will lead a revolt and take Yamato back from you. Fortunately, it seems to be the case that this revolt can only happen onceConquering Iga with a group that includes Suzume will give you 5 SAT.In Second Games, if you have 3 spare national power, a 35 Search points event in Yamato will appear around 3 turns after war has begun. This has Rance duel with Inukai (level 42, 260HP) and his 3 dogs (level 5, 100HP).The recommended level for Rance is 51+ although with luck you can win with lower

    .A minimum of 4 actions for Rance are required, as Inukai is in the back row being shielded by 3 dogs.Rance Attack can allow Rance to win at a lower level, although the biggest issue is that Rance will usually not have enough HP to survive the fight.Supposedly, Rance's Spd stat contributes to the turn order in this fight, increasing your probability of winning.Losing is an instant Game Over.Winning the duel also takes over Iga and recruits Inukai, but it doesn't count as an actual conquering, so you can still invade other provinces on that turn.Alternately, also in Second Games, if you have Gekko, you can do a colorless event in Owari called 'Punish Inukai!', doing this event will conquer all of Iga'sprovinces and will not count as an actual conquering. This removes Inukai from t

    he game.No matter how you conquer Iga, remnants may appear and take over Yamato later in the game. The conditions for their appearance are not know, but it has been speculated that they only appear if less than 5 unvassaled houses, including the Oda House are left on the map.These remnants do not seem to include Inukai, meaning that the remnants cannot cause a revolt.Once you are at war with the Iga House, it appears to be the case that you can only vassal them (for 18 Neg) if you have either conquered or vassaled 4 provinces adjacent to Yamato (including Owari). Once vassaled, they will occasionally send you Ninja units as reinforcements.Once you have conquered two territories in Yamato, the five Goninjais will begin appearing in battles, other than having Remove Status 2, they are no different

    that generic Ninjas.Noteworthy commandersInukai - Can only be captured via the duel in Second Games, if you don't see his event, it's because you need one empty space in your commanders' list. You also need 3 unused National Power.The five Goninjais (Ninja 14, Ninja 16, Ninja 33, Ninja 55, Ninja 68) can be captured via regular battles.Matsuo Bashou - Can be captured in battles but won't be automatically captured after taking over Yamato. His name is on the game progress report.

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    Sengoku Rance - Tokugawa bannerTokugawa House EditProvinces?? (Mikawa)BasicsAny time after their introduction, you can declare war on them for 13 Neg.They are allied with the Takeda House, and will declare war on you if you are at war with the Takeda House, regardless of if the Tokugawa House is vassaled or not.Possibly for the sake of fairness, Tokugawa will not declare war on you if you're at war with Takeda due to the Takeda Family Bonus.Similarly, if and only if they are vassaled, they will declare war on you when the Demon Army appears (they will not declare war on you when the Demon Army appears if they are not vassaled). When doing this, they will conquer Toukaidou if the Oda House controls it.Be warned that it seems impossible to vassal the Tokugawa house after they've declared war on you by either of the two above methods and it also seems impossible to vassal them after the Demon Army has appeared.See the One Eyed House's section for information on how these two houses interact.Initially, they only use human troops and commanders but once the player takes over two territories of Mikawa, the Youkais (specifically, Raccoon Dogs) will participate in battles as commanders. Note that if none of the Youkai are captured,

     they will all defend the last territory in Mikawa together, which as they are all quite strong units, will make the battle very difficult. Naturally, the battle becomes significantly easier when most of the Youkai are captured beforehand as they will just be replaced with normal human commanders (note that Ieyasu himself cannot be captured). Be warned that for the Raccoon Dogs, despite the commanders being Youkai, their units do not receive triple damage from Youkai Ward, probably due to the troops in said units being human.After winning this battle, if the player is either in a first game, or has not found out that Ieyasu's favourite dish is tempura (see his entry below) there will be a commander battle against Tokugawa Ieyasu (level 55, 600HP) and two bodyguards (level 25, 250HP), be warned that in commander battles Ieyasu has a powerful attack that will hit an entire row (like Yamamoto Sweeping Fire) but requirespreparation (and 2 shurikens to cancel), however if you have a strong enough tea

    m, he can usually be defeated before this becomes an issue.Be warned, losing send you to the Alice Mansion, but will not decrease their level.As covered in more detail below, if the player does know that Ieyasu's favourite dish is tempura, the player will have the option to take Mikawa without a fight, once they've won the battle in the last of the Tokugawa house's territory.There is apparently no conditions that need to be satisfied to vassal the Tokugawa House, this can be done for 30 Neg. Afterwards, they will occasionally send you warrior units as reinforcements.Another way to obtain Mikawa is to vassalize the country after you have declared war on it, which will makes new purple events appear in Mikawa, the first of these new events is 'Tease Tokugawa Ieyasu', after doing this, the event 'Steal heirloom from Tokugawa Ieyasu' will appear in which you will get the Blue Seal Cas

    e, an equipable item that reduces the damage received by a unit by 30%. There is also a third purple event, 'Go to Tokugawa for ero' which will give you 1 satisfaction point (which is essentially a waste of a fan since the 'Tonight at Rance's place' even in Owari will do the same thing). Then if you have Ikkyu in yourparty, 2 more purple events will show up in Mikawa ('Tease Tokugawa Ieyasu evenmore' and 'Tokugawa Ieyasu...'). These last 2 events will kill off Ieyasu and make Mikawa come under your control without a fight. Note that neither Senhime nor Tokugawa Ieyasu will be attainable via this method and Senhime's H-scene will not happen. Sadly this means that outside of getting the Blue Seal Case and the standard Warrior reinforcement units, there is basically nothing to gain from vas

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    saling the Tokugawa house, and if you go as far as conquering them via this method, it can be argued that you've wasted your Action Fans, since it would cost you a total of 6 fans (5 purple events and at least 1 for the actual vassaling) while actually conquering them normally while you are at war only costs 4 (assuming you never lose a battle) and gives you 5 SAT and the opportunity to recruit Senhime. The only really reason to vassal the house is if you can't beat the final battles, but as described above, you can just capture the Youkai to make the battle easier, which may not even cost you any Fans (just capture them when Tokugawa attacks you) and gives you the opportunity to recruit Ieyasu.Note that after the Tokugawa House is vassaled, Senhime & Ieyasu are still attainable if you make the Tokugawa house declare war again by any of the methods listed above.If you decide to do this, note that if you vassal the Tokugawa House while at war with the Takeda House (to do this you will have to go to war with Tokugawa and then Takeda), Tokugawa will declare war again as a end of turn event, possiblyon the same turn in which you've vassaled them.Taking over Mikawa also enables an event where Kaguyahime (Alien) requires three parts to repair her spaceship, which can be found randomly in dungeons. Completing this will allow you to H her and get the item Black Tri-Star Doctors (?????). Not completing this gives you the option to heal Rance to full health every visit, which may be better in some cases.Noteworthy commandersTokugawa Ieyasu - Can only be obtained in Second Games. To get him, you must capture Sakakibara Yasumasa and talk to him twice to learn Ieyasu's favorite dish i

