Opton 4 short presentation1 Opton 4 User friendly operating software for Symmetron’s Stylitis data loggers.

Post on 31-Dec-2015






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Opton 4 short presentation 1

Opton 4

User friendly operating software for Symmetron’s Stylitis data loggers

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Main features

• Data logger communication.• Data logger programming.• File manager.• Message viewer.• Data file integrity check.• Data file plot and statistics.• Global Site management.• Global Connections management.• Supports all Stylitis data loggers.

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Site dashboard

Review site activity and recent data files at a glance

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Site dashboard: tasks

Perform basic operations from a central point

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Site dashboard: Data logger Status

• Review logger status online and offline.

• Send commands online: change acquisition status, set time, etc.

• Informative icons aid in troubleshooting.

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Site dashboard: Memory directory

• Memory card directory available online and offline.

• Download selected files.

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Site files pane

View files with selectable filters, columns and attributes.

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Site file properties

• Quick view of properties on clicking a file.

• Easy changing of attributes.

• Available actions displayed for data files: Plot, Statistics, Export to WindRose, Excel, etc.

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Data file trends

• Plot any channel (file column). Up to 3 separate tracks.• Time-synchronized pan. Zoom on both axes.

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Data file statistics

• Statistics: per Year, Month, Day, Hour, Bin.

• Functions: Minimum, Maximum, Average, Std. Deviation, Variance, Sum.

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Data logger setup

• Graphical or tabular data logger programming.

• Easy sensor selection from library.

• Communication Setup of the internal modem/ Ethernet module or the external Symonet modem.

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Site messages

• View all messages by attributes and selectable filters.

• User selects which events will generate messages.

• Messages are categorized by emergency: Info, Warnings, Errrors.

• Selectable message thresholds (i.e. battery voltage, etc.)

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Connection assistant

• Automatic generation of connections from user input.

• Graphic presentation of connection attributes.

• Automatic scanning of local Ethernet devices.

• Automatic scanning of local COM ports.

• Existing connections summary for easy selection.

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Virtual data logger control

• Opton creates an virtual identical data logger front panel on the PC.

• Acts and feels exactly as if user is controlling the remote data logger physically, on site.

• Available on Stylitis-41/50/101 only.

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Data emails

• Automated single-click mass import of data logger emails from the mail server. • Data files are automatically imported to their corresponding site folders.

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Data file processing tool

• Verify data file integrity: check for missing/ duplicate records or different interval between files.

• Split and concatenate data files to user- specified time periods.

• Automatically export data files to WindRose software for wind data analysis.

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Data file conversion tool

• Easily convert sensor factors and data logging intervals.

• Only for Stylitis-41/101 and 50 data loggers.

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Global review of sites

Review site weather and position on map, flagged sites, sites with messages, last connection and download, etc

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Global review of connections

Review connection status, last connection and download and automatic connection time.

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