Original Camp Rock Script

Post on 29-Nov-2014






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A Disney channel original movie. 2008



Script. Done by ear by: Kiersten Gantz 

Writing credits

(WGA)Karin Gist (written by) & Regina Y. Hicks (written by) (as Regina Hicks) and Julie Brown (written by) & Paul Brown (written by)

Main characters:

Mitchie Torres…………………….Demi Lovato

Shane Grey………………………….Joe Jonas

Tess Tyler……………………………Meaghan J. Martin

Caitlyn Geller……………………Alyson Stoner

Ella…………………………………….Anna Maria Perez de Tagle

Peggy/Margaret Dupree…..Jasmine Richards

Other main characters:

Lola…………………………………….Aaryn Doyle

Andy……………………………………Giovanni Spina

Barron James…………………….Jordan Francis

Sander Loyer……………………..Roshon Fegan

Brown Cesario…………………..Daniel Fathers

Dee La Duke……………………….Julie Brown

Nate……………………………………Nick Jonas

Jason………………………………….Kevin Jonas

(The scene opens up in the Torres home, in Mitchie’s bedroom. She is lying in bed but first you hear her mother’s voice as you see the front fenced in yard.)

Connie: Mitchie! Up! Last day of school!

(Upstairs we are now in Mitchie’s room where we see her push a C.D. labeled “Mitchie’s Tunes” into the laptop by her bed while still under her covers. Music fills the room. SONG: “Who Will I Be?” which is track 5. Mitchie, smiling, throws the cover off and jumping out of bed goes over to her window to open the blinds then she sits down in front of her mirror and play with her hair- ponytail-2 high ponytails-one big pile of hair on top of her head. Then lets it down and brushes it. Get’s up, goes to closet, opens it and parts the clothes on the rack in two. Comes out first in a black/blue/green polka dotted dress then a cute red shirt with jeans/ capris with a matching red hat then puts the polka dotted dress back on. She settles on a purple baby doll top and jeans while nodding approvingly. She lies back down on her bed and pulls out a small yellow book with a pen attached with “Mitchie’s songs” handwritten on the cover. She reads a few lines then looks up and around, closing the book and holding it to her chest. Next she is seen singing and playing her keyboard slightly wildly swinging her hair. She slides her finger across the keyboard and sits down in front of her mirror again with large sunglasses on, she tries a couple of poses. She shakes her head and removes them and now instantly has a smaller pair with white rims. She removes those as well and has a dark pair on that look like hippie’s glasses. She gives the disgusted “no way” look. But smiles and rests her head on her left hand and takes them off so she has a bare face, She next picks up her guitar and plays a B minor chord rocking along to the music. Picking up her song book and picking up her back pack, she grabs another bag/satchel and takes one last look at herself and opens the door and exits the room as the song comes to an end. She closes the door.)

“Who Will I Be?

WoaaaahhhYea…. yea, yea, yeaHow to choose,Who to beWell let’s seeThere's so many choices now,Play guitar, Be a movie starIn my head a voice says-Why, not Try everything?Why, stop Reach for any dreamI can rockCause’ it's my lifeand now's the time.CHORUS

Who will I beIt's up to meAll the never ending possibilitiesThat I can seeThere's nothing that I can't doWho will I beYes I believeI get to make the future what I want to If I can become any one and know the choice is up to me-Who will I be, I wanna find the, who I am inside

Who will I be I wanna show the, the way that I can shiiiiiiiiine. Who Will I be?!


(Mitchie is downstairs eating breakfast when her mom (Connie) walks into kitchen. Mitchie looks up at the T.V. and points to it)

Mitchie: Oh cool, Hot Tunes is on. *Smiling* turn it up please.

TV Announcer: The pop star phenol Shane Grey may have gone too far this time when he stormed off the set of the new Connect 3 music video. Word is, the other members of Connect 3 are fed up. This final stunt cost his label thousands of dollars, but may cost them, the rest of their record deal.

Connie:*Sighs* What is wrong with that boy? He’s got everything.

Mitchie: except a clue.

TV Announcer: The message is clear; he needs to clean up his act. And to give him time to do it, the Connect 3 summer tour has been canceled.

(Connie, sighing, turns of the T.V.)

Connie: Look what I found in the crisper! – a Camp Rock brochure. Or should I say another Camp Rock brochure?

Mitchie: *Pretends to be surprised* Hmm, look at that! Oh, and great cheese omelet by the way! You should definitely add that to your catering menu.

Connie: *Sips coffee* so you have no idea how that got in there? Or the one taped to the vacuum cleaner? *Mitchie shrugs*

Connie (Continues): Sweetie, I know you wanna go to this camp, and I’m sorry but we just can’t swing it right now *Speaks while shaking head* with dad expanding the store and my catering business just taking off.... awh honey I’m sorry.

Mitchie: I know. Uhm… gotta go… last day of school, don’t wanna be late. *Get’s up and walks away, Connie sighs*


(The next scene is at Mitchie’s school, the bell rings and we see her in front of her locker unhappily throwing away camp rock brochures. Her friend Sierra comes up to her for a conversation.)

Sierra: Hey Mitchie!

Mitchie: Hey Sierra.

Sierra: Let me be the first to say xin xia ji Mitchie. It means happy summer Mitchie. Guess who got an A+ in AP Mandarin? Me! Again. Ah! So, how’d it go this morning?

Mitchie: It didn’t. Camp Rock is a no go.

Sierra: But, you have to go Camp Rock is like, THE music camp. Anybody who wants to be somebody music-- *Mitchie looks down*

Oh which… you already know… sorry.

Mitchie: Me too, I was just so excited to have a summer that was all about music, and—

Sierra: I know. So, what are you going to do this summer? *Mitchie shrugs, bell rings*

(We now go back to the Torres home in the back yard where Mitchie’s parents are cooking dinner on the grill.)

Steve: So, how was work?

Mitchie: Uhh, you know Baranese; we serve burgers with a Baranese smile. So, what’s for dinner?

Steve: Burgers.

Connie: Well, our world famous Torres burger.

Mitchie: Uhm, I’ll pass.

Steve: Okay, I can’t stand it, tell her.

Connie: (Excitedly) Well, Steve, she just got home.

Mitchie: *Not wanting to hear what’s next* Tell me what..?

Connie: (To Steve) Okay honey, drum roll!

Mitchie: (Embarrassed) Mom!

Connie: Okay!... (Enthusiastic) You’re goin’ to Camp Rock!

Mitchie: What?!

Steve: She said- you’re going to Camp Rock!

Connie: Well actually we’re going. Connie’s catering is going camping! Business is slow in the summer, this is a steady job, and you get to go to camp at a discounted rate!

Mitchie: *SHRIEKS*

Connie: But you have to help out in the kitchen.

Mitchie: Thank you! Thank you like a million times!

*Group hug*


(We now arrive at Camp Rock where we see arriving kids and a buzz of activity is going on. The camera quickly goes through the main driveway so we get a glimpse of most of the characters. At the other end, we see a red truck with Connie’s Catering on it.)

Mitchie: We’re here!

Connie: Yea! Are you excited?

Mitchie: A little… okay a lot! Major! Thank you mom! Im’mna have so much fun! Whoa! *Glances out the window at a long black limo where Tess gets out and looks all pretty* (more quietly) whooaa.

(Now we go to Mitchie and Connie’s cabin and they have their bags and they begin settling)

Connie: (Walking in door) Okaayy sweetie let’s get settled in.

Mitchie: (Laying bags on bed quickly) *Sighs* settled.

Brown: (Walking in) That’s great! (To Connie, holds out his hand) Brown Cesario: Camp director slash founding member and bass guitar of the Wet Crows. And you must be Connie Torres: Our new cook!

Connie: That’s me! And this is my daughter (Turns around to introduce) *Slightly embarrassed* uhh… Who’s already gone.

Brown: Ahh no worries, she probably just wanted to get out there, get to it, you know what I mean? When the music calls, you’ve got’to (gah-doo) answer.

Connie: I can’t wait for you to meet her though; she has got a great voice! Look at me I’m already bragging.

Brown: Oh! You got’to brag love! Learned that from the mixta. *Narrows left eye* Jagga. (Referring to Vinsil Mc Jagger)

Connie: (Impressed) You knew Mc’ Jagger??

Brown: Yeahhh! Backed him up for years. Great times, great times. But not as great as the time when I taught Aerosmith…

Connie: Awh, you knew Aerosmith?!

(Scene fades)

(Camp rock welcoming ceremonies, some people are playing their instruments and Mitchie walks into view behind Andy the drummer. Turning around to look around she walks into camp diva Tess Tyler)

Mitchie: *Gasps* Sorry, I didn’t.. I didn’t see you!

Tess: *Snotty* Obviously. (Walks away)

Caitlyn: That’s Tess Tyler, the diva of Camp Rock.

Mitchie: Is she really good?

Caitlyn: She’s good at trying too hard to be good. Understandable cause’ her mom’s T.J. Tyler.

Mitchie: The T.J. Tyler? She’s got like a trillion Grammys!

Caitlyn: A trillion and one, I think. (Holding out hand) Hi, I’m Caitlyn: camper today, top selling music producer tomorrow. Check me out. (Plays her computer and turntable sounds come out)

Mitchie: Cool! *Laughs* I’m Mitchie.

Caitlyn: Hi.

(Dee La Duke runs on stage all perky and stuff)

Dee La Duke: Hi gang! I’m Dee La Duke: the musical director here at Camp Rock!

(A chorus of “Hi Dee” rings out as everyone turns their attention to Dee.)

Dee La Duke: Here at Camp Rock we *Sings* siiinng! So let’s hear that again!

(Crowd responds by singing “Hiii Deeee”)

Dee La Duke: Sounds good, a little pitchy in places, but we’ll fix that by the final jam.

Barron: (Rapping) Hey! Here to rock it out!

