Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.). (Oregon City ... · ) Xljc lUrtkln Enterprise. SOU X AXD tOVXTY. 'TAMicn.-T-bc Oivjonijn of yca-"-,' tlimt the contract has just been JT

Post on 13-Jan-2020






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)Xljc lUrtkln Enterprise.


'TAMicn.-T- bc Oivjonijn of yca-"- ,'

tlimt the contract has just been

JT ilv ' WillamMK Riv.r Transpor.a-- n

for the bnild.n or a larg.y Pstumi.oiit to ply on the waters

"f with the? steamer Anniec.'3R.:;Cr Mr. Josopb racquet, an ex- -

boat tuil.ler.Pfij the contract The new

hn'rl .lentil or hold, wiih a5i r:'';iv - i.v) o"a- - Wo,k wil1 i- -

c:",",.V Rt once on the bull, and the,!( ',01!,,e;e,1 an'3 ,n

vrh''''' .,y.'- -I

to run within-

70 davs from date

IS racb The contract for the build- -

boiler and er.eme have been''l? !,,. Willamette Iron Works. The;" ., will have a ,troke of 3 feet. w..h

inch bore. I reir10ion hore power. 1 here n;j! hp about . .... . . . it. .. . A..,...lAtl.M........probability mar, uie cm-,- .. ..

-- .rnn"f',n.t1,Hr tea me r will soon be let by

the saino company.

r.vu.ot's Magazine koii Dkcemheu.

TLi in'.r-rtinj- r monthly for December i

Veil and looks bright and pood no atAvntv dollar gobl piece just from the

It " tvfie and some newfrltiTres which will command thni5fI ves

to the rea'i'-r-- and patrons of B iUvrs.known all over therountrv a thechoapestn-- be.jt publication of its kind in theUnited Staff. In i' can be found matterth.V interests all. old and vonnjj : while thecuin'nir year the Mib-u-ribe- r will receiveA pn-- t v chroinn as a Chrw'rnsis present.TMs will be a preat temptation to every,,1- -. and we hop;; th in-- s n 1 will availihene!ve of it. Only $1.50 per year,

lo cen' sinple copies. For sale all,,t.t the country. Ad.lreM Thomes &,

r.H Congress Ptreel. TJostoa.

An' Oi.i I'ionkkii Goxk. John GillCiiniibe'.l. an old citizen of ibis place,died' at his residence very puddenlv veslenlnv uT'eriiO'iu at about two o'clock, ofcorpe'ion of tlie Inn2" Mr. Campbellr:ne to Orepon in 113. nnd is wellknown for his many noble nnd cenorwna "s II- - whs l).-r:- i in Philadelphia on theCC:ii .f March. IS IS. and w a ilierefore in

.1.1:h v."ir. W'eHha'l publish n historyhi life in our next issue. Peace Ue to

L.i rc:i) tin

r.nTS ami Shoks. P.y reference to oura Iv.'i'ti-i- i' columns, it will be Feen thatour tenner townsman. Geo A. Pease. has

i x "d i:i th-- - b ot iin.1 shoe business atpnrd.iitd. v. here he is ready to given.!

tiien.N a pooa ur.der.Unr.dinp at a lowpiit-e-

. (Jive him a pull. H isthesucees-- b

r .. i!;e popular firm of Ptotzman. Gil-Lim- ui

& '."o.. tui First street.

K.'i.'iii .r.i The Uev. Johnson11. I'. i!cock. of (.'or val lis. will preach in

i'..iiis ( ) Cuurcli botli morn-j.ie- ;

ar d evening, on Sunday next. At theei.-iiii!- serviee be will preach a seniouit.. i.iir' it;eii. Subject Compani.uiships.

N- - ii. Tli'irday. bi- g Tliank-p- i vimr-In.iiiei- e

will be service in S'. Paiil'tu!i!t-!l- . lit I..';. A. M.

To lit IIli'katki) We ure informedt:i it !Iev. .Mr. Sellwood. at the urpent re-- ;

niLiiiy d' our ciii'.lts. will pive!ier co. .cert, wiiti a c.hrtiipe of e.

This will plenee. iiie music-- i

v : nr por i'.n of oar citizens, and nol!.e ho i se will be crowdeil.

I'sioor.iissi v;. The line dy weather fort'. c 1 isi tenddy h i been very b'i:e'icialtoward the work on the locks, and it isii.)W in an advanced sluo thut rainn

i'::n.i eifect it iu t'eri.tlly . The workwi.l bu comidc'.c.l bc!oi; the rirt cdJ vju iry , 1 J .

1i::st IjiA r. The sleutner A'.banyGoivaIHs last Thursday, andawiiyuboitt 70 tons of lieitfht.

Tti'v is the tirst tiipof the simshh. 'i'hev. iu-- r h i lulli'n to such a ptape that bunts

- only b! to po a short distau'ee ab;veS i'f!!i at present.

Lki.i.jms. Kev. J. A.. Wirih. f.f Ne-- v

; U 1,'ity. ("aiii'ornia. has accepted a cullthe 1- -t llapii-- t Church of Oregon

i 'i-- y to become it Pastor, and will preachGr-- l M'laimi at the ibiptist Church on

- iy uj.Tiiinjj at half past ten o'clock.

r.: S n:K.L; r Stock. Jolin Wils.n. ofP. i:ul. presents Pome important facts'' :r rea lefi i!;ls wees in uie iifiveruiue

lie is a reliable a poodc: 'Ck of pooj-- . and will sell as cheap rsen h- - purchased iu the Siate. Give hi;:',a cr!L

Trr.KLTs- .- Messrs. Williams A: Ilf rdinp,'. ill.-- Lincoln Bakery, will Imve a pood

p. i r ' y of Thr.nk'pi vinp turkeyn tn hand,nhl.h ihey will sf'.l at a reasonable price.I'.mt fail to ct one of .hem.