    s tempura (requires Sill and Kouhime). Then after taking over the last Tokugawaterritory, you will be offered a choice to fight him or to bring out tempura. If you choose tempura, Ieyasu will give you Mikawa without a fight and join you at the beginning of a later turn (it may take quite a while, the event seems to have a low priority). Note that conquering Tokugawa in this manner will disable all of Senhime's appearances, including the initial +5 Satisfaction H-scene normally obtained when conquering Tokugawa.The 5 underling youkais (Honda Tadakatsu, Ii Naomasa, Sakai Tadatsugu, Hattori Hanzou, and Sakakibara Yasumasa) can be captured in battle directly. The first four (all except Sakakibara) can also be recruited by doing Ieyasu's events afterIeyasu has joined. They may join other factions after Tokugawa falls and beforeIeyasu joins you, but Ieyasu's events will automatically poach them back from those factions.

    Senhime - will be released from the Mikawa dungeon after an automatic H-scene that appears when you completely take over Tokugawa territories (again, only if you fought Ieyasu instead of offering him tempura). She can be recruited via a purple event in Mikawa. (Her initial cost is 4 and you can't recruit her if you don't have enough nation power to accommodate her cost). If you don't use her to fight for several turns, she will leave you and will sometimes join other houses.Upon clearing, she will not leave you any more.

    Sengoku Rance - Tenshi bannerTenshi Sect EditProvinces??? (Naniwa), ?? (Mikan)

    BasicsThe following only applies in non-KTM routes, in the KTM route, the Tenshi Sectis much like any other house and they require 16 Neg to declare war on.War breaks out with Tenshi sect a short while after two gourds are broken. Thiswill happen even if you don't have provinces adjacent to Tenshi sect.When you are at war with them, there will be rioters within each of your provinces and they will begin to accumulate. in the command window, you can see the % of accumulation. And by selecting this option, you can suppress them (resets the% of rioters to 0). If the % of rioters reaches or exceeds 100%, then at the end of the turn, there will be riot. The first option is to fight them, where you w

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    ill send a group of commanders to battle against one peasant unit of 1000 soldiers. The second option is to let the riot go on, which will lower the nation power of the respective province by 1, but will never reduce the national power of a province to below 2. Only one riot will happen per turn if multiple provinces have over 100% dissent.If Tenshi sect has not been defeated after the first fight with Xavier, the player will be asked whether to cease fire with Tenshi sect or to continue war withthem. Doing the prior will turn Tenshi sect into your vassal and doing the later will continue the war, but will allow you to vassal them for 10 Neg. They willnever send you reinforcements.A few turns into the war, some of your troops will desert, the number will be quite noticeable in higher difficulties.Noteworthy commandersSeigan - Will join in a low priority start of turn event in non-Ran or Isoroku routes after the Tenshi Sect is either conquered or vassaled after the first fight with Xavier (note he will never join you if your conquer the Tenshi Sect before entering a route).NOTE: He requires room in the commander list and 3 NP before he will join. Also, since Seigan's join event is low priority, it may be advisable to remove battle permits or stop attacking for a few turns to make sure he joins your army. If he doesn't join your army, he may join it way later in the game even after Sill has been frozen. (his joining event has Sill in the conversation)Genri (??) - Joins a few turns after Seigan joins. NOTE: Also a low priority event.

    The "Three Good siblings," or the Miyoshi Brothers, (Miyoshi A-kichi (??A?)?Miyoshi B-ko (??B?)?Miyoshi C-zou (??C?)) will join Tenshi Sect after you have beenat war with them for a few turns. They have all 5's in the combat stats and each has a 7 in one of Exploration (A), Negotiation (B), and Construction (C) respectively. The siblings can be directly captured in battle.Yodokun Gosai - Can be captured in battles. Her name is on the game progress report.Honda Masanobu - a Tenshi tactician, who doesn't seem to have any story significance. He is considered an "important character" and has certain related immunities (Gekko's Assassination+), and it is believed he also cannot be captured unless his original faction has been conquered and he has been rehired by another house. His name is on the game progress report.Northern JAPANEdit

    Sengoku Rance - Asakura bannerAsai-Asakura HouseEditProvinces???? (Texas)BasicsAnytime after their introduction, you can declare war on them for 13 Neg.A scene will occur where you meet two envoys from Asai-Asakura. During this scene you will be given two options, choosing the second option will cause them to declare war on you but even if you chose the first option, if you aren't in war with any country, there will eventually be an event in which Asai-Asakura's subordinates will report that Rance grabbed the princess's boobs and that will startthe war anyway. This event won't happen before Tenshiism conflict.After taking over one of their territories, you will be attacked by an endless w

    ave of pandas, when you lose the waves will stop, and you will be forced to retreat and lose the territory (it's best just to right click as soon as the pandasappear). On the following turn, you can take over territories normally.Some turns after the war has begun, an earthquake will hit Texas, weakening them. Afterwards you can do a purple event on Texas for send poisoned "aid" and weaken their troops even more.Once the event where Asakura Yoshikage considers surrendering to Oda has happened (this appear to require taking a territory in Texas after the scene in which Hakkin Dasan ends with him taking off his mask and telling Yukihime to leave), you can demand their surrender for 15 Neg. Afterwards, they will occasionally send

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     you Monk units as reinforcements.In Second Games, a few turns after defeating Asai-Asakura, Yukihime will use her body to influence another house to go to war against the player. This can be prevented by recruiting her father Asakura Yoshikage, raising his relationship toNormal, and pick an exploration command in Texas for 15 Search points before the first house fights you due to her influence. Note that, you must have at least1 free national power and less than 30 commanders, or the exploration command will not appear.While her exact mechanics are not known, it appears that Yukihime has the following priorities when making a house go to war with you, that is, she will only use #3 if #1 and #2 have already been conquered, vassaled or are already at war with you.Tanegashima HouseUesugi HouseTakeda HouseMouri HouseInterestingly, it appears that these may be the only houses that Yukihime can make declare war on you. If all of these houses are already in a state where theycan't declare war, she seems to stay in her findable state forever.Noteworthy commandersAsakura Yoshikage - Automatically captured upon taking over Texas.Hakkin Dasan - To recruit him, do a purple event in Texas after taking it over.The first choice will kill him, the second will recruit him. Also the same turnyou recruit him a red event called Panda Hunt will show up in Kazusa 2000. This

    is a commander fight against 3 Pandas with 350 HP. It adds 400 pandas to HakkinDasan's unit. From that point on it shows up every four turns adding 500 pandaseach time.Yukihime - Only available in Second Games. She joins you after the exploration command in Texas which can become available either by bringing Asakura Yoshikageto normal before she starts a war between you and a random house, she'll not join you after this event.

