
Reputation Management

Improving and Protecting your Brand Reputation

Worked with 14 Manufacturers 76 of the Top 100 Over 4,000


Experienced Team

Do NOT shop atABC Dealership!

What Would You Do If…

• This article was run in your local paper?

• This billboard was in front of your dealership?


Which Reviews will more customers see?


Less than 10% use the paper

Over 90% of Automotive Consumers use the internet

(average Google maps listing shown 15k per month)


Which dealer would you choose?

• 4.5 of 5 stars• 18 reviews• Owner verified listing• Custom comments• Aggregated positive reviews

Dealer A Dealer B

• 1 of 5 stars


There are four common ways consumers learn about a dealerships reputation:

1. Search Engines

2. Review Websites

3. Social Networks

4. Blogs & Forums

What is Reputation Management?

Customer Experience

1. Search Engines

2. Review Websites

3. Social Networks

4. Blogs & Forums

What do customers see when they search for your dealerships name?

1. Search Engines


•Google Maps


•Social Networks



•Lead Providers

Dealers must control Google page one to avoid the risk of negative reviews.

“Awful and Rude”

“Would not send my enemy to ABCDealer”

“the GM was testy, arrogant, snotty and unprofessional”

Search Results

Dealers Name

DominatesFirst 7 results

DominatesAll results

Except SEM/PPC

2. Review Websites

2. Review Websites

“I will NEVER buy a car from there again and will be spreading the word like

wildfire in every avenue that I can.”

TIP 1:Share Positive Reviews on Facebook TIP 2:Helpful Review?

Bottom Line Strategy

Dealers need a reputation management strategy and process to protect and promote their reputation on Page One Results for their name by:

1.Dominating Page One for their dealership name and market/brand searches

2.Improve their reviews by inviting positive reviews and correcting negative ones

3.Voting for positive reviews and sharing them with their network

4.Integrating Reviews into the dealerships marketing

3. Social Networks

4. Micro-Sites, Blogs & Communities

When customer's Google some dealerships they find their dealership's blog. In addition to positive promotion, it fills a slot on Google Page one to help dominate the results.

3. Blogs & Communities

Reputation Management DiagnosticRate your dealership 1-10 and define what you need to do to become a 10

Does your Dealership have…Rate1-10

Actions Needed to be a 10

A clearly defined Reputation Management Plan?

A dedicated Reputation Management Champion?

A step-by-step Reputation Management Process?

Accurate registrations with all major review sites with all major review websites?

Updated dealership info on all major review sites with positive descriptions, photos, videos?

Employees which are educated on dealership reputation management strategy & process?

An effective process to ask satisfied customers to share their positive experience on review websites?

A process to take customers pictures with their new vehicle and send it to them along with instructions for posting a positive review?

A reputation management website that educates customers how to give you a positive review?

Reputation Management DiagnosticRate your Dealership 1-10 and define what you need to do to become a 10

Does your Dealership have…Rate1-10

Actions Needed to be a 10

An effective email & phone follow up process to remind customers to share positive reviews?

A process to monitor all reviews and comments about the dealership online?

A process to contact and correct customer problems so reviews can be made positive?

Control of all the Google page one results for your dealerships name?

Optimize positive videos of the dealership so they appear on page one results?

Optimize positive press so it appears on page one for dealership search results?

A process to post positive content on social networks (pictures/videos of customers)?

Ask customers to join your social networks and share their positive experience?

Post positive content on blogs and local communities that help consumers rather than only trying sell them (tips & tutorials)?

Reputation Management Plan

Reputation Management Goals

A Winning Reputation Management Strategy

The right strategy begins with clearly defined goals and objectives.


1. Search Results Management: To have positive search results on Google page one search results for the dealerships name and the executives

2. Review Website Management: To have positive reviews on all major review websites

3. Social Media Management: To have positive content distributed through the top social networks about the dealership and the executives

4. Blog & Forum Management: To have positive content distributed through the top blogs and forums about the dealership and the executives


The right strategy includes the right people, process, tools and training.