The pn-a- t Vivian pive an exhibition att'if Court House Iat nipbt to a pood audi-''f!- '.

lie jjivea anotlior t, when all'U-- wih to eij y a hi arty lauich should go.

Hie price t.f auiuissiofi n bu 5n irents.

P')TiTo::s. We are under ob'ipationso

; ' .Mr. J. c. llckett for Back of po-t"- s.

the larpest we have ever seen.uT.Ta4i:i-- on 2'J to the bu!)el. Theyar.; hjid to bent.

-- rv Ui.Afs. Mr. Sual announces thatl ready to have Santa Claus in every! 'Vn, Pi the count f. at a reasonable1'ioe. Gs and examine I is stock.

N'iW (,o..is. Me.-ft-s. S. Ackeitnan tannounce to day a reduction ic the

Pn.-- c of their poo. Is until the first of Jan-"r- J.

Give them a call.

i iiwKs.-M- rs. A. Hood has our thanksI a fiile lot iif viil.-- kl f.i nA.nlMi.J

appreciate Mich favor..:' Peter's Mn-ic- al Moirhly for

N veinter may be had at Mr. Fleming'sstore. Ji r an excellent number.

rK::soxvi..-- We had a call last Wed- -

nltvfr,n 0!If frK-iii- J Mr. Dabcock, oft '.i couatv.

-' Tin--: IJivKit. The Albtny and D.iy- -

are the r,a!y boats now rusui." onitpper lirer.

s The m.inv fiiends of Uncle Johnwill ra-r- et to learn that be isto his room.

Itcturiis.l c billowing U the vote of the Statef as beard from :


"icl!Il;.S r-y-j (i77t.--p

' 77 PJ7''noni ill J.fcltO

hiiHi...ti...-- i'l v "'. ; ... ;o'n'uti (Ueported majority). ISO

it).199 . ::)

11 ' in (m ii,.rii... .j ..j j. .450 3SD

(Imported nV'ijorVt y) .". 3i)

' ' Uhis ..S.'lfi 771vie... .561) S13G

.310 122

Halcst Telegraphic Xcivs.

New York. Nov. 19. The Tines Wash-ington dispatch says there are ind cationsof a sharp attack in Congress oa the uewcivil service appointment machinery, andadds that the election has rendered thafriends of the measure strjn"er than everand they have the advant i;e of an appeu!to the platform on w hich the party triumph-ed. Peter Conner has addressed a cmrat-ular- y

Ictttr to President (Slant, and wantsan enfiMCement of the civil service rules.

A Tribune speci il says the Administra-tion has twenty-fiv- majority on j ;nt bal-lot in the Alabama Legislature. SenatorSpencer will be

In Oyer and Terminer, to dav. Jndce P.ra-d-

fcet the second day of the Decemberterm lor th trial of Stokes for the murd. rof Fisk.

Chicago, Nov. 19. The Femnle Co'losreat Jacksonville ( III.), be'.onpiup to the Meth-odist Church, was burned lust Tii-h- t.

Sr. Pot-is-, Nov. '20.Thelearns by private advices that u VipilanecCommittee has been orniicd in LUavetteeourity, in this State.' for the purpose oflynchinp Colonel Turner, publisher of theLexington U'xisltr, who shot and killed theeditor of the. LexingtonGraves. The Sheriff a few davs apo calledout the citizens to assist in preservingpeace. A number and Turnerwas protected. Since then the Viu'dunteshave not i lied the citizens who aided theSheriff to leave 'be county, asid tbev havedei me-- i it expedient, to d.I so.

WaSHIXKTiW. Nov. T.I. Tim I'nito.l ...h.iMarshal of Xe.v Orleans teleirrapWed to' theI'resioent last Saturday lor tio..p to aidhim in arre-tin- p cetta'in iers- - ns who bad

eei i conspiring aj;ain-- t the election, andw ho manifested a to the.F.e.leral authorities. The PrcMde.it refuse i

S1 2t iunaJCe i

civil authorities were powerless to cxecu e1 ne taws.

Ttie action of the United States Marshalin Alabami, in anestinp Dem-ici- ic mem- -

ber-- t of tlie Lcpislature for allepetl violationof the election laws, and carry in tlicui t . j

Mohib to prevent 11 quorum, is severelycondemned h re by tlie aduunis'ra'ioa asunwise, unnecessary and perhaps i leal. Ifthe account of the alijir as telepraphedNorth is correct, the Marshal who n:"i,!e t'.earrests will receive sevt-i- 1 ej.r'.nian.l amil.e dismissed from the olfice. S:.ch is tlieview of Attorney General n illiams.

N'i:w York, Nov. i: .V special to theVvm'jp Pimt, dated Washington, Hub iiist.,

sas theie is pood reason l .r helicviai; t.iat;':.e President, in his lorthc .minp niess'pe,will reconiinend Congress to complete th ;

work of am.ie.ty, by making it uuivc.s.il,and by restoring tl.o-- e 10 citizenship whoarc now excluded by tba third sect o.i ofthe Four teeut'i Amendment t. the Coustitu-- t

on Such a cour-- e i.us b . en ur'ed uponthe I'resi 1 tit by several tiKuubcrs of t'neCabinet and one of them is authority frsayi.'.p be bus d c tied lo do so.

