Organic Rosehip Oil - Amazon S3Seed+Oil_DIY.pdf · 2014-12-15 · Organic Rosehip Oil Add to Wish List 6 How Rosehip Seed Oil Is Used Throughout history rosehip seed oil has had a

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Table of Contents INTRO ................................................................................................................................................ 3

ABOUT ROSEHIP SEED OIL ................................................................................................ 4

HOW ROSEHIP SEED OIL IS USED ...................................................................................... 6

ROSEHIP SEED OIL NUTRIENTS ......................................................................................... 10

THE SCIENCE .............................................................................................................................. 12

ROSEHIP SEED OIL DIY .......................................................................................................... 13

DIY ROSEHIP SEED OIL BEAUTY TREATMENTS ......................................................... 15

ANTI-WRINKLE CREAM ................................................................................................... 15

REJUVENATING MOISTURIZER ..................................................................................... 16

ROSEHIP SCAR REPAIR OIL .............................................................................................. 17

COCONUT ROSE FACE CREAM ..................................................................................... 18

NOURISHING SERUM ........................................................................................................ 19

REFRESHING ROSEHIP TONIC ....................................................................................... 20

FINAL WORDS ............................................................................................................................. 21

STORAGE ....................................................................................................................................... 22


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IntroIt is no secret that our outer appearance plays a large role in how we are initially judged. As a whole the society in which we live is extremely image and beauty conscious, which in turn means we all have to pay greater attention to how we dress, our personal sense of style and especially our daily beauty regimens. While this may seem like a modern phenomenon, we know that it is not.

Throughout history, from the Egyptians to the Greeks and the Mayans, we have seen traditional leaves, fruits, seeds and berries transformed from delicious snacks to health and beauty essentials. For as long as there have been humans we have aspired to live longer, look younger and maintain a healthy glow. There are stories of Cleopatra bathing lavishly in milk and honey and smoothing her legendary skin with sea salt scrubs. Helen of Troy famously relied on olive oil and honey to maintain the beauty that started a war. Roses in their many forms have been used in water or oil by everyone from British royalty to the Andean Indians of Chile.

Many of the tales of these beauty secrets have been lost in the annals of history, but some have reemerged and are now considered beauty staples by everyone from famous starlets to teenage girls and soccer moms.

One such item is rosehip seed oil.

If you have ever taken even a brief glimpse at the beauty and hair products you use, you have probably seen rosehip seed oil among the many ingredients put together to make you look younger, healthier and more vibrant. Most of us know that things like vitamin C and aloe vera serve some purpose in making skin look youthful and flawless, but we don’t know why. The same is true of an ingredient like rosehip oil. We don’t know why or how it smoothes out wrinkles, or how it diminishes age spots but we’ve heard good and things and we are eager to try it out, right?

Rosa moschata(Musk Rose)

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Why has rosehip oil made a comeback in the beauty world?

If Cleopatra and Helen of Troy could use all natural ingredients provided by Mother Nature, why shouldn’t the rest of us? As the health and beauty world begin to acknowledge and accept the use of natural ingredients as a viable alternative to chemical heavy products, we begin to look to history for answers from some of the world’s greatest beauties.

Today however we have more insight into why ingredients like rosehip seed oil are so good for the skin, thanks to the growing body of research. Thanks to dedicated scientists who are eager to understand all the ways in which rosehip seed oil can heal and beautify the skin, we have a greater understanding of the facts that Chileans have known for centuries.

Thanks to the rejuvenating properties found in rosehip seed oil, it is a much safer skincare alternative to popular treatments such as Botox.

About Rosehip Seed Oil

Rosehip seed oil comes from the rosehip (also known as rose hip or rose hep), which is a fruit found on the rose plant. Rosehip seed oil is extracted from the seeds of wild rose bushes called Rosa moschata also known as musk rose or rosa rubiginosa which is commonly referred to as a sweet briar rose. The musk rose and sweet briar rose are native to the southern part of the Andes mountain range, but throughout Europe, Asia and the northern parts of Africa a climbing wild rose known as rosa canina or dog rose is also a common source for rosehip seed oil.