    Sengoku Rance - Miko bannerMiko Institute EditProvinces:??? (Yamatai)Basics

    Before you can declare war on them, you have to do 3 events at Yamatai, all of which give SAT.Declaring war takes 18 Neg.They cannot be vassaled.Their final territory is special, it has a 50% Battlefield Effect in their favour, making this battle very difficult.Conquering them gives 5 SAT and will give Rance and affection bonus.Noteworthy commandersNatori - Automatically captured upon taking over Yamatai, she is a very useful character with high stats and Miko Storm 2 which kills 30% of all of the enemy'stroops. Whenever she is H-ed in Rance's room (which occurs very rarely, but forno apparent reason, talking to her before visiting Rance's place seems to up the probability of her being the H-ed girl), he gets an affection bonus.

    Souma Hayate - Can join the Miko Institute after 2 territoires are conquered, but he can be missed if you conquer them quickly enough. He Commander Charge witha high number of actions and good stats. His maximum level is random. His name is on the game progress report.Himiko - A monk with 6 actions, 7's in ATK/DEF/SPD/INT and 6/6/3 in Search/Neg/Const. She will be deployed after the story scenes which result from fighting a few battles with the Miko Institute, after which she can be captured at any time. Her maximum level is 40. Sadly she has Field Battle Expert, so if you keep heruntil the game ends, you will miss out on 2 points since she cannot have End-Game points. Her name is on the game progress report.

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    Goemon - A ninja with 7's in ATK/DEF/INT, 6 SPD, but has only 2 action points. He also has Assassination 2 and Battlefield Construction 3. Can be captured in battles. His maximum level is random. His name is on the game progress report.Maya and Isuzu - Miko commanders who are subordinates of Natori. They can be captured after an event showing them asking Natori to let them participate in battles. They will never be killed in combat against you and have unique portraits but are otherwise insignificant. They have average stats.

    Sengoku Rance - Imagawa bannerImagawa House EditProvinces??? (Toukaidou)BasicsYou can declare war on them after the first event that involves their appearance (requires 10 Neg).They cannot be vassaled.Their army consists of unique Hanny units, they are immune to all magical attacks and they all have a ranged, non-magical attack which can hit any of your units. They cannot be captured.After several scenes, the Hanny Shinsengumi will try to cross through your territories to get to Kyo. You will be given a choice to allow them through or stop them. If you don't let them through, they will declare war on you. If you let them through, then after the player defeats the Tokugawa House (or just takes overMikawa, if someone else owns it), the Hannies will declare war on the player (th

    e declaration of war might come a little later if some Imagawa introduction events are still being processed).Once you've been at war with them for a while, a purple 'Collect hanny's information' event will become available in Toukaidou (the prerequisite seems to be the event where the hannies have a tea party). Selecting this makes the 'Meet Imagawa Yoshimoto secretly' event available, when you do this event, you will be presented with two choices. If you choose to keep his secret (first choice), then once Imagawa is defeated, you'll get an H-scene with Imagawa Anko and 5 SAT. The second choice lets you completely take over the Hanny's territory with no further battles, but you won't get the H-scene.Warning: the events won't happen if Sill is not available.If you conquer the Mouri House while the Takeda House and Imagawa House are still standing and not at war with you, Takeda will conquer Toukaidou. This does not

     appear to happen in the Kill the Monkey route and will happen in both first and second games.Noteworthy CommandersOkita Nozomi To recruit her, you must let the Hannies pass through on their wayto Kyo, then after completing 3 special purple events in Kou, the option to recruit her will become available (also in Kyo). Be warned, if you declare war before the Hannies reach Kyo, the purple events won't appear and you can't recruit her. If the recruit option doesn't appear, bring your national power up until it does, and note that it requires Sill. Her stats are nothing too special, but shehas a high level (useful for commander/dungeon battles) and has a base cost of 0 NP. She also has a couple of SAT bonuses you can trigger and it convenient forKenshin's route.

    Sengoku Rance - Uesugi bannerUesugi House EditProvinces?? (Sado), MAZO (MAZO)BasicsThe Uesugi House will declare war at the end of turn 101 if they are still standing, they will also declare war after a few turns if you have conquered or vassaled the Asai-Asakura House and are currently not at war with the Tenshi Sect orthe Demon Army (note that the Iga House also has very similar conditions for declaring war, and will usually declare war on you before the Uesugi House). Otherw

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    ise, you can declare war on them for 20 Neg.Once you start fighting the Uesugi house, whenever Rance and Uesugi Kenshin face each other on the battlefield, you will get an automatic victory.In First Games, if the player go to war against the Houjou House then the Takeda House will quickly take out the Uesugi House (unless the player go to war against BOTH Houjou and Uesugi, or if the player is also currently fighting Takeda).After conquering an entire province from Uesugi, they will have night raids to push you back from conquering the second province (it is impossible to capture any territory from Uesugi until the coup event takes place, as they will continuenight raids).After a few events in the Uesugi House's turn (the last of which is Kenshin returning from training in the mountains), the next time you attack Uesugi House (even by Battle Permits), there will be a coup, with Kenshin's uncle taking over and his messenger offering to give you Kenshin in exchange for peace.Slaying the messenger on the spot, the first option, allows you to conquer Uesugi House normally.Choosing to accept, the second option, will make the Uesugi House your vassal, after which, they will occasionally send you warrior units as reinforcements.Note that the coup event will not trigger if Rance has not met Kenshin yet and has not seen at least one night raid. If Kenshin's uncle is not defeated within 5 turns after the coup event, Kenshin and Ai will be lost forever.Once you have conquered the house and recruited Kenshin and AI, a battle with boars is unlocked every few turns in Sado. It gives 500 + 100 gold for every additional fight and is required to unlock one of the Six Great Treasures (see Sengok

    u Rance:Objectives.) This one is superior to the one in Owari, as it offers 20 points per turn (a total of 60 are needed) versus the Owari event's 10, see Gamemechanics for more details).Noteworthy commandersUesugi Kenshin - Will only join you if you slay the messenger and conquer the Uesugi House, she can either be recurited directly by a purple event, or she willjoin in a later start of turn event.Naoe Ai - Will only join you after Kenshin has joined. You can either wait for her to auto-join after a few turns or if you want her now; you need to pick a purple ??? event to have her join you.NOTE!: In older versions of the game, If you pick the Uesugi house 2nd Game bonus, it is possible to get 2 copies of Naoe Ai! One from the 2nd Game bonus. The second copy can be acquired through a purple ??? event in Sado.

    Torako and Katsuko - Can only be captured in battle after you conquered the Uesugi House and they get hired by other houses (unless you start the game with theUesugi bonus, in which case you cannot capture them, as they will not join other countries after Uesugi is defeated). Their maximum levels are random. Their names are on the game progress report.Irobu Eroko - Can be captured in battles. Her name is on the game progress report.