Sander: At least I know we’re new. (May not be right)

Barron: We plan to be tha winnas-

Barron/Sander: On stage at final jam! B: Holla! J: Holla! B/J: Put hands up *AT SAME TIME*-

B: Hey Hey

S: C’mon everybody get’cha hands up! Hey

Dee La Duke: (Interrupting but smiling) Okay! Okay! Settle down! You’re having too much fun! (To crowd) Okay, this summer is not just about the final jam, we have a lot of work to do! You’re gonna get new music skills, you’re gonna find your sound, create your own style *Imitating Barron/Sander* Holla! And figure out who you wanna be as an artist but most of all, have fun!

(Crowd cheers)

Dee La Duke: Aaand, drum roll please! (Andy drums on the stage)

For the first time, we’re gonna be joined at camp by a very special celebrity instructor!

(In the Connect 3 Limo)

Shane: I don’t wanna waste my summer at some camp! I’m Shane Gray for crying out loud!

Nate: Hey man, we used to love this place, three years ago, we were campers.

Jason: Yea Man, this is where Connect 3, connected!

Nate: *Shakes head at Jason* and you get to see your Uncle Brown.

Shane: Ha. Not a selling point.

Nate: Look man, right now, you’re the bad boy of the press, and the label has a problem with that, which means- we have a problem with that.

Jason: Actually, I don’t really have a problem with that. *Nate looks at him* (Points at Shane) We have a problem with that.

Nate: This camp thing is supposed to fix it. It’s good P.R., so do your time. Enjoy the fresh air, get a tan.

Jason: Oh! And can you make me a birdhouse or something?

Shane: One word- payback.

Jason: That’s 2 words!

(Shane exits car)

Nate: By the way, we told the press you’d be recording a duet with the winner of Final Jam.

Shane: What! *Nate waves bye and limo drives off*

(Now we are at Shane’s cabin where he is greeted by his uncle, Brown)

Brown: Shane! *says something inaudible* (I think it’s) what’s the haps man?

Shane: Hey what’s up? Nothing bro. (may be incorrect)

(In the kitchen, Mitchie is making burgers unhappily from a large blob of raw meat.)

Connie: I hear there’s an open mic tonight.

Mitchie: Yeaa.

Connie: Are you gonna sing?

Mitchie: In front of all those people? No way.

Connie: Sweetie, I hear you in your room! You’re really good! Mom’s honor. *Mitchie smiles* and if you’re nervous, so what. Everyone is nervous. That’s why I’m makin’ so much food tonight because people eat when they’re nervous.

Mitchie: Not me, I don’t think I can eat another burger, ever.

Connie: Okay, why don’t you go take the trash out to the dumpster and then set up in the mess hall? *Grabs gloves* I’ll finish up here.

(Mitchie walks away. Next the scene switches to her walking around the back of a cabin, where she hears girls’ voices singing in perfect harmony, Mitchie goes up the stairs to investigate.)

*From inside*

Girls’ voices: You think you’re hot but I’m sorry you’re not, ex-act-ly who, you think you are. Can’t tell you what, that you haven’t got, but when we walk into the room.

Tess: Once again from the top, girls.

(Mitchie looks in their window to see Tess, Peggy, and Ella practicing and dancing)

Girls’ voices: You think you’re hot but I’m sorry you’re not, ex-act-ly who, you think you are. Can’t tell you what, that you haven’t got, but when we walk into the room.

Tess: *Frustrated sigh* Work with me here people!

Peggy: Hel-lo! We’re trying but you’re—

Tess: If we wanna win, you guys have to listen to me! Let’s go again.

Girls’ voices: You think you’re hot but I’m sorry you’re not, ex-act-ly who you think you are, Can’t tell you what… *Fades as Mitchie walks away*

(Comes into the Mess Hall and sets a plate and cup down on the table from both hands. Looking around, she pulls out her song book and sits down on the piano bench. The scene switches to Shane Gray Walking around a corner. Shane is on his Phone and he ain’t too happy)

Shane: C’mon guys! I learned my lesson, I showered in cold water, I looked at a tree, it’s been three hours, I need hair product.

(In the Connect 3 limo- Nate/Jason are talking to Shane on Nate’s phone- It is on speaker but we always switch scenes back and forth anyway)

Nate: I guess it’s time to embrace the “natural look”

Jason: Uh, have fun! *Nate hangs up phone*

Shane: Guys!..? *Sighs*

Screaming girls: Ah! There he is! *Chorus of shrieks* (The girls get up and start chasing Shane)

(Shane runs around the corner with girls still chasing him, he tries to hide in some bushes, but upon entering, he trips and staggers a couple more feet to the right where he stops just by the Mess Hall door to hear someone playing piano… but who?)

Screaming Girls: Where’d he go?!

(Mitchie): *singing*

Do you know what it’s like,

To feel so in the dark?

To dream about a life,

Where you’re the shining star.

Even though it seems,

Like it’s too far away-

I have to believe, in myself…

It’s the only way.

This is real, this is me-

I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be now.

Gonna let the light

Shine on me

Now I’ve found

Who I am, there’s no way to hold it in-

No more hiding who I wanna be,

(Screaming girls: I think he went that way!)

This is me.

*Gets up and leaves then Shane walks into the mess hall*

Shane: *Calls out* Hello? Hello? Who’s in here?

(Mitchie walks in the door of their cabin where her mom is looking up recipes on her bed)

Connie: There you are (sweetie)! I’ve got all the food set up so you, princess, are free.

Mitchie: *Without looking up* gotta find something to wear.

Connie: Honey, it’s camp, it’s not a fashion show.

Mitchie: Have you seen these kids? They have a lot! My usual is not going to cut it.

Connie: Aw, I think you look cute! In a non-mom way. Totally.

Mitchie: This, *Pulls out a green top* this is safe.

Connie: It’s also mine. Honey, wear your own clothes. You’ll be fine. Ugh, be yourself. Oh those are pretty.


Mitchie: Hey Caitlyn.

Caitlyn: Hey Mitchie, this is Lola. Lola, Mitchie.

Lola: So, is this your first year?

Mitchie: Yeaah, any advice?

Lola: You’re gonna love it here and this year I hear the food is supposed to be better.

Mitchie: Let’s Hope.

Dee La Duke: Hey Camp Rockers! Next up, let’s have a big Camp Rock welcome for- Lola Scott!

(Everyone cheers)

Lola: Wish me luck!

(Track 12- What it Takes) 

Who’s got, what it takes to be my guy

What it takes to make, me shine

What it takes to get me. fired. up??

Who’s got, what it takes to be my boo. (pronounced: bow)

What it takes to make, me glow.

What it takes to make this, beat, floooow.

Everyone talks about what they think they need

They make up a list of things: 1, 2, 3…

Everyone is different, but where we can’t agree

Every girl wants a boy to treat her sweet.

Don’t think that bein’ mean will get you anywhere

Don’t think that acting cool will make me wanna care

I need your respect, if you’re gonna be the one.

And if you must apply then try to get the job done.

Who’s got, what it takes to be, my guy

What it takes to make, me shine.

What it takes to get me fired up…?

Who’s got, what it takes to be, my boo (pronounced: bow)

What it takes to make, me glow.

What it takes to make this, beat, floooow.

I’ve been contemplating

What it takes to make me give my heart.

Could you be, the one?

Standing in the crowd? I’m waiting to find out.

I’m waiting, waiting, waiting, oh.

Who’s got, what it takes to be, my guy?

What it takes to make, me shine.

What it takes to get me, fired, up.

Who’s got, what it takes to be, my boo. (Pronounced: bow)

What it takes to make, me glow.

What it takes to make this, beat, floooow.


Mitchie: Wow, she’s amazing!

Caitlyn: Yeah, she should be, her mom’s on Broadway.

Mitchie: Broadway?! Wow.

Caitlyn: Yea, but the kids around here don’t care about that. It’s all about the bling. That’s why Tess over there runs this camp. *Sees Tess, Peggy, and Ella approaching* Greeeat! Something wicked this way comes.

Tess: Hey Caitlyn. Your folks still wowing them on the cruise ships?

Caitlyn: Actually, they work in—

Mitchie: *Interrupting* Hi! I’m Mitchie!

Tess: Oh. Hi. I’m Tess Tyler.

Mitchie: I know. Wow, I love your mom!

Tess: Of course you do.

Mitchie: I’m Mitchie Torres.

Peggy: Hey! Is your dad Nikki Torres, the composer? My dad staged one of his shows.

Mitchie: No.

Ella: So what does he do?

Mitchie: He owns a hardware store.

(Tess sighs and she, Peggy, and Ella walk away.)

Mitchie: But my mom… *Turns around, calling after Tess*

Tess: Yeah? *Turning around*

Peggy: What?

Mitchie: Uh, the president- of Hot Tunes TV. In China. Yeah uh, it’s, it’s a huge market over there.

Tess: Wow. Cool.

Ella: So cool.

Peggy: Major cool! Okay, so have you met anybody?

Mitchie: Uh, Yeah, like everybody. Last summer I was in like, three music videos. Yeah, but you could hardly see me I was in the back.

Ella/Peggy/Tess: Wow!

Tess: Are you guys thinking what I’m thinking?

Peggy: Of course!

Ella: Absolutely… What are we thinking?

Tess: *Sighs* (To Mitchie) There’s an extra bed in our cabin- it’s yours if you want it.

Mitchie: Really?

Tess: Totally! We’re gonna be great friends. C’mon- sit with us in the V.I.P. section.

Caitlyn: I’m good, thanks for asking.


(Mitchie enters cabin of her and Connie and starts to grab her stuff)

Connie: Can you believe not one of the cook books has a recipe for chili for three hundred? [kids]

Mitchie: You don’t need a recipe, everyone loves your food. It’s official!

Connie: Really?

Mitchie: Camper’s honor.