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The seeds from any rosehip begin to form after the flowers have been pollinated, typically in the early days of Spring or in some cases Summer. Before the rose flower can grow from the hips, the seeds must be removed.

The family of wild roses from which the rosehip seed is derived should not be confused with the hybrid tea roses with the curling bloom and a multitude of colors. These wild roses bloom wider and have a distinctively musky smell rather than the sweet smell of tea roses. Unlike the tea roses, wild rose shrubs from which rosehip seed oil is extracted grow several feet in height.

While traditional tea roses may have their own purpose for skin care, they should not be confused with the wild rose nor the seeds from which they come.

Rosa rubiginosa (Sweet Briar Rose)

Rosa canina(Dog Rose)

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How Rosehip Seed Oil Is Used

Throughout history rosehip seed oil has had a variety of uses depending upon the region or people using it. We have already discussed how women throughout history have relied on this lightweight oil to keep skin glowing and beautiful, but the history of rosehip seed oil is far more colorful.


Although it is unclear who exactly first began cultivating and using rosehip seed oil, we do know that historically its main attraction has been the healing properties. Most commonly it was used as a topical healing aid for wounds and scars, which is why it has become highly sought after once again for its skin care properties. One of the most potent characteristics of rosehip seed oil is its regenerative properties that help create healthy new layers of skin, which made it a staple for old school healers and physicians.

Chinese and Chilean medicine has relied heavily on rosehip seed oil to heal battle scars and field wounds for centuries. Today however it has also seen a benefit to heal surgical scars, as evidenced by a study conducted in 1983 by Dr. Bertha Pareja . The study was small, using just 10 patients, to test the healing of unilateral and bilateral mastectomy scars. The rosehip seed oil was applied topically to the clean scar twice a day for three months. After the trial period was over Dr. Pareja noted the scars were less visible, the skin elasticity was improved and any skin discoloration was significantly improved, leaving skin in a much better condition handle additional surgery for implants. Pareja, B. & Kehl, H. (1988). Contributions to Identification and Application of Active Components Contained in Fosa Aff. Rubiginosa. University of Concepcion, Faculty of


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Pain Relief

It is unclear whether the Chinese or the Chileans were aware of the pain relieving properties of rosehip seed oil, but modern research has shown that rosehip seed oil is an effective treatment for pain and inflammation. In fact, research conducted in Germany and Denmark found that rosehip seed oil significantly improved mobility and reduced pain in patients suffering from rheumatoid and osteoarthritis. The same vitamin C found in the oil extracted from the seeds is responsible for the reduction in inflammation and pain.

These studies relied on rosehip powder, which is just the rosehip seeds ground up. Future trials will likely show the extracted rosehip seed oil even more effective for treating inflammation and pain.


Before the oil of the rosehip seed began to show such promise, the fruit itself was used as a laxative and a very mild diuretic. By simply crushing a few dried rosehips, patients were able to relieve symptoms of kidney disorders and even constipation. However once the potent properties of the extracted seed oil were found, home remedies such as this became less and less common.

Skin Care

The skin care properties of rosehip oil are seemingly endless, being used today to treat a variety of skin conditions from the mild (dry skin) to the extreme (aging and eczema). The many properties that make rosehip seed oil so beneficial for healing are exactly what makes it such a boon for the beauty industry. This is yet another reason woman around the world are turning to natural skin treatments like rosehip oil. Women in the United States and the United Kingdom spend hundreds of billions of dollars each year on cosmetic and skin care products and treatments. Those numbers are brilliant for the skin care product manufacturers, but women reportedly are seeing minimal results with maximum spending.

Winther, K. Apel, K. & Thamsborg, G. (2005). A powder made from seeds and shells of a rose-hip subspecies (Rosa canina) reduces symptoms of knee and hip osteoarthritis: a randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology. 34(4): 302-08.

