ORDINATION TO THE ORDER OF THE DIACONATE Aid-for W… · St. Margaret Mary Catholic Church . Cedar Park, Texas . Ministers of the mass . ... Assistant Masters of Ceremonies Very Reverend

Post on 01-Jun-2020






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“Receive the Gospel of Christ, whose herald you have become.

Believe what you read, teach what you believe,

and practice what you teach.”

-from the Rite of Ordination

With Praise and Thanksgiving

The Diocese of Austin

Celebrates the Ordination of

Enrique Sada-Coeto

Callan Sweeney

to the




St. Margaret Mary Catholic Church Cedar Park, Texas

Ministers of the mass Main Celebrant Most Reverend Joe S. Vásquez Principal Concelebrant Most Reverend F. Richard Spencer Auxiliary Bishop Archdiocese for the Military Services Concelebrants Priests of the Diocese of Austin Vesting Ministers Reverend Christopher Downey Deacon Joe Ramos Deacon Miguel Flores Master of Ceremonies Reverend Le-Minh Pham Assistant Masters of Ceremonies Very Reverend Michael O’Connor Reverend Paul-Michael Piega Deacon of the Word Deacon Will Rooney Deacon of the Altar Deacon Zack Rodriguez Deacon Enrique Sada-Coeto Readers Russell Hoyt Julie Gray Acolytes Seminarians of the Diocese of Austin Gift Bearers Hoyt Family Music Director/Cantor Andrea Ramos Dr. Benjamin Cox Organist Mr. Luciano Laurentiu Flautist Susan Leach

Introductory Rites Introit

Whoever serves me must follow me, and where I am, there also will my servant be, alleluia.

Processional Hymn

Let Us Go Rejoicing

Bob Hurd

Sign of the Cross and Greeting

Gloria Misa Luna Peter Kolar


1. We praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you, we give you thanks for your great glory, Lord God heavenly King, O God, almighty Father.

2. Señor Hijo único, Jesucristo; Señor Dios, Cordero de Dios, Hijo del Padre; tú que quitas el pecado del mundo, ten piedad de nosotros; tú que quitas el pecado del mundo, a tiende nuestra súplica; tú que estás sentado a la derecha del Padre, ten piedad de nosotros.

3. For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy spirit, in the glory of God the Father. Amen.


Liturgy of the Word Reading I Acts 8:26-40 En aquellos días, un ángel del Señor le dijo a Felipe: “Levántate y toma el camino del sur, que va de Jerusalén a Gaza y que es poco transitado.” Felipe se puso en camino. Y sucedió que un etíope, alto funcionario de Candaces, reina de Etiopía, y administrador de sus tesoros, que había venido a Jerusalén para adorar a Dios, regresaba en su carro, leyendo a profeta Isaías. Entonces el Espíritu le dijo a Felipe: “Acércate y camina junto a ese carro.” Corrió Felipe, y oyendo que el hombre leía al profeta Isaías, le preguntó: “¿Entiendes lo que estás leyendo?” Él le contestó: “¿Cómo voy a entenderlo, si nadie me lo explica?: Entonces invitó a Felipe a subir y a sentarse junto a él. El pasaje de la Escritura que estaba leyendo, era éste: Como oveja fue llevado a la muerte; como cordero que no se queja frente al que lo trasquila, así él no abrió la boca. En su humillación no se le hizo justicia. ¿Quién podrá hablar de su descendencia, puesto que su vida ha sido arrancada de la tierra? El etíope le preguntó a Felipe: “Dime, por favor: ¿De quién dice esto el profeta, de sí mismo o de otro?” Felipe comenzó a hablarle y partiendo de aquel pasaje, le anunció el Evangelio de Jesús. Siguieron adelante, llegaron a un sitio donde había agua y dijo el etíope: “Aquí hay agua. ¿Hay alguna dificultad para que me bautices?” Felipe le contestó: “Ninguna, si crees de todo corazón.” Respondió el etíope: “Creo que Jesús es el Hijo de Dios.” Mandó parar el carro, bajaron los dos al agua y Felipe lo bautizó. Cuando salieron del agua, el Espíritu del Señor arrebató a Felipe. El etíope ya no lo vio más y prosiguió su viaje, lleno de alegría. En cuanto a Felipe, se encontró en la ciudad de Azoto y evangelizaba los poblados que encontraba a su paso, hasta que llegó a Cesarea. The word of the Lord. R. Thanks be to God.

Responsorial Psalm Psalm 117 Alonso/Guimont

Reading II 2 Corinthians 4:1-2, 5-7 Therefore, since we have this ministry through the mercy shown us, we are not discouraged. Rather, we have renounced shameful, hidden things; not acting deceitfully or falsifying the word of God, but by the open declaration of the truth we commend ourselves to everyone’s conscience in the sight of God. For we do not preach ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your slaves for the sake of Jesus. For God who said, “Let light sine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to bring to light the knowledge of the glory of God on the face of Jesus Christ. But we hold this treasure in earthen vessels, that the surpassing power may be of God and not from us. Palabra de Dios. R. Te alabamos Señor.