Connie: So, how was opening night jam? Did you sing?

Mitchie: No, but I met some girls and they want me to movie into their cabin. And, I know I have to help in the kitchen- But, I’ll just get up earlier and meet you here.

Connie: Sweetie, of course you can move into their cabin. It’ll be fine. Now, I gotta get back to these cook books- Cause’ I got a rep. to protect!

(Mitchie leaves the cabin with her things. In the meantime at the cabin of Tess/Ella/Peggy- Peggy is playing her guitar while Tess is on the phone trying to contact her busy mother.)

Tess: Peggy! Could you please stop that? I can’t hear.

Ella: *Runs over and sits down on Peggy’s bed, holding two bottles of white-pink nail polish.* Guys- which color?

Peggy: Ella, they’re exactly the same.

Ella: So you see my dilemma!

Tess: Mom!? Hey! Yea! Yea I’m totally settled in. Guess what?! Shane Gray is—… Yeah, yea you can totally call me back. Love you too. Have a good concert. *Closes cell phone* As usual.

Ella: What Tess?

Mitchie: (Walking in) Hey guys!

Ella: Hey Mitchie!

Peggy: Hey.

Mitchie: So, which bed is mine?

Tess: That one. *Points to the bed Peggy is sitting on*

Peggy: But…

Tess: Peggy doesn’t mind… do you?

Peggy: I guess not.

Tess: One bag? You can’t possibly have all your clothes In there.

Mitchie: Uhh, right, well I threw a lot of my clothes away. Yeah, I just got tired of them.

Tess: And you kept this? *Pulls out a plaid shirt*

Mitchie: Uh, Yea well it came from China. A little boutique called Xin Xia Ji.

Peggy: Wow.

Ella: Totally wow!

Peggy: What does that mean?

Mitchie: Happy Summer. Yeah that store is the bomb… Wow, really cool bracelet!

Tess: It’s from my mom- every time she wins a Grammy, she adds a charm. *Smiling proudly*

Mitchie: Love it, totally bling-a-licious.

Peggy: So, is that your diary?

Mitchie: Ah, no- my songs.

Tess: You write songs?

Mitchie: Yea, but they’re probably not that good.

Ella: C’mon!

Peggy: Well I bet they are good. *Persistent* Let’s hear one.

Mitchie: No.

Tess: Why not? We’re friends now, right?

Mitchie: Uh, yeah. Okay. *Clears throat and begins singing*

This is real, this is me.

I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be now.

Gonna let the light, shine on… *Stops singing* Yeah… it’s, not really that good.

Peggy: What?! That was totally good, right Tess?

Tess: *smiles* Totally.

(Mitchie blushes at their comments. The scene ends and it is now the next morning. We first hear Mitchie’s old fashioned alarm clock ringing and we see her turn it off and get out of bed cautiously as to not be discovered. She walks backward with clothes in hand and bumps into Ella’s bed)

Ella: What the- Mitchie?

Mitchie: You’re dreaming. You’re…A rock princess.

Ella: Okay, I rock! *Goes back to sleep*

(Mitchie exits the cabin with relief. She runs along the little boardwalk to the kitchen and arrives in the kitchen. We fast forward to the end of her shift and she leaves the kitchen through the back door, not the front so no one sees her going through the mess hall door, which she almost did. In the mess hall, Lola and Barron are walking to their table.)

Barron: *To Mitchie* Hey, Plenty of room over here with me and Murray.

Lola: Yuck! You’re going to chase her away.

Caitlyn: As usual. Morning.

Mitchie: Hey guys.

Barron: Wassup.

Caitlyn: Slumming, I see.

Mitchie: (Confused) What?

Tess: Hey Mitchie, over here.

Caitlyn: Better go, the queen awaits. *Getting up with Mitchie* Your music- are you any good?

Mitchie: I don’t know… uh, maybe… kinda.

Caitlyn: Word of advice- you wanna be friends with Tess… don’t be.

Tess: Mitchie. *Gestures head towards their table*

Caitlyn: See you around. *Mitchie goes to sit at Tess’s table*

Tess: What happened to you this morning?

Mitchie: Umm… early riser? Yum toast! *Stuffs a piece of toast in her mouth*

(Now we go to Shane’s cabin where he is reluctant to get out of bed. Brown is annoying Shane by pulling the sheet off of him. His gorgeousness is very pissed.)

Shane: What!

Brown: Rise and shine supa star.

Shane: *Sighs angrily and turns over*

Brown: Don’t make me do this Shane.

Shane: *Mumbles into pillow* Go away. (Brown takes the flowers out of the vase by Shane’s bedside and dumps the water on Shane)Hey!!

Brown: OooO, sorry. don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Shane: Fine, I’m up, okay? I’m up.

Brown: Alright, we’ve both got classes to teach- yours starts in five. *Starts to leave* And you might wanna put that mattress out in the sun- It’s the only one you’re gonna get. Oh, can you put some water in that vase? Flowers look parched. *Leaves and calls after him* four minutes!

(At the lesson room place, everyone is dancing and making music while waiting for their instructor Brown to arrive he comes in to silence the class and begin)

Brown: Whoa! If the class is a rockin’ Imma glad I came knockin’! So!- let’s hear what I’m working with this year, who wants to sing first?

*The class raises their hands and go “Ooo Ooo Ooo!”… except for Mitchie*

Brown: Oh my goodness, alright uh, eenie, meenie, minie, *points to Mitchie* you.

Mitchie: Me?

Brown: Can’t argue with the finger.

Tess: I’ll do it!

Brown: Ah, no. The finger picked her.

Mitchie: Well… uh… ok.

Brown: Right, let er’ rip.

Mitchie: *quietly and unsurely singing*

Who will I be? It’s up to me,

Brown: Alright, I know you’re singing a solo, but it’s so low, I can’t hear you. Alright? So, A bit louder.

Mitchie: *Sings confidently and loudly*

Who will I be? it’s up to me,

All the never ending possibilities

That I can see, there’s nothing that

I can’t do. Who will I be? Yes I Believe

I get to make the future what I want to.

If I can become anyone and know the

choice is up to me- Who will I be?

Ella: Ugh, She’s Great!

Brown: That’s not bad, not bad at all. Is that an original?

Mitchie: Yea, but it’s (it’s) mine, but-

Brown: No buts, it’s good.

(Says something inaudible and they grab each others hands kinda like a hand shake as Tess glares at them with Jealousy. We catch up with Tee, Mitchie, Peggy, and Ella, as they are walking together outside)

Peggy: I didn’t know you were that good! You totally rocked it!

Ella: Totally.

Mitchie: Thanks

Tess: So, I’ve been thinking and, you have to sing with us in final jam.

Your vocals in the background would be like, amazing. And we never let people in our group. But you, a must. So, you want in?

Mitchie: Well, I was thinking about singing solo for final jam.

Tess: Solo in your first final jam? That’s brave.

Peggy: You’ll be fine.

Tess: Well, of course she’ll be fine, it’s just that… I know how nervous I get.

Mitchie: Well, I’m sure I’ll be nervous at first but-

Tess: In front of all those people but, yeah, you’ll be fine- you’ve done it before.

Mitchie: Done what before?

Tess: You’ve never sang in front of an audience?

Mitchie: Well, yeah, I mean choir. I mean I was never lead or anything and I was sort of in the back but, it’s still an audience.

Tess: Wow, you are brave. Come on girls, let’s get started. *They start to walk off*

Mitchie: Well, maybe a group would be better…

Tess: If you think so…

Mitchie: Yea, no, it’ll be fun. I want to.

Tess: If your sure.

Mitchie: I’m totally sure. Uhm, I gotta run.

Tess: Where?

Mitchie: Huh? No, *Stutters* I mean I gotta call my mom. China time! *walks off as Peggy begins discussing something with Ella, Tess just watches Mitchie go*

(In the kitchen with Connie, Mitchie comes in and bumps into her mom.)

Mitchie: Sorry! I’m late.

Connie: That’s okay honey. The last batch of cookies is in the oven, you can start cleaning up. I’m ‘mna take these down to the storage room.

(kneels down as Shane walks in)

Shane: Hello?… Hello? *Hears something move* Hello?… I can hear you.

(Mitchie covers her face with flour and slowly stands up. Shane‘s eyes widen.)

Mitchie: Hi…

Shane: Do you work here?

Mitchie: Uhh hhh… yes.

Shane: Wow. You really get into your work. I’m Shane, but I’m sure even the kitchen help knows that. (Takes a cupcake and licks off of it with his finger)

Mitchie: Of course! It’s nice to meet you.

Shane: Actually, it’s not so nice. See my manager said he sent over my food allergy list, but since I couldn’t even go near my breakfast this morning- Can I just talk to whoever’s in charge?

Mitchie: Excuse me?

Shane: What.

Mitchie: Well you’re kind of being a jerk.

Shane: And you are?

Mitchie: A person! And there’s a way to talk to a person, and that’s not it.

Shane: I’ll have my manager send it over again.

Mitchie: Fine. Ahem?

Shane: Thank You?

Mitchie: Much better.

(turns around and sighs with relief as Shane leaves the kitchen)

Scene Ends

(Brown is walking quickly with an annoyed Shane right before Shane has to teach a hip hop dance class, after that we go to the dance studio where people are stretching just as Mitchie enters and joins Tess who is sitting in a circle talking to Ella and Peggy)

Shane: I don’t need a chaperone!

Brown: Seeing how you blew off your class yesterday- you sort of do.

Shane: I didn’t sign up for this! Get my agent on the phone.

Brown: Get my agent? What happened to you man? That kid on that T.V.- that’s not who you really are. *Points at Shane’s chest* In there Shane. What happened to the kid who just loved music?

Shane: He grew up.

Brown: Big whoop! Stop acting like it’s all about you.

Shane: In my world, it is.