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One of the biggest skin care problems is scarring. Whether from acne, sun burn, chemical burns, cuts or surgery scarring is a fairly regular occurrence. While it is not true that rosehip seed oil can erase any trace of scarring, it can greatly diminish the appearance of scars. Whether it is an acne scar or a skin blister, regular application of rosehip seed oil will not only reduce the appearance of scars by replacing scar tissue with healthy tissue and improving the skin tone so the scars are less visible.

The cellular regeneration of rosehip seed oil is what makes it an effective adversary of the signs of aging. Typical signs of aging such as wrinkles, sagging skin, laugh lines, crow’s feet and photo-aging are no match of the wealth of antioxidants and other vitamins found in rosehip seed oil. This oil reduces wrinkles and sagging skin by infusing more elasticity into the skin, disappearing wrinkles and giving skin a more youthful appearance.

Due to diet and environmental factors our skin is not as moist as it could be, which is yet another reason celebrities like Miranda Kerr and Rose Byrne have been touting the benefits of rosehip seed oil. These starlets have let the world know that the lightweight rosehip seed oil keeps the skin fully hydrated without the greasy residue found in many beauty departments. When the skin receives proper moisture it glows thanks to the hydration the dermal layers receive.

What is even more impressive is what this means for those already showing signs of aging. It’s no secret that oil production goes down as our ages go up, which causes dehydration which then leads to the formation of wrinkles. A daily application of rosehip seed oil restores much needed essential fatty acids in order to keep the skin hydrated from the top layer to the bottom.

If you spend a great deal of time out in the sun without taking proper precautions, sunburn may be the list of your skin worries. Sunburn and windburn are common problems for those who spend time out in the sun and rosehip seed oil is an ideal way to treat the pain as well as even out and moisturize the dry, discolored skin. Hyperpigmentation is yet another skin problem faced by men and women overexposed to the sun. Although this is not the only reason hyperpigmentation occurs (acne can cause it as well, particularly after healed acne) it is quite a common reason.Excess freckles are a form of hyperpigmentation.


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Those from warmer climates and therefore more regular sun exposure are at risk of hyperpig-mentation as well as those who naturally have darker skin such as Asians, Africans and even those with a Mediterranean background. Using rosehip seed oil can prevent and treat hyperpigmentation as it will diminish the appearance of any discoloration you have and even out the skin.

The use of skin care products isn’t just reserved with those who want to look better and reverse the signs of aging; it is also there to help those with legitimate skin conditions. Rather than rely on harsh chemicals to treat skin ailments, rosehip seed oil has proven effective in treating dermatitis, psoriasis and eczema.

The same properties that make rosehip seed oil so effective for general skin care-moisturizing, cell regeneration and healing—also make it so useful for treating a variety of skin care problems. Whether your skin ailments are cosmetic or medical, rosehip seed oil is an ingredient that help you decrease the number of products you use to get a healthy glowing complexion or to simplify your skin care products to all-natural ingredients, rosehip seed oil will be your first step.

Hair & Nails

Chances are good that if you suffer from a skin problem such as psoriasis or eczema, that problem also extends to exceedingly dry hair or nails. But the vitamins found in rosehip seed oil help strengthen hair and nails, while treating cuticles, skin and hair against everyday damage.

Note: Rosehip seed oil is not for use on oily, acne-prone skin. There are a tremendous amount of fatty acids that may exacerbate oily skin, which is why you should never put rosehip seed oil directly on acne. However, rosehip is very effective for reducing the visibility of acne scars.

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Rosehip Seed OilNutrients

The resurgence of rosehip seed oil into the spotlight has given us great insight in to what exactly it can do for our hair, skin and nails but most of us are still clueless about the how. How is it that rosehip seed oil diminishes aging signs, evens out skin and improves elasticity?

The simple answer is a heaping pile of nutrients. But as most of you know, there is nothing quite simple when it comes to treating damaged skin and maintaining healthy skin. If you look carefully at the nutrients you will begin to see why a healthy diet is also a key ingredient in healthy, glowing skin.

Rosehip seed oil is a natural product as it is extracted from the seeds of the rosehip fruit. If your goal is to maximize the nutrients your skin receives while also minimizing the amount of chemicals put on the surface of your skin, you want to make sure you are getting the right kind of organic rosehip seed oil. The best extraction method for rosehip seed oil or just about any oil really, is the cold pressed method.