    Sengoku Rance - Takeda bannerTakeda House EditProvinces?? (Shinano), ? (Shell/Kai)Basics

    You can declare war on them for 6 Neg anytime after their introduction, howeverin non-KTM routes, you will also require the event where the Takeda generals consider how Oda will effect the balance of power between Takeda, Uesugi and Houjou.They will almost immediately declare war on you after the temple events of Isoroku route.In Second Games, they will begin preparations to declare war on you if you reach turn 72 without already being at war with them. The preparation takes 6 turns,but can be delayed by 3 turns by doing an event in a province owned by the Takeda House taking 8 Neg, and then 3 more Neg for every time it is repeated (so 11,

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    14, 17... Neg).They cannot be vassaled.If the player go to war against the Takeda House, the Tokugawa House will go towar against the player.The Takeda House is known for its Cavalry units, which are similar to Warrior units except that they do more damage than Warriors and can hit the front or backrow of your side from the front or back row of their side.In First Games, if the player go to war against either the Houjou House or the Uesugi House, then Takeda will quickly take out the other house (unless the player go to war against BOTH Houjou and Uesugi, or if the player is also currently fighting Takeda). See the individual house's sections for more details.On later playthroughs, on turns 54/55, regardless of if the Uesugi House is still standing or not, Takeda will take over Saitama from Houjou, this can be prevented by declaring war on either the Takeda or Houjou houses but if you later make peace with the Houjou House (after turn 55), Takeda will take over Saitama as an end of turn event. Possibly removing the Houjou House from the game.Note that If you conquer the Mouri House while the Takeda House and Imagawa House are still standing and are not at war with you, Takeda will conquer Toukaidouin and end of turn event. This does not appear to happen in the Kill the Monkeyroute and will happen in both first and second games.At the end of the third turn after war has begun with the Takeda House, its four generals will start participating in battles. Then on random turns, the four generals of the Takeda House will lead a consecutive blitz charge, attacking you four times in the same turn. As a note of warning, you will be told that the 'Tak

    eda army is gather' the turn before the blitz.The blitz attack will always contain two uncaptureable units with randomly generated (but still valid) moves on the front row called 'Takeda Cavalry', they will be accompanied by one of the Takeda generals and up to 3 units from Takeda's army.See below for tips on how to beat specific battles of the blitz however as a general note, it's best to deliberately lose to the Takeda House until the blitz is forced to target castles, this way you will start all of the battles of the blitz with a huge advantage.The generals attack in the following order:Kousaka Yoshikage (Ninja)Sanada Tourin (Tactician)Baba Shouen (Cavalry)

    Yamagata Masakage (Cavalry)A green exploration command (for 40 points of Search) to assassinate Takeda Shingen becomes available once both of the following conditions are met:The player has previously defeated Takeda House via brute force and let the game auto-save. This can have been done in an earlier play-through, but can also bedone in the current one (by conquering via brute force and then loading a save file where Takeda still exists).In the current game you have successfully blocked all 4 consecutive attacks in a blitz, AND no other events is suppressing events at the beginning of the turn (which introduces the availability of the command, where Rance and Suzume discuss about Shingen).To clarify, the beginning of the turn event CAN occur on a different turn than the turn following the one where you blocked all 4 consecutive attacks. You only

    need to block ONE blitz, and it is possible for the event to occur after later blitz, which you do not need to block.The Takeda House automatically falls after the assassination, and Sanada Tourinwill be captured, details on the other generals are found below.Note that if you want to conquer Takeda normally (which is much easier if you can do it before the generals start to fight), you only need to conquer Shinano and Shell/Kai to defeat the Takeda house, any additional territory that Takeda might have acquired will automatically come under your control once these two provinces are conquered (this is one good way to get control of Saitama, and therefore the ability to declare war on the Dokuganryuu House without having to declare

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    NOTE!: Italicized provinces signify an event-based change in that land's control - i.e. Shikoku is acquired by Takuga in its first event, and Saitama will sometimes be taken over by Takeda.BasicsWill declare war on you if you conquer Takeda.If province adjacent to a Houjou province other than Saitama, there will eventually be an event where a Diviner/Yin Yang is dispatched into Oda territory to deal with some ogres. After doing her job, she'll trip and you'll have the option to just stare at her panties or rape her. Raping her will make Houjou automatically declare war on you (note that you will not gain any satisfaction points for raping the her, and there will be no CG either).You can declare war on them for 12 Neg.On first playthroughs, unless you are at war with either the Takeda or Houjou house, the Takeda house will take over the Houjou House in two end of turn eventsafter you go to war with the Uesugi House. Interestingly, despite what Souun says in this event, he does not actually appear in Takeda's army.On later playthroughs, on turns 54/55, regardless of if the Uesugi House is still standing or not, Takeda will take over Saitama from Houjou, this can be prevented by declaring war on either the Takeda or Houjou houses, but if you later make peace with the Houjou House (after turn 55), Takeda will take over Saitama asan end of turn event. Possibly removing the Houjou House from the game.Be warned that Nanjo Ran can acquire a magical attack called Summon Suzaku, this move will use all of her actions, but will hit all of your units with a 2.0x damage modifier, it's best to scout and avoid her until she eventually loses it, a

    lthough this can be a problem since she's scripted to appear in the Kazusa 2000castle battle. Once she's lost the move, she's not much better than a generic unit.Both Ran and Souun will die if you conquer Houjou without capturing Ran before hand.Souun will die if you conquer Houjou after capturing Ran BUT before Souun disappears (there is about 1 turn time window for this). Ran can no longer be recruited after that.In non-Kenshin routes, if you have not captured Ran by the time the Demon Army appears, Souun will offer to make peace with Oda.Accepting it allows you to keep any conquered Houjou provinces but any remaining Houjou provinces become unattackable and you lose the ability to declare war on Houjou (strangely, this is not the same as making them a vassal). Although Souu

    n says he will come up with a plan against the Demon, there are no scenes of this afterwards. Ran will shortly be killed by Apostle Gigai and Xavier will kill Souun and take over Houjou. This scene is different from the one where Masako has taken over Souun's dissapearance and Xavier kills Masako.They cannot be vassaled.Noteworthy commandersHoujou Souun - To get him, you must first capture Nanjou Ran. After this, an event will occur where he goes to seal an ogre in Mamushi Oil Field. After conquering the Houjou House, recruit Nanjou Ran and talk to her two times (for her purple events, one of them can be done before conquering the Houjou House), then go to the bottom of the Oil Dungeon in Mamushi Oil Field. It will take a few turns until Souun actually joins you. In a Second Game, this must be done after the 5th gourd is broken, otherwise you will enter Ran's IF route, where Souun is not ob

    tainable.Souun joins in a VERY low priority beginning of turn event which is often pushed back by story events. It can take a very long time for him to join. Try to do this right after the Honouji temple incident for him to join as quickly as possible.Nanjou Ran - Can only be captured after a few events dealing with her summoningpowers (more specifically after she stops using Suzaku in battles, although if the Aposktle Shikibu is free, you may also require the event where Ran meets her), before conquering the Houjou House. She only survives in her own route (although you can complete some routes fast enough for her to not die).