Brown: Oh look! we’re in my world. And in my world- you’re considered an instructor at this camp, which means you’ve got to intruct. Starting, with hip-hop dance at two. And 5,6,7,8. *Does a little robot dance and walks away*

(In the dance studio, people are warming up and stretching. Tess/Peggy/Ella are sitting in a circle on the floor.)

Tess: Okay guys, remember- when he gets here: act cool.

Mitchie: When who gets here?

Ella: Shaaane.

Mitchie: Wait he’s teaching this class?

Ella: Mhm.

Mitchie: Great!

Ella: Is that, flower in your hair?

Mitchie: No, uh, no it’s Chinese body powder. Pretty cool, huh?

(Shane walks in as Mitchie tries frantically to get the flour out of her hair.)

Shane: Grab a mic and a hat. Follow me if you can. … Hurry!

(pushes CD into a CD player. Track 04.)

Shane: Hurry!

(They start dancing, to learn it, you’ll have to learn it off the movie there may be a video tutorial on you tube. There is no actual people actually singing either, so I didn’t put lyrics in. Okay, during the dance, Shane will say “across the floor” and “everybody circle, face the front.” I resume the lines toward the end of the song where Randy the drummer dances off beat and falls down.)

Tess: Talk about dancing to the beat of a different drum!

(Shane ignores Tess and helps Andy up)

Shane: You any good on the drums?

(Andy doesn’t say anything but pulls out his drumsticks and plays them on the floor like drums using a complicated beat)

Shane: Man! You’re a drummer, dude. The drummer controls the beat. The rhythm is in your hands.

Andy: Yeah, I guess.

Shane: Now we just have to work on getting that beat from those sticks to those feet.

(Tess and Mitchie are now in the Mess Hall after dance class)

Tess: Where were you this morning?

Mitchie: Uh, mm, oh no-

*Connie walks up behind them as they go to sit down*

Connie: Hi girls!

Tess: Uh, Hi

Mitchie: Hi, so um, yummy breakfast.

Connie: Oh? How would you know? There’s hardly anything on your plate.

Tess: Morning carbs- definite no no.

Mitchie: Uh, yeah.

Connie: Well I just wanted meet Mitchie’s new friends.

Mitchie: This is Ella, Peggy, and Tess.

*They all greet each Connie with “Hi”s*

Connie: Well, I see you girls are really busy so I’ll talk to you later.

*Connie walks away*

Tess: Okay, do you know her?

Mitchie: Yeah, don’t you? She’s cooked for everybody- from Jessica and Nick pre-breakup, to Pharrell.

Ella: Really?

Mitchie: Yeah, I’m shocked the camp even got her.

Ella: You mean, Jessica ate these eggs? *Goes to eat a piece with her fork*

Mitchie: *Nods head* Yea.

(In Shane’s Cabin, he is sitting in front of a desk with a sheet of music playing the melody of This is Me. Brown walks in)

Brown: That’s cool. It’s like your old stuff.

Shane: Yeah, I was thinking group could change up our sound, do some different stuff.

Brown: So you comin’ up to the campfire?

Shane: Ha, Yeah right.

Brown: Alright. You sit in here by yourself super star, Cause your right, way cooler.

(Shane stops playing. We go to the kitchen again where Mitchie is putting little tortilla rolls onto a cookie sheet, her mom comes up to her and Mitchie puts down her utensils.)

Connie: Soo, your friends- they seem nice! Tess is, interesting.

Mitchie: I know but, she’s better once you get to know her.

Connie: Yeah? And um, have you? Have you gotten to know her?

Mitchie: Yeah, I guess.

Connie: I don’t know, she just doesn’t seem like she’s your type. You know, you’ve always been so--

Mitchie: Invisible.

Connie: I was going to say independent… Hurry up and finish those potatoes if you wanna get to the campfire.

(In the evening at the campfire, there is a crowd of cheering campers and Peggy, Ella, and Mitchie led by Tess walk onto the stage which has a huge bonfire behind it for the song in silver sparkly dresses, except for the lead singer Tess, who is wearing a gold sparkly dress. SONG: Track 9- “Too Cool”… careful-the movie version has some lyrics and parts cut out. The performance begins after Dee La Duke does her intro)

Dee La Duke: So, we call this the Campfire

Jam. It’s about expression- the freedom to

be who you really wanna be! … Hit it!

Too Cool (Track 09, careful, some lyrics are missing from the

actual track.)

I’m too cool for my dress, these shades don’t leave my head.

Everything ya say is soo irrelevant.

You follow and I lead, you wanna be like me

But you’re just a wannabe, love it or hate it.

Me, myself, and I agree, you’ll never catch up with me, cuz--

I’m too cool. Too cool.

And I’m too cool to know you

Don’t take it personal, don’t get emotional

You know it’s the truth-- I’m too cool for you.

You think you’re hot, but I’m sorry you’re not ex-act-ly who,

You think you are. Can’t tell you what. That you haven’t got,

But when we walk into the room-- I’m too cool for you.

You see some are born with beauty brains and talent and they got it all.

While others simply try all their lives, still they never get the call.

That’s the difference between you and me-

Obviously. I’m a natural, I’m the real deal. Yeah

I can’t help the way I am- hope you don’t misunderstand, but--

I’m too cool. Too cool. And I’m Too cool, to know you.

Don’t take it personal, don’t get emotional

You know it’s the truth--

I’m too cool for you.

*End of song*

(Crowd cheers and they walk off stage. Caitlyn stops Mitchie)

Caitlyn: Did you enjoy singing backup?

(Mitchie keeps walking, knowing that Caitlyn had a good point. The scene switches to Shane sitting alone by the lake, playing a song he’s working on when Mitchie comes up behind him, he stops playing, annoyed by the interference)

Shane: Can’t a guy get some piece!

Mitchie: Sorry… I mean sorry.

Shane: You said that already.

Mitchie: Sorry. Was that you playing? It sounded kinda different.

Shane: Then my usual stupid cookie-cutter pop-star stuff? Sorry to disappoint.

Mitchie: You didn’t. I liked it. I mean, it was good for “stupid cookie-cutter pop star stuff”.

Shane: *Smiling* Wow, you really know how to make a guy feel better.

Mitchie: I thought you loved your sound. You created it here, you’re like a Camp Rock legend.

Shane: Some legend, I only play the music that the label thinks we’ll sell. That’s it.

Mitchie: You don’t think that song would sell?

Shane: I don’t know.

Mitchie: Well, you’ll never know if you don’t try. And by the way, I know of one girl that would buy that song.

(In the Mess Hall: Caitlyn is on her computer and Tess walks by, tripping a little over Caitlyn’s foot. Not realizing who it was, she apologizes but looks up and takes it back)

Caitlyn: Oh, I’m so sorry! --- Actually, I’m so not.

Tess: I would respond but--

Ella: But you are responding by saying that you’re not responding.

Tess: Shut up.

(Dumps some of her noodles onto Caitlyn’s shirt)

Caitlyn: *Gasps* Okay, that was on purpose.

Tess: Does it matter? Anything makes that outfit look better.

(Dumps some more noodles onto Caitlyn’s shirt)

Tess: See?

(Tess and Caitlyn start throwing noodles at each other, starting with Caitlyn, Mitchie tries to break up the fight while also being covered in noodles)

Mitchie: Stop! Guys stop! Stop!!

Caitlyn: My spaghetti slipped.

Tess: I can’t believe you did that!

Brown: Neither can I.

(they all stop and look at Brown. Brown walks over, points to Caitlyn then Mitchie and Tess then gestures to the door)

Brown: I hate when I have to be un-cool.

(In Brown’s Office, they are all standing in front of Brown as he interrogates the situation. From left to right- Caitlyn, Mitchie, Tess)

Brown: Lay it on me.

(Tess and Caitlyn start yelling out what happened at the same time like little girls while Mitchie stands in the Middle quietly embarrassed)

Tess yells: She’s always been jealous of me and can not stand the fact that I am probably going to win final jam so when she starts f-linging--

Caitlyn yells: She’s Impossible, She walks around like she always (can’t really hear her well enough, just improvise)

Brown: Whoa! Enough! Make it plain, who was the first one to throw food.

Tess: That’s easy, Caitlyn.

Caitlyn: That’s technically true, but-

Brown: No buts. Since you wanna play with food, I can hook you up with a job this Summer. From here on out, your on kitchen duty.

Mitchie: What!… I mean, ew.

Caitlyn: But!

Brown: Again with the buts. Look, it’s settled.

Tess: Happy cooking.

Caitlyn: *To Mitchie* Thanks a lot.

(Mitchie Is now walking to the kitchen with a big box of nachos in her hands when Shane, guitar slung behind shoulder, stops her)

Mitchie: Oh, uh-

Shane: You hungry?

Mitchie: Just a little bit.

Shane: Do you have a second.

Mitchie: Uhm… Sure.

Shane: I wanna run something by you.

(They are now sitting on the edge of a dock-like thing and Shane sings a song to her- SO CUTE! Track 03- Gotta Find You, careful, some lyrics are left out)

Shane sings:

Every time I think I’m closer to the heart

Of what it means to know just who I am-

I think I finally sound a better place to start

But no one ever seems to understand

I need to try to get to where you are,

Could it bee, you’re not that faarr?

You’re the voice I Hear inside my head-

The reason that I’m singin’-

I need to find you, I gotta find you.

You’re the missin’ piece I need, the song inside of me

I need to find you, I gotta find you.

Been feelin lost, can’t find the words to say,

Spendin’ all my time, stuck in yesterday.

Where you are, is where I wanna be.

Ohhh, Next to you, and you next to mEeeEe.

Ohhhh, I need to find you…

You’re the voice I hear inside my head-

The reason that I’m singin’,

I need to find you, I gotta find youuu.

You’re the missin’ piece I need, the song inside of me-

I need to find you, I gotta find you.