The cold pressed method of oil extraction is a mechanical process that minimizes the amount and temperature of the heat on the raw materials, the rosehip seeds. This method relies on a consistent but reduced heat so that the oil maintains its original and optimal state throughout the extraction process. Cold pressed extraction does not destroy the many nutrients contained within that make rosehip seed oil such a good bet for healthy skin.

The extraction process is what allows the oil to be so potent and therefore effective.

One of the reasons rosehip seed oil is such a powerful healing agent is thanks to vitamins A, C and E. What is special about rosehip seed oil is not each individual ingredient because, let’s face it, they can be found in plenty of over the counter beauty and skin care products. But it is how these vitamins work in conjunction with each other to make skin radiant and youthful.


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The vitamin A, or provitamin A as it is sometimes referred to, is the primary anti-aging fighter found in rosehip seed oil. Fighting wrinkles, reversing sun damage and evening out uneven skin are all a function of provitamin A. Specifically the beta-Carotene is responsible for treating and healing damaged skin.

These days everyone wants to look younger, even the twenty-somethings are grabbing the latest anti-aging serum to maintain that youthful appearance. It is both the vitamin A and vitamin C in rosehip that accomplishes this. Vitamin C antioxidants help stimulate collagen production , while working with vitamin A to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. The collagen penetrates the skin to keep it moist, thanks to the small molecules in vitamin A that allow it to heal the skin from deep within.

In addition to the vitamins, rosehip seed oil is made up of more than three-quarters fatty acids, which are essential for healthy skin and hair. It is these fatty acids that aid in cell and tissue regeneration, which is responsible for decreasing the visibility of wrinkles, crow’s feet, stretch marks and acne scars. When fatty acids are absorbed through the skin, by topical application of rosehip seed oil for example, they are converted to prostaglandins which renew cells and tissues.

Another important benefit of rosehip seed oil is its photo-aging protection. Photo-aging occurs due to the ultra-violet rays from the sun that damage the skin. This can present in a variety of ways including spots, skin discoloration or wrinkles. The vitamin C antioxidants fight against the free radicals that damage the skin, while vitamin A along with the fatty acids improves the tone of the skin as well as its texture and pigmentation. The increased collagen protection due to the vitamin C helps to counteract the drop in collagen production overexposure to sun can cause.

Finally the essential oils in rosehip seed oil help moisturize the skin, while decreasing irritation and redness sun or wind burn can cause.

The essential fatty acids in rosehip seed oil-linolenic (omega 3) and linoleic acids (omega 6)-are essential for great skin health. Since our bodies are not capable of producing these fatty acids but we do need them, it is important to find a way to get them. Rosehip seed oil is a highly effective way to absorb the nutrients and reap the benefits.

Korac, R. & Khambholja, K. (2011). Potential of herbs in skin protection from ultraviolet radiation. Pharmacognosy Reviews. 5(10): 164-73.

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The ScienceMany people exhibit a certain level of skepticism as these supposedly new beauty products hit the market. They are raved about by screen starlets, rock divas and handsome television doctors and then…they are just as quickly forgotten. Any sane consumer would, of course, question whether or not these fly by night skin care products actually work. Since celebrities and TV personalities are known for offering up details about the latest cream, serum, gel or scrub that’s “magic in a bottle” it is up to you, the consumer, to find out what’s real and what is literary license.

The good news is that we don’t simply have to rely on tales of Cleopatra or Queen Elizabeth I to know how and why rosehip seed oil is an effective skin care and beauty aid. The science studying rosehip seeds and rosehip seed oil dates back to the year 1983.

Researchers at the University of Santiago (Chile) conducted a small scale study of 180 partic-ipants with deep facial scarring. Those early results validated the belief that rosehip seed oil had regenerative and healing powers. The study participants had a range of skin scars including radiation damage, premature aging, surgical scars, burns and many others. By the end of the study participants had reduced scar visibility, the skin began returning to its natural color and new healthy skin was starting to grow.