Search Results Management

Goal #1: Search Results ManagementOwn Google Page One Results for:• Dealership Name• Dealer Name


Fill Page One Results with Sites you control

Dealerships optimize their Google page one results for their own name to ensure positive content on page one results with multiple websites including:

1.Their main dealership website

2.Websites that have a lot of search authority

3.Micro-sites & Blogs

4.Social Media web pages (Facebook and Linked In)

5.You Tube

6.File Sharing sites like


8.Non profits, universities, hospitals


Goal is to dominate page with sites you can control.

Review Site Management

Goal #2: Review Site ManagementTo have positive reviews on all major review websites, claim, edit or place yourself on the appropriate sites.


Dealership encourages and equips customers to post positive reviews on top review sites.

1.Google Place ($99./month)

A Place Page is a webpage for every place in the world, aggregating all the relevant information about it. Google Place carries the strongest search authority in all review sites. Only reviews generated directly on Google Place get star rankings.

Insider Pages has millions of reviews on local businesses in your community. Insider Pages indexes well and carries significant weight.

Yelp is an online urban city guide that helps people find cool places to eat, shop, drink, relax and play. The popularity of Yelp has forced change in Google's Review policies. This site needs to be in your top 3 for management.

Merchant Circle is the largest social network of local business owners in the nation, combining social networking features with customizable web listings that allow local merchants to attract new customers. Merchant Circle is an online networking opportunity for local business. Think Chamber of Commerce mixer. You can offer specials/coupons to members and join the circle or networks of other businesses.

Local guide to businesses, reviews and local events. Aggregates data from multiple sources.

City Search is the essential local guide for living bigger, better and smarter in your city. Covering more than 75,000 locations nationwide, City Searches provides editorial recommendations, candid user comments and expert advice from local businesses is a local expert resource for finding information on businesses from driving directions and hours of operation to Web links and customer reviews.

Judy’s Book is a social search tool to help you give and receive recommendations on local businesses, services, and day-to-day needs.

Social Media Management


Attract and engage more fans that actively promote your dealership to their friends.


Use viral promotions to attract more fans and upload valuable content that builds your dealerships brand and connection with its fans.


Conduct viral contests that incent people to share with their friends. Create and promote positive content that is interesting and easy for fans to promote to others in their network.

Goal #3To have positive content distributed through Top Social Networks. Turn fans into customers and customers into Fans who promote you to their freinds

Reputation on Social Networks Dealerships create custom pages on the top social networks and actively create content that promotes the dealership in a positive light and appear on Google page one results for your dealerships name due t their search authority.

Facebook is a Social Media tool with a lot of search authority. Google likes Facebook because it provides real time content.


Influence and affect online dialogue to create positive reviews on Social Media Sites.


Listen, Monitor, Participate, Engage and Connect with the Community.


Read what consumers are saying about your brand. Use this information to change or encourage behavior within the store.

Communicate, respond talk to your consumers thank them for kind words and work to resolve problems.

Participate in community discussions. Be helpful. Remember, this is a two way conversation. Picture yourself at a cocktail party, not behind a monitor. Be nice.

Twitter is a Social Media tool with a lot of search authority. Google likes Twitter because it provides real time content.

Social Media Management

Blog & Forum ManagementGoal #4To have positive content distributed through one more slot filled with positive content on Google Page One results.

Reputation on Blogs & Communities:

Dealership creates positive content that is educational, informative, helpful and full of keywords. Examples include community involvement, advice, suggestions, helpful facts and tips. If blogs are built properly and optimized for your dealerships name, they will also appear on Google page one for your dealerships name. WordPress and Ning are two popular platforms for building social sites.

Reputation Management Process

Phase 1: Get Ready

Phase 2: Ask Favor

Phase 3: Follow Up

Reputation Management ProcessEveryone in the dealership should know what the Reputation Management process is and how it works. Below is a summary of a process you can use at your dealership.