*end song*

Mitchie: Wow.

Shane: I heard this girl singing, and it kind of reminded me of the music that I liked. So I started playing around with some chords an, I know it’s not finished but-

Mitchie: No. No it’s good. It’s really good. And I don’t lie. … Why are you looking at me like that?

Shane: I don’t know, you just seem different… good different.

Mitchie: Yea, definitely… different.

(They get up)

Mitchie: So, I uh, I better get going.

Shane: Back to the kitchen?

Mitchie: What?!

Shane: To get some dip for these chips.

Mitchie: Oh! Haha yeaa, yea… right.

(In the kitchen- Connie is putting taco sauce into plastic bowls, Mitchie comes up behind her, glowing and happy)

Mitchie: Hey mom, how ya doin‘?

Connie: I’m alright, how are you?

Mitchie: I’m great, I’m wonderful, I’m fantastic, I’m-

Connie: Putting chips into bowls.

Mitchie: Right.

(Caitlyn walks into the kitchen as Mitchie walks away)

Caitlyn: Hey Mrs.Torres.

Connie: Hi Caitlyn, Thanks for coming in early. Taco night takes the entire kitchen staff and our six hands.

Caitlyn: Six?

Connie: Yea, My daughter. So can you please start on the onions? Brown wants to talk to me about next week’s campfire pig out.

Caitlyn: Sure.

(Mitchie walks into the room, not wanting to be discovered, she hides her face behind a big bag of nachos)

Caitlyn: Hey, you must be hands five and six. I didn’t know Connie has a daughter. I’m Caitlyn. … Do you need some help?

(Mitchie runs to her left, stepping into a bucket of cleaning water. She slides forward in it and falls, sending the chips everywhere. Mitchie ends up getting soaked and covered with chips, her hair is wet too. She looks up like “craap“)

Caitlyn: Mitchie? Wait a minute- you’re the cook’s daughter, she’s your mom. Ohh, this is rich, but apparently- you’re not.

Mitchie: So what are you waiting for, huh? Run, go tell everybody.

Caitlyn: Maybe I should.

Mitchie: Fine, whatever.

Caitlyn: How long did you think you could keep your little secret?

Mitchie: Longer than this.

Caitlyn: Why?

Mitchie: Why do you care?

Caitlyn: Oh, I don’t. But when I tell everybody- I want the whole back story.

Mitchie: I just wanted to fit in, okay.

Caitlyn: I think you’re whole charade is stupid and immature. You’re hiding behind some crazy lie.

(Mitchie gets up)

Mitchie: What about you, huh? You hide too. The whole “I don’t care about anything” attitude? Well if you don’t care- Why are you here.

(Connie comes in the door while Caitlyn and Mitchie are glaring at each other)

Connie: *gasps* What happened to you?

Caitlyn: She got drowned in her lies.

Connie: What, Caitlyn?

(Mitchie gives Caitlyn the “you wouldn’t” look)

Caitlyn: Nothing.

Mitchie: Caitlyn, wait.

Connie: No no no, you can talk later. First you gotta get out of these wet clothes! Come on, ugh.

(In the mess hall, Tess/Peggy/Ella are walking to get their food, Tess is reading a magazine)

Tess: Says here in this magazine- I’m Shane’s type. It’s just a matter of time.

(Caitlyn walks by peeking at the magazine and stops)

Caitlyn: Warm, funny, talented… you? I don’t get it.

(Mitchie comes up as Caitlyn walks away)

Mitchie: Hey guys what are you doing?

Tess: The question is, what were you doing? You’re always AWOL.

Mitchie: What.

Ella: Hey Mitchie! I was thinking- after camp, maybe we could come to visit you and your mom in China, and go to that Happy Summer store.

Mitchie: Uh, sure! My mom would like that.

(Caitlyn walks closely past Mitchie, all smug, and dramatically bites off a nacho in her hand)

Tess: Okay guys, tonight is the pajama jam. So, outfit check- White shorts, and green hoodies.

(They stare at her)

Tess: What?? Green is Shane’s favorite color. It was in the magazine.

(At pajama jam, there is much activity going on. Peggy/Tess/Ella are standing together across the room. Mitchie comes up to Caitlyn)

Caitlyn: The other lemmings are over there. *Referring to Peggy and Ella*

Mitchie: Look Caitlyn, about what-

Caitlyn: Save it, Mitchie… if that’s even your real name.

(Caitlyn walks off and Mitchie joins Ella/Peggy and they all say Hi to each other, Tess walks in a nice long green baby doll top and black leggings.)

Tess: Are we ready?

Mitchie: Where are your T-shirt and shorts?

Peggy: Yea um, I thought that we were supposed to wear the same thing.

Tess: The backup singers should wear the same thing, not the lead singer- Hello.

Dee La Duke: Next, give it up, for the awesome- Caitlyn Geller!

Caitlyn: And, this is in honor of you awesome camp rockers.

(Caitlyn plays a cool techno beat on the keyboard which everyone enjoyed)

Mitchie: She’s really good!

Ella: *To Tess* Hey, Shane likes her too!

(Shane walks in silently, bobbing his head to the beat, Tess sees this after Ella mentions it and she fakes being scared of a “snake” which was really the power cord to the sound system. Caitlyn THEN stops playing the music.)

Tess: Help! Help there’s a snake! Snake!

(Dee La Duke picks up the thing Tess was talking about)

Dee La Duke: It’s just the power cord to the sound system, Tess.

Tess: Oh, right- My bad.

(Shane shakes his head at Tess and walks out of the room. Caitlyn storms up to Tess.)

Caitlyn: You are so full of it!

Tess: What.

Caitlyn: You can’t stand the fact that people might actually like what other people do.

Tess: *Holds up three fingers to her face to make a W--to--E--to--M--to--an L*

Caitlyn: Okay, what is that?

Ella: She said- *Copying Tess* What--Ever--Major--Loser.

Mitchie: Wow, Tess- “What ever major loser”? That is soo last year, I mean everyone knows that. Oh… well, I guess, not everyone.

(Everyone laughs/giggles like “ohh she got served”. Tess who’s angry, followed by Peggy then Ella then a triumphant Mitchie exit the room leaving Caitlyn smiling like “maybe she‘s not as bad as I thought“) Scene ends

(In the kitchen, at a table, are Mitchie and Caitlyn blowing up balloons for a themed dinner. Connie goes up to them to display to them her cupcakes

decorated with quarter notes on them even though she says “eighth note cupcakes” and a cookie shaped like a CD)

Connie: Hey! Does this look like a record, girls?

Mitchie: Huh.

Connie: I mean a CD. Does this cookie look like a CD. Cause I want it to look authentic next to my, eighth note cupcakes.

Caitlyn: Everything looks great, Connie.

Connie: These theme nights are so busy, huh? Oh! I gotta go get the ice cream for my rolling stone cones. See ya later.

Mitchie: So, are you signing up for final jam?

Caitlyn: Uhhh, yeah.

Mitchie: Soo, what are you thinkin about doing?

Caitlyn: This is freaking me out- Why are we talking?

Mitchie: *sigh* I don’t know. Maybe I’m, slumming. *pops a balloon and laughs* Or maybe I wanted to set you up for that!

(They start laughing and popping balloons)

Caitlyn: So, thank you- for yesterday. But-

Mitchie: Hey, I always stick up for my friends.

Caitlyn: It’s fun being friends with Tess.

Mitchie: How would you know?

Caitlyn: Because, I was friends with Tess. I know, it’s hard to believe.

Mitchie: More like impossible. What happened?

Caitlyn: Tess doesn’t like competition, and she felt that I, was. See, with her- there can only be one star- herself. Look, I know it’s fun being friends with her, she can make you feel so important and, an she‘s popular- but so what.

Mitchie: Oh Come on, being popular is so not a “so what”

Caitlyn: No, there are perks.

Mitchie: Like… well like-

Caitlyn: Like, singing backup to Tess all the time? Like, never getting to say what you really feel? Oh! And those exciting short outfits? Those were real high points. You’re right- sell your soul.

(Mitchie laughs and whacks Caitlyn with a balloon)

Caitlyn: Hey, I’m on your side.

Mitchie: Oh shoot, I was supposed to go meet up with… We’re practicing for.. Final Jam.

Caitlyn: Of course, her highness awaits.

(In Shanes cabin: Shane is walking around, making another song (Play My Music) and singing it while holding a notebook)

Shane singing: Hand clappin’, hip shakin’-- *phone rings*

Shane: Hello?

Jason: Hey buddy, how’s my birdhouse comin?

Nate: Jason!

Jason: Sorry, it’s not my fault you didn’t ask him to make you anything.

Nate: I didn’t want anything.

Jason: Well I wanted a birdhouse.

Nate: And what do you need a birdhouse for?

Jason: Cause’ I wanted to see more birds in my--

Shane: Guys?… Guys.

Nate/Jason: Sorry.

Shane: Listen- about me recording with a camper-

Nate: You gotta do it, man. No go-backs.

Jason: Yeah- No go-backs it’s like, the golden rule.

Nate: No Dude, the golden rule is tell the truth.

Jason: Dude, then it can be the silver rule.

Nate: Why is it the silver rule?

Jason: Okay fine, the copper rule.

Nate: Copper rule?

Jason: Aw, give me a hand at least.

Shane: Guys!

Jason: Sorry.

Nate: Sorry.

Shane: Listen I’ve been thinking about the whole recording thing and I think it’s really cool.

Nate: Are you getting too much sun?

Jason: We can bring you a hat when we come to visit.

Shane: I’m fine. And remember, whoever wins- No go-backs. See you guys Saturday. *Hangs up phone* Now I just gotta find that girl with a voice.

(In the music room, Andy is playing his sticks on the table like a drum and Shane walks up to him)

Shane: Hey Andy, buddy- Wanna do me a favor?