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    Daidouji Komatsu - Automatically captured when defeating the Houjou House. Can be captured beforehand, but only after Souun goes missing and you get the event where she complains that the country sucks. Her passive skill (Fan Club) increases her troop size by 20 every turn, so she can be quite useful in lenghty playthroughs. In order to clear her character you need to have no Diviners/Yin Yangs in your commander list, so try to bring her to Love before getting Ran or Souun.If she's kept in prison long enough,(defined at the start of game; may take as few as 2 turns or as long as 40+ turns depending on gameplay) an event will be available in Owari to violate her (before the event appears, there will be a start of turn event where her fans will demand her release from prison), choosing this event will give +5 Satisfaction and send her to Rance's harem, after which she won't be recruitable any more.Tsukahara Bokuden - Can be captured in battles. His name is on the game progress report.Houjou Masako - A unique faced Diviner/Yin Yang who becomes the temporary leader of the Houjou House if Souun goes missing. Will automatically be captured if Houjou is defeated while Souun has yet to disappear.

    Sengoku Rance - One Eyed bannerOne Eyed House EditProvinces?? (Ezo), ?? (Oushu)BasicsWill not declare war on the player.

    To declare war on them, you must first do the '??? investigate the yokai empire' event in their territory. Then a new event battle with the Seiitai Shogun should appear in Saitama. After doing this battle, you can declare war on them for 13 Neg. See here for details on the battle.If you have no captured any of his wives, you can end the war with them by doing the event 'Make peace with Dokuganryuu Masamune'.After taking over the last One Eye territory, there will be a duel between Rance and Masamune (with Sill supporting Rance if she is available). Masamune will heal himself to full health using eyedrops whenever he drops under 50%. To counter this, first recruit Nogiku, Orime, and Noir, as well as defeat Omachi's unit in battle (and trigger the event after battle), then pick an event in the One Eyed House territory to learn from the three girls how to fight Masamune. If this event is triggered, Masamune will still use eyedrops only once, but subsequently t

    hat move will be disabled by Rance and Masamune will no longer be able to heal.It is possible to defeat Masamune without recruiting his wives and triggering their event. It is also possible that he won't use his healing spell at all - this happens only if Rance is 60 level or above - that, however, might take a whileto achieve. Losing the fight will send you to the Alice Mansion, but it won't make the fight any easier.If the Tokugawa House is not at war with you, and not conquered (it can be vassaled) while you are fighting the One Eyed House, at some point, One Eyed Masamune might take control of it. There is no apparent trigger for this event, it seems to happen regardless of your progress against the One Eyed house or how many wives have been captured, although the trigger may be as simple as a certain number of turns (more research is needed, since the event seems to occur randomly, it might even be possible while Tokugawa is at war with you, but there's no record

    ed incidents of this happening). Interestingly, the two armies do not appear tomerge, but Tokugawa Ieyasu has been seen fighting for the One Eyed House after this event (even his Youkai subordinates are nowhere to be seen, much like when a house is taken by the Demon Army, the commanders just seem to vanish). This has lead to speculation that he may become a refugee and be capturable from other houses after the defeat of the One Eyed House, but this is unlikely - if you hack to capture him, his recruitment from prison event is completely generic and whenever you talk to him, he acts as if he was recruited via tempura, despite never actually being given any and there are no reports of him actually joining another house after the One Eyed house has fallen.

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    Interestingly, even if the last One Eyed territory you conquer is in Mikawa, the battle against Masamune still takes place in the Youkai Castle, as if you werein Ezo.Another interesting fact is that upon taking Mikawa, the Hannies will say that "Oda conquered Tokugawa" despite that not really being the case (the Hannies seem to declare war as soon as Oda takes Mikawa they don't seem to actually care for Tokugawa).Noteworthy commandersDokuganryuu Masamune - After you defeat his house, he may join in you in a start of turn event. He cost 5, but only require 2 free national power and a free slot in your roster to join. He does not appear to attend army battles when you are fighting against his house.In 1.04, he will not join if any of Nogiku, Orime, or Noir are cleared (originally he could join even if all three girls are cleared)Omachi - She commands the most powerful Diviner/Yin Yang unit in the game, and she has two special offensive moves, Lightning and Large Lighting, see Skills for more information but note that the only reliable way to beat her is a team of Ninjas and some very powerful offensive units. Defeat her unit in battle and winthe battle to get an event where she turns into a stone. Then after Masamune joins you, get Masamune up to Trust, and then an event should occur where she joins you (requires Kouhime).NOTE! (WORKS IN OLDER VERSIONS ONLY): If you pick the One eyed house 2nd Game bonus, it is possible to get 2 copies of Omachi! One from the 2nd Game bonus. Thesecond copy can be acquired if you character clear Masamune. This can be done by

     invading just one area of one eyed house territory and getting Masamune to trust. This is actually a glitch and is fixed in v1.04 of Sengoku Rance; in the latest version it's impossible to clear Masamune or get a second Omachi if you began with the One-Eyed bonus.Nogiku - Defeat her unit in battle and she will be captured. She's one of the best Foot Soliders in the game, comes with All Guard.Requirement: You have to recruit Akashi Kazemaru who MUST have Hibachi as his passive skill before she can be captured, but note that he does not need to attend the battle to capture her.A reason for this might lies in the Nogiku's H-cg. In which it shows that Nogiku is bounded by an iron chain which (coincidentally?) is identical to Hibachi's iron chain, but otherwise, there's nothing in the game that would even hint to the fact that Hibachi is required.

    Although unconfirmed, it appears that you have to let a turn pass after giving Hibachi to Kazemaru for the effect to actually kick-in.Orime - Defeat her unit in battle and she will be captured, she is a fairly standard Ninja unit with very good stats.Noir - Defeat her unit in battle and she will be captured, she is a Warrior unit with Commander Charge.Moscow Fuyushougun - A foot soldier commander with very large troops size. Can be captured in battles, but his troop size will revert to 1000, and he has high cost, making him quite useless. His name is on the game progress report.Note that for all of Masamune's wives, there have been complaints of them not being capturable if any of the bodyguard unit that are in the battle with them are not defeated during the battle. (It is recommended to trigger the capture events in the very first battle of each wife. It is also recommended to avoid using B

    attle Permits if you want to capture then. And lastly, recruit them from prisononly after Omachi turns into a stone.)Southern JAPAN EditSengoku Rance - Tanegashima bannerTanegashima House EditProvinces?? (Tamba)BasicsWill not declare war on the player.Any time after their introduction, you can declare war on them for 16 Neg.