Phase Process

Phase 1

GET READYBuild a Reputation Management Website that gives simple instructions for posting a review. Example: Create a small post card that gives instructions to consumers to post positive reviews. The easiest message is to send them to your www.DealerReviews.comCreate email templates to follow up with a reminder to visit the website and submit the reviewsCreate a phone guide to follow up with a friendly reminder to thank the customer for their business and to remind them about the positive review

Phase 2

REQUEST REVIEWAt the time customer is taking delivery of their vehicle or paying for service repair, confirm their satisfaction and ask them to share their opinion on review sitesAsk for permission to email and call the customer with a friendly reminderGather happy customers email, cell phone so you can follow up with a reminderGive happy customers a reputation management post card with instructions

Phase 3

FOLLOW UPSend email with instructions to visit website and post reviewIf review is not posted within 3 days send another friendly reminderIf review is not posted in 5 days call the customer

Reputation Management Challenges & Solutions

Challenges Solutions

Not Requesting Enough Reviews Implement and Inspect process

Responding To Negative ReviewsTalk to employee in question; determine resolution; contact customer; ask them to update review

Premium Google Page One Placement - Positive ReviewsMonitor; Listen; Respond. “Like” good reviews. Create websites that are optimized for your name or create pages on other high ranking sites for your name

Burying Negative Reviews On Google Page 2Create positive websites and pages on high ranking sites to push down negative review sites

Getting Reviews On Sites That Require Customer Registration/Log InDirect traffic to and include directions to different review sites that you rotate on the site

Getting Buy In From Dealership PersonnelTrain; show value; have salesperson or service advisor Google their own name and “see themselves” mentioned in review

Global Black Listing On Review SitesDo not complete reviews within dealership or on dealership laptops. Train staff right way to do it.

Positive Reviews “Disappearing”As review sites often change their rules and policies to maintain Search Authority with relevant content. (example, one site dropped all reviews that came from in-active content writers)

Unreasonable Negative ReviewsContact Review Site if review is content is libel; slander or inaccurate. After you have attempted to contact customer.

Lack of Focus Appoint a Reputation Management Champion or outsource the position

Staying Current In Social MediaSign up for industry communities like ADM, DrivingSale, DealreRefresh &

Reputation Management Action Plan


Reputation Management Plan

Reputation Management Action Plan

1. Appoint dedicated Reputation Management Champion

Reputation Management Action Plan

2. Implement a step-by-step Reputation Management


Reputation Management Action Plan

3. Register with all major review websites

Reputation Management Action Plan

4. Update dealership info on all major review sites with positive descriptions, photos, videos

Reputation Management Action Plan

5. Train all employees so they are educated on dealership’s

reputation management strategy and process

Reputation Management Action Plan

6. Implement effective process to ask satisfied customers to

share their positive experience on review websites

Reputation Management Action Plan

7. Implement a process to take customers pictures with their

new vehicle and send it to them along with instructions for posting a positive review

Reputation Management Action Plan

8. Create a reputation management website that

educates customers how to give you a positive review

Reputation Management Action Plan

9. Implement effective email and phone follow up process to

remind customers to post and share reviews

Reputation Management Action Plan

10. Every dealership employee to call 3 customers today and solicit a positive review. GM,

GSM, Service Director, Advisors, Desk Managers etc... every

employee to get 3 reviews today.


Reputation Management Action Plan

11. Implement a process to contact and correct customer problems so reviews can be

made positive

Reputation Management Action Plan

RESULTS: Control of all the Google page one results for

your dealerships name… and reputation!


Review Site Management Tools

Face to Face Review Request:

“We want to make sure you have a 5 star experience with me and everyone at the dealership. How was everything? Is there anything else we can do to make your experience better?


If customer responds with anything negative, work to immediately resolve and make them happy.


Once the customer is able to say they are happy ask them for a review. “That is great because most of our business comes from word of mouth and our reputation in the area. If it is not too much to ask, would you mind writing a review of your experience with me and our dealership?

If customer says yes…

“to make it easy for you we built a website called”


Can I email you a link to it?