Andy: Sure. *Shane whispers something in his ear*

(OUTside: Start the party- Track 04- begins to play starting at the chorus. Andy whispers to a blonde girl with a guitar “Shane Gray is looking for the girl with the voice”. The blonde girl whispers this to a guy who whispers to another guy who whispers to a girl who whispers to another guy with a guitar, whooo whispered to another guy to whispered to this girl with a flute who whispers to a guy who whispers to a guy with a trumpet who whispers to a blonde girl with a harmonica who whispers to a guy who whispers to a girl with a tambo. who whispers to another blonde girl who whispers to a girl playing a sax who whispers to anOTHER girl who whispers to a guy playing a trumpet who whispers to a guy who whispers to another guy playing a recorder who whispers to a girl who whispers to a guy playing an orange guitar who whispers to a guy in a green and yellow shirt who whispers to a dude playing the clarinet eho whispers to a bleach blonde who whispers to a guy playing the violin who whispers to yet another blonde girl who whispers to yet another brunette girl playing the trumpet. The we see Lola walking out side Shane’s cabin singing to the song as Shane is waking up.)

Lola: Let’s start, start, start the party, come on come on everyone, let’s, start, start-start the party. What’chu waitin’ for now? Start, star, start the party.

Some freaky foreign girl wearing a blue shirt who really doesn’t belong at a music camp: Start, start, start the partay. Come on come on- everyone! Let’s start start. What you waiting for?!

Some freakier foreign girl with red hair who doesn’t have the right to sing!: Make the dreams you got become real. Let’s do this. Let me hear you now. Show me how ya feel!

(Shane is looking at his laptop where a pop-up of Ella appears and she is singing: Start, start, start the party. Come on come on, start the party, let’s, start, start-start the party. Next Shane is getting out of the lake in a red swimsuit, he dries off his face when _______ arrive. Described below. Shane jumps back into the lake when they are singing)

Three really good singing black girls that are called gospel singers in the credits but there all sisters in real life: I know you’re never gonna wanna stop. Let the music take us… to paradise, let’s close our eyes, Feel the groove, wanna shake us.

(Caitlyn and Mitchie are walking by Shane, who has a line of girls that want to sing for him)

Caitlyn: Aren’t you gonna get in line?

Mitchie: Oh, it’s not me. Trust. Anyway- he’s never heard me sing.


(Shane is sitting by the shore of the lake in front of a green canoe writing in his notebook and singing part of play my music)

Shane singing: Turn on that radio, as loud as it can go- gotta dance until ma feet can’t feel the ground.

(Mitchie walks up behind him)

Mitchie: So uh, Does your voice sound better over here?

Shane: Why Don’t we get in one of these things and you can tell me.

(Mitchie and Shane are in the canoe in the middle of the lake going in

circles and LAUGHING and having a good time)

Mitchie: Haha, Really?

Shane: Yea, It’s awesome.

Mitchie: Yeah. I don’t think we’re doing this right.

Shane: What? You don’t like going in circles?

Mitchie: So, have you found your special girl yet?

Shane: Why, are you jealous?

Mitchie: Jerk!

Shane: Hey, being a jerk is part of the rock star image.

Mitchie: Keeping up an image can be tiring.

Shane: But it keeps the posers away. I never know if people are hanging with me for the free stuff, or for the parties.

Mitchie: Oh, definitely the free stuff.

Shane: Funny.

Mitchie: Come on, I know you really not a jerk. I mean you’re helping Andy with his dancing, and- those screaming girls seem to like you.

Shane: Which brings me back to the whole jealous thing.

Mitchie: I take that back! You are a jerk!

(Tess walks up and sees them across the lake in the canoe, she gets jealous)

Shane: It must be the same for you too, huh.

Mitchie: What?

Shane: Cause your mom- and a job at Hot Tunes, people probably always fake around you.

Mitchie: Uh, yeah, right. Totally.

Shane: You know, it’s nice talking to someone who gets it.

Mitchie: Yeah, me too.

(Soon after that we see Tess walking, she goes around the corner which is the back of the kitchen. She discovers Caitlyn and… Mitchie?! Yes, to her thankful surprise she finds that Mitchie works in the kitchen and she was lying about who she is. Mitchie and Caitlyn were saying goodbye to Connie)

Mitchie: Seriously mom. Okay, we’re done with the dishes.

Connie: Okay girls, have fun at the camp fire.

Mitchie: Kay.

Caitlyn/Mitchie: Bye

Mitchie: Bye, love you mom.

Connie: Love you too, bye.

(The scene is now the stage that says beach jam. There is a cheering crowd in front of it. Everyone is waiting for Connect 3’s performance, Brown is on stage introducing the band)

Brown: Hey gang!

Some random person: We love you Brown!

Brown: Alright, Alright! Good good good good good. Okay, score- I finally talked my nephew, into singing us a song! Shane- rock the camp!

Shane: Hey guys, I got a surprise for you. Guys- come on out.

(Nate and Jason come out of the cabin and down to the stage to play the song, SONG= Track 02- Play My Music)

Shane: So were gonna play something new, let us know what you think.


Turn on that radio, as loud as it can go,

Wanna dance until my feet can’t feel the ground (feel the ground)

Say goodbye to all my fears,

One good song they dissapear

And nothin in the world can bring me down.

Hand clappin’ hip shakin’ heart breakin’

There’s no fakin’ what you feel when you’re right at home. Yeah (yeah)

Music’s in my soul, I can hear it

Ev’ry day, an ev’ry night-

It’s the one thing on my mind.

Music’s got control

And I’m never letting go, no no

I just wanna play my music.


Got my six-string on my back,

don’t need anything but that

Everything I wat is here with me (here with me)

So forget that fancy car

I don’t need to go that far.

What’s drivin’ me

Is followin ma dreams Yeahh

Hand clappin’ hip shakin’ heart breakin

There’s no faking

What you feel, when you’re on a roll - Yeah

Music’s in my soul, I can hear it

Ev’ry day, an ev’ry night

It’s the one thing on my mind

Music’s got control, and I’m never letting go,

no no

I just wanna play my music

I just wanna play my music

Can’t imgine what it’d be like (what it’d be like)

Without the sound of all my heroes

Singin’ all my favorite songs

So I can sing along (Shane claps and so does the crowd for this next part)

Music’s in my soul - I can hear it,

Ev’ry day, an Ev’ry night

It’s the one thing on my mind

Music’s got control, and I’m never letting go, no no

I just wanna play my music

Music’s in my soul, I can hear it

Ev’ry day, an Ev’ry night

It’s the one thing on my mind

Music’s got contol,

And I’m never letting go, no no

I just wanna play my music

All night long (Whoo!)

*Song ends*

(Crowd cheers, Shane exits stage to say goodbye to Nate and Jason)

Nate: Man, they loved it! You were right!

Jason: I know I was right! … What did I do?

Nate: Not you, Shane. The label has to let us do this.

Shane: Ha, they won’t. Look at what they made us call the band.

Jason: Yeah! How can we do that?

Nate: If we hit the studio tonight, we can get them a demo by tomorrow. Man they can’t say no once they hear this.

Jason: They can’t?

Shane: Guys, I can’t just leave. I’m not finished here yet.

Nate: Alright man, do what you gotta do.

Jason: We are talking about finishing my bird house, right?

Nate: Come on! See you at final jam.

Shane: Alright.

(Everyone is in a large group talking about the great performance. Shane is in the mix and Tess is with her group- OH, and speak of the devil…)

Mitchie: That was the best song ever! It was soo great.

Caitlyn: That was so amazing.

Mitchie: I know! And it was so-

Peggy: Sweet!

Tess: Hey Mitchie! Tell us about your mom again.

(A group gathers around them and Caitlyn starts giving Tess the “you horrible person!” look. Tess continues with MOCK surprise.)

Caitlyn: Her mom is a… great person. What’s your mom like?

Barron: Uhh, she’s like a mom. Pssh.

Tess: I mean I know she’s the president of Hot Tunes TV China. But tell me again about how important she is.

Mitchie: She…

Tess: I’m sorry, what?

Mitchie: She’s pretty cool…

Tess: And?

Mitchie: And… She’s not the president of Hot Tunes TV China.

Tess: What’s that? She’s not president. You mean, you lied to everybody?

Mitchie: No! I was-

Tess: So she’s what? A Vice president? Treasurer?

Caitlyn: Tess!

Tess: Shut up. *To Mitchie* Go on, tell us.

Mitchie: No… She’s a cook.

Tess: A cook? At- Hot Tunes China.

Mitchie: No… Here.

Tess: So you lied. Your mom cooks our food- and you help her. That’s the only way you could afford this camp, right?

Caitlyn: You’re a real jerk!

Tess: Maybe, but at least I’m not a big, fat liar. Come on guys.

Peggy: Mitchie?

Tess: Mitchie has dishes to do. Let’s go.

(Mitchie turns around to face Shane who is quite pissed and hurt)

Mitchie: Shane!

Shane: You were lying all summer.

Mitchie: Yes! But--

Shane: You know I’m so used to people pretending around me!

Mitchie: I was not pretending!

Shane: And I really thought you were different! But your just like everyone else! You wanna be friends with Shane Gray, not me. Trick’s on me, huh?

Mitchie: I was just trying to-

Shane: Save it for your interview with pop informer magazine. I know I gave you an earful.

(Mitchie starts to cry and her and Caitlyn walk away)

Caitlyn: Not here you don’t. Come on.

(Shane is now back at his his cabin porch once again playing the melody of This is Me, Brown comes up to him)

Brown: So what exactly happened last night?

Shane: Nothing.

Brown: Didn’t look like nothing to me mate. You looked crushed, pummeled, absolutely destroyed.

Shane: I got it uncle Brown. Look… whatever. I’m just gonna focus on my music, change my sound. I don’t wanna get side tracked with liking someone anyway.

