“Only three things happen naturally in organizations, friction , confusion and underperformance.

Post on 30-Dec-2015






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“Only three things happen naturally in organizations, friction , confusion and underperformance. Everything else requires leadership.”. Peter Drucker. Gap 90-30. Ninety percent of executives rate themselves as effective communicators. Only thirty percent of their constituents agree. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


“Only three things happen naturally in organizations,

friction , confusion and underperformance.

Everything else

requires leadership.”

Peter Drucker

Ninety percent of executives rate themselves as effective

communicators. Only thirty percent of their

constituents agree.

Gap 90-30

Needed Competencies vs. Skills Competency Importance to org. Current competencyGap

Communication 6.48 4.06 2.42

Ethical Behavior 6.38 5.56 .82

Managing change 6.17 3.79 2.38

Implementing Plans 6.13 4.47 1.66

Gaining Trust 6.04 4.46 1.58

Relationship Skills 6.02 4.25 1.77

Analytical Thinking 6.01 4.50 1.51

Taking Initiative 6.01 4.51 1.59

Strategic vision 6.01 3.95 2.06

Developing Employees 6.00 3.57 2.42

Strategic Leadership 6.00 3.88 2.12

Source: AMA Leadership Survey: Cost and Measurement

“The State of the CIO” The personal skills most important for CIO success

Effective Communication

Understand Business Process and Ops.

Strategic Thinking and Planning

Thorough knowledge of technical


Negotiations skills

Ability to influence/salesmanship

Technical proficiency








The biggest problem with leadership


is the illusion that it has occurred.




4.Take action4Fatal Assumptions

1.Recieved2.Understand3.Agree4.Care5.Take action4Fatal Assumptions

Owen RyanGlobal Insurance IndustryLead PartnerDeloitt & Touche

Communication Channels

• Factual

• Emotional

• Symbolic

“Reason without emotion is

neurologically impossible.”

Dr. Antonio Damasio, Descartes’ Error: Emotions,

Reason, and The Human Brain

Steven Pinker, How The Mind Works

“The mind reflexively interprets other people’s words and gestures by doing whatever it takes to make them sensible and true. If the words are sketchy or incongruous, the mind charitably fills in missing premises or shifts to a new frame of reference in which they make sense.”

“…people tend to think of memory…that we have all these videotapes of events stored somewhere in the brain if only we can find them.” In fact, we assemble our memories by patching together broken pieces of stored information and then

filling in the blanks.

Elizabeth Loftus, Ph.D., University of California, as reported by Jessica Snyder Sachs, Popular Science, 7.2003

“Movies are the closest external representation of the prevailing storytelling that goes on in our minds.…what goes on in the transition of shots achieved by editing, and what goes on in the narrative constructed by a particular juxtaposition of shots is comparable in some respects to what is going in the mind.”

Antonio Damasio, The Feeling of What Happens: Body and Emotion in the Making of Consciousness

When leaders fail to communicate in facts, emotions, and symbols, constituents will fill in the blanks.



communication is an

inside game. out

“All the knowledge I possess everyone else

can acquire, but my heart is all my own.”


Sine Cera

Be your best self, an original,not what others tell you

to be, not a copy of some other leader.


“I think somehow, we learn who we really are and then live with that decision .”

Eleanor Roosevelt

“Authentic self-hood is being able to hear these impulse voices within oneself: To know what one really wants or doesn’t want, what one is fit for and what one is not fit for…finding what your true self is and wants and in that process discovering your ability to lead.”

Abraham Maslow, Toward a Psychology of Being

Leaders must communicate a

million complicated things when they fail

to communicate a

few, simple, profound ones.

Factual Channel

The facts may not be boring…

but you might be.

Data alone seldom

persuades and rarely inspires.


“Every year since 1950, the number of American children gunned down has


Logic 1950 – 10 children

1970 – 10,485,7601973 – 83,886,0801995 – 350,000,000,000,000

The number of American children killed each year by guns has doubled

since 1950.

Children’s Defense Fund

Communicating facts well requires the same skill as good story telling.

Michael Wood, Vice President, Teen Research


Emotional Channel


We follow leaders because of how

they make us


Follow because of how .


“To express the most difficult matters clearly and intelligently is to

strike coins out of pure gold.”

Emmanuel von Geibel, poet, 1815-1884

Symbolic Channel

Stories Symbols

Oliver Sachs, The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat

“It is this narrative or symbolic power which gives a sense of the world – a concrete reality in the imaginative

form of symbol and story – when abstract thought can provide nothing at all. A

child follows the Bible before he follows Euclid. Not because the Bible is simpler (the reverse

might be said), but because it is cast in a symbolic and narrative mode.”

Harley executive, quoted in Results-based Leadership

“What we sell is the opportunity for a 43 year-old

accountant to dress up in black leather, ride through

small towns and have people be afraid of him.”

The language of constituents.

Are your best salespeople… Hunters?


The shortest distance to the

truth is through a story.

“A key – perhaps the key – to

leadership is the effective communication of a story.”Howard Gardner, Leading Minds: An Anatomy of Leadership


Make sure the words are yours.

Push them from the very bottom of your soul.

The performance will take care of itself.

Tom Peters Timeswww.tompeters.com


Boyd Clarkeboydclarke@tompeters.com



TNT ranked #1 in prime time. Captured

four of the top five highest-rated original

movies on basic cable.