If yes - What is your primary email address?

Thanks! Is it ok if I follow up to make sure you received my email?


Oh, and here is a post card with the website address to our review website,

You can visit there any time that is convenient for you.

Review Site Management Tools

Email Templates

The benefit of the email template is that it’s very consumer friendly. It allows for deep link to appropriate page on review sites. It is another opportunity to thank the customer for their business and solicit reviews.

Use pre-written email templates to: 1.Thank Customer for their business again2.Confirm they are completely satisfied 3.Ask them to call if they need anything4.Attach a photo of them and their vehicle (for sales) if you took one with your phone camera5.Remind them to give a positive review with instructions to the website, Example Email Template

Dear Customer,

I have attached the picture I took of you and your car from my camera phone.Thanks again for allowing me to serve you today. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do for you.

As promised, here is a link to the website where you can share your opinion of me and our dealership:

I know your very busy so thank you so much for offering to do this for me, I really appreciate it.

Sincerely, Your Name

Reputation Management Tools

Phone Guides

Many successful dealerships use phone guides to ensure their customer calls are more effective.

While making the dealerships normal follow up call the dealerships will:


1.Thank the customer for their business

2.See if they can answer any questions or help in any way

3.Confirm their satisfaction

4.Ask customer if they would share their positive experience with others on your reputation management site

5.Remind them to go to

Reputation Management Tools

First Party Phone Guide

Hi, this is ______calling from ABC Dealership. May I speak with ________. Hi, _______. How is everything with your car? Is there anything I can do to help you?

I also wanted to check to see if you received the email I sent you with the link to the review website because my emails sometimes get caught in peoples spam filters.

If yes, great… i know your busy and whenever you get a moment to post a review of your experience would be great and I really appreciate it

No… I will send it again right now and you can visit the website directly at www.DealerReviews.comI know you’re very busy and I want you to know I really appreciate you doing this for me. 

Third Party Phone Guide

Hi, this is ______calling from ABC Dealership. May I speak with ________. Hi, _______. I am the customer service manager at the dealership and I want to make sure you are completely satisfied with your experience with us.

How was your experience? Is there anything I can do to help you?If you had to rate your experience 1-5, how would you rate it?If less than 5 - How can we make it a 5? (make it a 5)If a 5 - That is great because most of our business comes from word of mouth and our reputation in the community. If it is not too

much to ask, would you mind writing a review about your experience on the web?  If yes – to make it easy for you just visit and there are simple instructions on where you can share your

opinion with the world.

I know you must be very busy, so thank you for considering taking the time… and please call us any time if there is anything we can do to help.

 Have a great day. Goodbye.

Reputation Management People


Appoint a Reputation Management Champion within your store. This person is responsible for educating the dealership; monitoring and correcting negative reviews and encouraging positive reviews. Your Reputation Management Champion will follow a process to Identify, Encourage and Equip customers to submit positive reviews


The job description for the Reputation Management Champion is simple:

Attract, Sell, Service, and Retain more customers thru a positive online reputation.


Objective #1

Have positive reviews visible to all consumers on all major search engines and review sites.

Objective #2

Generate as many positive reviews as possible

Objective #3

Monitor, Respond and Resolve negative reviews

Objective #4

Dispute negative reviews that cannot be resolved with unreasonable customers


Pro’s Con’s

Enforce behavior Easily fabricated

Create habits Global black-listing

Pay plans can enforce behavior and create good habits. However, they also create shadow systems that often result in fabricated reviews that get dealerships blacklisted on the review sites. Not only will your dealership be blocked from review submissions, you will be broadcasted as being blocked due to fraudulent reviews. Consumers will literally see a message that reviews cannot be submitted for this dealership due to fraudulent submission of reviews from said dealer. Most Review sites track IP addresses; verify user info; require registration etc. DO NOT under any circumstances write reviews on your customer’s behalf or submit them from the dealership.

Below are the pros and cons of incentivizing positive reviews.

Reputation Management Pay Plans

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