
Optical IllusionsCreated By Teegan

Look at the following Picture if

you look at it closely it looks

like Albert Einstien.

Take about 5 steps back look

at what Albert has turned


Albert Einstein turned into Marilyn Monroe!

If you didn’t see it try again!

This Illusion is from


This next picture is of a window. Is it to the left or right of the building?

What do you think?Picture from:

Left or Right?

Look at this picture. Do you see the ball in the middle?

Are the lines wavy or completely straight?

Picture from:

Wavy or Straight?

Look at the elephant how many legs does it have?

How many legs with no feet?Picture from:


How many Legs?

The next illusion will appear spinning either clockwise or anti-clockwise.

Some people say the way you see her moving tells you what side of the brain you use.

Clockwise = Right brainAnti Clockwise = Left brainStill = Brain dead or need a new computer.Can you see her going both ways?

The Spinning Dancer

In the next picture there is some pink circles that go in a circle. Stare at the green dot in the middle for about twenty seconds.

What do you see?Picture from:

Is it there or not?

In the last picture do see a young lady or the old?

Can you see both?Hint: Eyes and ears can look the same!

Picture from:


Young or Old Lady?

The End!!

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