“In the TV business,focus was the f-word. It meant you would be deliberately limiting your appeal.”I

Scot Safon, TNT SVP Marketing, interview

Viewers Don’t Know What to Expect from TNT

Drama Club Sitcom Lovers Cable Potatoes Broadcast Potatoes Sports Junkies Highbrows

35-54 adults 18-49 women 18-49 adults Mainstream Adults 18-34 men 35-54 adults

Affluent Affluent Skews Downscale Skews Downscale Educated but notaffluent (yet)

Most Affluent

Married w/ Kids Various LifeStages

Kids in HH, even ifsingle

Kids in HH Single, no kids Married

Average TV Viewers Slightly LighterViewers

Heaviest TV Viewers Average TV Viewers Slightly LighterViewers

Lightest Viewers

Prefer dramasmovies,documentaries,dislike sitcoms

Prefer sitcoms, lessinterest indramas/movies

Like all genres, go tocable for variety

Like all genres,watch more kidprograms

Prefer sports, action,less interest indramas/movies

Prefer news, moviesand documentaries,educational TV

5% name TNT as afavorite

1% name TNT as afavorite

4% name TNT as afavorite

3% name TNT as afavorite

2% name TNT as afavorite

2% name TNT as afavorite

“I like TV programsthat touch meemotionally”

“Most of my favoriteshows are sitcoms”

“I would watch threemovies in a row if Ihad the time”

“I wish I had moretime to watch TV”

“Desire a networkthat shows prosports”

“There is very littleon TV that interestsme”

“I like TVprogramming thatmakes me think”

“When I watch TV Icheck out broadcastfirst”

“Programs on cabletend to be better thanbroadcast”

“When I watch TV Icheck out broadcastfirst”

“Do not likeprograms that touchme emotionally”

“I like TVprogramming thatmakes me think”

Overview of Segments

Offers programming suitable for the whole familyHas programs couples can agree upon

Shows programs and movies from my past

Has engaging, dramatic or suspenseful movies and


Has a wide variety of movies

Shows recent blockbuster movies

Shows award-winning movies

Produces and televises original made-for-TV movies

Has movies all weekend long

Shows popular movies from the 1980’s and 1990’s

Televises famous sports, music and entertainment stars

Offers concerts and other musical events

Has programs you can’t see anywhere else on TV

Has programming specifically designed for men/women

Shows popular sitcoms from the 1990’s

Shows professional sports such as NBA, NFL, and, Major League Baseball

Shows professional sports tournaments and championships

Shows the best drama or action series from the 1990’s

Produces and televises original sitcoms

Offers new, cutting edge, and innovative programming

Produces and televises original drama or action series

Has programming designed for my age group

P18-54 Perceptual Map: Network PositionsP18-54 Perceptual Map: Network Positions

“What if drama is boring?”

“Is drama too limiting?”

“Drama is so Masterpiece Theater!”

“Hey, we’re not PBS.”

“If your associates don’t embrace it, you have to trash it.”I

Jennifer Dorian, VP Brand Development

Only with the same song sheet can we perform in


Maestro Boris Brott

“I don’t know if consumers noticed that we had dropped wrestling from our schedule, but it

said everything to the staff.”

Scot Safon, TNT SVP Marketing, interview

Branding went from a buzz

word to a lifestyle.

Drama Mama

-Jennifer DorianVice President of Brand Development

Drama Mama

-Jennifer DorianVice President of Brand


Personal Characteristics

_____ Ambitious_____ Broad-minded_____ Caring_____ Competent_____ Cooperative_____ Courageous_____ Dependable_____ Determined_____ Fair-minded_____ Forward-looking

_____ Honest_____ Imaginative_____ Independent_____ Inspiring_____ Intelligent_____ Loyal_____ Mature_____ Self-controlled_____ Straightforward_____ Supportive

International Norm 21% Ambitious 40% Broad-minded 20% Caring 66% Competent 28% Cooperative 20% Courageous 33% Dependable 24% Determined 42% Fair-minded 71% Forward-looking

88% Honest 23% Imaginative 6% Independent 65% Inspiring 47% Intelligent 14% Loyal 17% Mature 8% Self-controlled 34% Straightforward 35% Supportive

Followers Want…

• Honest

• Forward-looking

• Competent

• Inspiring

Source: Kouzes and Posner

Communication Credibility

Source: Berlo, Mertz, and Lemert

• Trustworthiness

• Expertise

• Dynamism

You have also have to communicate with your

workers and make sure they understand that what they’re doing means something. We still tell our employees what we always told them: You’re delivering the most important commerce in the history of the world. You’re not delivering sand and gravel. You’re delivering someone’s pacemaker, chemotherapy treatment for cancer drugs, the part that keeps the F-18s flying, or the legal brief that decides the case.

Fred Smith, Fortune Small Business, 10/2002

Symbolic Channel Tips

1. Choose symbols well.

2. Never underestimate the power of a story.

3. Details, dialogue, and drama.

4. All metaphors, analogies, and other comparisons break down at some point.

5. Symbols are powerful ways to communicate your ideas about the future.

 Leadership is

ultimately an act of faith in other


Act of faith in other . .

It’s not rocket surgery.Up a tree without a paddle.

Rattle some feathers.We’ve open a Pandora’s box of

worms.I’ll burn that bridge when I get

there.I wouldn’t buy that book if you

gave it to me.

The leader who can create line of sight between vision and task can inspire greatness.

NameGroup NameHow long managingOffice memento, object, artifact,

commendation, plaque, award, photograph, etc.


“In particular, research suggests that the most powerful effects are

obtained from attempts to improve face-to-face

communication or what has been defined as ‘the

human moment’.”Hargie, Tourish, Wilson, JBC, October 2002

Leadership is everyone’s


Mom & Dad

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