Gospel Acclamation James Chepponis

Gospel Luke 10:1-9 En aquel tiempo, Jesús designó a otros setenta y dos discípulos y los mandó por delante, de dos en dos, a todos los pueblos y lugares a donde pensaba ir, y les dijo: “La cosecha es mucha y los trabajadores pocos. Rueguen, por tanto, al dueño de la mies que envíe trabajadores a sus campos. Pónganse en camino; yo los envío como corderos en medio de lobos. No lleven ni dinero, ni moral, ni sandalias y no se detengan a saludar a nadie por el camino. Cuando entren en una casa digan: ‘Que la paz reine en esta casa’. Y si allí hay gente amante de la paz, el deseo de paz de ustedes se cumplirá; si no, no se cumplirá. Quédense en esa casa. Coman y beban de lo que tengan, porque el trabajador tiene derecho a su salario. No anden de casa en casa. En cualquier ciudad donde entren y los reciban, coman lo que les den. Curen a los enfermos que haya y díganles: ‘Ya se acerca a ustedes el Reino de Dios’ .” The Gospel of the Lord. R.. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

Rite of Ordination Election of the Candidates – The elect are called by Name. Reverend Jonathan Raia, Diocesan Director of Vocations, officially presents the elect to the Bishop and attests to their readiness for Ordination. He speaks on behalf of all those responsible for the formation of the elect. The Bishop, on behalf of the entire church, accepts the elect and calls them to Ordination as a deacon. Bishop: Relying on the help of the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ, we choose these men, our brothers, for the Order of the Diaconate. All: Thanks be to God. (All applaud.)

Homily Promise of the Elect – In a series of questions the Bishop asks the elect to express their desire and willingness to be ordained as deacon and to fulfill the responsibilities that come with Ordination. The elect make the choice to remain celibate for the sake of the Kingdom in lifelong service to God and the Church. Litany of Supplication – (All stand.) As the elect prostrate themselves before the altar, the Bishop invites the community to join in prayer for the Church, the world, one another, and the elect for Ordination. The congregation joins in singing the response to the ancient prayer of intercession in the Litany of Supplication. Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. CANTOR: ALL:

Holy Mary, Mother of God, St. Michael, Holy Angels of God St. John the Baptist (continues through the names of the saints) Lord, be merciful, From all evil, (continues through “By the outpouring of the Holy Spirit”) Be merciful to us sinners, Govern and protect your holy Church… (continues through “Jesus, Son of the living God”) Christ, hear us. Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us. Christ, graciously hear us. Laying On of Hands and Prayer of Ordination – (All stand.) The elect kneel before the Bishop as he lays his hands on the heads of the elect. The laying on of hands, an ancient sign of Ordination, represents the most solemn moment of the Ordination rite. During the ceremony, the Bishop prays silently over the elect for the gift of the Holy Spirit. All join the Bishop in silent prayer for the elect. The Bishop prays aloud the Prayer of Ordination, which notes the

significance of the laying on of hands and the role of the newly ordained deacons in the Church. (After the Prayer of Ordination, all sit.) The Investiture – The deacons are vested with stole and dalmatic, the liturgical vestments proper to the Order of Deacons.

Psalm 84 Shavonne/Guimont

Handing On of the Book of the Gospels - The Bishop places the Book of the Gospels in the hands of the deacons and instructs them to be heralds of the Good News of Christ in word and deed. The Rite of Ordination concludes with a gesture shared with the newly ordained deacons welcoming them into the Order of the Diaconate.

Psalm 146 Theodore Marier

Liturgy of the Eucharist Preparation of the Table and Presentation of the Gifts

Praise, My Soul, The King of Heaven LAUDA ANIMA

Eucharistic Acclamations

Holy, Holy, Holy Misa Luna Peter Kolar

Mystery of Faith

Great Amen

The Lord’s Prayer Chant

Lamb of God

Misa Luna Peter Kolar

Communion Antiphon

The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many, alleluia.

Communion Songs

Pescador de Hombres Gabarain

(v. 1, 3 en Español; v 2,4 English)

Bread of Angels/Panis Angelicus


Bread of Angels/Panis Angelicus Stephan

Prayer After Communion

Concluding Rite Dismissal Final Blessing Recessional Song

O God Beyond All Praising Arr. Proulx

We thank Reverend Luis Alberto Caceres, Pastor,

Reverend Henry Finch, Associate Pastor and the staff and faith community of St. Margaret Mary Catholic Church,

for their generous support and hospitality.

Special thanks to Reverend Jonathan Raia, Diocesan Director of Vocations,

and his staff.

Enrique Sada-Coeto &

Callan Sweeney

Will be greeting family and friends following Mass. Please observe social distancing protocols.

Is God calling you to the Catholic priesthood, diaconate or religious life?

For more information and help with discernment, contact Reverend Jonathan Raia at the Diocese of Austin Vocation Office,

(512) 949-2405, fr-jonathan-raia@austindiocese.org. or visit www.austinvocations.com.

Vocation Prayer

LORD OF THE HARVEST, BLESS young people with the gift of courage to respond to your call. Open their hearts to great ideals, to great things. INSPIRE all of your disciples to mutual love and giving—

for vocations blossom in the good soil of faithful people. INSTILL those in religious life, parish ministries, and families with the confidence and grace to invite others to embrace the bold and noble path of a life consecrated to you. UNITE us to Jesus through prayer and sacrament, so that we may cooperate with you in building your reign of mercy and truth, of justice and peace. Amen.

— Pope Francis

Adapted from the Message on the 51st World Day of Prayer for Vocations.

Gospel Acclamation, by James Chepponis, copyright © 1999 MorningStar Publishers of St. Louis

1727 Larkin Williams Road, Fenton MO 63026. All Rights Reserved.

Gloria and Mass parts from the Misa Luna by Peter Kolar

Music Copyright 2005, 2010 WLP All Rights Reserved – Printed in U.S.A.

All music printed with permission:

OneLicense.net A-721676

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