Sew Vo.ik, Nov. I'.i. Tiro TriLim siysthis morning of Mr. (Jreeley th .t h? Insbeen seiiousiy unwell since his wife's deathh 00 nervous protian. in, resuiiiup manlyfrom the seveie strata ui oi h s nervoussis' cm liiiougii want of re-- t an 1 slci. ilar- -nip the I. ist m ti 1 11 of his wife's ItiMss. ;

Nothinp but bis rem.ir'-iabl- strcnirth ofc institution has eniliiedhiu to uivc at en-tio- n

tlis r. cc.it tlutics. We trust b.! mavhe restored speedily to his nsaA vigoroiubeallh.

Territorial News Items.

Th? d ips in O'.ytnpii have the epizoo-tics ca;r-i'.- l by eating poisoned nie:t.

H. G. Sirauve has upon his du-ties as Secretatyof Washingioii Territory.

An earthquake skick was distinct yfelt in various p uts ol Dakota, on thel.):h iiist.. but 110 damage was done.

Six inch veins oi pure silver have beenfound in Ari.on 1 and larpe pieces of purevirgin silver have been picked up in thecreeks. i

The Salt Lake LraUl pronounces thereported discovery of diamonds in Utah!o be a humbug, and promises ui; expo-sition of the fraud.

Th. d oi! bouse at the liab'.bouse atCapo Disappointment, in Vi'iirti'iinnTetritory. ii to be 'orn away and a newand larger one erected at once.

Tlie grand jury at Olympia has indictedWin. Kirkhmd lor the crime of murdercoiiiinined in tlie kiliing of a man namedCampbell, last summer.

II n. 'Jr. Lewis, ill. newly appointedAssociate District Judze in M.mun.i, h isarrived at his post and opened Court atHoemail City on the 4;h inst.

T. M. Keed. Esq . of Olytnpi.i. is or.o ofthe delegates to the General Assembly lomeet at Dtltimote next May. from theOregon and Wiibbing't::! Territory I'res-bytery- .

Jtiliu? I.'ickens is preparing to start anew paper at Steilacooui. tt be called theP'Kp't Stun t Aj-nr- t. .;. The first numberwill pioo.iOiy be issued on li.ursj.ty ofthis week.

Wa-hingt- Terriiory. at In." recenielection, voted to call a Convonii jil forthe purpo-- e of lormintr a Stie Cons'iiu- -

tion j.rior to asking admission to theUnion.

Col. Milroy. brother of General Milroy.Superintendent ot Indian Air:rs forWashington Terriiory. has ben arrestedfor assault ar.tl battery on Dr. Sowers.The lottner is agent and the latter isphysician at Chehalis Indian reservation.

Michael Donnhuo who was sentencedto Ihe peiiitentiaiy in Idaho for five yearsby Judge Uoliister for an assault wiih in-le- nt

to kill Joseph Atkinson. last fall hasbeen pardon d by Gov. Dennett on therecoiiiuu'ndaiioii of numerous citzens.

Thomas Willuans and Joseph Kd wardstwo discharged foldiers convicted ofstealing Governin-'ii- t hoises in Idaho haveboth been recently pardoned by thePrisideii'. The tcsiimoity was circumslanti il and showed the offence to haveteen trespass rather than larceny.

Mr. Prooks started from the coal minesnear Seattle on Tuesday lst t crossLake Washington in a canoe. 'I'he canoeupset and he lost his paddle. He g tastride of the canoe and drilled 20 miles10 Sqnak Slough, where h- - land d andreturned lo tlie mines by bind, bu! li'ileworse for his long ami fearful exposure.

The Seattle says : "We are in-

formed thut at the lime il was announcedin the Olympia papers ib.it Mr. G.ufi.l.lehad suddenly b it tor pails unknown, hewas lying iu that ci v dangerously sit kwiih an attack cf at hm 1 . similar to I hat

r which Mr. Thomas recently d ed. anda' one lime bis friends I n 1 li paired ofhi recovery. Iu his nf".l:etion .Mr. G

and his family h ive the sympathyot all right-minde- d people.''

The Owyhee Ac'ilttu-Ji- c says: "Abouthalt pasi nine o'clock on Thur-.la- y nightthe Sib ins-ant- . Iwo men named JohnCi liven and Richard Iloach. bad a q larrelin the Owyhee Uxchange Saloon, resn

the '.alter being shot through ihe lightarm above the eibow. severing the mainurret-- ami causing death Iron; ihe loss ofblood about three o'clock the next morn-ing. It is thought that Craven was cut bylioach but how badly no one knows, as upt- - the time of going to press ho bud notbeen found. Whisky was in all probabili-ty the cause of the trouble.

An Kpiscopal church is about to beerected nt Deer Lodge. Il is to lo calledS'. Junes. after Si. J une Church. R 1

tavi i. New York. which contributed SI 00 )

to build i'. and it is to be a ni.'iii'iri il ofthe Rev Mr. Fowler, formerly Rector ofSt. James. Iativiii more ia':erlv a mis-pionary of Mon'ann and who with bisU i'e and three children. perished abo r two i

vrars since on the Hudson River railroad.The Rev. Mr. S'oy. formerly of Portlandexpects SI.500 help from the East to build j

with, anil has opened a subscription at j

Deer Lodge with a view of raising 52.501 j

more, and has alrvady secured over 3!,SJ0 i

A Word to Fathers.We have read a story of a litt'.e bnv

who. when he wanted a new suit of clothes'