In 1988 a group of twenty women participated in a study regarding the efficacy of rosehip see oil in reducing premature aging, sun spots and wrinkles from sun overexposure. The study lasted four months and in that time they relied on daily applications of rosehip seed oil. The results found nearly all the women experienced significantly reduced sun spots and wrinkles.

In 1990 a Spanish language medical journal published a study using concentrated rosehip seed oil , which contained 80% essential fatty acids. The goal of this study was to determine the effectiveness of rosehip seed oil as a healing agent. All ten participants were suffering from post-surgical wounds and leg ulcers, and showed significant signs of improvement by the end of the trial period. Even more enlightening is that none of the participants experienced any side effects.

There is still a lot to learn before we fully understand the long term benefits of rosehip seed oil. So far science has shown that the Chileans were right, trusting their healing to the rosehip seed.

Unlike so many ingredients commonly found in skin care and beauty products, rosehip seed oil can stand on its own. In fact, if one were so inclined he or she could create a variety of rosehip oil recipes for a completely natural skin care regimen. Kirby, K. (2013). Rosehip seed oil, Mother Nature’s anti-aging secret. Atlanta Beauty & Health Examiner.

Moreno Gimenez, J.C., Bueno, J. & Navas, J. (1990). Treatment of skin ulcer using oil of mosqueta rose. Medicina cutanea iber-latino-americana. 18(1): 63-6.


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Rosehip Seed Oil DIYBesides all of the beauty benefits of rosehip seed oil, the science backing up the efficacy of this essential oil, and the anecdotal results spouted by starlets and beauty counter saleswomen there is still a major benefit to this beautifying oil: it can stand on its own as a beauty aid or work in conjunction with a few kitchen essentials.

You don’t have to be a penny pincher, environmentalist or on a detox diet to make the choice to make your own rosehip seed oil products. If you want better looking skin without all the chemicals or if you simply prefer to know exactly what you’re putting on your face each day, doing it yourself is the best way.

One of the reasons that many beauty and skin care products are ineffective is due to all the extra ingredients that make them smell good, have a longer shelf life and look more appealing. The truth is that you have no idea what some of these ingredients are and they may be too harsh for your skin, even those purportedly intended for ‘sensitive skin’.

We all have our favorite skin care products, but have you ever wondered why? Are you just loyal to a brand or has that brand proven effective for you in the past? Rather than rely on products that have trace amounts of rosehip seed oil in them you can make sure rosehip seed oil is the star in your medicine cabinet.

You can even mix rosehip seed oil with carrier oils, although you do not need to for safety purposes. If you find a skin or hair care recipe that requires another essential oil or carrier oil you can mix it without worry. It is totally safe for the skin but you should always do test on a patch of skin just to

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ensure you don’t have any allergic reaction to rosehips.

Finally, many women are flocking to rosehip seed oil because the price is right. It may be more expensive per bottle than one foaming face wash or makeup remover, but this multi-purpose oil can replace many pricey items in your medicine cabinet or beauty shelf. Some of the things you can do with rosehip seed oil include;

• Cuticle softener

• Stretch mark diminisher

• Moisturizer

• Make up remover

• Add to sunscreen for enhanced protection

• Toner spray

• First aid

• Foot care

• Wrinkle remover

Just think how much you might pay for each of these throughout the year, compared to a few drops here and there of rosehip oil. Besides, you get the peace of mind to know exactly what you’re massaging into your precious skin.

Remember the first rule of skin care; never apply any oils or creams to a dirty face. Wash and dry face before applying your rosehip seed oil products, except of course, when it is used as a makeup remover.