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    You may force them to surrender (become a vassal), for 20 Neg if you have captured Yuzuhara Yuzumi or if Xavier kills her in Kenshin route. They do not appear to send you any reinforcements.If you happen to be at war with another house when facing Tanegashima, an eventwill happen and will show Tanegashima thinking about how they have weapons, butlack manpower to use them, and he will come up with and idea to sell his musketunits cheaply to the other house so that they can fight you together. To make things worse, when you are one territory away from defeating Tanegashima, he willgive even more musket units to that same country if you did not defeat it first.In a First Game, if the player goes to war against the Akashi House while not at war with the Mouri House or the Tanegashima House, the Mouri House will move in and conquer Tanegashima.In Second Games, if you are not at war with the Mouri House or the Tanegashima House when you begin the Isoroku or Ran route, the Mouri House will conquer the Tanegashima House.Noteworthy commandersYuzuhara Yuzumi - can be captured in battle. Will be automatically captured when Tanegashima House is defeated. Be warned that she has a move called 'Aim and Shoot' which has a chance of insta-killing the commander it hits on top of doing normal damage.Tanegashima Shigehiko - automatically captured upon taking over Tamba.Kikan Juutarou and Saika Mako - can be recruited in Tamba after recruiting Tanegashima Shigehiko.Sengoku Rance - Akashi banner

    Akashi House EditProvinces?? (Himeji)BasicsYou can declare war on them for 13 Neg at anytime after Akashi Kazemaru has been introduced. He will be introduced at the end of the second turn after you haveconquered or vassaled a province adjacent to Himeji.If you have a province adjacent to Himeji and Akashi Kazemaru has been introduced, the Akashi House will begin preparation to declare war on the Oda House as astart of turn event (note that other events can take priority over this).5 turns after this preparation has begun, the Akashi House will declare war on the Oda house as a start of turn event (which like the previous event, can also be put off by other start of turn events), however this preparation can be delaye

    d by 3 turns by doing an event in Himeji for a 15 Neg.Note that unlike Takeda's delayal event, the Neg required to delay the war never increases.Possibly due to a glitch, if you have not conquered the Mouri House, Akashi's declaration of war will simply happen without an accompanying event, but if you have conquered the Mouri House, the event will be accompanied by a full start of turn event.In First Games, if the player goes to war against the Tanegashima House and is not at war with the Akashi House, the Mouri House will move in and conquer the Akashi House. This will occur even if Mouri has no provinces adjacent to Akashi.In Second Games, from turn 51 onwards (and possibly earlier, these events are difficult to confirm), if you're not at war with anyone and the Mouri House is still standing, an event where Akashi is pressured into declaring war on the Oda Ho

    use by the Mouri House will be 'queued' (and can never be unqued unless you declare war on the Akashi House), this event will make the Akashi House declare waron the Oda House in an end of turn event (which can be delayed by higher priority events).With seemingly no conditions, you can vassal them for 30 Neg, however they do not appear to send reinforcements.While facing the Akashi House you will see several events caused by the Nuhe.After you take over one territory, an event will occur introducing the Nuhe Ikuno. After this, your next battle with the Akashi House will be automatically lost due to the Nuhe Ikuno and after this, the Nuhe Natatori will be released, causi

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    ng your next battle against the Akashi House to be automatically lost. What happens next depends on when you next fight the Akashi House.If you fight the Akashi House again in the same turn that you've automatically lost due to the Nuhe Nataori, you will fight a normal battle and afterwards you will see Nuhe Yuuge's introduction.If you do not fight the Akashi House again in the same turn that you automatically lost due to the Nuhe Natatori, you will see Nuhe Yuuge's introduction as an end of turn event.After Nuhe Yuuge has been introduced, your next fight against the Akashi House will be automatically lost, then either after your next battle with the Akashi House or as an end of turn event, the Nuhe Hibachi will be released, but she willnot cause you to automatically lose (Yuuge is the last automatic loss you will have against the Akashi House).When dealing with the Nuhe, the following should be noted.Battle Permits will not face automatic defeats, but can trigger all of the other events.If you have Senhime, the automatic defeats are a good way to do the 3 losing battles required to Character Clear her, since they don't put her life at risk.Conquering the final territory of the Akashi House will trigger an event that takes priority over the other events, meaning that you can conquer the Akashi House without Hibachi being introduced.At the end of the turn after all of the Nuhe events have finished, you will be told in the enemy country information (even if it's turned off) that 'Many patriotic children join the army', these units often have pathetic troop sizes (often

    less than 50) but they are capturable, and seem to be randomly generated and therefore might be worth investing some time in capturing, since they tend to havemore moves than most generics (e.g. Charge on a Warrior or All Guard on a Foot Solider) and have sometimes been known to have 6/7s in some of their stats.Noteworthy commandersAkashi Kazemaru - See Character Clears for how to make him useful.Kamiizumi Nobutsuna - Can be captured in battles. His name is on the game progress report.Abe Heizou & Asahina Hyakuman cannot be captured, but when they are killed in abattle, they can trigger an event in Kazemaru's turn which is in the Clear GameReport and can take priority over some of Akashi's events, such as Hibachi's introduction.

    Cg10665Takuga EditProvinces?? (Death Country/Shikoku), ??? (Mid Earth/Nakakkuni)BasicsThey will be introduced in 5 end of turn events after you declare war on eitherthe Mouri House or the Houjou House. In the last of these events, they will take control of ??? (Mid Earth/Nakakkuni) from the Mouri House (the last two eventsrequire the Mouri House to still be standing).After the last event of their introduction, if you go to, or are at war with the Mouri House they will begin their 5 turn preparation to declare war on the OdaHouse. These preparations can be delayed by 3 turns by doing an event in a province owned by Takuga, taking 8 Neg, and then 3 more Neg for every time it is repe

    ated (so 11, 14, 17... Neg). Other than this event, they will not declare war on the Oda House, meaning that if you conquer the Mouri House before the events introducing Takuga have finished, you should be able to prevent them ever declaring war.Any time after they have took control of ?? (Death Country/Shikoku), you can declare war on them for 16 Neg.They cannot be vassaled.Takuga's units often have massive troop sizes, on 5 Star, they've been known tohave 9999 troops on most of their units.If you have recruited Okita Nozomi and the events with Yamanaka Kojika have prog