beeped his mother to ask his father if hetnipht have it. The mother suthat the, boy mipht ask for himself -- Jwould.'' said the boy. ' but I don't feewell enotiph acquainted with him." Thenis a sharp reproof to his father in reply t,hi son. Many a father keeps hi childrenso at a distance from him that they neverleel confidentially acquainted with him.They feel that be is a swrt of monarch inthe family. They fee no f.imiiiaii.v wiihhsnt. They fear him ar.d lespect him nndeven iovc uim some, for children cannotlieip lovinp some every body about them:but i!iy seldom pet near enouph to himlo feel intimate wiih him. They seldompo lo bin; with their iinle wants and trials;they approach him thiouph ibe mo'her.Ihey have a hiph wav to her heart onwinch they p., i an,i 01lt wil)j p,.,.rectfreedom. In his keeping.,,!? ,,iu,u fathersare to bbune. Children siionld not beheld off. Let them come near. Letthem be as intimate with the lather awnii the mother. Let their little heartsbe freely opeued. It i wicked to freezeup the love fountains in the Hub one'shearts lathers do ihe:n an injury bv l.v-in- p

with them as Htra.ur-r- s. Tnis drivesnnny h child away from borne for thesympathy his heart craves, and of:en intoUK'"0i'.1 society It nurses 1 ise. m n I

:ii;.l mistrust, whieh .r .. ,o.;i.i a....not out prow in a Kfeiime. Ooeii youriieari.s nd your arms, oh lail.Hi-..- - he deeVI. ll -vour children a-- k for their w nitsand iri.iN; pl.17 wii. ,HM11. 1,. ...,1-..,.- . ,,

di U'Jr '-v- -,- d yon.

A comm-- n 1 ib'.e anxiety is in mi ft stedby a poniou of the Sonihern pr.ss andpcop'e to attract lo their viciniiv the

111: radon fi-i- m Alsace ard Lorraine.Tlie credentials of these are devotion toprinciple and loyalty lo the instincts ofpa;ri:isni They would find amonp ibeHuguenots of Virginia and Sou'h Caroli-na decendanirf of cojnp.i: riots who weredisiinguishtvi by the same characteristics,and who an; now among the first citizensof the youth. They are a:i acquisition tobj c vi-te- by tlie Souili pur t e 11 1 n rl v a',the begining of the new era. in develop-ing her m.tiiiil'aciuii.ig in'ercfis andres.)tirces.

iir:o.In this city, November 2!, 1 572, of con-

gestion of toe luti'js, Jomx (Jill Campbem.,a.-c- d years, 7 mont.is and 21 days.

The funeral will take placeirernin., from tlie Episcopal Church, at 10o'clo k. Friends and acj i i.itauces arcrespectf .llv requested t t attend.

Oregon City Prices Current.

The following are the prices paid forproduce, and the prices at which other es

are selling, in this market :WIIKAT-Whi- te.- bushel. 70($0c.OATS "jjV bushel. S7 h cts.POTATOES p) busiiel. 37 cts.ONIONS bushel. 1 OttfoSl 50.FLOUi- t- - bbl. S i S f 00.PLAN'S While. lb.. ;(,?H cts.I'ltii.i' r iiuii .i p pies. ; lb., C(T?.7 els.

Peaches. ; lb., 1 '( iCc: Plums tl lb..'id cts.: Currants. ""f lb.. liifT?J0 els.

m Tn-:ii--r- ib..K'.fiS 'hi dozen. 3D cis.CinCKH.N'S r doz.-ii- . $2 ().").

SUG Ail Crushed. ) lb.. 20 eis!: Islandy !!).. loQiil-'- s els.; N. ().. --jj lb., lo cis.;Sun Francisco lviino.l. 1 lb. I f cts.

TF.A- - Younp llvson. lb.. 1 t;:i .Ta- -

pan. r ).. ".".cOo il tit)COi- - i-

--;j it,.. :;(;i.-:- t cis.s A 1 V 'j? lit.. 1 j 0 1. c .SYRUP Heavy Golden. figal.,50ct3 ;

V.s. Heavy (iolden. "j-- giii.. f7oPACON Hams. lb.. 18 cts ; Sides.

1G cts. fi B..: S!5..ulder.s. 11 cts.LARD "j lb.. i3cis.OIL Devoc's Kerosene, rail.. 7o.

Liu.eed oil. raw. gall.. "

f I 25:Linseed o'l. boiled, "f? gall., 31 251 50

WOOL lb.. 35 cts.P !:;:";' (In foot. Cf'r,7 C'S. f lb.PORK On font. (;ct.7c!s. -- )'l!j.SHU UP Per head." 2 5i')(V.j;:; 00.HIDi "S Green, il 50 yf; Dvyrjt H...

15 cts : Suited. Se.

Kctiiriou Sfrvlt-ii- .

St Pauls ( Ujiiscopal ) Church, the Rev. JohnW. Sellwood, rector. Services on Sun.lavot lo.; a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday Schoo!and Rode class ul 2 v. si.

Ift Corigreg.itioiial Church. . . . .seats FreeSaobath School, .12 o'clock. M.

oM. P. Church, . . .Scat-- Free.

Moruutg Services lo.;jo.Uvci.iiip Ser vices, 7A o'clock.Sabhalb School at 2 o'clock p. m.

J. D. Lociiv, Pastor.

A;i:.TS KOit TIIU KSTHUl'KISE.The following pcrons are authorized to

act as agents fur the Enterprise :

iii o. P. Powell & Cc, 40 Park Row, New-Yor-

Cue. Wet'icrill & Co., 007 Chestnut street,Pbiladelpt.ia.