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DIY Rosehip Seed Oil Beauty Treatments

Anti-Wrinkle Cream

What You’ll Need:

• 3 tsp. Rosehip seed oil

• 3 tsp. Apricot kernel oil

• 2 tsp. Jojoba oil

• 3 drops Carrot seed essential oil

• 1 ½ tsp. Beeswax pastilles

• 1 2-4 oz. Jar

Mix It:

1. Place beeswax, rosehip, apricot and jojoba oils into the top part of a double boiler over low heat.

2. When wax begins to melt, stir to blend and remove from heat.

3. Mix in remaining ingredients and place in a small jar in the fridge until set.

4. Rub liberally under and around eyes each morning and night.

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Rejuvenating Moisturizer

What You’ll Need:

• 3 tsp. Hemp seed oil

• 1 ½ tsp. Rosehip seed oil

• 1 tsp. Neem oil

• 4 drops Rose essential oil

• 2 oz. Glass jar

Mix It:

1. Fill the jar with hemp seed oil.

2. Add in rosehip seed and neem oils.

3. Slowly add rose essential oil drops, but close jar and shake well after each addition. Test the smell and consistency; if the smell is overpowering you’ve probably added too much.

Note: Store this away from sunlight and can last up to one year.


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Rosehip Scar Repair Oil

What You’ll Need:

• 2 oz. Rosehip seed oil

• 2 oz. Castor oil

• 2 oz. St. John’s wort

• 6 to 8 oz. Jar or spray bottle

Mix It:

1. Place all ingredients in the vessel of your choosing.

2. Shake well and store in a cool, dark place.

3. Spray on application, or use a cotton swab to massage over stretch marks, burns or other scars.

4. Apply at least once each day to scars.

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Coconut Rose Face Cream

What You’ll Need:

• 3 oz. Coconut oil

• 4 oz. Herbal tea or Rose water

• 2 capsules Vitamin E (optional)

• 12-15 drops Rosehip seed oil

• 1 ½ tbsp. Beeswax

• Several 2 oz. Jars

Mix It:

1. Place coconut oil and drained vitamin E capsules into a glass measuring cup.

2. Add shredded beeswax to the cup.

3. Place cup in a hot water bath until beeswax has melted and remove from heat.

4. When cool enough to handle add rosehip seed oil.

5. Add tea or rosewater to a blender and turn it on.

6. Slowly add in the oil mixture until blended and store in two-ounce jars until ready for use.

7. Use it on face, neck, hands or feet as needed.


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Nourishing Serum

What You’ll Need:

• 1 tbsp. Rosehip seed oil

• ½ tbsp. Jojoba oil

• ½ tbsp. Pomegranate seed oil

• 5 drops Vitamin E oil

• 2 drops Carrot seed oil

• 5 drops Lavender oil

• 2 drops Helichrysum oil (optional)

• 1 Glass bottle with dropper (1 or 2 oz.)

Mix It:

1. Pour rosehip seed, jojoba and pomegranate oils into the glass bottle, with a funnel.

2. Add lavender, vitamin E, helichrysum and carrot seed oils and close the bottle.

3. Gently shake for several seconds to mix ingredients then store in a cool dark place.

4. Apply this serum daily to heal and rejuvenate skin.

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Refreshing Rosehip Tonic

What You’ll Need:

• 10 drops Rosehip seed oil

• ¼ cup Filtered water

• ¼ cup Witch Hazel (alcohol-free)

• 5 drops Rose essential oil

• 1 Bottle with spray nozzle

Mix It:

1. Place all ingredients into spray bottle.

2. Shake gently until blended, about 10 seconds.

3. Spray a small amount to cotton swab on face and neck.

4. Store in fridge between uses.


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Final WordsThere are many benefits to making your own skin care and beauty products. Of course you can rest assured knowing that there are no dangerous chemicals among your homemade ingredient list, and you can take it a step further by using only natural and organic items in your recipes. Then there is the money you’ll save making your own toners, moisturizers, serums and creams.

Using natural skin care products is a unique experience that leaves skin feeling fresh, rejuvenated and healthy. A lightweight oil such as rosehip seed gets the job done without leaving an oily residue that stains pillows, cushions and clothing. In fact it is so light that many users add a drop or two to their nighttime skin care ritual on its own. Add a few drops to a cotton swab or pad to moisturize before bed without worrying about your pillowcase and bedding.

You can even use rosehip seed oil as a standalone makeup remover. Use a soft cotton towel or cotton ball with rosehip seed oil on it and gently swipe across face and neck until makeup is gone.

