OpenText EIM and Enterprise Content Management (ECM)

Post on 22-Nov-2014






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What is EIM? technologies that help you build and share a rich and efficient information and work environment, so that people can make insightful decisions and act with speed and precision

What drives EIM?


Information Governance

Process Velocity

Business Impact

Business Insight

Information Security

What is ECM? ECM is an integrated set of technologies that manage

information through its lifecycle, improve business productivity, mitigate risk, and control costs of growing volumes of content

Information Governance: Reduce costs, control risk and increase value of information

Compliant retention Defensible disposition

Integration with leading content applications

ECM and Information Governance

Capture and manage content throughout its lifecycle

Apply policy and ensure defensible deletion of content

Reduce storage and IT costs with intelligent archiving

Information Security: Ensure Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability of Data

Multi-level security, Encryption,

Built-in Redundancy Ongoing monitoring

ECM and Information Security

Controlled access to information

Protect content throughout all business processes and at rest

Secure long term information archival

Process Velocity: Connect process and content to improve efficiency of business operations

Workflow processes Content Case Management Learning Management

ECM and Process Velocity

Improve and manage business processes through automation

Ensure maximum productivity and compliance

Ensure compliance and auditability of processes

Eliminate Information Silos Single version of the truth Actionable Search results

Business Insight: Bring content within business context to drive effective decisions

ECM and Business Insight

Apply consistent policy across information

Search and discover content to drive business action

Capture and retain business knowledge and drive collaboration

Desktop, web, mobile, business applications Variety of offerings that scale with business

Business Impact: Maximize productivity and adoption through ease of use and flexibility

ECM and Business Impact

Allow ECM to work how and where users do

Extend reach to applications, social, cloud, mobile devices

Transparently capture and classify content to maximize business value

Learn More

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