Abbott , Co.. No. S2 & 4 Nassau street,New York.Portland, Oregon T, SamuelSan Francisco, Thomas Po.ceSan Francisco L. P. FisherSi Helens, Columbia county, S. A. Miles.Astoria, Chits p county. . . '. . . A. Yan Du.-c-n.

Lafiv. t'e. Yaiiioill countv..J. L. Fu rg sun .

Dallas. Polk county . . Dave Ilol.'iics.Co. vallis ....). S. Palmer.C in von Cit v Yv". P. Las.e!I.Dail-'s- Wasco cornty N. II. Cat. s.La tirande. Union county.. A. C. 'ta'g.Pendietun. I.'matilla countv S. V. Ki.oxUcugcne City J M. Thompson


Reaver Crei k. . . C. F. Peatie.pa:;le Ci eck .Frank YV". Foster.Cascad-- . .Ilcmy McGugin.I.o.v. r Molalla. . . . . . . W. Mo re land.Can by L ". Strawscr.Upper Molalta. . . ..YV II. Vaugban1 at di n g's Z. C. Norton.Cutting-.- ' I). Wrul.t.

fsyi;i plo;ns t'ali.ri li.Dull, hcivv headache, obst' uetion of na-- s

il p.issagcs. filling i:.t thef. ro.it sometimes profuse, watery, acrid,thick and teliaci s mucus, purul nt, mucupurulent, blootlc, j.nt. id, ollensivc, etc. Intuhors a dryno-s- , dr', w.iicry weak or

eyes, tinging in Ihe ear s. deafness,bawktng an 1 cougbieg to cleir thu.uf; ul-

cerations, scabs from ulcers, constant desireto clear no.-- e and thro it, voice rdtered, naaltwa g. offensive tveith. impaired s 11 Il andtaste" izzines. mental dep.'i-ssioi)- , tUk i.igcou'li. idocy, and insanity.

A 1 tli'j a'jovc sv.npt mis are emmoa tthe discus ; in some o! its s'ages or cmpl-- c

;t'"S. thousa ids of cases annually lerruinate up co isu.upt ion, and end ir. thegrave without evermanifesting oue-thir- d ottoe above symptoms.

No disease is more conmnn or less under-stood bv .hysican-.- . Tlie Propriet r of DrSage's C .t trr'u licmed v will pay $..". rewardfor a case 0.' Catarrh which he cannot cure.Sold !y druggists. Hcwa.e of ciintfifrif.-- a

,d irm-tif- iiaifiilio.'i. Jl member thatthe (ienuine has the words "II. V. Pierce.M. I)., Sole Proprietor, Pu lalo, N. Y.."pr tiled 01 the out-- l le wnspoer; also hisDr. Pi i ce's portr 1 .t, inline and a J.b es pr'n.t-t- d

ou the U. S. Coverncent st.mp upou eachpackage. In this way you will be sure top t t ie genuine.

T;i lie it in tiinr. P'.nghJ and C 'Idswill not wait. They are deceptive, and thepatient often i n .pines bimsc If better eve r

when he has te.t used the pr per treatment.tor cure. Attend 'o it at once. W sB.its'Asi or Wild Cueruv is our oldest curefor these complaints.

L. P. FiHE 21 and 1 N.-- Mcr- -

chants Exc'iange, L 7Cr autji i i Ag-.a- r

is far frx?&?-i- .

SLOoO Reward will be paid bv the I

proprietor of Dr. Pierce s br.ilucn MedicalDiscovery for a medicine that will equal il !

iu curing severe anu lingering Coughs,Bronchitis and all diseases ot the lungs.

For the very but piititogriipbs. go to Hrudley & liulofsou's Gal'cry without STAIUm- -,

"55" ASCEND IN THE ELEVATOR, 4oMontgomery Street. Sun Francijco.

Falls e.campmext so.4,1 . o.F. Meets at Odd FeHows Hall ou theFIRST AND THIRD TUESDAY EVENINGof eacli month. Fatrnrebs in good stand-ing are invited to attend,

i'eir. S. lS72-l- f

T he Waiuing Inii btl'ii Ikidcu.Since the exposure i f the attempts of

certain unscrupulous' local dealers, to palmoff their c; m so astringents, made ft cmcheap and impure materials, m place of thetreat national tonic, Ileslettci 's StomachPitters, public opinion has fct stronglyagaitist thoe empirics and their prepara-tions. Their occupation is pone, or soonwill be. When the lirfht is let into decep-tion it soon wilts down. Persons who tri-

fle with their own health, by using unknownpreparations, with no guarantee to sustainthem, when an established specific, provenby tweny ytaia expciicncc to be exactlywhat it is claimed to be, is within theirreach, aie sure to rcpeiyt their temeiity.Many have J n--e so in this instance, but itis hoped that the truth plainly spoken hasarrested the evil- - Iu the ineal.timc the de-

mand for ti c leading protective and rest .ra-tiv- e

medicine of America was never so greatas it has been this sea-o- n. .From the feyera-i- Ague districts of the west, souih west,tin j s uitl , it is literally o: e. whelming, andii may b.: said of the advices ft orn all pansof t..c counti y of the cuies it is ciicctoigdyspepsia, billious com;. la tits, and chrot.rcconstipation, that "tlieir name is legion."Everywhere the sick and feeble seem to haverealized the importance of "hold ng fistthat which is g od. and of avoiding whaiis spurious ami dangerous.

The numerous ' PiUers," under variousnames, which mercenary dealers endeavorto substitute for Hosteller's Stomach Pitters, should be avoideil, tor their own sakes,by t!ie sick and tiie public at large. Hos-tctter- 's

Hitlers aie piocnrable iu bottle?only, and never soiu in bulk.