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    ressed to the point where the Hanny Shinsengumi have met her (see the Mouri House's section for details), then after an event between Sakamoto Ryouma and the Hannies (possibly requiring the rest of Takuga's event to have happened) and an event where the Hannies attack Takuga, a purple event 'Support Shinsengumi terrorists' will be available in Takuga's territory and you will be given the option to fund the Hannies with various amount of gold or nothing, picking nothing achieves nothing but otherwise, regardless of what amount of gold you pick, the Hannies will take over one Takuga-controlled territory every other turn for the Oda House. Note that the Hannies will not conquer the final territory of a province.If you fight them until their only remaining province is Death Country, you maypick a purple event 'Close the gate and shut Takuga out?' and click on first choice to close the great gate and shut them there forever where they will not be able to attack you but you won't be able to recruit Sakamoto Ryouma any other oftheir commanders that you have yet to capture.This event won't appear if you conquered ??? (Mid Earth/Nakakkuni) before they did.Once you have conquered their last province, you will fight a commander battle against 3 level 30 Red Ogres (320HP) and 3 level 25 Blue Ogres (275HP). Losing will send you to the Alice Mansion and heal your units, but the Mansion won't make the fight any easier.Noteworthy CommandersSakamoto Ryouma - Automatically captured when Takuga is conquered, otherwise cannot be captured and is a fairly normal Ninja unit.Gon (a very good Foot Solider with Fellow Troops' Revenge and Ally Guard+ but su

    ffers from only having 3 Int), Kawanoe Yuzuru and Kawanoe Mine (both fairly average Warrior units) can be captured in battle, or automatically captured when Takuga is conquered. They are not recruitable unless Sakamoto Ryouma is in your army. Gon will leave your army after a few turns if Ryouma is no longer in your party.Shoutoku Taishi - Can be captured in battles. His name is on the game progress report. He comes with a monstrous 9 atk and 5 action points, but has a miserable0 def and int, and 4 speed. His level also caps at 45, so, along with having 5 action points, he can be a valuable asset for commander fights.

    Sengoku Rance - Mori bannerMouri House EditProvinces

    ?? (Izumo), ???? (Battleship Nagato/Senkan Nagato), ??? (Red Helmet/Akaheru), ??? (Mid Earth/Nakakkuni)BasicsYou can declare war on them for 12 Neg anytime after their battle with the Akashi House, which happens at the end of any turn that you conquer or vassal a province adjacent to Himeji.They will declare war on you almost immediately after you have entered the Isoroku route. Otherwise in Second Games, they will only declare war by beginning preparations to declare war on turn 62, these preparations take 6 turns, and can be delayed by 3 turns by doing an event in a province owned by the Mouri House, this event takes 8 Neg to do, and then a further 3 for every time it is repeated (exactly the same mechanic as the Takeda House).They cannot be vassaled.

    After defeating the Mouri House in battle at least once, if the Mouri House still has at least two provinces, an event in Mouri's turn can happen where he willgrow impatient and offer the player a chance to fight in an all-out battle (this event can take a long time to trigger, even as much as 7 turns if you keep thebattles with the Mouri House to a minimum, it does not require Rance to have met Mouri, nor does it require you to have won a battle against Mouri Motonari).To take the challenge, you must do a purple event in a province owned by the Mouri House 'Invitation for battle' and then choosing to accept (declining the challenge is a waste of a fan).By taking the challenge, the player will fight all the powerful commanders of th

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    e Mouri House together. That is:Mouri Teru (see below)Mouri Motonari (see below)Iwami Ginzan (a Musket unit with Speed Luck)Kikkawa Kiku (see below)Murakami Suigun (see below)Kuu Hime (see below)Note that Kobayakawa Chinu does not attend this battle, meaning that she can't cause an automatic defeat (see below).Winning the fight allows the player to capture an entire province from the Mouri House directly instead of winning it one territory at a time (if Izumo is still until the Mouri House's control, you will get Izumo, if Izumo is not under their control, you'll get Senkan Nagato, what happens if they've expanded further than that is unknown).NOTE: Though you acquire a province by winning the challenge, it doesn't count as conquering it, so you can still invade other provinces on that turn.Losing will cause a Game Over.The challenge can be taken until the Mouri House has only one province left, oruntil Motonari's curse has been lifted.If the event where Kobayakawa Chinu is in the forest looking for ingredients for poisons has happened, then the next time you battle against her unit, she willserve poisoned drinks to your army, which will lead to an automatic defeat. This event only happens once and can be circumvented with a different pre-battle cutscene (such as Uruza's character clear).

    Note that If you conquer the Mouri House while the Takeda House and Imagawa House are still standing and not at war with you, Takeda will conquer Toukaidou. This does not appear to happen in the Kill the Monkey route but will happen in both first and second games.If you are not at war with the Mouri House or the Tanegashima House when you begin the Isoroku or Ran route, the Mouri House will conquer the Tanegashima House.When you take the final territory of the Mouri House you will fight a commanderbattle against Mouri (if he is cursed, he is level 50 with 1200HP, if uncursed,he will fight exactly the same as if he is cursed, but he will only have 450HP)and his 2 level 25 bodyguards with 250HP each. He has two attacks, one that does 200 damage and one that does a 1.5x a normal attack's damage. He is not immuneto magic in this fight.Losing sends you to the Alice Mansion which will heal your commanders, but the M

    ansion doesn't make the fight any easier.To lift Mouri Motonari's curse:Defeat the Takuga House and recruit Sakamoto Ryouma.Search for the dungeon in Izumo (requires Kouhime and Sill), this may be done before step 1.Select the event 'Ask Ryouma about Motonari' (this appears in any province where you can talk to her normally).Go through the dungeon in Izumo until you fight an enemy called Daidaara (?????) on the 7th floor, after which you'll have an event (you can leave the dungeon after that if you wish).When it's Mouri's turn, Mouri Motonari's curse will be lifted and he will fightlike a regular unit (which is actually bad news for you in army battles, unlessyou killed him so much that his HP has become very high). Note: If you have not

    seen the event where his curse is lifted, then his curse hasn't been lifted - you can defeat the Mouri House with Daidaara dead, but Mouri still cursed.If the Mouri house bonus is chosen and Senkan Nagato is the last Mouri province, the Demon Army/Shimazu will not take it or the Mouri House over. This allows you to avoid fighting either of them as they cannot get past Senkan Nagato (at least until they take over another house adjacent to your provinces). This is useful if you want to avoid fighting either the Demon Army or Shimazu until you are ready, however this does not prevent Gigai from challenging you or Shimazu from stealing your female commanders.Noteworthy commanders:

