Orchard Harvest Keynote 2015 - the CMS of the future

Post on 22-Jan-2018






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Keynote: The CMS of the future

Sébastien Ros, Nick Mayne, Bertrand Le Roy

In 2010Let’s look at the future of the past

By that I mean the present as we viewed it back then

In 2010We looked at the best CMS of the time

That were all built on one of the worst languages ever for some reason

OpinionsWe have them

A streamlined setup experienceAsk as little as we need

Postpone decisions

Accept temporary insecurity for simplicity

A runtime type system built from the right abstractionsContent types

Content items

Content parts


Extreme extensibilityYo! I heard you like extension points, so I put extension points on your extension

X-copy deploymentAnd we’ve been totally successful at making Orchard deployment as simple as copying a bunch of files.

Lots of files

Edit source & saveBecause editing the source code of a site in production is such a bright idea

Modern adminWhat Would WordPress Do?

Multi-tenancyIt’s so nice when your neighbor prevents the whole block from sleeping with their partying

What are those walls made of? Paper?

Open++Random strangers know better

We also screwed upa bit…

Relational schemaYo! I heard you like relations

All your app is belong to usYou have to build on Orchard

You have to refactor your features into Orchard modules

Undiscoverable processesYou know this content type is a taxonomy, right?

Versioning- Will that module install properly on


- I don’t know. Try to install it.

Back to the futureWhich is less than three weeks away

Unless you’re watching this on YouTube, in which case the future is in the past

It worked!Teslas for everyone!

Well, no, not really.

Now what?Reset for the future of our present

(which is the past’s future too, but more so than the present)

Try to follow

The world has changedFor the better



Document databasesare mainstreamSo people can switch from modeling documents in relational databases to modeling relations in a document database

The Cloud has wonAnd all clouds have this exact shape

Containers & micro-services are inBecause what your application needs in order to scale is http for procedure calls

JavaScript & CSS frameworks & transpilers127 new ones have popped up while you were reading this

Try to keep up, dammit!

Commodity site buildersJust like Geocities, but with, like, video backgrounds instead of animated gif? Progress!

Mobile firstTesting for a million devices is fun!

Social media & emailSo many more ways to sell you stuff

Beards are the new moustachesFacial hair is cool

Like bow-ties and fezzes

Everyone develops on a Mac(which has nothing to do with the previous slide)

and deploys to LinuxI have nothing

My employer won’t let me

What are we doing?Finally, getting to the point

DecentCMSTrust me, I’m a scientist

Listening to customers? Pff.

Orchard 2.0Not your typical 1.x

New WorldThe new .NET

X-PlatformWe’re all friends now

CompositionIt's what we do

Erm, so why aren't we doing it!?

No implementations hereJust give me the abstractions please

Swappable partsIf you don’t like how something is implemented, change it.

Content ManagementThis is not a CMS anymore

Build your ownCreate your own host!

Storage vs QueryingThey just aren’t the same thing!

StorageStore where you want!

QueryGive me my stuff now!

I WANT NEW NOWPackages are cool man

LoggingLog4Net is so not X-Platform

ConfigurationJSON vs XML vs INI vs YAML = Who cares

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