A sine thing. CARLE SCREW YVIRhRo'-t- and Siioes will not rip, or comeapart, i.nd are the ea-ic- st ever worn. Trythem.

All bear the Patent Stamp.

It is :tn lOslisljlisHeil t atct, that Con-sumption can be cured; hut it is far betterto prevent the cruel di-eu- from f isteningitself on the sysiem by the timelv use of arcuoolv like Dit. Wist Ait's Rai.sam of WildCtn.KiiY. This standard prepai-.ttio- willspeedily cure a cough or cold even Coiisump- -

ticn ottcn yiel-l- to its great power.

itltiltiioiimli liOitii .o. 1. A. K. u.;lfi A. 31. Holds its regular c.iminunica

A ttons on the irxt itn-- 'IJ,ir,l .v'u-- -

ifuii 111 eacli month, at . i clock tromIhe 'Jotb of September to the 20th of

March, and 7A o'clock from tlie 2"tli ofMarch to the 2otb ot September, lircthren in good standing are invited to attend.

I)ec."a3.1S70, Py order of YV. M.

Oregon Lodge Xo. .", 1. . of O. I".

o.c;v'.;. Meets every Thursday even

iC'ff i ing at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellow'sHail, M i in 8 ect.

Members of the Order arc invited to attendRv order . - IV. ti.

ItclM :i I) I.oOi' O. O. F".

(O O Meet on the Second and Fourth$V . TCKSDAY EVJ-:SI.iJS-.

ot each month, nt 7 o'clock, in Odd FellowsHalf. Members of the Degree aie invited toattend.R igge stockings ami protruding Iocs ure notsee ou icet, vle-re SILVIPI TIPS are worn.Parents r cm niber this, they last twice uslong. For sale by all dea trs.

VVOID QUACKS. A viict im i f ea v i 1-

causing ticr-oii-s dehilitv.

premature decay. Ac , hiving tried 111 vainevery a lveitised remedy, has a simple meansot -- ilf chit, which lie w;U send free to lisfellow sulicrers. Address J . IL RLE YES,"S Nassau st., New Y rk

Sept. 1 : 1 y

C'ure it sii iinrr. po not treat it lishtiv.A couch may prove d i nacrous. A cold mavlead you, by suie degrees, to hc.pcb'ss coiiKiiri.p ion. In WisTiii's Pai.sam ok Wili)Ciitiim v a cure for coughs, c.d.ts, bronchitisand whooping cough is offered. It is wellknown and is easily tried. All druggistskeep it.


S. A KERMAK &, CO- -


AT REDUCEPrices until January 1, 18715


We mean what we siy. nnd we propose tcive the pe plo of O'Cgori City ana C.acka-inu- s

county a r opportunity to purchase theirgoods at a less price than ever before idle redin tlii- - city, wit ch wil! only lust u ! I nexJanuary. Oar stock is complete in evervlesp.ct.Give us a C.ill Before Baj in? Els:wli?rc.


Main street, second door southcf the PostofQie




Main Street, Oregon City.

The best veriety of TOYS nnd FANCYGOODS. Miitabe "for Chrsirn.is Presentsever bef ire brought to I Irs c tv. which willbe sold at. prices to suit the tinus. Calland examine my stock abd prices.

nov22m I


Good Cable Screw Wire


Will not L-- nk .ml Last Twic: as lontf


pi'-- I v Kafka, on Rocs Creek. 12 milesIrom Aurora, situated at a fine point lorcountrv tia.iing post; can be bad on veryreasonable terms. T. is is a desirably pointfor a man with small capital to go into bnsi- -

D,JSnV"re ' f JOHNSON & McCtrTTN

.r.f OrrCa City. Orercr.



GEORGE A. PEASE,sirccEiioa to ruoTZu.iN, cillihan & co.,

con. fikst ixounisox' s.,rORTL i.N'D.



3mccn'Al(ler nn.t Morr'.gou Street.Domrstic Coltons, Cln.lt Silk Pop.

IIiih.LiiKiu, IIIn. It .tlpnrns,

Tabie jiinl Ioom Uoii: iiini; Cioutls,IIii.li'i',

Tow 1 u ltd ( rutt iionll'i. nil Siloes,Kmniklt iii'r Ciuoda


SEbb STOCK AXD GOODIWIbbbusiness (ti e oldest Ret di Pusi-n.s- s

in the citv;, and Rent STORE ANDFIXTURES, for a term of yc rs at a luwrent,



Administratorc' Salo.In tho Cuuuty t'ourt of 'latliaiuasi couiitj".

Oregon.In tl.e matter of tho estate of Jt.Sil V.

l;i K.I.K, lAce.'-H-. L


P'.irsuauee cf au Order ami l.ieense niadoanil fiiv..:i l.y the Hon. l ounty (,'uurr of Claeka-ni.- ii

eourity at '.lie Novomler turn, 1972 thereof, Iv. ill proceed lo soil at public miction to ihe lii'iietladder, at the Court House door, m Oreifjn t it,ou'l ucs.lay tlie.ilstdiiyof llcremt.cr, A. I).,at the hour of one o'clock, 1'. .M., tin followingdescr ibed parcels of land, sil.u it.; in (.'laelcaniascounty, Oregon, and to the esiale oi'aaid decea-e.1- , to-- w it :

1st. Donation claim Xo. t", in T. 3 S., It. I "W.,of tlie NVillaiaotte raeridiau bounded, us ioIIowm:HcuiuiuiT at u point IS MJ-1- cliains east, and(i O ciiiiina sliJ;)i from tlie riori Invent cornerof See. "2'i, in T. 'J S., li. 1 W., runiuiiL; thenceeast .J.i chains ; thence south 0 deir. i"J lain, west,to the Willamette' riven thenci; north Tfi decrees.;west 10 cha ins ; thence north 70 decrees 3u min-utes west, lli lsil-li- .il chains; tiietice north U7

v est. 10 I) chains; tlicnco north 41 .)

chains to the place of lieriiiuiu; eontaiiiinjr IC270-1- 00 acres, nioie or less.