Brown: You still looking for that girl? *Shane gives him a look* What? I’m plugged into the camp gossip mate.

(Tess is listening from around the corner)

Shane: It’s crazy- I have her song stuck in my head!

Shane singing: This is real, this is me, I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be now, gonna let the light-- *Sighs*

(The scene switches to Tess’s cabin and Tess is alone. She pulls out Mitchie’s song book and she reads over the lines)

Tess: This is real, This is me, I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be. Gonna let the light, shine on me. *closes book* Mitchie- you are soo never going to see final jam.

(We are back in the dance studio when Mitchie comes in and everybody stares at her. Tess is closest. After that, Shane walks in)

Tess: What a joke.

Shane: Hey guys, have a seat. So final jam is coming up, and I know you’re all very excited.

People: Yeah! Whoo! *Clapping*

Shane: So here’s some advice- It’s not all about your image. None of it means anything unless people see who you really are. And your music has to be who you really are, it’s gotta show how you feel- or it doesn’t mean anything.

(Mitchie started tearing up as he spoke, because he was looking at her when he said it practically the whole time. Next Mitchie and Connie are walking alone on a little semi-boardwalk thing to Connie’s cabin*)

Connie: I didn’t know you felt so ashamed of yourself…

Mitchie: I’m not ashamed! It’s just for once I just wanted to fit in and be popular.

Connie: What do you mean? You have plenty of friends at home.

Mitchie: I have one. And the last time I checked, no one was busting their butts to sit next to us at the lunch table. And when I got here I just, I just wanted it to be different. You know? Just once…

Connie: *Sighs* My sweetie, you are so much more then you can see- You Don’t have to lie about who or what you are. I’m not just sayin’ it cause I’m your mom! … Well okay, I admit I’m a little bit biased. Bit it is so true. You are talented. Your music speaks to people! People wanna listen to you. And it is not just me and your dad.

(In the Mess Hall, Mitchie is now carrying a plate of a piece of cake, trying to find a seat. She stops at Caitlyn’s table where Caitlyn, Barron, and Lola are seated.)

Mitchie: Hey guys, can I sit with you?

Caitlyn: I guess… but you have to give me your cake.

Mitchie: Okay, deal.

Barron: You know, sitting with the kitchen help is really hurtin ma rep. [reputation]

Lola: What rep?

*Tess laughs at the table next to them*

Caitlyn: Believe me, it’s probably not that funny.

(Tess gets up and walks to Caitlyn’s table. She is standing on the side oposite of Mitchie)

Tess: The chicken was kind of dry. Could you tell your mom to be just a little more careful?

Mitchie: Tess. *Gets up and goes to Tess* Stop talking to me like that! Stop talking to everybody like that! I may be the cook’s daughter, and my dad may not be rich, but I’m a much better person then someone who feels good about herself, because she makes everyone else feel bad. And I’ll take that any day.

Tess: If it wasn’t obvious- you are so out of the group.

Caitlyn: Then we’ll make our own group.

(This is when the tune to We Rock is played and everyone is seen getting ready for final jam. It ends on the day of Final Jam night. The first scene is Caitlyn and Mitchie cooking breakfast together. Caitlyn is trying to flip a pancake and Mitchie is stirring a large pot of macaroni and cheese.)

Caitlyn: I don’t know why this is so fascinating.

Mitchie: I don’t think you’re doing that right.

Caitlyn: wait.

Mitchie: Don’t get it in my ??(sounds like: macaroni ??, I don’t know the book said they were making macaroni and cheese)

*Tess and Brown walk in, Tess is faking anger*

Tess: I’m sure they have it!

Caitlyn: Okay she has officially lost it.

Tess: No, I didn’t lose anything, you guys stole it!

Mitchie: What?

Connie: What’s going on here?

Brown: Tess thinks that Mitchie, and Caitlyn- stole her charm bracelet.

Mitchie/Caitlyn: What?!

Connie: I’m sorry Brown, but, these girls would never do such a thing.

Brown: Look, let’s just settle this alright?

Mitchie: But-

Tess: I know it was her! She was lying all summer about who she is. Who knows what else she’d lie about.

Connie: Now wait a minute!

Mitchie: Mom, don’t! If she wants to look- let her, this is stupid!

Brown: Okay, look- let me just scope this out, and then I’ll have a quick look in your cabin, alright?

Mitchie: Fine.

Caitlyn: Whatever.

Mitchie: You’re not gonna find anything, cause we didn’t ss-

(Mitchie sees that something has caught Brown’s eye- Tess’s charm bracelet under a pile of some cookbooks. He pulls it out.)

Tess: That’s it! That is my charm bracelet.

Connie: There’s gotta be some mistake.

Tess: Like what, I snuck into the kitchen and-

Brown: Tess, I got this. *To Mitchie/Caitlyn* I am totally wigged out.

Mitchie: Yeah, So are we!

Caitlyn: I’m not.

Brown: Well rules, are rules. And since it’s the end of camp I have no choice. I’ve got’to (gah-doo) ban you guys from the rest of camp activities. Until the end of Final Jam.

Mitchie: We Didn’t do anything- she’s lying!

Brown: Do you have any proof?

Mitchie: No! but-

Brown: Then I’m sorry, my hands are tied. (Reminds them with emphasis) … Until the end of Final Jam.


(Next we are in *the Mess Hall* where Brown is posting the Final Jam line-up while Caitlyn and Mitchie stand miserably on the other side of the room turned away.)

Brown: Camper mates! And mate-ets. I am holding the line-up for Final Jam. I am going to pin it up on the wall. Let me get out of the room before you all come (Screaming people start running towards him anyway) Goodness me!

Mitchie: This is so not fair!

Caitlyn: I know.

(Now we are in Shane’s Cabin. Nate and Jason have come to visit again)

Jason: Guess who?!

Shane: Dude your in the room I can see you.

Jason: I can see you too man! *Sighs* I’ve missed you… Group hug! (Jason pulls both Nate and Shane in for a hug) *Sighs* Much better. It hasn’t been the same just hugging Nate.

Nate: Yeah, it hasn’t been. *To Shane* So, good news- the press is here, and they’re gonna cover the whole night. The label loves it.

Shane: That’s awesome!

Jason: Hey man, where’s this amazing singer you’ve been looking for? *Shane gives him a look* What? I know things!

Shane: Hope’n to find her tonight…

(This next scene, Mitchie and Caitlyn are on the dock together, Caitlyn is on her computer and Mitchie is doing most of the talking as she walks back and forth to wither side of Caitlyn)

Mitchie: This was supposed to be a fun summer that was all about music, and all I did was get caught up in Tess drama.

Caitlyn: It happens.

Mitchie: I can’t believe I agreed to be some backup singer, just because I got intimidated.

Caitlyn: That’s what Tess can do to you.

Mitchie: No, I did it to me.

Caitlyn: I’ve never seen Brown so… harsh.

Mitchie: I know, he just kept repeating- (She uses Brown’s accent) “Until the end of Final Jam”.

Caitlyn: Um, I know- I was there.

(Realizing something, Mitchie turns and smiles widely at Caitlyn and starts going the other way)

Caitlyn: What? What?

Mitchie: Come on, let’s go let’s go!


(Brown runs up the aisle to the stage with cheering crowds of families and friends on either side)

Brown: Okay, who’s stoked?!

(Crowd cheers)

Brown: Okay campers, friends, family, camp rock fans- This is it, tonight… Music history will be made, as Camp Rock finds a new Final Jam winna!!

(Tess/Ella/Peggy are backstage rehearsing for their performance in dark red/white robes. They are in front of a mirror)

Tess: Five, Six, Seven, Eight-

Tess singing: Come on, Come on, look at you. Come on, come one look at me.

Tess: *Yelling* This is not amateur night. This is serious!

Ella: We did it right!

Tess: No! Ya didn’t! You never do- I’m trying to win here. You guys may be used to losing, but I’m not. I’m tired of pickin’ up the slack.

Peggy: Stop telling us, what to do! You’re the one who is ruining everything you’re too intense, all the time, and I am sick and tired of pickin’ up your slack too!

(Peggy starts to angrily walk away)

Tess: Peggy! Come back here! *Grabs Peggy’s arm* (Peggy pulls away and walks off, Tess turns back to Ella) Who needs her? She was holding us back. Now you really better not mess up.

Ella: You know what!? Don’t worry about me, so it yourself- I’m done! B.T.W., your lip gloss is soo not glossy anymore!

(Back on stage)

Brown: This year, the Final Jam winner will not only get a Camp Rock trophy. And a big one, I might add, He or she is going to get a sweet prize- A chance, to record with my nephew- pop star Shane Gray!

(Shane stands up)

Brown: To make sure, the right camper is chosen- We’ve invited the other members of Connect 3 to be judges!

(All of Connect 3 stands up from the judges table they are at which is in front of the stage as the crowd cheers.)

Brown: Okay, put your hands together for Barron James, Sander Loyer, and the Hasta La Vista Crew!

(Crowd cheers)

HASTA LA VISTA (Track 07, careful, lyrics are missing in actual song)

Yea, it’s ya boy Barry

In the place to be (it’s crazy)

Come rock with me

Wouldn’t wait to leave, but now I hate to go

Last day of camp, packing my bags slow (sloww)

Made so many friends, why does it have to end

In the end it’s a win, Because we grown so close together

Remember when we first met? First day (day)

Figured this would be no fun, no way (way)

And now it time to leave. But now we wanna stay (stay x6) OH!

Hasta la vista- I’m gonna say gooodbye to you.

Whateva happens I’ll be cool with you.

Wanna gimme your number, I’ll call ya.