Once you have rosehip seed oil as part of your regular skin care regimen, you will eventually become curious about other essential oils. Rather than getting dozens of bottles of oil at once, slowly add them to your collection as you test them and decide which ones work for you. Like rosehip seed oil, it will take some time to get used to the unique earthy smell. But you will also need to figure out which oils work best with your skin type because, unfortunately, all oils are not meant for every skin type.

If you have made the decision to continue using rosehip seed oil and creating your own skin care products you will have to invest in carrier oils such as olive, coconut, jojoba or avocado oil. Rosehip seed oil doesn’t require it, but some recipes need a larger amount of oil and you don’t want to waste rosehip for that purpose.

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StorageThe one downside, if it can in fact be called a downside, to making your own skin care products is that they are without the ingredients that allow them last a long time sitting on a shelf at room temperature. Because you are using natural ingredients that don’t have a long shelf life it is crucial that store them properly.

For mostly oil concoctions like the Nourishing Serum or the Scar Repair you will want to use dark bottles in brown or green. Although this won’t save the product if you leave it in direct sunlight for hours on end, it will be fine if you simply leave it lying around for a few hours. The skin care products that are predominantly oil should be kept in a cool dark place like a pantry away from the stove or a shelf away from hot electronics.

Nearly all cream based products-those made with beeswax-should be refrigerated when not in use. Beeswax and coconut oil for example will begin to melt if left too long at room temperature or higher. Besides that, the difference between a usable product and a rancid one, is often a few hot hours.

When you purchase your first bottle of rosehip seed oil, take a moment to get accustomed to the scent. Remember these are wild roses, not tea roses so you should not expect the sweet flowery scent but rather an earthy and musky scent. Knowing this smell will let you know if your rosehip seed oil has gone bad…or if your nose is not yet accustomed to its scent.


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20% VITAMIN C:Invaluable to the brightness and texture of your skin. Vitamin C is critical for the production of collagen, helping to maintain skin elasticity and firmness. Scientifically proven to reduce oxidative stress protecting you from sun spots, redness, dullness and wrinkles.

SKIN SUPER OILS (ORGANIC ROSEHIP OIL & ORGANIC SEA BUCKTHORN OIL): These oils are used around the world for their powerful healing properties. When combined with Vitamin C, all three ingredients exist harmoniously to combat free radicals, promoting deep hydration, leaving the skin more full and smooth thereby reducing wrinkles and uneven skin tone.

RESISTEM (PLANT STEM CELLS): Protects against stress-related aging while promoting skin detoxification by removing damaged proteins and other cellular waste.

HYALURONIC ACID (BOTANICAL): Allows skin to retain more moisture while simultaneously increasing elasticity and firmness.

GREEN TEA EXTRACT: The catechins contained in green tea are a potent antioxidant which contribute to the overall anti-inflammatory, and anti-irritant benefits of this ancient health and beauty secret.

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What Customers Are Saying...

Smells AMAZINGBy Colin Madigan & Vanessa Crespo(Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania)

The smell is so amazing. It really does smell like fresh delicious oranges. I’ve also noticed that this serum is thinker than other stuff I have used. I’m just totally in love with this product and have been using it at night and in the mornings. My skin feels so soft and lovely. This leaves my skin with a nice radiant, natural look. It will make your skin feel so refreshed and rejuvenated. Don’t even let the price sawy you away. It’s pretty decent and you know what…you get what you pay for.

Very surprised! By A. Hockenberry

I am always surprised when skincare products actually work. It seems like products have such crazy claims these days, but this one actually lives up to them! Within two weeks it faded some old acne scars and evened out some uneven skin texture that I had been struggling with for over a year. I am very impressed with this serum. I think I just found my new Holy Grail!!