Cd. A li actional part of donation claim No. 42,lH'imf tr.ut of des c V. lSuotic, in T. 3 S., it. 1 V.'.of tiie Willamette meridian, bounded as follows:itciunit at the south-we.- -t corn, r of said claim.No. 42, runniirr theme east 20 chains to the linebetween Isccs. and 27 ; thence north 89 27-1- 00

chains to the AVillme.ctte river; thence south I.S-4 dctoce. iver, 21 .il-lu- i) chains uji the illaia-ctt- c

riier to the N. AV. cmncr of Mnid claim. No.12: t hence south Hi chains to Ihe jduce ofbej;iiiiiiiii.r exe.p; imr from this descriniioii atract of about liu acres ill the N. V.". corner, deed-ed by deceased and his wile to W. A. I'rrssell, thedeed for which is recorded on iaircs 32 I'.nd 33 of15.xk "1" of the record of deeds in 'luck;. runscounty, Hiti,u, the amount to bj sold bcaiabout I 10 acres, after deduct in:t said liO aero tract.

d. .Vlso a fr.U'tiou.-.- l part of said donationclaim, No. 12, iu T. i S., R. 1 V. of the AVillaiu-ett- e

meridian, bounded as follows: I .mmcuei:iirat a point on the south boundary of sui.l claim,12, lii(i-i'- 0 chiiia.s norih of the soath-w- et cornerof 2i, in sai.l township, running thence easts i.i-l- ehains to tlie I". ". corner :' a lo" o! landconvoyed by Jesse V. 1'xione and w ife to Alphonsollooiie. the deed for which is recorded on pa: es 2 1

and 2." of Hook "K" of tier- - record ot'd.-nd- s in I lathen, o north 24 lo-lo- o . hair.s to the

N. W. corm r of said lot ; thence noi lii III 3-- 4 cs

east, 'J O eitains to the line dividingsniil claim, 42, between Jesse V. ltoone and hiswife; t hence north on snid division line l3 chainsto the Willimetie river; thcne south M u:,.west, l'i l ciiiiins up said Willamette rivero ihe line between sees. 22 and 23 ; thence south

on said section line fi. I 27-1- chains to tlie placeof be'inuiier ; containing 12S acres, more or less.

On the tiv-- t dcs.rilH.'.l tract is a comfortablefrui.'i" dwellinur and barn, and n jroo.l bearing or-

chard. On the other two tracts there is a laifrequantity of meadow land that has prinluced fourtons to the acre. Kach tract lies ou the Wilbim-ctt- e

river.Terms of sale : Coin, onc-thir- .1 on day of sale;

one-thu- d in six months, and oi:e-ihi- rd in twelvemonth.!. lJe.tcrri'd payments bear interest.

J Veils at expense of purchaser.November 1 , 1.172. V". C. JOHNSON,

i3 w 4. Administrator.

Final Settlement.In tlie matter of the estate of Eobert Hoore,


SN THE COUNTY COUKT OF CLACKAMAScounty, St ate of Oreiron, November term 1H72;

the admiuisti-ato- r of nuid estate having tileilhis exhibit for linal settlement ther. of, it is or-

dered by tlie Court that Monday the secondday of liecembcr, 1S72, be tet apart for tlie hear-ing of objections to said tinal account and lor thesettlement thereof with Joo. A. Pease, Atituiu-istrat- or

thereof.Jv order of Hon. J. K. "WAIT, County Jud-- e.

Attest: It. l CAl'I'IECD, County Clerk.Oregon City, November 8th, 1872. n2w4

"Notice !I.irvs Citv, Ouf.oon--, November P, 1S72.

The A nnual nu ei in of the Stockholdersof the Willamette Fulls Canal and Lock Com-pany, for the election of i fliers for tire cn-su'- ti

year, will be held at the Company'solii ce'ai I. inn City, at ten o'clock a. m. onMood ly, tl.e second day of December, Is72

Pv order of the Pre-iden- t.

JNO. N. KINO, Secretary.

"IT Q 'v Q Kotice I

PER: DNS IN DERI EI) TOME AREVI.LInoiilied that I have placed mv

accounts iu the bauds of Mr. llr. t..r Ca m r.l,

ut .Milwaukie, who is instructed tomake immedi ite collection of the .same.

Persons indebted to me. will plcuseup. IHAAC CAUAN.

Milwaukie, Oct. 25, 1S72. nlw3

Parents reduce your Shoe Pills

iico thirds by buying


for j our chilc'r n.



TTAVISC PURCHASED The JJLX J. ivory Stock and Business fci. 51t""oi .Mes.s-s- . iiLi.rs & littor.MiTO.v. AV a--Vanu me urays, iiorses ana liusiness.d 1. NtJitKENMAX. ai e now prepared to carry onLIVERY Bt'SlXKSS


Wc wiil also deliver slab woo l to all thosepersons to wh im Willi-- ; .t Rronbton haveenframed and as many more as will engages!ai w.K)d from us, "so far as we can geusupplv.