Promise I wont forget ya

Hasta la vista

We’ll all be going our separate ways

Say everything you didn’t say

This is your moment, before you go

Come on now, get up and show them

Keep doin your thing, thing, thing

Keep doin your thing, thing, thing

Keep doin your thing, thing, thing

Keep doin your thing, thing, thing

H-A-S-T-Aaaayy (La Vista) x2)

Hasta la vista, I’m gonna say goodbye, to you

Whatever happens I’ll be cool with you

Wanna give me your number- I’ll call ya,

Promise I won’t forget ya

Hasta la vista,

We’ll all be going our separate ways

Say everything you didn’t say

This is your moment, before you go

Come on now, get up and show them

H-A-S-T-Aaaayy (La Vista)


Hasta La Vista!

*Song ends*

Brown: Oh my goodness! Okay! Now, let’s give it up for a group that has the “IT” factor. Whatever “IT” is… The IT girls!

(Tess is about to go out on stage when she sees her mom sitting down at a chair)

Tess: Mom??!

2 STARS (Track 11, careful, lyrics are missing in actual song)

Wake up, When will things be good enough for you to see

All that we can be

I’m sick, playing games and actin

Like we never care. Like we’re never there.

We pay attention

For only seconds

Look at you, Look at me

There’s never any us, can’t you see-

All we can become

We can shine, like the sun. If we believe that

2 stars are brighter then one

C’mon, C’mon, C’mon… Look at you

C’mon, C’mon, C’mon… Look at me

Is it too much too ask… That you put us first. Oh

I feel like we’re last, in our universe

And that’s not where we oughta be

Look at you, Look at me-

There’s never any us, can’t you see

All we can become. We can shine like the sun,

If we believe that 2 stars are brighter than one.

C’mon, C’mon, C’mon- look at you

C’mon, C’mon, C’mon- look at me

C’mon, C’mon, C’mon- look at you

C’mon, C’mon, C’mon--- *Tess falls forward*

(The crowd gasps, her mom gives her a disappointed look and Tess runs from the stage and sits in a corner, crying. Brown comes back on stage)

Brown: Well! It looks like we are basically finished the comp-

(Dee La Duke runs up to him with a note, Brown reads it quickly and looks up again)

Brown: Put it on pause, we have a last minute addition. Come on up- Margaret Dupree!

(Backstage, Ella and Peggy are standing. Peggy has a Gibson Les Paul Goldtop guitar and she looks ready to go on stage)

Ella: Who’s Margaret?

Peggy: I am.

Ella: Go Margaret!

Here I am (Track 08, careful, lyrics are missing in actual track)

They tell you a good girl, is quiet

That you should never, ask why

‘Cause it only makes it harder to fit in

You should be happy, excited.

Even if you’re just invited

Cause the winners need someone to clap for them

It’s so hard just waiting, in a line that never moves

It’s time you started making, your own rules.

You gotta scream until there’s nothing left

With your last breath

Say Here I Am, Here I Am- make em’ listen

Cause there’s no way you’ll be ignored

Not anymore, say Here I Am, Here I Am,

Here I Am, the world better make some room, yea

Move over, over. Cause you’re comin’ through

Cause you’re comin thorugh.

You gotta scream until there’s nothin’ left

With your last breath, Here I Am, Here I Am

Cause there’s no way you’ll be ignored

Not anymore, say Here I Am, Here I Am.

Here I Am, uh uh oh

Here I Am, uh uh oh

Here I Am

*song ends*

(Crowd cheers, Peggy joins Ella backstage when Tess comes up to them)

Tess: Peggy?

Peggy: What.

Tess: You were really good, I didn’t know you were that good and when someone’s that good, someone should tell them.

Peggy: Thanks.

Tess: And I’m sorry.

(Back on stage)

Brown: Wow! That was amazing I know! I know! Alright, alright, alright, settle down. Settle down sunshine. Whoo! I guess that’s it! It’s officially, the end of Final Jam. And time for our judges to go off in private and well… judge.

(All members of Connect 3 head down the stage aisle to the back)

Brown: So, I’ll check you in a minute.

(A random noise sounds over the speakers)

Brown: Scuse’ me, just, just a minute.

(Brown goes backstage to see what happened and there are Caitlyn and Mitchie)

Mitchie: It’s the end of final jam.

Brown: I was so hoping you’d catch on. Now get out there, steal their hearts and rock it puppet!

(Caitlyn hands Mitchie a mic and when the music starts she walks onto the stage and first sings nervously then as her confidence quickly grows, it shows in her voice.)

This is Me (Track 06)

I’ve always been the kind of girl

That hid my face

So afraid to tell the world

What I’ve got to say

But I have this dream, bright inside of me

I’m gonna let it show

It’s time, to let you know

To let you know

This is real, this is me,

I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be now

Gonna let the light

Shine on me

Now I’ve found, who I am

There’s no way to hold it in

No more hiding who I wanna be

This is me

Do you know what it’s like

(Shane realizes this is the song that’s been stuck in his head, he turns around. This is during the music break between me and you can fully hear Mitchie‘s voice again at Do you know what it‘s like.)

Shane: That’s the song!

Nate: So that must be the girl.

Jason: Ya think!

To feel so in the dark

To dream about a life

Where you’re the shining star

Even though It seems

Like it’s too far away

I have to believe, in myself

It’s the only way…

This is real, this is me,

I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be now

Gonna let the light,

Shine on me. Now I’ve found, who I am

There’s no way to hold it in

No more hiding who I wanna be

This is meeeeeeeeee

(Shane grabs a mic and joins into the song singing a part from his song Gotta Find You, He and Mitchie gradually move toward each other)

Shane singing:

You’re the voice I hear inside my head,

The reason that I’m singin’

I need to find you, I gotta find you

You’re the missin’ piece I need

The song inside of me

(Mitchie joins back in as they walk closer together until they‘re right in front of each other.)

I need to find you, I gotta find you!

(They revert back to this is me)

This is real, this is me,

I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be now

Gonna let the light

Shine on meeeeEEeEee (yeah)

(now I’ve found who I am)

There’s no way to hold it in

No more hiding who I wanna be-

This is Me (crowd cheers wildly and Mitchie then retreats backstage. Brown, Dee La Duke, and Shane are now on stage to annonce the winner)

Brown: Okay gang, this is it… The winner, of Final Jam this year is, drum roll please… Margaret Dupree!

(Crowd cheers. Backstage…)

Mitchie: You won! You won!

Ella: You gotta go! You gotta go!

(On stage, Peggy hugs Brown and he gives her the trophy)

Brown: Way to go, Margaret- You just got yourself a chance to record with Shane Gray!

Shane: Congratulations Peggy, You deserved it, you were amazing.

(Backstage with Caitlyn and Mitchie, they are happily chatting about Mitchie’s successful performance. Tess comes up to them.)

Mitchie: You did it! I mean, I did it!

*They shriek happily*

Tess: You guys were really great.

Mitchie: Thanks.

Caitlyn: Yeah.

Tess: Soo, I told Brown you guys didn’t take my bracelet.

Mitchie: Wow. Um, thank you.

Tess: See you next summer.

Mitchie: Uh, sure.

(Mitchie goes down to the hair and makeup room. Her parents come in)

Steve: Mitchie! You were fabulous!

Connie: Honey, I’m sorry you didn’t win.

Mitchie: But I did- I won the best summer of my life, thanks to you.

*They hug*

Connie: I’ll see you in a few, kay?

(They leave as Shane comes over to Mitchie)

Shane: So I guess my search is over.

Mitchie: That depends on who you’re looking for. Hi, I’m Mitchie.

Shane: I’m Shane. You up for a canoe ride later?

Mitchie: I wouldn’t miss it.

*They laugh*

(Back on stage)

Brown: Alriight! Okay, camp rockers! Final Jam is over, and you know what that means? My favorite part of the summer- the Final Jam, jam session.

Dee La Duke: Let’s kick it! Whoo!

WE ROCK (Track 01, careful, lyrics are different then actual track)

Cause we Rock

We rock

We rock on

We rock, we rock on

Come as you are, you’re a super star

World in your pocket and you know it

You can feel the beat

Running through your feet

Heart’s racin’ fast- you’re rock n’ Rollin’

All that you need is the music

To take you to some other place

Where you know, you beloooOoOOoOhaang

Raise your hands up in the air and scream

We’re findin our voice, folowin our dreams

Cause we rock, we rock, we rock on

Nobody in the world’s gonna bring us down

The louder we go, well the better we sound

Cause we rock, we rock, we rock on

We got the music in our souls

And it’s the thing we want the most

It picks us up when we fall down

It turns our world aaroooound

Cause we rock, camp rock, camp rock

Ev’ry day and ev’ry night

Cause we rock, camp rock, we rock we rock on

It’s all we want to do in liiiiiiiIIIiife

Raise your hands up in the air and scream

We’re findin our voice, folowin our dreams

Cause we rock, we rock, we rock on

Nobody in the world’s gonna bring us down

The louder we go, well the better we sound

Cause we rock, we rock, we rock on

Raise your hands up in the air and scream

We’re findin our voice, folowin our dreams

Cause we rock, we rock, we rock on

Nobody in the world’s gonna bring us down

The louder we go, well the better we sound

Cause we rock, we rock, we rock on

We rock, we rock, (we ROCK) on

We rock, we rock, CAMP ROCK!!!

THE ENDParts to Audition for:

Mitchie Torres

Shane Gray

Tess Tyler

Connie Torres

Caitlyn Geller

Dee La Duke

Brown Casario


Peggy (Margaret Dupree)

Barron James

Sander Loyer Steve Torres

Jason Sierra

Nate T.V. Reporter

Lola Screaming Girls

Andy Dancers

Lola’s Dancer 1 (Non-Speaking part) (Right=

Lola’s Dancer 2 (Non-speaking part) His Gorgeousness)

T.J. Tyler (non-speaking part)

Ugly foreign girl 1

Ugly foreign girl 2

Gospel singer 1, 2, 3

(Right= Demi L. love her!)

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