Vitamin C Serum is working for me…I like it! By Betsy NJ “BetsyNJ” (NJ USA)

I am really seeing a pleasant improvement in my skin this spring since I started using Valentia EVEN GLOW SERUM. It kind of magically evened out my skin tone within a week or so-and I am no spring chicken either, I see those dark spots and skin discoloration definitely a lot less already. My skin actually looks a bit smoother too and has a bit of a glow which is a big bonus. I just don’t have that exhausted appearance and my skin seems to reflect the light better.

Solid GOLD!!By Connie Gruning (Vista, CA USA)

I am so impressed with Valentia Skin Care’s New Even Glow Serum. From the 20% Vitamin C in this Serum to all the added ingredients. I love this Valentia Serum! LOVE, love, LOVE!! First, this is the most unique serum I’ve tried. It smells delicious!!Next, it’s a much thicker consistency than I’ve seen in other serums. My skin isn’t shiny or sticky. Dark Spots disappearing!! It’s my main goal in life! Banish age spots and well drop fifty pounds. But, one thing at a time. This is worth it’s weight in GOLD!!


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EVENS SKIN TONEVanquish dark spots and skin discoloration, replacing uneven and ill-textured skin with smooth, wrinkle-free skin that leaves you looking flawless and ageless.

INCREASES GLOW & RADIANCE: Revitalize your skin with essential fatty acids that leave skin smooth and radiant. Smooth skin capable of reflecting light will give your skin a youthful glow and a brilliant shine for that well-rested and refreshed look.

ABSORBS RAPIDLYMoisturizes skin due to the capacity of the hyaluronic acid to absorb water, thereby increasing fluid between cells, giving your skin a smoother and younger appearance. This intense water absorption means no more dry, peeling or cracked skin, even in extreme weather.

BOOST COLLAGEN PRODUCTIONRosehip Seed oil increases collagen production so your skin retains the elasticity responsible for a youthful appearance and prevents skin sagging associated with aging. Enjoy smooth and supple skin that takes years off your appearance.

REDUCES WRINKLES & FINE LINESReduce the visibility of fine lines and wrinkles with the help of Vitamin C and Sea Buckthorn oil. Special ingredients plump up the skin, which reduces fine lines and wrinkles in the skin so it is smoother, clearer and younger.

OrganicRosehip Oil

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Why Valentia’s Organic Rosehip Oil?


Rosehip oil has been used for centuries by Native South Americans for its preventative and restorative properties.

Valentia’s Organic Rosehip Oil is cold pressed which is ideal as it preserves the rich nutritional value of the product. Rosehip oil absorbs easily and quickly into your skin without leaving a greasy residue.


FATTY ACIDSOleic acid or omega-9 is incorporated in moisturizers to keep your skin soft and hydrated. The lack of essential fatty acids can cause skin to suffer from dryness and premature aging.

VITAMIN CThis powerful antioxidant protects our skin from free radicals developed due to excess exposure to the sun and environmental pollution that leads to wrinkles. Vitamin C boosts the production of collagen and rejuvenates your skin by restoring its elasticity giving it a youthful and healthy looking glow.

VITAMIN AThe naturally occurring vitamin A in Rosehip Oil helps combat wrinkles, sun damage, minor discoloration, hyper-pigmentation, uneven skin tone and burns.


OrganicRosehip Oil

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REDUCES FINE LINES & WRINKLES Powerful Vitamin C and Lycopene antioxidants promote healthy cell development, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and protecting the skin from free radicals which lead to premature aging.

REDUCES SCARS & BURNS The presence of high levels of essential fatty acids, which cannot be naturally reproduced by our bodies, work to heal and speed up cell regeneration to reduce the appearance of scars and burns. Naturally occurring vitamin A in Rosehip Oil helps heal and improve scar tissue left behind by acne, dermatitis and psoriasis scarring.

REHYDRATES SKIN Essential fatty acids work to lock in moisture, hydrate the skin and keep it soft and supple. Get ready to improve your complexion and face the elements.


Repair skin discoloration and damage caused by environmental stresses such as UV damage from overex-posure to the sun. Hyper-pigmentation and age spots are dramatically reduced with continued use.


Replenish dry, brittle and damaged hair with density, instant shine and smoothness. Nourish your nails and cuticles to prevent hangnails and breakage.

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