Ordei-- s left at the Lrvery Stable for Woo l,Dray nu or Ha.din.', will lMi attended tn withdisp.tch. Put ouaiie inourseveral branchesot" busin'-s- solic ted. Our tliaigen iallbe loftrrite

C-J-T fbe Richest Cash Price paid for Oats

delivered at the Stable.C. N. OREEN.MAV, P.csilen',

J. M. FUAZE R. Secretary.OfO Q.U xi.CV.Crs3 C?iW. Ac; I?f2. rt



j I iiiSSsJS 2 o?E1VEX A WDRY-GOOD- S,


Oroceries,All of which I will sell at the LOWEST RATES. Give me a call befora porchaaing aiiwbre, and cuuviuce yourselves that I CiN ard WILL SELL a cbaan a the cheapest.






The Rakery will be constantly suppliedwith fresh


CAN I) IE 4 AND NUTS.All of which will be sold at livinn: rates.Remember that we do not sell goods at

cost.Also, please t.tr in mind that it takes

money to do business.To the fa i tiling trade we would ?ay, CASH

for you. produce, and CASH tor our eooiis.Goods delivered to all parts of tf.e citv.Feb, IU, lST-2-.t- f



Eusiness Directory of the StateOF OREGON in a few days; r.nd, to makeil successful, respectfully request the

ot persons interesed in the welfareof the country. The State has now reachedthat posiiion when a yearly summary of herproreis is necessary, hence the value of awork which will, iu a condensed form,

Combine all Matters of Tub-li-e Interest.

Tbe wort in contemplation will embrace a

General Sketch ofthe Slate,TS PHYSICAL ASPECTS,





PRODUCTIONS,And all other .subjects on which information

is required.

Tlie work will be illustrated with sketchesof some of the leadivfT pion inent scenery cfthe State, and its compilation will be underthe charge of"

J. JIORT;jIEll r.irRFHV, Ksq.,whose recent work on Washington Terrltorvtras been highly commended by tbe pressand public.

The Business DirectoryOF EACH TOWN AND CITY

Will be Complete;And that, with sketches of each place, shouldmake it invaluable to the merchant, Farmerand Mechanic.

AS AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM, it will beTIIE REST yet introduced iu the State, as itwill be of such importance that it willalwirysbe retained in a prominent position for refer-ence.

The Rate of Advertising wiT be asfollows :


Adveitiscrs taking one pago will receive aropy of tbe book gratii.

TRICE of the work will bo $2.C0.

Th? book will bs distributed on every routeof travel and public place in tbe country.

S.J. McCORJIICK, Publisher,1C3 Front Street, Portland, Or.

October l5, 1S72.







TROOUCE .f all kin 1 bou-h- t. for which Ipay tbe highest mar ket price.

If you desire jrood Goods, at LOW Friers,call a"t I. SELLING'S, and examine his freshstock of Spring Goods.



Mv Motto is, QUICK SALES AND SMALLprofits. .'r.saxzse.

vw aarfaw ,n-i-



Crockery, &c.,!&c.



Fresh Oysters!!.LOLIS SAAL, - - - Proprietor,

Corner of Fourth and MkIu Street.OYSTERS SERVED IN ANY



style desired. Confectionery of everykind constantly on band.

I manufacture all my own s'ock, wbirfj iasuilicieut guarantee that it is fresh and pure.

Call if want of a good cup of coC, tea.or chocolate, or anything in. my line.

Oregon City, September iJ. Ib72:tf


Main Street, Oregon City- -

I2tl BILLIAIil) TABLES in OREGONHave been introduced, and the Proprietor in-

vites the attention i.f the lovers of thispopular amusement to ;heni

T II H BAR IS S VPPLIEDWith all the choicest qualities of Liquors anjCigar.. Scotch, Irish and Bourbon alreadjfamous Whiskies and Punch.

ALSO, a no. 1

SHOOTING GALLERYIs connected with the Saloon.

Oregon City, Jan. 1, lS"2:tf




Cor. Cioiit anil Washington Sts.,


Special attention given to the sale oi farmirg lands and citv property. All corres-pondence relating to the recourccs cf Ore-gon wiil be promptly answerwd- -

REAL ESTATE JOURNALPublished monthly. Sent free of ebarg tan v address.

JACOB STITZEL & CO.March 15, 3S72:tf


TO THE CONTINUEDOAVING the Proprietor. Leon DeLocky,Ihe Rarnum Re-tura- nt is ..ti", ikI tV.r sal Toany one wishing to engage in tbrs business.a bargain is ollered.

LEON DeLOCEY.Oregon Cify, Oct. 13, 1S72.





The First and most healthful Tonicevr introduced in the United States.

These Hitters bavbeen in tbe San Fran- -cisco Market for overlwn.; ' rs, andnotwithst.indinr tb

n many new candidates0 for public favor, th

j sales have const4ntlyt" increased.Qtavliiii & BEX-- S

EEL, Sole Agents,1 400 and 411 Clay St.,Q San Francisco. L'6-- lv


HUELAT & WARRENAttorneys at Lav,



F. BARCLAY, Til. R. C. S.Formerly Surgeon to tho Hon. H. C Co.

33 Years Experience.


Main Street, Orrgon City,



WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE COURTSof the State.pril attention gTren to cas-e- In theU. S. Land OfTrcc at Oregon Citv.

April S, 1372-t- f

i , . .

A. NOLTNER.y 0 TA3 Y P C3LICJSI 5EEP E I ST OTTTCiCr-s'- -a CAf. jaa ISrtf

- '"r.s.'; ' ' 'J


, '

. tot-ittt- i T T"Q Q A "R V

1 t




top related