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    Mouri Motonari (cursed) - As long as he is cursed he will have the following properties in army battles:He will be a unit with a health bar rather than a troop count, he starts with 500HP which increases by 50 every time his unit is defeated. Strangely, it seems impossible to reduce his health to 0 in one hit, it seems to be the case that the maximum amount of damage any attack can do to him is half of his total health (making a Commander Charge from a strong and high levelled unit a good way to defeat him).Despite what scouting will tell you, both of his attacks are exactly the same -they kill 200 of your troops without him taking counterattack damage.He will be immune to all magical attack except for those that deal damage basedon the percentage of a units troop count (for example, he is immune to Shikigami but not Miko Storm).He has a hidden troop count that determines how much counterattack damage he deals, and may effect the damage done to him by moves that deal damage based on the percentage of a units troop count.As with most plot-crtical units, he cannot be captured, killed or effected by insta-kill moves.Mouri Motonari (uncursed) - A very powerful Warrior unit with Commander Charge and Initial Battle Rating. He will be captured upon defeating the Mouri House, however if you get his relationship up to Trust, he will turn into something verysimilar to his cursed form (see Character clears for more info). When recruited, his basic attack in commander battles (Motonari Punch) can be very useful because it does 200 damage regardless of the enemy's defense, which for obvious reaso

    ns, is great against high level enemies like Xavier, where most other characters do less than 100 damage.Strangely, in his uncursed form, he seems to have as much HP in dungeons as what he had when he was cursed, that is, if you lets him reach 1,000 HP, and then uncurse him, once you've beat his 450HP version in the final (comamnder) battles against the Mouri House, he will have 1,000HP in commander battles when you recruit him.Mouri's three daughters who are all automatically captured when Mouri House is defeated but can be captured in regular battles once you have won the all-out battle.Mouri Teru - one of the best Foot Solider units in the game and due to her having the skill Counterattack 2, you should be cautious even when there's a risk ofattacking her, or else she may hit you back for massive damage.

    Kikkawa Kiku - One of the best Ninjas in the game. Of particular note, she has access to Assassinate 2, meaning that she is probably best fought with units that are immune to insta-kill moves (in the latest patches, that means any unit that you cannot fire, if you have done a good job upgrading him, Rance can do well in this fight), she also has access to Leaves Hiding, which gives her such a bigdefensive buff that, particularly with an item like the Guts Armour, she becomes tougher than most Foot Soliders. Note that if you wish to H Kiku or clear her,she must be captured before the Mouri House is defeated. Note also that failingto H Kiku also denies you the H-scene with all three of the sisdter (see Character Clears).Kobayakawa Chinu - The second best Miko in the game, other than the instant loss you can face against her, be warned that she has the very slow, preparation requiring move 'Poison' which deals damage equal to 50% of the your current troop s

    ize, and requires two Shurikens/Accurate Shots to be cancelled. In addition, Poison counts as a physical attack, letting Foot Soldiers with guard active receive reduced damage. Note also that Chinu will always die the turn after the Demon Army appears.Yamanaka Kojika - Must play in a slow pace to see her interactions and events with Ashikaga Choushin, Inukai (this one appears to be optional), Seigan (while Oda is at war with their respective Houses), and Oda House (where she wants to recruit Rance but gets kicked out instead). (The aforementioned events will not betriggered anymore after an event where she meets the Shinsengumi and encountersMouri Motonari face-to-face.) Next, an event at Mid Earth and an event at Battle

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    ship Nagato (where she fights the Mouri house by herself) must be triggered. All the events listed must happen while the Mouri House has more than one province. When Mouri House has only one province left, an event about Kojika should appear automatically right away without taking turns; otherwise, it means that not all of her prerequisite events have been triggered. After defeating the Mouri House, her purple recruitment event should be available at Izumo.Ahen Shounin - A mercenary miko commander with troop size over 4000. His defense stat is always 1, although the other stats are random. When you capture him, his troop size reverts to 1000. Worth your time to imprison him to deny his use to your opponents.Murakami Suigun - A tactician commander with a special tan-skinned portrait (like some of the Shimazu girlfriend commanders, who you can't capture). She has 6 action points and 6 in Search, Negotiation, and Construction and she has Remove Status A/3, Battle Strategy (All) and Solidarity. She cannot be captured until after the Mouri House has been conquered, and she has been recruited elsewhere,Kuu Hime: A unit with a generic appearance that appears in the All-Out Battle with Mouri, she cannot be captured until after the Mouri House has been conquered, and she has been recruited elsewhere, but she comes with 7 Int, making her arguably the third best Diviner in the game. She also has Advanced Shikigami, although that probably shouldn't be feared since it's slower than regular Shikigami.

    Sengoku Rance - Shimazu bannerThe Demon Army / Shimazu House Edit

    Provinces??? (Cairo), ???? (Morocco), ???? (Amazon), ????? (South Africa)BasicsNOTE! The Demon Army only appears if you're on the True, Yamamoto Isoroku IF, or Kenshin IF route.

    Some time after the first fight with Xavier (usually between 7 and 10 turns), Xavier will appear in Africa and take over the Shimazu House, renaming it the Demon Army.Upon the appearance of the Demon Army:Senkan Nagato will be automatically taken by the Demon Army if you conquered itor if it is under the control of the Mouri House but is not the last province of the Mouri House.

    Two new SAT bonuses will be unlocked 'Militia May Appear During Attacks' and 'Militia May Appear During Defense' unfortunately, the units this bonus gives are quite poor for this point in the game. They are always warriors, with a troop size determined by your average number of troops (exuding foot soldiers) and therecombat stats are 6 Atk, 6 Def, 6 Int and 4 Spd, with 3 actions.Kobayakawa Chinu will die the turn after the Demon Army appears (note that if you're aggressive enough, you can trigger events with Apostle Madou before she dies).After the appearance of the Demon Army, Xavier will start having events during his 'turn' which occurs either after a battle with the Demon Army (even by Battle Permits) or at the end of your turn. These events seem to happen in no particular order, although some seem to have a higher priority than others, the noteworthy 'Xavier's turn' events are as follows:

    The Shimazu brothers will launch 5 consecutive attacks on the Oda House (the first 4 attacks are lead by the brothers, oldest to youngest, the final attack is lead by Agireda). Unlike the Takeda Blitz, there is no reward for winning all ofthese battles, but the final attack is probably your best chance to capture Agireda. This only happens once.In the True route only, If there are other houses left (vassaled or not), Xavier may directly kill off one of those houses and convert them into Demon Army provinces. The only houses that will be spared are:The One Eyed House (however in Kenshin's Route, Xavier may make them declare war rather than join the Demon Army, this is sometimes claimed to be a glitch)

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    The Asai Asakura House.The Tanegashima HouseThe Hara HouseThe Tokugawa House (although if they are vassaled, they will declare war on youand will conquer Toukaidou if the Oda House controls it)The Tenshi SectThe Imagawa HouseAs a matter of fact, it seems to be the case that Xavier will always take over houses in the same order, Uesugi? Takeda ? Mouri? Houjou ? Iga ? Akashi ? Ashikaga? Miko Institute?Takuga, although by using family bonuses, you can spare some of the houses.See the appropriate sections for how Xavier's conquering differs in other routes.Nanjo Ran will die (often at the same point that the Houjou House either is or would be taken). This does not appear to happen in the Kenshin route.Depending on how Ran died, there may be an event where the Apostle Gigai returns to Xavier. Then, either after this event or simply on a random turn of Xavier's if this event didn't happen, there will be an event where Gigai mentions how he wants to fight a strong guy in Oda, after this Gigai may appear in Xavier's turn after battles, and you must send a commander to face his challenge. N

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